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稻鸭共育生态栽培配套频振式诱蛾灯物理杀虫技术应用示范表明,该项技术对稻田有害生物控效明显,稻纵卷叶螟、二化螟、稻飞虱及纹枯病都未出现危害高峰期,对杂草的防除效果更为显著,免去了除草剂的使用,减少了化学农药的施用量;与传统的栽培方式比较,早、晚稻增产率分别为5.7%和5.6%,两季合计每公顷增收4 665元.  相似文献   

陈国民  徐国祥 《作物研究》2006,20(3):263-265
湖南省桃源县近几年在开发高档优质稻生产过程中,针对稻田施肥与病虫草害控制的技术难点,推广应用“稻田养鸭”、“猪-沼-稻”、频振式杀虫灯诱蛾等生态农业技术措施,取得了显著的经济、生态、社会效益。介绍了桃源县高档优质生态稻米开发的概况及各种模式的效益。  相似文献   

经过多年实践,探索总结出抗病虫品种、频振式太阳能杀虫灯、糖盆诱蛾、黄蓝板诱虫、生物多样性控虫等绿色防控技术,形成了切合库尔勒实际的棉花病虫全程绿色防控技术模式。介绍了上述技术措施及其在当地棉田的推广应用效果。  相似文献   

对性信息素粘胶诱捕器和频振式杀虫灯诱捕二代亚洲玉米螟成虫数量进行比较研究,结果表明:性信息素粘胶诱捕器比频振式杀虫灯对二代亚洲玉米螟有着更高的诱蛾效率,但变化规律不明显,频振式杀虫灯对二代亚洲玉米螟的诱蛾高峰在7月13—25日之间,而性信息素粘胶诱捕器的诱蛾高峰在7月20日—8月3日之间。  相似文献   

 2011年斜纹夜蛾性信息素诱蛾试验结果表明:3种诱芯诱蛾性能均较强、持效期长、防效佳、操作简便;6-9月试验区A、B、C三种诱芯单只诱捕器日均诱蛾量分别达112头、89.6头和299.5头,分别是20 W频振式杀虫灯的15.9,12.7和42.5倍;相对防效分别为75.50%,70.25%和82.28%。  相似文献   

我国稻米生态技术日趋成熟在稻田中放养鸭子,鸭子吃草、吃虫,为水稻生长提供优质有机肥,同时优良的自然生态环境也为鸭肉品质的提高提供了保障。这是农业部在南方水稻产区推广的生态农业模式之一。8月28日,江苏、安徽、江西等省参加农业部主办的“全国优质高效无公害生态稻米生产示范观摩”的代表实地考察了湖南湖北两省的生态技术示范基地。基地全面采用“稻鸭共育”、“猪-沼-稻”、“频振式杀虫灯”、“优质稻标准化生产”等生态农业技术来提升稻米的品质和市场竞争力,为稻区农民探索出一套高效的种植养殖相结合的增收模式。近几年我国水…  相似文献   

对安乡县天喜哥家庭农场的调查表明,稻鸭立体生态种养模式可减少稻田农药施用量30%,减少肥料投入15%,提高水稻产量10%,稻米品质明显改善,新增养鸭纯收入7500元/hm2。稻鸭共生技术在稻田管理上,要抓好稻田选择、品种安排、播种密度、开沟保水、病虫防治等环节;鸭子管理要抓好鸭种选择、搭建鸭棚和围栏、放鸭密度、适量添饲、适时收鸭等环节。  相似文献   

生态稻米生产技术现状及发展前景   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
分析了生态稻米生产的核心技术、存在问题及发展前景.认为稻鸭共生生态种养技术、频振式杀虫灯诱杀害虫技术、"猪-沼-稻"生态农业技术和优质食用稻标准化生产技术等4项技术,是生态稻米生产的核心技术,应在今后进行综合配套推广应用,从而大力促进生态稻米生产的发展.  相似文献   

频振式杀虫灯在示范田共开灯75 d,共诱杀害虫5目11科,2 347头,杀虫谱广,诱杀效果十分明显,且对害虫天敌的杀伤力较小,共诱杀天敌17头,益害比为1:138.1,频振式杀虫灯在示范田应用,降低了劳动成本,使用方便,操作简单可获得较好的经济效益、生态效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

自行设计多功能诱虫灯田间诱虫效果试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 为了验证多功能自动诱虫灯诱虫效果,对多功能诱虫灯与黄板和多功能诱虫灯与频振灯分别做棉花田间试验。结果表明,多功能诱虫灯平均日诱虫效果与黄板和频振灯比较均无明显差异(t测验),且多功能诱虫灯诱到的虫量消长规律与后二者基本一致。综合考虑自动化、简便性和多功能性等因素,认为利用多功能诱虫灯对棉田等作物田的害虫诱捕效果较好,适于广泛的推广和应用。  相似文献   

水稻杂糯间作栽培增产技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
樊雄伟 《中国稻米》2003,9(4):30-31
水稻是四川主要粮食作物之一 ,常年种植面积220万hm2左右 ,占粮食播种面积的30% ,总产量170亿kg左右 ,占全年粮食总产的50 %。糯稻是水稻生产重要组成部份 ,糯米是传统的食品加工和酿酒业不可缺少的原料 ,在人们生活中占有十分重要的地位。20世纪80年代末期 ,四川省杂交水稻大面积推广 ,籼稻产量大幅度提高 ,而糯稻生产却相对落后 ,一是品种老化 ,多为常规品种 ,虽然品质较优 ,但秆高 ,抗性较差 ,二是栽培落后 ,生产上均以净作方式栽培 ,易于倒状 ,特别是近10年来水稻稻瘟病危害呈加重发展趋势 ,糯稻单产仅350kg/667m2左右 ,导致经济效益不…  相似文献   

野生稻的优异特性及其在水稻育种中的利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综述了野生稻的的抗病虫性、抗逆性、优良的稻米品质、细胞质雄性不育性和强大的生长优势等优异性状及其近年来在水稻育种中的最新利用;通过辐射诱变和生物技术方法对野生稻资源进行创新利用。  相似文献   

Aerobic rice describes a management adaptation to reduced irrigation water supplies but, due to reduced intervals of flooding in this system, this requires revised weed management approaches to reduce costs and provide effective weed control. One approach is to make the crop more competitive and reduce the effects of weeds on the crop by using higher rice seeding rates. A study was conducted in the Philippines and India in 2008 and 2009 to assess the relations of seeding rates (15-125 kg ha−1) of hybrid and inbred varieties to crop and weed growth in aerobic rice. Plant densities, tillers, and biomass of rice increased linearly with increased in seeding rates under both weedy and weed free environments. Weed biomass decreased linearly with increasing seeding rates from 15 to 125 kg ha−1. Panicles and grain yields of rice in competition with weeds increased in a quadratic relation with increased seeding rates at both locations; however, the response was flat in the weed free plots. A quadratic model predicted that seeding rates of 48-80 kg ha−1 for the inbred varieties and 47-67 kg ha−1 for the hybrid varieties were needed to achieve maximum grain yield when grown in the absence of weeds, while rates of 95-125 kg seed ha−1 for the inbred varieties and 83-92 kg seed ha−1 for the hybrid varieties were needed to achieve maximum yields in competition with weeds. On the basis of these results, seeding rates greater than 80 kg ha−1 are advisable where there are risks of severe weed competition. Such high seeding rates may be prohibitive when using expensive seed, and maximum yields are not the only consideration for developing recommendations for optimizing economic returns for farmers. Results of the present study do suggest however that increasing seeding rates of aerobic rice does suppress weed growth and reduce grain yield losses from weed competition. This information could be incorporated in integrated crop management packages to manage weeds more effectively.  相似文献   

Glutinous and non-glutinous rice hybrids derived from IRRI and Lao PDR rice germplasm were evaluated for yield heterosis and genetic diversity based on SSR markers. Pollen and spikelet fertilities of the hybrids showed absence of effective restorer and maintainer genes in the Lao varieties for WA-CMS cytoplasm. Positive heterosis over better or male parent (Lao varieties) was observed. Hybrids derived from an IRRIs TGMS line with Lao varieties showed a great potential in hybrid rice application. Genetic diversity among the rice lines was assessed by COP and SSR markers. Cluster analysis based on the molecular markers generated three parental groups in agreement with parental pedigree information. Significant linear relation was detected between yield heterosis and marker-based genetic distance of parents.  相似文献   

ItisatraditionalriceoriginatedfromXuanhanCounty,SichuanProvince.FromtheTangdynasty(684DC),thelocalofficialsofferedthepeachblossomricetoemperor,soitwasalsocalled"TributeRice".GlassriceTheanothernamefortheglassriceisfragrantindicarice.ItwasfromQinyangC…  相似文献   

新昌县稻米消费嫌籼喜粳演变趋势及其对我们的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新昌地处浙江东部 ,为山区小县 ,现拥有人口43万 ,耕地1.6万hm2 ,其中水田1.1万hm2。近年社会经济发展很快 ,“八五”时期从浙江省17个贫困县之一发展成为浙江省经济中等发达县 ;经“九五”努力 ,1998年又被评为省定小康县 ;经国家统计局农村社会经济调查总队综合测评结果 ,2001年跻身全国百强县 (市 )行列。2002年农民人均纯收入达4930元 ,城镇居民人均可支配收入达11683元 ,分别比2001年增加293元和1263元。当地传统上以消费籼米为主 ,其中稻米严重短缺的20世纪50年代以前 ,为中晚籼米 ;进入60年代因水稻改制成功 ,主要消费转向早籼米 ;从…  相似文献   

Rice flour is a starchy material with low-cost, because it can be produced from rice that is broken during processing. The aim of this study was to develop biodegradable films based on rice starch and rice flour, and to characterize their physicochemical, microscopic and mechanical properties. Films from rice starch and rice flour were prepared by casting, with glycerol or sorbitol as plasticizer. SEM analysis of starch and flour films revealed compact structures. Rice flour films prepared in the present work have similar mechanical properties to those of starch based films. However, their water vapor permeabilities are two times higher than those of starch based films. Films with sorbitol were less permeable to water and more rigid, while films with glycerol are more plasticized and have poorer water vapor barrier properties. Therefore, preparing edible films from rice flour is a new alternative for using this raw material, which is sometimes much cheaper than commercial starches.  相似文献   

推进稻米清洁生产提升稻米产业竞争力   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
本文阐述了我国稻米清洁生产的完整概念、内涵与意义,比较了清洁生产初、中、高三个层次(无公害稻米、绿色食品稻米与有机稻米)的异同,分析了实施清洁生产所面临的主要问题,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

野生稻资源研究及其在水稻育种上利用现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1 野生稻资源类型及分布 1.1 世界野生稻类型及分布 对世界上稻属(Oryza L.)的种类众说不一,综合各学者的观点,普遍认为,稻属常见的有22个种,其中包括亚洲栽培稻(O. sativa L.)、非洲栽培稻(O. glaberrima Steud.)和20个种的野生稻类型(表1).  相似文献   

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