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Haemagglutination of bluetongue virus (BTV) was demonstrated for the first time by making use of a purified preparation of the virus. The reaction was found to be independent of variations in the pH, temperature, buffer system and origin of the erythrocytes used in the test. A haemagglutination inhibition test, subsequently developed, was demonstrated to be serotype specific. The storage of the virus for indefinite periods was facilitated by lyophilization of BTV in the presence of a low concentration of sucrose.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Viraemic blood from an ox naturally infected with Australian bluetongue (BLU) virus serotype 16 was passaged twice in sheep. Twelve 2- to 4-years-old Merino ewes, negative in a bluetongue agar gel Immunodiffusion test, were Inoculated with viraemic blood from the second sheep passage. They were examined for 18 days and compared with a control group. Significant changes in haematological measurements, namely packed cell volume, total white cell count and lymphocyte count, and in plasma enzyme concentrations, namely aspartate transaminase and creatine kinase, occurred in the infected sheep. All Infected sheep became sick. The antibody response, and clinical and necropsy findings were consistent with other reports of mild to moderate disease with Australian BLU serotypes.  相似文献   

Following isolation of a virus (CSIRO19) from insects in Australia and its identification as bluetongue virus serotype 20 (BTV20), a nationwide survey of antibodies in cattle and sheep sera was undertaken. Initial studies using the serum neutralization (SN) test showed that the distribution of BTV20 antibodies in cattle was confined to the northern part of Australia. Group-reactive antibody tests (agar gel diffusion precipitin, AGDP, and complement-fixation, CF) showed group-reactive cattle sera south of the BTV20 zone (northern Australia), and southwards from Queensland to New South Wales. Very few group-reactive sheep sera (45 out of 16213) were found and these were of doubtful epidemiological significance. Some of these BTV group-reactive, BTV20-negative, sera were tested in SN tests against BTV1 to 17 and Ibaraki (IBA) virus. The results indicated that BTV1, or a closely related orbivirus, was active in cattle in Queensland, northern Western Australia, and New South Wales, and that antibody to BTV15 was present in some of the cattle sera in northern Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Antibody to IBA virus was present in some cattle sera in Queensland, northern Western Australia and New South Wales. SN antibody titres ?60 were also found to a number of other BTV serotypes in cattle sera in northern Western Australia and Queensland (principally, BTV2 and BTV7). Low level reactions were commonly observed against these and a number of other BTV serotypes, often in the same serum samples. Further, 22% of the group-reactive cattle sera did not react with any of the viruses in the SN tests. Such results were difficult to interpret in terms of known Australian BTV or BTV-related isolates.  相似文献   

The genomes of U.S. bluetongue viruses, an Australian bluetongue virus, and three other related orbiviruses were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The genomes were comprised of ten segments of double-stranded (ds) RNA. Estimates of the molecular weights of the dsRNA segments revealed that the U.S. bluetongue serotypes were remarkably similar. Although the dsRNA profiles of the viruses exhibited common segments, each virus had a distinct dsRNA profile. The usefulness of the genome analysis as a diagnostic tool for identification and for epidemiologic studies is discussed.  相似文献   

A new bluetongue virus serotype isolated in Kenya.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An apparently new strain of bluetongue virus was first isolated in Kenya in 1965 and since, has been obtained on 7 further occasions from diseased sheep during clinical outbreaks of disease. It proved to be serologically different from the 16 bluetongue virus strains then held at this laboratory. The virus was modified by passage in embryonated hens eggs to produce a live virus strain suitable for inclusion in a polyvalent vaccine. Recent neutralisation tests, carried out with 24 guinea pig immune sera prepared at Pirbright against the currently known World serotypes, have confirmed the earlier results and show that it is different from any of the existing serotypes.  相似文献   

Bluetongue (BT) virus serotype 2 (BTV 2) was first confirmed in Tunisia in February 2000 and has since spread northward and westward, infecting several other countries and islands, including Corsica, where clinical disease was reported in October 2000. BT was again reported on the Island in July 2001, some six months after a vaccination campaign against BTV 2. The molecular relationship between isolates of the BTV 2 Corsican wild-type viruses from 2000 and 2001, and the attenuated BTV 2 vaccine were determined by comparing corresponding sequences of genome segments 2, 7 and 10 with each other and with already published sequences available in the genome database. Complete genetic stability was observed between the isolates of the Corsican BTV 2. There was some divergence between the nucleotide sequences of segment 10 obtained from the wild-type and vaccine virus strains. Based on these differences, primers were selected that could be used in RT-PCR to differentiate between the wild-type and the vaccine viruses.  相似文献   

Bluetongue virus serotype 20 (BTV20) (CSIRO 19 isolate) was compared with 17 other BTV serotypes using various serum neutralization (type antigen) tests to determine whether any serological relationships existed. Plaque-reduction neutralization tests employing 50% and 80% end-points could not clearly differentiate BTV20 from BTV4. Plaque-inhibition tests and quantal microtitre neutralization tests also showed a relationship between BTV20 and BTV4. Antisera against BTV20 and a Cyprus isolate of BTV4 (A SOT 1) showed a low level of cross-neutralization against BTV17. Investigation of plaque-reduction neutralization of virus—antiserum mixtures, by the calculation of regression curves and comparison of the area under the curves, showed that the BTV4 isolates studied could not be differentiated, and that BTV4 typing antiserum could not distinguish between BTV4 and BTV20, but that BTV20 antiserum could distinguish between BTV20 and BTV4. BTV20 did not show any significant type relationships with any of the other BTV types 1 to 17 using any of the neutralization tests. Our results suggest that BTV20 is closely related to, although not identical with, BTV4 and could be grouped as a subtype of BTV4. BTV17 appears to be distantly related to BTV20 and BTV4, but is clearly a distinct type.  相似文献   

SUMMARY A cell culture attenuated Australian bluetongue virus serotype 23 (BLU23) prototype vaccine was assessed for its effects on pregnant Merino sheep. Seventy-six ewes were vaccinated at 5 different stages of gestation, and the failure to lamb at term was as follows: 35 to 43 days of gestation, 20/36 (56%); 57 to 64 days of gestation, 3/10 (30%); 81 to 88 days of gestation, 3/10 (30%); 109 to 116 days of gestation, 0/10 (0%); 130 to 137 days of gestation, 0/10 (0%). Of 30 ewes vaccinated with a cell culture supernatant fluid control between 35 and 43 days of gestation, 6.7% (2/30) failed to lamb at term. Two ewes vaccinated with BLU23 vaccine between 35 and 43 days of gestation had lambs with hydranencephaly. All other lambs born were clinically normal. Three ewes vaccinated with BLU23 aborted. Two of these were vaccinated between 35 and 43 days of gestation, the 3rd between 81 and 88 days of gestation. Five lambs were born with BLU group antibody. Four of these were from ewes vaccinated between 35 and 43 days of gestation, and 2 of these had hydranencephaly. The fifth was from a ewe vaccinated between 57 and 64 days of gestation. The vaccine did not produce disease in adult sheep, but was a potent cause of early foetal death and to a much lesser extent foetal malformation.  相似文献   

An outbreak of bluetongue caused by bluetongue virus serotype 2 virus in certain Mediterranean countries during 1999/2000, presented an opportunity to produce a monovalent type 2 vaccine. Since no data have been published previously on the protection conferred by the current live attenuated bluetongue vaccine strains used in the polyvalent vaccine, a challenge experiment was performed to determine the degree of homologous protection induced by the type 2 vaccine strain. The standard vaccine dose of 5 x 10(4) pfu of vaccine conferred 99.7% protection against clinical disease and no viraemia was detected in the vaccinates.  相似文献   

In August 2006 a major epidemic of Bluetongue (BT) occurred in north-western Europe, affecting The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Luxemburg, and the north of France. It was caused by Br virus serotype 8 (BTV-8), a serotype previously unknown to the EU. Although clinical disease is usually restricted to sheep, this virus also caused clinical disease in a small proportion of cattle. The last clinical outbreak of BT in The Netherlands occurred mid-December 2006. The delay between observation of the first clinical signs by the owner and reporting of a clinically suspect BT situation to the veterinary authorities was approximately 2 weeks. BTV-8-associated clinical signs were more prominent in sheep than in cattle, and the relative frequency of specific clinical signs was different in cattle and sheep. Morbidity and mortality rates were significantly higher among sheep than among cattle, and a higher proportion of cattle than sheep recovered from clinical disease.  相似文献   

Empirical analyses founded on sound economic principles are essential in advising policy makers on the efficiency of resource use for disease mitigation. Surveillance and intervention are resource-using activities directed at mitigation. Surveillance helps to offset negative disease effects by promoting successful intervention. Intervention is the process of implementing measures (e.g. vaccination or medication) to reduce or remove a hazard in a population. The scale and ratios in which the two are combined affect the efficiency of mitigation, its costs, benefits, and thus net effect on society's well-being. The Swiss national mitigation programme for bluetongue virus serotype 8 was used as case study to investigate the economic efficiency of mitigation. In 2008, Switzerland implemented a vaccination programme to avoid and reduce disease and infection in its ruminant population. To monitor the vaccination programme and the vector dynamics, a surveillance system consisting of serological and entomological surveillance was established. Retrospective analyses for the years 2008-2009 and prospective analyses for the years 2010-2012 were conducted to investigate if the mitigation programme was economically beneficial. In the retrospective analysis, the implemented programme (=comparative scenario) was compared to a hypothesised baseline scenario of voluntary vaccination and surveillance. In the prospective analysis, the comparative scenario assumed to continue was compared to two baseline scenarios: one of voluntary vaccination combined with surveillance and one of no vaccination combined with surveillance. For each scenario, monetary surveillance, intervention and disease costs were calculated. The comparison of baseline and comparative scenarios yielded estimates for the total benefit (=disease costs avoided), margin over intervention cost and the net value of the programme. For 2008-2009, in aggregate, the mean biannual total benefit was 17.46 m Swiss francs (CHF) (1CHF=0.66€ at the time of analysis) and the mean net benefit after subtraction of the intervention and surveillance cost was 3.95 m CHF. For the three years 2010-2012, overall net costs were estimated at 12.93 m and 8.11 m CHF, respectively, for comparison of the implemented mitigation programme with the two baseline scenarios. It was concluded that the surveillance and intervention programme implemented in 2008-2009 was economically beneficial, while its continuation in the same form in 2010-2012 would produce net costs. These costs were due to the mean intervention cost remaining constant at a level of approximately 11 m CHF per year while the mean total benefit would be gradually reduced in 2010-2012 due to the reduced occurrence of disease in a fully vaccinated population.  相似文献   

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