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热辐射对水稻土有机质组成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄兆琴  胡林潮  代静玉 《土壤》2009,41(4):630-634
本文研究了受不同程度热辐射后的水稻土中有机质组分的变化情况,结果表明:随温度升高,土壤中水溶性有机碳(DOC)含量先增加后减少,200℃变化尤为显著,增加为CK的3.68 ~ 7.45倍,中性糖、糖醛酸与DOC的变化趋势一致.辐射温度不同,土壤中的胡敏酸、富里酸组成和含量亦发生不同程度的变化,300℃胡/富比值最大(1.79 ~ 5.04),土壤腐殖质聚合程度增加;200℃胡敏酸的E4/E6比值最大,反映此温度下土壤芳香缩合度低、具有较多的脂族结构物质、土壤腐殖化程度低.  相似文献   



The primary purpose of this study was to determine how flooding and draining cycles affect the redox chemistry of metal (hydr)oxides and organic matter in paddy soils and how the pH influences these processes. Our secondary purpose was to determine to what extent a geochemical thermodynamic equilibrium model can be used to predict the solubility of Mn and Fe during flooding and draining cycles in paddy soils.

Material and methods

We performed a carefully designed column experiment with two paddy soils with similar soil properties but contrasting pH. We monitored the redox potential (Eh) continuously and took soil solution samples regularly at four depths along the soil profile during two successive flooding and drainage cycles. To determine dominant mineral phases of Mn and Fe under equilibrium conditions, stability diagrams of Mn and Fe were constructed as a function of Eh and pH. Geochemical equilibrium model calculations were performed to identify Mn and Fe solubility-controlling minerals and to compare predicted total dissolved concentrations with their measured values.

Results and discussion

Flooding led to strong Eh gradients in the columns of both soils. In the acidic soil, pH increased with decreasing Eh and vice versa, whereas pH in the alkaline soil was buffered by CaCO3. In the acidic soil, Mn and Fe solubility increased during flooding due to reductive dissolution of their (hydr)oxides and decreased during drainage because of re-oxidation. In the alkaline soil, Mn and Fe solubility did not increase during flooding due to Mn(II) and Fe(II) precipitation as MnCO3, FeCO3, and FeS. The predicted levels of soluble Mn and Fe in the acidic soil were much higher than their measured values, but predictions and measurements were rather similar in the alkaline soil. This difference is likely due to kinetically limited reductive dissolution of Mn and Fe (hydr)oxides in the acidic soil. During flooding, the solubility of dissolved organic matter increased in both soils, probably because of reductive dissolution of Fe (hydr)oxides and the observed increase in pH.


Under alternating flooding and draining conditions, the pH greatly affected Mn and Fe solubility via influencing either reductive dissolution or carbonate formation. Comparison between measurements and geochemical equilibrium model predictions revealed that reductive dissolution of Mn and Fe (hydr)oxides was kinetically limited in the acidic soil. Therefore, when applying such models to systems with changing redox conditions, such rate-limiting reactions should be parameterized and implemented to enable more accurate predictions of Mn and Fe solubility.  相似文献   

Influence of organic matter and pH on bentazone sorption in soils   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bentazone (3-isopropyl-1H-2,1,3-benzonthiadiazain-(4)3H-one 2,2-dioxide) is a postemergence herbicide which is used extensively worldwide, especially in China. The sorption of bentazone in various types of soils and extracted humic acids was investigated using a batch equilibration technique. Significant linearity was observed in sorption isotherms in five different types of soil, with distribution coefficients (K(d)) that varied between 0.140 and 0.321 mL g(-1). The distribution coefficient was determined to be a function of organic matter and pH in the soil. A model based on distribution coefficients was developed to predict bentazone sorption in soils. The organic matter-normalized partition coefficients for the neutral and anionic forms of bentazone were 370.3 and 2.40 mL g(-1), respectively. Hence, more attention should be given to the potential leaching problem when bentazone is applied in soils containing low organic matter and high pH.  相似文献   

紫色水稻土轻组有机质的季节动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以位于重庆市北碚区西南大学试验农场(30°26′N,106°26′E)的紫色水稻土为研究对象,利用重液(NaI,密度1.8 g·cm-3)对土壤中轻组组分进行提取,对土壤中轻组有机质在整个油菜生长季的季节变化情况进行分析与讨论。结果表明:表层(0~30 cm)土壤轻组物质(LF)的含量为2.95%~5.51%,平均值为4.38%;土壤轻组有机碳含量(LFOC)和轻组氮含量(LFN)的变化范围分别为1.44~3.72 g·kg-1和0.08~0.17 g·kg-1,其平均值分别为2.79 g·kg-1和0.14 g·kg-1。LFOC具有明显的季节变化(P<0.05),其含量在油菜生长中期最高,其次是生长后期,而在生长初期最低;LFN的季节变化趋势与LFOC一致,但季节差异性不显著(P>0.05)。轻组有机碳分配比例(LFOC/SOC)的变化范围为9.21%~24.47%,具有明显的季节变化(P<0.05),其变化趋势与LFOC的季节变化一致;而轻组氮的分配比例(LFN/TN)变化范围为4.55%~12.58%,无明显的季节变化。轻组C/N比值季节变化范围为18.52~25.04,平均值为20.66,全土C/N比值的变化范围为9.04~14.36,平均值为11.66,说明轻组有机质的生物可利用性较土壤总有机质高。相关分析表明,轻组有机碳、氮含量分别与根系生物量、根系碳含量、根系氮含量呈极显著(P<0.01)或显著(P<0.05)正相关;回归分析表明,土壤轻组有机碳、氮含量变化的40%~60%可由根系生物量、根系碳氮含量决定,说明根系是调控紫色水稻土轻组有机碳、氮季节变化的主要生态因子。  相似文献   

Paddy soils are subjected to periodically changing redox conditions. In order to understand better the redox control on long‐term carbon turnover, we assessed carbon mineralization and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of paddy topsoils sampled along a chronosequence spanning 2000 years of rice cultivation. Non‐paddy soils were used as references. We exposed soils to alternating redox conditions for 12 weeks in incubation experiments. Carbon mineralization of paddy soils was independent of redox conditions. Anoxic conditions caused increasing DOC concentrations for paddy soils, probably because of desorption induced by increasing pH. We assume desorption released older, previously stabilized carbon, which then was respired by a microbial community well adapted to anoxic conditions. This assumption is supported by the 14C signatures of respired CO2, indicating larger mineralization of older carbon under anoxic than under oxic conditions. The increasing DOC concentrations under anoxic conditions did not result in an equivalent increase in carbon mineralization, possibly because of little reducible iron oxide. Therefore, net DOC and CO2 production were not positively related under anoxic conditions. The overall 20–75% smaller carbon mineralization of paddy soils than of non‐paddy soils resulted from less respiration under oxic conditions. We conclude that carbon accumulation in paddy as well as in other wetland soils results from a microbial community well adapted to anoxic conditions, but less efficient in mineralizing carbon during transient oxic periods. Carbon accumulation might be even larger when mineralization under anoxic conditions is restricted by a lack of alternative electron acceptors.  相似文献   



The aim of the research was to explore the effect of Chinese milk vetch (CM vetch) addition and different water management practices on soil pH change, C and N mineralization in acid paddy soils.

Materials and methods

Psammaquent and Plinthudult paddy soils amended with Chinese milk vetch at a rate of 12 g?kg?1 soil were incubated at 25 °C under three different water treatments (45 % field capacity, CW; alternating 1-week wetting and 2-week drying cycles, drying rewetting (DRW) and waterlogging (WL). Soil pH, dissolved organic carbon, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), CO2 escaped, microbial biomass carbon, ammonium (NH4 +) and nitrate (NO3 ?) during the incubation period were dynamically determined.

Results and discussion

The addition of CM vetch increased soil microbial biomass concentrations in all treatments. The CM vetch addition also enhanced dissolved organic N concentrations in all treatments. The NO3–N concentrations were lower than NH4–N concentrations in DRW and WL. The pH increase after CM vetch addition was 0.2 units greater during WL than DRW, and greater in the low pH Plinthudult (4.59) than higher pH Paleudalfs (6.11) soil. Nitrogen mineralization was higher in the DRW than WL treatment, and frequent DRW cycles favored N mineralization in the Plinthudult soil.


The addition of CM vetch increased soil pH, both under waterlogging and alternating wet–dry conditions. Waterlogging decreased C mineralization in both soils amended with CM vetch. Nitrogen mineralization increased in the soils subjected to DRW, which was associated with the higher DON concentrations in DRW than in WL in the acid soil. Frequent drying–wetting cycles increase N mineralization in acid paddy soils.  相似文献   

施用石灰改良酸性土壤是常用的农艺措施之一。施用石灰影响土壤理化性质,进而影响土壤有机碳(Soil Organic Carbon,SOC)矿化。而SOC矿化与土壤肥力保持和有机碳库的大小存在紧密联系。因此,明晰施用石灰对酸性土壤有机碳矿化的影响具有重要的理论和现实意义。该研究以2种母质的酸性水稻土为对象,在50%、90%和130%土壤最大田间持水量(Water Holding Capacity,WHC)条件下添加和不添加白云石,再进行为期45 d的室内培养试验,探讨白云石和水分对SOC矿化的影响。研究结果表明,添加白云石显著影响2种土壤有机碳矿化速率,但白云石添加和水分的交互作用不显著。土壤含水量较低时(50% WHC),2种土壤有机碳矿化均受到抑制。在较高土壤含水量情况下(90%~130% WHC),白云石添加和水分的共同作用对SOC矿化的影响因土壤质地不同而异,淹水条件下(130% WHC)棕红壤有机碳矿化量高于湿润条件(90% WHC),而红壤中的情况正好相反。白云石添加和水分均显著影响SOC累计矿化量,但二者交互作用仅在棕红壤中显著。添加白云石后,2种土壤pH值随着水分含量的增加而提高;土壤含水量较低时(50% WHC),土壤pH值即可达到或接近目标值(pH值6.5)。这些结果表明,在评估施用白云石对SOC矿化的影响时,需要考虑土壤含水量和土壤本身的性质,以便为农业生产实践中合理施用白云石提供指导和建议。  相似文献   

In paddy soils of Thailand,the addition of organic matter (OM) is used to efficiently limit the effect of salinity on rice culture and production.OM used as an amendment and fertilizer promotes the reduced condition and increases iron solubilization without provoking ferrous toxicity.In this study,the intricate biogeochemical role of iron-reducing bacteria (IRB) involved in the quality of water and soil of paddy fields,particularly when the paddy fields were subject to salinity and organic matter addition,were studied in paddy fields of Thailand.The results demonstrated that the addition of OM increased the proliferation of cultivable IRB and their specific activity.Cultivable IRB communities decreased in the presence of salt.The presence of salt modified the structure of the bacterial populations by favoring the development of alkaline and moderately halophilic bacteria (Virgibacillus spp.,Oceanobacillus spp.,and Paenibacillus spp.).The paddy soils studied contained very diversified (halosensitive,halotolerant,and halophilic) IRB populations that could be adapted to a variety of salinity conditions (0-90 g L 1 NaCl) using different organic substrates (glucose,acetate,and soil organic matter) to maintain significant activities under extreme conditions of salinity.The rhizosphere of rice stimulated IRB community growth without organic matter,whereas organic matter addition limited the rhizosphere effect on IRB cultivable number in saline condition.The interactive action of salinity and organic amendment had a negative impact on the rhizosphere effect.The presence of specific iron-reducing populations (fermentative,iron-respiring,anaerobic,and facultative anaerobic),having different behaviors under salt and redox stresses,appeared to be a key factor that contributed to the control or enhancement of the quality of water and soil in paddy fields.  相似文献   

【目的】土壤酸化是自然过程。随着农业集约化发展,土壤酸化在部分农田呈加速趋势,而施肥是目前农田土壤酸化加速的重要诱因,研究有机肥和化肥对土壤酸化的作用差异及机理,对合理指导施肥及耕地保育有重要的意义。【方法】通过测定不同施肥处理的不同组分有机质含量及酸碱缓冲容量,探明不同施肥处理的酸化影响,从土壤有机质和盐基累积角度对有机-无机肥料不同比例配施条件下土壤酸化特征进行了研究。【结果】① 连续5年在等氮量(N 270 kg/hm2)且有机-无机肥料不同配施比例的处理中,水稻产量以有机肥比例为25%~50%的处理最高,其平均产量比单施化肥处理提高了5.1%,比对照提高44.9%。但处理间无显著性差异;② 土壤各活性有机质及总有机质等指标中仅总有机质含量随鸡粪施用比例的增加而持续增加,不同比例有机无机肥配合施用后,土壤的高活性有机质及低活性有机质均高于CK和纯化肥氮处理,但随着有机肥投入比例的升高,除中活性有机质和水稻产量之间呈显著的正相关外(P=0.0067**),高活性有机质、活性有机质及总有机质含量与水稻产量之间的相关性不显著(对应的概率值分别为P=0.192,P=0.208,P=0.160);③ 施肥提高了土壤的碳库管理指数(CPMI),且其随有机肥施用比例的上升呈增加趋势。增施鸡粪提高土壤的交换性盐基离子(Ca2+、 Mg2+、 K+、 Na+)含量,导致阳离子代换量(CEC)和pH随鸡粪施用比例的提高而升高。供试土壤酸碱缓冲容量为2.07~2.36 cmol/kg,随鸡粪施用比例的上升而增加,其与土壤阳离子代换量及有机质含量呈显著正相关。表明增施鸡粪可使土壤pH及酸碱缓冲容量上升,与鸡粪使土壤盐基累积量及有机质含量的提高有关。【结论】连续有机-无机肥施用下,土壤pH上升和酸碱缓冲容量的提高可能与该试验点下盐基离子和有机质含量随鸡粪施用比例上升有关,但其最终上升幅度及平衡点尚需进一步研究。鸡粪氮替代化肥氮比例为25%~50%时,土壤性质最优,水稻产量最高。  相似文献   


The effect of the addition of bromacil (pesticide) or/and a sewage sludge on the urease, phosphatase and dehydrogenase activities of soil was studied. Urease and phosphatase activities increased initially with the addition of bromacil. This effect disappeared after 28 d of soil incubation. The increase in the urease and phosphatase activities caused by the addition of sewage sludge was more pronounced than that of bromacil. The combined addition of sewage sludge and bromacil also led to an increase in the activity of both hydrolases. Dehydrogenase activity was affected negatively by the addition of bromacil and positively by the sewage sludge addition. When sewage sludge and bromacil were added simultaneously, dehydrogenase activity was higher than when sewage sludge alone was added.  相似文献   

北方典型水稻土有机质及其组分演变特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】探究我国北方淹育型水稻土在开垦耕种过程中土壤有机质及其组分的演变特征,为提高水稻土有机质的品质、合理利用水稻土及提高其生产潜力、建设高产稳产稻田提供理论依据和数据支撑。【方法】本研究以辽宁省各地棕壤和草甸土上发育的不同开垦年限淹育型水稻土为研究对象,通过野外调查、田间定点试验及室内测试分析等手段,研究了开垦年限对水稻土有机质含量与组成及其腐殖质特性的影响。【结果】水稻土耕层有机质总量 (SOM) 随开垦年限的增加维持在18.60~26.30 g/kg之间,与开垦年限无显著相关关系 (P > 0.05),但易氧化有机质含量占有机质总量的比例 (ROM/SOM) 均在50%以上,并且随水稻土开垦年限增加而下降,降幅为18%~20%;有机质氧化稳定系数 (Kos) 均在1.2以下,随着水稻土开垦年限增加呈上升趋势,增幅为52%~57%,胡富比 (HA/FA) 及胡敏酸相对色度 (RF) 随开垦年限增加而增大,但胡敏酸活化度 (AD) 和土壤腐殖质的松/紧 (LCH/TCH) 明显下降。【结论】北方水稻土随着开垦年限的增加,土壤中的有机质稳定性增加,活性降低,耕层土壤对养分的供、贮能力减弱,土壤肥力水平下降,限制了北方水稻土生产潜力的发挥,应通过耕作管理和有机无机肥料配施来防止或减缓水稻土肥力的下降。  相似文献   

Effect of organic manure on organic phosphorus fractions in two paddy soils   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We investigated the transformation of the organic P fractions from organic manure in two paddy soils (Ultisol, Entisol) and the influence of organic manure or cellulose on organic P under anaerobic conditions. The results obtained from the P fractionation experiment indicated that during the incubation labile and moderately labile organic P fractions increased in the Ultisol and decreased in the Entisol, which might be related to the difference in the organic matter content of both soils. Immediately after the application of organic manure, a large part of labile and moderately labile organic P supplied with the manure was transformed into moderately resistant organic P, possibly Ca- or Mg-inositol P were transformed into Fe-inositol P. During anaerobic incubation, the labile forms of organic P in the soils treated with organic manure were increased along with the incubation period in the first 4 weeks. The change in the moderately labile fraction was dramatic. It increased sharply in the first 2 weeks, then decreased, which was more pronounced in the soils treated with pig faeces. The moderately resistant fraction decreased during the whole incubation period. This indicated that under anaerobic conditions, the moderately resistant fraction can be transformed into labile and moderately labile organic P fractions, perhaps as Fe3+-inositol P is reduced to Fe+2-inositol P. Cellulose as an organic substrate had an increasing effect on organic P, especially when it was combined with inorganic P. Therefore, it is suggested that the application of inorganic P fertilizer combined with organic manure may be an effective way of protecting inorganic P against intensive sorption in soils.  相似文献   

蔡树美  蔡玉琪  李广水  孙伟  钱晓晴 《土壤》2010,42(2):288-291
采用不同类型的3种水稻田土壤进行模拟培养,研究施用尿素、有机-无机复混肥和包膜有机肥对土表水层pH变化的影响。实验表明:淹水培养5天以后土表水层pH变化趋势明显。水稻田土壤类型不同,培养期间土表水层pH变化差异显著。在培养后5~15天期间,不施肥对照、施用包膜有机肥处理和施用复混肥处理,红壤、灰潮土和盐碱土土表水层pH都明显上升;施用尿素处理在灰潮土和盐碱土上土表水层pH值略微下降,而在红壤上仍呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

The evolution of C2H4 from soils was stimulated by air-drying, and still more by oven-drying at 105°C. The quantities evolved were closely correlated with organic matter content, with no significant difference in this relationship between grassland and arable soils, or between topsoil and subsoil. In arable soils only, the quantities of C2H4 also increased significantly with decreasing pH. No significant relationship could be found between NO3? concentrations in fresh soils and the quantities of C2H4 evolved, but for air-dried soils (arable only) there was a significant decrease with increasing NO3?. Artificial addition of NO3? only partially inhibited the evolution of C2H4, even at concentrations an order of magnitude higher than those found in the field. At normal soil concentrations the only effect of NO3? seems likely to be a short delay in the achievement of the maximum C2H4 concentrations.  相似文献   

Increasing lines of evidence have suggested the functional importance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) rather than bacteria (AOB) for nitrification in upland soils with low pH. However, it remains unclear whether niche specialization of AOA and AOB occurs in rice paddy wetlands constrained by oxygen availability. Using DNA-based stable isotope probing, we conclude that AOA dominated nitrification activity in acidic paddy soils (pH 5.6) while AOB dominated in alkaline soils (pH 8.2). Nitrification activity was stimulated by urea fertilization and accompanied by a significant increase of AOA in acid soils and AOB in alkaline soils. DNA-based stable isotope probing indicated significant assimilation of 13CO2 for AOA only in acidic paddy soil, while AOB was the solely responsible for ammonia oxidation in the alkaline paddy soil. Phylogenetic analysis further indicated that AOA members within the soil group 1.1b lineage dominated nitrification in acid soils. Ammonia oxidation in the alkaline soil was catalyzed by Nitrosospira cluster 3-like AOB, suggesting that the physiological diversity of AOA is more complicated than previously thought, and soil pH plays important roles in shaping the community structures of ammonia oxidizers in paddy field.  相似文献   



Chlorimuron-ethyl is a sulfonylurea herbicide widely used to control many annual broadleaf weeds, and the residue for a long period posed a heavy hazard to rotational crops or vegetables. Knowledge about effect of soil pH and organic matter on desorption processes of chlorimuron-ethyl remains obscure. In this study, desorption behavior of chlorimuron-ethyl as a function of soil pH and organic matter was investigated.  相似文献   

In this report we studied the effects of mechanical grinding of paddy soils on nitrogen mineralization and bacterial number when soils were incubated under a submerged condition after grinding.

Nitrogen mineralization was increased by grinding soil samples as compared with those without grinding. The value of (Nd-Nu)/Nu, where Nd is the amount of ammonia-nitrogen formed by incubation of disrupted samples and Nu those of the undisrupted soils, was in good correlation with clay/humus ratio.

Although significant difference was not observed between the number of aerobic bacteria with undisrupted and disrupted soil samples, higher anaerobic bacterial numbers were found with disrupted than with undisrupted ones.

A significant correlation was also obtained between the amounts of nitrogen mineralization increased by the grinding of soil and the numbers of anaerobic bacteria.  相似文献   

Soil samples taken from four experimental sites that had been cropped to continuous corn for 3–11 years in Ontario and Quebec were analyzed to evaluate changes in quantity and quality of labile soil organic carbon under different nitrogen (N) fertility and tillage treatments. Addition of fertilizer N above soil test recommendations tended to decrease amounts of water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC). The quality of the WSOC was characterized by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectrophotometry and the results indicated that carbohydrates, long-chain aliphatics and proteins were the major components of all extracts. Similar types of C were present in all of the soils, but an influence of management was evident. The quantity of soil MBC was positively related to the quantities of WSOC, carbohydrate C, and organic C, and negatively related to quantities of long-chain aliphatic C in the soil. The quantity of WSOC was positively related to the quantities of protein C, carbohydrate C, and negatively related to the quantity of carboxylic C. The quantity of soil MBC was not only related to quantities of soil WSOC but also to the quality of soil WSOC. Received: 2 April 1997  相似文献   

王斌  孙健  张建民  杨筠文 《土壤》2011,43(5):850-853
2008年对宁波平原水稻土的有机质进行了研究.结果表明:50年来宁波平原水稻上有机质含量有了很大变化,从1958年第一次土壤普查时的27.8 g/kg,上升到1980年第二次土壤普查时的55.3 g/kg,增加了98.g%.但到2008年下降到48.37g/kg.下降了12.5%,达显著水平.本文探讨了近28年来宁波平...  相似文献   

Soil organic matter, effects on soils and crops   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract. Manurial treatments and cropping history have remained unchanged for many years in classical and long-term experiments at Rothamsted and Woburn, in some cases for more than 100 years. Soil samples taken periodically have been analysed to follow changes in organic carbon content with time and treatment. Data presented here clearly show effects of carbon input and soil texture on equilibrium organic matter content.
Until recently increasing amounts of soil organic matter had little effect on yields of arable crops especially if fertilizer nitrogen dressings were chosen correctly. However the yield potential of many crops has increased and various agronomic inputs have become available to achieve that potential. Yields of many crops are now larger on soils with extra organic matter both on the sandy loam at Woburn and the silty clay loam at Rothamsted. Some of the effect appears to be related to extra water holding capacity, some to availability of nitrogen in ways which cannot be mimicked by dressings of fertilizer N, and some to improved soil physical properties. Responses to fertilizer N have been larger on soils with more organic matter.  相似文献   

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