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Interspecific hybridization between the grasspea, Lathyrus sativus, and 15 wild species in Section Lathyrus is reported. Only two species, L. amphicarpos and L. cicera produced viable F1 hybrids with low fertility when crossed with L. sativus as male parent. Crosses with six other species produced pods following pollination when L. sativus was the male, but seedlings were inviable, seeds did not germinate or pods were empty or had totally shrivelled seeds. When L. sativus was the female parent, only one cross with L. gorgoni produced an F1, but the seedling was inviable. The germplasm resources of the grasspea are identified, with L. amphicarpos and L. cicera placed in the secondary gene pool and the other species in the tertiary gene pool. The definition of these germplasm resources is discussed in terms of grasspea improvement through plant breeding.  相似文献   

Eight Lathyrus sativus L. accessions from a variety of geographic origins were used to study intraspecific genetic diversity using RAPD analysis. Fourteen decamer primers produced 64 amplification products, 50% of which were polymorphic between the samples. Jaccard's coefficient of genetic similarity was calculated between samples and a dendrogram was constructed by an unweighted pair-group method with arithmetical averages (UPGMA). The dendrogram showed that most of the L. sativus plants clustered into accessions or common geographical areas. The average genetic similarity coefficient within accessions was 0.12 and between accessions was 0.20, indicating a low level of intraspecific genetic variation. Interspecific genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of eight Lathyrus species, including L. sativus and Pisum sativum L. (field pea) were examined using 14 decamer primers which produced 283 amplification products. All amplification products were polymorphic across the nine species. In the dendrogram the Lathyrus species clustered into three distinct groups which correlated with the Sections Lathyrus, Clymenum and Linearicarpus. This supports traditional taxonomic classifications of the genus Lathyrus which are based on morphological traits. Of the species from Section Lathyrus, L. gorgoni and L. cicera were the most similar to L. sativus. The results suggest that a strategy of breeding for producing lines of L. sativus with increased genetic variation would be effectively achieved through hybrid production between accessions from wide geographic areas particularly the Mediterranean area and the Indian subcontinent. However, the most effective method would be introgression of germplasm from other species in Section Lathyrus. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Seed samples of seventeen field pea cultivars grown at five locations, and nine grass pea lines grown at two locations, in western Canada during 1993 and 1994 were analysed for total phenolics and condensed tannins. Each location in each year was considered as one environment. Total phenolics in field pea differed significantly among cultivars, ranging from 162 mg/kg DM (dry matter) (CE, catechin equivalents) for AC Tamor to 325 mg/kg DM (CE) for Richmond. Field pea had barely detectable levels of condensed tannins. Total phenolics in grass pea ranged from 868 mg/kg DM (CE) for L880388 to 2059 mg/kg DM (CE) for LS89110. Condensed tannins in grass pea ranged from 0.89 g/kg DM (CE) for L880388 to 5.18 g/kg DM (CE) for LS89125. Cultivar had a larger relative contribution to total phenolic levels in field pea and to total phenolic and condensed tannin levels in grass pea than environment. Total phenolic and condensed tannin levels were not correlated with seed yield and seed protein content in field pea or grass pea. Levels of total phenolics and condensed tannins were positively correlated in grass pea. Grass pea seeds with darker seed coat colour contained higher levels of condensed tannins. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Parental lines, F1 and F2 hybrids from a 7×7-diallel of topless faba beans and eight standard cultivars were grown in single-rows for two years at four sowing dates on a highly fertile loam soil near Göttingen. In grain yield, F1 hybrids showed 21 to 54% advantage over the higher yielding parent. Compared with the midparental value an average heterosis of 50% was observed for grain yield. Corresponding heterosis mean values ranged from 3 to 37% for yield components and up to 11% for phenological traits. The grain yield of the highest yielding topless F1 hybrid was equal to that of Alfred, the highest yielding indeterminate standard cultivar. High grain yield in the topless hybrids was closely correlated with high biomass yield, late ripening and tall plants generally having a high number of podded nodes and pods on the main stem. Due to their agronomic advantages, i.e., lower plant length, reduced lodging sensitivity and earlier ripening, efforts at breeding topless hybrids seemed to be worth-while in faba beans. However, their yielding ability must be improved further before they can compete with normal, semi-dwarf and stiff-strawed cultivars.  相似文献   

Differential Drought Responses of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Inbred Lines   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Drought responses of 19 inbred faba bean lines of different origin were studied in the field under rain shelters with and without irrigation. Inbred lines differed significantly in response to drought (P < 0.01): those with a lower drought sensitivity index (SI) (more resistant) originated from the drought-prone regions characterized by smaller plant size (r = 0.93), and more pods and seeds per plant (r ≥ 0.90) regardless of seed size, while lines with higher SI (more sensitive) were those which mainly exhibited higher yield under favourable conditions accompanied by a greater biomass. In a greenhouse experiment under mild drought (−0.15 MPa soil water potential), comparisons between relatively drought-sensitive (Adriewaalse) and drought-resistant (L7) inbred lines showed that Adriewaalse used 38 % more water than L7 and also produced 40 % more biomass. There was a stress-induced decrease in osmotic potential (ψs) in both lines (by 0.72 and 0.50 MPa for Adriewaalse and L7, respectively) accompanied by decreased turgor in Adriewaalse and increased turgor in L7. The difference in drought-induced solute accumulation between lines was diminished when solute accumulation due to water loss and growth inhibition was considered, which indicates that solute accumulation was the result of a concentration effect. Similarly, lower SI in the field was not the result of osmotic adjustment, as the relationship between SI and drought-induced decrease in ψs was negative. The water use efficiency of both inbred lines increased markedly with increasing water deficit, though there was no difference between the lines. It was concluded that differences in drought resistance between these inbred faba bean lines were manifested through plant size-induced water demand (avoidance) but were not associated with osmotic adjustment (tolerance).  相似文献   

S. Tavoletti    L. Iommarini    P. Crino  E. Granati 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(4):388-391
Characterization of 16 grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.) accessions collected in central Italy (Marche region) was performed for morphological and agronomic traits and for 3‐(‐N‐oxalyl)‐L‐2,3 diaminoprop‐ionic acid (ODAP) content. Field trials, carried out in two locations, revealed high among‐population genetic variation. In particular, an evident differentiation between commercial populations, cultivated by market‐oriented farms, and household populations (not market‐oriented) was found. Genotype × environment interaction was negligible. Medium‐high values of ODAP content were observed following colorimetric and capillary electrophoresis analyses. A high positive correlation between the two methods was found (r = 0.83**), but the colorimetric values showed, on average, significant 14% lower ODAP values. This research represents a pre‐breeding activity aimed at developing a breeding programme for the preservation and utilization of Italian grasspea germplasm within sustainable or organic agricultural systems.  相似文献   

蚕豆是常异花授粉作物,异交率一般为20%~30%,最高可达84%。媒介昆虫、气候条件、地理因素、种植密度、品种基因型、花序的小花数量及小花结构特点、田间环境等都对异交率产生影响,媒介昆虫是异交发生的主要途径。异交会导致种质一致性的丧失,给资源的保存利用、品种繁育和应用基础研究等带来一定阻碍,但同时异交又是群体遗传多样性保障和杂种优势利用的重要条件。本文从异交率、异交媒介、异交影响因素及异交率的应用研究4个方面总结蚕豆异交率研究和应用情况,并对今后研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

G. Ramsay 《Plant Breeding》1997,116(3):287-289
Seed dormancy in the grain legumes may interfere with germination in some situations, yet is not well described. Dormancy in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) was investigated to determine the mode of inheritance and whether the gene or genes controlling this trait are linked to other genes. Seeds produced by 235 recombinant inbred lines at the F6 generation were used for this study. The parents were the cultivar ‘Optica’ and 172, an Afghanistan landrace which possesses extended seed dormancy. Germination was scored on a seed sample from each recombinant inbred line. Segregation patterns indicated that the trait is monogenic. This gene, named doz, is linked to a gene controlling anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin synthesis, sp-b, with the genetic distance estimated to be about 25 cM. No associations were detected between seed dormancy and pod dehiscence, seed lustre or mean seed weight. The implications of the persistence of a gene for seed dormancy in the gene pool of V. faba for the introgression of traits from landraces and cultivars possessing dormancy and for the origins of domesticated V. faba are discussed.  相似文献   

Investigations on the vessel structures of broad beans ( Vicia faba L.)
The number of vessels was observed in the fruit bearing axes of some varieties from Vicia faba Minor, Equina and Major during flowering. These investigations were also made on some F2- progenies of crosses from minor × equina and Paucijuga × Eufaba and on some topflower plants.
The varieties of Minor and Equina had about 12 vessels on the base of the axis, these diminished to the top of the axis 3 or 4 vessels just before the last flower. The varieties of Major had 12 vessels on the base of the axis too, but these diminished faster because of the smaller number of flowers on the axis. In Paucijuga the number of vessels on the base of the axis was only 3 to 4. Plants of Paucijuga had only 2 or 3 flowers per axis.
Progenies from crosses between Minor × Equina had more vessels on the base of the axis, probably due to a heterotical inheritance. In progenies from crosses between Paucijuga × Eufaba an intermediate inheritance was found in the number of flowers per axis and in the number of vessels.
Due to the investigations on a comprehensive material it is probable that the described vessel structure exists in most broad beans. This structure is complex arranged and modifyable. With this organization it is quite unprobable that the vessel structure will be a yield reducing factor.  相似文献   

Summary To assess the feasibility for synthetic varieties of Vicia faba L., 108 faba bean genotypes were screened for cross-fertilization rate in five field experiments carried out in 1989 and 1990 at Wageningen.Significant genotypic differences were observed for outcrossing rate, which ranged from 1 to 55%. These percentages, however, are thought to be not high enough for a commercially feasible production of synthetic varieties.The inheritance of cross-fertilization rate, determined by testing the F4 generation of a cross between two inbreds, both with high outcrossing rates, appeared to be of a polygenic nature, as was indicated by the wide variation in, and the continous distribution of, the cross-fertilization rates. Among the F4 lines tested some had a significantly higher cross-fertilization rate than the parents. However, this difference was not found when these lines were retested, indicating that possibilities for successful selection for higher outcrossing rates might be limited.  相似文献   

Summary Five subtelocentric primary trisomics of Vicia faba L. were isolated from crosses between asynaptic mutants and normal plants or translocation tester stocks. The extra chromosome of each trisomic was identified cytologically by critical multivalent association at metaphase I of meiosis.  相似文献   

以蚕豆为研究对象,比较了种子处理对种子发芽率的影响、培养基中添加AC,Vc 和 PVP对抑制外植体褐化的效果以及培养基中添加MET、香蕉、椰汁和马铃薯对试管苗繁殖系数及玻璃苗的影响。结果表明发芽时保留种皮、接种时胚根向上对蚕豆种子的萌发有着至关重要的影响,用5.0mg/L GA3溶液浸种12h有利于种子萌发;培养基中添加0.5g/L AC能有效抑制外植体的褐化,并能使植株生长健壮;培养基中添加150mg/L椰汁能提高繁殖系数,有效抑制玻璃苗的发生。  相似文献   

D. G. Roupakias 《Euphytica》1986,35(1):175-183
Summary Fertilized embryo-sac development and pod growth was studied in one Vicia faba cultivar, one Vicia narbonensis population and their reciprocal crosses. The initial development of endosperm and embryo was at least four days faster in V. narbonensis than in V. faba. Pods and ovules developed also faster in V. narbonensis than in V. faba. The growth rate of the hybrid pods followed the growth rate of the mother species, but was slower than that of the pods from selfed flowers. In the cross V. narbonensis × V. faba the ovules stopped growing 9 days after pollination, while in the reciprocal cross they stopped growing 15 days after pollination. Hybrid embryo-sacs from V. faba × V. narbonensis were aborted before they reached the stage of 256 endosperm nuclei or 200 embryo cells. Selfed V. faba embryo-sacs reached this stage in less than 9 days after pollination. In the reciprocal cross the embryo-sacs were aborted before they reached the stage of 128 endosperm nuclei or 80 embryo cells. Selfed V. narbonensis embryo-sacs reached this stage at the 4th day after pollination. Given that at these stages the embryo has less than 200 cells it was concluded that an in-ovule embryo culture technique should be developed to obtain hybrid plants.  相似文献   

The effect of salinity (40 and 80 meq/1 NaCl) on stomatal conductance, chlorophyll content, ultrastructural damage and photosynthetic performance of six cultivars of faba beans ( Vicia faba L.) from different agroclimatic regions were investigated. Low levels of salinity (40 meq/1 NaCl) increased chlorophyll content in some cultivars but did not lead to simultaneous increase in photosynthesis (P). Increased salinity levels (80 meq/1 NaCl) decreased chlorophyll content and stomatal conductance. Ultrastructural damage was observed in sensitive cultivars even at low salinity levels. Based on the parameters investigated, there was no concrete evidence to suggest that the physiological processes of cultivars from arid and semi-arid regions are less affected under saline conditions as compared to cultivars from temperate regions. The results suggested increased salinity affects P not only due to its effect on stomatal closure but also due to other non-stomatal effects like ultrastructural damage and decrease in chlorophyll content below a threshold level.  相似文献   

The rate of early embryo-sac development was studied in seven faba bean (Vicia faba L.) cultivars grown in a controlled environment. The embryo-sac stage was determined from the number of endosperm nuclei per embryo-sac and the number of embryo cells during the first 12 days after pollination. Differences in early embryo-sac development were observed between the genotypes studied. In addition, five different V. faba×V. narbonensis crosses and reciprocals were made using genotypes with small differences in mean endosperm cell cycle time and genotypes with large differences. The percentage of success (pod set) in V. faba×V. narbonensis crosses ranged between 9 % and 59 % while in the reciprocals it ranged from 12 % up to 30 %. However, cytological studies showed that the high percentage of success (pod set) observed in the cross A-107 × A-202 was not associated with a higher percentage of interspecific hybrid embryos. The results indicate that genotypes of the two species with smaller differences in mean endosperm cell cycle time result neither in a higher percentage pod set nor in bigger hybrid embryos.  相似文献   

Differences in the expression of autofertility and in the evidence of attractiveness to bees were investigated in both autumn-sown and spring-sown faba beans. All six winter stocks and one spring stock expressed very little autofertility, with averages of only 10% of flowers and 7% of ovules fertilized when undisturbed. Three other spring stocks, including a closed-flower population, were moderately autofertile, with 22% of flowers and 17% of ovules fertilized when undisturbed. The remaining two spring stocks, both English cultivars, expressed good autofertility, with 50% of undisturbed flowers and 44% of ovules fertilized. Current levels of autofertility in the winter and closed-flower stocks were inadequate to allow the development of a desirable distribution of pods without substantial bee visitation. If levels of autofertility could be raised simply by selection within populations, then they should have been much higher in these stocks. Therefore, autofertile parents will probably have to be included in programmes for breeding cultivars with improved levels of auto fertility. The closed-flower population received significantly less bee visitation than the other stocks in the spring trial. No variation in attractiveness to bees was found among the open-flowered spring stocks, nor among the winter stocks.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of early generation selection under low and high plant density was evaluated in faba bean (Vicia faba L.). For this, the faba bean cv. 'Polycarpe' was pollinated by eight higher yielding cultivars of different origin. The F1's and F2's together with 'Polycarpe' and the pollinator with the highest yielding ability (cv. 'Effe') were evaluated under high plant density with adjacent controls and under low plant density in a honeycomb design. It was found that the eight hybrids had a different ranking at low than at high plant density for both generations (F1and F2). Hybrid Pol.x A-58 had the best combined yield performance in the F1and F2under high and hybrid Pol.x A-37 under low plant density. Application of individual plant selection in the F2and F3generation of the two crosses (Pol.x A-58 and Pol.x A-37), under both low plant density according to UNR-O honeycomb design and high plant density using a moving average, resulted in the selection of four groups with 20 selected F3plants each. Within each group, equal numbers of seeds from each plant were mixed to establish four mixtures. These mixtures together with two controls ('Polycarpe' and 'Effe') were evaluated in a randomized complete block design (22 plants/m2) in one location for two years. It was found that the material selected continuously under low plant density had a significantly higher yield than the material selected under high plant density. In addition, the material selected from Pol.x A-37 (H1R2) under high plant density had a lower mean yield than that selected continuously under low plant density (H1H2). Their average yield over years was significantly higher than the yield of the material selected from Pol.x A-58 under both plant densities. Furthermore, the material selected from Pol.x A-58 under low plant density, had a significantly higher mean yield over years than its sibs selected under high plant density. It was concluded that honeycomb selection at low plant density can be used effectively for early generation selection in faba bean.  相似文献   

G. Duc    N. Berthaut    R. Pellletier  A. Carteron 《Plant Breeding》1990,105(2):126-136
Inheritance of several morphological and fertility characters was studied in F2 generation of two sets of diallel cross, using Griffing's analysis of variance. A paramount importance of general combining ability (GCA) over specific combining ability was measured for most studied characteristics. Correlations among GCA values for seed yield, morphological and fertility characters do not give a clear definition of the plant ideotype. “Terminal inflorescence” character appeared to reduce the seed per ovule ratio. Higher additive component was found for the ovule per pod than for seed per pod characters.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted over 2 years to quantify the response of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) to heat stress. Potted winter faba bean plants (cv. Wizard) were exposed to temperature treatments (18/10; 22/14; 26/18; 30/22; 34/26 °C day/night) for 5 days during floral development and anthesis. Developmental stages of all flowers were scored prior to stress, plants were grown in exclusion from insect pollinators to prevent pollen movement between flowers, and yield was harvested at an individual pod scale, enabling effects of heat stress to be investigated at a high resolution. Susceptibility to stress differed between floral stages; flowers were most affected during initial green‐bud stages. Yield and pollen germination of flowers present before stress showed threshold relationships to stress, with lethal temperatures (t50) ?28 °C and ~32 °C, while whole plant yield showed a linear negative relationship to stress with high plasticity in yield allocation, such that yield lost at lower nodes was partially compensated at higher nodal positions. Faba bean has many beneficial attributes for sustainable modern cropping systems but these results suggest that yield will be limited by projected climate change, necessitating the development of heat tolerant cultivars, or improved resilience by other mechanisms such as earlier flowering times.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-nine populations of faba bean (Vicia faba L. subsp. major, equina and minor) of mediterranean origin were evaluated for the genetic variability of 12 biomorphological characters at four locations in Apulia and Basîli cata regions (Italy) in 1983–84.A pattern analysis appoach, based on classification and ordination procedures is presented for to characterize differences among population in mean performance and response across environments. Informations about G × E interaction were obtained.Research work supported by CNR, Italy. Special grant I.P.R.A. Sub-project 1. Paper N. 1099.  相似文献   

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