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The effect of implantation of polyvinilidine spinal plates was studied when placed on spinous processes of 11 mixed breed dogs and when placed within the thoracolumbar musculature of 12 male white rats. Specimens were also obtained from soft tissues adjacent to polyvinilidine plates 2 to 3 months after clinical surgery to repair spinal subluxations in three dogs. A similar pattern of dense, organized fibrous tissue interspersed with focal congregations of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and multinucleated giant cells was observed in the dog experiment, rat experiment, and in all clinical cases. Birefringent debris with polarization patterns identical to small slivers of polyvinilidine was associated with the observed reactions. It would appear that either a chemical or physical characteristic of the plates elicited this foreign body reaction. Grooving the inner surface of the plates, which is performed to increase the friction grip when applied to spinous processes, may make the surface texture of the plate more reactive or it may predispose the surface of the plate to minute fragmentation ("wear products").  相似文献   

Impingement of the dorsal spinous processes (DSPs) is a common cause of pain and poor performance in sport horses, but there is limited information regarding regional differences in the prevalence and severity of DSP osseous lesions in the equine thoracolumbar spine. It was hypothesized that lesion severity would increase with horse age and height, and that severe lesions would be more prevalent in the mid-caudal thoracic region. The thoracolumbar spines of 33 horses were removed postmortem, disarticulated, and boiled out. The thoracic and lumbar DSPs were examined for the presence of proliferative or lytic osseous lesions of the DSPs. Age and height of the horses were recorded, and severity of pathologic changes at each vertebral level was scored using an ordinal grading system (grades 0–3) and a continuous visual analog scale (VAS). Osseous lesions of the DSPs were present at every vertebral level from C7–T1 to L6–S1, and 70% of horses had at least one lesion of severity grade 2 or higher. Grade 3 lesions were found in the cranial thoracic (T2–T4), mid-thoracic to cranial lumbar (T11–L1) and mid-lumbar (L4–L5) segments. Analysis of VAS data using analysis of variance indicated that increasing age and height were associated with more severe osseous lesions (P < .001). DSP osseous lesions occur frequently in horses with more severe lesions in the cranial thoracic, mid to caudal thoracic, and mid-lumbar regions. Lesions in the cranial thoracic and lumbar regions present a challenge for diagnostic imaging and may be underdiagnosed clinically.  相似文献   

A dorsal surgical approach to the perineal area and rectum was made on 10 healthy, adult dogs. The rectococcygeal muscle was incised and the levator ani and external sphincter muscles were separated to the level of the caudal rectal nerve. All dogs were clinically normal throughout a 3 week postoperative observation period.  相似文献   

The occurrence of postoperative adhesions following ventral (20 dogs) or dorsal (12 dogs) urinary bladder incisions was evaluated. The bladder incisions were sutured with 3–0 polydioxanone suture material in a two-layer closure. Laparotomy (no urinary bladder incision) was performed in four dogs, which served as controls. The surgical sites were examined 1 (30 dogs) and 2 weeks (6 dogs) after surgery. Omental adherence to the urinary bladder was a frequent finding, but none of the urinary bladders was adhered to the ventral abdominal wall incision.  相似文献   

氯胺酮对犬脑电图影响的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
以10mg/kg体重的氯胺酮行肌肉注射,实验狗的脑电图5分钟时,波幅显著升高,10分钟时极显著升高,然后逐渐降低,60分钟内差异仍显著,犬脑电图特征为同步性高频高幅快节律,临床上出现显著的镇痛作用,然后逐渐恢复正常,但与其它麻醉药的不同之处是频率有出理显著。  相似文献   

检疫犬是指选用适训犬种,经过特殊训练后用于搜寻和发现旅客行李、货物、邮包等中的应检物(如肉制品、水果等),使之成为检验检疫人员的得力助手和特殊检测手段[1]。1背景墨西哥是世界上第一个使用工作犬来进行植物  相似文献   

Dorsal laminectomy and durotomy were performed at thoracic vertebrae 12 and 13 (T12-T13) and lumbar vertebrae 1 and 2 (L1-L2) in 12 normal dogs. A free fat graft harvested from subcutaneous tissue adjacent to the incision was placed over the T12-T13 laminectomy site. A 75 X 25 X 5 mm pedicle fat graft harvested from a similar location was placed over the L1-L2 laminectomy site. Three dogs each were euthanatized at weeks 2, 4, 8, and 16. With both types of fat grafts, an initial inflammatory stage reduced the size of the graft approximately 50%. Axonal degeneration and demyelination of the spinal cord resolved by week 16. At week 16, the durotomy sites had healed, but the dura mater was adhered to the spinal cord. No difference between the grafts could be demonstrated by antemortem myelography and cerebrospinal fluid analysis. There was no demonstrable advantage to the use of pedicle fat grafts.  相似文献   

在冬毛生长期,选择乌苏里貉(以下简称貉)60只,分为5组,每组12只。对照组饲喂基础日粮,另外4组饲喂基础日粮分别添加肌醇0.1 g/kg(试验Ⅰ组)、0.2 g/kg(试验Ⅱ组)、0.5 g/kg(试验Ⅲ组)、1 g/kg(试验Ⅳ组)。通过对皮张质量有关的数据包括针、绒毛长,皮重、皮长,胴体重量等数据分析处理,结果表明:各项数据差异不显著(P0.05),但不同浓度梯度对貉皮张质量有一定效果。毛皮保温试验中采用经过冬毛生长期饲喂的貉所生产的皮张,经过初步加工至风干后呈生皮板状态。将500 m L蒸馏水放入塑料水瓶中水浴加热至50℃后迅速放入皮板中上部。在同一零下无光照环境中2 h后分析水温变化。试验发现数据差异不显著(P0.05),但试验Ⅱ组有较好的保温效果。  相似文献   

Four dogs (27.3–31.8 kg) with ilial body fractures associated with various degrees of acetabular comminution were treated using internal fixation. Anatomic reduction and internal fixation were achieved using a long 2.7 mm reconstruction plate on the hemipelvis. Based on the patient's pelvic radiographs, the reconstruction plate was precontoured before surgery to precisely fit a bony pelvis of similar size and shape. Excellent anatomic reduction of the fractures was achieved in all four dogs. Three dogs recovered uneventfully and regained full function of the affected leg. In one dog with comminution of the acetabulum, reduction of the most caudally located fracture was not maintained. Severe osteoarthritis developed, and excision arthroplasty was performed.
Reconstruction plates offer greater versatility than dynamic compression plates in the treatment of complex pelvic fractures such as ilial body fractures with acetabular comminution. The technique of precontouring the reconstruction plate prior to surgery decreases intraoperative time and corrects minor discrepancies in reduction.  相似文献   

目前我国有74个口岸配备了检疫犬,有在岗检疫犬203只;国家出台了检疫犬训练和使用管理相关标准和管理办法。本文指出了当前存在标准亟须优化,检疫犬、训导员的技能培训不完善,设施设备难以满足查验需求,现场查验方式单一等问题。由此提出创新检疫犬管理模式、重视对训导员的选用及培训、优化检疫犬工作相关标准、完善相关配套设施等针对性对策,旨在充分发挥检疫犬在口岸查验现场中的作用。  相似文献   

Objective—To determine the degree to which the dose of oral cyclosporine (CyA), in healthy dogs, can be decreased by concurrent oral administration of ketoconazole. Dogs in this study were observed for physical or biochemical side effects that might have been caused by the administration of CyA and ketoconazole. Study Design—Prospective research study. Sample Population—Five healthy, intact female Beagle dogs. Methods—CyA was administered orally twice daily to achieve stable whole blood trough levels of 400 to 600 ng/mL. Ketoconazole was added at a low therapeutic dose (average dose: 13.6 mg/kg/d) then at a subtherapeutic dose (average dose: 4.7 mg/kg/d). CyA whole blood trough levels were monitored every 3 to 4 days and maintained at 400 to 600 ng/mL by adjusting CyA doses accordingly. Physical examination, CBC, biochemical profile, and urinalysis were performed at 2-week intervals throughout the study period. Results—The initial mean dose of CyA required to achieve target blood levels was 14.5 mg/ kg/d. With concurrent ketoconazole (low therapeutic dose, average dose: 13.6 mg/kg/d) and CyA administration, the CyA dose declined to 3.4 mg/kg/day (range: 1.2 to 5.2 mg/kg/d), representing a 75% reduction in CyA dose and monetary savings of 57.8%. At a subtherapeutic dose of ketoconazole (average dose: 4.7 mg/kg/d), combination therapy resulted in a CyA dose of 10.1 mg/kg/day (4.9 to 10.6 mg/kg/d), representing a 38% reduction in CyA dose and monetary savings of 23.8%. Weight loss and transient hypoalbuminemia of unknown clinical significance were observed. Other physical and biochemical evaluations were unremarkable over the 12-week study period. Conclusions—The oral administration of ketoconazole can be used to reduce substantially the oral CyA dose needed to maintain selected blood levels in healthy dogs. Clinical Relevance—The oral administration of ketoconazole can result in substantial cost savings to owners of dogs receiving CyA after renal allograft transplantation or for the treatment of autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

Desmopressin acetate (DDAVP(R)), a synthetic analogue of vasopressin was slowly administered intravenously to 12 healthy dogs of various breeds and 10 Doberman Pinschers with mild-to-moderate type I von Willebrand's disease at a dose of 0.3, 1.0 and 3.0 micro g/kg body weight. Plasma von Willebrand factor:antigen was measured by an electroimmunoassay prior to and 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 minutes after desmopressin infusion. Desmopressin induced only very modest and statistically insignificant increases in von Willebrand factor in both groups. We conclude that the response to desmopressin as measured by circulating von Willebrand factor is much less pronounced in healthy dogs and in Doberman Pinschers with von Willebrand's disease than in humans.  相似文献   

This study was divided into two phases. In the in vitro phase, a stainless steel bone plate was applied to the cranial surface of the radius in 14 canine limbs. The effect of the presence of a bone plate on bone density analysis using radiographic photodensitometry (RP) was evaluated by comparing the density measurement of the unplated limb to the density measurement of the plated limb. The optical density of the plated bones was 12% greater than that of the unplated bones. This information was used as a correction factor for the in vivo study. In the in vivo phase, 23 dogs with radial and ulnar fractures were examined for complications associated with the long-term application of a stainless steel plate applied to the cranial surface of the radius. In 14 dogs, RP analysis was used to compare the plated limb with the normal, contralateral limb. No significant differences in radial cortical bone density existed between the plated limb and the contralateral limb after taking into account the effect a bone plate had on photodensitometry readings. There was no significant correlation between the change in radial cortical density and the duration of bone plate application, suggesting that a steady state between bone loss and bone production occurs after long-term plate fixation of the fractured canine radius. The majority (87%) of the dogs with a plate applied to the radius greater than 1 year had normal limb usage when standing, walking, or running.  相似文献   

This study reviews the records of all dogs that underwent dorsal decompressive laminectomy for thoracolumbar disc disease at the Angell Memorial Animal Hospital during a 2-year period. Findings as to age, breed, sex, and site of disc protrusion did not differ from those published by others. All dogs were operated on within 36 hours of the onset of inability to walk. The overall recovery rate was 80.6%. The recovery rate of dogs that had preoperative sensory perception was 89.5%, but was only 50.0% for those without sensory perception. The most important factor determining recovery rate was the presence or absence of preoperative sensory perception.  相似文献   

益生菌是一种定植于宿主肠道,能够调节肠道微生态平衡,提高宿主机体健康水平的活菌制剂。目前益生菌已被证实能够对动物起到多种有益的作用。随着宠物医疗行业的快速发展,犬猫的健康越来越受到主人的重视,益生菌被广泛添加到宠物食品以及营养补充剂中,通过维持肠道微生态的平衡达到预防肠道疾病或提高肠道免疫力的目的。对益生菌的定义、种类和作用机制,以及益生菌在犬猫上的应用研究进展进行综述,以期为犬猫益生菌制剂的开发以及益生菌在宠物医疗行业的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

随着城市宠物犬数量上升,其监管和公共卫生安全问题日益突出。电子芯片的出现,为宠物犬"实名制"管理提供了行之有效的解决方案,有效解决了城市宠物犬丢失、遗弃、伤人和违法监管难的窘境。但犬电子芯片在普及过程中面临不少问题,如政府对犬籍管理重视程度不够,电子芯片植入缺少法律依据,管理部门重收费轻管理,植入电子芯片导致犬局部感染等。建议政府部门加强养犬的法律法规建设,施行宠物犬"实名制"管理,坚持"轻收费、重管理、严处罚"的犬籍注册办证机制,并加大对兽医植入电子芯片的技术培训力度。  相似文献   

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