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Twenty surface soils (0 to 15 cm), selected to represent a wide range of available potassium (K) status and three different land‐use systems (fodder bank, continuously fertilized cropped land and fallow land) across the subhumid zone of Nigeria, were used for the investigation. Laboratory and greenhouse studies were carried out to assess their K status. Available, non‐exchangeable, and total K were determined. The supplying power of the soils was assessed by exhaustive cropping in the greenhouse using Stylosanthes hamata cv. Verano as the indicator plant. While 75% of fodder banks sampled had available K less than 0.20 cmol/kg, only 50% and 13% of continuously fertilized cropped and fallow lands, respectively, had available K less than 0.20 cmol/kg. Potassium weathering coefficient was highest at the lowest exchangeable K and highest [calcium (Ca) + magnesium (Mg)]/K ratio. Total K ranged from 2.30 to 47.06 cmol/kg, with available K forming 1.47% of the total K. The amount of non‐exchangeable K released and taken up by stylo plant accounted for 23.3 to 83.6% of the total K uptake.  相似文献   

To reveal the influence of freeze–thaw cycles (FTCs) on soil carbon and nitrogen changes, six typical soils in Northeast China were selected as the research objects to conduct a FTC simulation test in an artificial climate chamber. Three soil volumetric water contents (10%, 20%, 30%) and eight FTCs (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20) were set. The results showed that the soil organic carbon (SOC) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) contents of different soil types under the FTCs initially exhibited a downward and then an upward trend, while the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content exhibited an upward and then a downward trend. Otherwise, the fourth and sixth FTCs were the key points of change. The SOC, MBC and DOC contents in paddy fields were higher than those in dry fields, showing upward and then downward trends spatially from northeast to southwest. The SOC and MBC contents in each soil type were the highest at the 20% water content, and the DOC content gradually increased with increasing water content. The ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N) content in different soil types at different water contents under the FTCs showed an upward trend first, then a downward trend and finally an upward trend. The NH4+-N content in paddy fields was higher than that in dry fields. The nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) content showed a downward trend first, then an upward trend and finally a downward trend. The NO3-N content in dry fields was higher than that in paddy fields. The NH4+-N contents in the three soil types on the Sanjiang Plain were significantly higher than those on the Songnen Plain. The NH4+-N and NO3-N contents showed upward trends with increasing water content, but the differences were not significant. The results have implications for the study of different types of soils and provide references for research on the mechanism of soil carbon and nitrogen transformation in typical farming areas in Northeast China.  相似文献   

It is still not clear which group of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms plays the most important roles in nitrification in soils. Change in abundances and community compositions of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) under long-term different nitrogen (N) fertilization rates were investigated in an acidic luvisols soil using real-time polymerase chain reaction and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, respectively, based on the ammonia monooxygenase a-subunit gene. The experimental plan included the following treatments: control without N fertilization (NCK), low N fertilization rate, middle N fertilization rate, and high N fertilization rate as 0, 100, 150, and 250?kg urea-N?ha?1, respectively. Long-term different N fertilization rates did not significantly alter the total C and N contents of soil while it significantly decreased soil pH, which ranged from 5.60 to 5.20. The AOB abundance was more abundant in the N fertilization treatments than the NCK treatment; the AOA abundance decreased by the increasing N fertilization rates, as did the ratios of AOA/AOB. The large differences in the potential nitrification rates among four treatments depended on the changes in AOA abundance but not to changes in AOB abundance. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the AOB communities were dominated by Nitrosospira clusters 1, 3, and 9 while all AOA sequences were grouped into soil/sediment cluster except for one sequence. Taken together, these results indicated that AOB and AOA preferred different soil N conditions and AOA were functionally more important in the nitrification than AOB in the acidic luvisols soil.  相似文献   

Native Indians (Macuxi, Ingarikó and Uapishana) in the Raposa–Serra do Sol Indian Reserve have been cultivating forest soils since the early XIX century, especially those derived from dolerite sills, scattered within the quartzitic dominated landscape. Representative soils developed from mafic rocks under Indian shifting cultivation in northeastern Roraima, were submitted to physical, chemical and mineralogical analyses to characterize their pedogenetic characteristics and infer on their status under native Indian shifting cultivation. The soil profiles were classified as: Orthic Ebanic Chernosol (USDA Mollisol), vertic Orthic Ebanic Chernosol (USDA Mollisol), Eutrophic Haplic Cambisol (USDA mollic Inceptisol) and Eutrophic Red Nitosol (USDA Red Alfisol), which occupy, respectively, lower slopes and less dissected terrains (Mollisols) and steeper slopes (Alfisols). The first two are eutrophic, and not typical of the Amazon region. Their mineralogies range from kaolinite/goethite rich upland, deeply weathered Nitosol, to 2:1 clay rich downslope Chernosols. The latter has primary minerals in the silt fraction and high CEC resulting in high fertility. The Nitosols reveal a process of severe topsoil loss, due to widespread sheet erosion from deforestation and shifting cultivation. Chemical analyses showed varied soil fertility, ranging from high levels in the Chernosols to a low level in the non-cultivated Nitosol. Phosphorus levels are limited in all soils, despite the high fertility. The Chernosols located in lowland, flat areas close to the valley floor are more suitable environments for the slash-and-burn native farming system. In the Chernosols and Cambisols, the clay activity below the value limit for this class indicates a current natural process of increasing leaching. The more weathered and eroded Nitosol showed low Fe-oxalate and Si-oxalate levels. Micronutrients such as total zinc and copper, decreased with depth and weathering. The Nitosols showed the highest phosphate adsorption levels (1.574 mg g− 1 of soil) which can be attributed to its clayey texture. Chernosols showed overall lower P adsorption values, increasing with depth. All soils under native Indian cultivation display signs of physical and chemical degradation due to shortened fallow under intense land use pressure in the Raposa–Serra do Sol Reserve.  相似文献   

The impact of long-term application of fertilizers in soybean fields on soil nematode community structure was studied. The long-term application model of fertilizers lasted 13 years in a soybean–wheat–corn rotation, and included three treatments: no fertilizer (NF), chemical fertilizer (urea and ammonium phosphate, CF), and pig manure combined with chemical fertilizer (MCF). The soil nematode community structures and ecological indices were determined from soil samples taken at five soybean growth stages from May to October in the soybean phase of the rotation. Fertilizer application had significant effects on abundance of plant parasites, bacterivores and fungivores (P < 0.05), but had no significant effects on total nematodes and omnivores-predators. Abundance of plant parasites was higher in NF than in MCF and CF, and abundance of bacterivores was highest in MCF. Fertilizer application significantly affected Plant-parasitic Nematode Maturity Index (PPI) and Nematode Channel Ratio (NCR) ecological indices (P < 0.05). Shannon–Weaver Index (H′) and Species Richness (SR) indices were higher in MCF than in either NF or CF. The abundances of total nematode and plant parasites showed increasing trend with soybean growth in all three treatments. This is probably due to soil environment being more suitable for soil nematode survival with more food available for plant parasites as the soybean grows. Soybean growth stage significantly affected the H′, Free Living Nematode Maturity Index (MI) and PPI. Bacterivores significantly correlated with soil nutrient status suggesting that they could be used as a potential indicator of soil fertility.  相似文献   

The growth of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) was studied at three root temperature regimes (25/25, 20/10 and 15/15°C day/night) factorially combined with three NO3 : NH4 + ratios (mM ratios, 10:0, 8:2, or 6:4), as a source of nitrogen (N), in the irrigation solution. The air temperature was kept constant at 30°C. Transpiration, nutrient composition, and level of root‐born cytokinins and gibberellins in the xylem exudate were monitored. The two low root temperature regimes, 15/15 and 20/10°C, restricted the growth of sesame, reduced transpiration and increased the accumulation of soluble carbohydrates in the shoot and in the roots compared to the 25/25°C regime. The NO3:NH4 + ratios had no effect on growth. Nutrient contents in the shoot at low root temperatures, particularly K+, NO3 , and H2PO4 were decreased markedly, but Na+ increased relative to it's content in the 25/25°C regime. Increasing NH4 + proportion in the irrigation solution raised total N concentration in the plant tissues at all root temperatures. The amounts of cytokinins and gibberellins in the xylem exudate decreased at the low root temperature regimes relative to the 25/25°C regime. Low root temperature reduced xylem transport of nutrients and root born‐phytohormones, most probably because of reduced water flow through the plant relative to the 25/25°C regime.  相似文献   


The influence of regional soil distribution and land use on discharge formation in the “Stettiner Haff” catchment (8,456 km2) was investigated. The model ABIMO was used to calculate mean discharge for a long period (1961 – 1990) in consideration of regional differences in hydrological site conditions and soil heterogeneity. The highest discharge was found on settlement areas (276 mm a?1), on devastated plots (319 mm a?1) and on the non-hydromorphic agriculturally used sandy soils (214 mm a?1). Due to their small size these sub-areas were found to influence regional discharge for a limited extent only. On loam and clay soils only about 100 mm a?1 of discharge was formed. However, this share proved to be most important for the height of regional discharge because of the high area proportion in the region. Mineral soils of comparable parent material produce lower discharge under hydromorphic conditions than under non-hydromorphic conditions. With increasing clay content of the soils these differences decreased. The agriculturally used areas were found to be most important for the region's water discharge. They accounted for 83% of the discharge, i.e. they originated 119 mm a?1 on average. At forest sites, the discharge height was about 52 mm a?1. Sites close to groundwater table (groundwater level <1 m) proved to act as depletive areas.  相似文献   

Topsoil samples were collected from plots in a dry cropland in the North China Plain 3 years after a single incorporation of biochar at 20 and 40 t ha?1 and analyzed for abundances and composition of microbial community and for respiration under controlled laboratory conditions at 15, 20, and 25 °C. The addition of biochar generally reduced soil respirations at the three temperatures and the temperature sensitivity (Q10) at 15–20 °C. Biochar amendment significantly increased bacterial 16S rRNA gene abundances and fungal ITS gene diversity and induced clear changes in their community compositions due to improvements in soil chemical properties such as soil organic C (SOC) and available N contents and pH. Illumina Miseq sequencing showed that the relative abundances of Actinobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Alternaria within Ascomycota, capable of decomposing SOC, were significantly decreased under biochar at 40 t ha?1. The Q10 values at 15–20 °C were significantly correlated with fungal diversity and dehydrogenase activity. Our results suggest that after 3 years a single biochar amendment could induce a shift in microbial community composition and functioning towards a slower organic C turnover and stability to warming, which may potentially reduce soil C loss in dryland under climate warming in the future.  相似文献   


Efficient soil fertility management is essential for sustained production of high crop yields. Field experiments were conducted on an Entisol soil during 1984 to 1987 at Bidhan Chandra Agricultural University, West Bengal, India, to study the changes in soil N, P, and K in sub‐humid tropics under irrigated intensive cropping in rice‐potato‐mung bean (Oryza sativa L.‐ Solanum tuberosum L.‐ Vigna radiatus Roxb.) and rice‐potato‐sesame (O. sativa L.‐ S. tuberosum L.‐ Sesamum indicum L.) cropping sequences. The crops were grown with or without application of farmyard manure and with or without incorporation of crop residues. Different quantities of inorganic fertilizers based on locally recommended practices for fertilization were applied to rice and potato, and their residual effects on succeeding mung bean or sesame crops were assessed. At the end of experimentation, the total N status of soil improved more under the rice‐potato‐mung bean sequence than under the rice‐potato‐sesame sequence. The available phosphorus status of soil showed a positive balance in both sequences except in the treatment receiving 50% of the recommended amounts of N, P, and K. A reduction in the recommended fertilization without a compensating application of manure or crop residues resulted in the depletion of soil‐available K. All treatments reduced nonexchangeable K, and depletion was low wherever manure or crop residues were added into the cropping system. Integration of inorganic fertilizers with organic fertilizers, such as manure or crop residues, maintained soil N, P, and K under intensive agriculture and sustained soil productivity.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate the response of soil microbial biomass and activity to practices in organic and conventional farming systems. The study was carried out at the Irrigation District of Piauí, Brazil. Five different plots planted with “acerola” orchard (Malpighia glaba) and established at the following management were evaluated: (1) under 12 months of soil conventional management (CNV); (2) under six months of soil organic management (ORG6); (3) under 12 months of soil organic management (ORG12); (4) under 18 months of soil organic management (ORG18); and (5) under 24 months of soil organic management (ORG24). Soil microbial biomass C (Cmic), basal respiration, organic carbon (Corg), Cmic-to-Corg ratio and metabolic quotient (qCO2) were evaluated in soil samples collected at 0–10 cm depth. The highest Corg and Cmic levels occurred in organic system plots ORG18 and ORG24 compared to the conventional system. Soil respiration and Cmic-to-Corg ratio were significantly enhanced by the organic system plots. The qCO2 was greater in conventional than in organic system. These results indicate that the organic practices rapidly improved soil microbial characteristics and slowly increase soil organic C.  相似文献   

The application of biochar in soils has been hypothesised to improve soil quality whilst enhancing carbon (C) sequestration. However, its effect on nitrogen (N) dynamics in the soil–plant system is still not fully understood. In the present work, N isotope composition (δ15N) was used to facilitate the understanding of the processes involved in the N cycling when biochar is applied. We evaluated, through a wheat pot trial, the effect of different application rates of two types of biochar produced from jarrah and pine woodchips on the wheat biomass at harvest and on the soil and plant C and N contents and δ15N. In addition, the potential benefit of using nutrient-saturated biochar for the soil–plant system was also investigated. Whilst biochar produced from different feedstocks had similar effects on soil and plant nutrient contents, they induced differences in wheat grain biomass and plant δ15N. The effect of the biochar application rate was more pronounced, and at rates higher than 29 t ha?1, the application of biochar decreased grain biomass by up to 39 % and potentially increased N losses. Isotopic analyses indicated that this acceleration of N dynamics had probably occurred before the stage of wheat grain formation. The application of nutrient-enriched biochar resulted in an improved wheat grain production, most likely due to the enhanced nutrient availability, and in reduced N cycling rates in the plant–soil system, which could offset the competition between biochar and plants for nutrients and could decrease adverse environmental impacts due to N losses.  相似文献   

Intensification of land use can become a threat to agricultural sustainability if they lead to increased soil erosion. This study examines land‐use changes, soil and water conservation, soil erosion and soil productivity in the Highlands of Kenya. In addition, it examines farmers' perception of livelihood changes. Land‐use changes were determined from interpretations of aerial photographs taken in 1960 and 1996. Additional information on land use, soil and water conservation and livelihood changes were obtained from discussions and interviews with farmers, as well as from field verifications of the most recent aerial photographs. Soil samples were analysed and soil erosion assessed according to the PLUS classification scheme. The results indicate that substantial changes in land use, such as introduction of coffee and high‐yielding maize, and fragmentation of land holdings have taken place. Less land was conserved in 1996 as compared to 1960. Moreover, SWC practices have changed from fanya chini terraces and shifting cultivation to bench terraces and permanent cultivation. Rates of soil nutrients (organic C, N and K) and maize‐yield levels decreased significantly with increasing erosion. Farmers' perception of livelihood changes was differentiated according to farmers' off‐farm resource 60 per cent of the farmers depended on income from the land and thought livelihoods were better in the 1960s. It is concluded that more efforts to decrease soil erosion and investments in land and labour are necessary to sustain soil productivity and hence secure rural livelihoods. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of conjoint use of bio-organics (biofertilizers + crop residues + FYM) and chemical fertilizers on yield, physical–chemical and microbial properties of soil in a ‘French bean–cauliflower’-based cropping system of mid hills of the north-western Himalayan Region (NWHR) of India. Conjoint bio-organics at varied levels of NPK chemical fertilizers increased yield of ‘cauliflower’ over corresponding single application. Incorporation of crop residues with 75% of the recommended NPK application resulted in the highest yield (19 t ha?1). Conjoint use of bio-organics produced a yield (15.65 t ha?1), which was statistically on a par with 75% of the recommended NPK application alone. This indicated a saving of 75% NPK chemical fertilizers. In the case of ‘French bean’, the effect was non-significant. The results also showed significant higher soil available N (351.3 kg ha?1) under 75% NPK + biofertilizers, whereas the highest soil available K (268.3 kg ha?1) was recorded under 75% NPK + crop residues. Lowest bulk density (1.03 Mg m?3), highest water holding capacity (36.5%), soil organic matter (10.6 g kg?1), bacterial (4.13 × 107 cfu g?1) and fungal (6.3 × 107 cfu g?1) counts were recorded under sole application of bio-organics. According to our study, we concluded that the combination of NPK fertilizers and bio-organics increased yield except French bean, soil available N, K and saved chemical fertilizers under ‘French bean–cauliflower’-based cropping system.  相似文献   

This study addressed if long-term combined application of organic manure and inorganic fertilizers could improve the synchrony between nitrogen (N) supply and crop demand. 15?N-labeled urea was applied to micro-plots within three different fertilized treatments (no fertilizer, No-F soil; inorganic NPK fertilizers, NPK soil; and manure plus inorganic NPK fertilizers, MNPK soil) of a long-term field trial (1990–2009) in a dryland wheat field in the south Loess Plateau, China. After one season of wheat harvest, 15?N use efficiency was 20, 58, and 65 % in the No-F, NPK, and MNPK soil, respectively. During the early wheat growth stage, microbial immobilization of applied 15?N was significantly (P?<?0.05) highest in the MNPK soil (15.3 %), higher in the NPK soil (12.6 %), and lowest in the No-F soil (7.4 %). Of the 15?N immobilized by the soil microbial biomass, 69 % (NPK soil) to 83 % (MNPK soil) was released between the stem elongation and flowering of wheat. Compared with the NPK soil, the MNPK soil had significantly (P?<?0.05) higher grain yield. Our findings highlight that long-term application of organic manure with inorganic fertilizers cannot only improve the synchrony of N supply for crop demand but also increase N use efficiency and grain yield.  相似文献   

We conducted a survey of the occurrence of soil water repellency (SWR) in the top 40 mm of soils across 50 sites under pastoral land use in the North Island of New Zealand. The sites represented ten soil orders and covered five classes of proneness to drought. We found at least a moderate persistence of SWR in 35 out of 50 sites (70%) in summer 2009/2010 and a moderate potential persistence of SWR in 49 out of 50 sites (98%) after drying the soils. The soil orders had an influence on the degree and persistence of SWR. Both the degree and persistence of SWR were greatest for the soil orders Podzol, Organic and Recent, and least for the soil order Allophanic. On average, all soil orders had contact angles larger than 94°, with the exception of the soil order Allophanic. We found no relationship between SWR and drought‐proneness. The degree of SWR and its persistence for air‐dried samples were positively correlated with soil carbon and nitrogen contents and negatively with soil bulk density. The persistence of SWR for field‐fresh samples was additionally negatively correlated with the soil water content. We identified a close relationship (R2 = 0.84) between the degree and persistence of SWR. The survey results indicate that SWR is at least moderately persistent in a soil with a contact angle larger than 93.8°. Using a water‐drop penetration time of 60 s as the threshold for SWR being moderately persistent, we found that moderately persistent SWR occurred only for volumetric water contents below 45% or a relative saturation of 60%. The latter can be considered to be a generic value of the critical water content for the onset of SWR at the scale of the North Island of New Zealand.  相似文献   

Yu  Kun  Duan  Yang  Zhang  Maosheng  Dong  Ying  Wang  Luchen  Wang  Ye  Guo  Xu  Hu  Fusheng 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2020,20(4):1943-1959
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Land subsidence has caused serious geological damage in many countries, including China. Soil pore number, size, shape, and pore size distribution affect soil...  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Tannery waste–contaminated soil has a high amount of several toxic chemicals and heavy metals including chromium (Cr), which makes it unsuitable for...  相似文献   

With regard of the problems of soil acidification and soil degradation caused by high intensive planting in south China, a 2-year pot experiment consisting of six harvests under a rice–rice–vegetable rotation cropping system was conducted to assess the effects of NPK+ rice straw (RS) and combined application of RS with peanut bran, biochar, and organic fertilizer on soil chemical and microbial characteristics in paddy soil. The control treatment received chemical fertilizer alone. Results showed that RS and the combination of RS with organic ameliorants, especially NPK+ rice straw + biochar (RSBC) treatment led to the greatest improvement of soil pH, soil organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon, and total nitrogen (TN) content, and urease (UE), acid phosphatase (ACP) and catalase (CAT) activities concurrently without yield sacrificing, which inferred that RSBC treatment could be an effective measure to alleviate soil acidification, boost carbon sequestration and nutrients content as well as soil enzyme activities in rice-rice-vegetable rotation system. Besides, Pearson’s correlation analysis showed that soil mineral nitrogen (Nmin) content was negatively related to pH, and the available potassium (AK) content was positively related to UE and CAT activity but negatively related to ACP activity. Canonical correspondence analysis demonstrated the Nmin and AK explained 27.2% and 13.7% of the variation in microbial species, respectively. Therefore, it is believed that soil Nmin and AK content could be the primary factors of soil microbial properties under the rice-rice-vegetable rotation system.  相似文献   

Microbial biomass, β-glucosidase and β-glucosaminidase activities, and availability, storage, and age of soil organic C were investigated after 26 years of conversion from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) to forest (Eucaliptus robusta or Leucaena leucocephala), pasture (mixture of tropical grasses), and to vegetable cropping (agriculture) in a vertisol in Puerto Rico. Soil organic C (SOC) at 0–100 cm was similar under Leucaena (22.8 kg C/m2), Eucalyptus (18.6 kg C/m2), and pasture (17.2 kg C/m2), which were higher than under agriculture (13.0 kg C/m2). Soil organic N (SON) at 0–100 cm was similar under the land uses evaluated which ranged from 1.70 (under agriculture) to 2.28 kg N/m2 (under Leucaena forest). Microbial biomass C (MBC) and N (MBN) of the 0–15-cm soil layer could be ranked as: pasture > Leucaena = Eucalyptus > agriculture. The percentages of SOC and SON present as MBC and MBN, respectively, were nearly 1% in pasture and less than 0.50% in forest under Leucaena or Eucalyptus and agricultural soil. The activity of β-glucosidase of the 0–15-cm soil layer could be ranked as: Leucaena = Eucalyptus > pasture > agriculture; while β-glucosaminidase activity was ranked as: Eucalyptus > Leucaena = pasture > agriculture. The soil δ 13C changed from 1996 to 2006 in forest under Eucalyptus (18.7‰ to 21.2‰), but not under Leucaena (20.7‰ to 20.8‰). The soil under Leucaena preserved a greater proportion of old C compared to the forest under Eucalyptus; the former had an increased soil mineralizable C from the current vegetation inputs. The soil under agriculture had the lowest enzyme activities associated with C cycling, lowest percentage of SOC as MBC, highest percentage of SOC present as mineralizable C, and highest percentage of MBC present as mineralizable C compared to the other land uses.  相似文献   

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