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The National Institutes of Health plans to follow up on an Emory University review of John Darsee's research with an investigation of its own. Darsee, caught fabricating data in dog experiments as a Harvard cardiology fellow in 1981, engaged in research on patients while in training at Emory. NIH investigators will try to determine why Darsee's experiments, which allegedly took place at an NIH-funded center, did not come under scrutiny by Emory's institutional review board.  相似文献   

The Council is not engaged in the supranational formulation of policy and planning on scientific research and technology, but has made considerable progress in coordinating research policies and plans on a limited number of scientific and technical problems of priority interest and of common concern to all members. The establishment of national science-planning institutions in CEMA countries and the adoption of a uniform approach to the formulation of national science policies and plans must be considered basic procedures for achieving international coordination of their efforts. The creation of organizational units within CEMA to deal specifically with the coordination of science policies and plans represents a strengthening of the institutional framework that is necessary for coordination of an internationally cooperative effort in research and technology. Moreover, CEMA's 1-year plan for science and technology has probably been of considerable value as a pilot project for the formulation of the research plan for 1966-70. The delineation of a limited number of important scientific and technical problems of common interest to the members, and the allocation of research projects to a country having the highest capability to conduct them, hold considerable promise for financial savings and for improved utilization of the limited scientific manpower and research facilities of the CEMA countries. While all these measures are significant in CEMA's attempt to improve coordination of science policy and planning, only time will enable true assessment of their effectiveness. The Council's scheme for the specialization of labor in research and technology has met and will undoubtedly continue to meet, considerable opposition by various segments of the scientific communities because of deep-rooted and long-standing national prejudices, and reluctance of vested interests to give up research activities in which they are interested and to which their professional futures are tied. Moreover, opposition to CEMA-sponsored programs for specialization in research will continue to stem from the desire of some member countries further to reduce Russian influence in their domestic affairs. While recognizing the financial savings that can accrue to them from division of labor in research within CEMA, the smaller countries cannot be unaware that there is probably a limit to which the Soviet Union, with its vast scientific and technological base, is willing to participate in the division of-labor scheme. As a world power, the Soviet Union can hardly become dependent upon other members of CEMA in any field. Nevertheless, by promoting the coordination of research plans and a division of labor among CEMA members, the Soviet Union stands to gain by having its scientific-research effort augmented in several fields by the efforts of other members.  相似文献   

Ethics for an international health profession   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
These thoughts about an ethic of international health can be summarized in a very free revision of the Hippocratic Oath: I will share the science and art by precept, by demonstration, and by every mode of teaching with other physicians regardless of their national origin. I will try to help secure for the physicians in each country the esteem of their own people, and in collaborative work see that they get full credit. I will strive to eliminate sources of disease everywhere in the world and not merely set up barriers to the spread of disease to my own people. I will work for understanding of the diverse causes of disease, including the social, economic, and environmental. I will promote the well-being of mankind in all its aspects, not merely the bodily, with sympathy and consideration for a people's culture and beliefs. I will strive to prevent painful and untimely death, and also to help parents to achieve a family size conforming to their desires and to their ability to care for their children. In my concern with whole communities I will never forget the needs of its individual members.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of farmer objectives associated with private farming in Eastern Europe. Drawing on qualitative interviews with private farmers in Bulgaria and southern Russia, the instrumental objectives of business development and job-replacement consistent with recent literature are demonstrated, but also intrinsic, social, and personal objectives, such as enjoyment of agricultural production, desire for independence, and proving oneself. These objectives are described in relation to associated farm size, investment practices, and succession plans, resulting in five idealized farming types which are similar in the two study states: agribusinessmen, primary farmers, pluriactive farmers, reluctant farmers, and minority horticulturalists. It is argued that differences in farming objectives have important implications for farming longevity and succession, opening up a research agenda for the study of private farming in post-Soviet states.  相似文献   

一般人格权是一种以人格尊严、人格自由、人格独立和人格平等为客体的具有高度概括性的具体人格权之外的人格权。它和人格权保护下的具体人格权互补,共同构成对自然人格权的全面保护。一般人格权制度的产生有两个必要条件:一是人们已意识到人格权是一个不可被穷尽列举的权利;二是民法的立法格局具有一定的封闭性,不能满足人们日益增长的对自身尊严性存在予以尊重的要求。一般人格权并非起源于瑞士,而德国出于对新型人格权利的保护需要,司法机关在司法实践中通过对法律的解释创设了判例意义上的一般人格权。  相似文献   

基于我们自己的研究实践和设想,对高粱体细胞无性系变异育种的几个主要问题进行了分析讨论,指出高梁体细胞无性系变异育种是一种比较实用和有效的育种技术,进一步开展高粱体细胞人工诱变筛选育种具有很重要的意义。  相似文献   

We investigated the association between a U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 applicant's self-identified race or ethnicity and the probability of receiving an award by using data from the NIH IMPAC II grant database, the Thomson Reuters Web of Science, and other sources. Although proposals with strong priority scores were equally likely to be funded regardless of race, we find that Asians are 4 percentage points and black or African-American applicants are 13 percentage points less likely to receive NIH investigator-initiated research funding compared with whites. After controlling for the applicant's educational background, country of origin, training, previous research awards, publication record, and employer characteristics, we find that black applicants remain 10 percentage points less likely than whites to be awarded NIH research funding. Our results suggest some leverage points for policy intervention.  相似文献   

Citing unacceptable federal restrictions on human reproductive research, fertility researcher Dr. Gary Hodgen is leaving the National Institutes of Health for the Eastern Virginia Medical School, where much of the work on in vitro fertilization in the United States is being done. Virtually no IVF research is conducted at NIH, since all government-supported efforts in this controversial area must first be reviewed in proposal form by a non-existent federal ethics committee. NIH's caution in fostering research on IVF and with human embryos is frustrating scientists and driving them into the private sector, where their work is unregulated.  相似文献   

两个实验在群体层面探讨了奖励和债务领域社会距离(内群体/外群体)对不公平行为回应的影响.实验1采用标准最后通牒游戏范式,发现在奖励领域,个体对内群体成员不公平行为的接受程度比对外群体成员的接受程度更高.实验2使用改编的最后通牒游戏范式,结果表明在债务领域,个体对内群体成员不公平行为的接受程度也比对外群体成员的接受程度更高,且对内群体成员不公平行为的满意度比对外群体更高.该研究表明,即使内群体成员违反公平规则,个体还是会表现出内群体偏好.  相似文献   

The growth of university-industry research relationships in biotechnology has raised questions concerning their effects, both positive and negative, on universities. A survey of over 1200 faculty members at 40 major universities in the United States reveals that biotechnology researchers with industrial support publish at higher rates, patent more frequently, participate in more administrative and professional activities and earn more than colleagues without such support. At the same time, faculty with industry funds are much more likely than other biotechnology faculty to report that their research has resulted in trade secrets and that commercial considerations have influenced their choice of research projects. Although the data do not establish a causal connection between industrial support and these faculty behaviors, our findings strongly suggest that university-industry research relationships have both benefits and risks for academic institutions. The challenge for universities is to find ways to manage these relationships that will preserve the benefits while minimizing the risks.  相似文献   

In the Sheeb area in eastern Eritrea a Participatory Rural Appraisal(PRA) was carried out in two villages, one upstream and one downstreamof the ephemeral rivers Laba and Mai-ule. The objectives of the studywere to obtain a better understanding of farmer-managed spate irrigationsystems and to enable the local people to perform their own farmingsystem analysis. This paper describes the various PRA activities, suchas mapping, diagramming and ranking of problems, that were undertakenwith the participation of local people. The resource mapping revealedthat lack of water and not scarcity of land is the main constraintaffecting the development of the spate irrigation system in the Sheebarea. When there is a lack of rainfall in the highlands of Eritrea,there are only few floods per year in the Sheeb area. The developmenttrend diagrams showed that the number of floods, the food production andthe prevalence of pests vary considerably over time. The livelihooddiagrams indicated that food, fodder, and water were only availableduring part of the year. In search of these resources, the farmers havedeveloped a livelihood strategy of seasonal migration to the highlandsof Eritrea. The PRA data collected in the two villages appeared to bevery useful for the preparation of community action plans in the entireSheeb area.  相似文献   

团队的拓扑概念   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
从团队的构成要素入手,概括出团队的分工定位具有目标性、权限性、计划性、定位性。  相似文献   

The National Institutes of Health has recommended that John Darsee be denied NIH funding for ten years and that Eugene Braunwald's cardiac research laboratory at Harvard, where Darsee worked, be subject to an on-site review in one year. These recommendations follow the report of an NIH-appointed panel which investigated data falsification by Darsee and supervisory procedures at the laboratory. NIH is also negotiating for return of the funds spent on Darsee's now useless study.  相似文献   

动物防疫体系是畜牧业安全的重要保障,也是社会安全的重要保障。目前由于种种原因的 存在,使我省基层的动物防疫体系不完善、功能严重弱化。本文根据我省基层动物防疫体系的现状, 结合自己的研究思考,提出了加强我省基层动物疫病防治体系的相关建议。  相似文献   

生态宜居是乡村振兴的目标之一.文章基于生态宜居视角,建立1949—2019年我国4858条生态宜居乡村建设政策文本库,剖析其数量与结构分布、类型与部门、阶段性内容,从生态环境、基础设施、经济、公共服务和乡村文化传承等5维度构成的生态宜居视角推演我国乡村建设历史进程以及乡村振兴战略五大目标形成过程,为制定并实施生态宜居乡...  相似文献   

As a writer, I know the apprehension and dread that can fill the heart upon receipt of anote or an e - mail from an editor. Is she going to try to second - guess my ending? Does hethink he knows my characters better than I do? Now that I'm sitting on the other side of thefence with my big red editing pen, I see that what I once thought were strange arbitrary judg-  相似文献   

玉米茎基腐病是一种以真菌侵染为主的病害,在我国玉米产区普遍发生。玉米是典型的高产作物,是人们赖以生存的粮、饲、工业原料,在食品,医疗以及化工等各个行业中起到重要作用。由于玉米的种植模式、地理位置以及气候环境等因素的影响,各地区的玉米茎基腐病的发生趋势逐年加重,严重影响玉米产量并且给种植户带来了极大的经济损失。本文从玉米茎基腐病病原菌的侵染机制、致病力特性和生物学特性等几个方面阐述了国内玉米茎基腐病的研究进展,并提出了玉米茎基腐病的综合防治策略。  相似文献   

Medicine. The NIH Roadmap   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The NIH Roadmap is a set of bold initiatives aimed at accelerating medical research. These initiatives will address challenges that no single NIH institute could tackle alone, but the agency as a whole must undertake. The Roadmap identifies the most compelling opportunities in three arenas: new pathways to discovery, research teams of the future, and reengineering the clinical research enterprise.  相似文献   

 【目的】利用分子标记重构动物之间的亲缘关系。【方法】利用分子标记的同源相同特性,通过对一个随机交配的大群体中任意两个个体在某个标记位点4个等位基因的比较,建立估测群体中任意两个个体之间的亲缘关系的方法(记为Liu模型)。【结果】用蒙特卡罗模拟法(Monte Carlo Simulation)随机模拟4种特殊亲缘关系的群体对Liu模型进行了研究,在4种特定的亲缘关系下,与其它几种模型相比较,Liu模型对个体之间亲缘关系的估测最接近模拟群体的真实值,且估测结果稳定。【结论】建立了估测两个个体之间亲缘关系的Liu模型,通过比较分析证明了Liu模型是目前估测效果最好的模型。  相似文献   

There is no need to summarize the features of this simplified model, which describes the manner in which modern science was transmitted to the lands beyond Western Europe. The graph of Fig. 1 and the examples drawn from science in various lands should have made them clear. It may be in order, however, to reiterate that there is nothing about the phases of my model that is cosmically or metaphysically necessary. I am satisfied if my attempt will interest others to go beyond my crude analysis and make a systematic investigation of the diffusion of Western science throughout the world. Such an investigation would include a comparative appraisal of the development of science in different national, cultural, and social settings and would mark the beginnings of truly comparative studies in the history and sociology of science. The present lack of comparative studies in these disciplines can be attributed to the widespread belief that science is strictly an international endeavor. In one sense this is true.As Sir Isaac Newton remarked in his Principia (49), "the descent of stones in Europe and in America" must both be explained by one set of physical laws. Yet, we cannot ignore the peculiar environment in which members of a national group of scientists are trained and carry on their research. While I do not hold with the Nazi theorists that science is a direct reflection of the racial or national spirit (50), neither do I accept Chekhov's dictum (51) that "there is no national science just as there is no national multiplication table. . . ." In emphasizing the international nature of scientific inquiry we have forgotten that science exists in a local social setting. If that setting does not decisively mold the conceptual growth of science, it can at least affect the number and types of individuals who are free to participate in the internal development of science. Perhaps the effect is more profound; only future scholarship can determine the depth of its influence.  相似文献   

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