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Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) was grown in two different long‐term P fertilization experiments on a sandy and a loamy soil. The P supply levels of the soils were ”︁low”, ”︁sufficient”, and ”︁high”, according to the German recommendation scheme. The low P level decreased shoot and storage root yield only on the loam soil, where the recovery of the P‐deficient plants after a drought period was slower than at a sufficient P supply. The size of the living root system, as determined by a conventional auger sampling method, peaked at early July and decreased until harvest on the sandy soil without any influence of the P level. On loam, the living root systems were more constant and larger at P shortage. Total root production, as determined by the ingrowth core method, was about 120 km m—2 in the well P supplied loam treatments and 200 km m—2 at P deficiency, which was 3—4 times and 5 times higher than the average size of the living root systems, respectively. Hence, a rapid root renewal took place. On sand, where no P deficiency occurred, total root production was not different between the P supply levels but higher than in the well‐supplied loam treatments. Modelling P uptake revealed that this root turnover and the concomitant better exploitation of the soil facilitates P uptake at a low P level in soil, but is of no advantage at a sufficient P supply. The increase of root production at P shortage increased calculated P uptake by 25% compared to a calculation with the ”︁usual” root production at a sufficient supply.  相似文献   

Summary The extent of the weet beet problem in Eastern England is described and the factors to the evolution of weed beet are outlined. Some preliminary experiments designed to distinguish between wild, weed and cultivated populations of beet are described. The response of salt (sodium chloride) solution is a potentially useful discriminating character whereas variation in morphometric characters was not so conclusive. Preliminary results on variation in cytological characters suggest that chiasma frequency is lower in weed than in wild populations and cultivars ofBeta vulgaris. Finally the possible role of crop-related weeds in breeding is discussed.
Die Evolution der Unkrautrüben in Zuckerrübenbeständen
Zusammenfassung Es wird die Verbreitung des Problems der Unkrautrüben im östlichen England beschrieben und die Faktoren, die die Evolution der Unkrautrübenpopulation beeinflussen, werden umrissen. Einige vorläufige Versuche zur Unterscheidung zwischen Wild-, Unkraut- und kultivierten Populationen werden beschrieben. Die Reaktion auf Salzlösung (Natriumchlorid) zeigte sich als eine brauchbare Trennmethode, während die Variation in der morphometrischen Charakterisierung nicht so überzeugend war. Vorläufige Ergebnisse über die Unterschiede in der cytologischen Charakterisierung weisen darauf hin, daß die Chiasmafrequenz in Unkrautrüben geringer ist, als in Wildpopulationen und Kultursorten vonBeta vulgaris. Abschließend wird die mögliche Bedeutung der den Kulturpflanzen verwandten Unkräuter für die Züchtung diskutiert.

Beta L. ë
Beta ë , . , , . ( ) , . , ë , Beta vulgaris. , .

We are deeply impressed by the untimely death of Dr. A. Evans. The editors.  相似文献   

Samples from different parts of a beet sugar factory and refinery were analyzed with respect to volatile compounds by means of liquid-liquid extraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A limited number of the samples were analyzed by means of gas phase extraction (headspace) followed by GC-MS. Selected compounds were followed through the sugar manufacturing process. The behavior of different compounds varied greatly throughout the process, with some compounds such as geosmin (trans-1, 10-dimethyl-trans-9-decalol), dimethyl disulfide, and propionic and hexanoic acid present at the beginning of the process but disappearing rapidly after further processing. Other compounds, such as indole, dihydrobenzofuran, and 2-phenylethanol, were not detected at the start of the process but were formed later on and removed in the final product. In the final product, three pyrazines remained at fairly low concentrations, together with 3-methylcyclopentadione, ethylhexanol, and methyl pyrrole ketone.  相似文献   

Samples of in-process liquid beet sugar were collected from three different parts of a beet sugar factory and a refinery. The samples were analyzed with respect to aroma compounds by means of both liquid-liquid extraction and gas-phase (headspace) extraction followed by gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O) and GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The aromas of the eluted compounds were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively for the different samples. In general, earthy and sour aromas were often present in the raw juice sample, whereas caramel aromas were mainly present in the samples taken further downstream in the process. For fruity, floral, and solvent-like aromas, different parallel trends were noted. Some aromas were present only at the beginning of the process, whereas others developed toward the end of the process.  相似文献   

对甜菜链式纸钵苗自动移栽机的链式纸钵苗分离装置主要参数进行了优化试验研究。介绍了分离装置的结构及工作原理;采用二次正交旋转中心组合优化试验方法,以分离率、钵苗损伤率为目标函数,以钵苗引出速度、分离轮与引出轮速比、分离轮倾斜角度为影响因子,对影响分离装置性能的工作和结构参数组合进行了优化试验研究。结果表明:当引出速度78~93 mm/s、速比6~7、分离轮倾斜角度为13°时,分离率达95%以上,钵苗损伤率小于6%。为甜菜链式纸钵苗分离装置的设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

A protocol has been developed to fractionate sugar beet pectin using hydrophobic affinity chromatography. Three samples eluted from the column using 4 M NaCl as solvent (fractions 1A, 1B, and 1C), two fractions eluted using 2 M NaCl (fractions 2A and 2B), and one fraction eluted using water (fraction 3). The fractions were shown to be very polydisperse, and differences between the GPC refractive index and UV absorbance (214 nm) elution profiles demonstrated chemical heterogeneity. They were found to contain significantly different proportions of protein (1A, 2.79%; 1B, 0.97%; 1C, 0.77%; 2A, 1.41%; 2B, 5.09%; and 3, 5.89%) and ferulic acid (approximately 1A, 0.5%; 1B, 0.5%; 1C, 0.9%; 2B, 1.5%; and 3, 2%). The weight-average molecular mass, M(w), of the fractions also varied (1A, 153 kDa; 1B, 155 kDa; 1C, 306 kDa; 2A, 562 kDa; 2B, 470 kDa; 3, 282 kDa). Three fractions, that is, 1A, 1B, and 3, produced orange oil emulsions with a relatively small droplet size that were stable over a period of weeks. The other three fractions (1C, 2A, and 2B with higher M(w) values) produced emulsions with an initially larger droplet size, and the droplet size increased considerably over time. The increased droplet size may be influenced by the viscosity of the aqueous continuous phase. There was no simple relationship between protein or ferulic acid content and emulsification ability. For example, fraction 1B, which contained the lowest proportion of both protein and ferulic acid, produced stable emulsions of similar droplet size to fraction 3, which contained the largest proportion of protein and ferulic acid. The role of protein in the emulsification process was investigated by measuring the amount of protein in the aqueous phase before and after emulsification. It was clearly demonstrated that proteinaceous material adsorbed at the oil-water interface. It is evident that the emulsification properties of sugar beet pectin are influenced by the accessibility of the protein and ferulic acid groups to the surface of the oil droplets, the proportion of ester groups, and the molecular mass distribution of the fractions.  相似文献   

Specific stability of organic matter in a stormwater infiltration basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


In stormwater infiltration basins, sediments accumulate at the soil surface and cause a gradual filling up of soil pores. These sediments are composed of a mixture of natural and anthropogenic (as oil products) organic matters (OMs). The degradation kinetics of these sediment OMs and their biological stability has been neglected. This study aimed to characterize sediments OMs to assess their evolution and their capacity to degrade.

Materials and methods

To characterize OMs from the sediment layer, we measured at several places in the infiltration basin, total OM and carbon (C) contents, C distribution and biochemical fractions of the OM in the different size fractions, the sediment’s C mineralization potential, soil microbial biomass, and organic pollutants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)) in the sediment layer.

Results and discussion

OM contents were high and varied from 66 to 193 g?kg?1 from the inlet to the outlet of basin. Depending on rainfall intensity and volume, organic particles were deposited at varying distances in the basin by decantation; this was confirmed by analysis of sediment C distribution in the different size fractions. Despite high amounts of OM, organic C had a low biodegradability. Mineralization potentials were low compared to natural soil (i.e., from 0.3 to 1.1 g CO2–C kg?1 total organic carbon). Biochemical fractionation of the organic fractions indicated that they were mainly composed of a soluble fraction, which contributed to reducing OM biodegradability. The activity of the sediment microbial biomass was low. PAH contents seemed to be partly responsible for the high biostability of OMs.


There was limited capacity for biodegradation of sediment OMs probably due to inhibitory effects of soluble PAHs and consequently low microbial activity.  相似文献   

灌溉制度对膜下滴灌甜菜产量及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为制定新疆合理的甜菜膜下滴灌制度,设置3个灌水次数(8、9和10次)和2个灌水定额(45和60mm)两因素全组合试验,于2016—2017年在新疆玛纳斯县农科院甜菜改良中心开展田间试验。结果表明,灌水次数增加时甜菜叶面积指数与产量增加,含糖率降低,对甜菜的水分利用效率、耗水量无明显影响(P0.05),甜菜叶绿素值随灌水次数与定额增加呈下降趋势;在灌水次数与定额交互作用下,灌水8次时由于土壤相对含水率低于50%,甜菜会减产;当灌水9次,灌水定额为45 mm时,增加15 mm灌水定额土壤相对含水率达50%以上,此时甜菜增产7.4%~7.7%,糖产增加9.4%~9.7%;而继续增加灌水次数时,会导致甜菜含糖率降低而降低糖产。因此针对新疆膜下滴灌甜菜以60 mm灌水定额灌水9次为宜,可获得高产与糖产,较传统新疆膜下滴灌甜菜制度节水10%。该研究对指导新疆膜下滴灌甜菜灌溉制度具有一定意义。  相似文献   

Rhizomania, caused by Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), is one of the most devastating diseases on sugar beet throughout the world. A total of 235 BNYVV-infested soil samples taken from 29 provinces during the growing seasons of 2004–2005 and 2010–2011 were investigated for resistance-breaking properties of BNYVV isolates. BNYVV resistant (Rz1, Rz1?+?R2, Rz1?+?C48?+?minor genes) and susceptible (rz1) sugar beet cultivars were grown in the BNYVV-infested soils by the bait plant technique, and virus infection was evaluated based on disease symptom and DAS-ELISA. Of the soil samples tested, 57.4% produced infection in the roots of sugar beet cultivar (cv.) containing the Rz1 gene, 51.9% in cv. carrying the Rz1?+?Rz2 and 18.9% in cv. carrying the Rz1?+?C48?+?minor genes. Also, the presence of Beet soil-borne virus (BSBV) was evaluated by TAS-ELISA. Additionally, the presence of BNYVV RNA-5 component was investigated by RT–PCR using the primers specific for p26 coding region. Our results revealed that BNYVV isolates compromising resistance genes are highly common and widespread in sugar beet production areas in Turkey, and it seems unlikely that BSBV and/or RNA-5 were directly involved in RB-event.  相似文献   

Biodiversity conservation does predominantly focus on protected natural areas, but has to consider also the usually Human-dominated matrix in which these natural areas are embedded. Here we study highway stormwater retention ponds, which may act as refuges for native flora and fauna and contribute to the maintenance of biodiversity in Human-dominated landscapes. However, the biodiversity supported by such artificial ponds has received little attention so far. Using standardised methods, we addressed the potential role of highway stormwater ponds as refuges by comparing aquatic macroinvertebrate communities (Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Odonata and Gastropoda) in highway stormwater ponds with ponds in the wider landscape. As expected from their pollutant retention function, highway ponds differed in abiotic conditions from surrounding ponds. However, they supported aquatic macroinvertebrate communities at least as rich and diverse at the family level as surrounding ponds and exhibited similar variability in family community composition and structure. The main difference we observed was a higher abundance of small and/or short-lived invertebrates in the highway ponds. These similar community compositions and structures suggest that highway ponds contribute to the biodiversity of the pond network at a regional scale. Thus, road practitioners should consider highway ponds not only for their hydrological and pollutant retaining purposes but also as a possibility to increase the role of highway verges as a refuge and, consequently, landscape connectivity. The management of these water bodies should recognise their potential for biodiversity especially in Human-dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

Various mathematical models used to predict optimum N-supply (fertilizer-N + Nmin) for maximum root yield, sugar yield and white sugar yield were compared by fitting data from 39 field trials in Northwest Germany (1980–1992). Quadratic, modified exponential and square root models resulted in higher estimates of optimum N-supply than did 2-regressions and plateau type spline models with differences as high as 130 kg N/ha between models. Residual variance was lower with the latter two models. Data were grouped at 40 kg/ha intervals of N-supply for analysis of variance and resulted in the lowest estimates for optimum N-supply. Based on the overall average, the optimum fertilizer-N dressings were 80 kg N/ha for root and sugar yield and 70 kg N/ha for white sugar yield while mineral soil-N in spring was 70 kg N/ha.  相似文献   

High soil tare of sugar beet on wet clay soil after uprooting with share lifters is usually attributed to the fact that the soil becomes sticky due to mechanical impact during uprooting. Results of field experiments have shown good potential for obtaining low soil tare of sugar beet on wet clay soil by beet extraction with a high average vertical acceleration and a spiral extraction path with a small pitch. The objective of this research was to provide models for soil–beet–lifter systems used in these experiments, and to simulate some of the observed effects of the uprooting method on soil tare and soil adherence. As the rootlet system plays an important role in the origination of soil tare, the rootlet system was also modelled. A constitutive soil model, assuming elastic–perfectly-plastic soil behaviour, was used as a basis for modelling soil–beet–lifter system variants, including beet with and without rootlets, uprooting by extraction, rotation and extrusion, and uprooting with low and high vertical acceleration. The origination of soil tare is presented on the basis of the calculated zone of initial soil failure during extraction. Expected soil adherence is discussed in relation to the stress state of the soil. The simulated initial soil failure and stress state of the soil agreed well with experimental results on soil tare and soil adherence.  相似文献   

Plant species differ in their potassium (K) efficiency, but the mechanisms are not clearly documented and understood. Therefore, K efficiency of spring wheat, spring barley, and sugar beet was studied under controlled conditions on a K fixing sandy clay loam. The effect of four K concentrations in soil solution ranging from low (5 and 20 μM K) to high (2.65 and 10 mM K) on plant growth and K uptake was investigated at 3 harvest dates (14, 21, and 31 days after sowing). The following parameters were determined: shoot dry matter (DM), K concentration in shoot dry matter, root length (RL), root length/shoot weight ratio (RSR), shoot growth rate/average root length ratio (GRs/aRL), K influx, and soil solution K concentrations. Wheat proved to have a higher agronomic K efficiency than barley and sugar beet, indicated by a greater relative yield under K‐deficient conditions. As compared to both cereals, sugar beet was characterized by higher K concentrations in the shoot dry matter, only 30—50 % of the root length, 15—30 % of the RSR and a 3 to 6 times higher GRs/aRL. This means that the shoot of sugar beet had a 3 to 6 times higher K demand per unit root length. Even at low K concentrations in the soil solution, sugar beet had a 7 to 10 times higher K influx than the cereals, indicating that sugar beet was more effective in removing low available soil K. Wheat and barley were characterized by slow shoot growth, low internal K requirement, i.e. high K utilization efficiency, and high RSR, resulting in a low K demand per unit root length. At low soil K concentrations, both cereals increased K influx with age, an indication of adaptation to K deficiency. The mechanism of this adaptation merits closer investigation. Model calculations were performed to estimate the K concentration difference between the bulk soil and the root surface (ΔCL) needed to drive the measured K influx. For the two cereals, the calculated ΔCL was smaller than the K concentration in the soil solution, but for sugar beet, ΔCL was up to seven times higher. This indicates that sugar beet was able to mobilize K in the rhizosphere, but the mechanisms responsible for this mobilization remain to be studied.  相似文献   

The ability of sugar beet pectin to stabilize 20% w/w limonene oil-in-water emulsions has been investigated. The size of the oil droplets as determined by laser diffraction measurements decreased from about 15 mum to about 6 mum when the pectin concentration increased from 0.05% to 2% w/w but leveled off thereafter, suggesting complete coverage of the oil droplets by the polymer at this optimum concentration. Isotherms for the adsorption of pectin, protein, and ferulic acid were constructed. The adsorption capacities at the oil-water interface of approximately 1.4 and approximately 0.2 mg/m (2) for protein and ferulic acid, respectively, compared to approximately 9.5 mg/m (2) for pectin revealed that the adsorbed fractions of the pectin sample were rich in protein (14.7%) and ferulic acid (2.1%) given that there were only 2.7% protein and 1.06% ferulic acid present in the whole pectin sample. Direct measurements on the adsorbed fraction recovered from the oil droplets via desorption with SDS confirmed that it contained 11.1% protein and 2.16% ferulic acid. The results suggest that one or both of these two functional groups adsorb onto the surface of the oil droplets and stabilize the emulsions. High molecular mass fractions adsorbed preferentially onto oil droplets during emulsification. As compared to those made with gum arabic, the emulsion samples made with sugar beet pectin samples exhibited similar (or even slightly higher) stability.  相似文献   

采用双丰16(偏丰产型)和甜单1号(偏高糖型)两个甜菜(Beta vulgaris L.)品种作为试材,在5个氮素水平(0、60、120、180和240 kg.hm-2)下,研究甜菜功能叶片与块根中谷氨酸合成酶(glutamate syn-thase,GOGAT)在生育进程中的活性变化动态及其与块根产量、含糖率和产糖量的关系。结果表明:在不同氮素水平下,两个品种功能叶片和块根的GOGAT活性均呈双峰曲线变化,两峰值分别出现在6月下旬和8月下旬,其中,功能叶GOGAT前一峰值高于后一峰值;块根GOGAT则与之相反。在不同氮素水平下,功能叶片GOGAT活性表现为N180>N120>N240>N60>N0,块根GOGAT表现为N120>N180>N240>N60>N0。GOGAT的活性与块根产量及含糖率关系紧密,块根产量随GOGAT活性的增加而提高,但是GOGAT活性过高反而降低了块根含糖率,进而导致甜菜产糖量的降低。  相似文献   

甜菜氮磷肥料效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩秉进 《土壤通报》2000,31(5):222-223
在垄作黑土区设置肥料田间试验。结果表明 ,甜菜生产中尿素最佳用量为 1 2 .9kg/亩 ,磷酸二铵为 5 .4kg/亩 .在上述用量范围内 ,每kg尿素平均增产块根 5 7.0kg ,每kg磷酸二铵增产根块 1 3.0kg,氮肥在甜菜生产中起决定性作用  相似文献   



The aim of our study was to characterise the heterogeneity of sediment distribution in a stormwater retention/infiltration basin (Pont de Cheviré, Nantes, France) and to determine the impact of this distribution on water transfer properties in the soil.  相似文献   

《Soil & Tillage Research》1988,12(3):253-267
Despite relatively narrow ranges in soil physical properties and in climatological conditions, the intensity of cultivation treatments necessary for sugar beet seedbed preparation in Ireland varies considerably. In an attempt to understand some of the underlying causes and reasons for this phenomenon, experimental treatments of autumn deep loosening and spring seedbed preparation for sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) were imposed on 12 sites in 1982, 1983 and 1984. Seedbed preparation methods studied included powered rotary, disc harrow and spring-tine cultivation on deep loosened and non-loosened soil. Seedbed aggregate size distributions were influenced by cultivation treatment and intrinsic soil physical parameters. The intrinsic parameters (clay content, fine sand/coarse sand ratio, organic-matter content, water stable aggregates, moisture content at field capacity, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index and plastic limit/field capacity ratio) of the 12 sites were closely correlated with each other. They exerted a large influence on soil workability and explained why some soils required more intensive tillage operations. Prediction equations for moisture content at cultivation time, number of cultivation passes and aggregate size distribution were derived, based on the intrinsic soil physical parameters. The equations provided indicators of which soil physical properties are most important in sugar beet seedbed preparation on a range of Irish tillage soils.  相似文献   

糖用甜菜氮磷钾配方施肥效益分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用3414试验设计方案,探讨NPK配方施肥对糖用甜菜产量、含糖率和产糖量的影响,并通过肥料效应方程对NPK配合比率进行了优化与解析。结果表明,随着NPK肥施用量的增加,糖用甜菜产量、含糖率和产糖量均呈先升后降的趋势,符合肥料报酬递减律;甜菜产量和产糖量的效应为NP2O5K2O,含糖率的效应为K2OP2O5N;肥料配合比率以全肥区(N 260 kg/hm2、P2O5130 kg/hm2、K2O 130 kg/hm2)为最佳,与高N区、高P区和高K区无显著差异,且产投比相对较高,可获得最高产量47.13 t/hm2、最佳种植效益17 069.34元/hm2、最高产糖量8.108 8 t/hm2、最佳企业效益33 217.32元/hm2。  相似文献   

Experimental relationships between leaf growth and temperature have been used to define a stochastic dynamic model of the leaf area expansion of sugar beets growing in the field. The model is described by a set of linear homogeneous stochastic differential equations driven by thermal time. Each equation corresponds uniquely to one leaf (Leaves 4 to 20) and is characterised by four mean parameters: thermal time at emergence, thermal time at maximum rate of expansion, maximum rate of expansion and maximum area. Model parameters were derived using data from three crops grown in different years. The model was tested against data for the same three crops plus an additional five crops and its performance in prediction (unconditional and conditional on one state observation of leaf area) was evaluated. Much of the variability in leaf area between years was accounted for, and it is concluded that a model based solely on temperature can form a valid basis for prediction.  相似文献   

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