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The Influence of Landscape Structure on Female Roe Deer Home-range Size   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Animal distribution and abundance are greatly affected by the availability of their food resources, which also depends on landscape structure. Lothar hurricane in 1999 had profoundly modified the structure of the forests in France, affecting the habitat quality of ungulates. We tested whether the variations in home-range size of 23 female roe deer were influenced by the fragmentation of the landscape caused by Lothar in the Chizé forest, namely by the increase in heterogeneity associated with the localized massive tree felling. Home-range size was studied in the summers of 2001 and 2002 and we found that variation in home-range size was mainly explained by only one landscape variable: edge density. Home-range size decreased as edge density increased, which is consistent with the fact that edges are good browsing habitats for roe deer. The result of this study suggests that, after 2 years, the hurricane had improved the quality of the home ranges by creating more forest heterogeneity and increasing the contacts between the different vegetation patches within the home range. These results highlight the fact that spatial heterogeneity is likely to be a key factor influencing the distribution and local population density.  相似文献   

We compared populations of a forest damselfly —Calopteryx maculata — in two kinds of landscapes. In fragmented landscapes, forested foraging patches were separated from streams (where oviposition and mating occur) by up to 500 m of pasture. In non-fragmented landscapes, there was continuous forest cover adjacent to streams. The prevalence and intensity of midgut infections of a gregarine parasite were significantly lower in the fragmented landscapes than in the non-fragmented landscapes. We have shown elsewhere that in the fragmented landscapes, damselflies move over greater areas to forage than in the non-fragmented landscapes. We postulate that these movements lower the rate of encounter between damselflies and oocysts, thus lowering the prevalence and intensity of infection. The differences suggest that actual habitat fragmentation events would alter the relationship between host and parasite, but that populations of both species would persist after fragmentation. Prevalence of parasitism is related to age but we found no residual effects of size on parasitism.  相似文献   

Eight endophytic fungal and bacterial isolates with antagonistic activity against Radopholus similis were evaluated in vivo for their individual and combined effects on biocontrol of R. similis and on the growth of “Grand Naine” cultivar banana plantlets in the greenhouse. Penetration efficiency (PE) of R. similis was between 3 and 21% in 29 biological agents (BAs) treatments, less than the 29% of the nematode-alone control (p ≤ 0.0001); 24 of the BAs treatments did not differ from the PE of 5% for a nematicide control. Twenty nine BAs treatments exhibited antagonistic activity against nematodes which reduced final population levels between 18 and 93%, relative to those on nematode-alone control plants (p ≤ 0.0001), and 14 BAs treatments were statistically similar to the nematicide treatment (88% reduction). Twenty four BAs treatments had increments of plant root biomass ranging from 20 to 58%, greater than the control plants; 37% of the treatments with single and combined BAs inoculations had root length increments ranging from 29 to 54% compared with control and chemical treatment. The nematicide, Terbufos 10GR, did not affect plant growth.  相似文献   

To determine how vegetation pattern in early successional forests may be related to plant traits and types of disturbance, we measured percent cover of individual taxa annually in a South Carolina Pinus elliottii forest, starting one year before, and ending four years after harvest and tree girdling disturbances were applied. The 17 most important taxa surveyed were grouped into four regeneration strategies chosen a priori, and the spatial patterns of these groups and of the soil were investigated using global variability, semivariograms and kriged maps. We also examined spatial correlations across years, across taxa, and between species and soil disturbance. Seed bank taxa represented by Dichanthelium spp. increased rapidly and formed large patches, and then quickly declined. Taxa that regenerate by newly dispersed seeds, represented by Rhus copallina and Rubus spp. occurred at first in a few patches, and became widespread later. Stump sprouters, represented by Quercus spp. and Myrica cerifera, had rapid increases in cover, but their spatial patterns were largely determined by their pre-disturbance patterns. Prunus serotina, which relies on both sprouting and dispersed seed, had moderate cover and a random distribution. Within-species temporal correlation of spatial pattern was lower in girdled than in harvested plots, and was not clearly related to regeneration strategy. Forest floor disturbance was patchy and affected the pattern of Dichanthelium spp. in the harvested plots. Negative correlations between herbs and woody plants in harvested plots reflected the role of biotic (i.e., successional) filters on vegetation pattern. Surprisingly, no spatial correlations were detected between the nitrogen fixer, Myrica cerifera and other taxa in this N-limited system. In comparing the spatial and temporal patterns, we found kriged maps more informative than analysis of semivariograms alone. The maps and correlation statistics demonstrated that regeneration traits, spatial patterns of soil disturbances, and interactions among taxa influence dynamics of the spatial patterns of the plants. We also demonstrated that disturbance types affected the importance and interactions among these three factors, and caused different spatial patterns of the plant taxa.  相似文献   

Fire frequency can affect pattern and diversity in plant communities and landscapes. We had the opportunity to study changes due to recurring wildfires on the same sites over a period of 50 years in the Massif des Aspres (southern France). The study was carried out in areas occupied byQuercus suber andQ. ilex series. A comparison of historical and cartographical documents (vegetation maps covering a 50 year interval and an accurate map of major wildfires during this period) allowed us to determine the changes occurring over time with or without fire action. Plant communities were grouped into three main vegetation types: forests, treed shrublands and shrublands. The passage of three successive wildfires on the same site led to a decrease in forest areas and an increase in shrublands; however, shrublands were already present before the first fire of the period under consideration. Less frequent fire occurrence induced more complex heterogeneity and greater landscape diversity. In the study region as a whole, with or without fire action, a significant decrease in forest surfaces was recorded, whereas there was an increase of unforested communities such as treed shrublands and shrublands. In some parts of the Massif fires increased the homogeneity of the landscape, in other parts they created a greater heterogeneity and diversity of plant communities.  相似文献   

介绍万亩果园湿地一期示范区升级工程湿地景观的特点及其施工创新技术。该工程因地制宜,从实际出发,制定切实可行的施工方案。重点介绍改善水质方面采用的3个先进的施工技术——引进新型的材料、合理选用水生植物、调控生态系统,使水体长期保持洁净,终年不需要换水,达到预期的效果。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of habitat fragmentation on meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) population dynamics in experimental landscape patches. The study was conducted from May–November 1993 at the Miami University Ecology Research Center. Eight 0.1-ha small mammal enclosures were used. Four enclosures contained a 160 m2 nonfragmented patch and four enclosures contained four 40 m2 fragmented patches. Thus, each treatment was replicated 4 times in a systematic research design. The patches in both treatments contained high-quality habitat surrounded by low-quality matrix. Six pairs of adult meadow voles were released in each enclosure on 27 May 1993. Populations were monitored by live-trapping and radio-telemetry methods. Significantly greater densities of female voles were found during October in the fragmented treatment compared to the nonfragmented treatment. Also, significantly more females than males were found in the fragmented treatment compared to the nonfragmented treatment for the total study period. Significantly more subadult and juvenile males were found in the matrix versus the patch of the nonfragmented treatment compared to the fragmented treatment. Males in the fragmented treatment had significantly greater mean home range size than males or females in the nonfragmented treatment. There appears to exist a relationship between patch fragmentation and the social structure of meadow vole populations; this relationship appears to function as a population regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of increased landscape corridor width and corridor presence on the population dynamics and home range use of the meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) within a small-scale fragmented landscape. Our objective was to observe how populations behaved in patchy landscapes where the animals home range exceeded or equaled patch size. We used a small-scale replicated experiment consisting of three sets of two patches each, unconnected or interconnected by 1-m or 5-m wide-corridors, established in an old-field community (S.W. Ohio). Control (0-m) treatments supported significantly lower vole densities than either corridor treatment. Females were the dominant resident sex establishing smaller home ranges (<150m2) than males (>450m2). Significantly more male voles dispersed between patches with corridors than between patches without corridors. However, no difference was observed regarding the number of male voles dispersing between patches connected by corridors when compared to the number dispersing across treatments. Dispersal between connected patches was restricted to corridors based on tracking tube data. Corridor presence was more important than corridor width regarding the movement of male voles within their home range.  相似文献   

Thermoperiodicity, i.e. growth in the alternating temperature regime with the same diurnal mean compared with growth at the constant temperature at which optimal growth occurs, was studied at three plant population densities in four cultivars of Rosa hybrida L. Single-node cuttings with five-leaflet leaves were excised and grown as single-stemmed rose plants at an average photosynthetic photon flux density of about 260 μmol m−2 s−1 and supplied with carbon dioxide at about 1000 μmol mol−1. The optimal constant temperature regime was 22 °C day (20 h)/22 °C night (4 h); alternating temperatures were 23 °C day (20 h)/18 °C night (4 h). The plant population densities were 100, 131 and 178 plants m−2 of bench area. Thermoperiodicity was absent, or could not be detected, in the parameters related to the growth period, the formation of fresh biomass, the bloom quality, and most parameters related to shoot elongation. However, classic thermoperiodic effects of alternating regime were significant in the cultivars Red Velvet and Sonia, with shoot elongation promoted (7.1 and 10.5%, respectively) in the growth phase from onset of axillary bud growth until the flower bud became visible. Compared with the other two cultivars, plants of Red Velvet and Sonia tended to develop longer internodes. The results, obtained concurrently at three different plant population densities, suggest that thermoperiodicity can affect (single-stemmed) plant growth and development in R. hybrida. Increased plant population density also increased plant height at visible flower bud, but the bloom quality, expressed as specific fresh weight, and the flower height at anthesis was decreased at the highest density. Increased plant population density increased the number of five-leaflet leaves developed in Red Velvet, but had no effect on leaf number in Texas and Sonia, while, in Lambada the leaf number was decreased at the highest density.  相似文献   

Mediterranean agroforestry landscapes, dehesas, experience significant structural changes that affect their ability to support habitats for a rich biodiversity. The goal of this study is to provide quantitative information on loss, fragmentation, and alteration of holm oak (Quercus ilex) stands over a 42-year period, based on two sites in the lowlands of Cáceres province, Spain. Aerial photography and orthoimages from 1956, 1984, and 1998 were processed in a geographic information system (GIS). Important changes in demography and land-use were rural depopulation, abandonment of traditional agricultural activities, and a sharp increase in livestock stocking levels. These were related to intensification and extensification of land-uses determined by national and EU agricultural policies. Results of the land cover analysis indicated that dehesas suffered an annual 0.27% and 0.04% decrease in cover in the two sites. From 1984 loss rate had markedly accelerated (0.83% and 0.30%). Most dehesas were lost by shrub encroachment or conversion to open grassland. Fragmentation through roads increased by 28% and 45%, while rural buildings decreased by 17% and 50% from 1956 to 1998. Mean tree density decreased from 1956 to 1984, but a recovery was found since 1984. Significant factors determining stand densities in most time points were altitude (related with different land-uses and geological substrates), ownership, and proximity to villages. This suggests that stand structure is controlled both by human interventions and ecological settings. The findings support the view that opposite trends of land abandonment and intensification of land-uses arise in most northern Mediterranean countries as an effect of the EU Common Agricultural Policy.  相似文献   

This paper aims to answer the following question: are the fluctuations of abundance of Common Vole (Microtus arvalis) specific to different types of landscapes? The research was carried out in landscapes where grassland was dominant. The sampling method was based upon a partition in both landscape types and landscape units. Tracking of vole indices was used to evaluate their relative abundance. Six landscape transects were sampled during two successive years. Results show that population variation and diffusion of demographic states are closely related to landscape types. The possible causes of this are discussed. The landscape units can be used as global variables to assess outbreak risk and landscape design can be used to prevent them.  相似文献   

Despite increasing interest in the ecological effects of urbanization, relatively little is known about its effects in grasslands. We examined population trends and habitat associations of two predators, the rough-legged hawk (Buteo lagopus) and the red-tailed hawk (B. jamaicensis), in a rapidly urbanizing grassland region at the western edge of the North American Great Plains. Count data indicate that rough-legged hawk populations declined in the area by nearly 75% between 1971 and 2003, at the same time that numbers of red-tailed hawks more than tripled. These changes were not part of wider regional trends, nor were they buffered by development of an open space system in one of the urbanizing counties. While the human population grew steadily over the 33-year period, hawk numbers did not begin to change significantly until the early 1980s, suggesting landscape threshold responses to development. Rough-legged hawks remaining in the area between 1999 and 2002 avoided human settlements and hunted in places with tracts of treeless grassland. In contrast, red-tailed hawks selected relatively tall perches in trees or on utility poles from which to hunt, in areas closer to buildings and roads than randomly selected plots, and remained abundant in the mosaic of developed and rural agricultural lands. The failure of the grassland open space system to sustain the rough-legged hawk, and other bird species characteristic of treeless open prairie, illustrates the challenges of conserving fauna with apparent hypersensitivity to the three-dimensional habitat complexity that accompanies even modest amounts of development.  相似文献   

Pot experiments were conducted for the development of salt-resistant saplings of Morus alba (var. sujanpuri) involving bioinoculants, namely arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, Azotobacter and indole butyric acid (IBA). The IBA and sodium chloride (NaCl) concentrations were optimized prior to the experiments. By using both low and high concentrations, 15 ppm IBA and 0.05% NaCl (w/v) were found to be optimum in acting synergistically with AM fungi and Azotobacter and also for increasing all the growth parameters and microbial count in the rhizosphere. For in vivo development of salt-resistant saplings, the optimal concentration of IBA, along with AM fungi and Azotobacter in different combinations, was applied. The saplings were irrigated regularly with 0.05% NaCl water. Although growth parameters such as AM infection percentage, AM spores per 100 g soil and Azotobacter cells/g soil were affected by NaCl watering, the inoculation of both bioinoculants significantly enhanced survival percentage of saplings from 25 to 50% under salt stress. Maximum survival (55%) of saplings was found with IBA (15 ppm)+AM fungi+Azotobacter.  相似文献   

Urbanized land is characterized by the dominance of paved surfaces. Increasing tree canopy in urbanized areas has been identified as an effective way to reduce stormwater runoff, sequester carbon, improve air and water quality, and otherwise mitigate the environmental impacts and increase the livability of cities. However, attaining sufficient tree canopy in urban areas remains an elusive goal. Site design characteristics such as cutout size may limit urban tree growth and complicate efforts to predict future canopy, especially in highly paved systems such as parking lots. We studied 25 silver lindens (Tilia tomentosa Moench) grown for 14 years at one site, in pavement cutouts of various sizes. Regression analysis, even on these limited data, indicated a strong relationship between tree size and canopy projection area and unpaved soil surface area, but not soil depth. Cutout size explained 70% of the variability in tree canopy projection area and 77% of the variability in trunk cross-sectional area. The addition of other variables, such as soil bulk density, did not improve the model. Trees growing in parking lot cutouts <5.3 m2 attained only limited size, regardless of the level of soil compaction. In larger cutouts, however, increases in soil bulk density from 1.1 to 1.5 Mg/m3 were associated with a 70% reduction in trunk cross-sectional area. In order to create urban sites with a sustainable tree canopy, site design must provide large areas of uncompacted soil for trees and protect this soil from compaction during use. Urban tree growth models that incorporate cutout characteristics are needed to predict future canopy area with confidence.  相似文献   

A probabilistic spatial model was created based on empirical data to examine the influence of different fire regimes on stand structure of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) forests across a >500,000-ha landscape in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA. We asked how variation in the frequency of large fire events affects (1) the mean and annual variability of age and tree density (defined by postfire sapling density and subsequent stand density) of lodgepole pine stands and (2) the spatial pattern of stand age and density across the landscape. The model incorporates spatial and temporal variation in fire and serotiny in predicting postfire sapling densities of lodgepole pine. Empirical self-thinning and in-filling curves alter initital postfire sapling densities over decades to centuries. In response to a six-fold increase in the probability of large fires (0.003 to 0.018 year−1), mean stand age declined from 291 to 121 years. Mean stand density did not increase appreciably at high elevations (1,029 to 1,249 stems ha−1) where serotiny was low and postfire sapling density was relatively low (1,252 to 2,203 stems ha−1). At low elevations, where prefire serotiny and postfire lodgepole pine density are high, mean stand densities increased from 2,807 to 7,664 stems ha−1. Spatially, the patterns of stand age became more simplified across the landscape, yet patterns of stand density became more complex. In response to more frequent stand replacing fires, very high annual variability in postfire sapling density is expected, with higher means and greater variation in stand density across lodgepole pine landscapes, especially in the few decades following large fires.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of forty fig cultivars collected from five regions in Tunisia was investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). A total of 342 reproducible bands amplified with six AFLP primer combinations were obtained. The high percentage of polymorphic bands (%PB) of 97.5 and the resolving power (Rp) collective rate value of 143 were scored. In addition, the polymorphism information content (PIC) values varied from 0.61 to 0.87 with an average of 0.77. Although cluster (UPGMA) and principal components analyses indicate that the cultivars’ clustering made independently both from the geographical origin, horticultural classifications and/or from the sex of trees. In addition, the observed variation suggests considerable differentiation among fig cultivars. The present data supports the common origin of the fig cultivars. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that average ΦST value overall loci was 0.026, and the overall distribution pattern of molecular variation indicated that about 97.43% of the total variance was accounted by the within-region variance component. The remaining 2.5% (P < 0.001) of the variation was founded among cultivars of the prospected regions. Our results proved that AFLP markers are useful for germplasm discrimination as well as for investigation of fig patterns variation. The information may be useful to define conservation management program.  相似文献   

The effect of rootstock (‘MaxMa 14’, ‘Weiroot 13’, ‘PiKu 1’, ‘Weiroot 158’, ‘Gisela 5’ and ‘F12/1’) on phenolic acid and flavonol content of “Lapins” sweet cherry was investigated. Phenolic acids and flavonols were isolated from sweet cherries and analyzed by using reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). The major phenolic acids in sweet cherries were neochlorogenic acid (18–50 mg kg−1), chlorogenic acid (19–62 mg kg−1) and p-coumaric acid derivatives (15–125 mg kg−1). The amount of flavonol quercetin-3-rutinoside (8–37 mg kg−1) was significant as well. There are significant variations in the phenolic compound content among sweet cherry fruits grown on trees grafted on different vegetative rootstocks. The significantly higher chlorogenic acid, neochlorogenic acid, p-coumaric derivative and quercetin-3-rutinoside contents were found in sweet cherry fruits grown on trees grafted on ‘Weiroot 13’ and ‘PiKu 1’ rootstocks. Sweet cherries produced on trees grafted on other rootstocks had significantly lower phenolic compound content.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of the genus Dendrobium is not well known and the phylogenetic relationship of Dendrobium species are mainly determined by studies of the comparative vegetative anatomy and plant systematics. In the present study, we used the technique of inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs) to evaluate genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship among 31 Dendrobium species from Yunnan region of China. In total, 2368 bands were amplified by 17 ISSR primers, resulting from 278 ISSR loci with 100% polymorphism at genus level. Thirty-one species were unequivocally distinguished based on ISSR fingerprinting. Species-specific ISSR markers were identified in nine of 31 tested Dendrobium species. Unweighted pair-group mean analysis (UPGMA) showed that 31 Dendrobium species were grouped into six clusters, indicating the genus was polyphyletic with several well-supported lineages. The high polymorphism and reliable amplification across species demonstrated the utility of ISSR marker for species diagnosis and genetic diversity study of the genus Dendrobium.  相似文献   

Amphiploids were produced from pentaploid hybrids between Vaccinium corymbosum (4x) and Vaccinium ashei (6x) by colchicine treatment. Seeds of each parental species and those obtained by the interspecific crossing were treated with colchicine at 0, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/l for 7 days, and the ploidy level of the seedlings was determined with flow cytometry. Either amphiploid (10x) or ploidy chimera (5x + 10x) was obtained from interspecific hybrid seeds treated with all colchicine concentrations, while no chromosome-doubled plants were obtained from both parents. Cross direction in interspecific hybridization affected the results of colchicine treatment and amphiploids were obtained only when V. corymbosum was used as the seed parent. In this cross, 17–25% of the seedlings turned to be amphidiploids or ploidy chimeras by treating with 500 mg/l colchicines for 7 days. These results indicate that susceptibility to colchicine may increase in the interspecific hybrid compared with the parental species but only when V. corymbosum was used as female parent.  相似文献   

During 2003 and 2005, plant growth promoting effects of two Bacillus strains OSU-142 (N2-fixing) and M3 (N2-fixing and phosphate solubilizing) were tested alone or in combinations on organically grown primocane fruiting raspberry (cv. Heritage) plants in terms of yield, growth, nutrient composition of leaves and variation of soil nutrient element composition in the province of Erzurum, Turkey. The results showed that Bacillus M3 treatment stimulated plant growth and resulted in significant yield increase. Inoculation of raspberry plant roots and rhizosphere with M3 and/or OSU-142 + M3, significantly increased yield (33.9% and 74.9%), cane length (13.6% and 15.0%), number of cluster per cane (25.4% and 28.7%) and number of berries per cane (25.1% and 36.0%) compared with the control, respectively. In addition, N, P and Ca contents of raspberry leaves with OSU-142 + M3 treatment, and Fe and Mn contents of the leaves of raspberry with M3 and OSU-142 + M3 applications significantly improved under organic growing conditions. Bacterial applications also significantly effected soil total N, available P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn contents and pH. Available P contents in soil was determined to be increased from 1.55 kg P2O5/da at the beginning of the study to 2.83 kg P2O5/da by OSU-142, to 5.36 kg P2O5/da by M3 and to 4.71 kg P2O5/da by OSU-142 + M3 treatments. The results of this study suggest that Bacillus M3 alone or in combination with Bacillus OSU-142 have the potential to increase the yield, growth and nutrition of raspberry plant under organic growing conditions.  相似文献   

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