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1推广氨化、青贮饲料的好处稻草、玉米秆等秸秆饲料,用尿素进行氨化处理后,秸秆的粗纤维含量可降低20%左右,粗蛋白质约提高40%-45%,且质地变得柔软,适口性提高,可广辟饲料来源。对于大批量的青饲料,则可采用青贮技术。青贮原理是:厌氧环境抑制了霉菌的生长,而使青料上附着的乳酸菌大量繁殖,将青料中的淀粉和糖变成乳酸。当乳酸积累到一定浓度后,便抑制了腐败菌的生长,这样就可把青料长期保存下来。青贮蔗梢质地嫩,适口性好,含粗蛋白质1.90%,并含有丰富的氨基酸和胡萝卜素。南宁地区自1993年起在12个县…  相似文献   

苜蓿(Medicago satival L.)具有营养价值丰富,产草量高,适口性好,不论青饲、放牧、调制干草或青贮,家畜均喜食等特点,以及粗蛋白含量高,蛋白质中氨基酸种类齐全,是著名的蛋白饲料。据黑龙江省畜牧研究所分析肇东苜蓿含粗蛋白质17%~20%,粗脂肪1.63%~2.60%,粗纤维46%,干草含有较多的矿物质,尤其含钙、磷较多,是幼畜和哺乳母畜的极好饲料,最可贵的是含有较多的赖氨酸、色氨酸、蛋氨酸等各种限制氨基酸和必需氨基酸。  相似文献   

麦秸氨化青贮料喂奶牛试验王晓春李晓波皮宝安(黑龙江省畜牧研究所齐齐哈尔161041)(红旗种畜场)为开发秸秆饲用潜力,利用非蛋白氮(NPN)提高其粗蛋白质含量,适口性和消化利用率,在已取得氨化、青贮成功的基础上,针对氨化设备昂贵,氨的损失量大等问题,...  相似文献   

<正>苜蓿(Medicago satival L.)具有营养价值丰富,产草量高,适口性好,不论青饲、放牧、调制干草或青贮,家畜均喜食等特点,以及粗蛋白含量高,蛋白质中氨基酸种类齐全,是著名的蛋白饲料。据黑龙江省畜牧研究所分析肇东苜蓿含粗蛋白质17%~20%,粗脂肪1.63%~2.60%,粗纤维46%,干草含有较多的矿  相似文献   

苜蓿(Medicigosativa)是一种优质高产,各种家畜都喜食的多年生豆科牧草,它是世界上广泛种植的优良牧草,也是我国种植面积最大,分布最广的人工牧草,以“牧草之王”而著称。苜蓿不仅产量高,而且草质优良,各种营养成分齐全,营养价值高,尤其是粗蛋白质、维生素和无机盐含量丰富,干物质中粗蛋白质含量15%~25%。优质苜蓿干草的粗蛋白含量通常在18%以上(风干基础),高于几乎所有的禾本科牧草、籽实类能量饲料和秸秆,是奶牛良好的蛋白质来源。青饲或青贮饲喂奶牛可增加产奶量,无论是青饲、青贮或调制干草,均可与精饲料媲美。而且种植苜蓿在改土肥田…  相似文献   

青干草颜色青绿、质地柔软、有芳香味,适口性好,是奶牛的当家饲料之一,日饲喂量可达奶牛体重的1.5%~2.5%。青干草如适期收割和适当调制、贮藏,不仅含能量高,蛋白质、钙和胡萝卜素含量丰富,尤其豆科干草如苜蓿粗蛋白质含量可达20%以上,营养价值高。据研究,优质的青干草可满足奶牛维持每天产奶9.1千克的营养需要,如果与适量的精料搭配,其产奶量可大幅度提高。  相似文献   

将天然草地青草或栽培牧草收割后,经天然或人工干燥制成青干草。优质干草呈青绿色,叶片多且柔软,有芳香味。干物质中粗蛋白质含量较高,约占8.3%,粗纤维含量约33.7%,含有较多的维生素和矿物质,适口性好,是草食动物越冬的良好饲料。  相似文献   

内蒙古农牧交错带饲草资源饲用价值评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对地处内蒙古农牧交错带的林西县饲草资源进行了营养成份分析及饲用价值评价,结果表明:苜蓿粗蛋白质含量高于灌木类及青贮玉米,其营养动态变化规律是随生育期的变化粗蛋白质含量呈下降趋势,粗纤维含量呈上升趋势,各种成份在茎叶中的含量也随生育期变化而变化;灌木类饲用植物粗蛋白质含量15.69%-18.48%,青贮玉米粗蛋白质含量7.64%~11.15%。  相似文献   

青干草的质量受植物种类、收割时间、调制技术和贮藏方法等诸多因素的影响.优质干草呈绿色,质地柔软,气味芳香,营养价值高,适口性好.人工干燥的优质豆科牧草含有较高的蛋白质、维生素和矿物质,尤其是叶片中的粗蛋白质含量占整个植株总含量的80%左右,胡萝卜素的含量也较茎秆类高10~20倍.禾本科青干草的营养物质含量虽不如豆科干草高,但其粗蛋白质含量也能达到7%~15%,比禾本科秸秆含量高2倍左右,而且粗纤维也比秸秆少50%左右.  相似文献   

本研究结合常规营养成分分析和体外发酵产气技术,主要测定了青海省农牧交错区的农作物秸秆(小麦秸秆、豌豆秸秆、蚕豆秸秆、油菜秸秆及马铃薯秸秆)、优质补饲饲草(青贮玉米秸、苜蓿青干草、燕麦青干草)和天然草地型(线叶嵩草、高山柳+黑褐苔草、金露梅—珠芽蓼及藏嵩草)冷季牧草等牦牛12种常用粗饲料的常规营养成分及体外发酵产气参数等营养评价指标,结果表明,5种农作物秸秆除豌豆秸秆和蚕豆秸秆的粗蛋白质含量分别为8.5%、9.75%,其余秸秆均低于8%,有机物质消化率在40%~65%,代谢能在4.0~9.0MJ/kg;4种天然草地型冷季牧草的粗蛋白质均低于8%,有机物质消化率在48%~70%,代谢能在6.0MJ/kg~10.0MJ/kg的范围内;3种优质补饲饲草苜蓿青干草、燕麦青干草和青贮玉米秸的粗蛋白质含量分别为11.36%、8.79%、5.25%,有机物质消化率在42%~70%,代谢能在5.0~11.0MJ/kg。  相似文献   

贵州优良禾本科牧草苇状羊茅及利用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
莫本田  罗天琼 《四川草原》1997,(2):23-27,45
苇状羊茅为禾本科羊茅属多年生草本植物,是一种极具开发利用价值的高产优质野生牧草。经过5年的引种驯化和栽培利用试验,结果表明:苇状羊茅生态适应性强,生长势好,分蘖能力强,生长速度快,再生能力强,耐刈牧,年可刈割5~6次,且四季青绿;适口性较好,营养价值高,粗蛋白质含量为7.55%~21.69%,粗脂肪含量为3.19%~5.42%;生产性能好,年鲜草产量为73.3~104.8t/ha。适于在贵州大部分地区生态条件下推广种植,是贵州建立刈牧兼用型优质人工草地的理想禾本科牧草品种  相似文献   

The apparent digestibility of hays plus two commercial mixed feeds containing about 14% and 11.8% crude fiber (CF), respectively as feeds was determined by means of two in vivo digestibility trials, each performed on 4 or 5 saddle horses weighing on average about 550 and 535 kg, respectively, over a 6 day feces total collection period with a previous 14 day adaptation period. The diets were based on a first cut meadow hay – whose digestibility was estimated in each trial – and different percentages of the mixed feeds at a feeding level close to maintenance. The two mixed feeds were rich respectively in a by-product from the citrus fruit industry (citrus pulp) and in a by-product from the apple fruit industry (apple pectin pulp). The forage to concentrate ratio was, respectively, 50:50, 75:25 and 100:0 on a dry matter basis (Diets 1, 2 and 3) in the first trial and, 50:50 and 100:0 (Diets 4 and 5) in the second trial.

The apparent digestibility of the dry matter, organic matter, gross energy, and crude protein was measured by the ingesta/excreta procedure and using the most abundant n-alkanes (C27, C29, and C31) as internal markers for all the rations and the hays.

No differences were found among the digestibility coefficients obtained by the total collection method or using the different n-alkanes.

The use of n-alkanes for digestibility determinations in horses is neither precise nor accurate, but can be advised for free ranging animals, when the total collection of feces is impossible. Taking into account that the accuracy of this later method is comparable, we suggest selecting n-alkanes with a high concentration and the highest fecal recovery; C29 and C31 n-alkanes (the first in particular) resulted to be the best choice.  相似文献   

韩丹蕊  孙启忠 《草地学报》2014,22(6):1360-1364
选取呼伦贝尔草原16种牧草作为试验材料进行青贮,采用水杨酸法和盐酸萘乙二胺法分别测定各青贮饲料的硝酸盐及亚硝酸盐含量.结果表明:硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐在这16种牧草青贮饲料中均有检出.硝酸盐含量在31.00~71.27 mg·kg-1之间,其中含量最高的为欧亚旋覆花(Inula britanica),其次为冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)、冰草(Agropyron cristatum),含量最低的是偃麦草(Elytrigria repens)和地榆(Sanguisorba officinalis).亚硝酸盐含量最高的是灰蒿(Artemisia glauca),达2.45 mg·kg-1;最低的是黄芪(Astragalus penduliflorus),为0.10 mg·kg-1.各牧草青贮饲料之间硝酸盐含量和亚硝酸盐含量均有极显著差异(P<0.01).根据饲料卫生标准,这16种牧草青贮饲料中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量均在允许范围之内.  相似文献   

赵苗苗  玉柱 《草地学报》2015,23(1):205-210
以象草(Pennisetum purpureum)为材料,研究了乳酸菌和纤维素酶单独添加或组合添加对象草青贮发酵品质和营养价值的改善效果.象草经刈割切短后,分别添加纤维素酶(CEL)、乳酸菌(LD1~LD8)、乳酸菌+纤维素酶(LD1+CEL~LD8+CEL),密封贮藏60 d后测定青贮饲料的发酵品质和营养价值.结果表明:所有添加剂处理组的pH值、丁酸含量均显著低于对照组(CK),乳酸、粗脂肪(EE)含量均显著高于对照组(P<0.05).弗氏法评分中LD2,LD3,LD7及所有组合添加处理组的发酵品质均为优,LD4发酵品质为中,CK发酵品质为差.组合添加处理组的中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)含量均显著低于CK(P<0.05),可溶性碳水化合物(WSC)均显著高于CK;且LD6+CEL将青贮饲料的NDF,ADF降到最低,其WSC也显著高于各处理组(P<0.05).表明添加乳酸菌、纤维素酶能有效改善象草青贮的发酵品质和营养价值,且以LD6+CEL的青贮效果最好.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the amounts of water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC), WSC constituents and protein leached from a range of U.K. hays soaked according to common practice. Initial hay WSC content ranged from 123 to 230 g/kg dry matter (DM). Soaking the hays for up to 16 hours in water at a mean temperature of 8°C resulted in a mean loss of 27 per cent (range 6 to 54 per cent) of hay WSC. The mean percentage losses of WSC constituents were 24 per cent (range 14 to 31) for fructan, 41 per cent (range 21 to 70) for fructose, 45 per cent (range 28 to 100) for sucrose and 56 per cent (range 29 to 100) for glucose. The mean crude protein content of the initial hays was 58.7 g/kg DM (range 30 to 86 g/kg DM) and this value was not affected significantly by soaking. Despite a mean WSC loss of 27 per cent, the WSC contents of seven of the hays remained above the suggested upper limit for laminitic animals of 100 g/kg DM.  相似文献   

Thirty-two wethers were used to compare the nutritive value of Climax timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and quackgrass (Agropyron repens L. Beauv.) harvested at two stages of maturity, joint and early heading, and fed as hay. Crude protein was higher for quackgrass than for timothy (P less than .01). As maturity advanced, CP decreased (P less than .01), but NDF and ADL increased (P less than .01). Dry matter intake was similar between species but decreased by 8% with increasing maturity (P less than .01). Intake of NDF (g/kg.75) was similar for all hays. With increasing plant maturity, apparent digestibility decreased, the effect being more pronounced for quackgrass. Apparent digestibilities of DM and energy were slightly higher (P less than .06) for timothy, and those of CP and hemicellulose were higher for quackgrass (P less than .01). Apparent digestibilities of NDF, ADF, ADL, crude fiber and cellulose were similar between species. Dry matter intake and digestibility were correlated negatively with the ADL/ADF ratio of the hay (r = -.99, P less than .01), whereas CP intake and CP digestibility were correlated with CP of the hay (r = .99, P less than .01). The Lucas test estimated true protein digestibility at 88.1% and metabolic fecal protein at 29.4 g per kg of DM intake. During the growth trial, DM intake was similar between hays, but ADG of sheep was lower (P less than .01) for those fed hays at early heading vs those receiving hays at the joint stage of maturity. The feed to gain ratio was slightly lower for hays at joint (P less than .08). Under the climatic conditions of the 1988 growing season, the nutritive value of quackgrass was similar to that of Climax timothy.  相似文献   

Holstein steers in metabolism stalls were utilized to determine apparent digestibility of N (DN), N retention (NR) expressed as a percentage of total N consumed, and Mcal/kg digestible energy (DE) when diets of seven different classes of forages were fed. The best predictive equation for digestibility of N in the 153 forages studied was DN(%) = -98.1065 + 11.4724 (%CP) + 41.4475 (DE) - .1498 (%CP)2 - 1.2541 (DE)2 - 1.9309 (CP) (DE), with R2 = .74 and Sy.x = 8.63, where %CP is the percent crude protein of the forage. The best predictive equation for DN of sorghum silages, corn silages, legume hays and temperate grass hays contained both %CP and DE as predictor variables. The best predictive equations for DN of sorghum-sudan and bermudagrass hays contained only %CP and (%CP)2 as predictor variables. The predictive equation for DN of 14 alfalfa hays involved only the linear relationship to %CP. The best scheme for predicting NR as a percentage of N consumed in 116 forages was a combination of three equations as follows: 1) NR(%) = -47.0797 + 6.4733 (%CP) - .1542 (%CP)2 for forages, where DE = less than 2.42 Mcal/kg; 2) NR(%) = -67.6306 + 10.1354 (%CP) - .2726 (%CP)2, where DE = 2.42 - 2.87 Mcal/kg; and 3) NR(%) = 28.3458 + 4.4722 (%CP) - .1263 (%CP)2, where DE = greater than 2.87 Mcal/kg; R2 = .42 and Sy.x = 14.86.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

试验在青稞秸秆与多年生黑麦草以6∶4混合的基础上,添加3%,4%和5%的糖蜜,旨在进一步改善混合青贮发酵品质和营养价值,为西藏地区青稞秸秆青贮利用提供理论依据。结果显示,青贮前14天,糖蜜添加组乳酸含量快速增加,pH值迅速下降。对照组pH值未能降至4.2以下,而糖蜜添加组均在4.0左右,乳酸、水溶性碳水化合物含量和乳酸/乙酸显著高于(P<0.05)对照组,氨态氮/总氮均低于对照组,且添加3%糖蜜已达到优质青贮饲料标准。青贮第60天糖蜜添加组有较高的粗蛋白含量,较低的中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维含量,各组体外降解率均高于青贮材料。综合考虑,在青稞秸秆和黑麦草以6∶4混合的基础上添加3%的糖蜜可获得优质青贮饲料。  相似文献   

为筛选适宜在呼伦贝尔地区种植的优质青贮燕麦品种,采用随机区组设计方法,于2018年在中国农业科学院呼伦贝尔草原生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站种植10个燕麦品种(贝勒、魅力、陇燕2号、陇燕3号、燕王、青海444、巴燕3号、林纳、白燕7号、青引1号)进行区域试验。于燕麦乳熟期刈割,切至2 cm后进行罐贮。60 d后开封取样,测定其营养指标和发酵指标。结果表明:陇燕2号干物质(DM)产量最高,为4905.45 kg·hm-2,青引1号干物质产量最低,为1773.65 kg·hm-2,品种间差异显著(P<0.05);10个燕麦品种青贮饲料的干物质含量在30.73%~45.47%,DM含量最高品种为陇燕2号,最低品种为巴燕3号,2个品种间有显著差异(P<0.05);林纳、贝勒和陇燕2号3个品种的粗蛋白含量分别为12.63%、12.46%和12.41%,显著高于其他品种(P<0.05)。贝勒和林纳2个燕麦品种的酸性洗涤纤维含量最低,分别为25.11%和26.11%,显著低于其他品种(P<0.05)。10个燕麦品种的可溶性糖含量为2.17%~4.33%,平均含量为3.39%,含量最高为贝勒,最低为燕王,2个品种间差异显著(P<0.05)。不同品种的发酵品质差异显著(P<0.05)。林纳的pH值最低,乳酸含量最高,为6.86%,丙酸、丁酸、氨态氮和总挥发性脂肪酸含量低,发酵品质较好。10个燕麦品种发酵品质的V-Score评分中陇燕3号、林纳、陇燕2号、青海444、魅力、青引1号、白燕7号和贝勒8个品种的分值在80以上,发酵品质为优。综合考虑产量、营养品质和青贮发酵品质,林纳适宜作为青贮燕麦品种在呼伦贝尔地区种植加工。  相似文献   

Efficient red deer supplementary feeding depends on estimations of the nutritive value of offered feeds, frequently estimated with the use of equations derived from domestic ruminants. The aim of this study was to compare the 24‐hour in vitro true dry matter degradability (ivTD24), in vitro gas production (GP) kinetic parameters, GP in 24 hr of incubation (GAS24) and short‐chain fatty acid (SCFA) and microbial biomass (MBS) produced after 24‐hour incubation of feeds in inoculum prepared from sheep and red deer rumen fluid. Eleven feeds, frequently consumed by red deer in Slovenia, which occur either naturally (two fresh grasses, chestnut fruits and common and sessile oak acorns) or are fed as winter supplemental feeds (two grass hays, two grass silages, apple pomace, fresh sugar beetroot), were investigated. The in vitro GP kinetic parameters, GAS24 and ivTD24, did not differ between animal species. Amounts of SCFAs were greater (p < 0.05) when feeds were incubated in sheep inoculum, while molar proportions of acetic and propionic acids did not differ. Molar proportions of butyric acid produced during incubation of high fibre feeds did not differ between animal species, but were higher (p < 0.05) when feeds high in starch or sugar were incubated in red deer inoculum. Greater production of SCFA by sheep rumen microbes suggests better coverage of host animal with energy precursors, while greater production of MBS by red deer rumen microbes suggests better coverage of host animal with protein. Results also suggest that rumens of sheep and red deer are inhabited by different microbial communities, which did not affect the extent of in vitro GP and degradation of feeds used in the present experiment. However, the possibility exists that the divergent nutrient use could be a consequence of different priming by different feeds of the donor animal diets.  相似文献   

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