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Podzols tend to form on drift sands in The Netherlands given sufficient time. Differences in organic matter (OM) composition relate to vegetation succession on drift sand that evolves eventually into a micropodzol. We examined the relation between the water-soluble organic matter (WSOM) and the total OM composition in the Ah horizons of the first vegetation stages, under grass (Corynephorus canescens), moss (Polytrichum piliferum), heather (Calluna vulgaris) and pine (Pinus sylvestris), as determined by pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) and analysis of polysaccharides after acid hydrolysis. Polysacharides dominate the OM in the Ah horizons under grass and moss. Lignin and aliphatic compounds are minor compounds in these profiles, but are more important under heather and pine. The Py-GC traces of the WSOM under grass and moss contain abundant products derived from polysaccharides. The water-soluble fraction is enriched in phenolic and aliphatic compounds in comparison with their contents in pyrolysates of the total OM. In the WSOM fractions under heather and pine, phenols dominate the pyrolysates, whereas lignin-derived methoxyphenols are rare. Remarkably large amounts of alkenes and alkanes are present in the pyrolysates of these water-soluble fractions, most probably derived from aliphatic biopolymers. Their presence in water might be explained through the formation of colloids, which are stabilized by micelle-like arrangements.  相似文献   

The behavior of some chemical elements was studied in soils and their liquid phase. Two reference soil profiles on glaciolacustrine clays (soddy-eluvial-metamorphic soil) and sands (soddy podzol) were investigated on the Russian Plain. A colloidal fraction (particles <1 μm) was isolated with deionized hot water from a soil sample of 30 g at the soil: water ratio of 1: 10. The suspension was mixed for 6 h, settled for 24 h, and filtrated using a membrane filter (<1 μm). The soil sample and its water-soluble fraction (WSF) were analyzed by mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. The chemical characteristics of the extracted liquid phase of the soil reflect its water-soluble component properties. The comparison of the data obtained with the results of the analysis for the whole soil allows assessment of a share of easily mobile and difficultly mobile forms of chemical compounds. This is the necessary basis for the development of a model describing the transport of metals in soil.  相似文献   

生物质灰及灰中化学元素的水溶特性是其是否能作为肥料应用的主要指标,成灰温度会影响这些特性。该文试验研究了成灰温度在400~800℃范围内,3种主要农业废弃物麦秸、玉米秸、稻壳的灰的水溶性和灰中各元素的水溶性。结果表明:1)麦秸灰、玉米秸灰的水溶性明显高于稻壳灰,三者水溶性都随成灰温度增高而显著降低,温度从400升高到800℃,水溶性分别从48%,35%和12%降至约12%,8%和0。2)灰中水溶元素主要有K,Cl和S,其中,K和Cl的水溶性随着成灰温度升高而降低,而S的水溶性几乎不受成灰温度的影响。  相似文献   

In our screening, we aimed to detect phosphonates and other forms of organic phosphorus in basidiocarps and vegetative mycelia of six common basidiomycetes. Organic phosphorus-containing compounds were extracted in alkali and analysed using 31P NMR. Monoesters, diesters, pyrophosphates and polyphosphates detected in high amounts reflected the high metabolic activity in basidiocarps (growth, production of basidiospores). Phosphonates were present in all samples, in concentrations ranging from 14 mg kg−1 of the extracted phosphorus in Boletus badius basidiocarp to 140 mg kg−1 in Amanita muscaria vegetative mycelium. Detection of phosphonates in basidiocarps together with our previous evidence from laboratory experiments support the fungal production of natural phosphonates in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

明确适合新疆滴灌玉米生产的磷肥品种。在2017~2020年连续进行了4年田间试验方法,设置了6个处理:磷酸脲(UP)、磷酸二氢钾(MKP)、聚磷酸铵溶液(APP)、磷酸二铵(DAP)、磷酸一铵(MAP)、不施磷肥(CK),各处理除CK以外氮、磷、钾投入量相同。试验在玉米开花期和成熟期分别采集植物样品。结果表明:APP、UP、MAP较其他处理可显著促进玉米生长,提高玉米开花期叶面积指数(LAI),其中APP的株高和LAI最高(P<0.05);滴施磷肥能促进玉米地上部生物量增长和干物质转移,玉米在开花期和成熟期地上总生物量表现为APP>UP>MAP>MKP>DAP>CK;在玉米干物质转移量、转移率和对籽粒的贡献率上,APP处理最高,显著高于其他处理(P<0.05);滴施APP、UP、MAP能显著提高玉米产量,滴施APP的玉米增产范围为19.1%~44.4%,UP增产范围为14.7%~39.6%,MAP在2020年相比CK增产率为18.7%;滴施磷肥能提高玉米经济效益,其中APP经济效益最高,较CK增加了4962元/hm2。综上所述,在新疆滴灌玉米的磷肥选择中,优先顺序应该是APP、UP、MAP、MKP、DAP。因此,在新疆滴灌玉米磷肥选择中,聚磷酸铵溶液是最优选择,其次是磷酸脲和磷酸一铵。  相似文献   

Semihard low-fat cheeses made from ultrafiltered (UF) or microfiltered (MF) milk were compared. The use of MF membranes and milder pasteurization of the milk reduced the retention of whey proteins in the retentate to 35%, compared with approximately 100% retained in the UF process. Microbiological development, physicochemical composition, and cheese ripening were not altered by the concentration processes. The lower retention of whey protein in MF cheeses accounted for their higher hardness, which correlated with higher firmness values in the textural analysis. Microstructure showed a protein matrix with open spaces through the protein network, although micrographs of UF cheeses showed the presence of spongy structures linked to the casein, which did not appear in MF cheeses and which correspond to the denatured whey protein bound to the casein. Firmness was scored better in MF cheeses, although when MF membranes were used, the optimum yields achieved using UF membranes were not attained.  相似文献   

The composition of phototrophic organisms has been studied in light chestnut soils (Cambisols), alluvial meadow soils (Fluvisols), brown semidesert soils (Calcisols), sandy soils (Arenosols), and solonchaks (Solonchaks) of Astrakhan oblast. Representatives of the Cyanobacteria phylum constitute 71.3% of the total number of studied soil phototrophs. Overall, 64 species of cyanobacteria have been identified; they belong to 3 classes (Chroococceae, Chamaeciphoneae, and Hormogoneae), 4 orders (Chroococcales, Pleurocapsales, Nostocales, and Oscillatoriales), 9 families, and 19 genera. Most common species include Phormidium faveolarum, Phormidium tenue, Phormidium retzii, Phormidium ambigum, Phormidium inundatum, Phormidium bohneri, Oscillatoria woronchnii, Oscillatoria mucicola, Gloeocapsa magma, Gloeocapsa minuta, Anabaena variabilis, and Plectonema nostocorum. The assessment of similarity of the species composition of cyanobacteria and green algae in the studied soil types using the Jaccard and Sorensen similarity coefficients demonstrates that the maximum similarity coefficient reaches 0.37–0.54 for cyanobacteria and 0.67–0.80 for green algae. The high diversity of cyanobacteria and green algae denotes an important role of phototrophs in the processes of soil formation in the studied soils.  相似文献   

This study was to investigate the effects of water-soluble carbohydrate concentrate (WSCC) prepared from Chinese jujube ( Zizyphus jujuba) on different intestinal and fecal indices in a hamster model. WSCC contained carbohydrates (771 g kg(-1) of WSCC) including glucose, fructose, pectin polysaccharide, and hemicellulose. The administration of WSCC (5.0 and 15 g kg(-1) of diet) effectively ( P<0.05) shortened gastrointestinal transit time (by 34.2-57.3%), reduced cecal ammonia (by 58.1-60.3%), elevated total short-chain fatty acid concentrations in cecum (3-4-fold), increased fecal moisture (147-170%), reduced daily fecal ammonia output (by 31.9-75.8%), and decreased the activities of beta-D-glucuronidase (by 73.0-73.8%), beta-D-glucosidase (by 58.2-85.7%), mucinase (by 46.2-72.6%), and urease (by 31.9-48.7%) in feces. This study suggested that adequate consumption of jujube WSCC (at least 5.0 g kg(-1) of diet or 40 mg day(-1)) might exert favorable effects on improving the gastrointestinal milieu and reducing the exposure of intestinal mucosa to toxic ammonia and other detrimental compounds.  相似文献   

Optimization of protein extraction and a capillary zone electrophoresis method for water-soluble protein analysis in wheat is described. The optimal separation was obtained with a 50 microm i.d. x 27 cm (20 cm to detector) uncoated capillary filled with 0.1 M phosphoric acid/beta-alanine, pH 2.5, buffer containing urea (1 M), 0.05% (w/v) hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, and 20% (v/v) acetonitrile. Separation was carried out at 15 kV and 35 degrees C for 9 min. Extract stability was also investigated within 2 h from the extraction. Good visual peak parameters and a higher sensitivity can be obtained when 30% ethanol is used as an extraction medium. The method was successfully used to analyze extracts obtained from whole and refined meals of six Triticum spp. Moreover, the described methodology could be applied to the discrimination of species with different ploidy levels and to the detection of durum wheat adulteration, as well as to screen wheat collections for enzymes involved with the quality of wheat derivatives.  相似文献   


Our purpose was to determine the influence of the textural fraction and its mineralogical characteristics on the contents of the exchangeable (Ki) and nonexchangeable (Knoi) forms of soil potassium (K). Contributions of each textural fraction on Ki were as follows: 73–80% for clay, 8–18% for silt, and 2–10% for sand. The clay fraction relative to the contribution to Ki was not the same for all the soils studied. Thus, not only the quantity of clay must be taken into account, but also the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the involved minerals. For Knoi, the total contribution showed a greater dispersion, the corresponding figures being as follows: clay 35–68%, silt 25–52%, and sand, 4–25%. Therefore, clay was not always the main contributor. In some soils, silt was the most important fraction due to the presence of muscovite.  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a naturally occurring micronutrient in milk fat and dairy products consisting of a group of geometric and positional isomers. The purpose of this study was to assess the level and type of CLA isomers found in two commercial processed cheeses (portions and slices) as well as to monitor their evolution during the different manufacturing stages. Total CLA concentrations ranged from 7.5 to 7.9 mg/g of fat, and rumenic acid (cis-9,trans-11 C18:2), the isomer responsible for the biological functions, represented >80% of total CLA. trans-11,cis-13 and trans-11,trans-13 were, with approximately 4% each, the second main CLA isomers. trans-trans isomers accounted for <10% of total CLA. The processing parameters used in this research had negligible effects on the CLA content of processed cheese and did not modify the isomer profile in these dairy products, thereby confirming the stability of rumenic acid during manufacturing.  相似文献   

 This study focuses on a comparison of the microbial toxicity of nine metals, including As as a metalloid and two species of Cr. A loess soil [Ap horizon, clay 15.2%, organic C 1.12%, pH(CaCl2) 7.02] was spiked with 8–12 geometrically increasing doses of the metals. The dehydrogenase assay (2-p-iodophenyl-3-p-nitrophenyl-5-phenyltetrazoliumchloride method) was combined with sorption and solubility experiments. The resulting dose-response curves and sorption isotherms were used to derive total doses that caused definite percentage inhibitions [i.e. effective doses (ED) causing a 10–90% reduction in dehydrogenase activity (dha)] as well as the corresponding toxic solution concentrations causing the same reductions in dha (i.e. effective concentrations; EC10–EC90). Based on total doses, the toxicity decreased in the following order with ED50 values (mg kg–1) given in brackets: Hg (2.0)>Cu (35)>Cr(VI) (71)>Cr(III) (75)>Cd (90)>Ni (100)>Zn (115)>As (168)>Co (582)>Pb (652). With regard to solution concentrations, toxicity decreased in the order (EC50 in mg l–1): Hg (0.003)>Pb (0.04)>Cu (0.05)>Cd (0.14)>Zn (0.19)>Cr(III) (0.62)>Ni (0.69)>Co (30.6)>As (55.5)>Cr(VI) (78.1). The retention of the metals by the soil differed strongly. Pb, Cu, and Hg exhibited the highest and Ni, As, and Cr(VI) the lowest sorption constants (Freundlich K values: 2455, 724, 348, 93, 13, and 0.06 mg kg–1, respectively). The sorptivity of the metals and their microbial toxicity in the aqueous phase were characteristically related: metals with a strong toxic action in the soil solution were adsorbed by the soil to a high degree and vice versa. Therefore, especially for metals with a high inherent toxicity, sorption is an effective way of immobilizing them and temporarily detoxifying soil. Received: 2 July 1998  相似文献   

Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) patterns were used to describe the composition of the soil microbial communities under 12 natural forest stands including oak and beech, spruce-fir-beech, floodplain and pine forests. In addition to the quantification of total PLFAs, soil microbial biomass was measured by substrate-induced respiration and chloroform fumigation-extraction. The forest stands possess natural vegetation, representing an expression of the natural site factors, and we hypothesised that each forest type would support a specific soil microbial community. Principal component analysis (PCA) of PLFA patterns revealed that the microbial communities were compositionally distinct in the floodplain and pine forests, comprising azonal forest types, and were more similar in the oak, beech and spruce-fir-beech forests, which represent the zonal vegetation types of the region. In the nutrient-rich floodplain forests, the fatty acids 16:1ω5, 17:0cy, a15:0 and a17:0 were the most prevalent and soil pH seemed to be responsible for the discrimination of the soil microbial communities against those of the zonal forest types. The pine forest soils were set apart from the other forest soils by a higher abundance of PLFA 18:2ω6,9, which is typical of fungi and may also indicate ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with pine trees, and high amounts of PLFA 10Me18:0, which is common in actinomycetes. These findings suggest that the occurrence of azonal forest types at sites with specific soil conditions is accompanied by the development of specific soil microbial communities. The study provides information on the microbial communities in undisturbed forest soils which may facilitate interpretation of data derived from managed or even damaged or degraded forests.  相似文献   

Cheese aroma is the result of the perception of a large number of molecules belonging to different chemical classes. The volatile compounds involved in the soft cheese flavor have received a great deal of attention. However, there has been less work concerning the volatile compounds in the soft smear-ripened cheeses than in the mold-ripened cheeses. This paper reviews the components that contribute to the characteristic flavor in the soft cheeses such as surface-ripened, Camembert-type, and Blue cheeses. The sensory properties and quantities of the molecules in the different cheeses are discussed.  相似文献   

不同处理牛粪对黑土团聚体组成与稳定性的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
施用有机肥是循环农业的典型措施,能够净化环境、加强土壤的可持续利用。通过盆栽试验,研究了施用不同处理牛粪后黑土团聚体的组成与稳定性。研究结果显示:与施用化肥比较,施用不同处理的牛粪后,土壤中>5 mm机械稳定性大团聚体增幅显著,>0.25 mm机械稳定性团聚体含量均在74%以上,最高可达89.66%,>0.25 mm水稳定性团聚体含量均在34%以上,最高可达42.05%;施用不同处理的牛粪提高了土壤团聚体平均重量直径、几何平均直径、孔隙度,降低了土壤团聚体不稳定团粒指数、分形维数和土壤容重,其中施用腐解牛粪处理效果显著。研究结果表明:施用牛粪比化肥更有利于土壤团聚体的组成与稳定性,比较3种不同处理的牛粪,腐解牛粪不仅有利于土壤中大团聚体的形成,还有利于改善土壤团聚体结构及其稳定性。  相似文献   

Increasing the knowledge on dietary fat composition, mainly the minor components, will improve the nutritional value of foods and their labeling. In this study, we examined the trans-octadecenoic acid (C18:1) composition of Emmental cheeses enriched in unsaturated fatty acids (FA) and manufactured with milks produced by cows selected to produce small and large fat globules. The FA composition of the milks was not significantly ( P > 0.05) different from the FA composition of the corresponding Emmental cheeses. Increasing the unsaturated FA content of the cheeses using dietary manipulations lead to an increase in the trans-C18:1 and changed their isomeric profiles. In milk fat produced with the linseed-enriched diet, the trans-10 C18:1 concentration was greater than trans-11 C18:1 (vaccenic acid), which is classically the major trans-C18:1 in milk fat. The content in trans-C18:1 and more particularly in trans-10 C18:1 was negatively correlated with the size of fat globules ( r (2) = 0. 82 and 0.87, respectively) and related to milk fat depression. The trans-C18:1 content was negatively correlated with the saturated FA (slope = -0.35; r (2) = 0.81) and positively correlated with the unsaturated (slope = 0.29; r (2) = 0.85) and monounsaturated (slope = 0.32; r (2) = 0.81) FA. Focusing on the health-related considerations of fat in food products, further nutritional studies are needed to elucidate the role of trans-C18:1 isomers.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate alternatives to the peroxide value method of choice in the dairy industry, the method issued by the International Dairy Federation. Furthermore, the study evaluated the feasibility of alternative solvents for extracting lipids and subsequent peroxide value determinations. Packaged cheeses were stored under illuminated display at 4 degrees C to obtain samples with various peroxide contents but with uniform gross composition. The hydroperoxide contents were measured during 3 weeks of storage by applying two lipid extraction methods, Folch and Bureau of Dairy Industry (BDI) extractions, and three different hydroperoxide extraction solutions [chloroform/methanol (7:3, v/v), hexane/2-propanol/methanol (5:7:2, v/v/v), and methanol/decanol/hexane (3:2:1, v/v/v)], prior to standard colorimetric measurements. Extraction yields of fat from Havarti cheeses using the Folch and BDI extraction methods were approximately 109 and 61%, respectively, of the yields obtained by the International Dairy Federation gravimetric reference method. Although differences in fat extraction yields were compensated for, significantly higher peroxide values resulted from the Folch extraction method than from the BDI extraction method. The peroxide values obtained by the three methods were all in the same range, and pronounced linear correlations between peroxide contents determined using the three solutions were noted (r (2) in the range of 0.951-0.983). Peroxide value levels were not significantly different in samples stored in the dark or exposed to light.  相似文献   

The composition of grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Shiraz) skin proanthocyanidins has been determined at different stages of berry development. Beginning approximately 3 weeks after fruit set and concluding at commercial ripeness, the composition of isolated skin proanthocyanidins was determined using the following analytical techniques: elemental analysis, UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, reversed-phase HPLC after acid-catalysis in the presence of excess phloroglucinol, gel permeation chromatography, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), and (13)C NMR. On the basis of these analyses, berry development was correlated with an increase in proanthocyanidin mean degree of polymerization, an increase in the proportion of (-)-epigallocatechin extension subunits, and increases in the level of anthocyanins associated with the proanthocyanidin fraction. Additionally, data acquired from ESI-MS of the isolates following acid-catalysis in the presence of excess phloroglucinol is consistent with pectin-bound proanthocyanidins.  相似文献   

  【目的】  研究不同来源有机肥释放的溶解有机质 (DOM) 的粒径分布与光谱特征,为有机肥在农业生产中的应用及DOM后续环境行为的研究提供理论指导。  【方法】  本研究选择海藻、羊粪、虾肽以及小麦秸秆生物炭4种有机肥,提取有机肥中的DOM (<0.7 μm)。利用超滤分级技术对提取的DOM进一步区分为 <1 kDa、1~100 kDa、100 kDa~0.2 μm和0.2~0.7 μm 4个粒级,使用总有机碳 (TOC) 分析仪测定各粒径DOM的含量并使用傅里叶变换红外光谱 (FTIR)、紫外?可见吸收光谱 (UV-Vis) 和三维荧光光谱 (3D-EEM) 进行光谱表征。  【结果】  从全量 (粒径<0.7 μm) 溶解有机碳(DOC)来看,小麦秸秆生物炭 (308 mg/kg)<虾肽 (1060 mg/kg)<海藻 (1266 mg/kg)<羊粪 (2989 mg/kg)。供试有机肥中不同粒径的DOC所占比例和含量差异明显,均以最小粒径 (<1 kDa) 所占比例最高,除海藻为47%外,其余有机肥处理皆达到50%及以上。4种不同来源有机肥DOM的紫外和荧光特征值表明,4种有机肥的荧光指数 (FI) 和自生源指数(BIX)随着DOM粒径的减小而增大,而SUVA254、SUVA260和腐殖化指数 (HIX)随着DOM粒径的减小而减小。虾肽DOM各粒径的类蛋白组分含量高且主要为内源DOM,自生来源有机质丰富,生物可利用性高;羊粪DOM各粒径受人类活动影响较大;而小麦秸秆生物炭的DOM大粒径(>100 kDa)组分的FI<1.4,表明其大粒径DOM主要为外源性的,自身生产和微生物活动贡献相对较低。此外,尽管海藻、羊粪和虾肽各粒径的DOM的HIX值随着粒径的减小而逐渐减小,除虾肽DOM的<1 kDa组分外,其腐殖化程度依旧较高 (HIX>10),而小麦秸秆生物炭小粒径DOM的HIX<4,表明小麦秸秆生物炭的小粒径DOM疏水组分含量高,腐殖化程度相对较低。荧光组分和红外光谱表明了4种不同来源有机肥DOM以类腐殖质物质为主,且含有大量氨基酸N—H键、O—H键和C—O键等官能团。  【结论】  依据有机肥释放的DOM的粒径分布和光谱特征,海藻、羊粪、虾肽有机肥中的DOM主要以小粒径为主,其腐殖化程度高,蛋白组分含量较低。小麦秸秆生物炭DOM的生物稳定性要高于其他有机肥,生物可利用性较低,因此,施加过量的生物炭不利于微生物对土壤DOM的降解利用;而虾肽来源有机肥的DOM类蛋白组分贡献最大,生物可利用性高,施用虾肽有机肥可能有利于微生物对土壤DOM的降解利用。  相似文献   

亚热带地区几种红壤坡面侵蚀泥沙的物质组成特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以三种母质发育的5个红壤为研究对象,在人工降雨条件下,研究不同降雨动能下(采用裸地和纱网覆盖控制)坡面侵蚀泥沙的颗粒分布特征及物质组成状况。结果表明:侵蚀泥沙的颗粒分布受土壤母质和降雨侵蚀力影响差异较大,相同母质红壤产生泥沙的颗粒组成特征相似,纱网覆盖条件下泥沙中细颗粒相对含量普遍高于裸地,泥质页岩发育红壤(HS)和花岗岩发育红壤(TG1和TG2)泥沙(分散后)表现为黏粒和粉粒的富集,富集率为1.15~3.14,第四纪红黏土发育红壤(HQ1和HQ2)砂粒富集比较明显,富集率最高为3.84;对于HS、TG1和TG2而言,泥沙中有机质(OM)、游离氧化铁铝(Fed和Ald)主要分布在<0.05mm粒径中,而对于HQ1和HQ2而言,则主要分布在>0.25mm和<0.05mm两个粒级中,其中有机质(OM)富集最明显;泥沙中OM、Fed和Ald之间达到极显著相关(r≥0.82),而且它们与土壤中阳离子交换量(CEC)、Fed、Ald、非晶形氧化硅(Sio)、黏粒含量的相关性也达到极显著水平(r≥0.81),说明这些物质间相互影响,在侵蚀过程中随泥沙迁移行为相似。  相似文献   

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