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对呼和浩特市居住小区色叶树种应用情况进行调查,对色叶树种的种类、配植形式进行分析和研究,寻找不同空间应用配植上的规律,利用色叶树种的观赏特性,提高居住小区绿地的植物景观效果,为呼和浩特市居住小区色叶树种应用提供一定的参考借鉴作用。  相似文献   

为进一步掌握河源市城区彩叶植物种类、观赏特性及应用状况,对河源市城区主要公园、广场、单位、居住区、道路绿化等绿地开展实地调查。结果表明,河源市城区绿地彩叶植物种类较为丰富,共有62科108属149种,以乔灌木为主,有114种,占比76.51%;景观可持续时间长,全年有彩叶植物景观可赏;植物配置形式丰富多样,以基础种植、丛植、片植和列植居多。基于调查结果,提出河源市城区绿地应合理运用彩叶植物配植结构、增加乡土彩叶植物应用和加强养护管理等建议。  相似文献   

2004年我们对重庆仙女山药用植物资源进行了调查。对采集的药用植物进行鉴定,共发现药用植物资源种类943种、隶属147科。这次调查,搞清了仙女山药用植物资源的种类和分布,为保护和合理开发利用提供了可靠的科学依据,对仙女山以后的基地建设具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

文章对大连地区植物造景进行调查,介绍了该区栽培植物的种类、特点及植物配植应用现状,并结合科学的植物造景原则和美学原理,对盐碱地城市不同类型用地的植物景观进行评价。  相似文献   

文章对大连地区植物造景进行调查,介绍了该区栽培植物的种类、特点及植物配植应用现状,并结合科学的植物造景原则和美学原理,对盐碱地城市不同类型用地的植物景观进行评价.  相似文献   

藤本植物在提高城市的绿化美化程度、提升景观的多样性、保护物种的多样性等方面发挥着重要作用。本文以临沂市主城区5种绿地类型11个样地的藤本植物为研究对象,通过实地踏查与资料查阅相结合,对其植物种类和配植现状进行了调查分析。结果表明:应用于临沂市主城区园林绿地的主要藤本植物有14种,隶属于13科13属,其中应用最广泛的种为紫藤、藤本月季和枸杞,在9个样地有分布。从攀援习性看,吸附类和缠绕类植物应用最多,分别占全部类型的42.9%和35.7%。调查区内藤本植物的配植方式共有11种,以棚架绿化应用最广泛,其次为篱垣绿化和立柱绿化。建议推广种植金银花、枸杞,同时建议丰富配植方式、强化养护管理,以提升藤本植物的观赏绿化价值。  相似文献   

海南是我国热带雨林和热带季雨林原生地之一。是地球上同纬度地区的“绿色明珠”。据资料记载,海南已发现植物4200种,隶属198科1109属,其中有乔灌木1400多种,占全国乔灌木种类的28.6%;在800多种乔木中,有458种列入国家的商品材,200多种为珍贵树种;还有药用植物2500多种,果树142种,油料植物89种。  相似文献   

大洪山药用植物资源调查初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实地调查,资料查阅,市场调研,对大洪山风景区药用植物资源进行了初步调查研究。对此次调查所采集或记录到的分属93科的244种具有重要药用价值的药用植物进行了药用植物分类学统计和药用部位的归类分析。在对大洪山地道药用植物以及稀有药用植物的种类及用途等现状进行调查的基础上,针对大洪山风景区药用植物资源开发利用以及保护进行了探讨。  相似文献   

贵州省普定县喀斯特石漠化地段的植物群落研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究以普定县喀斯特石漠化地段的植物调查为依据进行分析,该地段主要有10种植物群落类型,并对每种类型的主要种类和主要特征进行了描述,随着石漠化程度的加剧,植物群落出现层次减少、高度降低、种类减少、乔灌木种类减少的趋势。  相似文献   

作者对泰山药用植物进行了多年的调查研究,泰山药用植物分属110科,共448种。根据泰山不同高度植被分布情况,调查药用植物分布特点、主要种类。根据目前药用植物的资源和利用情况,对合理保护和开发利用提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

澳门药用植物资源   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
药用植物对人类健康起着至关重要的作用。以澳门为例,通过野外实地调查和查阅文献,统计到澳门药用植物共152科506属725种,占澳门维管束植物总种数的40.08%。其中菊科、大戟科、蝶形花科所含种类数量位列前三, 乔木类、灌木类、草本类、藤本类种数占比分别为25%、18%、47%、10%, 药用部位以全草或者全株、根、叶为主。针对目前澳门药用植物应用的主要问题提出了相应建议:加强乡土药用植物资源基础研究,充分挖掘其保健康养作用,增加其在绿色公共空间中的种类与数量。  相似文献   

园林植物对特大洪水的抗性调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999年武汉市遭受百年特大洪水 ,堤防外园林植物受洪水 30~ 10 0天不同程度的浸泡。为摸清园林植物的耐水性 ,在灾后对乔木、灌木、草本和藤本等做了大面积普查。掌握了武汉一批耐水性很强的园林植物 ,为今后应用耐涝植物美化堤防和造园提供实践依据  相似文献   

Amazonian plant management is perhaps nowhere as intense as in homegardens and swiddens. A quantitative ethnobotanical study was conducted in Indigenous Territory and National Park Isiboro-Sécure, Bolivia, to investigate plant use and management in homegardens and swiddens by local Yuracaré and Trinitario ethnic groups. Ethnobotanical data of plants were obtained from 11 Yuracaré and 11 Trinitario participants through semistructured interviews. A total of 151 different cultivated or tolerated species was recorded, accounting for 21% of all inventoried plants considered useful to local Yuracarés and Trinitarios. The local use value of managed plants is almost twice that of wild plants. Managed plants score particularly higher than wild plants for medicinal, food and material applications. Most managed plants are herbs, followed by trees and shrubs. Nevertheless, managed trees have significantly higher overall use values than all other life forms. Managed trees tend to be particularly more appreciated as sources of food and materials, whereas herbaceous plants generally have a higher therapeutic value. Our results support observations made in literature that moderately humanized landscapes, and homegardens and swiddens in particular, are an important source of food and healing for forest people. Although people generally start managing plants in homegardens and swiddens because of their perceived usefulness, they are also favourable locations to experiment with the usefulness of (managed or wild) plants prevailing there. This particularly accounts for medicinal plants and it is argued that the use of managed plants in traditional medicine relates to (1) the high intensity of contact with theses species, and (2) their chemical defence strategy. To conclude, a number of policy recommendations are presented.  相似文献   

This study was done using the non brown fractal model to quantify and compare the variations in the species richness of trees, shrubs, herbs and all plants along an altitudinal gradient and to characterize the dominating ecological processes that determine the variations. Two transects were sampled far away from any anthropogenic disturbances along the shady slopes of the Dongling mountains in Beijing, China. Both transects were continuous and 2 m wide, and every individual tree and shrub was recorded in each of them. Discrete quadrats of 1 m × 1 m were located along the transects A and B for estimation of the herb species richness along the altitudinal gradients. The level interval between the quadrats was 10 m and 25 m respectively. In this study, transects A and B were combined into one transect AB, and 40 m was selected as the optimal quadrat length along the altitudinal gradients for measuring the plant species richness patterns. Species richness in each quadrat was calculated using a program written in Matlab 6.0. Direct gradient analysis was used to describe the overall trends in the species richness of trees, shrubs, herbs and other plants with change in altitude, while the non-brown fractal model was used to detect more accurately their variations at various scales along the gradient. The model assumed that each class of ecological processes affecting the distribution of a variable could be represented by an independent spatial random function. Generally, ecological phenomena are determined not by a single ecological process but by multiple ones. These processes act on ecological patterns within their own spatial scales. In the non-brown fractal model, the spatial random functions are nested within a larger range of spatial scales. The relative contribution of the spatial random functions to the spatial variation of a variable is indicated by a weighting parameter that has to be greater than or equal to zero. In this paper, we reached the following results and conclusions. Firstly, the direct gradient method describes the general trends of trees, shrubs, herbs and all plants along the altitudinal gradient but is unable to provide further details on the altitudinal variations in the species richness. The non-brown fractal model brought out the altitudinal variations in the species richness of trees, shrubs and herbs at various scales and related them to the ecological processes. The sharp changes in the double-log variograms suggest that the non-brown fractal model is suitable for characterizing the altitudinal patterns in the species richness of trees, shrubs and herbs at various scales but is not appropriate for explaining the variations in the plant species richness, since no significant changes were found in the double-log variograms in this case. Secondly, for the trees, the double-log variogram was divided into two scale ranges (0–245 m and 245–570 m), with a fractal dimension of 1.83 and 1.10, respectively, implying that changes in the tree species richness were random at small scales (0–245 m) and almost linear at large scales (245–570 m) along the altitudinal gradients. This suggests that altitudinal variations in the tree species richness are dominated by short-range processes at small scales and by long-range processes at large scales. Thirdly, for shrubs and herbs, the double-log variograms exhibited three ranges (0–101 m, 125–298 m and 325–570 m), and the fractal dimensions were 1.78 and 1.97, 1.56 and 1.43, and 1.08 and 1.25, respectively. The results indicate that, as in the case of trees, species richness of shrubs and herbs are distributed randomly at small scales and change in a linear manner at large scales although variations in the herb species richness is less heterogeneous than shrub species richness at large scales. These results also indicate that species richness of shrubs and herbs change approximately like brown movement at middle scales. The results also suggest that altitudinal variations in the specie richness of shrubs and herbs are dominated by three ecological processes, short-range ecological processes at small scales, long-range ecological processes at large scales, and brown fractal processes at middle scales. Interestingly, comparisons of the variations in the species richness of shrubs and herbs reveal that shrubs and herbs present the same scale range in spatial variation in species richness but display different trends in species richness along the altitudinal gradient, i.e. the shrub species richness decreased with increasing elevation whereas the herb species richness peaked at the mid-high elevation. These patterns suggest that although the scales at which the main processes affect patterns in species richness are the same, the processes are completely different, or the processes are similar but the responses of the shrubs and herbs to the ecological processes are different. Finally, the plant species richness did not show any obvious pattern along the altitude gradient and maintained a constant fractal dimension across all scales, this is perhaps because the processes defining the patterns of plant species richness had similar weights and acted over closely related scales. __________ Translated from Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 2005, 29(6): 901–909 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

次生林群落结构特性对红松幼树生长的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以红松幼树及其周围最近4株相邻木组成的小环境结构单元为研究对象,研究了光照条件、土壤腐殖质层厚度、相邻木、直射光、上层树种、草本和灌木等6个环境因子对红松幼树生长的影响。本文对其中的直射光、上层树种、草本和灌木等3个群落结构特征因子进行研究。结果表明:(1)顶部透光对红松幼树生长最为有利,其次为东、西北、东南及中部等方向的直射光;(2)上层树种为叶片小或枝叶稀疏的树种时对红松幼树生长有利。(3)草本和灌木的盖度会影响红松幼树的生长,且在红松幼树的不同生长阶段,其影响作用不同。当红松幼树仍处于下木层时,草本和灌木会抑制红松幼树的生长,当红松幼树离开草灌丛后,草本、灌木影响作用将逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

为了提升沧州市公园绿地植物群落的生态功能和植物景观效果,选择5个具有代表性的公园绿地作为研究对象,对其中应用植物的种类、生活型等进行调查,并构建植物群落景观综合评价体系,采用层次分析法(AHP)对选取的67个植物群落进行综合评价。结果表明,沧州市公园绿地应用的植物种类共计239种,隶属66科145属,其中乔木103种、灌木61种、草本51种、水生植物11种、藤本7种、竹类6种,灌木、草本、常绿植物、水生植物等应用较少;植物群落景观质量整体良好,Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级植物群落景观共52个,但优质植物群落景观相对较少,仅有4个Ⅰ级植物群落景观;根据存在的具体问题,提出增加灌木、草本及常绿植物的种类和数量,丰富植物群落层次,结合植物的季相变化、观赏特性及生态习性进行合理配置,加强对植物的后期养护管理等措施。  相似文献   

Non-coniferous vegetation, including herbs, shrubs, and broad-leaved trees, makes a vital contribution to ecosystem function and diversity in Pacific Northwest conifer forests. However, forest management has largely been indifferent or detrimental to shrubs and trees that have low commercial value, in spite of a paradigm shift towards more holistic management in recent decades. Forest management practices that are detrimental to broad-leaved trees and shrubs are likely to decrease habitat diversity for wildlife, but the number of species that may be affected has not previously been enumerated. I reviewed life history accounts for forest-dwelling vertebrate wildlife species and derived a list of 78 species in Oregon and Washington that are associated with non-coniferous vegetation. The diversity of direct and indirect food resources provided was the primary functional basis for associations of most species with non-coniferous vegetation. Thus, a diversity of herbs and broad-leaved trees and shrubs provides the foundation for food webs that contribute to diversity at multiple trophic levels in Pacific Northwest conifer forests. Given the number of species associated with non-coniferous vegetation in conifer-dominated forests, maintaining habitats that support diverse plant communities, particularly broad-leaved trees and shrubs, will be an important component of management strategies intended to foster biodiversity. Silvicultural practices such as modified planting densities, and pre-commercial and commercial thinning, can be used to control stand density in order to favor the development of understory herbs, shrubs, and a diversity of tree species within managed stands. Allowing shrubs and hardwood trees to develop and persist in early seral stands by curtailing vegetation control also would benefit many species associated with non-coniferous vegetation.  相似文献   

长白山区主要野生饮料植物资源   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
周繇 《林业科技》2003,28(6):52-54
长白山区主要野生饮料植物共有14科、28属、54种。其中乔木类:3科、7属、17种;灌木类:4科、10属、20种;木质藤本类:3科、3属、5种;多年生草本类:7科、8属、11种;1,2年生草本类:1科、1属、1种。同时还介绍了主要野生饮料植物在5个不同景观带的分布情况,提出了开发利用和保护的具体建议。  相似文献   

在实地调查、采集、整理、鉴定的基础上,研究了大山峰野生观赏植物资源的多样性、分布区类型和性质.本区共有野生观赏植物(种子植物)122科379属722种(变种、变型),其中乔木189种、灌木224种、藤本67种、草本231种、竹类11种,分别阐述了它们的资源现状、观赏特性和园林用途,并对本区野生观赏植物资源的开发利用和保护进行了探讨.  相似文献   

森林采伐是森林经营中的一个关键环节。采伐对树木天然更新的影响直接关系到森林的结构、组成及森林的可持续经营。本文以长白山阔叶红松林为研究对象,对择伐5 年后不同作业迹地(集材道、楞场和采伐后林窗)的幼苗更新及灌木、草本的多样性进行研究,并以没有进行采伐干扰的林地作为对照。共设计样地23 块,在各个小样地内调查幼树的种类、树木、高度;灌木和草本植物的种类、树木、高度和盖度,应用SPSS 软件进行一元方差分析。结果表明,择伐作业影响幼苗的更新,灌木和草本的多样性在作业迹地增加,尤其在林隙处的多样性最高。适当采伐能促进幼苗的更新,特别是阔叶树种的更新。集材道对幼苗密度的影响比对幼苗高度的影响大,幼苗密度在集材道上密度最高;采伐作业对针叶树种有严重的影响,在三种作业迹地上针叶树种的密度都比对照低。为了维持森林的结构和组成,在森林收获和楞场的建立时,必须采取科学措施保护针叶树种。此外,采伐林窗和楞场的面积都应该减小。为了确保采伐迹地建群树种的更新,经营中应该在保护生物多样性的前提下,适当控制过于旺盛的灌木和草本层的生长。本研究结果将为采伐后作业迹地的恢复和森林的可持续经营提供科学的依据。图1 表4 参14。  相似文献   

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