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In this study, we re‐examined the common practice of intensive P fertilization in altered wetland soils even when soil test (Olsen‐P) indicates sufficient P levels (>10 mg/kg). We tested the effects of P fertilization on crop performance and P leaching in 36 lysimeters (1.5 m3) filled with peat, marl or alluvial materials and compared a new bone‐char‐based fertilizer to the common superphosphate. The lysimeter experiment consisted of the two fertilizer types, two application rates and a typical crop rotation of setaria (Setaria italica), pea (Pisum sativum) and tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum). By the end of each crop rotation, the yield was evaluated relative to P‐fertilization rates and soil‐test P. P fertilization resulted in increased Olsen‐P, soil‐solution P and P loss through leachates and a slight quality yield advantage in pea and tomato with no increase in yield of any crop. P budget calculations showed that plant uptake was not affected by the amount or type of applied P. We concluded that P fertilizer application should be significantly reduced because of limited crop response and increased P concentrations in leachates that may increase P loss to waterways especially in the marl soils. The ABC Protector exhibited slow P release, but its environmental implications should be further studied.  相似文献   

娄土区作物和土壤淋溶磷临界值研究及推荐施磷建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
确定临界土壤磷最佳水平及合理的施肥量可为实现作物高产和减少磷素损失提供理论依据。本研究以“国家黄土肥力与肥料效益监测基地”24年长期肥料定位试验为基础,利用长期试验积累数据并结合相关土壤分析,通过米切里西指数模型和两段式线性模型确定了土区冬小麦和夏玉米高产土壤有效磷临界值以及土磷素淋溶阈值并提出了施磷建议。结果表明,该地区冬小麦高产时土壤有效磷临界值为26.2 mg/kg,夏玉米为13.9 mg/kg。土壤有效磷随全磷的增加存在明显的临界点,当全磷含量为1.15 g/kg时,有效磷含量为34.8 mg/kg,高于此值后有效磷随全磷快速增加。土壤有效磷含量大于39.3 mg/kg时,磷素淋溶风险增大。无轮作情况下,当土壤有效磷含量分别为<25、25~40和>40 mg/kg时,冬小麦施磷量分别为P2O5 80~95、60~80和10~15 kg/hm2;当土壤有效磷<15、15~40和>40 mg/kg时,夏玉米施磷量分别为P2O5 70~85、55~70和10~15 kg/hm2。冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系下,当土壤有效磷含量分别为<15、15~25、25~40和>40 mg/kg时,冬小麦施磷量分别为P2O5 100~120、90~100、80~90和15~20 kg/hm2,夏玉米施磷量分别为P2O5 50~60、45~50、25~40和5~10 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) in agricultural soils is an important factor for soil quality and environmental protection. Understanding of P and its fractions in soils on a regional scale is imperative for effective management or utilization of P and the improvement of P availability in soils. To study spatial variability and changes of soil P and its fractions as affected by farming practices, soil samples were taken in Rugao County, Jiangsu Province of China, an intensive agricultural area in the Yangtze River Delta region, in years of 1982 (n = 1 514), 1997 (n = 1 651), and 2002 (n = 342). High spatial variabilities of Olsen P and total P (TP) were observed throughout the study area. Loamy Stagnic Anthrosols and clay or loamy Aquic Cambosols had significantly higher concentrations of Olsen P and TP than sandy Ustic Cambosols and Aquic Cambosols. Olsen P and TP were increased from 1982 to 2002. The accumulations of Olsen P and TP in the cultivated soils were likely related to the increased application of P fertilizer, organic input, and soil incorporation of crop residues as well as conversion of soil use. Accumulated soil P was dominantly in labile and semi-labile P fractions. These P fractions may be utilized by future crop production by adjusting management practices, but they also pose a serious threat to nearby water bodies. Future strategies should include decreasing P fertilization in soils and supporting sustainable management. The information from this study can be used to monitor changes in soil fertility and environmental risks so that the use of fertilizers can become more rational.  相似文献   

长期施肥对塿土磷素状况的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用塿土12年长期肥料定位试验,研究了不同施肥方式对耕层土壤全磷(TP)、有机磷(OP)与有效磷(Olsen-P)的影响。结果表明,施用化学磷肥提高了耕层土壤TP、Olsen-P含量,但并未提高OP含量;对照与磷钾处理的OP含量有降低趋势。当基于含氮量施有机肥时,土壤TP和Olsen-P含量大幅度提高,也提高了OP含量,但OP/TP比率在降低到一定程度后维持在一个较为稳定的水平;即使施用有机肥的处理,磷素也主要以无机形态累积。土壤Olsen-P与TP或两者的增加量都呈显著的线性相关,塿土TP每提高100 mg/kg,Olsen-P增加量约为20.8 mg/kg,且单位土壤全磷增加带来的Olsen-P增加有随施肥时间降低的趋势。在土壤Olsen-P含量达到一定水平时应考虑减少磷肥用量。基于有机肥中磷素含量来推荐有机肥施用或延长其施用的时间间隔,将有助于减少由于有机肥施用带来的磷素大量快速累积。  相似文献   

This field study evaluates the integrated impact of poultry manure (PM), rock phosphate (RP), composted rock phosphate (CRP) and single super phosphate (SSP) on the growth, yield, and phosphorus use efficiency (PUE) of winter wheat and their effect on postharvest soil characteristics. The seven treatments were as follows: T1 = control; T2 = SSP full; T3 = PM full; T4 = RP full; T5 = CRP full; T6 = 50% SSP + 50% CRP (50:50); T7 = 50% PM + 50% CRP (50:50) at a recommended P rate of 90 kg ha?1. The combined treatment with PM + CRP produced the highest straw yield of 3582 kg ha?1, grain yield of 2226 kg ha?1, P uptake of 21.3 kg ha?1, and PUE of 18%. The postharvest soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and soil available phosphorus were sig-nificantly higher in integrated treatments.  相似文献   

Hedley labile phosphorus(P) pools in soil tend to be several times larger than annual forest requirements, even in highly weathered soils characterized by P limitation. The discrepancy between plant and soil P status could be partly attributable to the frequently adopted air-drying pretreatment that tends to increase soil P solubility. In this study, the effects of air-drying on the distribution of Hedley P fractions were examined using soils collected under 4 forest types at Gongga Mountain, so...  相似文献   

长期轮作与施肥对农田土壤磷素形态和吸持特性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对黄土旱塬地区长期定位施肥(26a)条件下的不同轮作系统的土壤磷素形态和吸持参数的测定,研究了轮作和施肥对土壤磷素吸持特性和磷素形态的影响,以及土壤磷素吸持参数与磷素形态之间的关系。结果表明,长期轮作与施肥都可以减低土壤磷素的最大吸附量(Qm),相对于其它轮作和连作,在氮磷(NP)施肥下,小麦-玉米-豌豆轮作可以减低土壤的Qm,在氮磷有机肥(NPM)施肥下,小麦-玉米轮作可以减低土壤的Qm。在施肥相同的条件下,小麦-玉米轮作和小麦-豌豆轮作可以显著增加土壤中各形态无机磷的含量,长期轮作比连作可以增加土壤中的有效磷养分,尤其对Ca2-P的提高效果更为显著。相关分析表明,Qm和磷吸持指数(PSI)与全磷(T-P)、Olsen-P、CaCl2-P、Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Fe-P、Ca10-P和有机磷呈极显著负相关(p<0.01),与闭蓄态磷(O-P)呈显著负相关(p<0.05),与Al-P关系不显著。土壤有机质(SOM)与Qm、PSI和磷最大缓冲能力(MBC)之间存在极显著负相关关系,与磷吸持饱和度(DPSS)存在显著正相关。通径系数和逐步回归分析表明,在石灰性黑垆土土壤的无机磷形态中,Ca2-P对Olsen-P的贡献最大。  相似文献   

实验室培养条件下,研究了有机复混磷肥对石灰性土壤无机磷组成变化的影响。结果表明: 1)单独施用有机物料对提高土壤速效磷含量的影响不大,但施用磷肥,无论是磷酸一铵化肥还是有机复混磷肥,均显著提高了土壤速效磷含量;施用有机复混磷肥提高土壤速效磷的幅度(67.5mg/kg~80.4mg/kg)高于施用磷酸一铵化肥处理(62.3mg/kg);有机复混磷肥中有机物料的含量高低对土壤速效磷含量的影响不大。2)单独施用有机物料具有提高土壤Ca2-P含量的作用,且明显提高了Ca8-P含量,但对Al-P、Fe-P、O-P、Ca10-P含量影响不大;施用无机磷肥和有机复混磷肥,显著提高了土壤Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P含量,而对Fe-P、O-P、Ca10-P含量的影响很小;与磷酸一铵化学磷肥处理相比,施用有机复混磷肥对Ca2-P含量影响较小,但明显提高了Ca8-P含量,Fe-P含量也表现增加的趋势,而Al-P含量明显降低,O-P和Ca10-P含量的变化则没有明显规律;有机复混磷肥中有机物料的比例高低对土壤无机磷组成变化的影响没有表现出明显的规律性。3)施用磷肥引起速效态Ca2-P和缓效态Ca8-P的变化最大,其它形态无机磷的变化相对较小。与磷酸一铵化肥处理相比,有机复混磷肥处理Ca8-P的变异提高幅度增加,而Al-P的变异提高幅度减小,其它指标库容的变异幅度与之相近。4)施磷处理土壤速效磷含量与土壤Ca2-P、Ca8-P含量呈线性正相关,相关系数分别达到0.9888、0.9867,而Al-P、 Fe-P、O-P、Ca10-P与土壤速效磷相关性不显著,磷肥施入土壤后,土壤无机磷库中Ca2-P、Ca8-P的变化对土壤速效磷含量的贡献最大。  相似文献   

磷肥减施对玉米根系生长及根际土壤磷组分的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
【目的】 我国农业过量和不合理施用磷肥现象普遍存在,导致磷资源的浪费,对环境也造成潜在威胁。研究减少磷肥用量对玉米产量、根系形态及根际中磷转化特征的影响,为集约化农业生产体系中磷肥合理施用提供技术基础。 【方法】 在河北省衡水小麦玉米轮作体系下连续三年进行了田间试验,在冬小麦季设置4个P2O5用量处理:0、112.5、150.0、187.5 kg/hm2,收获后在原处理小区免耕播种夏玉米。利用WinRHIZO根系分析系统分析获取根长、直径等数据,测定玉米籽粒产量、生物量和地上部磷含量及根际土壤中磷形态等指标。 【结果】 与农民习惯磷肥用量(P2O5187.5 kg/hm2)相比,3年磷肥用量减施20%~40%处理(P2O5150和112.5 kg/hm2),玉米籽粒产量、根系长度与直径和土壤有效磷含量尚未发生明显变化。但3年不施磷处理,根际土壤有效形态磷含量和玉米籽粒产量开始出现下降趋势。2009年和2010年玉米收获期,不施磷肥处理根际土壤有机磷含量低于非根际土壤。2008年玉米苗期和收获期土壤有机磷分组中,中等活性有机磷含量最高;磷肥减施20%~40%处理苗期根际中中等活性有机磷含量显著低于非根际土壤。土壤无机磷形态分组研究发现:从玉米苗期到收获期,各磷肥处理根际和非根际土壤中Ca2-P下降明显;而不同磷肥处理间土壤中Ca10-P、Ca8-P、O-P (闭蓄态磷)、Al-P和Fe-P含量差异不显著。减施磷肥处理2008年玉米苗期根际土壤微生物量P含量较非根际土壤高;与习惯施肥量相比,磷肥减施未明显降低根际土壤微生物量磷。 【结论】 在华北小麦玉米轮作种植体系下,在土壤肥力水平较高地区,连续3年将小麦季磷肥的习惯用量减少20%~40%,对夏玉米产量、根系形态以及根际土壤无机磷、有机磷、微生物量磷含量影响尚不明显,因此,该地区磷肥施用量可从习惯用量的P2O5180 kg/hm2减至112.5 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

黄土高原石灰性土壤不同形态磷组分分布特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以黄土高原自北向南采集的12个0~20 cm耕层土壤为供试土样,采用Tiessen和Moir修正的Hedley土壤有机无机磷分级方法研究了黄土高原石灰性土壤中不同形态磷组分的分布特征。结果表明:供试土壤各形态P总体分布特征为:HCl-P>Residual-P>NaHCO3-Po>NaHCO3-Pi>NaOH-Po>NaOH-Pi>H2O-P,以HCl-P和Residual-P为主,分别占土壤全磷的54.00%~88.96%和0~39.11%。黄土高原土壤磷含量总体分布表现为南高北低。在各土壤类型间,NaOH-Po、Residual-P和全磷平均含量表现为干润砂质新成土<黄土正常新成土<简育干润均腐土<土垫旱耕人为土,自北向南依次增加;H2O-P和HCl-P表现为简育干润均腐土<黄土正常新成土<干润砂质新成土<土垫旱耕人为土,自北向南先降后升,且上升幅度较大。黄土高原土壤全氮与全磷及各形态磷含量相关性均达显著水平,其中与NaOH-Pi、NaOH-Po、HCl-P及全磷含量达到极显著水平。C/N、pH及砂粒与全磷及各形态磷含量呈负相关关系,其中pH与NaHCO3-Po呈显著负相关,与H2O-P、NaHCO3-Pi、NaOH-Pi及HCl-P呈极显著负相关;砂粒与NaHCO3-Pi、Residual-P及全磷呈显著负相关。除NaHCO3-Po、NaOH-Po及Residual-P,CaCO3与其他各形态磷含量具有一定程度负相关。除NaOH-Pi和NaOH-Po外黏粒与其他各形态磷及全磷也具有一定程度负相关。土壤各形态磷组分和有效磷的多元回归分析发现,各形态磷中对有效磷贡献最大的是H2O-P,其次为NaOH-Pi和NaHCO3-Po;土壤各形态磷组分和有效磷逐步回归分析结果,进一步说明H2O-P的有效性最高。  相似文献   

The effects of farmyard manure (FYM), Tithonia diversifolia (tithonia) and urea when applied alone or in combination with Minjingu phosphate rock (MPR), Busumbu phosphate rock (BPR) or triple superphosphate (TSP) on soil acidity, P availability, maize yields and financial benefits were evaluated at Bukura and Kakamega in western Kenya. A reduction in exchangeable acidity and Al was observed in most tithonia- and FYM-treated soils, but not with inorganic P sources when applied in combination with urea. The effectiveness in increasing available soil P followed the order; TSP > MPR > BPR among inorganic P sources, and FYM > tithonia among organic materials at both sites. At Bukura, a site higher in both available P and Al saturation compared with Kakamega, maize did not respond to inorganic P sources applied in combination with urea. Maize, however, responded when inorganic P sources were applied in combination with FYM or tithonia at this site. At Kakamega, maize responded to TSP but not to MPR or BPR when applied with urea. Application of TSP in combination with tithonia gave the highest maize yields at both sites. Of the tested technologies, only FYM when applied alone at Bukura was economically attractive.  相似文献   

The rate of phosporus (P) release from soils can significantly influence P fertility of soils. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of land‐use types on the kinetics of P release under different management practices and the relationship between kinetic parameters and soil physical and chemical properties from calcareous soils. The kinetics of P release in 0.01 M CaCl2 was studied in surface samples of 30 calcareous soils planted to garlic, garden, pasture, potato, vegetables, and wheat. Trend in P‐release kinetics was similar between land‐use types. Significantly different quantities of P were released under different land use. The maximum amount (average of five soils) (46.4 mg kg–1) of P was released in soil under potato and the minimum amount (10.4 mg kg–1) under pasture. The kinetics of P release from soils can be described as an initial rapid rate followed by a slower rate. Different models were used to describe P release. In general, parabolic diffusion and power equation were found to be appropriate for modeling P release. The P‐release rate for the soils was estimated by parabolic equation for the studied land‐use types. The constant b was lower for pasture and wheat than for garlic and potato. The relationship between the rate of P release with Olsen‐P was linear, while it was curved with respect to the CaCl2‐P, indicating that release of P was diffusion‐controlled. When the kinetic parameters of models were regressed on soil properties, CaCl2‐P and CaCO3 appeared to be the most important soil properties influencing P‐release rates in these soils.  相似文献   

The aim was to assess the ability of bicarbonate-extractable P (Olsen P) to estimate total plant-available P (TPAP) in reclaimed marsh soils (Aeric Endoaquepts) which differed widely in P buffering capacity (PBC). Total plant-available P was estimated as the cumulative P uptake for a final concentration of 0.02 mg P/L in the soil solution which is the typical P requirement for field crops. The Olsen P estimated for that concentration was adopted as the critical level for crop production. We found that TPAP was better predicted by anion exchange resin-extractable P (AER-P) (65% of variance accounted for) than by Olsen P, probably because the effectiveness of the AER depends on the soil P buffering capacity, a factor that greatly influences the availability of P to plants. The critical Olsen P level was found to depend on those soil properties affecting the relationship between sorbed P and P in soil solution, viz. the P buffering capacity of soil, the Na/Ca mole ratio in the 1:1 soil:water extract, which explained 63 and 84% of the variance in the critical level, respectively, and the affinity of the sorbing surfaces for P. These properties must be taken into account when using Olsen P as the P index for fertilizer management.  相似文献   

中国水稻土磷储量及其空间分异   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Due to the growing concern about the agricultural phosphorus (P) losses pollution, an in-depth understanding of P in paddy soils of China would be helpful in providing a national perspective of the environmental impact of P cycling and fertility on China’s farms. In this study, we evaluated the P storage and the P density of paddy soils in China, characterized the spatial variations of P among the subgroups of paddy soils and soil regions in China, and evaluated the P data using GIS-based analysis, which included a newly compiled 1:1 M digital soil map of China, and using 1 490 soil profiles. The available and total P densities of paddy soils were 6.7 and 698.5 g m-3, respectively. Overall in China, the total P storage within 1 m of paddy soils was estimated to be 330.1 Tg. The P density of paddy soils varied substantially with subgroups due to the different soil water regimes such as groundwater table and soil drainage. The P availability in paddy soils, especially in surface layer, was higher in high temperature and precipitation areas. Further research is needed to examine more anthropogenic impact factors, such as increasing use of chemical fertilizer.  相似文献   

An 8-year field study documented the impact of tillage, crop rotations, and crop residue management on agronomic and soil parameters at Brookings, South Dakota. The greatest annual proportion of above-ground biomass phosphorus (P) removed was from the grain (78–87% of total) although crop residue removed some P as well. Greater above-ground total biomass P (grain P + crop residue P) was removed from corn than from soybean and spring wheat crops mainly due to the greater corn grain biomass harvested. Cumulative above-ground biomass P removal was greatest for the corn-soybean rotation (214 kg P ha?1), while it was lowest for the soybean-wheat rotation (157 kg P ha?1). Tillage treatments within crop rotation or residue management treatments did not influence annual or cumulative P removal rates. Olsen extractable soil orthophosphate-P levels declined consistently through time from a mean of 40 µg g?1 (2004) to 26 µg g?1 (2011). Biomass P removal was calculated to be 15.7 ha?1 yr?1 to decrease Olsen extractable soil orthophosphate-P levels by 1 µg g?1 yr?1 over 8 years of the study.  相似文献   


A study was undertaken to evaluate the agreement among different university laboratories performing the Olsen, Bray P1, and Mehlich I tests for P on a diverse group of noncalcareous agricultural soils and to develop relationships among the Olsen, Bray P1, Mehlich I, and Mehlich III soil tests. For each test, the results from the individual laboratories were highly correlated (r2 0.90) and in almost all instances the slopes of the equations describing the relationships among laboratories approached one, The results indicate that the Olsen, Bray P1 and Mehlich I soil tests may be performed with a high degree of precision when standard soil test procedures are followed.

Of the three most commonly performed tests in the U.S. (Olsen, Bray P1, and Mehlich I), the Olsen and Mehlich I tests were the most highly correlated (r2 = 0.87) although the Mehlich I test removed approximately one and one half times more P than did the Olsen test. Bray P1 and Olsen and Mehlich I P were less highly correlated (r2 ≤ 0.72) and the relationships between these variables were influenced by the texture of the soils. The quantity of P removed by the Bray P1 test was on the order of two and three times greater than that removed by the Olsen and Mehlich I tests, respectively. The Bray P1 and Mehlich III soil tests were highly correlated (r2 = 0.97) and similar quantities of P were extracted from the soil by the two tests.  相似文献   

肥熟表层是长期培肥形成的富磷表土层.为了解该类土层中积累磷的释放特性,本文选择了酸碱度和质地相差较大的5个代表性肥熟表层土壤样品,采用室内模拟淋洗和磷形态分析方法,研究了该类土层中磷的可淋洗性.结果表明,该类土层有很强的磷释放能力,从中释放出来的磷主要为无机态磷,其占总释放磷的86.68%~94.44%.可释放土壤磷的形态除水溶性磷(H2O-P)外,还有胶体表面吸附的无机磷(NaHCO3-Pi)、钙、镁结合态磷(HCl-P)、有机态P和土壤铁铝氧化物吸附的磷(NaOH-Pi)等形态;在淋洗过程中,H2O-P、NaHCO3-Pi和HCl-P的下降率分别达45.8%~58.1%、30.5%~43.2%和3.6%~49.0%.淋洗过程中磷的稳定性由低到高依次为水溶性磷和NaHCO3-Pi,而后期可能来自HCI-P.  相似文献   


Soil organic phosphorus (P) is an important P source for biota especially in P-limited forests. Organic P has various chemical formations which differ in bioavailability and these organic P can be degraded by phosphatase enzymes. Here, we report soil P fractions inferred from solution 31P-NMR spectroscopy and soil phosphatase activities of two tropical rain forests on contrasting parent materials; sedimentary and ultramafic igneous (serpentinite) rocks. Compared to the sedimentary soils and previous studies, P fractions of the serpentinite soils have distinctly high proportions of pyrophosphate and scyllo-inositol hexakisphosphate (scyllo-IP6). The accumulation of pyrophosphate and scyllo-IP6 may be related to strong sorptive capacity of iron oxides present in the serpentinite soils, which implies a consequent low P availability in the serpentinite soils. Mean value of soil phosphatase activities was higher in the serpentinite soils than in the sedimentary soils, suggesting that biota in these serpentinite forests depend more on soil organic P as a P source.  相似文献   

耕作方式对黄绵土无机磷形态的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以设置在陇中黄土高原并已经进行了5年的田间定位试验为基础,采用蒋-顾石灰性土壤无机磷分级法,研究了不同耕作方式对黄绵土无机磷形态的影响。结果表明,供试土壤中78.6%的磷以无机磷形式存在,且以Ca-P占绝大多数。无机磷各形态含量排列顺序为:Ca10-P Ca8-P O-PAl-P Fe-PCa2-P。与传统耕作不覆盖(T)相比,免耕秸秆覆盖(NTS)、免耕不覆盖(NT)、传统耕作结合秸秆还田(TS)均可降低土壤中的Ca8-P、O-P和0—5 cm土层中的Ca10-P含量,其中NTS最为明显;NTS处理可提高土壤中的Al-P、Fe-P含量。不同处理中,Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P、Fe-P均以0—5 cm土层中含量最高,且随着土层的增加呈下降趋势;但是Ca10-P 以5—10 cm土层含量最高;各处理O-P在土壤剖面中的变化没有显著差异。  相似文献   

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