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Third-degree perineal lacerations or rectovestibular fistulae in 17 mares were repaired surgically by a one-stage method. Primary healing occurred in 14 mares; there were one complete dehiscence and two partial dehiscences with fistula formation. Twelve of 13 mares that were bred became pregnant; nine carried foals to term and two are still pregnant. Two mares have each produced one unthrifty foal. One mare repeatedly aborts in the first trimester. Four mares have produced several healthy foals with no further problems. One mare suffered further perineal trauma while foaling.  相似文献   

A modified surgical technique has been developed for repairing third-degree perineal lacerations in mares. Complications of the currently used methods include rectovaginal fistula formation, urine pooling, complete dehiscence of the repair, constipation, tenesmus and difficulty of performance in the practice. The modified method is simpler and more practical. This method was performed on eight Thoroughbred mares with third-degree perineal lacerations after delivery. The rectovestibular septum was reconstructed by three lines of sutures in a transverse direction in relation to the longitudinal axis of the rectum. In one of the eight cases pneumorectum was observed after using the new method. The conception rate obtained after using the new surgical technique was 62.5%. Pregnant mares delivered normally without any new lacerations at the subsequent parturition. It can be concluded that this new surgical technique can be used successfully for repairing third-degree perineal lacerations in mares.  相似文献   

Uterine acute post‐breeding inflammation is a physiological tissue response to the entry of exogenous elements, with persistent endometritis being the main pathology responsible for subfertility in the mare (Equus ferus caballus; Linnaeus, 1758). Mares can be classified as susceptible or resistant to endometritis according to their ability to remove intrauterine fluid within 48 hr after experimental inoculation. Endometrial biopsy is a technique that is commonly used to establish the degree of lesions that can affect the fertility of the mare. Endometrial histomorphometry is an objective and highly precise diagnostic method. The aim of this study was to compare, during oestrus, the endometrial histomorphometry of mares previously classified as susceptible (SM) or resistant (RM) to endometritis. Endometrial biopsies from 24 mares at the oestrus phase of the cycle were obtained. For the histomorphometric analysis, samples were histologically processed and subjected to routine Haematoxylin–Eosin staining. For the evaluation, the variables were considered as follows: 1‐Height of the lining and glandular epithelia (Lining SM = 15.9 μm vs. RM = 13.3 μm; Glandular SM = 15.0 μm vs. RM = 13.0 μm); 2‐Perpendicular diameters of endometrial glands (SM = 51.3 μm vs. RM = 44.8 μm); 3‐Number of endometrial glands per field (SM = 24.8 glands/field vs. RM = 20.5 glands/field). The results from this study suggest the existence of a relationship between the studied characteristics and the susceptibility/resistance to post‐breeding endometritis in mares. Thus, increased epithelial height, greater glandular density and greater development of the glands during oestrus would be related to a higher susceptibility to endometritis.  相似文献   

The case records of 20 cows with either a third-degree perineal laceration or rectovestibular fistula were reviewed to ascertain the signalment, history, treatment, and long-term result of treatment. Fifteen cows, including 10 first-calf cows, had third-degree perineal lacerations that occurred at calving. Surgery was done in 14 of 15 cows; 10 of the 14 (71%) remained fertile. The cow that was not treated surgically was culled after 24 months because of infertility. Five cows had a rectovestibular fistula; 4 of these were treated surgically. The cow that did not have surgery healed by second intention and remained fertile, and 3 of the 4 cows in which surgery was performed were fertile. None of the cows that produced calves after the initial injury suffered a perineal laceration at subsequent calvings. Single-stage surgical repair of third-degree perineal laceration or rectovestibular fistula appeared to have a good prognosis for subsequent fertility in cows.  相似文献   

The case records of 47 mares with third-degree perineal lacerations or rectovestibular fistulae were examined to evaluate their fertility following surgical repair. Of 32 mares bred, 24 became pregnant, suggesting that surgical repair is indicated in any mare with sufficient genetic potential. Perineal trauma after surgical repair was recorded in 3 of 20 mares at subsequent parturition.  相似文献   

Two surgical techniques were used to evert the bladder into the vagina for observation and repair of bladder tears that were associated with parturition. One technique involved an incision through the vaginal floor into the peritoneal cavity just caudal to the cervix, and prolapse of the bladder into the vagina. The second technique involved a 3-cm incision through the urethra, 5 cm cranial to the urethral orifice, and digital exploration of the tear and finger traction to evert the bladder through the urethral incision. In both mares, the bladder defects were repaired in two layers, with use of 2-0 polyglycolic acid in a simple continuous pattern. After repositioning, the vaginal and urethral incisions were closed in single layers using absorbable suture material. A standing vaginal approach eliminates the need for general anesthesia and allows excellent observation and repair of bladder tears in adult mares.  相似文献   

The density of uterine glands, height of surface epithelium, numbers of hemosiderin laden macrophages, inflammatory cells and layers of periglandular fibrosis were evaluated in uterine biopsies from 40 mares. These features were found to be highly variable in normal equine endometrium. Minor pathological changes appeared to be masked by this normal variability. Atrophy of uterine glands was recognized in mares which had been barren for more than three years. No significant differences were found between barren and normal mares in the height of epithelium, number of hemosiderin laden macrophages, inflammatory cells or layers of collagen surrounding glands in the superficial portion of endometrium. The number of layers of fibrosis surrounding glands in the deep part of lamina propria were found to be correlated with years of barrenness. This finding appears to have prognostic potential.  相似文献   

Serum cortisol concentration was evaluated in 71 dogs before and after a stressful procedure was performed. Thirty dogs were skin tested with sedation (group S), 21 dogs were skin tested without sedation (group NS), and 20 dogs had other dermatologic procedures performed (group C). Group-S dogs had significant (P less than 0.001) decrease in serum cortisol concentration after skin testing, compared with baseline values. In contrast, dogs of groups NS and C had significant (P less than 0.001) increase in poststress serum cortisol concentration. Mean cortisol concentration after stress was significantly lower for dogs of group S, compared with that for dogs of the other 2 groups. The second part of the analysis consisted of determining the number of false-negative skin test results for dogs of groups S and NS and comparing these with serum cortisol concentration. Difference in the number of suspected atopic dogs with negative skin test results (false-negative) was not evident between groups S and NS. Also, difference was not apparent between cortisol concentration in dogs that had positive or false-negative skin test results in either group. This finding indicates that high serum cortisol concentration does not affect results of skin testing in suspected atopic dogs.  相似文献   

Embryo reduction before day 11 in mares with twin conceptuses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Incidence of embryo reduction (natural elimination of one member of a twin set) before d 11 was studied by comparing the number of ultrasonically detected conceptuses per ovulation between single and double ovulators. Effect of unilateral (n = 24) vs bilateral (n = 26) double ovulations on the incidence of embryo reduction also was considered. Each of 50 double-ovulating mares was matched with two single ovulators yielding 100 ovulations, or potential embryos, per group. Frequency with which an ovulation resulted in a conceptus was greater for single ovulators (85%, P less than .01) and for bilateral double ovulators (77%, P less than .05) than for unilateral double ovulators (60%). The difference between single and bilateral ovulators was not significant. Expected frequencies for none, one or two conceptuses per mare for double ovulators were calculated using the d-11 pregnancy rate for the single ovulators (85%). For unilateral ovulators, but not for bilateral ovulators, observed frequencies of none, one or two conceptuses were different (P less than .05) from expected (observed and expected, respectively, for no conceptuses, 29% and 2%; one conceptus, 21% and 26%; two conceptuses, 50% and 72%). Results did not indicate the existence of an embryo reduction phenomenon before d 11 in bilateral ovulators; each ovum had the same chance (no significant difference) of developing into a d-11 conceptus as an ovum in single ovulators. In unilateral double ovulators, the lower d-11 pregnancy rate per ovum, compared with bilateral ovulators and single ovulators, was attributable to a greater frequency of mares with no embryonic vesicles rather than to a greater frequency of mares with one vesicle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Uterine microbiology, antimicrobial susceptibility and endometrial cytology were investigated in a total of 51 mares with fertility problems from 16 different stud farms in Serbia. Uterine cultures were performed after collection with a double guarded uterine swab, and endometrial cytology was evaluated after collection of endometrial cells with a special device (cytology brush). In 21 of 51 mares, at least one bacterial species was isolated from the uterus; the most frequent were Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus (13 isolates) and E. coli (four isolates). All isolates of Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus were susceptible to penicillin. Results from endometrial cytology were inconsistent; in 17 animals with positive bacteriological culture, cytology was not altered. It can be concluded that in Serbia, as in many other contries, Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus is the main cause for equine endometritis. It can be easily diagnosed by uterine culture but endometrial cytology does not always prove the existence of an endometrial infection with this agent.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the modified Goetz-one-stage repair technique for reconstruction of third-degree perineal lacerations (TDPLs) in female camels. Fifteen female dromedary camels with TDPL were surgically reconstructed using the modified Goetz one-stage repair using the three-line closure technique. The surgical outcomes, the interval between repair and breeding, and the postoperative conception of the operated female camels were recorded and analyzed. During the 12-month postoperative follow-up period, TDPLs in 14 female camels (93.33%) healed completely by the first intention with mild inflammatory edema and infection in 2 female camels. One camel (6.67%) had a rectovaginal fistula, which was successfully repaired with suturing through the vaginal approach. Of the 15 female camels, 13 (86.67%) subsequently became pregnant through natural mating within 3 to 6 months postoperatively; however, 2 (13.33%) were one was immature and the other was barren which referred for gynecological treatment. The modified Goetz one-stage repair technique was successful in 14 of the 15 female camels after a single surgery, with a low incidence of postoperative complications. This technique is efficient for the repair of TDPLs in female camels, with promising results for subsequent fertility.  相似文献   

To clarify the endocrinological characteristics of the mares with granulosa theca cell tumor (GTCT), peripheral plasma samples from the 6 mares affected with GTCT were collected before and after the surgical removal of the affected ovary. Concentrations of testosterone (T), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), immunoreactive-inhibin (ir-INH), progesterone (P) and estradiol-17beta (E(2)) in the plasma samples were measured by radioimmunoassay. Before removal of GTCT in all cases, the concentrations of T were significantly higher than those of normal mares at the breeding and non-breeding seasons, whereas plasma concentrations of FSH, LH, ir-INH, P and E(2) were lower. After surgical removal of the affected ovary, the circulatory concentrations of T was declined, but the concentrations of other hormones were constantly low as compared with those of normal mares. The present study suggests that 1) the source of higher T may be due to the abnormal follicles in ovary of GTCT, 2) in the case of GTCT the elevated level of T is observed due to the lack of aromatase, and 3) the high level of T is a typical characteristics for GTCT in mares. It is also suggested 4) due to the elevated levels of T the concentrations of gonadotropins may be suppressed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether percentages of neutrophils in tracheal aspirate (TA) samples collected from racehorses are increased after exercise and whether interpretation of results from TA samples taken before and after exercise agree. DESIGN: Case series of 40 young Thoroughbred and Standardbred racehorses in race training presented for evaluation of poor performance. PROCEDURE: TA samples were collected endoscopically from racehorses presented for poor performance 24 h before and 1 to 2 h after high speed treadmill exercise testing. Aliquots of the retrieved fluid were cytocentrifuged and smears were stained with Diff-Quik. Mean neutrophil counts were expressed as percentages of the total number of inflammatory cells counted and subsequently were categorised as either above or below an accepted cut-off of 20%. Comparisons between percentages of neutrophils before and after exercise were made. RESULTS: Percentage of neutrophils from TA samples obtained from racehorses after exercise was significantly higher than neutrophil percentages from TA samples collected from the same horse before exercise. In horses with TA specimens that were categorised as having < or = 20% neutrophils before treadmill exercise, the percentage of neutrophils in their TA specimens after exercise was, on average, significantly higher and was greater than the cut-off value of 20%. CONCLUSION: Recent strenuous exercise may change the proportion of neutrophils in lower airways of racehorses and practitioners should be aware of this when collecting and interpreting the results from TA samples. The most practical time for collection of a TA sample to obtain the most diagnostically useful information might be after a suitable washout period of at least 1 to 2 h post-exercise.  相似文献   

Three cases of vaginal perforation after coitus are discussed. The most consistent clinical sign is a small amount of blood escaping from the vulvar lips immediately after breeding. Secondary infection and posttraumatic swelling may cause abdominal pain due to rectal impaction. Treatment with high levels of an appropriate antibiotic is important to reduce the risk of a severe infectious peritonitis. The use of artificial insemination or a breeding roll to prevent full intromission is recommended.  相似文献   

Milk and serum progesterone levels in mares after ovulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-four Finnhorse mares were examined by rectal palpation and ultrasonography every 6 h during late oestrus to determine the time of ovulation. Milk and serum samples were collected every 6 h after the detected ovulation for progesterone analysis. The progesterone rises took place within 0-54 h and 0-60 h after ovulation, in milk and serum, respectively. Statistically significant differences (p less than 0.05) in progesterone levels were observed for the first time 12-18 h and 18-24 h after ovulation, in serum and milk, respectively, as compared to progesterone levels 0-6 h after ovulation.  相似文献   

Objective— To describe a surgical technique for repair of grade IV rectal tears after parturition in mares and to report outcome.
Study Design— Clinical report.
Animals— Horses (n=6) with grade IV rectal tears.
Methods— Mares were sedated and restrained in standing stocks. After caudal anesthesia and evacuation of feces from the rectum, the perineal region was aseptically prepared. Four stay sutures were placed through the external anal sphincter before vertical transection (12 o'clock). Caudal retraction of the tear was performed using Allis tissue forceps (5 mares) or stay sutures before accurate apposition of the tear margins with steel staples below the tissue forceps. The mucosal edges were then sharply dissected leaving ∼5 mm edges which were apposed in a single layer (2-0 poliglecaprone 25) before stapler release. In 1 mare, the rectal tear was identified and apposed using a 2-layer hand-sutured closure. Systemic antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents were administered postoperatively (5 mares) and standing abdominal lavage performed (3 mares).
Results— Four mares survived long term and subsequently became pregnant. Immediately after surgical repair, 1 mare was anesthetized for exploratory celiotomy and abdominal lavage but fractured her pelvis during recovery from anesthesia and was euthanatized. A 2nd mare was euthanatized after 72 h because of severe diffuse peritonitis; however, the repair was still intact.
Conclusion— In standing mares, rectal tears can be exteriorized by prolapse through the anal sphincter after sphincterotomy and repaired in 2 layers with staples oversewn with a continuous suture pattern.
Clinical Relevance— Rectal tears occurring as a result of parturition can potentially be repaired efficiently using an oversewn stapled primary closure technique.  相似文献   

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