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Urethral obstruction was produced by injecting centrifuged urine from cats with urethral obstruction into the urinary bladders of unaffected cats. Filtration of urine from affected cats did not remove the causative factor.  相似文献   

Objective— To evaluate risk factors for lower urinary tract infection (UTI) in dogs with intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) that had manual expression (ME), indwelling catheterization (IDC) or intermittent catheterization (ITC) for urinary bladder management. Study Design— Randomized‐clinical trial. Animals— Dogs (n=62) treated with urinary bladder dysfunction requiring surgery for IVDD and control dogs (n=30) that had surgery for reasons other than IVDD. Methods— Treated dogs were randomly assigned to ME, IDC, or ITC. Urine was collected for culture and antimicrobial susceptibility testing before and after treatment. Incidence and risk factors for UTI were evaluated. Bacterial isolates and antimicrobial resistance patterns were described. Results— Mean (±SD) time to urination was significantly longer for IDC dogs (7.4±2.75 days) than ME dogs (4.2±2.63) and ITC dogs (4.9±3.12). Thirteen treated dogs (21%) and no control dogs developed UTI: 4/25 (16%) ME, 8/25 (32%) IDC, and 1/12 (8%) ITC. Enterobacter sp. was most frequently isolated (4/13; 31%). Duration of treatment was the only risk factor for UTI and each additional day of treatment increased the risk of UTI 1.5 times. Conclusion— For dogs with acute IVDD, the duration of required urinary bladder management establishes the risk of UTI, not the urinary bladder management technique. Clinical Relevance— Duration of treatment for urinary bladder dysfunction is a risk factor for UTI in dogs recovering from acute IVDD. Treatment for urinary bladder management should be limited where possible and no method of treatment is preferred. For dogs managed by IDC, voluntary urination might occur before clinically suspected.  相似文献   

A group of 41 cats with signs of lower urinary tract disease was compared to a group of 41 cats without any history of disease for prevalence of seropositivity for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). The group of healthy cats was similar in age and gender to the group of cats with signs of lower urinary tract disease. Three of the cats with lower urinary tract disease and one control cat were seropositive for FIV.
This difference was not statistically significant. The most common cause of lower urinary tract signs was idiopathic. Only 7 cats had urinary tract infection, most associated with perineal urethrostomy or catheterization. Six of the cats with bacterial urinary tract infections were FIV negative. J Vet Intern Med 1996;10:34–38. Copyright © 1996 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine .  相似文献   

A modified technique for fixation of the deferent ducts to the abdominal wall as a therapy for urinary incontinence caused by urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence (USMI) in male dogs is described, and the results in seven dogs are reported. The goal of this treatment was to achieve an effect similar to colposuspension in female dogs with USMI. An increase in urethral length of an average of 28 mm was obtained (range, 5 to 50 mm, measured radiographically). Preoperatively, the neck of the bladder was located intrapelvically in five of seven dogs. Postoperatively, the neck of the bladder was located intra-abdominally, near the caudo-ventral abdominal wall, in all dogs. After a follow-up period of 12 to 49 months, the response to surgery, based on lack of or decrease of incontinence, was excellent in three dogs, good in another three, and poor in one dog.  相似文献   

Perineal urethrostomy was performed in five male cats with minimal, sharp intrapelvic transection of the ischiocavernous and ischiourethralis muscles and ventral penile ligaments, and in five male cats with extensive blunt intrapelvic dissection and sharp muscle transection. Urethral pressure profiles and cystometrograms with simultaneous fine wire electrode sphincter electromyography were performed in sedated cats before surgery and on days 14 and 28. Premicturition pressure, urethral opening pressure, maximum detrusor pressure, total volume infused, and residual volume were measured during cystometry, and maximal urethral closure pressure was measured during profilometry. A grading of (+), (++), or ( ) was used to represent the intensity of electromyographic activity. There was no difference between minimal and extensive dissection for any cystometrogram or profile variable at days 14 or 28. Urethral opening pressure and maximal detrusor pressure during cystometrography were higher in preoperative studies than after minimal or extensive dissection. Sphincter electromyography after surgery was not significantly different from preoperative results in either surgical group. The results of this study indicate that neither sharp nor blunt intrapelvic dissection significantly alters the postoperative urodynamic status in male cats.  相似文献   

Griseofulvin administration was associated with the development of absolute neutropenia in six of seven (86%) cats with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection. The neutropenia was severe (less than 400 neutrophils/microliter) in four of the six affected cats, and one cat died from sepsis. Neutrophil counts returned to baseline values within 15 days after drug withdrawal in all surviving cats. No symptoms or hematologic abnormalities were observed in four normal (FIV-seronegative) cats treated with the same lot of griseofulvin at equivalent doses. Neutropenia recurred in two of two FIV-seropositive cats upon griseofulvin rechallenge. Cats with FIV infections appear to be at increased risk for griseofulvin-associated neutropenia. This phenomenon may be analogous to the increased frequency of antibiotic-induced neutropenias observed in humans infected with the human immunodeficiency virus.  相似文献   



Although there is serologic evidence of exposure of cats to Leptospira spp., clinical disease is rarely reported in cats.


To compare the seropositivity and urinary polymerase chain reaction (PCR) status for Leptospira spp. between healthy (H) cats and cats with kidney disease (KD), to investigate the serovars potentially involved, and to evaluate potential risk factors.


Two hundred and forty client‐owned cats.


Cats were prospectively recruited and classified based on physical examination, complete blood count, serum biochemistry profile, and urinalysis (125 H and 115 KD cats). Leptospira spp. serology (titers ≥1 : 100 considered positive) and urinary PCR were performed in all cats. Data assessing risk factors, obtained from a questionnaire, were evaluated using logistic regression models.


Seropositivity for Leptospira spp. was statistically different between groups: 7.2% (9/125) and 14.9% (17/114) in the H and KD, respectively (= .05). The proportion of PCR‐positive cats was not. The most common serovars detected serologically were Pomona (n = 16) and Bratislava (n = 8). Risk factors for seropositivity included outdoor and hunting lifestyles (= .03 and < .001, respectively), the presence of another cat in the household (< .01), and the sampling period, with the greatest number of cases identified between June and August (P =.02).


Seropositivity was significantly greater in KD cats, suggesting that the role of Leptospira spp. in KD in cats should be further investigated. The detection of urinary shedding of leptospires in several cats identifies a potential role in the transmission of the organism.  相似文献   

猫下泌尿道疾病是对猫泌尿系统发生的一种或多种疾病的综合性描述,是猫最常见的疾病之一,多数情况下不能自愈,一旦发病往往不断加重,不仅累及泌尿系统原发病灶,而且常引起其他组织器官的损害,甚至以死亡归转。通过对30例猫下泌尿道病例诊断和治疗过程的统计整理与分析,系统地梳理了猫下泌尿道疾病的诊断和治疗方法,以期对兽医临床工作者有所帮助。  相似文献   

Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common complication in people with spinal cord injury (SCI). Dogs with acute intervertebral disc extrusion (IVDE) have similar risk factors for UTI when compared with human SCI patients and have a high perioperative prevalence of UTI. Objectives: Determine the prevalence of UTI in dogs for 3 months after surgery for thoracolumbar IVDE and identify risk factors for development of UTI. Animals: Twenty‐five dogs treated surgically for 26 acute disc extrusions. Methods: Prospective study. Urinalysis and urine culture were performed perioperatively. At home, owners monitored urine with dipsticks every 48 hours for 1 month then once a week until 3 months. Dogs returned for assessment of motor function, urinalysis, and urine culture at 1 and 3 months after surgery. Presence of UTI over the 3‐month period was correlated to potential risk factors. Results: Ten dogs (38%) developed 12 UTIs over the 3‐month period, with the majority occurring between weeks 1 and 6; 60% of the UTIs were occult. Hematuria in the absence of pyuria or UTI was a common finding in the perioperative period. Sex, breed, and ambulatory status influenced the risk of developing a UTI. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: There is a high prevalence of UTIs, many of which are occult, in the 3 months after surgery for thoracolumbar IVDE. These dogs should be routinely monitored for UTI with urine culture regardless of urinalysis results.  相似文献   

Twenty dogs with neoplasms requiring multiple radiation treatments received either percutaneous vascular access catheters (PVACs; Cook, Bloomington, IN) or subcutaneous vascular access ports (SVAPs; Vascular-Access-Ports, Norfolk Medical Products, Inc., Skokie, IL); 10 dogs were entered in each group. All catheters were implanted and removed aseptically and the catheter tips were cultured during implant removal. Complications with PVACs included mild incisional swelling and redness and accidental severance or rupture of the catheter. Complications with SVAPs included incisional or port swelling, bruising or redness, hematoma formation, and pain. Ports in 4 of these dogs could not be used for 1 to 3 days after surgery because of swelling and pain. Surgical wound complications, when pooled for comparison, occurred significantly more frequently with the SVAPs ( P = .023). Wound complications associated with both catheters were self-limiting and resolved within 7 days. Bacterial cultures were positive in two PVACs and four SVAP tips, however, none of these dogs had clinical signs of infection or sepsis. Although both types of indwelling catheters were functional in a clinical setting, PVACs were preferred to SVAPs for dogs undergoing radiation therapy because of decreased time for implantation and fewer overall complications.  相似文献   



Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in dogs. The responsible bacterial populations have evolved with increasing resistance to many antimicrobials.


To characterize the antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of canine urinary tract isolates over a 51‐month period.


One thousand six hundred and thirty‐six bacterial isolates from 1,028 dogs.


Aerobic bacterial isolate growth and susceptibility data from urine cultures of dogs were identified, retrospectively. Medical records were reviewed to obtain signalment, comorbidities, and antimicrobial use in the previous 30 days. The UTIs were further categorized as uncomplicated, complicated, or pyelonephritis.


Common bacterial isolates identified were Escherichia coli (52.5%), Staphylococcus spp. (13.6%), and Enterococcus spp. (13.3%). In vitro susceptibility among all isolates varied for commonly prescribed antimicrobials (amoxicillin [59%], amoxicillin/clavulanic acid [76%], cephalexin [66%], enrofloxacin [74%] and trimethoprim‐sulfamethoxazole [86%]). For all antimicrobials tested (except aminoglycosides), in vitro susceptibility was higher in uncomplicated versus complicated infections (P < .05). Uncomplicated infection isolate susceptibility rates remained ≤90% for PO administered antimicrobials. Administration of amoxicillin, doxycycline, and enrofloxacin, but not amoxicillin/clavulanic acid in the previous 30 days was associated with resistance to that antimicrobial. Multidrug resistant isolates of E. coli and Staphylococcus spp. were more common in dogs with complicated than uncomplicated UTIs (36% versus 21%, P < .0001).

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

In vitro susceptibility was highly variable and no PO administered antimicrobial had >90% efficacy among isolates tested. Multidrug resistance was frequent among isolates tested suggesting that routine culture and susceptibility testing is indicated. Previously prescribed antimicrobials may affect empirical choices made pending susceptibility testing.  相似文献   

Dialysis therapy is not a radical cure of chronic renal failure in cats,while renal transplantation is the cure method.Renal transplanta-tion requires rigorous examination of donor and receptor,and the procedure is strictly sterile.The main points of renal transplantation are:renal artery and vein sutured to abdominal aorta and posterior vena cava,respectively;ureter sutured to bladder;minimizing the time of thermal ischemia.Cats should be given immunosuppressant before the operation,and the drug should be administered throughout the life.Various indicators should be monitored regularly to prevent the occurrence of immunological rejection.  相似文献   

The guinea-pig is often used for experimental studies in urology. However, the anatomy of the lower urinary tract of the guinea-pig is poorly described in the literature. The structure and function of the lower urinary tract, i.e. continence, micturition and sexual function, are closely related to the gross anatomy of the pelvis and the fine structure of the musculature. We investigated the anatomy and histomorphology of the lower urinary tract by serial sections in male guinea-pigs and compared it to that in humans. Immunohistochemical stainings for alpha-smooth muscle cell actin were used to differentiate between smooth and striated muscles. By using whole pelvic preparations, including all internal organs preserved in their in situ location for three-dimensional reconstruction, we developed three-dimensional models, which elucidate the spatial relationship of all muscular structures and can help to deduce functional aspects of lower urinary tract function. In the guinea-pig, most of the muscles found in humans can be demonstrated in comparable location and extension. However, the structure of the prostate and the existence of the so-called coagulation glands define a significant difference in the morphology of the prostatic urethra.  相似文献   

Background: This study was performed to determine the toxicity of gemcitabine-carboplatin doublet therapy in cats with carcinomas.
Hypothesis: Gemcitabine and carboplatin are safe in tumor-bearing cats.
Animals: Twenty cats with spontaneously occurring carcinomas.
Methods: A cohort of 6 cats received gemcitabine (2 mg/kg IV) on days 1, 8, and 15 and carboplatin (10 mg/kg IV) immediately after gemcitabine on day 1 of a 21-day cycle. A 2nd cohort of 14 cats received carboplatin 4 hours after gemcitabine on day 1 and gemcitabine on day 8 but not day 15. The cycles were repeated every 21 days.
Results: Cats in the 1st cohort received a median of 3.75 cycles per animal (range, 1–6). Two cats (33.3%) developed grade 3 or 4 neutropenia, 1 (16.7%) grade 4 thrombocytopenia, and 1 (16.7%) grade 3 gastrointestinal toxicity. Gemcitabine dose reductions and treatment delays occurred in 1 and 4 cats, respectively. Cats in the 2nd cohort received a median of 2 cycles per animal (range, 0.5–10). Two cats (14.3%) had grade 3 or 4 neutropenia and 1 (7.1%) had grade 3 and 4 gastrointestinal toxicity. One cat required gemcitabine dose reduction and 6 had treatment delays. In the 2nd cohort, of 11 cats with measurable tumors, there was 1 complete response (pancreatic carcinoma) and 1 partial response (squamous cell carcinoma, receiving concurrent nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Gemcitabine-carboplatin combination appears moderately well tolerated in tumor-bearing cats. Minimal patient benefit suggests that alternative schedules or combinations of gemcitabine with other agents should be explored.  相似文献   

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