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In this study, phenological and meteorological data have been used to interpret variations in a time series of regional average yields and quality parameters of malting barley (Hordeum vulgare L). The analyses were focused mainly on the grain filling period. Duration and occurrence of this development stage showed remarkable differences from year to year, as heading varied over more than four weeks and yellow ripeness over two weeks in the investigation period from 1974 to 1996. Yields above average were achieved only in years when grain filling duration exceeded 42 d. Protein concentrations below 10.5 % and grading percentages over 90 % required at least 44 d of grain filling. Temperature had the strongest influence on the length of grain filling, even though the calculated Growing Degree Days (base temperature 3 °C) were not absolutely constant. Mean daily temperature and relative air humidity were the best estimators with respect to grain yield. An optimum temperature range was found between 14 and 18 °C. Assuming a linear relationship, yield reductions between 4.1 and 5.7 % have been calculated for every 1 °C increase of the mean daily temperature. Relative air humidity was the best single estimator for grain protein concentration. The results of this study suggest that relative humidity during grain filling can be a more suitable parameter to describe drought stress effects than precipitation amounts from heading to yellow ripeness or from January 1 to yellow ripeness.  相似文献   

为给啤酒大麦高产栽培提供理论依据,采用便携式光合分析系统研究不同基因型啤酒大麦冠层叶片光合速率变化,分析其对产量的影响。研究结果表明,参试基因型中M-22(1)、KH LEDI(4)、Pasadena(15)、Z014J081J(19)、MERIT(20)、Z090M066M(25)等二棱大麦的叶面积指数(LAI)一直较高,其中以美国的新品种之一Z014J081J表现最为突出,平均LAI达2.69;不同基因型啤酒大麦叶面积指数阶段变化与产量呈现一定的正相关关系, 从挑旗期到灌浆末期整个生育阶段的LAI变化与产量的相关性均达到极显著水平;相关分析表明,不同基因型啤酒大麦冠层光合速率阶段变化与产量呈现一定的正相关关系。其中孕穗期、抽穗开花期和灌浆末期的光合速率变化与产量的相关性达极显著水平,相关系数分别为0.5024、0.5360和0.6758。  相似文献   

G. Hahne  H. Lörz 《Plant Breeding》1987,99(4):330-332
Embryogenic callus cultures of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) were frozen in the presence of a cryoprotector and subsequentjy stored in liquid nitrogen. After thawing, a high percentage of cultures resumed growth after a lag-period of 2–4 weeks. Plant regeneration was achieved at a frequency comparable to that observed in control cultures.  相似文献   

棉花产量遥感预测的L-Y模型构建   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文利用LAI动态与棉花产量的关系建立了叶面积指数—产量(L-Y)模型,以期利用多时相遥感数据,实现对棉花产量定量遥感预测。模型建立以小区控制和大田生产试验数据为基础,以农学原理为背景,采用数学推演方法,具简单、灵活、普适性强等特点。检验结果表明,用便携式光谱辐射计测定棉花冠层高光谱反射率,以棉花全生育期LAI动态与棉花产量的关系和近地高光谱遥感参数模型监测的多时相LAI,可很好地定量预测棉花产量,估算误差约为5.44%,RMSE达到116.2 kg·hm-2,预测值与实测值相关系数为0.836,达极显著水平。L-Y模型为棉花卫星遥感估产提供了参考模型,对其他作物使用动态生长信息提高遥感估产水平也有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Remote sensing and vegetation indices can be used to characterize the canopy of crops with a non‐destructive method on a large scale. Leaf area formation of sugar beet in early summer is the most important variable for crop growth models. This study aimed at estimating whether differences in leaf area development of sugar beet resulting from different agronomic practices can be determined with remote sensing. The relationship between the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and leaf area index (LAI) during the season and yield of the storage root in autumn was studied in six field trials in 2001 and nine field trials in 2002. The vegetation index NDVI gave a good impression of differences in leaf development of sugar beet in early summer. LAI increased with increasing NDVI up to an NDVI of 0.65. Above that the NDVI did not respond as distinctly to treatments as the LAI. An exponential function was developed to calculate sugar beet LAI from NDVI, so that remote sensing data can be used as input variable for crop growth models. The yield of the storage root in autumn did not show any relationship to LAI or NDVI during the season, regardless of whether it was measured in June or September. Therefore, it seems to be necessary to combine NDVI data with crop growth models to forecast a potential sugar beet yield in autumn. For this purpose the formula presented is a valuable tool.  相似文献   

R. Götz  W. Friedt 《Plant Breeding》1993,111(2):125-131
Barley yellow mosaic disease is caused by several viruses, i.e. barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV), barley mild mosaic virus (BaMMV) and BaYMV-2. The reaction of different barley germplasms to the barley mosaic viruses was studied in field and greenhouse experiments. The results show a complex situation; some varieties are resistant to all the viruses, while others are resistant to one or two of them only. Crosses between different barley germplasms were earned out in order to test whether genetic diversity of resistance against mosaic viruses does exist, particularly, BaMMV. A total of 45 foreign barley varieties were crossed to German cultivars carrying the resistance gene ym4. In F2 of 27 crosses, no segregation could be detected, leading to the conclusion that the resistance genes of the foreign parents are allelic with ym4 e.g. Ym1 (‘Mokusekko 3’) and Ym2 (‘Mihori Hadaka 3’). A total of 18 crosses segregated in F2 indicating that foreign parents, like ‘Chikurin Ibaraki 1’, ‘Iwate Omugi 1’, and “Anson Barley”, carry resistance genes different from the gene of German cultivars, e.g. ‘Asorbia’ or ‘Franka’. By means of statistical evaluation (Chi2-test), the observed segregation ratios were analyzed in order to obtain significant information on the heredity of resistance. All the resistance genes described here as being different from the gene ym4, act recessively. Most of the exotic varieties seem to carry only one resistance gene. In a few cases, more than one gene may be present.  相似文献   

以7个细胞质雄性不育系及相应保持系和4个恢复系,按NCⅡ交配设计配成7×4=28个F1杂种,研究了12个数量性状,即株高(PH)、穗长(SL)、穗下节间长(IL)、每株穗数(SP)、主穗粒数(KMS)、每株粒数(KP)、每株粒重(KWP)、每株干重(DWP)、千粒重(KW)、籽粒产量(KY)、籽粒蛋白质含量(PC)和赖氨酸含量(LP)的杂种优势表现。以杂种离中亲  相似文献   

Effects of chlormequat chloride (CCC), ethephon and mixtures of CCC and ethephon, applied at Zadoks growth stage (ZGS) 30 (the beginning of stem elongation) on the number of spike-bearing shoots and their contribution to grain yields of four spring barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars were studied in 1987 and 1988 at McGill University, Quebec, Canada. The results varied between years and among cultivars. The mixtures of CCC and ethephon or ethephon alone, produced significant increases in the number of spikes m−2 in cultivars Joly and Laurier , in both years, and in Leger only in 1988. Ethephon and ethephon containing mixtures reduced the yields of Joly and Leger in 1988. In both years CCC had no effect on spikes m−2 for all cultivars. Increases in spikes m−2 were accompanied by decreases in 1000-grain weight, and/or grains per spike, which offset or more than offset potential benefits from increased spikes m−2. These results indicate that under continental climatic conditions such as those prevalent in Quebec, Canada, application of PGRs to spring barley at ZGS 30 does not increase grain yield through an increased number of spikes m−2.  相似文献   

T. Akar    E. Francia    A. Tondelli    F. Rizza    A. M. Stanca    N. Pecchioni 《Plant Breeding》2009,128(4):381-386
Five molecular markers associated to two frost tolerance QTLs ( Fr-H1 and Fr-H2 ) were tested both on nine Turkish accessions, classified by breeders as highly frost-tolerant, and on a previously described sample of 26 barleys, winter, facultative and spring. Accessions were characterized in terms of frost tolerance under both field conditions and artificial freezing test at −12°C. The Turkish lines resulted to be equal or superior to the most tolerant European genotypes tested, showing that they can be used to improve the frost tolerance of the EU barley germplasm. The marker Hv BM5A ( Vrn-H1 and Fr-H1 ) resulted to be the best predictor for assisted selection within this germplasm, because of its high correlation between allelic variation and phenotypic traits. Only Hv CBF4 of the three Hv CBF markers tested at Fr-H2 was associated to the trait, but at lower significance than HvBM5A . The PCR-based molecular marker of Vrn-H1 can thus be used in barley breeding not only for selection of facultative and winter types, but also for fast routine selection of frost tolerant genotypes.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out to assess the suitability of the intergeneric cross Hordeum vulgare×Psathyrostachys fragilis for haploid barley production. H. vulgare cvs. ‘Emir’ and ‘Vada’ were each pollinated with P. fragilis P.I. 343192 and plants regenerated from embryos cultured on a modified B5 medium. Seed sets on ‘Vada’ were significantly lower than on ‘Emir’, and all the planes from ‘Vada’×P. fragile remained hybrid. Several of these flowered but there was little pairing between the parental chromosomes. Most of the plants from ‘Emir’×P. fragilis died, as seedlings but 3 plants developed into haploid barley. Because of the practical limitations of pollen availability from P. fragilis and the inconsistencies in haploid plant formation, it is unlikely that the cross will prove as valuable as that between H. vulgare×H. bulbosum for a doubled haploid barley programme.  相似文献   

This study gives estimates of breeding progress achieved in winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) since the 1960′s in grain yield and the change in several morphological traits for seventeen historically important cultivars: 12 six-rowed and 5 two-rowed, grouped into four epochs according to the period of major commercialization in Italy. All genotypes were evaluated across a range of soil fertility and climatic environments. The modern six-rowed cultivars have shown a consistent increase in tillers/m2 and seeds/spike (16 and 28 %, respectively) over the local populations. In the modern two-rowed cultivar ‘Igri’ the increase in tillers/m2 and seed weight were, respectively, 20 and 14 % snd seeds/spike decreased by 20 % over the local populations. The modern six-rowed and two-rowed cultivars have less lodging, are earlier and shorter than the old varieties and local populations. In the last quarter of a century, the breeding progress for gram yield has been increased by 52 and 74 kg/ ha/year or 0.75 and 1.1 % per year respectively, for six-rowed and two-rowed genotypes: while the gain in biomass yield in the same period was not uniform for six-rowed cuitivars and increased by 64 kg/ha/ year or 0.46 % in two-rowed cultivars. The grain yield improvement in the modern six-rowed and two-rowed cultivars is the result of a better partitioning of the photosynthetic products into the grain.  相似文献   

用轮回式部分双列杂交法对大麦花药离体培养力进行基因型差异及配合力分析。结果表明, 花药愈伤组织诱导率的基因型差异显著;一般配合力(GCA)和特殊配合力(SCA)是相互独立的, 且其方差均达极显著水平;遗传的差异既包含加性效应,也包括显性效应,但加性效应更为重要。因而针对花药愈伤组织诱导率而言,GCA效应是首要的,在GCA效应高的基础上,选配SCA效应高的组合,通过杂交可以选育出花药愈伤组织诱导率高的基因型。  相似文献   

Drought stress is one of the most important abiotic factors which adversely affect growth, metabolism and yield of crops worldwide. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of drought stress on photosynthesis in barley and examine the differential responses of photosynthetic apparatus in relatively tolerant (Yousof) and susceptible (Morocco) barley genotypes. Plants were subjected to different levels of soil water availability including control, mild and severe drought stress. In both genotypes, drought stress led to decrease in chlorophylls, β‐carotene and stomatal conductance accompanied by decrease in CO2 assimilation rate. Significant increase in αtochoperol content was only observed in Yousof cultivar under drought stress. Initial slope and plateau phase of CO2 response curve of drought‐stressed plants as well as polyphasic chlorophyll a fluorescence transient curve (OJIP test) and fast fluorescence induction kinetics were influenced by drought stress. These parameters were more affected in Morocco cultivar by drought stress compare with Yousof. Drought stress also resulted in reduction of D1 protein content in both genotypes and accelerated photoinhibition process. Based on our results, stomatal conductance is the main factor limiting photosynthesis in Yousof genotype under mild drought stress. However, in Morocco, in addition to stomatal limitation, damage to photosystem II (PSII), reduced electron transport and carboxylation efficiencies were important parts of limitation in photosynthesis. Severe drought stress resulted in structural and biochemical impairment of light‐dependent reactions as well as carboxylation process of photosynthesis in both genotypes. Alpha‐tocopherol showed an important protective role against drought stress in Yousof cultivar as a relatively drought‐tolerant cultivar.  相似文献   

Summary It has been suggested that the selection based on the wrinkles on the husks of malting barley is useful especially during the early generation in breeding program, because the wrinkles can be an indicator of malting quality of grains. However, it can be done only visually and requires much labor. In this study, the evaluation of the wrinkles by texture analysis of digital image data, was examined for the quantitative evaluation of the fineness of the wrinkles and its automatic selection. The texture analysis based on co-occurrence matrices was applied and it was revealed that finely wrinkled grains can be clearly discriminated by discriminant analysis on several parameters estimated from the co-occurrence matrices.  相似文献   

Summary Differences in development of the apex may be the reason for cultivar differences in adaptation of barley to terminal drought in Mediterranean environments. The present study was conducted to identify apical development patterns of barley adapted to terminal drought stressed Mediterranean environments and to determine plant characteristics which can be used as criteria to select for an adapted development. Thirty-five two-rowed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) entries were grown at two sites in northern Syria (Tel Hadya and Breda) in 1988/89. Four apical development patterns were observed: a slow or fast vegetative development, depending on the vernalization requirement, combined with a slow or fast generative development, depending on the daylength response of the crop. Early heading was related to fast generative development. Leaf appearance rates on the main shoot were constant during a major part of the pre-anthesis period, but significant differences were observed among development patterns. Genotypic differences in main shoot tiller number were associated with differences in the onset of tiller appearance and not with differences in tiller appearance rate or final leaf number on the main shoot. Since vernalization requirements and daylength responses are largely independent of terminal drought stress, selection for an adapted phenology can be done in favourable environments. Morphological traits related to these responses (winter growth habit, cold tolerance, plant colour, growth vigour, heading date) can be used as criteria for selection for adaptation to low-rainfall Mediterranean environments.  相似文献   

基于高光谱遥感的小麦条锈病胁迫下的产量损失估计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为利用高光谱遥感监测小麦条锈病,并对小麦条锈病胁迫下的产量损失进行估计,通过分析发生条锈病后的小麦冠层光谱及一阶微分的特征,分析病情指数对产量及产量构成因素的影响,分析产量和不同生育时期的光谱反射率及一阶微分光谱的相关关系,从中提取相关性高的植被指数和一阶微分参数建立产量模拟方程。结果表明,在一定范围内,产量损失随着病情指数的增大而增大,光谱反射率与产量在各个生育期都表现出稳定的显著正相关关系,从中提取相关性高的植被指数(NDVI和RVI)和一阶微分参数(SDr),利用植被指数(NDVI和RVI)建立的多时相产量模拟方程,其模拟效果较好;利用一阶微分参数(SDr)建立的不同生育时期产量回归方程,模拟的精度较高。研究结果对利用高光谱遥感监测作物病害胁迫下产量具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

Summary Four six-rowed uniculm lines of spring barley were grown in two yield trials at different sowing densities. One trial was grown on light sandy soil in 1990. The second trial was grown on clay soil in 1991 and included the two-rowed, tillering cultivar Golf. In the trial on sandy soil, the grain yield of the uniculm lines approached that of Golf grown in an adjacent trial, but in 1991 when the growing conditions were more favourable, Golf yielded significantly more than the uniculm lines. Uniculm lines apparently perform relatively better under marginal growing conditions than in high yielding environments.The uniculm lines do not conform to the ideotype proposed for wheat by Donald (1968) but the results show that a drastic change in plant type need not to imply a large drop in grain yield.  相似文献   

The aim was to study the growth and development of six spring barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare L.) cultivars as a response to a model weed population of Sinapis alba L. The development of light interception profiles over time was characterized for each cultivar in weed‐free stands. The cultivars were chosen such that they represent a range of weed‐suppressive abilities based on previously performed trials. One field experiment each was conducted in 1996 and 1997 at a site SE of Uppsala, Sweden. The two cultivars with low competitive ability against weeds, Etna and Blenheim, allowed the highest weed biomass and the lowest crop biomass in competition with the weeds. These two cultivars transmitted more photosynthetic active radiation through the canopy down to 20 and 40 cm height than did the other cultivars. Although the biomass of cv. Etna was low, the grain yield was higher than that of the other cultivars when grown in competition with weeds. In 1997, cv. Svani with good competitive ability against weeds transmitted least light and had greater grain yield than most other cultivars. The absence of a relationship between high grain yield and low weed suppressive ability in the present study indicates that it should be possible for plant breeders to combine high grain yielding capacity with approved weed‐competitive ability.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosome number of morphogenic and non-morphogenic calli and regenerated plants of barley were determined. Cultures were obtained from two kinds of explants, immature embryos and seedling leaves from three cultivars, Ingrid, Dissa and Golden Promise. Callus chromosome analyses were carried out during a 12 month period in a medium containing 2 mg/l of 2,4-D. Diploid cells were predominant in all cases; although in leaf-derived cultures, retraploid cells (2n=4x=28) showed a tendency to increase as time in culture increased and after more than six months in culture, diploid cells decreased to percentages of almost 70%. Aneuploid cells were generally infrequent in all cases. The source of explant has been more important than the genotype (cultivar) and the type of callus (morphogenic vs. non-morphogenic) in the chromosomal stability of cultures as time increases. From short term cultures, only 1.85% of the regenerated plants were tetraploid, the remaining were diploids. The ability of morphogenic calli to regenerate plants decreased before any significant reduction of diploid cells were observed.  相似文献   

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