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The interaction of soil microbes with their physical environment affects their abilities to respire, grow and divide. One of these environmental factors is the amount of moisture in the soil. The work we published almost 25 years ago showed that microbial respiration was linearly related to soil-water content and log-linearly related to water potential. The paper arose out of collaboration between two young researchers from different areas of soil science, physics and microbiology. The project was driven by not only our curiosity but also the freedom to operate without the constraints common to the current system of science management. The citation history shows three peaks, 1989, 1999 and from 2002 to the present day. Interestingly, the annual citation rate is as high as it has ever been. The initial peak is due to the application of the work to studies on microbial processes. The second peak is associated with the rise of simulation modelling and the third with the relevance of the findings to climate change research. In this article, our paper is re-evaluated in the light of subsequent studies that allow the principle of separation of variables to be tested. This re-evaluation lends further credence to the linear relationship proposed between soil respiration and water content. A scaled relationship for respiration and water content is presented. Lastly, further research is suggested and more recent work on the physics of gas transport discussed briefly.  相似文献   

土壤水分和养分时空变异性与作物产量的关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
精确农业使得农田土壤水分和养分的时空变异与产量关系的研究显得尤为重要,这就要求在其研究方法上取得新的进展,以加快精确农业的进程。该文运用传统统计理论和地质统计学理论结合分析了冬小麦苗期、灌浆期的土壤水分和养分变异与产量变异之间的关系。提出用“综合指示率”综合评价土壤的水分和养分状况,并分析了综合指示率的变异与作物产量变异之间的关系。结果表明在67.8 m范围内综合指示率与产量之间存在很强的空间相关性,综合指示率越大,产量越高。Kriging估计的空间分布图也表明综合指示率与产量有较好的对应关系,综合指示率能解释产量变异的58.4%,比多元回归结果提高17.4%。多元逐步回归分析和综合指示率与产量的两变量回归分析结果都表明,同时考虑土壤水分和养分的变异能解释产量变异的33.3%~58.4%,比只考虑土壤养分变异时提高0~5.2%,同时考虑苗期和灌浆期土壤水分和养分变异能解释产量变异的41.0%~58.4%,比只考虑其中1个时期提高4.3%~16.5%。综合指示率为表达农田土壤水分和养分时空变异性及其与作物产量的关系提供了一种思路和方法,其分布图不仅是管理者综合评价土壤水分和养分状况的有利工具,而且把它与产量分布图对比,可以为精确农业的实施提供一定参考。  相似文献   

不同植被覆盖类型黑土水分动态变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用中子水分仪定位监测方法,研究黑土区平水年大豆地、草地和裸地3种覆盖类型土壤水分变化特征.结果表明:土壤水分空间垂直动态变化随深度增加而降低,基于变异系数(CV)将土壤水分垂直变化分为4层,即水分速变层、活跃层、次活跃层和相对稳定层.不同覆盖类型下,土壤水循环深度依次为大豆地>草地>裸地,土壤水循环强度依次为草地>大豆地>裸地;3种覆盖类型的土壤剖面含水量在作物生长季节内呈增长型变化特征,裸地0~20 cm土层各时段土壤含水量均高于草地和大豆地;30 cm土层以下土壤水分含量依次为草地>裸地>大豆地.该区土壤储水量主要受降雨调控,3种植被覆盖类型下,土壤水分的总蒸散量依次为草地>大豆地>裸地.  相似文献   

余世鹏  杨劲松  刘广明  邹平 《土壤》2008,40(6):976-979
为开展长江河口地区土壤盐分动态的中长期模拟与预测,采用人工神经网络中应用较为成熟和广泛的BP网络建立长江河口地区土壤盐分与降雨量、蒸发量、长江水电导率、内河水电导率、地下水位、地下水电导率6因子间的非线性神经网络响应模型。网络模型结构为6-11-1,隐含层单元数用"试错法"确定。选择合适的参数训练和学习网络模型后,对河口地区2003年各月平均根层土壤电导率进行预测,并与线性回归模型预测结果进行比较。结果表明:BP网络模型较线性回归模型具有更高的预测精度,平均相对预测误差为7.3%,预测值与实测值相关性良好,可以满足实际应用需求。  相似文献   

不同保水剂对土壤水分和氮素保持的比较研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
保水剂应用对土壤水肥利用效率具有重要影响。本文采用土柱模拟试验方法,以不施保水剂处理为对照,比较3种保水剂——聚丙烯酸盐类保水剂(A)、有机–无机复合保水剂(B)、腐植酸型多功能保水剂(C)对土壤水分和两种氮肥(尿素、硝酸铵)的保持效应,筛选保水剂与氮肥的合理施用配合。8次土壤淋溶结果表明:3种保水剂对土壤水分和两种氮肥都有保持作用,但差异明显。在保水方面,A、B保水剂土壤水分保持效果较好且保水效果相近,C保水剂相对较差;随浇水次数增加,3种保水剂的保水效果均有所降低。在保肥方面,C保水剂对两种氮素的保持效果显著优于对照,且对硝酸铵保持效果优于对尿素的保持效果;A保水剂对尿素的保持效果明显,但对硝酸铵的保持效果很小,淋溶8次后,甚至对氮素淋溶有促进作用;B保水剂对尿素的保持效果8次淋溶后与C保水剂相近,对硝酸铵的保持效果介于其他两种保水剂之间。此外,保水剂对土壤脲酶活性有一定影响,其变化与氮素转化有关;施用尿素的土壤中,保水剂对土壤脲酶活性的影响为B保水剂C保水剂A保水剂,而施用硝酸铵的土壤中为A保水剂B保水剂C保水剂。  相似文献   

In this work we analyze the temporal stability of soil moisture at the field and watershed scales in the Little Washita River Experimental Watershed (LWREW), as part of the remote sensing Cloud and Land Surface Interaction Campaign (CLASIC07) during June 2007 in south-central Oklahoma. Temporal stability of surface and profile soil moisture data were investigated for 20 LWREW soil moisture measurement stations. In addition, daily surface and profile soil moisture measurements were obtained in four 800 m by 800 m fields (remote sensing footprint), including two rangeland sites and two winter wheat fields. The work aimed to analyze the temporal stability of soil moisture at the watershed and field scale and to identify stations within the watershed, as well as locations within each field, that were representative of the mean areal soil moisture content. We also determined the relationship between sites found to be temporally stable for surface soil moisture versus those determined stable for average profile soil moisture content. For the unusually wet experimental period, results at the watershed scale show that LWREW stations 133 and 134 provided stable underestimates, while stations 132 and 154 provided stable overestimates of the watershed mean at all depths. In addition, station 136 had very high non-zero temporal stability at the 25 cm and 45 cm depths indicating that it could be used as representative watershed site provided a constant offset value is used to acquire a watershed mean soil water content value. In general, the deeper depths exhibited higher soil moisture spatial variability, as indicated by the higher standard deviations. At the field scale, measured average profile soil moisture was higher in the winter wheat fields than the rangeland fields with the majority of the winter wheat depth intervals having high non-zero temporal stability. Field scale temporal stability analysis revealed that 4 of the 16 sampling sites in the rangeland fields and 3 of the 16 sampling sites in the winter wheat fields either under or overestimated the field means in the 0–5 and 0–60 cm depth intervals. Field sites considered temporally stable for the surface soil moisture were not stable for the profile soil moisture, except for the LW45 field where two sites were stable at both the surface and profile soil moisture. This finding is significant in terms of soil moisture ground-truth sampling for calibrating and validating airborne remotely sensed soil moisture products under extremely wet conditions. In addition, identification of temporally stable sites at the watershed and field scales in the LWREW provide insight in determining future measurement station locations and field scale ground sampling protocol, as well as providing data sets for hydrologic modeling.  相似文献   

The effect of soil moisture on population dynamics of Paronychiurus kimi (Collembola) was examined by combining an empirical soil moisture model with a temperature-sensitive, stage-structured population model. Field observations of soil temperature were used to drive the population model, and simulations were compared to field observations of juvenile and adult densities. Simulations without soil moisture effects produced stable, interyear population dynamics and a significant correlation between simulations and observations (n=12, r 2=0.40, P<0.05) but overestimated densities during much of the year. Adding responses to soil moisture improved the fit between simulations and observations (n=13, r 2=0.40), suggesting that soil moisture is a major limiting factor on field populations of P. kimi. Moreover, an observed temporary decline in field populations during spring could be explained partly by the effects of an herbicide, paraquat (N,N′-dimethyl-gamma,gamma′-bipyridylium dichloride) (r 2=0.45), suggesting that paraquat imposes additional limits on collembolan populations.  相似文献   

Effect of moisture and disaggregation on the microbial activity of soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil moisture and physical conditions may influence biological activity by affecting the habitat and conditions for the life of microorganisms. In this work, the dehydrogenase activity (DHA) of a vineyard soil was measured at different moisture conditions, in different aggregate size fractions, and after breaking the existing aggregates. The highest values of DHA (144 mg TPF kg−1 day−1) were found for the undisturbed soil at a suction pressure of 0.1 MPa, and decreasing values were obtained at pressures above and below that water potential. The disruption of the aggregates strongly reduced the biological activity at suction pressures under 0.1 MPa, but had no effect in drier conditions. Both in disturbed and undisturbed soil, an important part of the biological activity remained at high suction pressures (over 0.1 MPa), with DHA values around 50% of the maximum values. This shows that an important part of the soil microbiota is highly resistant to extreme drought conditions.  相似文献   

连续三年进行田间水分动态监测.结果表明,冬麦耗水量主要受生育期降水的影响;不同年份间对土壤水分的消耗量差别不大.对0~150cm土层水分的利用系数(WUC)为0.543~0.799,在中下部土层中有相当数量的水分是不能够被冬小麦利用的,其WUC降低到0.2以下.  相似文献   

We used a radiation-transfer equation estimate of July surface temperatures (Ts) in China's Yongding River basin based on thermal infrared Landsat TM images from 1987 and 2005 and Landsat ETM+ images from 2000. Based upon the Ts–NDVI relationship space, we analyzed the scatterplot of Ts versus NDVI to calculate a temperature–vegetation dryness index (TVDI). We used a linear regression model between soil moisture and TVDI to estimate soil moisture to depths of 10 and 20 cm. We produced a land use and cover type map by classification of the Landsat images, and used the map to study the influence of land use and cover type changes on soil moisture. Some areas of farmland in 1987 had been converted into grassland by 2000, and soil moisture mainly increased, with increases ranging from 20 to 60%. From 2000 to 2005, most of the grassland in the northern part of the study area and some grassland in the central area were converted into farmland, and soil moisture decreased by up to 60%. Soil moisture decreased most obviously in areas where forest was converted into grassland, with decreases ranging from 60 to 100% in most areas.  相似文献   

为探明不同品种稻米脂肪酸与食味的关系及土壤水分的调控效应,进行了不同水稻品种及土壤水势为-30~-35 kPa和-60~-65 kPa的控水处理对糙米优势、中位、劣势粒成分及食味的影响研究.结果表明,"垦鉴稻5号"、"富士光"、"东农V10"的籽粒脂肪酸含量极显著高于"垦稻8号"和"空育131";"空育131"食味值极显著高于"东农V10"、"垦鉴稻5号"、"垦稻8号","富士光"、"东农V10"、"垦鉴稻5号"极显著高于"垦稻8号","富士光"显著高于"东农V10"和"垦鉴稻5号".食味值与脂肪酸、蛋白质含量呈极显著负相关(2002年r为-0.577**、-0.910**,2003年r为-0.845**、-0.980**)、蛋白质与脂肪酸含量呈极显著正相关(2002年,r为0.582**,2003年,r为0.866**):各品种籽粒成分的变异系数均表现脂肪酸>蛋白质>直链淀粉.抽穗前控水除"绥梗3号"分蘖期控水处理外,两品种("上育397"和"绥粳3号")各粒位籽粒的脂肪酸含量均极显著高于CK;同一生育时期两品种的脂肪酸含量多以控水强度大的处理高,但差异多不显著;长穗期控水对两品种各粒位籽粒的食味影响最大,均极显著低于CK;两品种各粒位籽粒成分的变异均以脂肪酸最大,但对食味的通径系数均以蛋白质最大.建议今后在稻米的食味及营养评价中列入脂肪酸指标.  相似文献   

黄土高原小流域土壤水分及全氮的垂直变异   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
为了研究黄土高原土壤中水分及全氮垂直分布及变异情况,对陕北神木县六道沟小流域中苜蓿地、荒草地、农地、柠条地以及油松地5种不同植被类型下0~800 cm土层中土壤含水率和土壤全氮进行了测定和分析。土壤含水率在垂直方向上呈现出干湿交替的层状分布。植被类型影响土壤水分含量的垂直剖面分布;各植被类型下相对高湿层和低湿层出现的深度不同;不同深度土层平均土壤含水率不同。农地及退耕荒草地土壤水分涵养较好,垂直方向上含水率变化较大;人工植被苜蓿、柠条消耗土壤水分较多,土壤含水率变化相对平缓;油松地平均土壤含水率及变化幅度居中。研究区域中,土壤全氮含量水平较低,表层发生陡降后,在20 cm以下土层中仍以很小的变幅降低,变化平缓。柠条地土壤全氮含量高于其他植被类型。  相似文献   

基于支持向量机的土壤湿度模拟及预测研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于中山大学珠海校区气象观测站日平均风速、日平均气温、日平均空气湿度、日平均水汽压、日平均总辐射量、日平均地表温度、日平均降雨量、日平均蒸发量以及日平均10 cm、20 cm、30 cm土层土壤的含水量,利用支持向量机方法建立气象因子与土壤湿度统计关系,并以此为基础建立土壤湿度模拟与预测模型.结果表明,土壤湿度对气象因子有一定滞后相关性,不同土层土壤湿度对气象因子的滞后相关性不同.研究发现考虑滞后相关性的预测模型在精度上要高于不考虑滞后相关性的预测模型.此外,利用气象因子对地下10 cm的土壤湿度模拟与预测精度较高,而对地下20 cm、30 cm的土壤湿度模拟精度较低.利用地下10 cm与20 cm、20 cm与30 cm的土壤湿度相关性大的特点,可以考虑利用支持向量机方法以10 cm土壤湿度模拟与预测20 cm的土壤湿度,以20 cm的土壤湿度模拟与预测30 cm的土壤湿度,分析结果表明模拟精度较高.  相似文献   

青海三江源地区土壤水分常数转换函数的建立与比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用土壤理化性质数据建立转换函数是间接获得土壤水力参数的重要手段之一。基于测定的土壤理化性质和土壤水分常数数据,本文采用回归分析、BP神经网络和基于BP神经网络的Rosetta模型3种方式分别建立了青海三江源地区土壤饱和含水量、毛管持水量和田间持水量的转换函数,并对其预测精度进行了比较。结果表明:(1)回归分析方法总体预测效果比较理想,特别是田间持水量的平均误差(ME)和均方根误差(RMSE)都在3.397%以下,决定系数(R2)高达0.868;(2)BP神经网络方法的预测效果非常理想,各土壤水分常数平均误差和均方根误差都在4.685%以下,并且决定系数均在0.857以上;(3)Rosetta模型的预测效果相对较差,特别是饱和含水量和毛管持水量,平均误差(ME)和均方根误差(RMSE)相对较大,决定系数(R2)相对较小。3种方式中,BP神经网络方法所建立的毛管持水量和饱和含水量转换函数均为最佳,回归方法所建立的田间持水量的转换函数要好于BP神经网络方法和Rosetta模型,Rosetta模型对土壤水分常数的预测效果不如其他两种方式。研究可为青海三江源地区土壤水力特性参数研究以及区域尺度上土壤水分估算提供科学依据。  相似文献   

赵纯  袁国富  邵明安  易小波  刘晓 《土壤学报》2015,52(6):1438-1444
宇宙射线土壤水分观测系统(COSMOS)是一种测量直径达600 m以上表层土壤平均含水量的新型土壤水分测量仪器。在黄土高原一片草地植被上测试COSMOS仪器测量土壤水分的效果,并与烘干法及Hydra ProbeⅡ土壤湿度传感器测量结果进行比较。结果表明,COSMOS测量结果与烘干法结果一致性好;与Hydra ProbeⅡ点尺度测量结果存在不同时间段的差别,暗示了黄土高原土壤水分空间变异性及其时间变化。COSMOS仪器能够很好地测量黄土高原破碎表面观测范围内表层平均土壤含水量,并为研究土壤含水量的空间变异性提供了潜在工具。  相似文献   

喀斯特小流域土壤含水率空间异质性及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
该文基于网格取样(80 m×80 m),利用地统计学和经典统计学方法,研究了典型喀斯特小流域旱季表层(0~10 cm)土壤含水率(soil moisture content,SMC)的空间变异特征,并分析了其与容重(bulk density,BD)、毛管孔隙度(capillary porosity,CP)、非毛管孔隙度(non-capillary porosity,NCP)、土壤有机碳(soil organic carbon,SOC)、碎石含量(rock fragment content,RC)等土壤理化性质以及坡度(slope gradient,SG)、坡向(slope aspect,SA)、裸岩率(bare rock,BR)等地形因子的关系。结果显示,SMC半方差函数的最优拟合模型为指数模型,变程为381.00 m,块基比为0.382,属于中等程度的空间相关性。普通克里格插值结果显示,SMC呈现出随海拔升高而降低的分布规律。Pearson相关分析表明,除SOC外,其他土壤理化指标均对SMC有显著影响(p0.05);各地形因子中仅SG对SMC有显著影响。协方差分析表明,RC、CP和NCP对SMC的方差解释达到显著水平(p0.05),地形部位(上坡、中坡、下坡、洼地)、土地利用类型(乔木林、灌木林、灌草丛、耕地)及二者的交互作用均未达到显著水平。这说明土壤理化性质是影响SMC的直接因素,地形部位和土地利用类型均通过改变土壤理化性质来影响SMC。该结果有利于辨别喀斯特小流域旱季SMC的主要影响因素,从而为该地区土壤水源涵养功能的提高及流域水文过程研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

基于土壤含水率的骤发干旱和缓慢干旱时空特征分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
骤发干旱是近年来全球不同地区频繁发生的极端事件,与缓慢干旱相比,其爆发异常迅速,严重威胁粮食农业安全和生态环境健康。为探究骤发与缓慢干旱的时空特征,该研究基于再分析产品土壤含水率数据,提取中国1979-2018年干旱事件及旱情开始阶段历时,分析骤发干旱与缓慢干旱在发生频次、影响范围上的差异,并以典型干旱事件为例,探讨二者的联系。结果表明:1)总体上,中国干旱事件呈长历时、大范围的发展趋势;2)旱情开始阶段的分析表明,中国南方地区开始历时总体比北方偏短,典型骤旱事件主要集中在内蒙古中东部、西南地区、珠江上游以及长江下游;缓慢干旱则主要集中在西北、新疆地区,并且其覆盖范围在2005年以后增幅明显;3)近10年2场典型干旱事件的时空演变轨迹表明,骤发干旱与缓慢干旱在旱情演进过程中无明显界限,二者既可以独立存在,也可能相伴发生。该研究可为认识干旱形成机理以及旱情监测技术的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

基于AMSR-E与MODIS数据的新疆土壤水分协同反演与验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前遥感在大范围土壤水分估算中面临的问题,提出将被动微波遥感数据与光学/热红外遥感数据在模型中协同反演陆表土壤水分的新方法:利用MODIS的光学与热红外波段反演土壤水分的基准值;利用AMSR-E传感器的X波段反演土壤水分的日变化量,然后集成二者建立土壤水分协同反演模型。以新疆为实验区,采用在典型地区获取的365个土壤水分实测值,对该模型进行了验证与精度分析。结果表明,协同反演模型的估算结果与地面实测值之间有着更好的相关性和较小的均方根误差,明显优于单一数据源或单一模型的反演结果。  相似文献   

High soil tare of sugar beet on wet clay soil after uprooting with share lifters is usually attributed to the fact that the soil becomes sticky due to mechanical impact during uprooting. Results of field experiments have shown good potential for obtaining low soil tare of sugar beet on wet clay soil by beet extraction with a high average vertical acceleration and a spiral extraction path with a small pitch. The objective of this research was to provide models for soil–beet–lifter systems used in these experiments, and to simulate some of the observed effects of the uprooting method on soil tare and soil adherence. As the rootlet system plays an important role in the origination of soil tare, the rootlet system was also modelled. A constitutive soil model, assuming elastic–perfectly-plastic soil behaviour, was used as a basis for modelling soil–beet–lifter system variants, including beet with and without rootlets, uprooting by extraction, rotation and extrusion, and uprooting with low and high vertical acceleration. The origination of soil tare is presented on the basis of the calculated zone of initial soil failure during extraction. Expected soil adherence is discussed in relation to the stress state of the soil. The simulated initial soil failure and stress state of the soil agreed well with experimental results on soil tare and soil adherence.  相似文献   

Combining soils and terrain information is the key to understanding hydrological processes at a landscape scale. Increasing the scale of soil maps has been shown to allow the spatial patterns of soil moisture to be more fully represented in the landscape, but soil data are often only available at reconnaissance scales (e.g. 1:250 000). It is widely acknowledged that soil hydrological properties vary within the landscape and there are widely available digital terrain models at a 10-m grid resolution in the UK. The aim of this study was to investigate soil moisture variations and how soil and terrain data can be used in combination to explain the spatial variation in soil moisture contents. Field monitoring of surface soil moisture content on eight occasions in three different fields in Bedfordshire (UK) was undertaken between April and July in 2004 and 2005. Between 100 and 120 points were sampled in each survey using a Delta-T ML2x™ Theta Probe. The results from regression models show that up to 80% of the variation in surface soil moisture can be explained using 1:10 000 soil series maps and terrain variables. Short-wave radiation on a sloping surface (SWRSS), calculated by SRAD, and a topographic wetness index combined explained a maximum of 44% of the variation. The results show that the terrain effect on soil moisture is modified by soils. The additional variation explained by adding 1:10 000 soil series information to terrain variables was up to 50% and adding 1:25 000 soil series information increased the variation explained by up to 29%. The interactions in the variation explained by soils and landscape indices at different scales tie in with the concept of hydropedology. It also has implications for data requirements for modelling soil hydrological response and associated soil functions.  相似文献   

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