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社会发展的不同时期都有其独特的经济发展模式,而这正是在特定的经济思维主导下进行的。经济思维不仅影响经济建 设,而且影响到社会、文化乃至人们生活的方方面面。现代运动休闲作为一种文化现象深刻影响着人们的生活方式和精神面貌 ,而运动休闲文化建设必须与经济紧密联系才能真正得到发展。现代经济思维是一个经济、社会、文化综合发展的思维,因此 对运动休闲文化建设具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

中国传统文化蕴含着丰富的政治思想,在马克思主义中国化过程中,必须汲取传统文化中的思想营养,古为今用,推陈出新,使传统文化向现代化转变,实现马克思主义与传统文化的融合。传统文化现代化与马克思主义中国化是紧密联系、辩证统一的,传统文化现代化是马克思主义指导下的现代化,而马克思主义中国化是继承传统文化基础上的中国化,因此说,传统文化现代化过程渗透着马克思主义中国化,马克思主义中国化过程也融合着传统文化现代化。  相似文献   

在法制现代化过程中,如何对待传统法律文化,是当代法学工作者面临的重要课题。要实现法制现代化,必须以超乎前人的眼光重新审视传统法律文化,提取和挖掘法律传统中适应现代法制发展之因素,取其精华,弃其糟粕,对传统法律文化进行现代意义的充实与超越。  相似文献   

刘涛 《高等农业教育》2012,(7):19-21,39
科学与艺术,是人类智慧的结晶,它们共同谱写着人类文明的进步历程,科学与艺术的结合是人类文明进程的主要方向,是在长期的生产实践中逐步形成和发展的。科学是运用范畴、定理、定律等思维形式反映现实世界各种现象的本质和规律的知识体系,艺术是人们为了更好地满足自己对主观情感的慰藉需求和情感器官的行为需求而创造出的一种文化现象,是人们进行情感交流的一种重要手段,科学与艺术分别代表着情感和逻辑,艺术在科学的影响下产生丰富的联想,艺术美感则激发科学的创新思维。将二者结合起来,也正是体现了科学与艺术共融的教育特色。科学与艺术都是作为一个完整的事物所不可缺少的必要本质而存在,并揭示出人们表现事物的方式及人们怎样在思想中构建这种东西,它们实质是将科学转化为主观,将美定义为客观,形成科学与艺术的完美结合,实现不同学科的融合。  相似文献   

农民工市民化是我国多维现代化进程中的重大战略问题,它有助于实现工业化与城市化协调发展、推动我国产业结构升级与经济结构优化、解决三农问题,加速我国经济现代化进程;它是我国社会主义政治现代化的重要组成部分,有助于增强农民工政治参与的积极性、政治平等意识和组织化程度;它也是推动我国文化和社会现代化的关键环节,因为无论是文化现代化还是社会现代化,都是靠人来推动的,农民工市民化不仅有助于农民工思维方式、思想观念现代化,而且有助于农民工社会生活方式及我国社会结构的现代化。  相似文献   

从广义上讲,科学也是一种文化,而文化的核心是哲学,哲学是一种思维方式,它指导着人们的思想及一切活动,因此要探讨为什么近代科技没有发生在中国,首先应从中西哲学思维方式的区别人手。  相似文献   

在传统城镇化过程中,优秀的传统文化遭受到了前所未有的冲击和破坏。但是,城镇化又是中国实现新四化的必经之路,是衡量中国现代化进程的最直接标杆。如何既不影响城镇化进程,又能有效保护和传承传统文化,成为一道必须破解的难题。理念更为科学、目标更为和谐的"新型城镇化"之路为传统文化的保护与传承提供了可能。在新型城镇化过程当中,要发挥文化主体的作用、推进人文生态的作用、重视自然生态的作用,多管齐下,共同推动传统文化在新型城镇化进程中的保护与传承。  相似文献   

农业是国民经济的基础,是安天下的产业。胡锦涛总书记在十七大报告中指出:“解决好农业、农村、农民问题事关全面建设小康社会大局,必须始终作为全党工作的重中之重。”“探索集体经济有效实现形式,发展农民专业合作组织,支持农业产业化经营和龙头企业发展。培育有文化、懂技术、会经营的新型农民;发挥亿万农民建设新农村的主体地位”。没有农村的稳定,就没有社会的稳定;就没有中国特色农业现代化,就没有整个国民经济的现代化。要实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标,必须保持农业和农村经济的持续稳定发展。当前,在家庭联产承包经营的基础上,农业产业化经营是甘肃农业、农村经济发展和实现农业现代化的有效途径。  相似文献   

历史已经走进了21世纪,知识经济的时代已经到来,对劳动者的要求也越来越高。劳动者科学文化水平和生产技术水平的提高对于促进经济的可持续发展起着至关重要的作用。要实现农业现代化和全面建设小康社会。就必须加强农民职业技能培训和农村人力资源开发,培养一大批懂科技、善经营的新型农民。促使农村劳动力的数量优势转化为资源优势。  相似文献   

乡村振兴是实现中国式现代化的重要组成部分,对全面建成社会主义现代化国家具有重要意义。为了找到乡村振兴战略的实践路径,分析了中国式现代化视域下乡村振兴战略的特征。结果表明,在中国式现代化视域下推进乡村振兴战略,必须坚持党的领导,因地制宜,实现共同富裕,也需要咬定目标推动乡村振兴产业现代化,凝心聚力推动乡村振兴人才现代化,争做先锋推动乡村振兴组织现代化,紧抓文化推动乡村振兴文化现代化,绿色发展推动乡村振兴生态文明现代化。从产业振兴、人才振兴、组织振兴、文化振兴、生态振兴五个方面提出具体的实践路径,促进中国式现代化视域下乡村振兴战略的实践路径取得新突破,以适应中国式现代化高质量发展的战略导向。  相似文献   

中国共产党要始终站在时代的前列,保持自己的先进性,就必须始终重视和致力于发展科学技术。全力依靠科学技术进行社会主义现代化建设,是中国共产党先进性的重要标志和体现。  相似文献   

河南作为全国人口和农业大省,不能走传统的工业化城镇化道路,必须探索“三化”协调科学发展的路子。“三化”协调发展是指在加快推进新型工业化和城镇化的进程中,同步推进农业现代化的过程。河南省实现“三化”协调科学发展必须充分发挥新型城镇化的引领作用、新型工业化的主导作用、新型农业现代化的基础作用,通过提高粮食生产能力、组建新型城镇体系、打造产业集聚区、加大先行先试和对外开放步伐、集约节约利用资源、自主创新和以人为本,保障“三化”协调科学发展。  相似文献   

依靠科技进步加快我国农业现代化建设   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
我国农业科学技术在近十几年有了长足发展,取得了丰硕的科技成果,产生了巨大的经济社会效益,科技进步在农业增产中的份额已达到35%以上,为我国农业和农村经济的发展作出了重要贡献,推动了我国农业现代化建设的进程。然而,从农业现代化的内涵、我国农业科技与世界先进水平的差距,及我国的国情来看,实现我国农业现代化必须以科技为先导,并且农业科技要率先跃居世界先进水平。为此,要深化我国农业科技体制改革,农业科研工作从解决农业持续发展的关键技术和农业应用基础性研究两方面展开,以进一步发挥农业科技的作用,努力早日实现我国农业现代化。  相似文献   

论反腐败的文化难点及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
腐败的滋生和蔓延有其必然的文化因素。主要包括封建传统文化的负面影响及市场经济条件下社会文化价值体系的不稳定性 ,腐败现象的清除有赖于包括文化因素在内的社会综合治理的加强。就文化视角来说 ,只有加强现代先进文化建设 ,在全民中确立起科学民主的现代文化精神 ,才能最终铲除腐败的毒素 ,促进社会的全面进步与发展。  相似文献   

发生于1923年的科学与玄学论战是现代中国思想史上的一次重要事件。从现代性的视野下去考察,可以得出如下认识:论战上是中国知识界对于西方现代化运动发生以来所经历的种种“事变”的一种反思,是就现代化这一世界性进程所引发的“中国问题”而展开的一次哲理对话,同时它也以其对中国哲学发展诸路向的揭示和基本框架的奠定,构成了中国哲学“现代化”过程中的重要一环。  相似文献   

文章指出要实现农业现代化,必须建设现代农业科技创新体系、技术推广体系和农民培训体系;必须搭建好区域农业科技创新中心、区域科技服务中心、区域农民培训中心和科技创新与服务重点实验室,同时要加强具有区域特色的农业科技示范园区、特色产业基地和农业现代化示范村建设。  相似文献   

Glass B 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1966,154(3746):221-228
These six Japanese science education centers signify a sweeping reform of elementary and secondary school science teaching. They achieve their striking results because they are established on a permanent, local basis and are supported mainly by the local boards of education. They have avoided control by pedagogues and specialists in "education." Instead, they are operated by trained scientists and experienced school teachers who work together to devise programs specially suited to the needs of their teachers. With small and practicable steps, the teachers improve their understanding of methods which they can readily test in their own classrooms rooms and laboratories. The laboratory equipment in the science education centers is only slightly superior to that which the teachers have in their own schools, but superior enough to make them desire to improve their own facilities. Major facilities, such as x-ray machines, electron microscopes, telescopes (15-cm), and machine shops, as well as good working collections of minerals and fossils, and adequate greenhouses, permit the teachers to work with more expensive equipment, to gain a firsthand knowledge of its operation, and to bring groups of students to the center to observe what such instruments make possible. The use of American experimental course content improvement programs is widespread. Every science education center I visited is using PSSC, CHEMS, CBA, BSCS, or ESCP materials and studying the philosophy of these programs. Yet no center is entirely dependent on these programs, but uses them critically to supplement and improve its own courses. The emphasis is on good laboratory and field teaching as a basis for understanding scientific methods and concepts. Science as investigation and inquiry, instead of treatment solely as an authoritative body of facts, is coming into its own. The few defects of the science education centers of Japan inhere in the educational situation itself. The centers are at present inadequate to reach even a reasonable proportion of the science teachers within a 5-year, or even a 10-year cycle. The shortage of substitute teachers causes most of the courses to be far too brief for maximum effectiveness. Staff programming tends to be rather spotty instead of comprehensive. A major difficulty, frequently expressed, lies in the grim hold of the university entrance examination system over the science curricula of the lower schools. The university is the goal of every able student, for economic as well as intellectual reasons. To enter a university he must pass the examinations, which are established separately by each institution. The professor who makes out the examination questions therefore controls what must be taught and learned in the lower schools. This same rigorous control is in part reflected in the Ministry of Education syllabi, which must be followed by the teachers. Nevertheless, I found the men in the biological section of the Ministry of Education very enlightened and pressing for change. Many professors in the universities are also in the full current of modern biological thought, participate gladly in the programs of the science education centers, and would write examinations that emphasize interpreting data, applying tests to hypotheses, and drawing valid conclusions instead of merely memorizing and regurgitating facts. On the other hand, in many universities the upper positions are still filled by men to whom biology means classification rather than experimentation, morphology rather than biochemistry, organ physiology rather than cell biology. We cannot afford to discard taxonomy, morphology, or gross physiology-they are important parts of biology and will remain so. But they do not comprise all of biology-they are only a diminishing proportion of it. In Japan, as in the United States, the examination system must become more flexible. It must change with the development of science itself, must encourage scientific attitudes and cease defeating the introduction of new disciplines, new outlooks, new subject matter. The university and the examining boards in some educational systems indeed exhibit a rigor mortis. On balance, the science education centers in Japan may well represent the most significant educational experiment of our time. Their vitality, which springs from their local relationship to the prefectural schools and their permenent staffs, far exceeds in my own estimation that of most of the summer science institutes held in the United States, which lack that close relation to the local schools and which by their impermanency countenance ill-planned and ill-taught programs that are often little different from the usual summer school sessions. The best summer institutes in the United States are indeed very good, but far too few of them reach a passable standard. That is because, for the most part, their staffs are recruited quickly, teach their favorite subjects without much consideration of their appropriateness or suitability for improving science education in the lower schools, and depart without much contact with other members of the staff. What is needed is serious, continuous, prolonged, hard work devoted to the development of the right sorts of courses for renewing the training of science teachers. The Japanese seem to be achieving just that. We would do well, with our vast resources for the improvement of education, to emulate them. As they have profited by employing and improving upon our NSF supported programs in science education, we may likewise profit through the establishment of science education centers modeled on theirs.  相似文献   

The main idea of this article is to present various perspectives in order to analyze the recent crisis concerning the agriculture-based rural societies in the developed capitalist communities. In all of these countries there is a production crisis, resulting in too much food. But this is also an ideological crisis, because the consumer thinks that the food is produced at too high a price. And it is a political crisis as well because a major part of the voters think subsidies and trade barriers are too high. The paper argues that beneath the present agricultural and rural policy crisis lies the failure of three great projects of our time: 1) The project of natural science; 2) The project of liberal capitalism; and 3) The project of scientific socialism. The failure of these three projects has to do with the breakdown of the positivist idea of modernization. Modernization theory was partly wrong because it overlooked the persistence of locally based life modes. Those life modes must be understood before a sustainable rural development is found. The article reviews some contemporary social science perspectives that have recently been developed to grasp the fundamental changes of today's rural societies. Based on those perspectives and primarily the life mode perspective, five key elements that are essential to analyze if we want to understand future development are isolated: food production, resources, space, social diversity, and culture.Reidar Almås is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Trondheim, Norway, where he directs the Center for Rural Research. He received his Dr. philos. at the University of Trondheim with a dissertation on group farms. Almås is now doing research on food policies, rural development, and public perception of biotechnology. In addition to several books in Norwegian, he has publishedRural Norway, a gift to Europe. Fifteen selected articles on rural persistence and change.  相似文献   

著名社会学家费孝通先生为了西部的发展开展了广泛的社会调查,研究了当地少数民族的历史和现状。他发现有关西部开发主要集中在物质文明和经济利益层面,忽略了文化艺术。在费孝通看来,西部的贫困与生态失衡之间有着密切的关系,他指出生态平衡是西部大开发的根本,民族共同繁荣是西部大开发的重点,人文资源是西部大开发的宝库。因此,他提出要保护、开发和利用西部的人文资源,认为只有将人文和地理结合起来考察西部的开发,才是我国经济发展逐步发育成熟的表现,只有这样才符合邓小平关于我国现代化建设"两个大局"战略思想,符合我国全面推进社会主义现代化建设的战略部署  相似文献   

科学精神和人文精神的关系问题,是现代化进程中需要着力解决的一个重要问题。为推动这一问题研究的深入开展,本文在总结国内相关研究成果的基础上,归纳、分析了学术界关于科学精神和人文精神研究的主要观点,包括科学精神和人文精神的内涵、科学精神和人文精神的相互关系、科学精神与人文精神的发展趋势等。  相似文献   

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