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Many commercially important fish species use coastal marine environments such as mangroves, tidal flats and seagrass beds as nurseries or breeding grounds. The ecological importance of spatially connected habitats to conservation is well established for terrestrial environments. However, few studies have applied spatial metrics, including measures of structural connectivity to marine environments. We examined the relationship between catch-per-unit-effort for commercially caught species and the spatial patterning of mapped benthic habitat types along the coast of Queensland, Australia in their dominant fisheries (trawl, line, net or pot fisheries). We quantified the composition and spatial configuration of seascapes and calculated coastline length, number of estuaries, river length and geographical latitude using 12 metrics within ninety 30-nautical-mile grid cells, which supported inshore fish catch data from 21 species groups. Multiple regression analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling plots indicated that ecological linkages may exist between geomorphic coastal features and nearshore fisheries production for a number of species groups. Connectivity indices for mangroves, salt marsh and channels explained the largest proportion (30–70%), suggesting the importance of connected tidal wetlands for fisheries. Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) catch-per-unit-effort was best explained by the number of wetland patches, mangrove connectivity and wetland connectivity (r2 = 0.38, n = 28). Catch-per-unit-effort for the Gulf of Carpentaria was highly correlated with wetland connectivity, the number of estuaries and seagrass patch density (r = 0.57, n = 29). The findings could guide the spatial design of marine protected area networks to maintain ecosystem services and avoid potential disruption to connectivity caused by habitat removal or modification. Application of the same approach to analyses of finer spatial scales would enable catch information to be related to particular estuarine habitats and provide better understanding of the importance of habitat connectivity for fisheries.  相似文献   

In this paper, habitat models were used to predict potential habitat for endangered species, which is an important question in landscape and conservation planning. Based on logistic regression, we developed habitat distribution models for the burnet moth Zygaena carniolica and the nymphalid butterfly Coenonympha arcania in Northern Bavaria, Germany. The relation between adult occurrence and habitat parameters, including the influence of landscape context, was analyzed on 118 sites. Habitat connectivity analyses were carried out on the basis of (1) habitat suitability maps generated from these models and (2) dispersal data from mark recapture studies. Our results showed that (1) the presence of the burnet depended mainly on the presence of nectar plants and of nutrient-poor dry grasslands in direct vicinity, that of the nymphalid on larger areas of extensively used dry grasslands within 100 m vicinity in combination with small patches of higher shrubs and bushes. (2) Internal as well as external validation indicated the robustness and general applicability of the models. Transferability in time and space indicated their high potential relevance for applications in nature conservation, such as predicting possible effects of land use changes. (3) Habitat connectivity analyses revealed a high degree of habitat connectivity within the study area. Thus, we could show no effects of isolation or habitat size for both species.  相似文献   

Hedgerows are an important component of the cultural landscape and may have an invaluable role in maintaining biological diversity. Adjacent land use potentially has an important influence on the species composition of hedgerows. In the Mediterranean region, hedgerows are considered as remnants of past practices and their function may be linked with the prevailing agrarian systems, in turn related to societal change. In this paper, the characteristics of hedgerows in Central Spain, and their interactions with adjacent fields were studied in order to understand their contribution to maintaining woody plant species richness in the cultural landscape. The hedgerow typology of the region were found to respond jointly both to environmental and livestock farming-related variations in adjacent land uses. The variation in the management intensity of the landscape is reflected in the composition of the woody plant species of hedgerows, varying from species of open landscape to woodland species. Moderate degrees of grazing allow for higher values of woody plant richness in hedgerows compared with those hedgerows separating systems subjected to a higher livestock loads or to abandonment processes. Thus, hedgerows potentially contribute to the functionality of these cultural landscapes and provide a basis of important ecological and historical value in landscape conservation planning. These conclusions have important implications in the development of landscape conservation and protection policies.  相似文献   

Woodland key habitats evaluated as part of a functional reserve network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Woodland key habitats (WKHs) represent a potentially cost-efficient means to protect biodiversity in managed forests. The Forest Act of Finland defines 13 habitat types of WKHs, which enjoy legal protection. It has been argued that WKHs are too small-sized and scattered in occurrence to be actually important in the maintenance of forest biodiversity. However, from the species’ perspective, WKHs form a network together with nature reserves. We evaluated the value and role of WKHs as a part of the whole reserve network using a graph-theoretical connectivity approach in three areas (ca. 500 km2 each) located in Central Finland. The networks were formed separately for different habitat types and dispersal distances (ranging from 200 m to 25 km). We compared networks with and without WKHs, and thereby quantified the contribution of WKHs to overall network connectivity. We also examined the role of WKHs in the networks based on patch importance and network centrality measures. The results showed that the connectivity contributions of WKHs are tightly linked with the dispersal abilities of threatened species: WKHs enhance habitat connectivity, especially for species with an intermediate dispersal ability. For species with a poor dispersal ability, the protection of large set-asides would be a more efficient way to increase habitat connectivity than WKHs. WKH-based conservation seems to improve the connectivity of naturally rare and scattered habitat types relatively more than common habitat types, but in sparse networks a greater dispersal ability is required to gain enhanced connectivity than in dense ones. The connectivity value of WKHs can be understood as an emergent and scale-dependent property, appearing at the level of the entire functional network. Provided that the site characteristics of WKHs can be safeguarded, they can be a valuable and efficient addition to the reserve network.  相似文献   

Most tropical forest landscapes are modified by humans, but the effects of these changes on rural hunting patterns and hunted vertebrate populations remain poorly understood. We investigated subsistence hunting patterns across a highly heterogeneous landscape mosaic in the Brazilian Amazon, where hunters from three villages had access to primary forest, active and fallow agricultural fields, and active and fallow Eucalyptus plantations. Landscape composition and the areas used by hunters were defined using a remote-sensing approach combined with mapping. We quantified hunting effort accounting for the availability and spatial distribution of each habitat. Overall, 71% of the kills were sourced in primary forest, but hunting in primary forest, which was often combined with other extractive activities (such as Brazil nut harvesting), yielded the lowest catch-per-unit-effort of all habitats. Hunting effort per unit area was highest in fallow fields, followed by primary forest, and both of these habitats were over-represented within village hunting catchments when compared to the composition of the available landscape. Active and fallow fields sourced a limited number of species known to be resilient to hunting, but hunting had additional benefits through crop-raider control. In contrast, hunting pressure in active and fallow plantations was low, despite a high catch-per-unit-effort, presumably because there were limited additional benefits from visiting these habitats. These results indicate that large-scale tree plantation and forest regeneration schemes have limited conservation potential for large vertebrates, as they support few forest specialists and fail to attract hunters away from primary forest.  相似文献   

Graph theoretic approaches have received increased interest recently in landscape planning and conservation in the terrestrial realm, because these approaches facilitate the effective modelling of connectivity among habitats. We examined whether basic principles of graph theory can be extended to other ecosystems. Specifically, we demonstrate how a network-based context can be used for enhancing the more effective conservation of riverine systems. We first show how to use graph theoretic techniques to model riverscapes at the segment level. Then we use a real stream network (Zagyva river basin, Hungary) to examine the topological importance of segments in maintaining riverscape connectivity, using betweenness centrality, a commonly used network measure. Using the undirected graph model of this riverscape, we then prioritize segments for conservation purpose. We examine the value of each of the 93 segments present in the Zagyva river basin by considering the conservation value of local fish assemblages, connectivity and the size of the habitat patches. For this purpose we use the ‘integral index of connectivity’, a recently advocated habitat availability index. Based on the results the selection of the most valuable habitat segments can be optimized depending on conservation resources. Because of their inherent advantage in the consideration of connectivity relationships, we suggest that network analyses offer a simple, yet effective tool for searching for key segments (or junctions) in riverscapes for conservation and environmental management. Further, although the joint consideration of aquatic and terrestrial networks is challenging, the extension of network analyses to freshwater systems may facilitate the more effective selection of priority areas for conservation in continental areas.  相似文献   

Conservation planning is often based on static mapping of species’ ranges or habitat distributions. Succession and disturbance alter, however, habitat quality and quantity through time especially under global climate and land use change scenarios; hence, static protected areas may not ensure habitat persistence and species survival. Here, we examined the relative merits of static and dynamic (floating) protected areas for the conservation of American marten (Martes americana) habitat in a dynamic boreal forest of Québec (Canada). Forest dynamics were modeled using a spatially-explicit landscape disturbance model and protected areas were selected based on the quality and compactness of marten home ranges using MARXAN. Static protected areas were fixed in space during 200 year simulations of boreal forest dynamics, while dynamic protected areas were re-located every 50 years to track dynamic habitat. Dynamic protected areas supported more high quality home ranges through time than static protected areas. The locations of dynamic protected areas were constrained, however, by the highly fragmented forest patterns created through logging and fire in unprotected areas. Our findings emphasize the often-overlooked point that if dynamic conservation planning is to be successful in the long term, the landscape matrix quality surrounding protected areas must be managed in such a way that options remain when it comes to re-planning.  相似文献   

Hedgerows have been proposed as habitat and conservation corridor for forest plant species, but their importance for the survival of these species is still not clear. The objective of our study was to examine the frequency of occurrence of forest species and total forest species richness in different parts of the hedgerows, and to relate these patterns of occurrence to the species’ habitat requirements and life history traits. We surveyed in total 130 forest-hedgerow transects in North-western Germany, including three age classes.About 77% of all forest plant species (including some endangered taxa) occurring in the neighbouring forests were also found in the adjacent hedgerows. In all age classes, there was a negative relationship between distance from the forest-hedgerow ecotone and the number of species. Ancient hedgerows were not significantly more species-rich than more recent ones. Within 100 m distance from the forest edge, forest species richness increased with an increasing number of species in the nearby forest and with an increasing cover of the tree canopy as well as a decreasing cover of the shrub layer. Species with high frequency had comparatively high Ellenberg indicator values for light, and were mostly associated with anemochorous and epizoochorous seed dispersal.The frequency of occurrence in hedgerows of species with common attributes was partly in agreement, partly in disagreement with the results obtained in previous studies. We conclude that patterns are difficult to generalize, probably due to a strong regional variation in the pool of forest species and in the specific environments of both forests and hedgerows.  相似文献   

Graph theory has become a popular tool for modelling the functional connectivity of landscapes. We conduct a review of studies that use graph theory to model connectivity among patches of habitat (patch-based graphs), with the intention of identifying typical research questions and their associated graph construction and analysis methods. We identify and examine nine questions of conservation importance that can be answered with these types of graph models, discussing appropriate applications of these questions and presenting a guide for using graph methods to answer them. We also investigate how the connectivity predictions of patch-based graphs have been assessed and emphasize the importance of empirical evaluation. Our findings identify commonality among diverse approaches and methodological gaps with an aim to improve application and to help the integration of graph theory and ecological analysis.  相似文献   

To evaluate the sufficiency of US federal critical habitat designations and a proposed conservation plan in promoting the long-term persistence of the endangered plant Astragalus albens, patterns of genetic diversity and landscape connectivity were examined. A. albens harbors substantial genetic variation and shows no evidence of historic bottlenecks, suggesting little risk of extinction due to genetic homogeneity (A = 2.40; P = 0.50) or inbreeding (f = −0.08) within occurrences. Low genetic differentiation among occurrences (θp = 0.01) indicates relatively high gene flow or little genetic drift. The 91 patches of A. albens were connected into a single network at a distance of 2100 m; 94% of patches were <1000 m from at least one other patch. Managing ecological conditions that maintain large population sizes and connectivity among populations throughout the species’ ecological and geographic ranges will most likely conserve existing diversity. Both reserve networks partially accomplish these goals by including most extant occurrences and >89% of the aerial extent of the species, including the largest populations, and capturing all detected alleles. However, both conservation networks fail to conserve occurrences from one portion of the species’ range, possibly speeding loss of unique local adaptations. In addition, connectivity of the whole network is reduced with the 65 patches designated as critical habitat being connected at a distance of 6200 m and the proposed reserve sites being connected at a distance of 9500 m. Although total network connectivity would be reduced, connectivity at scales most relevant to gene flow (e.g., <1000 m) remains sufficiently in tact to provide a relatively promising outlook for species persistence.  相似文献   

Land use changes in the Amazon region strongly impact soil macroinvertebrate communities, which are recognized as major drivers of soil functions (Lavelle et al., 2006). To explore these relations, we tested the hypotheses that (i) soil macrofauna communities respond to landscape changes and (ii) soil macrofauna and ecosystem services are linked. We conducted a survey of macrofauna communities and indicators of ecosystem services at 270 sites in southern Colombia (department of Caqueta) and northern Brazil (state of Pará), two areas of the Amazon where family agriculture dominates. Sites represented a variety of land use types: forests, fallows, annual or perennial crops, and pastures. At each site we assessed soil macroinvertebrate density (18 taxonomic units) and the following ecosystem service indicators: soil and aboveground biomass carbon stock; water infiltration rate; aeration, drainage and water storage capacities based on pore-size distribution; soil chemical fertility; and soil aggregation. Significant covariation was observed between macrofauna communities and landscape metric data (co-inertia analysis: RV = 0.30, p < 0.01, Monte Carlo test) and between macrofauna communities and ecosystem service indicators (co-inertia analysis: RV = 0.35, p < 0.01, Monte Carlo test). Points located in pastures within 100 m of forest had greater macrofauna density and diversity than those located in pastures with no forest within 100 m (Wilcoxon rank sum test, p < 0.01). Total macroinvertebrate density was significantly correlated with macroporosity (r2 = 0.42, p < 0.01), as was the density of specific taxonomic groups: Chilopoda (r2 = 0.43, p < 0.01), Isoptera (r2 = 0.30, p < 0.01), Diplopoda (r2 = 0.31, p < 0.01), and Formicidae (r2 = 0.13, p < 0.01). Total macroinvertebrate density was also significantly correlated with available soil water (r2 = 0.38, p < 0.01) as well as other soil-service indicators (but with r2 < 0.10). Results demonstrate that landscape dynamics and composition affect soil macrofauna communities, and that soil macrofauna density is significantly correlated with soil services in deforested Amazonia, indicating that soil macrofauna have an engineering and/or indicator function.  相似文献   

Conservation of remaining woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) populations requires land management strategies that not only maintain caribou habitat, but also favour habitat connectivity. This study presents and field tests graph theory-based measures of landscape connectivity, and demonstrate an association between the distribution of woodland caribou and well-connected winter habitat. Cost values for the intervening land cover types were determined based on the probability of selection relative to high-quality winter habitat. Habitat connectivity was then represented by linking high-quality habitat patches along least-cost paths through this parameterized cost surface. A randomization procedure was used to assess the animal’s association with habitat connected at increasing distance thresholds to identify appropriate scales of response. A strong relationship was obtained between large clusters of high-quality winter habitat patches and winter GPS telemetry location points (November 1-March 15) from two woodland caribou herds in Manitoba, Canada. This relationship was stronger when only late winter location points (January 1-March 15) were used. Our results highlight the importance of accounting for the spatial configuration of habitat on the landscape and the intervening land cover types when assessing range quality for woodland caribou. They also provide support for the use of graph theory to assist in identifying core activity areas for woodland caribou and key linkages between these areas and other parts of the landscape.  相似文献   

In an agricultural landscape in eastern Austria eight terrestrial organism groups were investigated as potential biodiversity indicators. We present a cross-taxon congruence assessment obtained at the landscape scale using two groups of plants (bryophytes and vascular plants), five groups of invertebrates (gastropods, spiders, orthopterans, carabid beetles and ants) and one vertebrate taxon (birds). We tested four different approaches: correlated species counts, surrogate measures of the overall species richness that was assessed, a multi-taxa (or shopping basket) approach and a simple complementarity algorithm. With few exceptions, pairwise correlations between taxa, correlations between one taxon and the species richness of the remaining groups, and correlations between a combination of the richness of two taxa and the remaining species richness were highly positive. Complementarity-derived priority sets of sampling sites using one taxon as a surrogate for the pooled species richness of all other taxa captured significantly more species than selecting areas randomly. As an essential first step in selecting useful biodiversity indicators, we demonstrate that species richness of vascular plants and birds showed the highest correlations with the overall species richness. In a multi-taxa approach and in complementarity site selection, each of the eight investigated taxa had the capability to capture a high percentage of the overall species richness.  相似文献   

Although forest fragmentation can greatly affect biodiversity, responses to landscape-scale measures of woodland configuration in Europe have been examined for only a limited range of taxa. Almost all European bat species utilise woodland, however little is known about how they are affected by the spatial arrangement of woodland patches. Here we quantify landscape structure surrounding 1129 roosts of six bat species and a corresponding number of control locations across the UK, to examine associations between roost location and landscape composition, woodland proximity and the size of the nearest broadleaved woodland patch. Analyses are performed at two spatial scales: within 1 km of the roost and within a radius equivalent to the colony home-range (3–7 km). For four species, models at the 1 km scale were better able to predict roost occurrence than those at the home-range scale, although this difference was only significant for Pipistrellus pipistrellus. For all species roost location was positively associated with either the extent or proximity of broadleaved woodland, with the greatest effect of increasing woodland extent seen between 0% and 20% woodland cover. P. pipistrellus, Pipistrellus pygmaeus, Rhinolophus hipposideros, Eptesicus serotinus and Myotis nattereri all selected roosts closer to broadleaved woodland than expected by chance, with 90% of roosts located within 440 m of broadleaved woodland. Roost location was not affected by the size of the nearest broadleaved patch (patches ranged from 0.06–2798 ha ± 126 SD). These findings suggest that the bat species assessed here will benefit from the creation of an extensive network of woodland patches, including small patches, in landscapes with little existing woodland cover.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) in Canadian agricultural soils plays an important role in the global cycle of C, and management can influence its fate. Although the scientific literature suggests that practicing no-till (NT) can sequester C, this is not always the case. Furthermore, there are many other factors including climate, management history, soil type and soil landscape processes that may affect the dynamics of SOC under NT. We measured the changes in SOC under NT in southern Ontario, at varying positions in the landscape in Gleyic and Orthic Luvisols at the end of a 15-year-period. Soil cores taken to depths beyond the solum, were segmented with depth, and total SOC was determined for each segment on an equivalent mass basis. When the entire soil column was considered, there was a loss of SOC in more profiles than there were gains. Furthermore, the erosion/deposition history at each landscape position appeared to influence the dynamics of SOC. In depression areas where Ap horizons were greater than 27 cm thick due to a history of soil deposition from upslope and local hydrology, there was a loss of total SOC after 15 years of NT. While where the Ap thickness was less than 27 cm, there were 18 profiles with SOC gains and 15 with net losses. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that the change in SOC after 15 years was negatively related to the initial total SOC content and positively related to mass of clay. The results of this study suggest that landscape position and erosion/deposition history play a significant role in the ability of NT soils to sequester SOC. Interpretations of long-term SOC monitoring studies must take into account the location of samples within fields if useful information is to be gained on C dynamics in agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Mesoamerica provides a unique context for biodiversity conservation in managed landscapes because of its geography, history of human intervention, and present conservation and development initiatives. The long and narrow form of the Mesoamerican landmass, and its division by a central mountain range, has served as both a bridge and a barrier. Conservation efforts in Mesoamerica are unique for the emphasis they place on regional connectivity through the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor and on biodiversity conservation in managed landscapes. The emphasis on conservation in agricultural systems has fostered innovations in payment for ecosystem services, and provides novel insights on the functional role that biodiversity plays in the provisioning of ecosystem services. The increasing rate of economic development in the region and the advent of new payment for ecosystem service schemes have provided new opportunities for forest regeneration and restoration. However, the small scale of private landholdings and the diversity of land uses featured in the region, while contributing to biodiversity conservation due to their structural and floristic complexity, present challenges for biodiversity monitoring and management.  相似文献   

Rebecca Phillips  Ofer Beeri   《CATENA》2008,72(3):386-394
Net greenhouse gas (GHG) source strength for agricultural wetland ecosystems in the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) is currently unknown. In particular, information is lacking to constrain spatial variability associated with GHG emissions (CH4, CO2, and N2O). GHG fluxes typically vary with edaphic, hydrologic, biologic, and climatic factors. In the PPR, characteristic wetland plant communities integrate hydropedologic factors and may explain some variability associated with trace gas fluxes at ecosystem and landscape scales. We addressed this question for replicate wetland basins located in central North Dakota stratified by hydropedologic vegetation zone on Jul 12 and Aug 3, 2003. Data were collected at the soil-atmosphere interface for six plant zones: deep marsh, shallow marsh, wet meadow, low prairie, pasture, and cropland. Controlling for soil moisture and temperature, CH4 fluxes varied significantly with zone (p < 0.05). Highest CH4 emissions were found near the water in the deep marsh (277,800 μg m− 2 d− 1 CH4), which declined with distance from water to − 730 μg m− 2 d− 1 CH4 in the pasture. Carbon dioxide fluxes also varied significantly with zone. Nitrous oxide variability was greater within zones than between zones, with no significant effects of zone, moisture, or temperature. Data were extrapolated for a 205.6 km2 landscape using a previously developed synoptic classification for PPR plant communities. For this landscape, we found croplands contributed the greatest proportion to the net GHG source strength on Jul 12 (45,700 kg d− 1 GHG-C equivalents) while deep marsh zones contributed the greatest proportion on Aug 3 (26,145 kg d− 1 GHG-C equivalents). This was driven by a 30-fold reduction in cropland N2O–N emissions between dates. The overall landscape average for each date, weighted by zone, was 462.4 kg km− 2 d− 1 GHG-C equivalents on Jul 12 and 314.3 kg km− 2 d− 1 GHG-C equivalents on Aug 3. Results suggest GHG fluxes vary with hydropedologic soil zone, particularly for CH4, and provide initial estimates of net GHG emissions for heterogeneous agricultural wetland landscapes.  相似文献   

Landscape restoration through revegetation is being increasingly used in the conservation management of degraded landscapes. To effectively plan restoration programs information is required on how the landscape context of revegetation influences biodiversity gains. Here, we investigate the relative influence of patch area and connectivity on bird species richness and abundance within urban revegetation patches in Brisbane, Australia. We carried out bird surveys at 20 revegetation sites, and used hierarchical partitioning and model selection to test the relative importance of patch area (the area of revegetation including all directly connected remnant vegetation) and landscape connectivity (the vegetated area connected by less than 10 m, 20 m, 30 m, 40 m and 50 m cleared gaps). We controlled for a number of possible confounding variables within the hierarchical partitioning procedure. Both the hierarchical partitioning and model selection procedures indicated that connectivity had an important influence on bird species richness. Patch area in combination with connectivity were important influencing factors on overall bird abundance. We also carried out the hierarchical partitioning procedure for bird abundance data within a range of feeding guilds, yielding results specific to species groups. Overall our data suggest that greater connectivity enhances the habitat area that colonists can arrive from (resulting in greater species richness), whereas increased patch area allows for increased abundance by expanding the habitat available to species already present in a patch. A combined approach where connectivity and overall habitat area is enhanced across the landscape is likely to be necessary to meet long-term conservation objectives.  相似文献   

Increases in farming practice intensity and landscape simplification are two well-known threats for many farmland bird species. Nevertheless, the effects of these two factors may differ strongly among species. Here, we propose to use the specialist-generalist concept to assess which bird species are most affected by these two factors. Bird density and intensity of farming practices were assessed within a sample of 58 farms across the Seine-et-Marne region in France, using point counts and a standardised farmer survey. The local abundance of 41 farmland and non-farmland species was related to farming intensity (pesticide applications) and landscape simplification (proportion of arable land), which was quantified using generalised least square models to account for spatial autocorrelation. The more specialised the farmland and non-farmland birds were, the more negatively affected they were by the intensity of farming practices, relative to the generalist bird species. Local habitat simplification had a more positive effect on abundance of the most specialist farmland bird species. This latter relationship was not significant when tested at a landscape scale, which strongly suggests that the sensitivity of farmland specialists to landscape simplification is scale-dependent. Some non-farmland species’ abundance was also reduced by farming intensity and local landscape simplification suggesting that low-input agri-environmental measures could benefit both farmland and non-farmland specialists, regardless of local and landscape habitat context. However, if diversity-enhancing measures should benefit non-farmland populations, it is likely that they do not favour farmland specialist species which are more at risk. We suggest designing of priority areas for farmland specialist birds, and landscape managing accordingly.  相似文献   

Habitat destruction and degradation are the major causes for the decline of the endangered grass-feeding beetle Dorcadion fuliginator in Central Europe. In the southern part of the Upper Rhine valley (border region of Switzerland, Germany and France) the habitat suitable for this flightless beetle has been reduced to small remnants of extensively managed dry grassland, usually surrounded by intensively cultivated agricultural fields or settlements. Using a mark-release-resight technique we examined movement patterns in three D. fuliginator populations to obtain basic information on the dispersal ability and longevity of this beetle. Estimated daily survival rates ranged from 88.8% to 90.8% in the populations examined. This corresponds to a mean life span of 10.5 days. Distances moved by D. fuliginator differed among populations. The beetles walked the largest distances in the verges of a field track. Several beetles moved distances of 20-100 m along the track, with a maximum distance of 218 m (a male in 12 days). The shortest displacements were recorded in the bank of the river Rhine, a narrow habitat surrounded by tarmac roads. We also assessed the spatial arrangement of 12 patches with D. fuliginator populations in two regions and estimated the size of each population over 4 years. Data on dispersal, daily survival, population size and spatial arrangement of patches were used to simulate patch-specific migration rates. The simulations suggested that in both areas the beetles regularly moved between neighbouring patches separated by distances shorter than 100 m, whereas patches separated by distances exceeding 500 m are isolated.  相似文献   

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