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Fish translocations are an important tool in fisheries management, yet translocating fish carries the risk of introducing unwanted pathogens. Although pathogen screening can be a useful tool for managing the risk associated with fish translocations, screening cannot eliminate this risk. This paper addresses these problems by demonstrating that two elements must be considered when designing efficient and effective aquatic pathogen screening programs: (1) how many fish to screen and (2) how long to continue screening programs when repeated testing detects zero infected individuals. The chance that infected fish are translocated despite screening is the joint probability of (1) the failure of the screening to detect infected fish in the sample and (2) the actual presence of infected fish in the translocation batch. Our analysis demonstrates that transfer of an infected fish is most likely to occur at moderately low levels of pathogen prevalence because the probability of detecting at least one infected fish through screening increases as pathogen prevalence increases. Small screening samples (i.e., with a low number of individuals) are most likely to detect infected fish when pathogen prevalence is relatively high (i.e., > 5%). Screening programs should terminate after some number of successive screening events in which no infected individuals have been detected. The number of screening events is a function of the cost of the screening program, the cost of a pathogen translocation, and the probability that an infected fish will be transferred. Furthermore, our analysis indicates that the cost of a disease outbreak has relatively little effect on the length of time the screening program should continue. A more pronounced result is that screening programs that are inexpensive or allow a higher probability of pathogen translocation should be continued longer.  相似文献   

A general overview is presented on the various cultivation techniques in modern freshwater aquaculture. Included are overall production figures for finfish production in the most important producing countries of Europe. Major emphasis is placed on the situation of aquaculture development in the Federal Republic of Germany, providing details on the structure of the industry in the states of Bavaria, Lower Saxony, and Schleswig-Holstein. The trend towards intensification and its implications to system performance is described. The development of recirculation systems, particular for eel farming, is outlined, indicating the various problems related to system design, local conditions and species requirements. Future trends and research needs are identified.  相似文献   

A 2-year cohort study was conducted to investigate the probability of disease introduction into Dutch dairy farms. The farms were tested regularly for diseases and were visited biannually to collect management data. Ninety-five specific pathogen-free (SPF) dairy farms were selected from a database of bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV1)-free farms to study the probability of, and risk factors for, introduction of BHV1, bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV), Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype Dublin (S. dublin), and Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo (L. hardjo).Although most of the 95 SPF farms had a low risk on introduction of infectious diseases, one disease was introduced into 12 farms and two diseases were introduced into one farm. Three farms experienced an outbreak of BHV1, one farm an outbreak of L. hardjo, two farms BVDV, six farms S. dublin, and one farm both BHV1 and S. dublin. The total incidence rate was 0.09 (0.06-0.12) per herd-year at risk. The results suggest that the "non-outbreak" farms were significantly more closed than the "outbreak" farms. Direct animal contacts with other cattle should be avoided and professional visitors should be instructed to wear protective clothing before handling cattle.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify risk factors associated with the spread of low pathogenicity H7N2 avian influenza (AI) virus among commercial poultry farms in western Virginia during an outbreak in 2002. DESIGN: Case-control study. PROCEDURE: Questionnaires were used to collect information about farm characteristics, biosecurity measures, and husbandry practices on 151 infected premises (128 turkey and 23 chicken farms) and 199 noninfected premises (167 turkey and 32 chicken farms). RESULTS: The most significant risk factor for AI infection was disposal of dead birds by rendering (odds ratio [OR], 73). In addition, age > or = 10 weeks (OR for birds aged 10 to 19 weeks, 4.9; OR for birds aged > or = 20 weeks, 4.3) was a significant risk factor regardless of poultry species involved. Other significant risk factors included use of nonfamily caretakers and the presence of mammalian wildlife on the farm. Factors that were not significantly associated with infection included use of various routine biosecurity measures, food and litter sources, types of domestic animals on the premises, and presence of wild birds on the premises. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that an important factor contributing to rapid early spread of AI virus infection among commercial poultry farms during this outbreak was disposal of dead birds via rendering off-farm. Because of the highly infectious nature of AI virus and the devastating economic impact of outbreaks, poultry farmers should consider carcass disposal techniques that do not require off-farm movement, such as burial, composting, or incineration.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of the spatial pattern of farms on the geographical spread of infectious livestock diseases, such as classical swine fever, foot-and-mouth disease and avian influenza in a combined analytical-numerical approach. Our purpose of this paper is to develop a method to identify the areas in which an infection has the potential to spread in an outbreak. In our model, each infected farm can infect neighbouring farms and the probability of transmission is a function of the inter-farm distance (spatial kernel). Therefore, the density of farms in an area is a good indicator for the probability of a major outbreak. In the epidemiological nomenclature, such density corresponds to a local reproduction ratio and we studied the critical behaviour of both the local density and the local reproduction ratio. We found that a threshold can be defined above which major outbreaks can occur, and the threshold value depends on the spatial kernel. Our expression for the threshold value is derived based on scaling arguments and contains two parameters in the exponents of the equation. We estimated these parameters from numerical results for the spatial spread using one particular mathematical function for the form of the spatial kernel. Subsequently, we show that our expression for the threshold using these estimated parameters agrees very well with numerical results for a number of different other functional forms of the spatial kernel (thus suggesting that we are dealing with universal parameters). As an illustration of the practical relevance of the presented method, we calculated the threshold value for avian influenza in the Netherlands and use it to produce a risk map for this disease.  相似文献   

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is an economically significant pathogen of pigs that can be transported via the airborne route out to 9.1 km. To reduce this risk, large swine facilities have started to implement systems to filter contaminated incoming air. A proposed means of air filtration failure is the retrograde movement of air (back-drafting) from the external environment into the animal air space through non-filtered points such as idle wall fans; however, this risk has not been validated. Therefore, the purpose of this study was threefold: (1) to prove that PRRSV introduction via retrograde air movement through idle fans is a true risk; (2) to determine the minimum retrograde air velocity necessary to introduce PRRSV to an animal airspace from an external source; and (3) to evaluate the efficacy of different interventions designed to reduce this risk. A retrograde air movement model was used to test a range of velocities and interventions, including a standard plastic shutter, a plastic shutter plus a canvas cover, a nylon air chute, an aluminum shutter plus an air chute and a double shutter system. Results indicated that retrograde air movement is a real risk for PRRSV introduction to a filtered air space; however, it required a velocity of 0.76 m/s. In addition, while all the interventions designed to reduce this risk were superior when compared to a standard plastic shutter, significant differences were detected between treatments.  相似文献   

To support a voluntary disease control program, this study aimed to develop an integrated scoring system for the risk assessment of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) infection in dairy herds in Northern Italy. Sixty-two dairy herds were classified according to their BVDV serological status. Farmers were interviewed using a questionnaire on potential BVDV risk factors. Scores were used to define risk levels for factors related to (1) BVDV introduction (through livestock trade, attendance of animals at shows/exhibitions and grazing common pasture), (2) within-herd spread of BVDV and (3) the results of initial serological testing. The calculated odds ratios were significant for all categories, except for livestock trade. The application of the screening test, the questionnaire and the related risk assessment showed this to be a practical approach to predicting BVDV herd status.  相似文献   

吴湘生 《饲料广角》2003,(21):15-17
随着我国市场经济的发展与科技进步,在水产养殖业中,先是以热水性、温水性鱼类为代表如鳗鱼、罗非鱼、淡水白鲳等品种,后以冷水性鱼类为时尚如鳟鱼类、鲟鱼类、大鲵等,近期又以南美白虾、河蟹为主力军的名特优新淡水养殖品种层出不穷。与此同时,随着我国海洋鱼类资源保护措施的有力落实,海水鱼品种如黄鱼、鲈鱼、大菱鲆等养殖浪潮也一浪高过一浪,大有赶超淡水养殖品种的发展势头。在此背景下,传统淡水养殖品种如鳙、鲤、鲢、鲫等四大家鱼逐渐被市场冷落,养殖规模大幅缩水,商品价格直线下  相似文献   

鱼粉的质量控制及其在淡水鱼饲料中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>1鱼粉质量1.1鱼粉质量标准鱼粉的质量标准是鱼粉质量控制的判别标准,我国已经对鱼粉的质量标准作了修改,表1列出了新版鱼粉质量标准的主要技术参数。1.2鱼粉质量的主要内容  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni and related thermophilic campylobacters were not found in a hatchery or in chicks aged less than seven days. However, an increasing proportion of chicks aged two weeks and older shed campylobacters in their droppings. It was shown that a likely source of C jejuni for young chicks was the environment in the immediate vicinity of the rearing houses, and that infection could readily be introduced on the footwear and clothing of farm staff. Thermophilic campylobacters were found in the air, litter and drinking water containers in the rearing and finishing houses.  相似文献   

A total of 47 fish located in 10 lake and river systems in northern Finland were examined for furunculosis, enteric redmouth diseases (ERM), viral fish diseases and the parasite Gyrodactylus salaris. Furunculosis was found in 2 fish farms in different watercourses, ERM in 8 fish farms in 3 watercourses and viral diseases were not found at all. G. salaris was looked for only in salmon and rainbow trout and was found in both species in 3 farms belonging to 2 watercourses.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to determine the possibility of a more-closed farming system for (Dutch) dairy farms. The objective of the study was to provide effective and economically profitable management advice for improving the animal-health status of farms. Management measures will only be successfully applied if supported by farmers and their advisors (such as veterinarians). Therefore, the perception of farmers and advisors of the importance of various risk factors for the introduction of diseases to a farm was determined by using bovine herpes virus type 1 (BHV1) as an example.

As part of the study, an evening-long workshop was organized and run thrice. In total, 49 farmers, veterinarians and AI technicians participated in these workshops. The computerized questionnaire technique was based on adaptive conjoint analysis (ACA). ACA has the advantage that participants can work with a large number of risk factors in a relatively short period of time. Another advantage of ACA (compared with standard questionnaires) is that the answers from each participant can be checked with regard to consistency with respect to the importance assigned to them. Data from participants with inconsistent responses can be excluded from further analyses. The results of the ACA interview were compared with the risk factors reported in the literature as being associated with BHV1 status (e.g. purchase of cattle, participation in cattle shows) and with farmers' actual management to prevent the introduction of diseases.

The workshop participants were all operating in the dairy sector and they seemed well aware of the risk of direct animal contacts for the introduction of BHV1. Farmers thought visitors to be more risky than did AI technicians and (especially) veterinarians. Farmers who purchased cattle or participated in cattle shows were of the opinion that the risks of direct animal contacts were more important than did farmers who were not involved in those practices. Farmers whose farms were BHV1-positive (and participated in cattle shows more often) thought the risk of participation smaller than did farmers with BHV1-negative farms.  相似文献   

Freshwater fish are of minor importance as vectors of food-borne disease in humans. These diseases can only rarely be traced back to bacterial pathogens. However, there is a number of bacteria with facultative pathogenicity for man, which are part of the natural aquatic environment. Among these bacteria, the motile aeromonads (A. sp.) have become more and more important. A review is presented on A. sp. infections which have been traced back to contact with fish or water. Critical discussion of these cases reveals that the etiological relevance of A. sp. remains unclarified. However, bacteria of this group can be associated with sometimes fatal infections in humans after contact with fish or water. As A. sp. are ubiquitous in water and can survive even in chlorinated tap water, infections are not necessarily restricted to contact with fish. Persons at risk (patients with chronic or malignant diseases, immunocompromised hosts, children, people with frequent contact with water) should be informed about the perceived risks of aeromonads and how to avoid infection. Preventive measures are the wearing of gloves for work which may easily lead to skin abrasions (f. i. gutting of fish) and total abstinence of raw seafood. As their occurrence is independent of the common indicator bacteria, A. sp. are to be included in hygienic monitoring programmes for any water.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the frequency with which porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus (PRRSv) would become established in a non-commercial pig herd in New Zealand due to illegal feeding of uncooked food waste containing virus-contaminated pigmeat. To determine the likelihood of a single incursion resulting in a multi-farm outbreak of the disease, and describe the spatio-temporal characteristics of such an outbreak.

METHODS: A Monte Carlo simulation model was constructed to determine the expected annual frequency of PRRSv infection being initiated in a non-commercial pig herd as a result of inadvertent feeding of pigmeat imported from countries endemically infected with the disease. Once the likelihood of PRRSv becoming established in a single pig herd was determined, stochastic spatially explicit infectious disease modelling software was utilised to model the temporal and spatial characteristics of the resulting epidemic.

RESULTS: Assuming the proportion of imported pigmeat remained at current levels, consumption patterns of pigmeat in households in New Zealand remained steady, and limited compliance with recently reintroduced regulations to prevent feeding of uncooked food waste, at least 4.3 pig herds per year were predicted to become infected with PRRSv. Simulation modelling of PRRSv epidemics related to initial infection of a non-commercial farm produced an estimate that 36% of these incursions would spread from the initial herd, and that these outbreaks would involve 93 herds on average in the first year. By increasing the estimated persistence of PRRSv infection in small herds, an average of 205 herds became infected in the first year.

CONCLUSIONS: Given a mean of 4.3 infected premises per year and a 36% probability of infection spreading beyond the initial infected herd, there was a 95% likelihood of a multi-farm PRRS outbreak occurring within 3 years.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Introduction of PRRSv through importation of virus-contaminated pigmeat presents a high risk for establishment of the disease in the pig industry in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The present study was aimed to assess the effects of complete replacement of fish meal with fisheries waste meals on survival, growth performance, digestive...  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the frequency with which porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus (PRRSv) would become established in a non-commercial pig herd in New Zealand due to illegal feeding of uncooked food waste containing virus-contaminated pigmeat. To determine the likelihood of a single incursion resulting in a multi-farm outbreak of the disease, and describe the spatio-temporal characteristics of such an outbreak. METHODS: A Monte Carlo simulation model was constructed to determine the expected annual frequency of PRRSv infection being initiated in a non-commercial pig herd as a result of inadvertent feeding of pigmeat imported from countries endemically infected with the disease. Once the likelihood of PRRSv becoming established in a single pig herd was determined, stochastic spatially explicit infectious disease modelling software was utilised to model the temporal and spatial characteristics of the resulting epidemic. RESULTS: Assuming the proportion of imported pigmeat remained at current levels, consumption patterns of pigmeat in households in New Zealand remained steady, and limited compliance with recently reintroduced regulations to prevent feeding of uncooked food waste, at least 4.3 pig herds per year were predicted to become infected with PRRSv. Simulation modelling of PRRSv epidemics related to initial infection of a non-commercial farm produced an estimate that 36% of these incursions would spread from the initial herd, and that these outbreaks would involve 93 herds on average in the first year. By increasing the estimated persistence of PRRSv infection in small herds, an average of 205 herds became infected in the first year. CONCLUSIONS: Given a mean of 4.3 infected premises per year and a 36% probability of infection spreading beyond the initial infected herd, there was a 95% likelihood of a multi-farm PRRS outbreak occurring within 3 years. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Introduction of PRRSv through importation of virus-contaminated pigmeat presents a high risk for establishment of the disease in the pig industry in New Zealand.  相似文献   

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