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盱眙县一读者来电话说,听说在施用草甘膦的时候加用碳酸氢铵或尿素能提高除草效果,不知道是不是真的,为什么会有这种效果,加用这些肥料后有没有不利影响。  相似文献   

灭草王具有高效、广谱、低毒、施药期长、对水稻较安全等特点,可有效地防除稻田一年生和部分多年生阔叶杂草及莎草科杂草,对禾本科稗草和千金子有一定的抑制作用。1991年我市引进国产灭草王进行小区试验和小面积示范,现小结如下: 一、材料和方法 (一) 供试除草剂:10%灭草王超微可湿性粉剂(江苏省激素研究所产);10%新得力超微可湿性粉剂(美国杜邦公司提供);10%稻无草可湿性粉剂(如东农药厂产)。 (二) 试验设计:小区试验设在移栽稻田,禾本科稗草和阔叶杂草发生基数均较高,6月21  相似文献   

为了摸索10%灭草王在我省水稻田防除杂草的应用前景及最佳使用技术,1991年我站与江苏省激素研究所协作,进行了灭草王防除移栽稻田杂草的试验工作,现将试验结果小结如下: 一、试验设计与实施情况试验在孝感地区农科所进行,试验田主要杂草有牛毛草、矮慈姑、节节菜、鸭舌草、水莎草、四叶萍、稗草等,占总株数的98%。供试水稻品种为杂交稻汕优64,8月7日移栽。试验田底施尿素30千克,磷肥30千克,钾肥15千克,8月12日每亩追施尿素5千克。试验田土壤质地为中壤,田间杂草常年发生严重。  相似文献   

灭草宝防除稻田杂草的效果李美玲周小刚李聪高菡(四川省农科院植保所,成都610066)四川省是我国水稻主要产区之一,种植面积大,杂草种类多。尤其是抛秧技术日渐推广,杂草防除更为困难。为了选择广谱、高效、低毒、安全,且能一次性防除稻田杂草的除草剂,我们于...  相似文献   

肥床旱育秧已发展成为我市水稻的主要育秧方式,1998年由肥床旱育秧栽插的水稻面积为265万亩,达水稻总面积的72.2%。有效防除肥床旱育秧田发生普遍、危害严重的杂草,已成为培育壮秧的重要一环。为评价施田补等除草剂在肥床旱育秧田的应用前景,1998年在金湖县进行了以施田补为主的田间药效比较试验和示范应用。1材料与方法1.1供试药剂33%施田补乳油(美国氰胺公司产)、36%水旱灵乳油(丁+恶,如皋市农用化工厂产)、60%丁草脸乳油(昆山化工厂产)、25%抛秧净(二氯+苄)悬浮剂(新沂市中凯农药公司产)、30%扫菲特乳油(瑞士…  相似文献   

灭草王系江苏省激素研究所研制的磺酰脲类除草剂,可用于移栽稻田除草。为测定灭草王对移栽稻田杂草的防效、杀草谱、药效期及对水稻的安全性,1991年进行了灭草王防除移栽稻田杂草田间试验。一、材料与方法 (一) 供试药剂:10%灭草王可湿性粉剂(江苏省激素研究所研制);10%新得力可湿性粉剂(美国杜邦公司产)。 (二) 试验设计 1.不同用量试验:设每亩用10%灭草王可湿性粉剂3克、6克、9克,均在移栽后3天以药土法施入。  相似文献   

南通地区棉花生长中前期处于梅雨季节,杂草发生量大,生长特别旺盛。1996~1997年分别在启东和如皋薛窑进行了灭草净、草甘磷等除草剂防除棉花中前期田间杂草试验,现将结果总结如下:1材料与方法1.l供试药剂供试药剂有:11%灭草净水剂(江苏省农科院植保所研制)、42%(草甘腾十已草胺)可湿性粉剂(江苏沿江地区农科所研制)、41%农达水剂(美国盘山都公司产)、10%草甘膀水剂(南通农药厂产)。1.2试验处理试验设置11%灭草净(亩用量、下同)150、250、350ml,10%草甘膀250、350、500ml,42%(草甘膀十乙草胺)150、2759,41%…  相似文献   

开发新的高活性、超高活性除草剂及混剂是近年除草剂发展的热点。江苏省激素研究所推出磺酰脲类二元复配剂灭草王,最具这种代表性。我所就灭草王在稻田中的应用技术如杀草谱、有效剂量、安全性及与其它除草剂混用的可能性等作了探索。一、材料和方法 (一) 供试药剂:10%灭草王可湿性粉剂(江苏省激素研究所提供)、10%农得时可湿性粉剂(美国杜邦公司产)、60%丁草胺(江苏昆山化工厂产)。 (二) 稻田杂草:主要群落有稗草、碎米莎草、异型莎草、鸭舌草、瓜皮草,此外还有尖瓣花、节节菜、四叶萍、草龙、水龙、空心莲子草等。  相似文献   

胺苯磺隆和灭草喹对水稻及玉米幼苗生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文应用生物测定的方法研究胺苯碘隆和灭草喹对水稻、玉米幼苗生长影响。结果表明,①胺苯磺隆抑制水稻幼苗生长的临界浓度为10^-2PPm,随着药剂浓度升高,抑制作用增大。不同水稻品种对胺苯磺隆的敏感性不同。籼、糯、粳稻的EC50值分别为1.318、5.484和75.431ppm。②当胺苯磺隆的深度在10^-2ppm以下时,对幼苗的生长具促进作用。  相似文献   

The effects of sub‐lethal dose of herbicide and nitrogen fertilizer on crop–weed competition were investigated. Biomass increases of winter wheat and a model weed, Brassica napus, at no‐herbicide treatment with increasing nitrogen were successfully described by the inverse quadratic model and the linear model respectively. Increases in weed competitivity (β0) of the rectangular hyperbola and parameter B in the dose–response curve for weed biomass, with increasing nitrogen were also successfully described by the exponential model. New models were developed by incorporating inverse quadratic and exponential models into the combined rectangular hyperbola with the standard dose–response curve for winter wheat biomass yield and the combined standard dose—response model with the rectangular hyperbola for weed biomass, to describe the complex effects of herbicide and nitrogen on crop–weed competition. The models developed were used to predict crop yield and weed biomass and to estimate the herbicide doses required to restrict crop yield loss caused by weeds and weed biomass production to an acceptable level at a range of nitrogen levels. The model for crop yield was further modified to estimate the herbicide dose and nitrogen level to achieve a target crop biomass yield. For the target crop biomass yield of 1200 g m?2 with an infestation of 100 B. napus plants m?2, the model recommended various options for nitrogen and herbicide combinations: 140 and 2.9, 180 and 0.9 and 360 kg ha?1 and 1.7 g a.i. ha?1 of nitrogen and metsulfuron‐methyl respectively.  相似文献   

The herbicide benzoylprop-ethyl [SUFFIX,a ethyl (±)-2-(N-benzoyl-N-3,4-di-chloroanilino) propionate] has been applied in a radiolabelled form to spring wheat and winter wheat growing both indoors and outdoors. During the application the compound also fell onto the soil. The plants and corresponding soils were examined at harvest at 71-98 days from treatment. Conversion of the herbicide occurred in plants and soil predominantly by a hydrolytic reaction to form benzoylpropb followed in plants by its conjugation with sugars. Small amounts of N-benzoyl-3,4-dichloroaniline and benzoic acid were also detected in plants. There was no evidence for the presence of 3,4-dichloroaniline in the crops or soils nor was there evidence for 3,4,3′,4′-tetra-chloroazobenzene which has been implicated as a degradation product of some 3,4-dichloroaniline herbicides in soils. Residues on plants were greatest in the straw and consisted mainly of benzoylprop-ethyl and benzoylprop in free and conjugated forms. There was no evidence for appreciable movement of the compound within the plant from the treated foliage. Residues were particularly low in the grain and were not detected in the crop grown outdoors (limit of detectability 0.01 mg/kg). Residues in the soils were mainly in the 0-7.5 cm layer and there was no evidence for leaching below 15 cm.  相似文献   

A suite of dose-response bioassays with white mustard (Sinapis alba L) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L) in the greenhouse and with three herbicides was used to analyse how the fluorescence induction curves (Kautsky curves) were affected by the herbicides. Bentazone, a photosystem II (PSII) inhibitor, completely blocked the normal fluorescence decay after the P-step. In contrast, fluorescence decay was still obvious for flurochloridone, a PDS inhibitor, and glyphosate, an EPSP inhibitor, which indicated that PSII inhibition was incomplete. From the numerous parameters that can be derived from OJIP-steps of the Kautsky curve the relative changes at the J-step [Fvj = (Fm - Fj)/Fm] was selected to be a common response parameter for the herbicides and yielded consistent dose-response relationships. Four hours after treatment, the response Fvj on the doses of bentazone and flurochloridone could be measured. For glyphosate, the changes of the Kautsky curve could similarly be detected 4 h after treatment in sugar beet, but only after 24 hs in S alba. The best prediction of biomass in relation to Fvj was found for bentazone. The experiments were conducted between May and August 2002 and showed that the ambient temperature and solar radiation in the greenhouse could affect dose-response relationships. If the Kautsky curve parameters should be used to predict the outcome of herbicide screening experiments in the greenhouse, where ambient radiation and temperature can only partly be controlled, it is imperative that the chosen fluorescence parameters can be used to predict accurately the resulting biomass used in classical bioassays.  相似文献   

马铃薯多功能专用肥配方筛选及其对土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在甘肃省河西内陆灌区的耕种栗钙土上,采用田间试验方法,研究了多功能专用肥配方筛选及与土壤理化性质和马铃薯经济效益间的关系。结果表明:影响马铃薯产量因素由大到小的顺序依次是:多元复混肥>保水剂>聚乙烯醇>5406菌剂>糠醛渣;因素间最佳组合是:5406菌剂101.25 kg·hm-2、多元复混肥1 500 kg·hm-2、保水剂22.50 kg·hm-2、聚乙烯醇67.50 kg·hm-2、糠醛渣11.25 kg·hm< sup>-2。多功能专用肥施肥量与土壤孔隙度、团聚体、蓄水量、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾、微生物数量、马铃薯植物学性状、经济性状和产量呈正相关关系,与土壤容重、pH呈负相关关系。随着多功能专用肥施肥量的增加,马铃薯产量、肥料贡献率在增加,但边际产量、边际利润在递减,多功能专用肥施肥量在1.40 t·hm-2的基础上,再继续增加施肥量,边际利润出现负值。经回归统计分析,多功能专用肥施肥量与马铃薯产量间的肥料效应回归方程是:y=24.79+6.5408x-0.9251x2,经济效益最佳施肥量为1.3999 t·hm-2,马铃薯理论产量为35.7602 t·hm-2。在耕种栗钙土上施用多功能专用肥,有效改善了土壤的理化性质和生物学性质,提高了马铃薯的施肥利润和产量。  相似文献   

The influence of weather and agronomic factors on the activity of six selective herbicides applied at reproductive stages of development for the reduction in seed production of Raphanus raphanistrum in wheat was evaluated. The herbicides used in this way generally reduced seed production by between 80% and 100%. Triasulfuron and mixtures of triasulfuron + MCPA consistently provided the greatest reduction in seed production. This was greater when herbicides were applied at the bud and early flowering stages of R. raphanistrum and the efficacy of the herbicides increased as maximum temperature on the day of spraying increased over the range 14–24°C. An applied model developed from these results predicts the reduction in seed production of R. raphanistrum, for each herbicide, given the stage of weed development and maximum temperature on the day of its application. Wheat yield was significantly reduced as densities of R. raphanistrum increased, with predicted losses at low densities being approximately half of those reported in the literature. There was no consistent evidence that the late application of herbicides had any negative effect on wheat yield through crop injury, nor was there any indication of yield improvement. It is concluded that certain herbicides applied during the reproductive phase of development have considerable potential to reduce R. raphanistrum seed production in wheat crops. As part of an integrated strategy, such late post‐emergence application of selective herbicides to regulate seed production has a likely role for managing weed seedbanks, but little or no value for counteracting weed competition.  相似文献   

双甲胺草磷防除胡萝卜田杂草效果及安全性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双甲胺草磷乳油25-100ga.i./667m^2施后45-55d,对胡萝卜田主要禾本科杂草和阔叶杂草具有很好的防除效果,鲜重防效达83%-99%,对胡萝卜安全,胡萝卜增产显著。  相似文献   

咪唑啉酮类除草剂的应用及降解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵爽  叶非 《植物保护》2009,35(2):15-19
咪唑啉酮类除草剂虽具有高效广谱的特点,但有较长的残留活性,长期使用会造成作物药害,并且会制约正常的作物轮作。因此,如何解决其残留问题已成为目前的重要课题。本文介绍了咪唑啉酮类除草剂的种类和特性,阐述了此类除草剂在杂草体内的作用方式、代谢机制、应用情况及其在土壤中的降解途径,并对该类除草剂的应用与降解研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

高钾肥力土壤增施钾肥对马铃薯的生物效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了优化马铃薯生产过程中肥料养分管理和高效利用,于2011年在甘肃省定西市选择高钾肥力土壤布置大田试验,在等氮磷用量基础上,研究了施钾水平(0,120,240,360,480 K2O kg·hm-2)对马铃薯产量和品质及经济效益的影响。结果表明,马铃薯商品率、产量和产值随施钾水平的提高而呈先增高后下降的趋势,商品率、产量以K120和K240较高,但纯收入以K120最高;马铃薯块茎淀粉、总糖、还原糖、Vc、蛋白质和干物质含量随施钾水平的提高而呈先增高后下降的趋势,淀粉和总糖含量以K240最高,而还原糖、Vc、蛋白质和干物质含量以K120最高,说明在高钾肥力土壤上适量增施钾肥可以提高马铃薯的产量和改善其品质。本试验条件下,马铃薯最高产量施钾量与经济最佳施钾量分别为162.06 kg·hm-2和126.44 kg·hm-2。  相似文献   

芹菜苗床杂草不但拔除困难,费工费时,且严重影响培育壮苗,已成为芹菜高产的一大障碍。为了有效推广化学除草,2004年进行了药剂筛选试验。1材料与方法1.1试验设计试验设4个处理:(1)48%氟乐灵EC 100m l/667m2;(2)25%除草醚WP 600 g/667m2;(3)60%拉索EC 200 g/667m2;(4)60%丁草胺EC 100g/667m2。1.2试验方法试验地设在睢宁县魏集镇双楼村前郭组和张庄组,土质均为沙壤土,小区面积3 m2,3次重复,随机排列。芹菜品种为津南实芹。7月28日播种,7月29日床面施药,喷液量为60 kg/667m2。施药后10~30 d调查除草效果及对芹菜的安全性。2结果与分析2.1…  相似文献   

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