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The gene encoding the P48 major surface lipoprotein of M. agalactiae has been recently characterised. Since its product plays an important role in the immune response of infected animals, in this study we analysed a recombinant P48 expressed in E. coli. Multiple point mutations were introduced by site directed mutagenesis in order to convert four tryptophan TGA codons, which are a typical feature of the mycoplasma genetic code, into the standard TGG. The mutated p48 gene was subcloned into pGex-2T and expressed in fusion with glutathione-S transferase. Following purification steps, P48 was eluted from carrier protein by thrombin digestion and used in Western blot and indirect ELISA using well-characterised sheep sera. Results demonstrate that specific antibodies against P48 are detected 3 weeks after onset of clinical disease and the recombinant P48 is a diagnostically relevant marker of M. agalactiae infection.  相似文献   

为了研究牛支原体P48抗原蛋白的免疫学功能及相应卵黄抗体的生物学特性,探究其抗体效价随免疫时间的变化规律,试验采用牛支原体P48蛋白疫苗免疫健康产蛋母鸡,定时采血并收集鸡蛋,用水稀释法结合硫酸铵盐析法制备特异性卵黄抗体,利用间接ELISA法检测血清抗体(IgG)和卵黄抗体(IgY)效价。结果表明,低、中、高剂量组均能诱导蛋鸡产生有效免疫应答,血清抗体效价与卵黄抗体效价的变化趋势基本一致,但卵黄抗体的产生滞后于血清抗体,在首次免疫后8~10周Ig Y效价达到峰值,其中中剂量组的免疫效价最高,最高效价为1:212。经SDS-PAGE检测,制备所得的纯度达86%以上,得率在8.6 mg/m L以上。说明采用牛支原体P48蛋白免疫蛋鸡可制备高效价、高纯度的抗牛支原体P48蛋白卵黄抗体,从而为卵黄抗体在牛支原体的检测与防控方面的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本研究旨在分析牛支原体P48基因的序列特性、蛋白的结构和功能。根据GenBank中PG45菌株P48基因序列(GenBank登录号:CP002188.1)设计特异性引物,运用Overlap-PCR扩增获得P48基因全长,其目的片段连接到pMD19-T载体上并进行测序,利用生物信息学方法分析和预测其核苷酸序列及其编码蛋白的理化性质、结构功能(信号肽、跨膜结构、磷酸化位点、糖基化位点、二级结构和三级结构)。结果显示,分离株P48基因序列为1 407 bp,与Mb PG45国际标准株的同源性为100%,聚类于一支;P48基因编码467个氨基酸残基,组成一个无跨膜、稳定的亲水性蛋白;P48蛋白存在信号肽,有44个潜在的磷酸化位点和1个糖基化位点,其二级结构是混合型,其中α-螺旋所占比例最高(41.76%),无规则卷曲次之(37.69%)。功能预测显示,在信号转导、胁迫应答、受体等方面该蛋白存在较高概率。本研究成功克隆了分离株P48基因片段,其编码的蛋白是一个稳定可溶、亲水性蛋白,为分析分离株P48基因的特性和功能提供了一定的理论基础和科学依据。  相似文献   

An unusually high incidence of infectious keratoconjunctivitis followed by pneumonia and arthritis was observed in beef calves of a managed herd. No Moraxella spp. or bacteria other than Mycoplasma spp. were obtained from conjunctival and nasal swabs. A strategy was designed for characterization of bovine mycoplasmas at species and strain level on the basis of a combination of molecular tools and the immunoblotting method. The strategy made it possible to rapidly assign the bacterium responsible for this outbreak to one of the phylogenetic clusters of bovine mycoplasmas delineated in this study and then to identify it as Mycoplasma bovis. The strain, designated Sar 1, showed a 100% 16S rDNA sequence identity with two European strains (120/81 and MC3386) isolated in Germany and Ireland, respectively, and hosts a vsp gene analog to the vspA, vsp422-4, and vsp422-8 genes of the M. bovis reference strain PG45T and of the field strain 422. The use of a cross-reactive rabbit serum developed against the Mycoplasma agalactiae immunodominant antigen P48 confirmed the molecular findings. The immunological response of calves against M. bovis was also investigated. This is the first report on the occurrence of M. bovis on the Island of Sardinia (Italy).  相似文献   

试验旨在研究牛支原体P48蛋白对胎牛肺(embryonic bovine lung,EBL)细胞增殖和凋亡的影响。收集不同时间段、不同浓度P48蛋白与EBL细胞共孵育的样品,通过MTT法检测细胞增殖率;DAPI染核法观察EBL细胞核形态变化;流式细胞技术检测该蛋白诱导EBL细胞的凋亡率;实时荧光定量PCR检测凋亡标志物的mRNA相对表达变化;Western blotting方法检测Bax和Beclin-1蛋白表达水平。结果显示:当作用时间为72 h,P48蛋白浓度在10 μg/mL时,对EBL细胞增殖有极显著的抑制作用(P<0.01),在0.1和0.5 μg/mL时对EBL细胞的增殖的抑制作用不显著(P>0.05);经蛋白诱导12 h细胞核形态未有明显变化,24 h细胞核形态发生皱缩和凝聚,48和72 h细胞核发生碎裂;凋亡标志基因mRNA表达在2和12 h没有明显提高,在24、48、72 h有显著提高,与作用时间呈正相关,同时凋亡相关蛋白Bax和Beclin-1的表达随之显著提高。流式细胞技术结果显示P48蛋白诱导EBL细胞凋亡率为48.44%。综上表明,牛支原体P48重组蛋白能够抑制EBL细胞的增殖,促进细胞凋亡,为进一步揭示牛支原体的致病机制提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of P48 protein on proliferation and apoptosis of embryonic bovine lung (EBL) cells.In this study,samples which co-incubated with P48 protein and EBL cells in different concentrations at different time points were collected,the proliferation rate of the cells was detected by MTT method,and the changes in the nuclear morphology of EBL cells were observed by DAPI staining method.Meanwhile,flow cytometry was used to detect the apoptosis rate of EBL cells induced by P48 protein.Real-time quantitative PCR was used to detect the changes in mRNA level of apoptotic marker genes,and Western blotting tested the Bax and Beclin-1 protein expressions.The results showed that under the condition of 72 h and 10 μg/mL of protein concentration treatment,P48 extremely significantly inhibited EBL cells proliferation (P<0.01),while 0.1 and 0.5 μg/mL protein concentration had no inhibitory effect (P>0.05).The nuclear morphology showed no significant change after protein induction for 12 h,but wrinkled and condensed at 24 h.The nucleus was fragmented,and a sprouted apoptotic body was appeared at 48 and 72 h.Apoptosis related genes expression showed no obvious increase at 2 and 12 h at mRNA level,but gradually increased at 24,48 and 72 h,and it showed a time-dependent manner.Accordingly,the expression of apoptosis marker proteins Bax and Beclin-1 significantly increased.Flow cytometry analysis showed that the apoptosis rate of EBL cells induced by P48 protein was 48.44%.In conclusion,P48 recombinant protein of Mycoplasmas bovis inhibited the proliferation of EBL cells and promoted their apoptosis,which provided reference for revealing the pathogenic mechanism of Mycoplasmas bovis.  相似文献   

The two avian pathogens Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae were found, by Southern blot hybridization of their digested DNAs, to share genomic nucleotide sequences additional to those of the highly conserved ribosomal RNA genes. The assumption that some of the shared sequences encode for antigens or epitopes common to both mycoplasmas was supported by Western immunoblot analysis of cell proteins of one mycoplasma with specific antiserum to the other mycoplasma. Interestingly, the band patterns of reactive antigens were different for some of the M. gallisepticum strains, supporting the concept that the species is genotypically variable. The results of the present study may explain the cross-reactivity of the two mycoplasmas noted previously in a variety of routine serological tests.  相似文献   

试验旨在确定牛支原体P48基因的免疫原性,为进一步筛选牛支原体免疫保护性基因奠定基础。本研究以牛支原体新疆分离株为研究对象,运用Overlap PCR方法扩增得到点突变后的牛支原体新疆分离株P48基因,构建原核表达载体pET-32a (+)-P48,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)感受态细胞,在诱导剂ITPG的诱导下获得重组蛋白P48,纯化后的重组P48蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠制备多克隆抗体,运用Western blotting和ELISA方法验证其反应原性和免疫原性。结果表明,试验成功构建原核表达载体pET-32a (+)-P48,重组蛋白P48大小约为66 ku,纯化后的牛支原体P48重组蛋白免疫小鼠后可产生良好的免疫反应,血清抗体滴度达到较高水平(D450 nm值为1.126)。Western blotting结果显示,抗牛支原体P48重组蛋白的鼠血清与牛支原体P48重组蛋白及牛支原体全菌蛋白抗原均能产生明显的抗原抗体反应,表明P48重组蛋白具有良好的免疫原性与反应原性,可作为牛支原体新型疫苗的候选基因,且牛支原体新疆分离株P48基因与国内外5株牛支原体P48基因的同源性很高,亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   

牛支原体表面一种新的膜蛋白(P33)的特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
牛支原体(M.bvis)是牛支原体肺炎的病原体,能够引起犊牛肺炎等多种疾病.研究表明,牛支原体粘附蛋白可能在牛支原体致病过程中起关键作用.本研究选取了牛支原体的一个假定膜蛋白,对其基因进行PCR扩增,并连接到pET-28a载体,转化于大肠杆菌BL21 (DE3)中,通过IPTG诱导获得了以可溶形式表达的重组蛋白,该重组蛋白大小约为36 ku,将其命名为P33.纯化的重组蛋白免疫新西兰大白兔制备多克隆抗体.重组蛋白与胎牛肺细胞(EBL)作用,通过激光共聚焦显微镜观察到了明显的粘附作用,而ELISA试验证明该蛋白的这种粘附为特异性粘附,从而证明该蛋白是牛支原体的一个粘附相关蛋白.  相似文献   

牛支原体新基因(P18)的克隆表达及活性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛支原体(M.bovis)可以引起犊牛肺炎、关节炎、乳腺炎、角膜结膜炎等疾病,是一种牛的重要呼吸道病原体,目前M.bovis粘附宿主细胞的机制还不明确。研究表明,M.bovis表面存在的多种蛋白与致病菌在宿主体内的侵袭力与传播能力有关。我们通过分离表达多个M.bovis基因,最终获得了一个表达纤溶酶原结合蛋白的新基因,并命名为P18。该基因表达大小约为67ku的重组蛋白。通过western blot鉴定,重组表达的P18蛋白可以被M.bovis抗体识别。进一步的试验表明,P18蛋白还具有纤溶酶原结合活性,从而推测该基因表达的蛋白可能是M.bovis的一个粘附相关因子。  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against Mycoplasma (M.) bovis were prepared for use in diagnosis of bovine mastitis. From the original 32 hybridomas actively secreting mabs against M. bovis, 6 stable lines were cloned. Two of them, Mb 5D8 and Mb 4F6, recognized M. bovis antigens of estimated molecular weights of 33 and 26 kDa, respectively. They showed no cross-reaction to other bovine mycoplasmas, thus rendering them useful for specific detection of this pathogen. All mabs investigated cross-reacted with M. agalactiae which is known to be closely related to M. bovis, but does not occur in cattle. Two other mabs, Mb 5D4 and Mb 1F6, exhibited further cross-reactions to a number of bovine mycoplasma species. Finally, mabs Mb 5D5 and Mb 2G5 reacted with all mycoplasmas tested. The possibility that they recognized constituents of the broth culture medium is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports the identification and characterisation of a 60kDa surface protein antigen (P60) of Mycoplasma capricolum subspecies capricolum (Mcc), and describes its diagnostic application. Genomic localization and presence in P60 of conserved functional domains suggested a structural and functional relationship with the immunodominant antigen P48 of Mycoplasma agalactiae, a basic membrane protein. A rP60-ELISA was developed, and it resulted in a high specificity for Mcc infections after evaluation with 125 goat sera. The comparison with an existent ELISA based on whole Mcc cell lysates showed that the two assays have comparable sensitivities, but the rP60-ELISA has the significant advantage of a greater specificity. Results indicate that P60 is a potential marker of Mcc infection, especially useful in areas where the presence of M. capricolum subspecies capripenumoniae is also reported.  相似文献   

为了建立一种快速、特异、敏感的检测牛支原体血清抗体的方法,对牛支原体(M.bovis)P48膜蛋白基因进行密码子优化,并在编码基因两端加入酶切位点。利用生物学软件对P48蛋白进行抗原位点和亲水性分析,选择P48蛋白的主要抗原表位区和亲水性区域以及全基因进行原核表达。采用SDS-PAGE和Western blot对重组蛋白进行鉴定及反应原性分析。结果显示,表达的P48全蛋白、28~185、221~455位氨基酸区域蛋白均能与牛支原体阳性血清发生特异性反应,P48(221~455)效果最好。采用Ni-NTA对目的蛋白进行纯化,并基于纯化的P48(221~455)蛋白建立了一种间接ELISA检测方法。该方法组内及组间变异系数均小于7%,重复性较好。临床样本检测结果表明,建立的检测方法符合率较高。  相似文献   

Avian poxvirus was isolated from nodules on the heads and conjunctiva of two 3-to-4-wk-old ostrich chicks. The ostriches from which poxvirus was isolated had been placed on premises where turkeys that had shown evidence of poxvirus infection had been raised earlier. Microscopically, the nodules from the ostriches were composed of proliferating and hypertrophic epithelial cells that formed large fronds. Most of the hypertrophic epithelial cells contained large eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies characteristic of poxvirus. Characterization of the avian poxvirus isolated from the cutaneous lesions in ostriches was based on western blotting of virus antigen, restriction fragment length polymorphism of genomic DNA, pathogenesis, and cross-protection studies in chickens. Antigenic and genetic studies did not reveal any significant difference between the poxvirus isolated from ostriches (PVO) and fowl poxvirus (FPV). Further, susceptible chickens immunized with the PVO were protected when challenged with a virulent strain of FPV. Thus, the poxvirus isolated from ostriches had similar antigenic, genetic, and biological properties to FPV.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify morphometric histological features of pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma bovis in calves. Eight three-month-old calves were infected with M. bovis and samples of their lung tissue, three weeks after exposure, compared to samples from four uninfected calves. In the uninfected animals the goblet cells were clustered in the crypt area of the epithelial folds, while in the infected calves they had migrated towards the tips of the folds and were distributed evenly throughout the folds. In infected lung tissue there was goblet cell hyperplasia and metaplasia in the bronchioles and an increased epithelial height. Goblet cell mucin in uninfected calves was acidic, but in infected calves most goblet cells contained neutral mucins. These morphometric and histochemical bronco-epithelial changes may be able to be used as markers of the severity of bovine respiratory mycoplasmosis.  相似文献   

牛支原体药物敏感性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解牛支原体的体外药敏试验,以指导临床合理使用抗生素,对临床分离鉴定的3株牛支原体,采用微量稀释法测定其对环丙沙星、恩诺沙星、红霉素和诺氟沙星的最低抑菌浓度(MIC),重复3次,取平均值。结果表明,牛支原体对环丙沙星的MIC抑菌范围为64μg/mL~128μg/mL,对恩诺沙星的MIC值为4μg/mL~8μg/mL,对红霉素的MIC值为2μg/mL~4μg/mL,对诺氟沙星的MIC值在8μg/mL~16μg/mL之间。牛支原体对红霉素的耐药性最低,其次是恩诺沙星、诺氟沙星,对环丙沙星的耐药性最高。  相似文献   


The epidemiology, therapy, and prevention of M. bovis infections are briefly reviewed In a survey begun in 1982 M. bovis was found frequently in the respiratory of veal calves and beef cattle with respiratory problems. In replacement calves infected with respiratory disease in dairy herds, however, the organism has only been detected since 1986. Respiratory tract specimens collected from calves with respiratory disease were submitted for examination for M. bovis from 1986 to 1991 and originated from 83 herds. Mycoplasma bovis was detected in specimens from 59 of the herds, 20% of which were dairy herds and 80% fattening herds. Arthritis caused by M. bovis was observed in 12 herds until July 1991. Since 1976 when the first mastitis outbreak caused by M. bovis was diagnosed M. bovis has caused 14 more outbreaks. The number of diseased cattle varied from 1 tot 16 per farm, and clinical signs of mastitis varied from mild to severe. In all instances the infection has been eradicated from the herds. Because M. bovis can cause great losses in intensively reared cattle herds, it is advisable to separate purchased veal calves and beef cattle from dairy cattle to prevent further spread of M. bovis.  相似文献   

Specific serodiagnosis of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is hampered by the low antibody titers against Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides small-colony type (MmmSC) antigens in calf serum due to persistent infections and by the existence of cross-reactions among the members of the mycoides cluster. In order to identify potential diagnostic antigens, we have constructed a genomic library from MmmSC which was screened with antibodies from naturally-infected animals. Using this strategy, a genome fragment has been isolated and characterised. The complete nucleotide sequence of this fragment revealed the presence of several open reading frames, including that of translation elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu), whose product was responsible of the positive reaction observed when expressed in E. coli. The organisation of this MmmSC genome region differed from that of other Mycoplasma species whose complete genome sequences are known, but was similar, by PCR amplification analysis of genomic DNA, to other members of the mycoides cluster, such as Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum (Mcc). Nevertheless, the MmmSC and Mcc amplicons could be distinguished by digestion with restriction enzymes AseI or HindIII, strategy that could be used as a tool for differential diagnosis of infections caused by members of the mycoides cluster. The full recombinant EF-Tu was produced in E. coli, after correction of an unusual tryptophan codon by site-directed mutagenesis, and used to investigate anti-EF-Tu circulating antibodies in bovine sera.  相似文献   

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