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不同粗饲料对奶牛乳产量和乳成分的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择18头荷斯坦奶牛,设置3个处理,每个处理6个重复,每个重复1头奶牛,研究不同粗饲料对奶牛泌乳性能和乳成分的影响,3个处理的粗饲料分别为玉米秸(Ⅰ组)、玉米秸+青贮玉米秸(Ⅱ组)、羊草(Ⅲ组)。试验结果表明:①试验Ⅱ组与试验Ⅲ组平均产奶量差异不显著(P>0.05),试验全期分别比Ⅰ组提高了8.82%(P<0.05)和9.57%(P<0.05);②不同处理间的乳糖、乳脂含量差异不显著(P>0.05);对于乳蛋白,在试验40d时3个试验组差异不显著(P>0.05),在第15d时Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组分别比Ⅰ组降低了7.43%(P<0.05)和8.57%(P<0.05)。对于乳干物质,Ⅱ组与Ⅲ组差异不显著(P>0.05)。根据上述生产性能指标综合评定,玉米秸+青贮玉米秸可有效替代羊草饲喂奶牛,而不降低泌乳性能。  相似文献   

Three groups of four lactating cows received a subcutaneous injection of 0 . 05, 0 . 10 and 0 . 15 mg Se/kg body weighty respectively administered as sodium selenate. A fourth group was injected with saline. In all the cows injected with sodium selenate, the concentration of Se in blood increased rapidly and was significantly higher than in control cows for two days in the group receiving the lowest dose and for 182 days (the duration of the experiment) in the two other groups. The activity of glutathione peroxidase in blood increased slowly in all cows injected with sodium selenate and was significantly greater than in control cows after 15, 22 and 29 days respectively, and remained significantly greater for 63, 91 and 182 days respectively. In a second experiment a single subcutaneous injection of 0 . 15 mg Se/kg body weight had no effect on the mean milk yield of 37 animals (19 . 1 kg/day) compared with the milk yield of a similar group of control animals (19 . 1 kg/day) during 70 days. The concentration of Se in milk was significantly higher on the first (168 microgram/litre) and second (69 microgram/litre) day after injection than in control animals (mean 26 microgram/litre).  相似文献   

选取36头临床健康、头胎、泌乳中期奶牛,通过实时监控外界温湿度指数,结合奶牛呼吸、心率、肛温等生理指标,确定奶牛热应激状态,并测定奶牛产奶量和乳成分。结果,与无热应激相比,中度热应激使奶牛日均产奶量降低16.33%,轻度热应激对此影响不明显。中度热应激奶牛乳脂率较轻度热应激显著降低,但与无热应激组相比差别不显著。轻度热应激使奶牛乳蛋白水平极显著降低,但随热应激程度加深,乳蛋白水平有升高趋势。试验结果表明:不同程度热应激对泌乳中期奶牛产奶量和乳成分有不同影响。  相似文献   

Animal fat was administered in fat-supplemented mixtures of concentrates in amounts varying from 0%, 5%, to 10%. The trials were carried out on 12 dairy cows. The best results were obtained with mixed concentrates containing 5% of animal fat. Animals on these food rations produced 6.75% more milk (expressed in units of fat-corrected milk (FCM) and 9.87% more milk fat. Additions of animal fat affected the composition of milk fat in such a way that the milk contained smaller portions of short-chain fatty acids and higher proportions of stearic and oleic acid.  相似文献   

The objectives were to investigate effects of nutritional plane and Se supply during gestation on yield and nutrient composition of colostrum and milk in first parity ewes. Rambouillet ewe lambs (n = 84, age = 240 ± 17 d, BW = 52.1 ± 6.2 kg) were allocated to 6 treatments in a 2 × 3 factorial array. Factors included Se [adequate Se (ASe, 11.5 μg/kg of BW) or high Se (HSe, 77.0 μg/kg of BW)] initiated at breeding, and nutritional plane [60 (RES), 100 (CON), or 140% (HIH) of requirements] initiated at d 40 of gestation. Ewes were fed individually from d 40, and lambs were removed at parturition. Colostrum was milked from all ewes at 3 h postpartum, and one-half of the ewes (n = 42) were transitioned to a common diet meeting lactation requirements and mechanically milked for 20 d. Colostrum yield was greater (P = 0.02) for HSe ewes than ASe, whereas CON had greater (P < 0.05) colostrum yield than RES and HIH. Colostrum Se (%) was greater (P < 0.01) for HSe than ASe. Colostrum from ewes fed HSe had less (P = 0.03) butterfat (%), but greater (P ≤ 0.05) total butterfat, solids-not-fat, lactose, protein, milk urea N, and Se than ASe. Colostrum from HIH ewes had greater (P ≤ 0.02) solids-not-fat (%) than RES, whereas RES had greater (P ≤ 0.04) butterfat (%) than CON and HIH. Colostrum from ewes fed the CON diet had greater (P = 0.01) total butterfat than HIH. Total solids-not-fat, lactose, and protein were greater (P < 0.05) in colostrum from CON than RES and HIH. Ewes fed HSe had greater (P < 0.01) milk yield (g/d and mL/d) than ASe, and CON and HIH had greater (P < 0.01) yield than RES. Milk protein (%) was greater (P ≤ 0.01) in RES compared with CON or HIH. Ewes fed HSe had greater (P < 0.01) milk Se (μg/g and mg/d) than ASe on each sampling day. Milk from CON and HIH ewes had greater (P < 0.01) total solids-not-fat, lactose, protein, and milk urea N than RES. Total Se was greater (P = 0.02) in milk from ewes fed the CON diet compared with RES. Somatic cell count and total somatic cells were greater (P ≤ 0.05) in milk from CON than RES. A cubic effect of day (P ≥ 0.01) was observed for milk yield (g and mL). Butterfat, solids-not-fat, lactose, milk urea N, and Se concentration responded quadratically (P ≤ 0.01) to day. Protein (%), total butterfat, and total Se, and somatic cells (cells/mL and cells/d) decreased linearly (P < 0.01) with day. Results indicate that gestational nutrition affects colostrum and milk yield and nutrient content, even when lactational nutrient requirements are met.  相似文献   

A 7 month prospective cohort study was designed to determine if feeding bromelain to dairy goats influenced the MSCC, milk yield, milk composition and the incidence of IMI. Forty-four clinically normal goats from 2nd to 6th parities were studied. Daily bromelain dosage was 7.4 grams/animal (185-mg/Kg weight). Samples for diagnostic bacteriology were collected from each udder half every 2 weeks. Samples for MSCC and composition were obtained every 42 days. Milk yield was also recorded every 42 days. Bromelain affected milk protein and fat but not MSCC, milk yield or milk lactose. Bromelain did not decrease the MSCC in healthy goats. Milk protein and fat increased in the bromelain treated group (P < 0.01), which is important for dairymen because premiums are paid milk fat and protein content. No clinical mastitis was detected in the goats for the total study period and incidence rate of subclinical IMI was 5.7%. Relative risk was 1.50 (0.28 < RR < 8.12) which means that the bromelain had no significant effect on IMI (P > 0.05). In addition, the use of pineapple by-products could be especially important in tropical countries were pineapple waste seems to be a pollution problem.  相似文献   

为研究不同过瘤胃氨基酸高能复合物对奶牛产奶量及乳成分的影响,试验选择胎次(3~5胎)、产奶量、产犊日期相近,体重(600±20)kg健康荷斯坦泌乳高峰期奶牛24头,随机分为4组,每组6头。1组为对照组,饲喂牛场常规日粮;2、3、4组为试验组,分别在常规日粮基础上添加过瘤胃氨基酸高能复合物Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ500 g/(d.头)。正式期60 d。结果表明:奶牛日粮中添加过瘤胃氨基酸高能复合物后,均可明显提高奶牛产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率及乳中总干物质含量。尤其是复合物Ⅲ,添加效果最为理想,平均日产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率及总干物质含量分别比对照组提高21.19%(P<0.05)、21.31%(P<0.05)、9.72%(P<0.05)和10.34%(P<0.05),平均日校正乳产量提高35.70%(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

日粮添加植物油籽对奶牛产奶量、乳成分及采食量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本试验选择40头生产性能、泌乳日龄相近的妊娠荷斯坦奶牛,采用单因素随机区组试验设计,研究添加不同植物油籽对其生产能力及乳成分等的影响。试验结果表明添加植物油籽对产奶量影响差异不显著,但是混合油籽和膨化大豆组较对照组的产奶量有提高的趋势;添加植物油籽对乳常规成分中乳脂、乳蛋白、总固形物之间的改变差异不显著;大豆的不同加工方式对产奶量也无显著影响;添加油籽并不影响奶牛对各营养成分的采食;添加植物油籽可以提高奶牛对外界恶劣环境的抵抗力。  相似文献   

Although not scientifically proven, hoof trimming has been empirically shown to increase milk yields in healthy dairy cows. In this study, we examined the effect of one-time hoof trimming on blood biochemical composition, milk yield, and milk composition in healthy dairy cows. Eleven cows in the mid to late lactation period that were clinically fit and without hoof disease were subjected to hoof trimming, and metabolic profile tests and dairy herd improving tests were performed before and three weeks after the hoof trimming. The metabolic profiles showed changes in albumin, blood urea nitrogen, ammonia, glucose, and beta-hydroxybutyric acid as a result of the hoof trimming. This was indicated by the fact that the cows began to intake more roughage after hoof trimming than prior to hoof trimming, and rumen fermentation became stable. There was no change in milk yield after trimming. However, the milk fat and milk protein compositions were significantly increased after trimming.  相似文献   

植物甾醇对泌乳前期奶牛产奶量及乳成分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据年龄、胎次、泌乳时间和产奶量选择24头泌乳奶牛,随机分为对照组、试验Ⅰ组和试验Ⅱ组。对照组饲喂奶牛场配制的全混合饲料,试验Ⅰ和Ⅱ组每头奶牛日粮中分别添加40 g/d和80 g/d植物甾醇,研究植物甾醇对奶牛生产性能的影响。结果表明,与对照组相比,试验Ⅰ和Ⅱ组奶牛的产奶量分别提高了2.07 kg/d(5.64%,P0.05)和1.74 kg/d(4.75%,P0.05);试验Ⅰ和Ⅱ组奶牛乳脂率分别提高了8.22%(P0.01)和2.97%(P0.05);乳蛋白率分别提高了2.45%(P0.05)和1.05%(P0.05);非脂固形物分别提高了1.29%(P0.05)和0.23%(P0.05),体细胞数分别下降了37.31%和19.34%,但差异均不显著(P0.05);牛奶中乳尿素氮含量分别降低了5.29%(P0.05)和7.58%(P0.01)。结果表明泌乳前期奶牛补饲一定量的植物甾醇能够提高产奶量和改善乳成分。  相似文献   

High milk yield, low milk fat and low milk protein were considered as possible predisposing factors to bovine Escherichia coli mastitis. Morning and afternoon milk yields were recorded in 46 Friesian cows later developing E coli mastitis and compared with 92 uninfected controls. Animals developing E coli mastitis gave a significantly higher milk yield than controls. The overall morning: afternoon ratio was (mean +/- se) 1.66 +/- 0.41, with no difference in ratio for the two groups. Further studies on 85 animals later developing E coli mastitis, and 192 controls, in four Friesian herds did not reveal differences in milk fat content (except as related to yield), milk protein or in the interrelationship of days of lactation, milk protein or in the interrelationship of days of lactation, milk fat and milk protein in the two groups. Again there was a correlation between high milk yield and a tendency to develop E coli mastitis but this may have been an age effect in both investigations. No correlation between milk yield and mastitis severity was detected. High yielders which succumbed to E coli mastitis in three herds were producing less milk than mastitis-free controls in the fourth herd which suggests that the correlation is not with yield per se.  相似文献   

Equations were developed to describe milk production and composition in the lactating sow on the basis of maximum yield curves diminished by low nutrient availability and low body reserves. Milk output was given first priority on available nutrients, with high efficiency (0.72 and 0.82 for energy and protein, respectively), followed by support costs, which in turn, were dependent on level of production.Availability of nutrients for maternal tissue accretion was determined to be highly dependent on the ratio of energy to protein in the diet, and diminished markedly at higher levels of intake. Dietary energy availability ranged from 0.95 to 0.77 and protein availability between 0.8 and 0.57 at the extremes of intake examined. The ratio of dietary energy to protein also proved to be an important determinant of milk output and the composition of body tissue mobilisation. The resulting model predictions closely approximated the responses observed in practice and provided a valuable means of evaluating nutritional strategies for the reproducing sow.  相似文献   

瘤胃缓冲剂和DDGS对奶牛产奶量和乳成分影响的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
DDGS(DistillersDriedGrainsplusSolubles,酒精糟及残液干燥物)是谷物(玉米、高粱、大麦、小麦)在生产酒精过程中经过糖化、发酵、蒸馏除酒精后,残留物再经干燥处理的产物。它不仅浓缩了谷物中除淀粉和糖以外的其它营养成分(如蛋白、脂肪、维生素等),还包含了玉米发酵过程中产生的糖化曲和酵母的营养成分及活性因子。与原料(谷物)相比(表1),DDGS中的粗蛋白质(CP)、粗脂肪(CEE)、粗纤维(CF)及矿物元素含量增加,淀粉含量降低,可作为反刍动物廉价高效的蛋白质饲料原料。表1DDGS营养成分比较(%)项目DDGS①DDGS②DDGS③玉米①豆饼…  相似文献   

为了研究五指山小型猪的泌乳性能及泌乳行为,试验测定了8头初产五指山母猪初乳(≤3d)常规成分含量、泌乳行为及第3、13、24和35d的泌乳量。结果表明:①五指山猪初乳(≤3d)中的脂肪、蛋白、乳糖和总固形物的含量分别为(6.64±0.56)%、(15.25±1.27)%、(1.99±0.15)%、(27.46±1.25)%。②随产后日龄的增加,母猪泌乳次数和泌乳持续时间逐渐减少,表现为泌乳次数第35日龄比第3和13日龄均少5.14次/d(P<0.05),且下午(12:00 ̄20:00)比晚上(20:00 ̄04:00)多1.46次(P<0.05);泌乳持续时间第24日龄显著短于第3日龄(P<0.05);日龄与日泌乳时段对泌乳次数和泌乳持续时间无显著交互作用(P>0.05)。③母猪分娩后0~35d的全期泌乳量和日平均泌乳量分别为31528.59g和900.82g,且第35日龄泌乳量显著高于第3和第24日龄泌乳量(P<0.05);日龄与日泌乳时段对泌乳量无显著交互作用(P>0.05);35d哺乳期内每窝仔猪每克初生体重日耗乳量0.94g,若以普通肉用型猪每窝每克初生体重日耗乳量0.50 ̄0.99g为参考值,则说明五指山母猪泌乳量充足。本试验结果表明,五指山母猪分泌的初乳干物质含量高、乳糖含量低,分娩后(35d泌乳期内)泌乳量能充分满足仔猪的维持和生长需要。  相似文献   

[目的]对不同规模化牧场奶牛日粮宾州筛层级比例进行分析,研究其日粮宾州筛层级比例对泌乳早期奶牛产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白和尿素氮等乳成分的相关性,根据相关统计分析方法,结合日粮宾州筛的层级比例推荐范围,得出最优的日粮宾州筛层级比例。[方法]选择黑龙江省12个规模化牧场,对泌乳天数在0~100 d内的泌乳早期高产奶牛TMR日粮进行取样分析,对日粮宾州筛层级进行相关性分析、改进的灰色关联分析和通径分析,确定影响产奶量和乳成分的主要层级及其最优比例。[结果]日粮宾州筛第二层筛比例与泌乳前期奶牛产奶量和尿素氮呈正相关关系(相关系数为0.656,0.531,P<0.05),与乳脂率呈负相关关系,(相关系数为-0.448,P<0.05),日粮宾州筛第三层筛比例与乳蛋白率呈负相关关系(相关系数为-0.305,P<0.05)。[结论]当日粮宾州筛第二层级比例处于35%~40%范围内时,泌乳前期奶牛的产奶量和乳脂率可达相对最优水平;乳蛋白含量的最优区间为第三层筛日粮比例15%~20%的区间内。  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the effect of grape seed and skin supplement (GSSS), on lactating dairy ewes’ production. Ten dairy pregnant ewes from northern Tunisia were allocated to two groups: control diet (C) and supplemented with 20 % (w/w) GSSS. The experiment lasted for 8 weeks and took place after 2 months of lambing. During the experiment, daily milk yield and milk composition were determined. Supplementation of the diet with GSSS increased milk production (P?<?0.001), calcium (P?<?0.01), free iron (P?<?0.01) and urea content (P?<?0.001) but had no effect on milk fat nor protein. From these data, it is concluded that the inclusion of GSSS in sheep diets increased significantly ewes’ milk yield.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to 1) determine milk yield of sows that were machine milked up to four times daily; 2) determine the effect of pig substitution on milk yield; 3) assess litter weight changes for sows that are milked; and 4) determine milk composition. Eight sows were milked four times daily to d 51 postpartum. Sows either maintained their own litter or had a week-old replacement litter to replace 25-d-old pigs. Individual gland milk yields were obtained on random days throughout lactation, and different diameter and weighted teat cups were rotated so that all glands received all combinations. Composite milk samples were analyzed for fat, protein, and somatic cells. Milk yields peaked at about 19 d postpartum and declined to 45 d postpartum in sows with their own litter, whereas milk yields peaked earlier and had a more dramatic decline after fostering of a younger litter. Litter weights were 17.1 +/- 1.0 kg at farrowing with 13.6 +/- .6 pigs born alive. Final litter weights were 34.4 +/- 11.7 kg for sows with replacement litters and 74.4 +/- 13.5 kg for sows with their own litters, and numbers of pigs weaned were 6.5 +/- 1.3 and 9.7 +/- 1.5, respectively. Milk fat was influenced by route of oxytocin administration (6.53 +/- .12 for i.v. vs 7.21 +/- .19% for i.m. administration; P < .05). Milk fat percentage was highest on d 2 and declined to 13 d postpartum. Milk protein was influenced by time of day of milking (lowest at the fourth milking, 5.57 +/- .11%) and followed a pattern similar to that for milk fat. Milk protein was affected in a linear manner by milk yield, with highest protein associated with lowest milk yields. Somatic cells in milk were influenced by litter replacement (P < .05) and oxytocin administration (P < .01). There was a linear increase in somatic cells from about 8 x 10(6) cells/mL milk at d 2 to more than 12 x 10(6) cells/mL milk at d 51 postpartum. These results show that pig replacement affects the amount of milk obtained. Moreover, milk composition changes throughout lactation. However, milk removal from sows has a severe impact on litter weight gains, and in systems where sow's milk is needed for commercial purposes, pig supplementation is necessary.  相似文献   

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