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Populations of migratory birds can be affected by events happening at both breeding and wintering grounds. The Sahel is a vast region holding a large number of wintering trans-Saharan migratory European birds, and current land-use changes there may represent a threat for these species. We used satellite tracking data from the migratory Montagu’s harrier to evaluate habitat use of the species during the wintering season, and whether the current network of protected areas is effective to provide their habitat needs during that season. We also developed an ecological niche model for the species in Western-Central Sahel to check if the most suitable sites are included within current protected areas. Tracked harriers occupied a large region encompassing a total of eight countries. The most preferred habitats during winter were croplands and some natural vegetation habitats, especially grasslands. Protected areas only covered a small proportion of the overall wintering grounds of tracked harriers and the most suitable areas for the species in Western-Central Sahel. Increasing the extent of preferred natural habitats within protected areas should benefit the conservation of this and probably other insect-eating raptors. However, substantial increases in extent and number of protected areas in sub-Saharan Africa are very unlike to occur. Conservation actions in the region should therefore be mostly focused on improving land use planning and management outside protected areas, specially enhancing agricultural practices to make biodiversity conservation compatible with poverty alleviation. These can be chiefly targeted at an area of <20,000 km2 of very suitable habitat for these species.  相似文献   

The Eurasian woodcock Scolopax rusticola is a migratory bird of major importance for hunting, which is susceptible to habitat loss and the stochastic effects of severe winter weather. Conservation issues mostly concerned regulation of hunting, but the efficiency of hunting-free reserves has never been investigated. We studied causes of mortality and survival probabilities of 98 radio-tagged woodcocks in a reserve with no hunting and in an adjoining hunting area in Brittany (France). Predation, mostly by mammalian predators on fields at night, was similar among adults and yearlings, while hunting mortality was more important in yearlings. Overall winter survival probabilities were 0.86 ± SE 0.07 in adults and 0.63 ± SE 0.07 in yearlings. Survival probabilities of both age classes increased as birds spent more time in the reserve. Equality of predation in both reserve and hunting areas suggests an additive mortality due to hunting over the winter. Population matrix models predicted that such low survival probabilities cannot sustain long term viable populations. These results call for caution in the harvesting of woodcock populations wintering in western France and could be a forewarning of a decline. The regulation of hunting by setting bag limits or reducing the length of shooting seasons, or the creation of reserves might be appropriate tools for the sustainable management of woodcock populations.  相似文献   

Avian captive breeding programs pose a particular challenge with migratory birds due to natal dispersal and high mortality during migration. In Canada a captive breeding program for the eastern loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus migrans) has released over 400 juveniles since 2001, but the fate of almost all these birds is unknown. In 2007 and 2008, we used radio-telemetry of captive-reared juveniles to determine pre-migration survival and dispersal movements away from the release site. Overall, 76% (29 of 38) of shrikes survived from release to the initiation of migration and the daily survival rate was 0.987. Most deaths (78%) occurred in females, suggesting a possible sex-biased pre-migration mortality. Shrikes typically dispersed independently, there was little overlap between dispersal sites, and the average pre-migration dispersal distance from the release site was 4.2 km (SD 2.4). Release date was negatively correlated with time spent at the release site prior to dispersal, but did not have a significant effect on survival, time spent at dispersal sites or distance of dispersal. Migration initiation date ranged over 6 weeks and early-hatched juveniles were the first to begin migration. Using aerial telemetry, we located five of 29 birds that had begun migration at distances up to 180 km from the release site; no birds were found dead after initiating migration despite the extensive search area. High juvenile survival to migration for captive-reared juveniles suggests that the captive breeding and release program has high potential to augment wild populations of the eastern loggerhead shrike.  相似文献   

Reintroduction or re-enforcement programmes are major tools in species conservation, but there is a need for more studies that assess the influence of different husbandry and release methods on the survival of released animals. We investigated the survival of globally threatened Marbled Teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris) taken into captivity as ducklings when they became trapped in an irrigation channel, then released again after fledging. We used wing tags and mark-recapture models to estimate the survival of released teal. Ducklings rescued in 1996 (n = 53) were released soon after fledging in September and their survival was modelled for seven months until April 1997. Their apparent monthly survival rate (lower than true survival owing to loss of wing tags) was 0.85 ± 0.12 (±s.e.). Ducklings rescued in 1997 (n = 44) were released together in February 1998 over five months after fledging, and their survival was modelled for six months from February until August. Their apparent monthly survival rate was 0.54 ± 0.06. Ducklings rescued in 1998 (n = 159) were released in August-September soon after fledging and their survival was modelled for 10 months from August until June. Their apparent monthly survival rate was 0.83 ± 0.07. Monthly survival was significantly higher for the 1996 and 1998 cohort, suggesting that retaining birds in captivity after fledging had a negative impact on post-release survival. When birds were released in February, a lower proportion survived until the breeding season three months later than when they were released five months earlier in September.  相似文献   

After oil spills, oiled wildlife are regularly cleaned at considerable cost. Yet the conservation value of this intervention has been questioned, mostly because cleaned animals appear to have poor post-release survival. However, reliable long-term data are needed to judge the success of such programs. We used 16 ring recoveries to estimate survival of 932 Cape gannets (Morus capensis) that were oiled, cleaned and released in 1983. For the period 1989-2006, we further compared survival of 162 surviving cleaned gannets to that of 10,558 non-oiled gannets using capture-recapture data. We used modern statistical tools that account for recapture probabilities, recovery rates, transience, and temporary absence from the breeding colonies. Mean annual survival rates of de-oiled gannets ranged from 0.84 (se = 0.05) to 0.88 (se = 0.02), depending on analysis and colony. Between 1989 and 2006, rehabilitated gannets survived slightly less well than unoiled birds, but the difference was similar to the difference in survival between the two colonies where the birds were studied. Our results show subtle long-term effects of oiling and subsequent treatment. However, they also show that cleaned gannets can survive at almost the same rate as unoiled birds, at least if they survived the initial years after release. Rehabilitation of these birds may thus be a valuable conservation intervention for this localised species where a single spill can threaten a large proportion of the world population.  相似文献   

Coastal habitats near urban centres in North Atlantic estuaries often support substantial numbers of wintering waterfowl, but little is known of the effects of landscape setting and urbanisation on habitat use. We conducted surveys of waterfowl at 32 wintering sites in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, to identify characteristics that may influence habitat use. Sites were chosen along a gradient of urbanisation and reflected the dominant habitat types used by waterfowl in the Bay. Mean waterfowl abundance was 206.7 ± 209.5 birds per site, and sites in the inner part of the estuary had higher overall waterfowl abundances (r2 = 0.40, p = 0.021). Species richness ranged from 3.2 to 13.0 and decreased with increasing hunting activity (r2 = 0.36, p = 0.040). Hunting activity and habitat characteristics (e.g., latitude, shoreline configuration, prey density) explained 13-27% of the variation in waterfowl abundance and species richness among sites, but landscape characteristics (e.g., surrounding residential development, vegetated land, or wetland surrounding the sites and the extent of wetland edge) explained an additional 1-26%. The landscape characteristics extent of adjacent residential development and vegetated upland were the most common variables entering into the models; most species were more abundant at sites with more adjacent vegetated upland and less adjacent residential development. Our results suggest that landscape setting may be influencing the distribution of wintering waterfowl, and should be considered when developing strategies for the conservation for these species in urban North Atlantic estuaries.  相似文献   

Migratory frugivorous birds disperse the seeds of many plant species, forming mutualistic associations that render frugivores a priority for conservation in many habitats worldwide. We analysed the distribution of seed-dispersing frugivorous passerines in southern Spain, which is an important area for the conservation of European birds during winter. Frugivorous birds showed similar regional abundance and richness during four winters, although fruit availability changed among years. However, the spatial distribution of frugivorous birds in the area changed among years. These changes were principally determined by annual variation in the distribution of fruits in the area, revealing a clear ability of birds to track the distribution of fruits. The unpredictable distribution of fruits each year suggests that regional fruit crops, rather than selected habitat patches, need to be protected for the long-term conservation of frugivorous bird populations in wintering grounds. Remarkably, the distribution of frugivores was independent of forest development or general cover of shrubs, which helps to reconcile the protection of fruiting shrubs with forest cleaning, an usual management to prevent devastating summer fires that is destroying fleshy-fruited plant communities in many areas of southern Spain. Thus, leaving a part of the fruiting shrubs untouched when cleaning forest undergrowth will allow the settlement of frugivorous birds. Interestingly, both abundance and richness of frugivores decreased with elevation, probably as a consequence of impaired climatic conditions at high altitude, revealing the importance of lowland shrublands as wintering grounds for frugivorous birds. These habitats deserve special conservation efforts, as they are seriously threatened by the ongoing encroachment of agricultural and urban areas along the Mediterranean coasts.  相似文献   

Although clearcuts traditionally have been regarded as detrimental to birds associated with mature-forest, recent evidence suggests that during the post-breeding period regenerating clearcuts can provide habitat for many avian species associated with mature-forest. We examined use of regenerating clearcuts by mature-forest birds during the post-breeding period and evaluated the degree to which birds were sensitive to patch characteristics. From 15 June to 16 August in 2002-2003 we mist-netted and banded birds nine times each year in 12 regenerating hardwood clearcuts (4-7 years post-clearcut) that represented small (4.0-9.3 ha) and large (13.3-18.1 ha) clearcuts in southeast Ohio, USA. Nine nets were systematically deployed within each clearcut and placed 20, 50, and 80 m from mature-forest edges. At each net location, we measured habitat characteristics and sampled arthropod and fruit resources two-weekly. During the post-breeding period we captured 1648 mature-forest birds of 32 species, and several classic forest-interior species were among our most commonly captured species. Seventy-one percent of mature-forest captures were juveniles, which suggests that habitat provided by regenerating clearcuts may play an important role in post-fledging survival. Most post-breeding individuals avoided edges, and instead heavily used the clearcut interiors. Paradoxically, juveniles and post-breeding adults also avoided large clearcuts, and capture rates were up to four times greater in small than large regenerating clearcuts. Overall, our results suggest that regenerating clearcuts may be important resources for mature-forest birds during the post-breeding period, and forested landscapes containing a mosaic of successional stages may hold the most conservation promise for mature-forest birds.  相似文献   

Many seabird populations are currently decreasing, especially albatrosses for which the primary threat is recognised to be mortality in fisheries. Introduced predators, climate change and other factors such as diseases can also have large impacts on seabirds. Here, we assessed the relative effect of three potential threats: climate, fisheries and diseases on the demography of an endangered marine predator and modelled its population dynamics to project its size under different scenarios. We based our study on a long-term monitoring of a colony of individually marked Indian yellow-nosed albatrosses at Amsterdam Island, subtropical Indian Ocean, that has declined during the past twenty years. We found no evidence for an impact of legal tuna longlining on demographic parameters. Hatching success was lower during El Niño years but survival (0.902 ± 0.011) was not affected by climatic factors. Avian cholera caused high chick mortality (0.808 ± 0.181) which in turn probably triggered the high emigration rate (0.038 ± 0.011) through dispersal of failed breeders. This colony has a high risk of extinction. However, the rest of the population at Amsterdam Island seemingly not affected to the same extent, declined but stabilised since 1998. Matrix models indicated that lowered adult survival and the very low breeding success, resulting in low recruitment, have both contributed to the decline of the yellow-nosed albatross colony until the mid-1990s, but that more recent decline was primarily caused by low fledging success. Our results highlight that potential threats such as fisheries, diseases or climate have to be considered simultaneously to disentangle their roles when assessing the conservation status of a marine predator species.  相似文献   

The Red-spectacled Amazon (Amazona pretrei) is an endangered, small range and migratory parrot threatened by habitat destruction and pet trade. We modelled its geographical distribution with the objective of predicting its historical, current and future (in face of climatic changes) geographical distributions. We also tested the assumption that the species tracks similar ecological conditions while seasonally migrating. Finally, we estimated the overlap between its predicted distributions and the current protected areas network. We used eight modelling techniques in an ensemble-forecasting approach to reach consensus distributional scenarios. The modelled historical breeding and wintering ranges covered a larger area than today. Its current year-round distribution is located in the same region as before but decreased by 13%, whereas the breeding range decreased by 32%, and the wintering range by 43%. The future year-round distribution is predicted to decrease by 47% and shift to east by 2060. Even more drastic decreases in range are predicted for breeding (63%) and wintering (91%) ranges. The niches of the breeding and wintering distributions are good predictors of the records of the other season. The greatest variation (SDs) in the predictions comes from modelling tools and GCMs, and little from climatic scenarios. However, variation in predictions were small within high probability regions for modelling tools by higher everywhere for GCMs and climatic scenarios. The Red-spectacled Amazon is currently underrepresented (<1% of year-round range, and <4% of each seasonal range) in the current reserve system. A broad view over all estimated and predicted ranges revealed that a small portion of the range has a very important role in current and future conservation actions for this bird - in the northeast part of state of Rio Grande do Sul and southeast state of Santa Catarina, Brazil.  相似文献   

Although previous studies have demonstrated high use of shade coffee plantations by Neotropical migratory birds, we still have a poor understanding of the suitability of shade coffee plantations as habitat on the wintering grounds. We studied density, body condition, and survivorship of Neotropical migrants, with emphasis on cerulean warbler (Dendroica cerulea), in primary forest and shade coffee plantations in Venezuela. We worked in three primary forest sites and three shade coffee plantations on the western slope of the Cordillera de Mérida of the Andes Mountains. At each site, we surveyed migrants with distance-based line transects and mist-netted and banded migrants during November–February 2005/06 and 2006/07. In addition, we estimated apparent monthly survival for cerulean warbler based on 29 color-banded individuals. Densities of migrants were 3–14× higher in shade coffee plantations than primary forest sites, even after accounting for differences in detectability. Apparent monthly survival of cerulean warblers was estimated at 97% and overwinter persistence was similarly high. In addition, cerulean warblers demonstrated high between-season fidelity, with 65% of the birds banded the first year being resighted during the second year. Interestingly, immature birds returned at nearly half the rate as did adults. Banding data indicated that body condition increased significantly as the season progressed for cerulean warblers, Tennessee warblers (Vermivora peregrina), and American redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla). Collectively, these data provide evidence that shade coffee plantations offer high quality wintering habitat for Neotropical migrants, including cerulean warblers.  相似文献   

Most turtle species require high adult survivorship to maintain stable populations. Translocations are often implemented to conserve turtle populations but may cause demographic disturbance as a result of increased mortality or dispersal of released animals. The gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) is one of the most frequently translocated turtle species. Short-term monitoring indicates that dispersal by released tortoises is common, but few long-term data are available to determine if losses of translocated animals continue for multiple years. We used 12 years of mark-recapture data to investigate long-term apparent survival of two groups of gopher tortoises translocated during separate periods to St. Catherines Island, Georgia, USA. We analyzed capture histories in program MARK to compare apparent survival of newly released tortoises and previously established translocated tortoises and also to determine whether apparent survival varied with sex or maturity. Apparent annual survival did not vary between adult males and females (0.98 ± 0.01), but was lower in sexually immature tortoises (0.84 ± 0.05). We documented a temporary reduction in apparent survival of newly released adult (0.75 ± 0.06) and immature tortoises (0.45 ± 0.26) during the first year after release that may be attributed in part to permanent dispersal. However, for both maturity classes, apparent survival of newly released tortoises was consistently high and matched that of previously established animals during the remainder of the study. Additional long-term studies of both translocated and naturally-occurring populations are needed to improve management of remaining tortoise populations.  相似文献   

Forest clearcutting is a form of habitat alteration that drastically alters the landscape and may contribute to declines in amphibian populations. Indeed, many studies have documented decreases in amphibian abundances and species richness in clearcuts. The development of effective conservation strategies to reduce the effects of timber harvesting has been hindered by lack of knowledge of the mechanisms underlying these changes in abundance. To better understand the potentially negative consequences of forest clearcutting, we used field enclosures in forested and clearcut habitats to examine changes in the survival and growth of juvenile southern toads (Bufo terrestris) over a two-month period. We also conducted a comparative monitoring study using drift fences and pitfall traps in forests and clearcuts to determine the effect of clearcutting on the abundance of juvenile southern toads. We found no significant effect of habitat on the number of juvenile southern toads captured in forests or clearcuts. In contrast, the average survival of toads in clearcut enclosures was significantly reduced compared to that of toads in forested enclosures (17 ± 5% versus 61 ± 3%). Toads surviving in clearcuts were also significantly smaller than those surviving in forested enclosures (27.9 ± 0.1 mm versus 30.3 ± 0.8 mm SVL). Our results highlight the difficulty in interpreting abundance patterns as a sole metric for habitat comparison. Because there is much interest in studying the effects of habitat alteration on amphibian populations, we recommend that future studies place more emphasis on determining changes in vital rates of populations following habitat alteration.  相似文献   

Long-term population declines in Afro-Palearctic migrant birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present the first continent-wide analysis of the population trends of European breeding birds to show that populations of Afro-Palearctic migrant birds have shown a pattern of sustained, often severe, decline. The mean trend of inter-continental migrants was significantly negative between 1970 and 1990 and non-significantly so between 1990 and 2000. Mean population trends were positively correlated between periods, suggesting little change in the trajectory of most migrant species’ populations over this 30-year period. In both periods, trends of inter-continental migrants were significantly more negative than those of short-distance migrants or residents. This negative trend appeared to be largely, although not entirely, due to declines in species wintering in dry, open habitats in Africa. Analyses of trends of 30 closely related pairs of species, one a long-distance migrant and the other not, indicated significantly more negative trends in the former, irrespective of breeding habitat. Conservation action to address these declines is required under the Convention on Migratory Species and the Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy, to which most European countries are signatories and which aim, respectively, to conserve migratory species and to halt the loss of biodiversity by 2010. Our results indicate that more conservation action may be required outside Europe to achieve these targets. Further research is needed to assess whether the declines are caused by factors operating on the birds’ wintering grounds, breeding grounds or on migration routes, and to identify ways to reverse them.  相似文献   

Leopards (Panthera pardus) are endangered in South East Asia yet little is known about which resources need to be secured for their long-term conservation or what numbers of this species this region can support. This study uses radio telemetry to investigate seasonal variation in habitat selection and home range size of Leopards in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand. Over a five year period, 3690 locations were recorded from nine individuals. The mean ± standard error of fixed kernel home range size for six adult females was 26 ± 8.2 km2, for two adult males was 45.7 ± 14.8 and for two sub-adult females was 29 km2 ± 5.5. Adult female wet and dry season home range sizes did not differ significantly. One adult male showed an increase in home range size from dry to wet seasons. Estimated density was 7 adult females/100 km2, which suggests 195 adult female leopards living in Huai Kha Khaeng alone, thus highlighting the larger Western Forest Complex’s potential contribution to leopard conservation. Compositional analysis of second and third order habitat selection suggested mixed deciduous and dry evergreen forest types, flat slope and areas close to stream channels are important landscape features for leopards. These results can help formulate a much needed conservation strategy for leopards in the region.  相似文献   

In 1995 and 1996 thirteen Siberian cranes (Grus leucogeranus) were fitted with satellite transmitters on the breeding grounds in northeastern Siberia. Eleven of these 13 birds were successfully satellite tracked, and five of these 11 provided complete migratory information from their breeding grounds in Yakutia, Siberia, to their wintering area at Poyang Lake, in China. Several stopover sites were identified, the most important being in Qiqihar-Baicheng (China), Shuangtaizi River delta (China), and Yellow River delta (China). Birds rested more frequently in Russia than in China, suggesting availability of suitable wetland habitat in Russia and absence of adequate, suitable wetland habitat in China. Wintering habitat in China also faces numerous threats. Habitats utilized by Siberian cranes are also important to other threatened wetland birds that have been satellite-tracked recently. If Siberian crane habitat needs fail to be addressed, this critically endangered species will be further endangered.  相似文献   

Recent studies using capture-recapture modelling in terrestrial orchids have shown relationships among survival, life-state, climate and dormancy, but to date, there has been no rigorous study of the effects of size on demographic rates. Here we use multistate capture-recapture models to investigate the relationships between survival, ramet size, life-state, and propensity for extended dormancy of Cleistes bifaria in two populations in Florida and West Virginia. Using estimated leaf area as a measure of ramet size, we investigated relative fit to the data of models in which ramets were classified by life-state alone (dormant, vegetative, and flowering), size alone (dormant, small, and large), or by a combination of size and state (dormant, small vegetative, large vegetative, small flowering, and large flowering ramets). This scheme allowed us to compare the effects of a size versus state classification on survival and transition probabilities, including the propensity for dormancy. For survival rates, the size-classified model was preferable in terms of parsimony (AIC) to models classified either by state or by a combination of size and state. In C. bifaria, annual survival rate for large ramets was close to 1.0 and for small and dormant ramets, 0.91 and 0.76, respectively. This highlights the importance of protecting large plants. In contrast, a model combining life-state with ramet size was most parsimonious for explaining variation in transition rates. As the ‘size + state’ classification is convenient, holds more information, and seems more closely tied to fitness than classification by either size or life-state alone, it may be particularly useful in planning and assessing conservation management of orchids.  相似文献   

Maintaining animal movement in fragmented landscapes depends upon the levels of connectivity among habitat patches, which in turn may depend upon the landscape matrix. Little is known about how the matrix affects dispersal abilities, in part because few experimental tests have been conducted. We experimentally translocated 142 migratory American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla) and resident Jamaican Todies (Todus todus) 0.6-4 km from their territories across landscapes fragmented by peri-urban development and bauxite mining and continuous forest. Redstarts returned more rapidly and with greater success than todies across all landscapes, with 95% of redstarts returning in an average of 2.5 days versus 60% of todies in >20 days. Return success was best predicted by translocation distance for redstarts and by sex for todies, with a trend of fewer birds returning when released in bauxite landscapes. Return time was strongly affected by matrix type, with both species returning more rapidly in a forested relative to a bauxite matrix and intermediately in a peri-urban matrix. These findings provide strong experimental evidence that land cover surrounding forested habitat influences species mobility.  相似文献   

Successful conservation requires a good understanding of both the direct and indirect causes of any decline in population size. Harvests of wild populations often target the largest, oldest individuals that have the greatest economic value. If these individuals contribute disproportionately more to recruitment than conspecifics, the harvest will cause a greater reduction in population viability than initially anticipated. The ploughshare tortoise, endemic to Madagascar, has been reduced to <600 individuals due to exploitation and habitat loss. A trial release of captive-bred juveniles has been carried out but the relative suitability of individuals for release, in terms of body size, was not considered. Using data from a long-term mark-recapture study of an unharvested wild population of ploughshare tortoises, we found that larger juveniles were significantly more likely to survive their first year of life than smaller tortoises. Juveniles that survived beyond their first year of life generally grew at the same rate, but had a significantly larger hatch size (mean = 41.7 mm), compared with juveniles that did not survive (mean = 39.3 mm). The conservation implications of these results are that release of captive-bred ploughshare tortoises is likely to be more successful if larger individuals are released. Previous studies have reported larger female ploughshare tortoises laying larger eggs which hatch larger juveniles. This study shows individuals with a larger hatch size retain their size advantage over smaller conspecifics and are more likely to survive their first year of life. This suggests a harvest that targets the largest females in the ploughshare tortoise population could be highly detrimental to population viability.  相似文献   

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