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The Red List can be used a gauging tool by conservationists to assess which species require focused conservation attention. Mapping the relative distributions of species, and identification of centers of richness, endemism and threat are a first step towards site-oriented conservation action. We use here a specially developed biodiversity index, based on three weighted sub-components assigned to each species: geographical distribution, Red List status, and sensitivity to habitat change. We test this approach using what is called here the Dragonfly Biotic Index (DBI) to prioritize sites for conservation action, with special emphasis on species occurrence in three global hotspots in southern Africa. Using a selected set of the 23 top prioritized sites, we compare the DBI’s performance to that of a rarity-complementarity algorithm. As with several other taxa, local endemism levels are highest in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR), while richness is highest in the north east, particularly in the stream systems of the Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany (MPA) hotspot. Red Listed Odonata species are also concentrated in the CFR, while richness is highest in the MPA hotspot. Site prioritization using the DBI reveals that CFR sites protect Red Listed taxa rather well, despite the fact that catchments are only partially protected. The DBI demonstrates high levels of redundancy in representing Red Listed species, in other words, the same species are represented in several catchments. The value in the DBI thus lies in maximizing redundancy (i.e. representation) of globally Red Listed species. The rarity-complementarity algorithm represents all species, but without greater emphasis on the rare and threatened (i.e. Red Listed) species. We conclude that the DBI is of great value in selecting biodiversity hotspots, while the algorithm is useful for selecting complementarity hotspots. We identify protection gaps and thus recommend continued searches in centers of endemism and existing reserves, as well as gap areas. These searches will hone Red List assessments and identify priority sites, as well as monitor already-identified sites for changes in quality of habitat.  相似文献   

Conservation planning decisions are typically made on the basis of species distribution or occurrence data, which ideally would have complete spatial and taxonomic coverage. Agencies are constrained in the data they can collect, often pragmatically prioritising certain groups such as threatened species, or methods, such as volunteer surveys. This mismatch between goals and realities inevitably leads to bias and uncertainty in conservation planning outputs, yet few studies have assessed how data realities affect planning outputs. We conducted a sensitivity analysis on the Protection Index, a method for assessing conservation progress and priorities, using an extensive dataset on species occurrences and distributions derived from the Florida Natural Areas Inventory. Analyses revealed a high proportion of occurrence records for threatened species and certain taxonomic groups, reflecting the agencies’ priorities. We performed a sensitivity analysis on conservation planning outputs, simulating a ‘data poor’ scenario typical of many real situations; we deleted increasing amounts of data in both a biased (exaggerating patterns observed) and unbiased (random) manner. We assessed the effects of data paucity and bias on the value of potential conservation sites, and planning priorities. Certain high value sites with only a few important species occurrences were more sensitive to data depletion than those with many occurrences. Data bias based on taxonomic bias was more influential to site value than threat rank. To maximise benefit from surveys from a planning perspective, it would be better to focus on poorly surveyed areas rather than adding occurrences in already well represented sites. This study demonstrates the importance of sensitivity analysis in conservation planning, and that the effects of uncertainty and data quality on planning decisions should not be ignored.  相似文献   

Trade in wildlife resources is permitted and regulated by national and international governance. Focussing on the trade in chameleons from Madagascar, our objective was to investigate the consequences of changes in governance on the number of individuals and species traded together with the prices paid to collectors, intermediaries and exporters. As a result of the liberalisation of export controls in 1988, exports of chameleons grew exponentially at an average rate of 62% per annum, the trade in Calumma spp. increasing at 91% per annum. The intervention of CITES in 1994, as a result of concerns over the trade, capped official exports at approximately 20,000 per annum and also restricted the trade to four species of Furcifer. The consequence of the CITES intervention was a shift in the species exported from a mix of Calumma harvested in the east and Furcifer harvested in the west to a trade in Furcifer alone, alongside an increase in the number of Furcifer exports. Consequently there was a shift in the distribution of local benefits gained from the trade away from the rainforests in the east, the centre of conservation concern. At the same time there was also a fall in the prices paid to collectors and intermediaries involved in the trade and a widening of the gap with the prices paid to exporters. The creation of an Experimental Management Programme within Madagascar to address the concerns of CITES in 1998/1999 and lobby for some expansion of the trade, led to an initial fall in the number of chameleons traded. Failure to achieve the latter objective has more recently led to an increase in the number of species traded and a further widening of the prices paid to collectors and exporters. These results highlight the need to consider carefully the consequences of changes in governance on the wildlife trade if conservation and local people are to benefit from the trade in wildlife resources.  相似文献   

Systematic approaches to site selection for marine protected areas (MPAs) are often favored over opportunistic approaches as a means to meet conservation objectives efficiently. In this study, we compared analytically the conservation value of these two approaches. We locate this study in Danajon Bank, central Philippines, where many MPAs were established opportunistically based on community preference, with few if any contributions from biophysical data. We began by identifying the biophysical data that would have been available when the first MPA was created in Danajon Bank (1995). We next used these data with the reserve selection software Marxan to identify MPAs that covered the same area as is protected under the current set of MPAs (0.32% of the total study area) and that would protect the greatest number of conservation targets at the lowest cost. We finally compared the conservation value of the current MPAs to the value of those selected by Marxan. Because of the dearth of biophysical data available in 1995 and the small area currently under protection, Marxan identified multiple configurations of MPAs that would protect the same percentage of conservation targets, with little differentiation among sites. Further, we discovered that the costs of obtaining and analyzing these data to be used for conservation planning would have been large relative to resources typically available to conservation planners in developing countries. Finally, we found that the current set of MPAs protected more ecological features than would be expected by chance, although not as many as could be protected using a systematic approach. Our results suggest that an opportunistic approach can be a valuable component of conservation planning, especially when biophysical data are sparse and community acceptance is a critical factor affecting the success of an MPA.  相似文献   

Corridors are critical elements in the long-term conservation of wide-ranging species like the jaguar (Panthera onca). Jaguar corridors across the range of the species were initially identified using a GIS-based least-cost corridor model. However, due to inherent errors in remotely sensed data and model uncertainties, these corridors warrant field verification before conservation efforts can begin. We developed a novel corridor assessment protocol based on interview data and site occupancy modeling. We divided our pilot study area, in southeastern Nicaragua, into 71, 6 × 6 km sampling units and conducted 160 structured interviews with local residents. Interviews were designed to collect data on jaguar and seven prey species so that detection/non-detection matrices could be constructed for each sampling unit. Jaguars were reportedly detected in 57% of the sampling units and had a detection probability of 28%. With the exception of white-lipped peccary, prey species were reportedly detected in 82–100% of the sampling units. Though the use of interview data may violate some assumptions of the occupancy modeling approach for determining ‘proportion of area occupied’, we countered these shortcomings through study design and interpreting the occupancy parameter, psi, as ‘probability of habitat used’. Probability of habitat use was modeled for each target species using single state or multistate models. A combination of the estimated probabilities of habitat use for jaguar and prey was selected to identify the final jaguar corridor. This protocol provides an efficient field methodology for identifying corridors for easily-identifiable species, across large study areas comprised of unprotected, private lands.  相似文献   

This study combines niche modeling and systematic area prioritization using distribution data for 131 species of amphibians and reptiles from Northeast India and Burma, with two objectives: (i) to evaluate the performance of the current conservation area network in Northeast India with respect to the representation of amphibians and reptiles, and (ii) to identify potential areas for expanding the current conservation area network. In a two-step protocol, maximum entropy niche modeling was used to project species’ potential geographic occurrences, and the resulting probabilistic distribution data were used to prioritize areas with algorithms that maximize the representation of all species in minimal total area. The results provided a critical assessment of conservation priorities in this data-deficient region, and indicate the utility of combining niche modeling with systematic area prioritization in such situations. Many areas that had been overlooked in previous assessments were identified. Although the existing protected areas were found to be inadequate for representation of amphibian and reptile diversity, the prioritization results show that by targeting a minimal representation of 5% of the current total area suitable for each species, the gaps can be filled with a relatively modest (0.41%) increase in the current total area covered by the network. Extended analyses were also performed to assess the effects of putatively rare species on reserve selection, which showed that the inclusion of these taxa can change the prioritization solutions significantly. The prioritization results also highlight areas of Northeast India that warrant attention from future surveys.  相似文献   

Previous studies deduced negative effects of urbanization on insect conservation from decline in species richness with increasing built-up areas. This is the first study that investigates insect extinction determined by urbanization using a long-time temporal data set from hidden literature data and museum collections. Analyses were conducted for four insect groups in urban Rome: butterflies, coprophagous scarabaeids, non-coprophagous scarabaeids and tenebrionids. A reconstruction of extinction trends from 1885 to 1999 indicates impressive declines in species richness, with differences according to the ecological characteristics of each insect group. Results obtained in this study suggest that insect conservation programs should involve a thorough assessment of which species of conservation concern benefit from green spaces in urban areas, and then the identification of important sites and appropriate measures for population management.  相似文献   

The differing detectability of species is an important issue in conservation assessments, notably for interpreting the heterogeneous datasets of species-rich, poorly-studied species groups. However, detectability has not been explicitly considered in such cases so far. The aim of this study was to extract the main factors of detectability for polypore fungi. I explored interspecific variation in the number of fruit-body records in Estonia (13 210 records of 212 species) in relation to five potential factors of their detectability: longevity, size, bright colour, typical microhabitat and field identificability. The longevity and identificability of fruit-bodies emerged as major factors, with their extreme combinations revealing a variation of over two orders of magnitude in the number of records. The possibility that these factors are related to true abundances in the field cannot be rejected, but it is unlikely. The approach enables us to formally distinguish rarely observed but poorly detectable species that should be classified as Data Deficient in the red-listing process; it can also be used for recognizing well detectable indicator and focal species for conservation management.  相似文献   

This study assesses the effects of considering within-site habitat configuration when designing reserve networks. This attribute takes all its importance in situations where the long-term integrity of (within-site) habitat patches cannot be preserved without protecting their surrounding environment. We addressed this issue through the concrete problem of selecting a reserve network of natural peatlands in southern Québec, Canada. We used a reserve-selection algorithm that minimized the total number of peatlands to include within networks. The algorithm was constrained to include peatlands containing habitat patches that met specific size thresholds. Five habitat-clustering thresholds were used to set the eligibility of each site to the selection process. The resulting reserve networks were evaluated according to their representation efficiency and to the expected consequences for the Palm Warbler (Dendroica palmarum), an area and isolation-sensitive bird restricted to peatlands in southern Québec.Constraining the algorithm to include peatlands showing increasingly larger patches of habitats led to larger networks, both in terms of area and number of sites, and to networks composed of smaller sites. These effects increased with the representation target (i.e., the % of each habitat preserved). With respect to the Palm Warbler, selecting peatlands with larger patches of habitats had only an indirect effect on its site-occupancy pattern. Indeed, despite the fact that the probability of occurrence of the warbler was negatively correlated with the size of habitat patches, the habitat-clustering threshold influenced the incidence of the warbler mainly via its effect on the physical attributes of the selected networks - including the area, isolation level, and the number of selected sites. Because increasing the habitat-clustering threshold led indirectly to a greater regional availability of prime breeding habitats for the Palm Warbler, it mitigated the severe negative impact of an hypothetical alteration or destruction of non-selected peatlands. Our study thus emphasizes the importance of determining how the different factors describing within-site configuration are correlated with other intrinsic characteristics of the sites available to the selection process before opting for a site-selection strategy.  相似文献   

Long term data to estimate population trends among species are generally lacking. However, Natural History Collections (NHCs) can provide such information, but may suffer from biases due to varying sampling effort. To analyze population trends and range-abundance dynamics of Swedish longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), we used collections of 108 species stretching over 100 years. We controlled for varying sampling effort by using the total number of database records as a reference for non-red-listed species. Because the general frequency of red-listed species increased over time, a separate estimate of sampling effort was used for that group. We observed large interspecific variation in population changes, from declines of 60% to several hundred percent increases. Most species showed stable or increasing ranges, whereas few seemed to decline in range. Among increasing species, rare species seemed to expand their range more than common species did, but this pattern was not observed in declining species. Historically, rare species did not seem to be at larger risk of local extinction, and population declines were mostly due to lower population density and not loss of sub-populations. We also evaluated the species’ declines under IUCN red-list criterion A, and four currently not red-listed species meet the suggested threshold for Near Threatened (NT). The results also suggested that species’ declines may be overlooked if estimated only from changes in species range.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the habitat requirements of threatened species at both local and landscape scales is crucial for maintaining viable populations and for making conservation and management decisions. Here, we use live trapping and radio-tracking to investigate habitat use by four species of threatened marsupials - burrowing bettongs (Bettongia lesueur), brush-tailed bettongs (B. penicillata), greater bilbies (Macrotis lagotis), and bridled nailtail wallabies (Onychogalea fraenata). The study populations had been re-introduced to Scotia Sanctuary in western New South Wales, Australia, within a predator-proof area. All showed preferences for particular macrohabitats while resting by day, with M. lagotis and B. penicillata selecting Eucalyptus woodland with Triodia understorey and B. lesueur and O. fraenata selecting Eucalyptus woodland with shrubs. However, they showed no such partiality at night. Bettongia penicillata used areas with Triodia and litter but few herbs for shelter, while burrows of M. lagotis avoided shrubs. Habitat components that influenced trap captures were: crust cover and herb layer cover (negative) for B. penicillata, trees <5 m in height and number of shrubs (both negative) for B. lesueur, crust cover for M. lagotis, and crust cover and trees <5 m high for O. fraenata (both negative). There was also a negative association at this scale between B. penicillata and both B. lesueur and M. lagotis, suggesting the possibility of competition. Our results support the idea that studies at multiple spatial scales are crucial to understand the habitat use and requirements of threatened fauna, and should therefore be incorporated into future re-introduction programs.  相似文献   

Identification of conservation units below the species level has been difficult for researchers and conservation planners. Methods reliant solely on genetics to identify conservation units are widely used but have limited scope. Additionally, methods used to assess ecological distinctness are typically difficult to interpret, and hence not broadly applicable. Here, we attempt to reconcile these problems by defining conservation units utilizing both genetic and ecological methods. This study suggests a framework to evaluate discreteness and significance among populations for assessment of distinct population segments (DPSs). Specifically, we highlight a methodology that incorporates genetic analyses and niche-based distribution modeling to identify conservation units. As a case study, we sought to determine whether populations of an imperiled salamander (Notophthalmus perstriatus), appearing to exist in two regions separated by 125 km, exhibited genetic and ecological distinctness such that the regions demarcate separate conservation units. Using mtDNA (cyt-b), we found that haplotypes were shared between localities within each region but none were shared between regions. Niche-based distribution modeling revealed significant differences in the ecological setting between the two regions. In combination, the absence of evidence for recent genetic exchange and model-based support for differing ecological conditions utilized by newts between regions provides evidence that eastern and western populations are both distinct and significant. This study formalizes a method to assess DPS distinctness and significance providing general utility for this methodology as a conservation tool for many species.  相似文献   

The Japanese archipelago is a biodiversity hotspot with a unique regional climate influenced by the Asian monsoon circulation, surrounding seas, and complex topography. Japan has numerous mountains and islands, which are potentially vulnerable to climate change. This study evaluated the potential impact of climate change on species diversity in Japan, using 25 conifer tree species as a case study. We applied ensemble models based on generalised additive models, artificial neural networks, generalised boostedmodels, and random forests to species’ locality records at 1 km2 resolution. The results indicated a substantial impact, such that 80% of the species may lose over half of their current climatically suitable areas by 2100. The lower altitudinal range limits were projected to shift upwards by 293 m on average, suggesting that alpine/sub-alpine and sub-boreal species may face widespread local extinctions. The impacts on sub-alpine species may be moderated by assisted migration to the northern island where they currently do not occur. However, climatically suitable areas for these species and sub-boreal species that occur on the island overlapped significantly, indicating that assisted migration may entail the risk of introducing biotic competition or interbreeding. Thus, rugged topography and dispersal barriers between islands are likely to amplify the future impacts of climate change in Japan. Limited areas in the central mountain region were identified as potential bioclimatic refugia, which should be conserved as a priority.  相似文献   

Habitat specialists are especially vulnerable to habitat alterations in vegetation structure and composition, making them difficult to protect and restore amidst agricultural landscapes. Protection strategies in such cases require information on species’ ability to survive and reproduce on marginal and modified habitat. We examined reproductive success, survival, and foraging efficiency of the Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens), an extreme habitat specialist, in a human-modified habitat - regenerating pasture - along a pasture-native scrub interface. From 1985 to 2003, Florida Scrub-Jays were equally successful at producing young in regenerating pasture and native scrub. Production of eggs, nestlings, fledglings, independent young, and yearlings were not statistically different between territories containing pasture and those containing only scrub. Similar trends were observed for nest success and survival. When in pasture, individual jays were significantly more efficient at capturing small prey items, but significantly less efficient at capturing medium and large prey items. Availability of small prey items was significantly higher in pasture than in scrub; availability of medium and large prey items was not significantly different between habitat types. We conclude that regenerating pasture provides suitable supplemental habitat for Florida Scrub-Jays when in close proximity to native scrub, suggesting a novel conservation strategy for maintaining and potentially increasing local populations in fragmented agricultural settings. This case study illustrates how a broadened definition of ‘suitable habitat’ may augment existing conservation strategies for specialist species facing substantial and rapid modification of their native habitat.  相似文献   

Climate change creates new challenges for biodiversity conservation. Species ranges and ecological dynamics are already responding to recent climate shifts, and current reserves will not continue to support all species they were designed to protect. These problems are exacerbated by other global changes. Scholarly articles recommending measures to adapt conservation to climate change have proliferated over the last 22 years. We systematically reviewed this literature to explore what potential solutions it has identified and what consensus and direction it provides to cope with climate change. Several consistent recommendations emerge for action at diverse spatial scales, requiring leadership by diverse actors. Broadly, adaptation requires improved regional institutional coordination, expanded spatial and temporal perspective, incorporation of climate change scenarios into all planning and action, and greater effort to address multiple threats and global change drivers simultaneously in ways that are responsive to and inclusive of human communities. However, in the case of many recommendations the how, by whom, and under what conditions they can be implemented is not specified. We synthesize recommendations with respect to three likely conservation pathways: regional planning; site-scale management; and modification of existing conservation plans. We identify major gaps, including the need for (1) more specific, operational examples of adaptation principles that are consistent with unavoidable uncertainty about the future; (2) a practical adaptation planning process to guide selection and integration of recommendations into existing policies and programs; and (3) greater integration of social science into an endeavor that, although dominated by ecology, increasingly recommends extension beyond reserves and into human-occupied landscapes.  相似文献   

Animal relocations have become a common tool in nature conservation, but the genetic consequences of such projects have rarely been studied in insects. As both natural and artificial formation of new populations may lead to genetic drift (founder effect), decreased genetic diversity and increased rates of inbreeding, genetic analyses can provide valuable information to evaluate the success of a relocation project. The field cricket (Gryllus campestris) has been subjected to reintroduction and translocation projects in England and northern Germany. Here, we present a microsatellite study on the population genetics of one recently established population of this species in comparison with several older populations and some recently colonized sites. Our results show that the translocation did not result in a significant loss of genetic diversity, when compared to source and other natural populations suggesting that translocation of a high number of nymphs from different subpopulations may be a suitable method to decrease the loss of genetic diversity and reduce the risk of inbreeding. Furthermore, the translocation had no negative effect on the source population, which reached a new maximum population size in 2006. An assignment test showed that individuals from the translocated population (F4 generation) were still assigned to the source populations, whereas two young subpopulations that originated by natural colonization from the central population about ten years ago already formed separate genetic clusters. As the strong fragmentation of G. campestris populations in northern Germany hampers natural colonization of newly created potential habitats, translocation projects seem to be an appropriate method to preserve this species.  相似文献   

传统水资源规划一般仅关注水文循环中的"蓝水"资源,忽视了占水文循环60%以上的"绿水"资源。基于生态水文理念来研究流域水资源规划方法,可实现区域可持续发展。本文以子牙河流域为例,从流域降雨着手,剖析大气降水、蓝水和绿水转化过程,构建基于生态水文理念下的流域水资源规划模型。通过调整种植结构、节水灌溉制度、产业结构、居民生活用水、养殖业用水等方案,以及南水北调中线配套工程措施,利用构建的流域水资源规划模型,对各项规划措施进行模拟。结果表明:75%保证率和50%保证率下,自然植被耗水量分别为76.3亿m3和88.2亿m3,农业生产耗水量分别为126.8亿m3和142.1亿m3。城市生活、工业生产、第三产业和农村生活耗水量均分别为7.9亿m3、2.6亿m3、3.1亿m3和3.3亿m3。相对于调整之前,75%保证率下,子牙河流域耗水量减少11.9亿m3,50%保证率下减少13.2亿m3。其中,占总耗水量最大的农业生产部门对耗水削减的贡献量最大,达到了7.6亿m3(75%保证率)和8.8亿m3(50%保证率),占总削减量的60%以上,表明种植结构和节水灌溉制度的调整对减少子牙河流域耗水量起到了重要作用。本文研究成果可为流域水资源高效可持续利用提供必要的技术支撑。  相似文献   

Reserve corridors in production forestry landscapes are frequently concentrated in riparian areas. This study describes the numerical response of ground-dwelling beetles to increasing distance from streams, with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of such a bias in reserve allocation. Patterns in abundance and diversity of epigaeic beetles were quantified at four first order streams in wet eucalypt forest in Tasmania, Australia. The depth and pattern of beetles’ riparian response varied between streams. Commonly trapped beetles were less abundant near to three of the four streams, and the numerical response model differed in each case. Species richness of common beetles was also lower near one of the streams. Pooled abundance and richness of rare species did not vary in response to the riparian-upslope transition. No riparian or upslope specialist species were identified among the most commonly collected species. Compared to upslope habitat, the riparian-upslope transition encompassed greater variability in species composition without actually increasing overall richness. The study findings demonstrate the need for ecosystem-specific data to optimize reserve placement, since the results were not predicted from general vegetation patterns, ecological theory, or the widely held assumption that riparian areas support greater abundance and diversity of organisms than adjacent upslope areas. Reserves encompassing more upslope habitat are recommended to complement those located in riparian areas.  相似文献   

The problems existing in design of buffer zones are analyzed, and a procedure for designing the buffer zone of reserves is proposed. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied to design the width of buffer zone. The different importance of influences in different sections around the reserve leads to different widths of buffer zone being designated around the reserve. The method is illustrated by a case study, designing the buffer zone for the Yancheng Biosphere Reserve, China.  相似文献   

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