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不同恢复方式下盐渍化弃耕地土壤生物学活性的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以干旱区新疆玛纳斯河流域冲积扇缘定点定位试验地为研究对象, 研究灌溉处理、人工草地处理和补植处理对盐渍化弃耕地土壤微生物量、酶活性及土壤呼吸速率的影响。结果表明, 不同恢复方式均明显增加了土壤微生物数量和土壤微生物量碳、氮及土壤酶活性。不同处理土壤微生物量碳、氮分别比原始弃耕地高17.80%、26.38%、5.33%和7.89%、12.75%、21.93%; 不同处理土壤微生物数量分别是原始弃耕地的4.72倍、6.04倍和4.56倍; 不同处理土壤蔗糖酶活性分别比原始弃耕地高3.4倍、3.2倍和7.7倍, 多酚氧化酶活性比原始弃耕地高1.7倍、1.2倍和1.5倍, 脲酶活性比原始弃耕地高11.1%、52.3%和37.1%; 灌溉处理土壤过氧化氢酶活性最高, 是原始弃耕地的1.53倍, 土壤呼吸速率变化表现为人工草地处理>灌溉处理>补植处理>原始弃耕地, 其中, 人工草地处理土壤呼吸速率比弃耕地高52.25%。相关分析表明, 微生物量碳与微生物C/N和微生物数量之间均呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05); 土壤呼吸速率与土壤脲酶、微生物数量和微生物量碳的相关性达到显著水平(P<0.05), 与土壤微生物量氮呈负相关关系, 但相关性不显著; 土壤蔗糖酶与其他3种酶以及微生物量氮呈显著正相关关系, 土壤脲酶与微生物数量呈显著正相关关系, 多酚氧化酶与过氧化氢酶相关性达到显著水平(P<0.05)。本研究表明干旱区盐渍化弃耕地采用灌溉与人工草地处理有利于土壤养分积累, 可在一定程度上改善土壤质量。  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of soil surface characteristics (SSC) are important factors for heterogeneity in runoff and infiltration processes in row-cropped fields. The objective of this paper is to analyse the spatial heterogeneity of SSC in the case of a vineyard in order to propose an adequate sampling strategy. A preliminary field survey was carried out to obtain a quantitative assessment of SSC. The experimental layout consisted of 3 wire-trained vine subplots with 3 different soil treatment. 60 observations per subplot were conducted using the line transect method. Their locations were determined according to a stratified sampling design conceived in accordance with the geometric structure of the vineyard system, defined by the alignment of vine rows and the direction of the main slope. The spatial heterogeneity of SSC was analysed at intra-transect and inter-transect levels using measurements of structural crust, sedimentary crust, grass and organic litter. The characterization of intra-transect heterogeneity, using join-count statistics, allowed patches of homogeneous units of attributes to be detected and hence an appropriate sampling resolution and an adequate transect length to be determined. A sampling resolution of 10 cm on a 1.25 m length transect was found to be appropriate for the observation of homogeneous units of attributes. Analysis of inter-transect heterogeneity, using non-spatial statistics, revealed considerable variability between rows and inter-rows that must be accounted for during field surveys. The role of site topography on spatial patterning of SSC attributes across the plot and the need to stratify the plot into areas with homogeneous slope were also demonstrated. Finally, the t-test procedure indicated that the minimum sample size was found to be 200 transect/ha for a minimum precision rate of 80% in the values of SSC attributes.  相似文献   

Surface crusts are frequently found on fallow land in the semi-arid Ebro Basin (Spain) and are an important factor in land degradation. Soil surface sealing leads to a decrease in infiltration rates and a consequent increase in runoff, thereby accelerating sheet wash and rill erosion. Thin sections were used to analyse the development and structures of the different crusts found across the ridge/furrow field pattern. Rainfall simulations experiments and infiltration measurements show the runoff generation and the soil erosion rates on the crusts. The spatial distribution of crusts was documented using large-scale aerial photographs, taken from a remote-controlled hot air blimp.  相似文献   

Variations in the distribution pattern of soil water repellency (SWR) and soil moisture are of major importance for the hydrological and geomorphological processes in Mediterranean burned areas, and also for their ecological implications concerning to re-establishment of the vegetation cover. This paper studies the influence of Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Quercus coccifera L. vegetated patches on SWR and their relationships with soil moisture content (SMC) and soil organic matter (SOM) in burned and unburned calcareous soils of a Mediterranean shrubland ecosystem, considering the first rainfall event occurred after the wildfire in Les Useres (Castellón, eastern Spain).  相似文献   


Long-term vegetation restoration carried out on the slopes of the Loess Plateau of China employed different spatial and temporal land-use patterns but very little is known about the effects of these patterns on soil water-content variability. For this study the small Donggou catchment was selected to investigate soil water-content distributions for three spatial scales, including the entire catchment area, sampling transects, and land-use systems. Gravimetric soil water contents were determined incrementally to a soil depth of 1.20 m, on 10 occasions from April to October, 2007, at approximately 20-day intervals. Results indicated that soil water contents were affected by the six land-use types, resulting in four distinct patterns of vertical distribution of soil moisture (uniform, increasing, decreasing, and fluctuating with soil depth). The soil water content and its variation were also influenced in a complex manner by five land-use patterns distributed along transects following the gradients of five similar slopes. These patterns with contrasting hydrological responses in different components, such as forage land (alfalfa)–cropland–shrubland or shrubland–grassland (bunge needlegrass)–cropland–grassland, showed the highest soil water-content variability. Soil water at the catchment scale exhibited a moderate variability for each measurement date, and the variability of soil water content decreased exponentially with increasing soil water content. The minimum sample size for accurate data for use in a hydrological model for the catchment, for example, required many more samples for drier (69) than for wet (10) conditions. To enhance erosion and runoff control, this study suggested two strategies for land management: (i) to create a mosaic pattern by land-use arrangement that located units with higher infiltration capacities downslope from those with lower soil infiltrabilities; and (ii) raising the soil-infiltration capacity of units within the spatial mosaic pattern where possible.  相似文献   

通过野外植被调查研究黄土丘陵区草原带退耕地植被在自然恢复过程中的演替规律及物种多样性特征,通过室内土壤样品分析土壤有机碳、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷含量及土壤脲酶、转化酶、磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶活性动态变化过程,并对植物多样性指数和土壤养分及酶活性进行相关分析。研究结果表明,黄土丘陵区草原带退耕地在长达75a的自然恢复过程中,植物群落演替以菊科(猪毛蒿)与黎科(虫实)等为主的一年生草本开始,逐步演替为多年生草本群落,最后形成以大针茅+长芒草为优势种的顶级草原群落,植物物种数总体上呈现增加趋势;物种多样性指数随退耕年限延长均呈波动性上升趋势;土壤养分及酶活性均随退耕年限的增长亦呈波动性上升趋势。自然恢复75a,Margalef指数、Shannon-Wienner指数及Pielous指数分别增加83.3%、31.8%、21.4%;土壤有机碳、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷含量分别增加了185.0%、164.8%、152.9%、109.8%;土壤脲酶、转化酶、碱性磷酸酶及过氧化氢酶活性分别增加了64.0%、7.8%、51.1%、11.8%。土壤养分及酶活性与Margalef指数、Shannon-Wienner指数之间存在显著正相关关系,与Pielous指数相关性不显著。  相似文献   

采用地统计学的方法,研究了江西修水退化石灰岩红壤区四种人工林在高温干旱季节土壤水分空间变异规律及其分布格局。结果表明:(1)不同类型人工林的土壤水分表现出不同的空间变异性。枫香纯林土壤水分的结构方差比为0·551,梾木×香椿混交林为0·730均介于0·25~0·75之间,表现出中等程度的空间相关性;青桐×桤木混交林的为0·841,香椿纯林的为0·934,均大于0·75,表现出强烈的空间相关性。(2)梾木×香椿、青桐×桤木混交林土壤水分在水平方向和垂直方向上空间变异程度比枫香纯林、香椿纯林低混交林土壤水分的分布更均匀。(3)0~10cm层土壤含水量的变异程度较10~20cm土层和20~40cm土层大,即随土层深度增加土壤水分分布趋于均匀。  相似文献   

黄土高原南部人工植被作用下的土壤水分研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜娟  赵景波 《土壤》2010,42(2):262-267
在大量野外调查和室内测定的基础上,研究了黄土高原南部地区丰水年前后不同人工植被下0~6m土壤水分含量。研究表明,年均降雨量600mm左右的正常年份,该区内杨树林、法国梧桐林和中国梧桐林下1.5~4m土层平均含水量约为90g/kg左右,发育了弱的土壤干化层,4~6m土层平均含水量约为120g/kg,水分状况优于上部土层。麦地和草地下0~6m水分状况良好,未出现土壤干化现象。丰水年充足的降水后所有林木下土壤干层消失,水分得到很好的恢复,说明该区并未形成永久性土壤干层,这为该区人工植被的良好生长提供了必要的条件。但目前加速发展的生态建设及经济林业仍会给该区土壤水分良性循环带来威胁,因此应加强人工植被下土壤水分的长期观测,合理引种、适当栽培,在收益的同时保证生态环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Francisco L. Prez 《CATENA》2009,76(3):191-205
The influence of tephra covers on soil water was studied in Haleakala (Maui, Hawai'i) during two summers; eight sites with tephra layers and silverswords (Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC.) were sampled at 2415–2755 m. At each site, eight paired-sample sets were obtained in bare soils and under adjacent tephra, at three depths. Tephra were sharply separated from underlying soils and showed prominent vertical stratification. Tephra clast size-distribution was assessed by photosieving and on interstitial-gravel samples; stones included 45.6% cobbles, 29.4% pebbles, and 25% blocks.Moisture content increased with depth in both positions, but soils below tephra had more water at all depths than exposed areas. Surface soils beneath tephra contained 83% more water than bare ground. Soils at 5–10 cm had  106% greater moisture under rocks, but only  70% at 10–15 cm. Differences between plots were statistically significant ( p < 0.001) for surface soils, but less pronounced for subsoils. Soils above 2650 m had greater water content than at lower elevations, and moisture disparity between sample pairs increased with altitude.All soils were coarse, with  20% gravel and  94% sand; most fine material (≤ 0.063 mm) was silt, as clay content was negligible. Organic-matter percentage was low (1.65%). Bulk density and porosity were associated with moisture variation both in tephra-insulated and bare soils; 80% of field moisture was statistically (p < 0.001) accounted for by pore space. Air and soil temperatures were recorded at three sites during  one-week periods prior to moisture sampling. Tephra substantially decreased soil maxima and daily thermal amplitude in underlying soils, but did not noticeably affect nightly minima. Thin (5–6 cm) tephra layers were nearly as effective as thicker (9–15 cm) deposits in depressing soil maxima. Possible water-conservation mechanisms under tephra include: decreased evaporation due to ground shielding and lower maxima; reduced capillary flow; greater infiltration depth; nocturnal dew condensation; and fog interception by blocks.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the soils and surficial volcaniclastic layers of Haleakala's crater (Maui, Hawaii). The main objective is to assess the effects of covers with fragments of various sizes (ash, cinder, lapilli) on soil water conservation. Soil and gravel samples were collected in Haleakala National Park from a site at 2505 m where the Hawaiian silversword, a giant rosette-plant, grows densely on pyroclastic materials. An evaporation experiment lasting 22 days showed a gradual drop in seven pairs of soil samples initially at field capacity. One set of samples was left bare, the other was covered by gravel mulches (GM); these resulted in lengthening of T100% (total desiccation time) by a factor of 2.3–5.2. Bare soils dried after 70–140 h, but drying time under gravel was 246–509 h. Mean grain size (Mz) and sorting (φσ) had the greatest influence on evaporation rates. Coarse lapilli (Mz: 13.8 mm) were less effective than fine ash (Mz: 2.9–3.8 mm) in preventing water losses, while medium-grained cinder (Mz: 4–5.2 mm) produced the greatest water savings. Lapilli (mean φσ: 0.48) and ash (φσ: 0.6) were moderately- to well-sorted; cinders, with a broader grain-size range (φσ: 1.13), were poorly sorted. This allowed infilling of large interstices between coarse fragments by smaller grains, effectively reducing pore size and therefore evaporation rates. A second experiment determined water storage and rates of water loss by mulches. Wetting occurred swiftly, within 3–4 min. All gravel types were dry within 26 h. This drying process is important for water conservation, as it effectively prevents further water loss from the mulch surface. Larger fragments stored less water. This is related to their ‘surface area/weight' ratio, which increases for smaller particles. Thus, fine ash or cinder grains, with a high total area, intercept more water than larger lapilli. A 5-cm thick layer of ash intercepted an average of 6.8 mm of rain, slightly more than the same depth of cinder (6.3 mm), but lapilli retained only 4.7 mm. Therefore, light rainfall events are more likely to contribute water to soil under lapilli than below finer pyroclastic material. Volcaniclastic covers serve an important ecological role in Haleakala by prolonging periods of water availability to plants, thus allowing Hawaiian silverswords to grow for longer time spans.  相似文献   

不同种植方式对红壤旱地土壤水分及抗旱能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过3年田间小区试验,研究不同种植方式对红壤旱地土壤水分及抗旱能力的影响.结果表明:1)与种植花生相比,种植苎麻可显著提高土壤有机质质量分数(28.44%)、田间持水量(10.06%)和总孔隙度(5.65%),土壤密度则显著降低7.20%;2)监测期内,花生地各层土壤以及整个0~ 100 cm土体水分变异系数普遍高于苎麻地,苎麻地0 ~ 100 cm土体水分的时间稳定性和空间协调性优于花生地;3)苎麻地0~ 40 cm土壤较花生地延长抗旱时间7d以上,但随着土层的加深,差异越来越小;4)红壤坡耕地种植苎麻有利于提高红壤旱地土壤抗旱能力,特别是中、上层土壤.从扩充土壤水库的角度考虑,红壤旱地种植苎麻优于种植花生,该研究结果可为挖掘红壤区深层土壤水分提供参考.  相似文献   

Climate change scenarios predict increases in temperature, changes in precipitation patterns, and longer drought periods in most semi-arid regions of the world. Ecosystems in these regions are prone to land degradation, which may be aggravated by climate change. Soil respiration is one of the main processes responsible for organic carbon losses from arid and semi-arid ecosystems. We measured soil respiration over one year in two steppe ecosystems having different degrees of land degradation under three ground-covers: with vegetation, bare soil, and an intermediate situation between plants and bare soil.The largest differences in soil respiration rates between the sites were observed in spring, coinciding with the highest level of plant activity. The degraded site had drier and hotter soils with less soil water availability and a longer drought period. As a result, vegetation on the degraded site did not respond to spring rainfall events. Soil respiration showed a strong seasonal variability, with average annual rates of 1.1 and 0.8 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 in the natural and degraded sites, respectively. We did not observe significant differences in soil respiration rates associated with ground-cover i.e., the temporal variation was much larger than the spatial variation. At both sites, soil moisture was the controlling driver of soil respiration for most of the year, when temperatures were above 20 °C and constrained the response to temperature for the few months when the temperature was below 20 °C. An empirical model based on soil temperature and soil moisture explained 90% and 72% of the seasonal variability of soil respiration on the natural and degraded sites, respectively. For the first time, this study suggests that land degradation may alter the carbon balance of these ecosystems through changes in the temporal dynamics of soil respiration and plant productivity, which have important negative consequences for ecosystem functioning and sustainability.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean ecosystem of Mt. Carmel is subjected to increasing number of forest fires at various extents and severities due to increasing human activities. Accordingly, we tested whether in areas exposed to different fire histories vegetation regeneration is different in north versus south facing slopes, and the potential impact on erosion processes. Using remote sensing techniques we evaluated the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) to monitor vegetation recovery following a single fire and three successive fires, using a series of Landsat images taken between 1985–2002. Following a single fire, vegetation cover reached pre-disturbance values within less than 5 years. Repeated fires caused further reduction of EVI values, especially at south facing slopes (SFS). The effects of three successive fires within 10 years, followed by a three year recovery period, however, are negligible when considering vegetation cover values. This was deduced as north facing slope EVI values returned to pre-disturbance conditions at the end of the 3 years and SFS EVI values to 80% of the pre-disturbance conditions. Our results indicate that Mediterranean eco-geomorphic systems are quite resilient, showing quick response, at least in terms of return to pre-disturbance states of vegetation cover, and hence of soil erosion rates. This is true not only in response to a disturbance caused by a single fire, but also for repetitive fire incidents.  相似文献   

Grassland ecosystems contain ∼12% of global soil organic carbon (C) stocks and are located in regions where global climate change will likely alter the timing and size of precipitation events, increasing soil moisture variability. In response to increased soil moisture variability and other forms of stress, microorganisms can induce ecosystem-scale alterations in C and N cycling processes through alterations in their function. We explored the influence of physiological stress on microbial communities by manipulating moisture variability in soils from four grassland sites in the Great Plains, representing a precipitation gradient of 485-1003 mm y−1. Keeping water totals constant, we manipulated the frequency and size of water additions and dry down periods in these soils by applying water in two different, two-week long wetting-drying cycles in a 72-day laboratory incubation. To assess the effects of the treatments on microbial community function, we measured C mineralization, N dynamics, extracellular enzyme activities (EEA) and a proxy for substrate use efficiency. In soils from all four sites undergoing a long interval (LI) treatment for which added water was applied once at the beginning of each two-week cycle, 1.4-2.0 times more C was mineralized compared to soils undergoing a short interval (SI) treatment, for which four wetting events were evenly distributed over each two-week cycle. A proxy for carbon use efficiency (CUE) suggests declines in this parameter with the greater soil moisture stress imposed in LI soils from all four different native soil moisture regimes. A decline in CUE in LI soils may have been related to an increased effort by microbes to obtain N-rich organic substrates for use as protection against osmotic shock, consistent with EEA data. These results contrast with similar in situ studies of response to increased soil moisture variability and may indicate divergent autotrophic vs. heterotrophic responses to increased moisture variability. Increases in microbial N demand and decreases in microbial CUE with increased moisture variability observed in this study, regardless of the soils’ site of origin, imply that these systems may experience enhanced heterotrophic CO2 release and declines in plant-available N with climate change. This has particularly important implications for C budgets in these grasslands when coupled with the declines in net primary productivity reported in other studies as a result of increases in precipitation variability across the region.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of an analysis into the role of soil surface conditions in the regulation of soil hydrology and erosive processes at one hillslope under dry Mediterranean climatic conditions. The methodology was based on the analysis of hillslope surface components and their hydrological and erosive function on a patch to scale by means of rainfall simulation and experimental plots. The results showed the existence of a complex eco-geomorphological system composed of a multitude of vegetation patches distributed at random on the hillslope, and where the presence of different surface conditions on the soil can have a sizeable influence on hydrological and erosive behavior. From the hydrological point of view, the runoff generation mechanisms follow a seasonal pattern depending on the moisture of the soil with a different spatial condition, with frequent hydrological disconnections between parts of the hillslope, as in other Mediterranean mountainous regions. Soil surface rock fragments, the layout of tussocks intra-hillslope and previous soil moisture as dynamic control factors in the hydrological and erosive processes are all important.  相似文献   

保护性耕作下大豆农田土壤呼吸及影响因素分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
为了探讨保护性耕作对旱作农田土壤呼吸的影响,采用LI6400-09仪器(LI6400便携式光合作用系统连接6400-09呼吸室)在重庆北碚西南大学试验农场对平作(T)、垄作(R)、平作+覆盖(TS)、垄作+覆盖(RS)、平作+覆盖+秸秆速腐剂(TSD)、垄作+覆盖+秸秆速腐剂(RSD)6种处理下的西南紫色土丘陵区小麦/玉米/大豆套作体系中大豆生长季节的土壤呼吸及其水、热、生物因子进行测定和分析,探讨西南丘陵区保护性耕作下大豆农田土壤呼吸及其影响因素。结果表明,大豆整个生育期内土壤呼吸先缓慢增强,到开花期开始增长迅速,成熟期明显下降。不同处理土壤呼吸速率存在差异,表现为TTSD>TS、R>RSD>RS,土壤呼吸的土温敏感指标Q10值排序为TS>TSD>RS=R>T>RSD。秸秆覆盖处理的土壤呼吸对于土壤温度敏感性较高,垄作则降低了土壤温度敏感性。5 cm土层的土壤含水量高低排序为TSD>RSD>TS>RS>T>R。本研究中土壤呼吸与土壤水分呈抛物线函数关系,垄作处理下土壤呼吸与土壤水分正相关,达到显著水平;其他处理均表现负相关,其中TS达到极显著水平。在大豆农田生态系统中优势类群有弹尾目、螨目和双翅目,干漏斗法、陷阱法捕获的土壤动物与土壤呼吸均没有显著的相关关系,两种方法所得土壤动物数量加总与土壤呼吸进行相关分析,发现处理T相关系数达到显著水平,r=0.901,P=0.037。  相似文献   

I. Celik   《Soil & Tillage Research》2005,83(2):270-277
Forest and grassland soils in highlands of southern Mediterranean Turkey are being seriously degraded and destructed due to extensive agricultural activities. This study investigated the effects of changes in land-use type on some soil properties in a Mediterranean plateau. Three adjacent land-use types included the cultivated lands, which have been converted from pastures for 12 years, fragmented forests, and unaltered pastures lands. Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected from four sites at each of the three different land-use types from depths of 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm in Typic Haploxeroll soils with an elevation of about 1400 m. When the pasture was converted into cultivation, soil organic matter (SOM) pool of cultivated lands for a depth of 0–20 cm were significantly reduced by, on average 49% relative to SOM content of the pasture lands. There was no significant difference in SOM between the depths in each land-use type, and SOM values of the forest and pasture lands were almost similar. There was also a significant change in soil bulk density (BD) among cultivation (1.33 Mg m−3), pasture (1.19 Mg m−3), and forest (1.25 Mg m−3) soils at depth of 0–20 cm. Only for the pasture, BD of the depth of 0–10 cm was significantly different from that of 10–20 cm. Depending upon the increases in BD and disruption of pores by cultivation, total porosity decreased accordingly. Cultivation of the unaltered pasture obviously increased the soil erodibility measured by USLE-K factor for each soil depth, and USLE-K factor was approximately two times greater in the cultivated land than in the pasture indicating the vulnerability of the cultivated land to water erosion. The mean weight diameter (MWD) and water-stable aggregation (WSA) were greater in the pasture and forest soils compared to the cultivated soils, and didn’t change with the depth for each land-use type. Aggregates of >4.0 mm size were dominant in the pasture and forest soils, whereas the cultivated soils comprised aggregates of the size ≤0.5 mm. I found that samples collected from cultivated land gave the lowest saturated hydraulic conductivity values regardless of soil depths, whereas the highest values were measured on samples from forest soils. In conclusion, the results showed that the cultivation of the pastures degraded the soil physical properties, leaving soils more susceptible to the erosion. This suggests that land disturbances should be strictly avoided in the pastures with the limited soil depth in the southern Mediterranean highlands.  相似文献   

Intensive agricultural and industrial activities are often considered major sources of water contamination. Currently, riparian vegetation (RV) is increasingly being promoted as a solution to balance the potentially adverse effects that agriculture may have on water quality. Nonetheless, existing RV is often overlook in recent modelling efforts, failing to capture the current amount of ecosystem services provide. Here, we used the Soil and Water Assessment Tool ecohydrological model to simulate the influence of ground-true RV on i) nutrient (nitrate and total phosphorus) and sediment exports from agricultural areas and ii) its effect for in-stream concentrations. These results are further compared against a set of hypothetical scenarios of different RV widths and different land-uses. Our results point to a great relevance of existing RV in controlling in-stream concentration of sediments and nutrients where pressure from agriculture is highest, preventing them to surpass limits set in the EU Water Framework Directive. On the other hand, in areas with industry discharges, the role of RV is limited and model results suggest that restoring RV would have limited impacts. We illustrate how existing RV may already provide strong but not acknowledged water quality regulation services, how these services can differ substantially between nearby streams, and that effective strategies to improve water quality using RV must acknowledge existing patterns of vegetation, land use and contamination sources.  相似文献   

Vegetation growth in semiarid, Mediterranean ecosystems is greatly dependent on moisture availability in the soil, as little precipitation is available during the growing season. Predicting the effects of climate change on vegetation development requires understanding of the exact relation between climate, moisture availability, and plant growth. Accurate moisture measurements in naturally vegetated areas are difficult because of high spatial variability and because of the coarse, shallow soils. In this study, we evaluated the possibilities of using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) to measure soil moisture availability and plant water use in a Mediterranean natural area. We found that ERT is a useful tool for measuring soil conditions, providing information on the spatial patterns within the soil and reaching depths otherwise inaccessible. In heterogeneous soils, we differentiated between lithological and moisture effects in the measurements using multitemporal data. Absolute calibration to moisture content was sometimes possible, but strongly location dependent. Based on the ERT measurements, we found that although the soils in the study area are shallow and rocky, plant roots penetrate deeply into the fractured and weathered bedrock, and vegetation subtracts water from depths down to 6 m and below. This information is important for understanding the plant–soil relations and modeling vegetation development. We conclude that ERT provides crucial information on soil moisture processes unavailable using any other currently available measurement method.  相似文献   

The effects of seasonality and land management on entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) distribution and on soil characteristics were studied in natural areas and agricultural fields under organic and conventional management in La Rioja (Northern Spain). The population density of the native EPNs as well as air temperature, rainfall, soil fertility, soil moisture, and soil content of heavy metals were seasonally recorded over 2 consecutive years. The highest occurrence of EPNs was observed in autumn, followed by spring and summer. Agricultural management influenced the amount of soil organic matter, nutrients and heavy metals, as well as soil volumetric moisture and temperature, leading to statistical differences mainly between natural and agricultural sites, but also in some cases between different types of agricultural management. The usefulness of soil organic matter, C, N, P and K content, as well as the C/N, C/P and N/P ratios as indicators for differentiating conventional and organic crop management as well as the role of agricultural practices such as tillage and fertilizing is discussed.  相似文献   

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