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Two groups of 24 Hampshire and 26 Suffolk purebred ewes each were used to study effects of cohabitation with cyclic white-faced (WF) ewes on estrous activity in June. Ewes lambed in January, February and March and had been isolated from mature rams since the previous fall breeding. From June 1 to July 2, treated (T) ewes were exposed to vasectomized rams and to 65 WF ewes; control (C) ewes were exposed only to vasectomized rams. Ovulation was assessed with biweekly serum progesterone assays; crayon marks were used to detect estrus. Daily observations of ram behavior were conducted to assess sexual activity of rams joined with T and C ewes. Cohabitation with WF ewes increased (P less than .01) ovulation percentages from 46% in C (42% for Hampshires and 50% for Suffolks) to 76% in T ewes (79% for Hampshires and 73% for Suffolks). Mating percentage also was increased (P less than .05) by cohabitation with WF ewes from 14% for C ewes to 30% for T ewes. Rams with T + WF ewes spent more (P less than .05) time checking ewes for estrus than did rams with C ewes. Hence, cohabitation with cycling WF ewes increased ovulation and mating percentages. Many acyclic T ewes first ovulated after 10 or more days of teasing, possibly due to increased ram contact in the presence of WF ewes.  相似文献   

During the breeding season three experiments were conducted to evaluate the LH and testosterone (T) response of rams with male sexual orientation (e.g., male-oriented homosexual rams) to female sheep, to male sheep, and to treatment with LHRH. Male-oriented rams were identified through a series of sexual performance and sexual preference tests. Treatments included exposure to estrous females and to males for 15 min (Exp. 1) and exposure to estrous females and to males for 8 h (Exp. 2). Behavioral responses to stimulus animals were recorded. In Exp. 2 homosexual rams mounted males more than females (P less than .02) and exhibited more flehmen (P less than .002) and investigatory sniffs (P less than .01) when exposed to males vs females. Acts of aggression (butting the stimulus animals) did not differ by gender (P greater than .1). Flehmen and butting were positively correlated to LH secretion (P less than .02) of rams exposed to females but not to males. In Exp. 1, LH concentration determined every 15 min for 6 h was not affected (P greater than .05) by the gender of the stimulus animal. In Exp. 2, LH pulse frequency and concentration were similar (P greater than .05) by treatment. Lack of an LH response to sexual activity in homosexual rams was not a result of pituitary or gonadal insensitivity; within 1 h of a single injection of LHRH both LH and T increased (Exp. 3).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two adult Hampshire rams, unrelated and from separate farms, were examined for the cause of intermittent bloat and, or anorexia which lasted for three to six weeks and caused depression and cachexia. The rumen of each ram was hypermotile and ballottement of the ventral abdomen of each animal revealed an enlarged doughy viscus. Mild prerenal azotaemia, hypokalaemia with metabolic alkalosis, and high rumen chloride concentrations were evident. One ram died during the induction of anaesthesia for an abomasotomy and the other was euthanased after unsuccessful medical therapy. The abomasum of each ram was four to six times larger than that of a normal adult ram and filled with coarse, semi-moist, impacted ingesta. This abnormality was clinically identical to the abomasal emptying syndrome which has been described only in the Suffolk breed.  相似文献   

High-performing, low-performing, and male-oriented rams were used to investigate behavior and neuroendocrine correlates of sexual interest and discrimination. Treatment consisted of visual and olfactory contact with stimulus animals through a woven wire fence, which inhibited copulation (either ewes in estrus or other rams), for 4 h on each of three consecutive days. Before exposure to stimulus animals on d 1 and during the final 1 h of exposure on d 2, blood samples were collected every 15 min for 1 h to determine concentrations of LH and testosterone. During exposure to stimulus animals, rams were continuously observed and investigatory behaviors were recorded. There was no day effect for any behavior. Groups of rams differed (P < .05) in amounts of behaviors exhibited, but behaviors were not influenced by sex of stimulus animals. High-performing rams exhibited more (P < .05) investigatory behaviors toward stimulus animals than low-performing or male-oriented rams. Plasma concentrations of LH increased (P < .05) in high-performing rams following exposure to estrous ewes, but not following exposure to rams. In low-performing and male-orientated rams, concentrations of LH were unchanged regardless of sex of the stimulus animal. Change in plasma concentrations of testosterone from pre- to posttreatment did not differ between high-performing, low-performing, and male-oriented rams. However, low-performing rams exhibited an increase (P < .05) in plasma concentrations of testosterone following exposure to rams. In conclusion, high-performing rams exhibit a high degree of investigatory behaviors toward estrous ewes and other rams. High-performing rams seem to discriminate sex of stimulus animals and exhibit a neuroendocrine response (i.e., increased plasma LH) only when exposed to ewes in estrus. The sensory signals provided by estrous females are either not detected by low-performing or male-oriented rams or are not sufficiently provocative to elicit further investigation by these rams.  相似文献   

We determined the position, dimensions, and structure of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra in 20 healthy, adult rams by use of ultrasonography. The findings were compared with those of seven rams with obstructive urolithiasis, thus establishing criteria for the diagnosis of urolithiasis via ultrasonography. A 5.0 MHz convex transducer was placed over the right paralumbar fossa to examine the kidneys, and a 5.0 MHz linear rectal transducer was used to examine the bladder and urethra transrectally. All examinations were performed on standing rams. The left kidney had a length of 8.4 ± 0.3 cm (mean ± SD), a width of 4.7 ± 0.3 cm, and a depth of 4.4 ± 0.3 cm. The diameter of the renal sinus of the left kidney was 1.5 ± 0.2 cm. The circumference of the medullary pyramids measured 2.8 ± 0.3 cm. Similar ultrasonographic measurements were obtained for the right kidney. The mean diameter of the bladder of 12 rams was 7.5 ± 2.8 cm. The diameter of the bladder could not be determined in the remaining eight rams because it was greater than 10 cm and therefore beyond the penetration depth of the scanner. The only part of the urethra which could be visualized ultrasonographically was the internal urethral orifice. It had a diameter of 0.2 ± 0.1 cm.

Ultrasonographic examination of seven rams with obstructive urolithiasis revealed a markedly dilated urethra and urinary bladder. Due to severe cystitis, the contents of the urinary bladder appeared as multiple, tiny, uniformly distributed echoes. The renal pelvis and medullary pyramids of both kidneys were dilated in four rams. In two rams, uroperitoneum and accumulation of urine in the abdomen were diagnosed via ultrasonography. In one ram this was due to a ruptured ureter and in one to a ruptured bladder. The results of this study indicate that ultrasonography is a useful aid in the diagnosis of obstructive urolithiasis.


陶赛特公羊与宁夏本地绵羊杂交一代羊的生长育肥试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
试验结果表明 ,陶杂F1代羊的初生重、3月龄和 6月龄的体重均高于本地绵羊 (P <0 0 1)。经育肥的 8~ 9月龄羯羊屠宰测定表明 ,F1代的宰前活重、胴体重和净肉重分别为 34 0 2、17 2 8和13 76kg ,均显著高于本地绵羊 (P <0 0 1) ;屠宰率为 50 79% ,胴体净肉率为 79 63% ,眼肌面积13 58cm2 ,骨肉比为 1 0∶4 60 ,均优于本地绵羊。每只杂种羊比本地绵羊增收 61 62元  相似文献   

Multiparous Suffolk and Suffolk-cross ewes were randomly allotted to treatments within breed and year to measure effects of ram exposure, during transition from anestrus to breeding activity, on reproductive performance. Treatments were: 1) ewes joined with two mature vasectomized Rambouillet rams for 15 d before breeding (DC), 2) ewes maintained across a net wire fence from two vasectomized rams for 15 d before breeding (FC) and 3) ewes maintained approximately 400 m away from rams (NC). At the end of the 15 d, all ewes were placed in one pasture and mated to three fertile Suffolk rams during a 34-d breeding season. A total of 96 Suffolk and 177 Suffolk-cross ewes was utilized during the 3-yr experiment. A greater (P less than .05) prebreeding ovulation percentage was observed in DC and FC than in NC ewes. Mating and lambing occurred approximately 6 d earlier for DC or FC ewes than for NC ewes. A similarly designed experiment was conducted using Suffolk and Suffolk-cross ewe lambs allotted to treatments within breed and year to measure effects of ram exposure during the natural breeding season, but prior to breeding. Treatment differences were not detected (P greater than .05) for date of first observed estrus, date of lambing, percentage of ewes lambing in the first 17 d of the lambing season, number of lambs born per ewe lamb exposed or number of lambs born per ewe lamb giving birth.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine if the frequency distribution of time to oestrus observed after the introduction of rams, and additional ewes in oestrus, is affected by the administration of oestradiol- 17beta. To determine if the fertility following mating at the first induced oestrus in progesterone-primed ewes may be increased with administration of oestradiol-17beta. METHODS: In Experiment 1, ewes received 40 mug oestradiol- 17beta 3 (E3; n=61) or 5 (E5; n=56) days before the introduction of rams; 61 ewes were controls (C1). In Experiment 2, a controlled internal drug-releasing (CIDR) device was inserted in 95 ewes on Day -5 (Day 0 = introduction of rams). In addition, 47 ewes received oestradiol-17beta on Day 0 (CE), and the remaining 48 were controls (C2). In both experiments, additional ewes, brought into oestrus between Days 0 and 2 by hormonal treatments, were introduced with the rams. Onset of oestrus was estimated by visual observation of ewes marked by rams. Pregnancy status of ewes in Experiment 2 was determined using ultrasound, 30 days after oestrus. RESULTS: The total number of ewes detected in oestrus in Experiment 1 was similar between the three groups. The frequency distribution of ewes in oestrus in the E5 group differed from that of ewes in both C1 (p=0.05) and E3 (p<0.001). A similar number of ewes were detected in oestrus between Days 16-20, but the proportion of ewes in oestrus between Days 21-26 was greater for ewes in C1 than E5 or E3. Mean interval to the onset of oestrus was shorter in C1 than E3 which was shorter than E5 ewes (p<0.001). In Experiment 2, the total number of ewes in oestrus were similar between groups. Ewes in oestrus between Days 1-4 (65% and 64% for C2 and CE, respectively) and conception rates over the same period (81% and 80% for C2 and CE, respectively) were also similar between groups. CONCLUSIONS: Administration of oestradiol-17beta to anoestrous ewes altered the pattern of onset of oestrus, but it did not affect submission or conception rates, regardless of whether or not a short period of progesterone priming with a new CIDR device was included prior to the introduction of rams.  相似文献   

A 2-yr experiment was conducted to determine whether isolation of ewes from rams is necessary to achieve a high response to the ram effect and whether ewes respond as well in May as in June. The experiment was conducted at two locations, with the same four treatments at each location. The four treatments differed with respect to ewe proximity to rams before mating (isolated vs adjacent) and date of joining with novel breeding rams (May 15 vs June 15). The proximity treatment at one location was changed in the 2nd yr; teaser rams were joined with the ewes instead of being adjacent to them. Overall, 86% of the eligible ewes were judged to have responded to the ram effect. A period of isolation before mating did not increase response compared with ewes that remained adjacent to, or in contact with, rams (86 vs 85%). Response was greater (P less than .05) in June and in the 2nd yr (P = .05). A physiological response, different from that generally described, was identified. Ewes ovulated approximately 8 d (8.0 +/- .19 d) after joining with breeding rams. The subsequent ovulation, accompanied by estrus, occurred approximately 15 d later (15.3 +/- .29 d). Eighty-five percent (87/102) of the ewes sampled responded in this manner. However, 82% (31/38) of a sample of these ewes had at least one morphologically normal corpus luteum when examined by laparoscopy 4 d after joining. It seems that these corpora lutea were not completely functional with respect to progesterone production. The ram effect can be achieved without prior isolation of ewes from rams.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two methods of induction of ovulation were examined in Manchega ewes that were in postpartum anestrus during the nonbreeding season. The experiment was of 2 X 2 X 3 factorial design. The methods compared were introduction of rams and this treatment plus an im injection of 50 micrograms luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) at the time rams were introduced. Variations in response due to month of treatment (April, May or June) and interval from lambing to treatment (1, 2 or 3 mo) and their interactions with type of treatment were examined. Responses studied were proportions of ewes showing increases in plasma progesterone at (a) 10 d or (b) 17 or 24 d post-treatment, or lambing by 200 d post-treatment, and interval from treatment to lambing for ewes that did lamb by 200 d. The formation of a corpus luteum was determined by concentrations of progesterone in plasma; a positive response was considered to be a concentration greater than .5 ng/ml (baseline values averaged .1 ng/ml). Overall, there was no benefit of LHRH above the response to introduction of males only, in any trait examined. There was a significant interaction of treatment with month of treatment on the proportion of ewes forming corpora lutea by 17 or 24 d after initiation of treatment. This proportion was lower in June (38 vs 66% in April and 82% in May) for ewes receiving LHRH, but did not differ among months (61 to 68%) for ewes exposed to males only.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the level and duration of progesterone secretion during the sequential oestrous cycles in fat-tailed Tuj ewes following tactile and visual separation of rams during the breeding season. For these purposes, rams were separated from the main flock for 50 days starting from the beginning of the breeding season and 21 ewes were randomly selected for the current experiment. In order to assess luteal activity and the length of oestrous cycles, the ewes were blood-sampled thrice or twice weekly for the measurement of progesterone in plasma. The data showed that 3 +/- 0.2 oestrous cycles were observed in this time window, and the first oestrous cycle observed was shorter (P < 0.05) than the following cycles (mean +/- SEM, 14.6 +/- 0.82, 16.5 +/- 0.48 and 17.0 +/- 0.54 days, respectively, for cycles 1, 2 and 3). Progesterone production was significantly lower in the first oestrous cycle compared with the second and third cycles on days 9, 12 and 14 of the cycles. The follicular periods of ewes showed four accumulations (maximum values using a 3-day moving average technique) throughout the study and the percentages of ewes at each accumulation (peak day +/- 1 day) were 50, 35, 65 and 80% for the first, second, third and fourth accumulations, respectively (P < 0.05). It was concluded that progesterone production was lower and the oestrous cycles were shorter during the first oestrous cycle and that tactile and visual separation of rams at the beginning of the breeding season might enhance the synchronizing effect towards the end of the breeding season in the fat-tailed Tuj ewes.  相似文献   

During the period 1972–1974 investigations were made on 120 wethers fattened semi-intensively to a weight of 45 kg liveweight. These lambs originated from commercial crosses of the Polish Merino with rams of the breeds Blackheaded Mutton (B), Ile de France (IF) and Texel (T) as well as pure Merino (M) in the control group.The use of rams of these meat-producing breeds as compared with Merino gave a better growth rate: an increase in the group IF × M of 6.2%, B × M of 7.8% and T × M of 8.8% respectively. The feed consumption, expressed in starch equivalents per kg of weight, decreased in group IF × M by 11.6%, B × M by 15.1% and T × M by 15.6%, and total digestible protein decreased in the group IF × M by 12.1%, B × M by 16.6% and T × M by 16.9%.Crosses with Blackheaded Mutton and Ile de France rams did not fundamentally change the tissue composition of the lamb carcasses. However, the use of Texel rams resulted in carcasses with a higher lean content and less fat as compared with pure Merino (difference 5.7%) as well as with other crosses (differences 4.2–4.8%).Rams of the meat breeds tested did not greatly influence dressing percentage and carcass yield in terms of bone content and the proportion of valuable cuts; nor were dimensions affected, except for a decrease in length of 2–3.5% compared with Merino.  相似文献   

Epididymitis in rams and lambs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article reviews lamb epididymitis and epididymitis caused by Brucella ovis. Pathogenesis, occurrence, signs and lesions, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion in mediating the effects of photoperiod on cycles of appetite and growth was studied in Soay rams. The rams' pens were artificially illuminated so that day length changes were of normal amplitude but had a six-month period. Four rams underwent bilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy and two a sham operation. Cycles of body weight and voluntary food intake followed the six-month photoperiod before ganglionectomy. After ganglionectomy both these cycles were reduced to about half the amplitude seen in the sham-operated rams, but their period did not appear to be affected. These responses to photoperiod are evidently mediated to a similar extent by the sympathetic pathway but may persist after ganglionectomy.  相似文献   

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