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We conducted two experiments to evaluate the effects of added choice white grease on performance and carcass merit of barrows and gilts reared under commercial conditions. Pigs were housed either 20 (Exp. 1) or 25 (Exp. 2) per pen and were provided 0.67 m2 of pen space per pig. Diets were based on corn and soybean meal and fed in a meal form. The proportion of soybean meal was increased in diets with added fat to maintain the same calorie:lysine ratio in all diets within a weight phase. In Exp. 1, 480 pigs were fed diets with 0, 2, 4, or 6% fat. Total lysine contents of the control diets were 1.21, 0.88, and 0.66% during the weight phases 36 to 59, 59 to 93, and 93 to 120 kg, respectively. Gain:feed was increased linearly (P < 0.01) due to fat addition in all weight intervals and over the total experiment. The effect of added fat on ADG was not consistent among the weight phases; a linear (P < 0.01) improvement was found from 36 to 59 kg, but no effect was found during the heavier weight phases. Over the total experiment, however, ADG was improved (P < 0.01) linearly. Carcass traits were not affected by treatment. Experiment 2 used 900 pigs to evaluate possible carryover effects on performance and carcass merit from feeding 6% fat. The experiment was divided into four phases: 25 to 45, 45 to 70, 70 to 90, and 90 to 115 kg; lysine contents of the control diets fed in each phase were 1.23, 1.05, 0.81, and 0.63%, respectively. The six treatments consisted of no added fat throughout the experiment or 6% added fat fed from 25 to 45 kg, 25 to 70 kg, 25 to 90 kg, 25 to 115 kg, or 45 to 70 and 90 to 115 kg. Carryover effects for ADG and G:F (P < 0.07) were found for the 90- to 115-kg interval and for ADFI and ME intake (P < 0.05) for the 45- to 70- and 70-to 90-kg intervals. When fat was added in the previous weight interval, ADG and G:F were improved and ADFI and ME intake were decreased in the subsequent weight interval. Pigs fed fat from 25 to 115 kg had more (P < 0.05) backfat and lower (P < 0.05) carcass leanness than pigs on the other treatments. These data suggest that fat can be added or removed from diets of growing-finishing pigs without any detrimental carryover effects. In fact, the positive carryover effect on ADG and G:F from 95 to 115 kg suggests that feeding fat from 25 to 95 kg will maximize performance over the total growing-finishing period but minimize any detrimental effects of added fat on carcass leanness.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty-six weaner Large White piglets were randomly assigned to 3 replicates of 3 treatments to determine the effects of feeding 0, 10 or 20% of cattle manure in partial replacement of ground maize in the diet. The trial lasted 15 weeks. Feed efficiency was not significantly affected. However, pigs fed on the control diet consumed significantly more feed than pigs on the experimental diets containing cattle manure, and although their higher daily weight gain was not statistically significant, at the end of the trial they were significantly heavier (P<0·05) than those fed the diet containing 20% cattle manure. Carcasses from pigs fed on the diets containing cattle manure were leaner than pigs fed on the control diet.
Efectos De La Inclusion De Estiercol De Vaca En La Dieta De Cerdos De Engorde Sobre El Crecimiento Y La Caracteristicas De La Canal
Resumen Un total de 36 cerdos recién destetados de raza Large White fueros distribuídos al azar en 3 réplicas de 3 tratamientos que tuvieron como objetivo determinar los efectos de incluir en la dieta 0, 10 o 20% de estiércol de vaca en sustitución parcial de maiz. El ensayo duró 15 semanas. La eficiencia alimentaria no se vió afectada de forma significative. Sin embargo, los cerdos alimentados con la dieta control consumieron más alimento que los animales que recibieron dietas con estiercol de vaca. Además, si bien el creciemiento diario de los animales control no fue significativamente distinto, al final del ensayo su peso vivo fue significativamente superior (p<0·05) al de los animales que recibieron una dieta con un 20% de estiercol de vaca. Las canales de los cerdos que recibieron dietas con estiercol tuvieron un porcentaje de grasa inferior al de las canales de los animales control.

Effets De l'Alimentation En Fumier Bovin Sur La Croissance Et Les Caracteristiques De La Carcasse Chez Les Porcs Large White
Résumé 36 porcelets sevrés de l'espèce Large White furent répartis sur 3 traitements (avec 3 replicats chacun) pour déterminer les effects for l'alimentation avec, 0, 10 ou 20% en fumier bovin en replacement partiel du maïs dans leur nourriture. L'expérience dura 15 semaines. L'efficacité de la nourriture ne fut pas affectée, de façon significative. Cependant, les porcs nourris par l'alimention de contrôle, consoemmèrent plus de nourriture que ceux, alimentés expérimentalement avec le fumier bovin, et bien que les gains journaliers furent plus élevés mais non de façon significative, les porcs de contrôle furent de façon significative plus lourds (P<0, 05) que ceux nourris avec 20% de fumier bovin. Les carcasses de porc nourrit avec du fumier bovin furent plus maigres que ceux issus du groupe de contrôle.

为了研究超微茶粉对生长猪生长性能、胴体品质及脂肪代谢的影响,将64头50 kg左右的杜长大阉公猪随机分为4组,每组4栏(重复),每栏4头,对照组采食基础日粮,试验组分别添加0.5%、1.0%和1.5%的超微茶粉,试验期70 d,试验结束时计算日增重、料重比,然后屠宰测定分析肌肉胴体品质及脂肪沉积性能。结果表明,超微茶粉对生长猪生长性能没显著影响,并且能显著降低肌内脂肪(IMF)含量,可以显著提高生长猪的瘦肉率和眼肌面积、猪肉肉色以及降低滴水损失和剪切力(P<0.05)。同时,利用前体脂肪细胞研究表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGCG)对脂肪代谢关键基因表达的影响,结果表明,前体脂肪细胞在EGCG作用下,p-AMPKα蛋白和LPL基因表达显著增加,同时C/EBPβ、SREBP-1、PPARγ基因表达显著降低(P<0.05)。我们的结果提示,超微茶粉对生长猪生长性能没有影响,但可以显著改善肌肉品质,其作用机理可能与对脂肪代谢的调控有关。  相似文献   

Barrows and gilts (n = 100 per gender) were used to determine the effects of an increasing, decreasing, or constant ractopamine (RAC) dietary concentration on growth performance and carcass characteristics. Pigs, within a gender, were assigned randomly to pens (five pigs per pen and 10 pens per treatment). Pens were assigned randomly to one of four dietary treatments at a starting weight of 71.2 kg, to target an average ending weight of 109 kg. The four dietary treatments (as-fed basis) were 1) control = 0 ppm RAC, wk 0 to 6; 2) RAC step-up = 5.0 ppm, wk 1 to 2; 10.0 ppm, wk 3 to 4; and 20.0 ppm, wk 5 to 6; 3) RAC step-down = 20.0 ppm, wk 1 to 2; 10.0 ppm, wk 3 to 4; and 5.0 ppm, wk 5 to 6; and 4) RAC constant = 11.7 ppm, wk 0 to 6. Feed allocation was recorded daily, and pigs were weighed and feed was weighed back every 2 wk. Jugular blood samples were obtained from two randomly selected pigs per pen on d -3, 7, 21, 35, and 41 for determination of plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) concentrations. Two pigs were selected randomly per pen and sent to a commercial slaughter facility at the end of the 6-wk experimental period. Carcass data were evaluated on an equal time basis and on an equal weight basis by using hot carcass weight (HCW) as a covariate. Overall, ADG and G:F were improved (P < 0.05) for pigs fed RAC compared with control, with no differences among RAC feeding programs. In wk 3 and 4, improvements (P < 0.05) in ADG and G:F were realized with the implementation of a RAC step-up program compared with control pigs. The concentrations of PUN were decreased (P < 0.05) at d 7 and 21 with RAC feeding, and a RAC step-up program maintained the decrease (P < 0.05) in PUN through d 35 and 41. A RAC step-up and constant program increased (P < 0.05) HCW and percent yield. Loin muscle area and percentage of fat-free lean increased (P < 0.05) and backfat thickness decreased (P < 0.05) in pigs fed RAC. If pigs were considered to be on feed for an equal time period, advantages (P < 0.05) were observed for weight of boneless trimmed ham, shoulder and loin for the step-up and constant RAC treatments compared with the controls. Feeding a RAC step-up or constant feeding program resulted in favorable responses in growth performance and yielded more lean pork.  相似文献   

产酶微生物制剂对肥育猪生产性能和胴体组成的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究了产酶微生物制剂对肥育猪生产性能的影响。试验结果表明, 添加产酶微生物制剂后生长肥育猪日增重提高了16 71% (P<0 05), 料肉比降低了11 11%, 采食量提高5 11%; 肥育猪的屠宰率提高了3 35个百分点; 眼肌面积提高15 79%, 而失水率降低了14 81个百分点; 瘦肉率、背膘厚、脂肪率、肌肉色泽和大理石纹等无明显变化, 说明产酶微生物制剂对肥育猪具有促进生长、提高养分的消化吸收、提高饲料利用率等作用, 对猪的屠宰性能和肉的质量也有一定的调控作用。  相似文献   

选用 9周龄 1 9kg左右约·杜·长·宁四元杂种猪 60头 ,随机分为 3组 ,试验组I、试验组II和对照组各 2 0头。试验组I在 1 0、 1 3和 1 5周龄颈部皮下注射生长激素抑制激素受体 (SSTR)疫苗 ;试验组II在 1 0周龄颈部皮下注射SSTR +IGFBP (胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白 )疫苗 ,1 3及 1 5周龄注射SSTR疫苗 ;对照组注射相同剂量的生理盐水。结果表明 :SSTR组平均日增重较对照组提高 5 73% ,采食量提高 3 88%。SSTR +IGFBP组平均日增重较对照组提高 9 74% ,采食量提高 1 1 1 6%。  相似文献   

本试验选用 1 8头体重约 2 8kg的杜× (大×长 )三元杂交猪 ,随机分为 2组 ,分别饲喂添加0 ,1g/kg甜菜碱 (以纯品计 )的玉米—豆粕型饲粮 (生长、肥育期粗蛋白水平分别为 1 7 0 %、1 5 0 % ,消化能浓度为 1 3 3 0MJ/kg) ,直至体重约 96kg左右结束。结果表明 ,甜菜碱有提高生长猪(约 2 8~ 60kg)日增重和饲料转化率的趋势 ,对采食量无显著影响 ,不影响血清钙、镁、钾、钠、氯、尿素氮浓度。肥育猪 (约 60~ 96kg)的日增重和饲料转化率因甜菜碱添加而有降低趋势 ,采食量不受影响。甜菜碱不影响肥育猪血清镁、钾、钠、尿素氮浓度 ,但对氯、钙浓度有影响。纵观全期 ,甜菜碱不影响生长肥育猪全期的生产性能。甜菜碱提高了屠宰率 (P <0 0 5) ,同时胴体瘦肉率有增加趋势 ,脂肪率有降低趋势 ,其余胴体性状无显著差别。以上结果提示 ,在本试验条件下 ,在生长肥育猪全期添加甜菜碱对生产性能无显著影响 ,但对胴体品质可能有一定的提高。  相似文献   

A total of 315 crossbred females (gilts) ranging in weight from 14 to 68 kg was split between pole-type and a closed piggery (cold and moderate environments, respectively One third of the pigs in each piggery was fed a growing ration ad libitum, the remaining pigs were restrictively fed 80% of the amount consumed by the first group. Data on ultrasonic backfat probe, estimated market index, and age were taken on the pigs at 90 kg live weight. Results indicated that the effect of environmental temperature was very small on backfat thickness and carcass index, but was significant on age. The pigs fed ad libitum had 10.2% thicker backfat, were 4 points inferior in index, but were 13 days younger at 90 kg (P < 0.01) than those restrictively fed. When the gilts exhibited their first oestrus after 90 kg live weight, half of the pigs restrictively fed were flushed by feeding them ad libitum for one oestrus cycle. All gilts were bred at the second oestrus. The gilts raised in a cold environment were 4 kg lighter, farrowed litters 0.2 larger and 0.5 kg heavier than those raised in the moderate environment. Gilts restrictively fed, then flushed gained 3 kg on flushing and farrowed litters averaging 10.7 pigs, 0.2 and 0.8 pigs larger than those of the gilts fed ad libitum and not flushed respectively. Significant differences between crosses were observed in all the traits studied except gestation length and litter size. There was little effect on the different traits of the initial weight at which the gilts were exposed to the treatment.  相似文献   

为研究饲料液态饲喂对育肥猪生长性能和经济效益的影响,试验选用体重为(82.93±3.35) kg的"杜×长×大"(Duroc×Landrace×Yorkshire)三元杂交猪300头,随机分为3组,每组5个重复,每个重复20头猪,试验期为31 d,对照组饲喂固体颗粒饲料,试验A组用对照组日粮加水饲喂,试验B组日粮由干料、过期酸奶、水按比例配制而成,干基营养水平与对照组相当。试验结果表明:相比对照组,试验A组的平均日增重、平均日采食量分别提高了6.9%和2.1%,料重比降低了4.3%,但两组之间差异不显著;试验B组的平均日增重与对照组相当,平均日采食量、料重比分别降低了6.3%(P<0.05)和6.4%(P>0.05);同时,饲喂液态料的两个试验组经济效益均有不同程度提高。  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with N6, 2′-O-dibutyryl adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (dbcAMP) on growth performance, carcass traits, histochemical characteristics and serum constituents in finishing pigs. Seventy-two Duroc × (Landrace × Large White) barrows (57.3 ± 0.6 kg) were randomly allotted to 3 treatments with 6 replicate pens/treatment (4 pigs/pen). The pigs were fed diets containing 0, 10 and 20 mg dbcAMP/kg, respectively, until the final slaughter weight of approximately 90 kg. There were no differences in growth performance among dietary treatments. Leaf fat proportion and first rib backfat thickness were reduced (P < 0.05), whereas tenth rib backfat thickness tended to decrease (P = 0.10), in pigs fed 10 mg dbcAMP/kg. Lean percentage was greater (P < 0.05) and longissimus muscle area tended to increase (P = 0.10) in pigs fed 10 mg dbcAMP/kg when compared to the control group, but hot carcass weight was not affected by dbcAMP. Growth rate of fat-free lean tissues tended to increase (P = 0.09) in dbcAMP-supplemented pigs. Dietary dbcAMP decreased (P < 0.05) adipocytes diameter in subcutaneous fat, whereas longissimus muscle fiber diameter tended to increase (P = 0.06) with dbcAMP supplementation; however, no difference in longissimus muscle cell density was detected among treatments. Serum concentrations of total protein and 3′,5′-cyclic adenosine monophosphate increased (P < 0.05) in response to dbcAMP, but concentrations of triglycerides, total cholesterol, glucose and urea in serum did not differ among dietary treatments. These results indicate that dbcAMP had a positive effect on carcass traits. Addition of 10 mg dbcAMP/kg to the diet was beneficial for growth performance and lean percentage, as well as improving protein and fat metabolism.  相似文献   

文章旨在评估日粮添加不同水平的纤维素及不同饲养环境对断奶仔猪生长性能、营养物质表观消化率及小肠绒毛形态的影响.试验将1296头24?d断奶、平均体重无显著差异的仔猪随机分为4组,每组324头,每组6个重复(54头/重复).将T1和T2组断奶仔猪饲养在环境条件良好的圈舍中,在断奶后前2周分别饲喂纤维素水平为0%和2%的日...  相似文献   


The influence of dietary amino acids on performance and carcass quality was studied in 192 organic indoor and outdoor pigs given diets with different amino acid levels (recommended amino acid level, 7% and 14% lower) ad libitum in a two-phase feeding system. During phase 2, daily consumption of lysine, methionine+cystine and threonine was higher for outdoor than indoor pigs independent of amino acid level (p=0.002, 0.004 and 0.006, respectively). The outdoor pigs grew faster during phase 2 than the indoor pigs (p=0.001), although feed conversion ratio did not differ (p=0.358). Dressing percentage was higher for outdoor than for indoor pigs (p=0.011) but lean meat content did not differ (p=0.904). The health status of the pigs was evaluated and showed that the incidence of pigs seropositive to erysipelas was higher outdoors. Ascaris suum was present in both production systems, whereas Eimeria sp. only was found among outdoor pigs. The results indicate a discrepancy between pigs housed in different production systems rather than between pigs directed to different dietary amino acid levels. This suggests that growing/finishing pigs fed ad libitum can compensate for dietary amino acid levels lower than the current Swedish recommendations without affecting production results.  相似文献   

小肽添加剂对生长猪生长性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验研究三种不同的小肽添加剂制品对生长猪生长性能的影响。试验选用72头初始体重在(34.64±8.32)kg的杜×长×大三元阉公猪,随机分为4个处理,每个处理6个重复,每个重复3头猪试验各组分别饲喂基础日粮(对照组),基础日粮加100mg/kg小肽A(小肽A组),基础日粮加100mg/kg小肽B(小肽B组),基础日粮加50mg/kg小肽C(小肽C组),试验期28d。测定其对生长猪的生长性能的影响,结果表明,与对照组相比,小肽A组、小肽B组和小肽C组的生长猪的平均采食量分别提高了9.8%、7.0%和12.5%(P0.05),平均日增重分别提高了15.8%、12.8%和21.7%(P0.05),料肉比分别降低了5.1%、6.3%和8.5%(P0.05)。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究以牛膝、杜仲和玄参三种药用多糖进行配伍对生长育肥猪生长性能、屠宰性能和肉品质的影响,探讨复合多糖改善育肥猪生长性能及肉品质的机理。试验选用160头体重接近的生长育肥猪,采用单因素完全随机试验设计,分为5个处理:1)基础日粮组,2)抗生素组,3)0.05%复合多糖组,4)0.10%复合多糖组,5)0.15%复合多糖组。每组4个重复,每个重复8头猪,试验期共90 d。结果显示:1)与基础日粮组相比,0.10%复合多糖组和0.15%复合多糖组能显著提高猪日增重和降低料重比(P<0.05)。2)与基础日粮组相比,0.10%复合多糖组和抗生素组能显著提高猪屠宰率(P<0.05),复合多糖各组(0.05%,0.10%和0.15%)和抗生素组能显著降低猪的背膘厚并提高眼肌面积和瘦肉率(P<0.05)。3)与基础日粮组相比,复合多糖各组(0.05%,0.10%和0.15%)能显著提高猪背最长肌大理石纹评分并显著降低猪背最长肌的滴水损失(P<0.05)。与基础日粮组相比,抗生素组显著提高猪背最长肌的失水率和滴水损失(P<0.05)。结果表明复合多糖能够显著提高肌肉肉色评分、大理石纹评分、熟肉率,提高瘦肉率和肉品质。  相似文献   

文章旨在研究在山羊日粮中添加中草药对其生长性能和胴体特征的影响.试验将平均体重为(19.22±0.08)kg的45头山羊随机分为3组,每组3个重复,每个重复5头羊.对照组饲喂基础日粮,两个处理组分别用10%的穿心莲茎叶和全珠穿心莲替代苜蓿草,试验共进行14周.结果:饲喂全珠穿心莲的山羊末重、屠体重、采食量和日增重分别较...  相似文献   

The effects of four group sizes (2, 4, 8, and 12 pigs per pen) and two single-space feeder types (conventional and electronic feed intake recording equipment [FIRE]) on feed intake, growth performance, and feeding patterns were determined in growing pigs over a 4-wk period. A total of 416 hybrid pigs (barrows and gilts) were grown from 26.5 (SD = 1.6) to 47.8 (SD = 2.7) kg BW and given ad libitum access to a corn-soybean meal-based diet (17.4% CP; 0.9% lysine; 3,298 kcal ME/kg). The floor space allowance was 0.9 m2/pig for all treatments. Pigs using the electronic feeders had similar growth rates but lower feed intakes (P < 0.01) and higher gain:feed ratios (P < 0.01) compared to those using the conventional feeders. Barrows compared to gilts had higher growth rates (P < 0.05), numerically higher (P > 0.05) ADFI, and similar feed efficiency and feeding pattern. Feed intakes and growth rates were lowest (P < 0.05) for groups of 12 pigs but gain:feed ratio was not affected by group size. Daily feeder occupation time per pig was lower (P < 0.01) for groups of 12 than for groups of 2 or 4 pigs, and feed consumption rate was higher (P < 0.01) for groups of 12 than for groups of 4 pigs. The proportion of time spent eating was lower (P < 0.01) and the proportion of time spent standing was higher (P < 0.01) for pigs in groups of 12 compared to groups of 2. Correlations between ADG and ADFI and feed intake per visit were 0.29 and 0.30, respectively (P < 0.01), between ADG and ADFI and feed consumption rate were 0.27 and 0.31, respectively (P < 0.01), and between ADFI and feeder occupation time per day were 0.33 (P < 0.01). This study suggests that, in growing pigs given access to a single feeder, changes in feeding behavior with increasing group size were not sufficient to maintain feed intake and growth rate.  相似文献   

为了探讨葛根粉对生长猪生产性能的影响,选用平均体重26.86±2.06kg的杜×长×大三元杂交健康猪144头,随机分成4个处理组,每个处理6个重复,每个重复(圈)6头。处理Ⅰ组为不添加抗生素的负对照组,处理Ⅱ组为添加抗生素的正对照组,处理Ⅲ组、处理Ⅳ组为试验组分别添加5.0%、5.5%葛根粉。结果表明:日粮中添加5.0%、5.5%葛根粉的试验组日增重、饲料转化效率与添加抗生素的正对照组差异不显著,日增重显著高于不添加抗生素的负对照组(P〈0.05)。  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of monensin on performance of beef heifers fed warm-season forages. Brangus heifers...  相似文献   

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