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钟亮  朱红娟  余义博  曲家鹏 《草业科学》2022,38(8):1605-1614
对30只高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)分别灌喂艾美尔球虫(Eimeria)卵囊(2×106个·mL?1)、驱虫剂以及生理盐水(对照),测定艾美尔球虫对高原鼠兔食物摄入量、体重、粪便皮质醇浓度、静止代谢率以及探索性的影响.结果发现:1)试验第5天时,艾美尔球虫卵囊数达到最大值,且灌喂艾美尔球虫组的艾美尔球虫卵囊数显著高于驱虫组和对照组(P<0.05);2)试验第18天时,灌喂艾美尔球虫组与对照组高原鼠兔的食物摄入量无显著差异(P>0.05),但均显著低于驱虫组(P<0.05);3)第8天时,灌喂艾美尔球虫组和驱虫组高原鼠兔粪便皮质醇浓度显著高于对照组(P<0.05);第18天时,灌喂艾美尔球虫组和对照组高原鼠兔粪便皮质醇浓度、静止代谢率均显著高于驱虫组(P<0.05);4)第5天时,灌喂艾美尔球虫组高原鼠兔探索性显著低于对照组和驱虫组(P<0.05).高原鼠兔感染艾美尔球虫后,其皮质醇浓度升高、静止代谢率降低、探索性减弱,降低了被捕食风险,增大了艾美尔球虫在高原鼠兔种群内的传播率.本研究结果可为应用艾美尔球虫作为潜在的高原鼠兔生物防治制剂以及控制高原鼠兔种群数量提供了新的依据.  相似文献   

甘南夏河高寒草甸高原鼢鼠和高原鼠兔秋季栖息地特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许国成 《草业科学》2015,9(10):1675-1681
2010年至2014年连续5年对甘南夏河高寒草甸高原鼢鼠(Eospalax bailyei)和高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)的分布与其地形、植被因子等进行了调查,分析两小型哺乳动物秋季越冬前的栖息地利用特征。结果表明,其秋季栖息地利用与地形和植被特征显著相关。高原鼠兔易选择坡地、半阳坡和坡中位的地形,而高原鼢鼠易选择平地、阳坡和坡底位的地形;植被盖度是影响高原鼠兔分布的重要因子。地上生物量非中等的平地是两小哺乳动物共存的主要分布地,两小型哺乳动物的种群动态与植被盖度和生物量均显著相关(P0.05);鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina)、花苜蓿(Melissilus ruthenicus)、柴胡(Radix bupleuri)和美丽风毛菊(Saussurea pulchra)4种植物多度与两小型哺乳动物的分布显著相关。  相似文献   

以高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)为研究对象,比较感染与未感染兔裸皮蝇(Oestromyia lep-orina)的鼠兔生理特征(体重、束缚下的呼吸率和心率、体重矫正的静止代谢率、粪便皮质醇浓度)和个性特征(冒失性、温顺性、探索性)及其关联性.结果 表明:与未感染皮蝇的鼠兔相比,感染皮蝇的鼠兔体重、呼吸...  相似文献   

为比较3种抗球虫药物对兔斯氏艾美尔球虫病的疗效,将20只家兔随机分成5组,Ⅰ组为球虫血痢散,Ⅱ组为兔血痢灵,Ⅲ组为球虫血痢清,Ⅳ组为不感染、不给药空白对照组,Ⅴ组为感染不给药对照组。用药组饲喂含抗球虫药3 d后,人工感染卵囊5×105个/只,定期临床观察,分析每克粪便卵囊数的变化,记录增重,并对每组兔做解剖观察。结果表明,球虫血痢清无抗药性,球虫血痢散为中度抗药,兔血痢灵为完全抗药。  相似文献   

柔嫩艾美尔球虫感染对鸡的若干生理生化指标的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
以74只33日龄蛋公鸡作为试验对象,随机分成感染组(n=37)和对照组(n=37)。感染组每只口服接种1.5×10~5个柔嫩艾美尔球虫孢子化卵囊,分别于感染前(0d)和感染后(2,4,6,8d)将鸡处死,颈静脉采血,研究球虫感染对鸡生理生化指标的影响。结果表明柔嫩艾美尔球虫感染后鸡红细胞数、白细胞数、血红蛋白含量、血清中葡萄糖含量显著减少,血清钾含量显著升高,血清钠、血清钙、氯化物、无机磷都显著降低。血清镁含量也降低,但与对照组相比无统计学差异。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)通过掘土和采食等行为对高寒草甸产生广泛的影响,从而影响高寒草甸植物的繁殖特征。本研究以高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)草甸达乌里秦艽(Gentiana dahurica)为对象,采用野外调查法研究了高原鼠兔干扰对其繁殖特征的影响。结果表明,随着高原鼠兔干扰水平的增大,达乌里秦艽的地上生物量、株高、茎叶比、生殖枝数、营养枝数、花序数、花序生物量和单株种子产量均呈增加态势。干扰水平为Ⅰ(112±32)个·hm-2和Ⅱ(192±48)个·hm-2时,达乌里秦艽所同化的物质主要分配于同化器官叶中,以保证种群的生存;当干扰水平增大到Ⅲ(352±64)个·hm-2和Ⅳ(608±48)个·hm-2时,达乌里秦艽将其所同化的物质更多地分配于生殖生长,形成更多的生殖枝数、花序数和单株种子产量,从而提高了达乌里秦艽的繁殖能力,一定程度上解析了高原鼠兔过度干扰劣化高山嵩草草甸放牧品质的途径。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔作为青藏高原上广泛分布的小型穴居植食性哺乳动物受到了人们的广泛关注。其植食性特点和挖掘活动对高寒草地植被、生物多样性、物质循环等方面具有重要影响,但这种影响对青藏高原草地生态系统的利弊还存在较大争议。一方面认为,高原鼠兔可提高栖息地植被的丰度;维持生态系统的多样性,为捕食者提供食物资源,也为许多其他动物提供栖息地;同时,其挖掘活动会对土壤产生扰动,增加土壤的渗透力和含水量,促进物质循环。另一方面,有学者认为,高原鼠兔会破坏植物根系和土壤结构,加快土壤的侵蚀速度,降低栖息地的植被质量,并且和家畜争夺食物资源等。过去,高原鼠兔一直被作为草原"鼠害"的元凶,遭到人类大规模捕杀,造成种群数量大幅降低。在高原鼠兔对生态系统作用的认识有待进一步加强的背景下,应更加谨慎地制定和实施高原鼠兔的管理工作。  相似文献   

降水对高原鼠兔种群消长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张卫国  丁连生 《草业科学》1999,16(6):20-22,25
就降水对高原鼠兔种群消长的影响进行了研究。结果表明,降水量的变化与高原鼠兔种群数量消长间存在着一定的相关关系;通过对年降水量、三季度降水量和一季度降水量的综合分析,同时参考特殊降水因素的影响,即可对高原鼠兔种群数量的发展趋势作出预测。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔影响高寒草甸生态系统服务价值的评价方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)干扰与高寒草甸生态系统服务价值的关系,是全面评价高原鼠兔在高寒草甸生态系统中地位和角色的途径之一.本研究采用单位面积价值当量因子法和单位服务功能价格法,同步评价了高原鼠兔干扰对青藏高原高寒草甸家畜食物生产、水源涵养、碳固持、土壤养分物质循环和物种多样性维持等服务价值的影响...  相似文献   

将高原鼠兔的日常行为划分为采食、警戒、嬉戏和洞内滞留4个类型,选取植被高度、盖度和地上生物量3个代表性指标反映草地植被性状的变化,探讨了植被性状与高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)行为模式的对应关系。结果表明,植被高度、盖度和生物量的增加可导致高原鼠兔洞内滞留和警戒时间增加,采食和嬉戏时间减少;高原鼠兔的某些行为对植被性状各主要指标变化应对反映有一个由量变到质变的临界点或临界范围,在此临界点或临界范围之前和之后,高原鼠兔对植被环境的感受会发生质的改变;采食时间与洞内滞留时间的比值(G/H)越小,表明植被环境的胁迫压力越大,反之则越小;植被高度对高原鼠兔生境的影响力大于盖度和生物量。  相似文献   

The present study was designed to test the effects of sudden changes of food access and light duration on the physiological and behavioral parameters of hens. The physiological parameters investigated were heart rate (HR), body temperature (BT), and locomotor activity (LA) using a radiotelemetry system. After implantation of the telemetry transmitters, six hens were housed individually in cages under constant environmental conditions for 10 days with a photoperiod of 15 h light (04.00–19.00 hours), and food was available ad libitum at all times. After that, the same hens were subjected to a feed withdrawal trial, from 12.00 to 08.30 hours, followed by a lighting hour reduction trial by changing the time of lights‐off from 19.00 to 14.00 hours. The physiological and behavioral data were recorded for 2 days before each trial, as control data. With the feed withdrawal trial, during the light and dark periods, HR and BT were significantly lower in the hens without food access than in the control. Whereas, LA was significantly lower only during the light period in the hens without food access than in the control. Further, the time spent resting increased significantly, but the time spent feeding decreased significantly in the hens without food access than in the control. Also, the number of times the cage was pecked and pecking of the feeder occured at a significantly higher level, while the number of times beaks were wiped occured at a significantly lower level in the hens without food access than in the control. With the lighting hour reduction trial, during the light period, HR and BT were significantly higher, whereas LA was significantly lower in the ’sudden light‐off’ treated hens than in the control. In addition, during the dark period, HR, BT and LA were significantly higher in the sudden light‐off treated hens than in the control. Moreover, in the sudden light‐off treated hens, the time spent preening and feeding decreased significantly, but the time spent resting increased significantly than in the control. It is concluded that sudden changes in a management program might result in many significant differences as were found in the physiological and behavioral parameters of hens in the present study.  相似文献   

The relationship between plant species diversity and functional diversity in grassland will change with environmental changes. The plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) has an effect on the hydrothermal process of alpine meadow in its nesting area. However,it is not clear whether the disturbance of plateau pika effects the relationship between plant species diversity and functional diversity in alpine meadow. A random stratified and paired design was used to select plots in Luqu county in Gansu Province,and Qilian and Gonghe Counties in Qinghai Province and a field survey was conducted to investigate the effects of plateau pika disturbance on the relationship between plant species diversity and functional diversity of the alpine meadow. It was found that plateau pika disturbance significantly increased the plant species richness index and the species diversity index but did not significantly affect the species evenness index. Plateau pika disturbance significantly increased plant functional richness index (P< 0.05) but had no significant effect on the plant functional evenness index or the functional divergence index. With plateau pika disturbance effects,the relationship between plant functional richness index and species richness index changed from a logarithmic function to a quadratic function,and the relationship between plant functional evenness index and species evenness index changed from non-significant to significantly positive. In addition, positive correlations between functional richness index and species richness index,and functional richness index and species diversity index were significantly decreased,as were negative correlations between functional divergence index and species richness index,and functional divergence index and species diversity index were significantly decreased. The findings of this study provide basic information for understanding the mechanism of species coexistence of plant communities under plateau pika disturbance and help understanding of how plant diversity effects in an alpine meadow ecosystem function under plateau pika disturbance. © 2022 Editorial Office of Acta Prataculturae Sinica. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

A 3-year survey was conducted to determine the incidence of endoparasitic infection of equines in several regions of Macedonia and Thessalia, Greece. Three hundred fecal and 252 blood samples were examined. Fecal examination was carried out using. Teleman and Faust techniques while blood was examined according to the modified Knott technique. The Graham test was also performed. The prevalence of infection found was 62.4% for horses, 75.7% for donkeys and 89.2% for mules. Strongyles (large and small) were the most common parasitic species found, with a corresponding prevalence of 42.5% and 45.6% for horses, 73.0% and 37.8% for donkeys, and 89.2% for mules. Other parasites found were: Eimeria leuckarti (2.6% in horses and 8.1% in donkeys), Anoplocephala perfoliata (0.4% in horses), Parascaris equorum (1.7% in horses), Oxyuris equi (4.1% in horses and 8.7% in mules), Strongyloides westeri (2.2% in horses, 5.4% in donkeys and 10.8% in mules), Dictyocaulus arnfieldi (0.9% in horses and 2.7% in donkeys) and Setaria equina (2.2% in horses and 2.7% in donkeys).  相似文献   

高原鼠兔喜欢刈割茂密高寒草甸中高大植物而影响植物群落内的种间关系。采用方差比率法、χ2检验和Spearman秩相关分析相结合的方法,分析了高原鼠兔刈割行为对高山嵩草草甸植物群落种间关联的影响。结果表明:高原鼠兔刈割会促进植物群落的种间总体联结从不显著正关联变为显著负关联,降低植物群落稳定性,减少植物群落内正关联和正相关的种对数量,增加负关联、无关联和负相关的种对数量。而综合χ2检验结果、AC值和OI指数,洞口植物群落大部分种对的种间关联均不显著,种间联结程度不强。这表明χ2检验和Spearman秩相关分析能够评价小型草食动物对植物群落种间关联的影响,为全面解析高原鼠兔整体干扰驱动植物群落结构变化提供了基础信息。  相似文献   

高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)是高寒草甸关键物种,在草地生态系统物质循环和能量转化中扮演着重要角色。采用样方法研究了高原鼠兔干扰对川西北高寒草甸植物群落特征及土壤理化性状的影响。结果表明:1)高原鼠兔干扰显著降低了高寒草甸植被盖度、高度、物种丰富度指数、均匀度指数、土壤含水量和紧实度(P<0.05),而显著增加了多样性指数、表层土壤容重(P<0.05);2)随干扰强度增加,植被盖度、高度和土壤紧实度呈显著下降趋势,而丰富度指数、多样性指数、均匀度指数和表层土壤的含水量均呈先上升后下降的趋势,在高原鼠兔有效洞口密度为375~735个/hm2时达到最高;3)高原鼠兔干扰显著降低了禾本科和豆科功能群多样性指数和重要值,而显著增加了杂类草功能群多样性指数和重要值(P<0.05),不同干扰强度下,各植被功能群多样性指数变化明显,其中,豆科功能群多样性指数呈下降趋势,而杂类草功能群多样性呈先上升后下降趋势。综上所述,高原鼠兔的干扰显著改变了川西北高原高寒草甸群落特征和土壤物理性状,适度的高原鼠兔干扰不仅增加了高寒草甸物种多样性,还改善了土壤条件,而高强度的鼠兔干扰降低了高寒草甸物种多样性和土壤含水量。  相似文献   

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