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Platelet life span was measured in dogs with experimentally-induced mitral regurgitation (MR) by using an in vitro whole-blood biotinylation technique to evaluate the effects of shear stress induced by MR. Mitral regurgitation was created in healthy dogs by ablation of the mitral valve chordae tendineae. Mitral regurgitation was identified by auscultation and postoperative color Doppler echocardiography. Platelets were biotinylated. and derivatized blood was reinfused into the dogs. Biotinylated platelet disappearance was measured over time to determine platelet life span. Pre- and postablation platelet life span was compared in each dog. Platelet life span was shorter in dogs with experimentally induced MR. Shear stress from MR was postulated to shorten platelet life span. Alternations in platelet function and life span may contribute to the progression of cardiovascular disease in dogs with MR. Further studies are required to determine if platelet dysfunction is related to disease progression in these patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To monitor the progression of age-related behavioral changes in dogs during a period of 6 to 18 months and to determine whether signs of dysfunction in any of 4 behavioral categories can be used to predict further impairment. DESIGN: Age-stratified cohort study. ANIMALS: 63 spayed female and 47 castrated male dogs 11 to 14 years of age. PROCEDURE: Data were collected from randomly selected dog owners who were interviewed by telephone twice at a 12- to 18-month interval; data were included if the dog had lived > or = 6 months between interviews. The interview focused on signs of impairment in the following behavioral categories: orientation in the home and yard, social interactions with human family members, house training, and the sleep-wake cycle. Dogs were determined to have impairment in 0 behavioral categories (on the basis of < or = 1 sign for each category), impairment in 1 category (> or = 2 signs of dysfunction in that category), or impairment in > or = 2 categories. RESULTS: Between interviews, 22% (16/73) of dogs that did not have impairment in a category at the time of the first interview developed impairment in that category by the time of the second interview. Forty-eight percent (13/27) of dogs that had impairment in 1 category at the time of the first interview developed impairment in > or = 2 categories by the time of the second interview and were significantly more likely to develop impairment in > or = 2 categories, compared with dogs that initially had impairment in 0 categories. Dogs with 1 sign of dysfunction in orientation were significantly more likely to develop impairment in that category, compared with dogs that had 0 signs of dysfunction in orientation. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Age-related behavioral changes in dogs are progressive. Clinicians should consider trying to predict which dogs are most likely to become progressively impaired during the subsequent 6 to 18 months.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of diet restriction on development of radiographic evidence of hip joint osteoarthritis in dogs. DESIGN: Longitudinal cohort study. ANIMALS: 48 Labrador Retrievers from 7 litters. PROCEDURES: Forty-eight 6-week-old puppies from 7 litters were paired with littermates by sex and weight, and each pairmate was randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups of 24 dogs each. Starting at 8 weeks of age, 1 group was fed ad libitum (control fed) and the other was fed 25% less (restricted fed) of the same diet for life on a pairwise basis. The dogs' hip joints were radiographed in the standard ventrodorsal hip-extended view at multiple intervals prior to 1 year of age and at annual intervals thereafter on the basis of birth anniversary. A board-certified radiologist unaware of group assignment scored the radiographs for evidence of osteoarthritis. RESULTS: Prevalence of radiographic evidence of hip joint osteoarthritis in all dogs increased linearly throughout the study, from an overall prevalence of 15% at 2 years to 67% by 14 years. Restricted-fed dogs had lower prevalence and later onset of hip joint osteoarthritis. Median age at first identification of radiographic evidence of hip joint osteoarthritis was significantly lower in the control-fed group (6 years), compared with the restricted-fed group (12 years). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Restricted feeding delayed or prevented development of radiographic signs of hip joint osteoarthritis in this cohort of Labrador Retrievers. Lifetime maintenance of 25% diet restriction delayed onset and reduced severity of hip joint osteoarthritis, thus favorably affecting both duration and quality of life. In addition, the data indicated that development of hip joint osteoarthritis was not bimodal in these dogs but occurred as a continuum throughout life.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of age-related behavioral changes, namely impairment, in a randomly chosen population of dogs. DESIGN: Age-stratified cohort study. ANIMALS: 97 spayed female and 83 castrated male dogs that were 11 to 16 years old. PROCEDURE: Data on possible impairment in 4 behavioral categories (ie, orientation in the home and yard, social interaction, house training, and sleep-wake cycle) linked to cognitive dysfunction were obtained from dog owners, using a structured telephone interview. Hospital records of dogs had been screened to exclude dogs with dysfunction in organ systems that may cause behavioral changes. Dogs with behavioral impairment were those with > or = 2 signs of dysfunction within a category. Dogs with impairment in 1 category were considered mildly impaired and those with impairment in > or =2 categories were considered severely impaired. RESULTS: Age by sex interactions for dogs with impairment in any category were not significant, and, therefore, data on castrated males and spayed females were pooled for analyses across ages. The prevalence of age-related progressive impairment was significant in all categories. The percentage of 11- to 12-year-old dogs with impairment in > or = 1 category was 28% (22/80), of which 10% (8/80) had impairment in > or = 2 behavioral categories. Of 15- to 16-year-old dogs, 68% (23/34) had impairment in > or =1 category, of which 35% (12/34) had impairments in > or = 2 categories. There were no significant effects of body weight on the prevalence of signs of dysfunction in the behavioral categories. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Data collected provide estimates of the prevalence of various degrees of age-related behavioral changes associated with cognitive dysfunction in dogs. Age-related behavioral changes may be useful indicators for medical intervention for dogs with signs of cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine effects of various diets on the pharmacokinetics of phenobarbital and the interactive effects of changes in body composition and metabolic rate. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 27 healthy sexually intact adult female Beagles. PROCEDURE: Pharmacokinetic studies of phenobarbital were performed before and 2 months after dogs were fed 1 of 3 diets (group 1, maintenance diet; group 2, protein-restricted diet; group 3, fat- and protein-restricted diet) and treated with phenobarbital (approx 3 mg/kg [1.4 mg/lb] of body weight, p.o., q 12 h). Pharmacokinetic studies involved administering phenobarbital (15 mg/kg [6.8 mg/lb], i.v.) and collecting blood samples at specific intervals for 240 hours. Effects of diet and time were determined by repeated-measures ANOVA. RESULTS: Volume of distribution, mean residence time, and half-life (t1/2) of phenobarbital significantly decreased, whereas clearance rate and elimination rate significantly increased with time in all groups. Dietary protein or fat restriction induced significantly greater changes: t1/2 (hours) was lower in groups 2 (mean +/- SD; 25.9 +/- 6.10 hours) and 3 (24.0 +/- 4.70) than in group 1 (32.9 +/- 5.20). Phenobarbital clearance rate (ml/kg/min) was significantly higher in group 3 (0.22 +/- 0.05 ml/kg/min) than in groups 1 (0.17 +/- 0.03) or 2 (0.18 +/- 0.03). Induction of serum alkaline phosphatase activity (U/L) was greater in groups 2 (192.4 +/- 47.5 U/L) and 3 (202.0 +/- 98.2) than in group 1 (125.0 +/- 47.5). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Clinically important differences between diet groups were observed regarding pharmacokinetics of phenobarbital, changes in CBC and serum biochemical variables, and body composition. Drug dosage must be reevaluated if a dog's diet, body weight, or body composition changes during treatment. Changes in blood variables that may indicate liver toxicosis caused by phenobarbital may be amplified by diet-drug interactions.  相似文献   

The effects of three dietary protein intakes (1–9, 1–3, and 0–6 g protein/kg bodyweight/day) on selected aspects of protein, mineral and electrolyte balance as well as renal functions was studied in normal dogs with moderate chronic renal failure. Dietary phosphate levels varied according to the quantity of phosphate in protein sources. Within the ranges of protein intake examined in this study, protein intake did not have a significant effect on glomerular filtration rates as measured by inulin clearance or 24-hour creatinine clearance. Restricting protein intake to less than 1–9 g protein/kg bodyweight/day further reduced retention of nitrogenous waste products as measured by serum urea nitrogen concentrations, but at the expense of adequate protein nutrition. Diets providing less than 1–9 g protein/kg bodyweight/day promoted protein malnutrition characterised by hypoproteinaemia and hypoalbuminaemia in both normal dogs and dogs with renal failure. Serum protein concentrations were similar in normal and renal failure dogs, suggesting that, under the conditions of this study, normal and renal failure dogs may have similar protein requirements. Progressive dietary protein/phosphate restriction improved but did not normalise phosphate balance in renal failure dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of dietary modification on clinical signs of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) in dogs. DESIGN: Blinded randomized crossover study. ANIMALS: 21 dogs with EPI. PROCEDURE: Dogs were fed the diet they received at home for 2 weeks. Thereafter, they received 3 special diets (a high-fat diet, a high-fiber diet, and a highly digestible low-residue diet) for 3 weeks each. Owners scored dogs daily for the last 2 weeks of each 3-week period for severity of 6 clinical signs including appetite, defecation frequency, consistency of feces, borborygmus, flatulence, and coprophagia. An EPI index was calculated for each dog by adding the daily scores for each clinical sign. RESULTS: Significant differences in daily EPI indices among diets were observed in 20 dogs. The original diet appeared to be the most suitable in 8 dogs, whereas the high-fat diet was most suitable in 5 dogs, the high-fiber diet was most suitable in 4 dogs, and the low-residue diet was most suitable in 2 dogs. In 1 dog, the lowest EPI index score was the same during the original diet and the high-fat diet feeding periods. One dog did not complete the feeding period for the high-fiber diet. Differences in mean EPI indices among diets were not significant. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that responses to different diets varied among individual dogs. Because responses to the feeding regimens were unpredictable, it is suggested that feeding regimens be individually formulated for dogs with EPI.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) reduces urinary calcium excretion in dogs with calcium oxalate urolithiasis. DESIGN: Original study. ANIMALS: 8 dogs with calcium oxalate urolithiasis. PROCEDURE: 4 treatment protocols were evaluated in each dog (a low calcium, low protein diet designed to prevent calcium oxalate urolith formation with and without administration of HCTZ [2 mg/kg (0.9 mg/lb) of body weight, PO, q 12 h] and a maintenance diet with higher quantities of protein and calcium with and without administration of HCTZ). At the end of each 2-week treatment period, 24-hour urine samples were collected. Blood samples were collected during the midpoint of each urine collection period. Analysis of variance was performed to evaluate the effects of HCTZ and diet on urine and serum analytes. RESULTS: Hydrochlorothiazide significantly decreased urine calcium and potassium concentration and excretion. Hydrochlorothiazide also significantly decreased serum potassium concentration. Compared with the maintenance diet, the urolith prevention diet significantly decreased urine calcium and oxalic acid concentration and excretion. Dogs consuming the urolith prevention diet had significantly lower serum concentrations of albumin and urea nitrogen. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Administration of HCTZ decreased urine calcium excretion in dogs with a history of calcium oxalate urolith formation. The greatest reduction in urine calcium concentration and excretion was achieved when dogs received HCTZ and the urolith prevention diet. Results of this study suggest that the hypocalciuric effect of HCTZ will minimize recurrence of calcium oxalate urolith formation in dogs; however, long-term controlled clinical trials are needed to confirm the safety and effectiveness of HCTZ.  相似文献   

Six dogs were fed each of nine diets to evaluate the effects of diet on fecal occult blood test results. The diets represented a range of different type (i.e. canned, dry or semi-moist), protein and vegetable constituents, and fiber contents. Each diet was fed twice daily for five consecutive days; fecal samples were collected twice daily on days 4 and 5. An o-tolidine test kit and a guaiac paper test kit for fecal occult blood were used. Two hundred and sixteen fecal samples were analyzed (24 samples/diet). When using the guaiac test the following positive results were obtained from fecal samples from dogs consuming a canned meat- and vegetable-based diet (24/24 samples); a canned meat-based diet (24/24 samples); a dry corn and poultry-based diet (9/24 samples); a dry corn, wheat, and meat meal diet (4/24 samples), a canned poultry-based diet (1/24 sample) and a semi-moist soybean meal-based diet (2/24 samples). A total of 64 samples were positive using the guaiac test. Using the o-tolidine test, no samples were positive. The difference between the number of positive results with each test kit was highly significant (p < 0.001). Results indicate that 1) diet affects the specificity of guaiac test fecal occult blood results in the dog and 2) positive o-tolidine test results were not caused by diets fed in the study.  相似文献   

O bjectives : The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence and severity of behavioural changes associated with age and their relationship to risk factors such as sex, reproductive status, bodyweight and age.
M ethods : A cross-sectional study design was chosen. A total of 325 geriatric dogs were included. Owners of dogs older than nine years were interviewed by a veterinary behaviourist. Structured phone interviews were used to gather information about four behavioural categories related to cognitive impairment: sleep/wake cycles, social interaction, learning and house training and signs of disorientation.
R esults : Signs of cognitive impairment showed a prevalence of 22·5 per cent in geriatric dogs. Sex and age emerged as significant predictor variables. Females and neutered dogs were significantly more affected than males and entire dogs, respectively. Prevalence and severity increased with age. Although weight was not a statistically significant predictor variable, smaller animals had greater odds of showing age-related cognitive impairment. The most impaired behavioural categories were social interaction and house training.
C linical S ignificance : Age-related behavioural changes should be considered by practicing veterinarians because of their relative high prevalence among geriatric dogs, especially in females.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of feed and water restriction and receiving diet crude protein level on feeder pig performance. In Exp. 1, a total of 239 commingled feeder pigs transported over 1,000 km were used in two trials. Pigs given access to feed and water (FW) at the market weighed more (P less than .0001) following marketing and transport than pigs given no feed and water (N) for the comparable 25-h market period (20.7 vs 19.6 kg). While FW pigs weighed less (P less than .02) than N pigs at the conclusion of the trials (93.9 vs 96.6 kg), there was no effect (P greater than .1) on overall average daily gain (.32 vs .35). There were no effects of receiving diets containing 12, 16 or 20% crude protein on daily gain, daily feed intake or feed efficiency for the overall growing-finishing period. Scour scores on d 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14 post-arrival increased (P less than .01) with increased levels of protein in the receiving diets. In Exp. 2, a total of 360 crossbred feeder pigs was mixed and moved from a nursery to grower-finisher facilities in three trials, given feed and water access immediately (FWG) or denied access for 44 h (NG). At the end of the 44-h period, FWG pigs were heavier than NG pigs (P less than .0001; 18.3 vs 16.7 kg). There was no treatment effect on overall pig weight, daily gain or feed efficiency.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to evaluate a high fibre diet used in the management of 10 dogs with naturally occurring insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Following baseline measurements of health and glycaemic control, the dogs were fed a canned diet containing a blend of insoluble and soluble dietary fibres and were monitored during the ensuing four months. Switching to the high fibre diet was associated with significantly lower mean 24-hour and postprandial plasma glucose concentrations, which were maintained over the study period. The high fibre diet was also associated with significant reductions in plasma concentrations of fructosamine, glycated haemoglobin, free glycerol and cholesterol, and there were significant improvements in dog activity and demeanour. Bodyweight declined during the fourth month of feeding the diet, which is likely to have resulted from underfeeding relative to increased activity. The results indicate that a high fibre diet can significantly improve glycaemic control and quality of life in dogs with diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Abnormalities affecting the pancreas or small intestine can result in malabsorption and diarrhoea by interfering with either the degradative or absorptive phases in the handling of one or more nutrients. Diet may be involved in the pathogenesis of certain disorders and can also influence the nature and severity of the clinical manifestations of gastrointestinal disease. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency can have serious nutritional consequences as the pancreas plays a crucial role in the degradation of the main dietary constituents. Whereas gastrointestinal peptidases help compensate for pancreatic protease deficiencies, malabsorption of carbohydrate and fat occurs and can result in osmotic and secretory diarrhoea, respectively. Small intestinal disease can result in malabsorption by interference with either the number or functioning of individual enterocytes. Diarrhoea may be due to stimulated secretion and diminished absorption of fluid and electrolytes, and also to the osmotic effects of small molecules, particularly carbohydrates, that remain in the lumen. Specific therapy depends on the disease. Dietary management is also important, for example with a restricted fat diet containing highly digestible carbohydrate and a high quality protein source. Where a specific dietary sensitivity is suspected, such as gluten-enteropathy, a hypoallergenic diet may prove particularly valuable.  相似文献   

Variation in breed longevity in the dog has led to the inference that large dogs age at a faster rate than small dogs, possibly because of an increased oxidative load. Potential differences in behavioral aging (the rate of age-related decline in cognito-behavioral performance) across breeds represent a significant challenge to veterinarians and scientists. Using data from a large cross-sectional survey of older dog owners, we aimed to identify breed differences in behavioral aging in successfully aged dogs ≥8 years of age. Differences based on longevity (short-lived, <11 years; medium-lived, 11-13 years; and long-lived, >13 years), size (small-sized, <35 cm; medium-sized, 35-55 cm; and large-sized, >55 cm), and breed (pure vs. crossbred) were identified using binary logistic regression. Significant breed differences across longevity group were seen in 2 behavioral responses: dogs drinking >1 L/d (P = 0.001, maximum difference between groups = 16.4%) and dogs showing aggression (P = 0.006, maximum difference between groups = 15.1%). In purebred dogs, 8 responses (P < 0.001-0.008, maximum difference between groups = 8.4%-20%) showed significant differences across size group compared with 1 response, in crossbred dogs (P = 0.008, max difference between groups = 28.4%). Significant differences were observed across longevity group in the prevalence of arthritis (P = 0.014) and across size group in the prevalence of arthritis (P < 0.001) and blindness (P = 0.014). In medium-sized dogs, 2 age × breeding group interactions were seen in ingestive behavior (P = 0.037) and aggression (P = 0.028). In large-sized dogs, 1 age × breeding group interaction was seen in abnormal locomotion (P = 0.025). A consistent direction in the differences identified was not seen across all analyses. In general, these data did not suggest an increased rate of behavioral aging in large, short-lived dogs. It is possible that size-dependent aging affects body systems differently or, alternatively, owner’s management may differ between small and large dogs, resulting in differences in behavior.  相似文献   

Effects of exercise regimens on the enzyme histochemical changes of articular chondrocytes of the humeral heads in adult shepherd-type dogs were studied. One group of 4 dogs was exercised by walking on a flat surface 5 days a week for 6 months. A 2nd group of 4 dogs was exercised under the same conditions, except that the dogs were forced to walk over platforms placed in their path. Three control dogs were exercised ad libitum in their housing area. In all dogs, the reactivity of lactic acid dehydrogenase was quite strong nicotinamide dinucleotide dehydrogenase was moderate, and glucose-6-phosphatase was week. Succinic acid dehydrogenase uridine diphosphate (UDP)-galactose-4-epimerase, and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-4-epimerase were of weakly moderate staining reactivity. Consistent regional or laminar variability was not found among the chondrocytic populations of the exercised and control groups for the reactivity of the enzymes studied. However, regional and/or laminar variabilities in individuals of the experimental groups were identified. The weak reactivity of glucose-6-phosphatase as seemingly contradictory to the presence of intracellular lipids of adult articular chondrocytes. Lipid synthesis was suggested as a mechanism to store excessive quantities of hydrogen ions in an innocuous form, rather than in the potentially deleterious by-product of anaerobic glycolysis, lactic acid.  相似文献   

The effects of two popular commercial pet foods on faecal markers of microbial metabolism were investigated. Adult dogs were fed a dry, extruded diet and a moist, canned diet in a randomly assigned crossover design. Fresh faecal samples were collected for chemical and enzyme activity assays. Relative to the canned diet, the dry food resulted in decreased faecal pH and faecal indole, sulphide and ammonia concentrations and increased total short-chain fatty acid, acetic and propionic acid concentrations. Faecal beta-glucosidase, beta-glucuronidase, beta-galactosidase and nitroreductase activities were decreased in dogs fed the dry diet. These changes in microbial metabolic activity are consistent with beneficial effects of the dry diet on colonic health.  相似文献   

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