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The aim of this investigation was to obtain information about differences between spelt and wheat in relation to their performance under low-input conditions. Two spelt varieties ( Oberkulmer, Hercule ) and two wheat varieties ( Anna, Iend ) were grown at two different seeding rates (S1 = 200; S2 = 400 kernels/m2) and two nitrogen levels (Nl = 80 kg N/ha; N2 = 110 kg N/ha) at two contrasting locations (Muri; altitude 459 m asl; Oberwallestalden: altitude 1011 m asl). No growth regulators and fungicides were applied.
The overall mean for the "husked" yield (grains and glumes) of spelt was not significantly different from the grain yield of wheat. At the higher site Oberwallestalden however, the "husked" yield of spelt was 10.5 % higher than the grain yield of wheat. Although the number of ears per m2 was higher at S2 than at S1, spelt and wheat produced a similar yield at both seeding rates (spelt: S1 = 96 % of S2; wheat: S1 = 95 % of S2) due to the higher single ear weight at S1.
The reaction of spelt and wheat to nitrogen was similar. The yield was 10 % higher at N2 than at Nl for both species. The performance of spelt under low-input conditions was better than for wheat in marginal areas for cereal production only.  相似文献   

Flooding of soil occurs all over the world in areas of crop production. The resulting lack of available oxygen in the soil can hinder the establishment of field crops such as wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) and thus lead to a decrease in yield. The current study compares the tolerance of spelt ( Triticum spelta L.) and wheat to wet and cold stress during germination and early growth. Two specific traits seem to be related to the superior early flooding tolerance of spelt: (1) fast growth of the coleoptile, which reaches the soil surface rapidly, thus reducing the time span of hypoxia sensitivity, independent of temperatures between 10 and 20 °C; (2) the improved physiological adaptation for coleoptile growth under hypoxia is probably due to lower oxygen consumption between germination and emergence. Because of this high level of flooding tolerance, spelt would also be a good source for breeding for stress tolerance in wheat. These findings will help to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for characters such as growth rate, flooding tolerance and oxygen consumption in future studies. A marker-assisted introgression of spelt into wheat is necessary to avoid combination with undesirable agronomic traits of spelt.  相似文献   

Dry matter production of two different spelt (Oberkulmer, Hercule) and wheat varieties (Arina, Iena) were investigated at two different seeding rates (S1 = 200 grains/m2; S2 = 400 grains/m2) and two nitrogen levels (N1 = 80 kg N/ha; N2 = 110 kg N/ha). The plot experiments were carried out at two contrasting locations (Muri: altitude 459 m asl); Oberwallestalden: altitude 1011 m asl) over three years (1988–1990). In addition nitrogen uptake and the photosynthetic rate of flag leaves was measured. Neither growth regulators nor fungicides were applied. The average grain yield of spelt was 25 % lower than that of wheat (32 % at Muri, 18 % at Oberwallestalden). At the reduced seeding rate (S1) grain weight and grain number per ear was increased by 33 % and 31 %, respectively as compared to the normal seeding rate (S2). The increase of the grain weight and the grain number per ear was larger for the two varieties of spelt (47 % and 42 %, respectively) than for the wheat varieties (23 % and 22 %, respectively). The photosynthetic rate of the flag leaf of spelt and wheat was not significantly different, at the two growth stages measured (anthesis, anthesis + 23 days). Nitrogen yield in the above ground biomass (g N/m2) was not significantly different between spelt and wheat, neither at the beginning of stem elongation, nor at anthesis. At anthesis the nitrogen yield at the reduced nitrogen level (N1) was 16 % and 13 % lower than at the higher level (N2) for spelt and wheat respectively. A higher nitrogen efficiency of spelt under low input conditions was not apparent. Therefore it was concluded that under low input conditions, spelt is not more efficient in dry matter production than wheat. By comparing the “husked” yield of spelt (grains + glumes; representing the trade form) with the grain yield of wheat, spelt is higher yielding than wheat but only at marginal areas of cereal production.  相似文献   

Dry Matter Production of Spelt ( Triticum spelta L.) and Wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) under Different Environmental Conditions in the Field
The primary aim of our work was to obtain information regarding the germination characteristics of spelt under different environmental conditions in field experiments, and to trace possible differences between spelt and wheat, with regard to crop production. For the present study two spelt varieties ( Ostro/Rouquin) and two wheat varieties ( Arina/Probus) were used. In addition the spelt cultivars Altgold, Oberkulmer and Hercule were included in some of the experiments. To obtain information on the influence of the glumes, spelt was planted in the hulled (SP +) and dehulled (SP-) form.
Field emergence of spelt SP- was up to 40 % lower than that of SP+, Under water logged soil, the percentage of germination was higher for spelt SP+ than for wheat.
Spelt produced more tillers per plant than wheat. However, tiller reduction was also higher for spelt so finally both species had similar numbers of ears per plant. Plants with a high tiller production might be more flexible in response to unfavourable growing conditions.
Grain yield of spelt and wheat was developed in different ways. Spelt produced fewer but larger kernels per ear, whereas wheat produced more but smaller kernels. In 1986 grain yield was up to 20 % higher in wheat than in spelt. In 1987, an unfavourable year for cereal crop production in marginal areas, grain yield was higher for spelt than for wheat. For the farmer, the "husked" form of spelt is economically important. This was equal or higher than the grain yield of wheat in both years.
The high germination rate under unfavourable conditions, in combination with a high tillering capacity and the production of large kernels appear to be the major reason for the stable yielding ability of spelt.  相似文献   

黄淮海麦区四省份小麦品种的农艺性状及遗传多样性分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
小麦品种的遗传多样性在育种工作中发挥着重要的作用。为了明确黄淮海麦区四省份小麦品种遗传多样性的基础,本研究以所收集的黄淮海麦区的河南、河北、山东和陕西四省的近十几年来(1992-2008年)审定的部分(42份)小麦品种为研究材料,以9个农艺性状为基础进行遗传性状的分析。结果表明,不孕小穗数的变异系数最大为61.39%,其次为有效分蘖和穗粒数,千粒重的变异系数最小为6.06%。河南、河北、山东和陕西四省的多样性指数分别为1.83,1.82,1.73和1.62,平均值为1.75。在此基础上,用最长距离法可将42份材料聚为三大类,但是第Ⅱ大类和第Ⅲ大类相差不大,这说明上述四省小麦品种遗传多样性在逐步提高的同时,其遗传基础仍需进一步拓宽。在性状选择上,首先对变异大的性状进行选择是非常重要的;在品种选择上,应注意选择产量、单株粒重和单株粒数均高的品种。  相似文献   

Contribution of the upper laminae designated as 7, 8 and 9 (flag), to the total reduced nitrogen was determined by two different methods; integration of nitrate reductase activity over the entire growing season of individual laminae, and laminae removal at ear emergence. The values obtained by these methods were: 20, 14, and 12 %, and 23, 15, 12 %, respectively. The in vivo nitrate reductase activity was relatively higher in the lamina 9, which contributed an extra 8 % towards total reduced nitrogen when the other laminae were removed from the shoot. No such compensatory response was observed when either lamina 7 or 8 was retained.  相似文献   

花后灌水对小麦籽粒品质性状及产量的影响   总被引:33,自引:5,他引:28  
在池栽防雨条件下,研究了小麦花后不同灌水时期、不同灌水次数对籽粒产量及品质性状的影响。结果表明,在花前限量灌水条件下(135 mm),花后灌水(45~90 mm)可显著提高小麦籽粒产量及蛋白质产量;虽然多数品质性状在花后不灌水(CK)条件下获得最大值,但灌1水未引起品质性状的明显变化;随灌水次数增加,各品质性状变劣  相似文献   

Increasing production of wheat from a limited water supply can result from efficient irrigation and nutrient management. A 3‐year field experiment was conducted at the Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal, to study the growth, yield, seasonal evapotranspiration (ET) and water use efficiency (WUE), and the water–yield relationship of wheat in a soybean–wheat cropping system on vertisols. Three levels of irrigation, viz. I0, no post‐sowing irrigation; I1, two irrigations [crown root initiation (CRI) and flowering stage]; and I2, three irrigations (CRI, maximum tillering and flowering stage) and three nutrient management treatments, viz. F0, control (without fertilizer/manure); F1, 100 % NPK (100–21.5–24.9 kg ha?1); and F2, 100 % NPK + farmyard manure (FYM‐10 t ha?1) were tested in a split‐plot design with three replication. It has been established (through anova ) that the year effect was rather negligible and the interaction effects of irrigation and nutrient management on the growth parameters, ET, yield components, yield and WUE were significant. Plant height, progressive leaf area index, dry matter accumulation and crop growth rate were higher in I2F2, and I2F1 and I1F2 were statistically at par. The seasonal ET increased significantly with the increase in water supply in every nutrient treatment and it was highest in I2F2 and lowest in I0F0. The highest grain yield was obtained in I2F2; and a similar yield was recorded in I3F1 and I2F2. This shows a strong interaction effect between irrigation and nutrients. Yield components, viz. number of ears m?2, number of grains ear?1 and 1000‐grain weight were significant. The higher number of ears m?2 containing greater number of grains with relatively heavier weights appeared to have contributed to the higher yield in I1F2, I2F1 and I2F2. The highest WUE obtained in I0F2 did not correspond to the highest yield and maximum ET, but a WUE of 10.43 kg ha?1 mm?1 in the I2F2 combination corresponded with the highest yield and the seasonal ET requirement was 391.8, which was 137 % greater than the water use at maximum WUE. The ET–grain yield relationship was linear, with a lowest regression slope (i.e. marginal WUE) and elasticity of water production (Ewp) in F0 and a considerably higher slope and Ewp in F1 and F2. As the Ewp is positive and close to one in 100 % NPK treatment, the scope of improving WUE and yield with only inorganic fertilizer is very little, and relatively greater scope exists in the integrated management of organic manure and inorganic fertilizer. The results suggest that integrated nutrient management (100 % NPK + FYM) in conjunction with three irrigations maximized yield of wheat with concomitant improvement in ET and WUE under limited water availability.  相似文献   

普通小麦D染色体组微卫星分子标记遗传差异研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
本研究采用微卫星(SSR)分子标记技术, 对我国不同生态区的6个春小麦品种(系)及北方冬麦区的17个冬小麦品种(系)D染色体组的遗传多样性进行了分析. 结果显示, 23个微卫星引物在23份材料间共扩增出65个等位基因, 平均每个引物为2.9个. 分析发现, 冬小麦群体内检测到的等位基因数(60个)及平均遗传距离(0.4504)明显高于春小麦(48  相似文献   

小麦株高近等基因系的RAPD标记研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用RAPD技术,以4个小麦株市基因近等基因系(分别含有rht、Rht1、Rht2、Rht3)为材料,对296个单一随机引物(10个核苷酸)进行了筛选。发现25个引我的扩增产物的近等基因系间表现出特异性,在6次重复试验中,有18个引物的特异护增片段不能重复,6个引物可以重复2-3资,唯有OPAM01在全部试验中均能稳定重复,其特异扩增版段OPAM011860可以作为rht基因的RAPD标记。  相似文献   

The pattern of free NH4+ accumulation and its metabolism was studied during the growth and development of field-grown wheat cv. HD 2204 at two applied N levels viz. 30 and 120 kg ha−1. The study was confined to the 3rd, 5th and flag leaf blades and the developing ears, borne on the main shoot, during their ontogeny. The NH4+ levels were considerably lower in young leaves and increased sharply as the leaves senesced when the activity of glutamine synthetase (GS) declined. In contrast to GS, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) remained active even during senescence. Concentrations of protein, free amino acid and total reduced N declined with age in the leaves. An assessment of free NH4+ pool, free amino acid content and the activity of GS and GDH in the floral parts revealed that glumes, awns and grains also were active sites of NH4+ turnover. Higher applied N level not only increased leaf and grain N concentration but also led to higher free NH4+ levels in leaves and in developing ears. Presence of NH4+ in the entrapped transpirate revealed that NH4+ is released from both leaves and ears during senescence.  相似文献   

Mean grain yield performance of 12 wheat and one triticale genotypes were measured at four locations over four consecutive years, using a randomized complete block design with four replications. The genotypes used were commercial cultivars and advanced lines from different wheat breeding projects located in different areas in Iran. Two locations were in semiarid regions and the other two locations in the temperate zones. The combined analysis of variance indicated highly significant genotype-environment (GE) interactions. From combinations of locations and years three sets of environments were generated. Set I and set II, each, consisted of eight environments (two locations and four years) representing semiarid and temperature environments, respectively. Set III consisted of 16 environments including both semiarid and temperate conditions. Set I and set II were used to measure specific adaptation of the genotypes while set III was employed for measuring general adaptation. The methods of Eberhart and Russell (1966) were used for partitioning GE interactions. The mean square associated with the heterogeneity of regression was highly significant under all sets of environments. These observations indicated that a major part of GE interaction could be accounted for by differences in the regression of the individual genotypes. All the genotypes had significant regression mean square under set I, set II, and set III environments, with the exception of two genotypes under set II. However, mean yields, regression coefficients, and the mean squares associated with deviation from regression greatly varied over the sets of environments. Only three genotypes, a commercial cultivar and two new advanced line, were identified as having specific adaptation and yield stability to semiarid environments. Among all the genotypes, only a commercial cultivar was identified as adapted and stable to temperate conditions. Two of the three genotypes which were adapted to semiarid environments also showed general adaptation to set III environments. However, the mean yield of these two genotypes under semiarid conditions (set I) were significantly greater than their respective mean yields under set III environments. Thus, wider adaptability was compensated by lower mean yield. The present study indicates that, while a wide range of environments is necessary and recommended for measuring general adaptation reactions and yield stability of various genotypes, one should not ignore the possibility of finding some genotypes with specific adaptation to specific environments and thus maximizing yield production. Stable genotypes with general of specific adaptation should be utilized in breeding projects in order to develop even more desirable lines.  相似文献   

小麦供锌状况对叶片结构及叶绿体超微结构的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王振林  沈成国 《作物学报》1993,19(6):553-557
锌缺乏或过量使小麦叶肉细胞变小,多环复式细胞显著减少。缺锌植株的叶绿体中基粒垛数少,基粒垛叠片层少,基质片层少,部分片层膨胀;叶绿体内包含较大的液泡和淀粉“泡”;叶绿体被膜模糊,甚至消失.锌过量则使小麦的叶绿体变小,基粒和基质片层明显减少,部分片层膨胀,亲锇颗粒多;在叶绿体周围线粒体出现较多.  相似文献   

A collection of hexaploid -wheat consisting of 1400 entries from 36 countries was screened for leaf position at four stages of growth over two years. At the shooting stage, more than 80 % of the entries showed the curved position of the flag and the second leaf, about 15 % the erect position, while the horizontal position did not occur. At the heading stage more than 10 % of the genotypes with curved and some with erect position assumed horizontal position. At the milk stage, half of the genotypes with the erect position in earlier stages of growth assumed horizontal and even pendulous position; the majority of genotypes had curved position of leaves. At the dough stage, only about 2 % of the genotypes maintained erect flag leaf position, while 45 % had curved and about 45 % pendulous position of leaves. When an erect leaf assumes horizontal position, the lamina is completely straight without any curving, which is different from genotypes classified as having horizontal position at heading and milk stage. The position of the second leaf, in general, followed the pattern of the flag leaf. Through the stages of growth the curved position was more stable than either erect or horizontal positions. Leaves were more erect and stable in position under conditions with lower rainfall and higher temperatures (1983) than in the rainy year with lower temperatures (1984). Most of the high-yielding cultivars with short straw had a curved position, which is probably the consequence of unintended selection to fit a dense canopy.  相似文献   

以耐低磷的小麦基因型洛夫林10号为材料, 采用蛋白质双向电泳技术, 结合质谱鉴定, 分析了正常磷供应和无磷处理7天后根系中的蛋白质组表达谱差异, 以期为深入探讨小麦响应磷胁迫的分子机理提供蛋白水平上的数据和资料。研究发现, 在可重复检测到的1 144个蛋白点中, 有87个在磷胁迫处理前后发生了明显的表达改变,占总数的7.6%,包括磷胁迫前特异表达、磷胁迫后特异表达、磷胁迫后上调和磷胁迫后下调表达等4种差异表达模式。在87个差异蛋白点中,有39个通过质谱技术被成功鉴定,涉及到代谢、细胞生长和分裂、转录和翻译、抗病、信号转导、转座元件及未知功能蛋白等功能类别,说明小麦可能通过细胞的代谢状态和基因表达改变来适应磷胁迫,进而维持体内磷含量的平衡状态。最后,我们还对差异表达点与磷胁迫的关系进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted with different nitrogen regimes to assess the growth and yield performance of wheat genotypes which differ in nitrate assimilation potential. Genotypic differences in biomass accumulation were observed at different growth stages. The nitrogen treatment had little effect on biomass accumulation at early stages of growth, while at later stages of growth there was enhanced biomass accumulation when N was applied in more than two splits. On an average, genotypes with high nitrate reductase activity (the 'HNR' genotypes) accumulated 14.2 % more biomass than the genotypes with low nitrate reductase activity ('LNR' genotypes) when an extra dose (40 kg N ha−1) of nitrogen was given at the time of anthesis. The application of nitrogen in more than two splits increased grain yield of both 'HNR' and 'LNR' genotypes mainly by increasing grain weight per ear. The application of an extra dose of nitrogen (40 kg N ha−1) at the time of anthesis increased grain yield of 'HNR' genotypes by 38.5 % as compared to 'LNR' genotypes.  相似文献   

施氮水平对两个冬小麦品种面粉色泽及面条品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在大田条件下,研究了不同施氮水平对豫麦49-198和兰考矮早八面粉色泽及面条品质的影响。结果表明,两品种面粉及面糊的色泽等级值(CGV)、红色度(a*)和黄色度(b*)随施氮量的增加而增大,亮度(L*)随施氮量的增加而下降。随着放置时间的延长,面片的CGV、a*、b*升高,而L*值下降。质构仪分析表明,随着施氮量的增加,两品种面条的硬度、黏合性、咀嚼性呈上升趋势,以360 kg hm-2处理的值最高,并且和其他处理之间的差异达显著水平。  相似文献   

小麦Cyp450基因的电子克隆与生物信息学分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为获得对小麦Cyp450基因及其编码蛋白质的理化性质与结构特性等,利用电子克隆方法克隆了一个新的小麦Cyp450基因,并对其编码的蛋白质进行了生物信息学分析。结果表明,该基因全长2155 bp,编码511个氨基酸;该蛋白序列的N端存在一个显著信号肽序列,属于CypX超家族,该蛋白定位于细胞质中,属于分泌途径中的信号肽蛋白,含有多个不同的磷酸化位点;二级结构以α螺旋(占48.14%)和无规则卷曲为主(占33.86%),存在5个不稳定区,在85-511位处形成一个较大的球形蛋白域。该蛋白与大麦、二穗短柄草、水稻和高粱的同源Cyp450蛋白相似性较高,进化距离较近。获得了一个新的小麦细胞色素P450基因,并分析了其编码蛋白质的序列特性,为进一步实验克隆和研究其功能提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

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