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Twelve samples of Striga hermonthica seed were collected from four host crops [millet (4), sorghum (4), a sorghum/millet intercrop (3) and maize (1)] from all the main areas of S. hermonthica infestation in Nigeria and were tested on eight genotypes of three test crops [maize (4), sorghum (2) and millet (2)] in two screenhouse trials. Plants of each test genotype were sown in pots and heavily infested with S. hermonthica. Emergence count of the parasite, test crop damage rating (1–9), and test crop plant height were measured at 9 weeks after planting. The effects of genotypes, samples and their interaction for all three traits measured were highly significant (p = 0.001). Of the 12 samples of S. hermonthica, all have high emergence on both maize and sorghum. Seven samples gave low emergence on millet genotypes and two none at all. Three of the four samples from millet sources gave higher parasite emergence on sorghum and maize than on millet. For Striga damage rating, millet had the lowest average scores, followed by maize and sorghum. The responses of maize genotypes to samples from millet and sorghum sources were significantly different. Millet genotypes also had different responses to the samples from millet sources. For plant height differences, samples from sorghum sources interacted significantly with test maize genotypes, and millet samples with sorghum genotypes. The results indicate that both intercrop and intracrop strains of S. hermonthica are present in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Traditional decortication of pearl millet and white sorghum by hand pounding or using a mechanical device were performed in Burkina Faso, and compared to abrasive decortication in the laboratory using the same kernel lots. Using some nutrients as histological markers, the decortication characteristics and nutritional composition (iron, zinc, phytates, lipids, ADF fibres and starch) of decorticated grains were measured. Decortication had numerous effects on grain composition but no significant differences were observed between the two traditional methods of decortication. The effects varied according to the type of grain mainly due to the fact that more germ was removed in sorghum than in millet, as the millet germ is more embedded in the endosperm. During abrasive decortication, zinc and lipid losses increased rapidly due to removal of the germ, particularly in sorghum. Phytates were shown to be located mainly in the bran and germ but also in the endosperm in millet. In both sorghum and millet, half the iron was removed when only 10% of grain DM was abraded. The method of decortication, shock or friction vs. abrasion, influenced the fractions removed and thus the chemical composition of the decorticated kernels.  相似文献   

Seed-borne fungi of sorghum and pearl millet in Burkina Faso were surveyed. A total of 188 seed samples from various locations, collected in 1989 (42) and 2002 (146), were tested, using the blotter, dry inspection and washing methods. Infection experiments were carried out with the major fungi recorded on each crop by the blotter test. Six essential oils of plants were investigated for their inhibitory activity against eight pathogenic fungi. Thirty four and 27 fungal species were found in seed samples of sorghum and pearl millet, respectively. Phoma sp. and Fusarium moniliforme infected 95 to 100% of the seed samples of both sorghum and pearl millet. Sphacelotheca sorghi and Tolyposporium ehrenbergii were encountered in respectively, 75 and 33% of seed samples of sorghum. T. penicillariae, Sclerospora graminicola and Claviceps fusiformis were present in 88, 41 and 32% of seed samples of pearl millet, respectively. Seeds inoculated with Acremonium strictum, Curvularia oryzae, F. equiseti, F. moniliforme and F. subglutinans and sown in sterilized soil, showed considerable mortality of the seedlings. Three essential oils inhibited in vitro the mycelial growth of all the fungi used by 85 to 100% and reduced significantly sorghum and pearl millet seed infection rates of Phoma sp., Fusarium sp., Curvularia sp., Colletotrichum graminicola and Exserohilum sp. Presence of many pathogenic fungi in considerable number of seed samples indicates the need of field surveys for these and other pathogens. Development of plant extracts for the control of seed-borne pathogens and public awareness on seed-borne diseases management measures for maintaining quality seed should be increased.  相似文献   

Pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoideum) was fermented with Lactobacilli or yeasts alone and in combination, and with natural microflora after various processing treatments, as grinding, soaking, debranning, dry heat treatment, autoclaving and germination. Fermentation was carried out at 30°C for 48 hours withLactobacillus plantarum (LP) andRhodotorula (R) isolated from naturally fermented pearl millet andLactobacillus acidophilus (LA),Candida utilis (CU) and natural microflora (NF). Germination and autoclaving, and debranning and autoclaving were the most effective processing treatments to reduce the phytic acid, amylase inhibitors and polyphenols. There was a further reduction in these antinutrients due to fermentation. Phytic acid and amylase inhibitors were completely eliminated after fermentation in some of the samples especially in soaked, debranned and germinated ones. Polyphenols were altered non-significantly in general but fermentation with Lp+R and NF caused a significant increased in polyphenols.  相似文献   

Twenty-five pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides (Burm. f.) Stapf and Hub. = P. americanum (L.) K. Schum.) genotypes were evaluated for resistance to downy mildew (Sclerospora graminicola (Sacc.) Schroet.) at 10 different locations in India and Africa during 1979 and 1980. The objective of this work was to identify genotypes with stable and generalized resistance. Genotypic differences in linear regression coefficients were found and regression lines for downy mildew incidence in the various genotypes tended to converge. It was concluded from this that selection on the basis of disease severity would enable genotypes that are superior at all disease levels to be selected. Seven genotypes, namely 700516, 700651, J-1486 × 700787-2-10, P-7, EB-83-2, NC-7174 and SSC-7218, showed low disease scores, average regressions and non-significant deviations, and therefore expressed stable, generalized resistance. Genotype 700251 was particularly suitable for high-disease environments. BJ-104, an important Indian hybrid cultivar, was very unstable and susceptible to downy mildew.  相似文献   

Lipids in pearl millet meal showed a rapid hydrolytic decomposition during storage. The magnitude of such degradation was influenced significantly by the nature of the storage container used, the temperature and heat treatments given to the seeds. The hydrolytic breakdown of lipids was significantly low in the meals stored in polyethylene bags, plastic boxes and under refrigerated (5±2 °C) conditions. Hot water blanching at 98 °C for 10 sec and dry heating of seeds at 100 °C for 120 min were found to be most effective in minimising the undesirable changes in lipids of the meal during storage.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1987,16(1):43-52
The combined effects of applied nitrogen and of legume density on the yields and efficiency of cereal/legume intercropping were examined, using maize and cowpea. The levels of applied nitrogen were 0, 30, 60 and 120 kg N ha−1, and intercrop cowpea densities were 80 000, 100 000, 120 000 and 150 000 plants ha−1. The interaction of applied N and density of companion cowpea on yield of maize was negative. In maize, the yield losses due to intercropping were alleviated to some degree by N application, but in cowpea they were accentuated, and it appeared that maize was more competitive than cowpea. Maize was more efficient than cowpea in the utilization of N to produce grain; with each increment of N, efficiency declined in maize but was almost constant in cowpea. The Land Equivalent Ratio (LER), a measure of the efficiency of intercropping, declined with increasing levels of applied N but did not change significantly when intercrop cowpea density exceeded 100 000 plants ha−1. The LER values followed trends in cowpea rather than maize yields, and this may be attributed to shading of cowpea by maize.  相似文献   

Due to global warming, water is expected to become scarce especially in semiarid regions. Therefore, there is a need to increase the efficiency in water use by crops under rainfed agriculture. The effect of nutrient availability on the growth, production, root development, water relations and water use efficiency (WUE) by the intercrop maize/cowpea was investigated in 2 contrasting years (dry and wet) in the semiarid region of Brazil. The crops were grown on a strongly acidic, sandy soil with three treatments: (i) application of NPK fertilizers plus lime (NPK + lime), (ii) application of NPK fertilizers (NPK) and (ii) control (Contr.) in low and high input regimes. The soil water balance was calculated with the crop model EPICSEAR. Application of fertilizers and lime increased biomass production and grain yield of the intercrop up to 400% and 550%, respectively, and maize suffered more from the effects of low nutrient availability and soil acidity than cowpea. The root development of both crops was strongly improved by the application of NPK and lime and cowpea developed a deeper root system which enabled this crop to keep a higher transpiration rate in the dry year. As a consequence of the shallow root system, maize was prone to water stresses caused by the dry spells and its harvest index was reduced when dry spells occurred during flowering and grain filling.  相似文献   

Reduced lignin concentration in brown mid-rib mutants in both maize and sorghum have resulted in improved dry matter digestibility, increased milk yield and higher energy in lactating cows. However, the mutations were not widely deployed due to concern that reduced lignin concentration might increase vulnerability to lodging and stalk rot incidence. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of the mutations on stalk strength and stalk rot resistance in both sorghum and maize. Six brown midrib (bmr) sorghum, four brown midrib (bm) maize, and their normal isolines were evaluated for stalk strength and stalk rot disease reaction at two locations in four replications. Three randomly selected plants in each plot were inoculated with Macrophomina phaseolina at 14 d after flowering by using the toothpick inoculation technique. On 28 d after inoculation, the plants were rated for disease severity by measuring the length of necrotic lesions in the stalks. Stalk strength was determined from another three random plants in each plot by using a rind penetrometer. The mutations had no effect on stalk rot disease severity in either sorghum or maize though stalks strength was markedly affected by the mutations in both species. While maize bm entries broke easily in response to mild mechanical stress, bmr sorghums did not exhibit sign of stalk collapse in all backgrounds. The result suggests that the bmr genes in both maize and sorghum can be deployed without incurring losses to stalk rot disease.  相似文献   

Host-plant resistance is an effective and economical means of controlling downy mildew (DM) diseases in maize (Zea mays L.). Crosses involving 10 inbred maize lines in all possible combinations (diallel cross) showed that susceptibility to sorghum DM (Peronosclerospora sorghi (Weston and Uppal) C. G. Shaw) is generally inherited as a dominant characteristic. However, progenies of crosses between one of the lines (CM105) resistant to DM, and susceptible lines, showed intermediate levels of resistance, indicating that several genes are involved and that their effects are additive. Progenies of crosses between resistant lines were more resistant than their parents, probably because of interactions between different resistance genes (epistasis). Both additive and non-additive gene action was detected by partitioning gene effects by generation mean in each 16 DM-resistant × DM-susceptible combinations, which indicates that the reactions of maize to DM are governed by several genes (i.e. polygenically) and that the inheritance of resistance is complex. An inbred line from Mexico, Tuxpeno Gpo. 48-Var. 168-1, is a particularly promising general source of resistance to DM.  相似文献   

The effects of endosperm vitreousness, cooking time and temperature on sorghum and maize starch digestion in vitro were studied using floury and vitreous endosperm flours. Starch digestion was significantly higher in floury sorghum endosperm than vitreous endosperm, but similar floury and vitreous endosperm of maize. Cooking with 2-mercaptoethanol increased starch digestion in both sorghum and maize, but more with sorghum, and more with vitreous endosperm flours. Increasing cooking time progressively reduced starch digestion in vitreous sorghum endosperm but improved digestibility in the other flours. Pressure-cooking increased starch digestion in all flours, but markedly more in vitreous sorghum flour; probably through physical disruption of the protein matrix enveloping the starch. Irrespective of vitreousness or cooking condition, the alpha-amylase kinetic constant (k) for both sorghum and maize flours remained similar, indicating that differences in their starch digestion were due to factors extrinsic to the starches. SDS-PAGE indicated that the higher proportion of disulphide bond-cross-linked prolamin proteins and more extensive polymerisation of the prolamins on cooking, resulting in polymers of Mr>100k, were responsible for the lower starch digestibility of the vitreous sorghum endosperm flour.  相似文献   

Modulation of physiological and biochemical defensive responses against downy mildew (DM) of pearl millet induced by raw cow milk (RCM) and five amino acids is reported in this paper. In vitro conditions, none of the inducer treatments showed inhibitory action on DM pathogen. Significant enhancement of seed germination and seedling vigor was observed in RCM and amino acids treated seeds. Under greenhouse conditions, significant protection against DM was provided by l-phenylalanine (68.6%), l-isoleucine (66.5%) and l-proline (55.7%) treatments. Among the RCM treatments, the 10% dilution proved to be the best by offering disease protection of 35%. Spatio-temporal time gap studies indicated that seed treatment with l-phenylalanine increased disease resistance four days after inoculation. Seed treatments with RCM and amino acids also enhanced the vegetative and reproductive growth parameters of pearl millet when compared to the control. A similar trend in protection against DM was evident in the field trials. At the biochemical level, defense related enzymes such as phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), peroxidase (POX) and β-1,3-glucanase showed an increased activity in RCM and amino acids treated seedlings than in sterile distilled water control seedlings. The highest PAL activity was recorded in RCM (10 and 20%) whereas in case of amino acids, the highest activity was observed in l-proline and l-phenylalanine treatments. The highest activity of β-1,3-glucanase was recorded in RCM (20%) and l-phenylalanine.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1998,58(1):69-79
We have tested whether thermal time can account for the effect of meristem temperature on leaf appearance rate (LAR) and leaf elongation rate (LER) of sorghum in a wide range of conditions without water or nutrient deficits. This requires that responses to temperature should be consistent in different locations and different seasons, and that responses of LER of different leaves of the plant should be similar. Sorghum plants (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench., cv. E-35-1) were sown in the field in Bamako (Mali) from October 1995 to August 1996, in Montpellier (France) in summers 1995 and 1997, and in a growth chamber. Irradiance, air and meristem temperatures (Tm) and air humidity were measured together with LER in all experiments. Unique and tight relationships were observed between Tm and LER of leaves located at different positions on the stem, for all experimental conditions when evaporative demand was low (meristem-to-air vapor pressure deficit, VPDma, lower than 2.5 kPa). Relationships remained linear over the whole studied range of Tm, i.e. 13–32°C (R2, from 0.7 to 0.87). With high evaporative demand, LER was lower than the LER expected at the same temperature but with low VPDma (LERreg); the normalized difference between LER measured on a given day (LERa) and LERreg was linearly related to VPDma (R2=0.52). A linear relationship was also observed between Tm and LAR measured before the beginning of stem elongation when Tm was lower than 27°C. The x-intercepts of relationships between Tm and LER or LAR did not differ in a covariance analysis, with a common value of 10.8°C. The use of thermal time without corrections for high temperature or photoperiod was the most appropriate way to account for the timing of leaf development. It allowed prediction of LER provided that the reduction in LER due to evaporative demand was taken into account.  相似文献   

Dryland farming strategies in the High Plains must make efficient use of limited and variable precipitation and stored water in the soil profile for stable and sustainable farm productivity. Current research efforts focus on replacing summer fallow in the region with more profitable and environmentally sustainable spring and summer crops. In the absence of reliable precipitation forecasts for the crop growing season, farmers rely mainly upon knowledge of plant available water (PAW) in the soil profile at planting for making crop choice decisions. To develop a decision support strategy for crop selection based on initial PAW, experiments were conducted with spring triticale (XTiticosecale Wittmack), proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.), and foxtail millet (Setaria italica L. Beauv.) under artificially controlled Low, Medium, and High initial PAW levels during 2004 and 2005 at Akron, Colorado, and Sidney, Nebraska. The objectives of this study were to adapt an existing cropping systems model for the simulation of triticale and millet and to evaluate simulations from the adapted model by comparing results with field data collected under varying initial PAW conditions. The Root Zone Water Quality Model with DSSAT v4.0 crop growth modules (RZWQM2) was used. Specifically, the Cropping System Model (CSM)–CERES–Wheat module was adapted for simulating triticale, and CSM–CERES–Sorghum (v4.0) module was adapted for simulating proso millet and foxtail millet. Soil water, leaf area index, grain yield, and biomass data for the highest PAW treatment from one crop season for each of the three crops were used to adapt and calibrate the crop modules. The models were then evaluated with data from the remaining PAW treatments. The proso millet module was further tested with four years of data from a crop rotation experiment at Akron from 2003 to 2006. Simulation results indicated that the adapted and calibrated crop modules have the potential to simulate these new crops under a range of varying water availability conditions. Consequently, these models can aid in the development of decision support tools for the season-to-season management of these summer fallow replacement crops under dryland conditions in semi-arid environments.  相似文献   

Controversy surrounds the promotion of conservation agriculture (CA) in smallholder farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa. The introduction of CA is a profound change in farm management. Benefits in reduced erosion and stabilized crop production may be obtained, but technical performance at field level is but one of the determinants of adoption. For various reasons, all of the CA principles are not always fully implemented by farmers and results not as favourable as expected. As with other approaches to increasing agricultural productivity, the production constraints, farmers’ objectives, and the expected benefits and costs of implementing CA are important aspects that influence adoption. At farm and village levels, trade-offs in the allocation of resources become important in determining how CA may fit into a given farming system. At a regional level, factors such as the market conditions, interactions among stakeholders and other institutional and political dimensions become important. At each level, opportunities or difficulties emerge that enhance or impede development, adaptation and adoption of CA. The ex-ante identification of situations for where CA (and which form of CA) is appropriate demands research from a multi-stakeholder, multi-level, and interdisciplinary perspective. Recommendations are made where research is required to address key knowledge gaps.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1999,61(2):125-145
Yield, input use, productivity and profitability of irrigated rice systems were analyzed based on surveys in Senegal (Thiagar and Guédé), Mali (Office du Niger) and Burkina Faso (Kou Valley). The objective was to determine agronomic factors contributing to farmers' fertilizer-use efficiency and productivity, given current farmer practices. (A second paper addresses profitability and risk issues). Grain yields were highly variable, within and across sites. Minimum grain yield was 0.2 t ha−1 (Thiagar), maximum recorded grain yield was 8.7 t ha−1 (Office du Niger). The yield gap between actual farmers' yield and simulated potential or maximum attainable farmers' yield ranged from 0.6 to 5.7 t ha−1 (Kou), 1.8 to 8.2 t ha−1 (Thiagar), 0.3 to 6.3 t ha−1 (Office du Niger), 0.8 to 5.7 t ha−1 (Guédé), indicating considerable scope for improved yield. Physiological nitrogen efficiency (δ grain yield/δ N uptake) was mostly between 40 and 80 kg grain kg−1 plant N. Apparent recovery of fertilizer N was highly variable (average: 30–40% of applied N). Timing of N fertilizer application by farmers was extremely variable and often did not coincide with critical growth stages of the rice plant. Other agronomic constraints included: use of relatively old (>40 days) seedlings at transplanting (Kou, Office du Niger), P and/or K deficiency (Office du Niger), unreliable irrigation water supply (Kou, dry season), delayed start of the wet growing season resulting in yield losses of up to 20% due to cold-induced spikelet sterility (Kou, Guédé, Office du Niger), weed problems (Thiagar), and late harvesting (Thiagar). Discussions during meetings with farmers at the survey sites revealed that farmers lacked knowledge on (i) optimal timing, dosage and mode of fertilizer application, (ii) optimal sowing dates to avoid yield loss due to cold- or heat-induced sterility, and (iii) the importance of N as the main limiting factor to yield. Possibilities to achieve a sustainable increase in rice productivity and profitability in West African irrigation systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Ruminant livestock depends primarily on forage and grazing resources from both natural pastures and from cultivated land. Low‐input large‐scale grazing systems constitute a substantial part of what is termed High Nature Value farmland in Europe. Developing a typology of categories of livestock systems within a region is an important step in understanding land uses that involve ruminant livestock systems and their use of feed resources, and in appraising policy options. This study developed a typology based on the municipalities of the region of Aragon in the north‐east of Spain on the basis of the feed resources for ruminant livestock. A clustering analysis was applied to the following three types of criteria: (i) crop types; (ii) vegetation types of uncultivated land and (iii) stocking rate of dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep and goats. A total of thirty‐nine variables were used. The cluster methodology allowed relatively homogeneous groups of municipalities, termed territories, with differentiating characteristics to be obtained. A Geographic Information System was applied to locate spatially the territories. From the twelve territories identified, it was concluded that there was a low use of natural pastures and high use of resources of cultivated origin in livestock systems in Aragon.  相似文献   

叶是芦荟显著且最有利用价值的器官。世界上对芦荟的利用已达很高水平,对芦荟属植物叶中化学成分的种类、含量及分布特性已有较清楚认识。同时,业已发现,芦荟叶片的结构、叶内生物活性成分与其逆境适应之间关系密切。适度胁迫促进芦荟叶中生物活性成分的积累,改善N素及P、Si等矿质营养状况显著促进其叶中生物活性物质的生产、增强植株对逆境的适应性。对芦荟生理生态学的深入研究,可为芦荟抗逆栽培、新品种培育、合理利用及开发新优芦荟食品提供有力支撑。文章对芦荟叶结构的特异性、叶中的生物活性成分、叶中重要生物活性成分与叶结构的关系,以及芦荟叶片结构、叶中生物活性成分与其植株对逆境适应的研究进展进行了述评。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1999,61(2):147-162
In irrigated rice production in West Africa, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizers make up about 20% of total production costs. This research seeks to evaluate whether those fertilizers are profitable under current use by farmers and to identify the factors that may improve fertilizer efficiency and profitability. A combination of farmer surveys and on-farm trials were used to determine actual fertilizer use, costs, and net revenues from fertilizer in key irrigated systems in Mali (Office du Niger), Burkina Faso (Kou Valley), and Senegal (Thiagar and Guédé). A second paper provides an agronomic analysis of soil fertility management at these sites. Net returns to fertilizer use were estimated and value/cost ratios (VCRs) calculated. A value/cost ratio of 1.5–2.0 was considered desirable for farmer adoption under West African conditions. Average VCRs for fertilizers ranged from 1.6 in the Kou Valley in Burkina Faso, to 3.6 in the Office du Niger, Mali. In researcher-managed on-farm trials in Thiagar, Senegal, fertilizers had VCRs of 1.5–3.1. Large N doses of 180 kg N ha−1 still had VCRs of 2.5. Farmers in the region used less than recommended doses of N, with the exception of farmers in the Office du Niger, Mali. With an average application of 89 kg N ha−1, farmers in Thiagar, Senegal were able to gain 54 000 FCFA ha−1 (US$ 110) of net revenues from the fertilizers with fertilizer N recovery rates averaging 34%. Improving that recovery rate by 50% could increase net revenues by 50%. In field trials in Thiagar, increasing N application to 180 kg ha−1 resulted in net returns of near 200 000 FCFA ha−1 for an investment of 118 000 FCFA ha−1. Risk of negative net returns was found in Thiagar and in Kou Valley, and was related to weed infestation and water scarcity, respectively. Farmers in the dry season in Kou Valley had a 33% probability of net losses with fertilizer application because of unreliable water supply. In contrast, no farmers had negative returns in the Office du Niger inspite of high N application rates. Farmers can improve profitability and economic efficiency in irrigated rice production in two ways. First, they can modify crop management practices (date of seeding, date and mode of fertilizer application, etc.) in order to improve the recovery rate of applied N, thus relaxing the nitrogen fertilizer constraint. Second, for farmers able to purchase additional fertilizer, there are gains to be made by increasing applied nitrogen at least to recommended levels in most areas. Credit allocations that restrict fertilizer purchases are counterproductive given the profitability of fertilizers. Negative returns were found only in areas with high risks of water scarcity or weed infestation. Researchers and development agents need to develop more site-specific fertilizer recommendations that correspond to weather, cultivars, prices of inputs and outputs, and fertilizer products.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1988,18(1):17-30
Differences in biomass accumulation due to variable nitrogen supply in maize and sorghum grown under irrigation in the semi-arid tropics were associated with differences in both radiation interception and the efficiency with which intercepted radiation was used to produce dry matter. Radiation-use efficiency was more responsive to N supply than was radiation interception. Radiation-use efficiency increased with higher rates of applied N; maximum radiation-use efficiency was greater in maize than in sorghum; and radiation-use efficiency declined during grain filling in maize more than in sorghum. These differences were explained in terms of specific leaf N. A linear relationship, which was similar for both species, was fitted between radiation-use efficiency and specific leaf N. It is concluded that radiation-use efficiency may not be as stable across environments as was previously thought, but rather depends on the balance of leaf growth, N uptake and allocation to leaves, and N mobilization from leaves to grain.  相似文献   

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