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母猪瘫痪在饲养管理粗放、饲料条件较差和气候寒冷的情况下极易发生。该病发生后 ,不但影响母猪的利用价值 ,而且影响仔猪的质量 ,给生产造成很大的损失。1 发病时间与症状母猪瘫痪一般发生在产前数天及产后3 0d左右 ,个别母猪在产后几天内就会出现腰部麻痹、瘸腿及瘫痪现象。瘫痪之前 ,大多数母猪食欲减退或不食 ,行动迟缓 ,粪便干硬成算盘珠状 ,喜饮清水 ,有拱地、啃砖、食粪等异食现象 ,但体温正常。瘫痪发生后 ,起立困难 ,扶起后呆立 ,站立不能持久 ,行走时后躯摇摆、无力。驱赶时后肢拖地行走 ,并有尖叫声 ,最后瘫卧不动。2 发病原…  相似文献   

母猪产后瘫痪的病因及防治   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
母猪产后瘫是母猪产后突然发生的一种严重的急性神经障碍性疾病,多因母猪营养不良、体质瘦弱,饲料过于单一,饲料中钙磷失调以及食盐含量不足,导致母猪产后血糖血钙过低,以至母猪产后瘫痪。对发病因素、发病类型、临床症状、预防和治疗措施等方面内容进行综述,以期给临床治疗提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

母猪产后瘫痪是母猪在分娩前或分娩后发生的急性神经障碍性疾病,高产和多产母猪患产后瘫痪的机率较高。母猪患病后出现低血钙症,四肢运动力逐步减弱直至完全丧失,进而影响繁殖功能。母猪产后瘫痪为养猪业常见的神经障碍性疾病之一,发病率高、死亡率低,但是严重影响母猪产后恢复和仔猪生长发育,必须给予高度重视。本文从营养、环境和管理3个因素分析母猪出现产后瘫痪的原因,分别介绍了寒湿型、营养不良型和坐骨神经损伤型瘫痪的临床症状,最后指出母猪产后瘫痪的防治措施,以期更好地促进母猪产后恢复和仔猪健康成长。  相似文献   

母猪的生产瘫痪是母猪的常见疾病之一,多发生于母猪生产前或生产后.如果治疗不及时会严重影响母猪的健康和仔猪的成活率,会给养殖户造成一定的经济损失.本文对母猪产前产后瘫痪发病原因与综合防治展开了讨论,供参考.1发病原因1.1 日常饲养的营养不足生猪需要去吸收众多的营养,生存和增重,并成为优质的猪肉来源.平时要对生猪的饲...  相似文献   

(一)病因母猪软脚、产前产后瘫痪的主要原因是由于饲料中营养物质缺乏、妊娠后期胎儿快速生长、泌乳消耗以及母猪生产应激引起的缺钙、缺磷、缺维生素D和生物素等物质引起肌体钙磷代i射紊乱。(二)症状该病表现为急性神经功能障碍,特征是知觉丧失及四肢瘫痪。产后瘫痪多发生于产后2~5天。  相似文献   

母猪瘫痪是一种代谢病,主要发生在临产数天或产仔后6~20d的经产母猪,由于怀孕后期胎儿的发育,迅速消耗母体钙,母猪分娩后随着乳汁排出大量钙盐,加上饲料营养不足,分娩后肠道吸收钙、维生素D的能力减弱,血钙不能及时得到补充,机体血钙下降,机体的动态平衡失调,没有得到及时补充而瘫痪。笔者采取综合疗法治疗母猪瘫痪获得满意效果。  相似文献   

母猪瘫痪一年四季均可发生,但在饲养管理粗放、饲料条件较差和气候寒冷的情况下极易发生。该病发生后,不但影响母猪的利用价值,而且也影响仔猪的质量,给生产造成很大的损失。发病时间与症状:母猪瘫痪一般发生在产前数天及产后30d左右,个别母猪在产后几天内就会出现腰部麻痹、瘸腿及瘫痪现象。瘫痪之前,大多母猪食欲减退或不食,行动迟缓,粪便干硬成算盘珠状,喜饮清水,有拱地、啃砖、食粪等异食现象,但体温正常。瘫痪发生后,起立困难,扶起后呆立、站立不能持久,行走时后躯摇摆、无力。驱赶时后肢拖地行走,并有尖叫声,最后瘫卧不动。发病原因:…  相似文献   

母猪产后瘫痪的原因及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
母猪产后瘫痪是母猪产后突然发生的一种严重的神经障碍性综合征。母猪产后瘫痪已成为目前养猪业上常见的多发病,严重影响母猪的使用年限和仔猪的成活率,给养猪生产带来较大的经济损失。对母猪产后瘫痪的发病原因进行了分析,提出有针对性的治疗方法和预防措施,旨在为此疾病的预防和治疗提供相关参考。  相似文献   

瘫痪是临床上常见的运动障碍症状之一,病因很多,发病机理复杂,对养殖业的危害是很大的。本文通过大量资料,分析、归纳、总结,对动物机体瘫痪做了较为系统的综述,以对瘫痪有一个全面的了解和认识,提高临床诊断水平。  相似文献   



An easy-to-handle microarray assay based on the cost-effective ArrayTube™ platform has been designed for the rapid and unequivocal identification of Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of Q fever. The gene targets include the chromosomally coded markers icd, omp/com1, and IS1111 as well as the plasmid coded markers cbbE and cbhE.


A representative panel comprising 50 German C. burnetii isolates and 10 clinical samples was examined to validate the test. All tested isolates harboured plasmid QpH1 and were correctly identified, corresponding to 100% sensitivity. The assay’s limit of detection was 100 genome equivalents (GE) for icd, omp/com1, cbbE and cbhE and 10 GE for IS1111. Assay specificity was 100% as determined by analysing a panel of 37 non-Coxiella strains.


The present array is a rational assembly of established and evaluated targets for the rapid and unequivocal detection of C. burnetii. This array could be applied to the screening of vaginal swabs from small ruminants; screening of environmental samples e.g. on farms or screening of human samples.  相似文献   

The current diagnostic procedures for Q fever are discussed, especially isolation and propagation of Coxiella burnetii in BGM cell cultures, detection of antigen by an enzyme immunoassay using a biotinylated monoclonal antibody and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The latter is of special importance for differentiation of isolates.  相似文献   

Cytoecetes phagocytophila, a neutrophilic rickettsia which parasitizes sheep and cattle, was propagated transiently at 37°C in cultures of heparinized whole blood of sheep supplemented with Medium 199 containing HEPES buffer. Significant increases in the number of infected cells and the number of rickettsias per infected cell were observed within 24 h. Back-passage into sheep produced typical tick-borne fever.  相似文献   

Composition of sow milk during lactation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The composition of sow colostrum and milk was quantitated in 25 sows at 14 time points throughout lactation. All animals belonged to the same experimental herd of German Landrace, farrowed within 4 d, and were of various lactation numbers and various litter sizes. In the first 6 h of lactation colostrum total solids (TS) and protein contents were higher, while fat and lactose contents were lower than in mature milk. Decreased total protein and whey protein contents and concomitantly increased fat and lactose content, with nearly unchanged TS levels, indicate transition from colostrum to mature milk. The high protein content of colostrum was largely due to immunoglobulin (Ig). During the first 6 h, IgG accounts for nearly all the protein in colostrum but plays a decreasing role in sow milk as lactation proceeds. After 2 wk, IgA levels begin to increase and at the end of lactation, IgA constitutes 40% of the total whey protein. No influences of lactation number and litter size on milk composition could be ascertained in this study.  相似文献   

Estimation of sow milk nutrient output   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ten replicates of two littermate gilts were used during a 21-d lactation in order to calculate relationships between milk nutrient intake and piglet growth rate and composition of gain. Gilts were fed 14.2 or 10.4 Mcal ME/d and litter size was standardized to 9 or 10 piglets. Piglets had no access to creep feed. Milk production was measured on 10 sucklings over 12 h on d 1, 5, 9, 13, 17 and 21 by the weigh-suckle-weigh method. Heat production of the piglets was measured (RQ method) on the same days in a confinement chamber. Milk composition was determined on the days following milk production measurements. Four to ten piglets/litter were slaughtered at weaning and their body composition was determined. Milk nutrient production during part of lactation was related closely to piglet weight gain and body weight (R2 = .80 to .96). Milk DM, energy and N output over the entire lactation were predicted from piglet ADG (R2 = .87 to .90) when, for each litter, the difference between energy in piglet daily weight gain measured by the slaughter technique and energy in piglet daily weight gain estimated by the RQ method was included in the model. This variable corrects for milk production measurement errors. The relationships were slightly improved, especially for energy output, when the composition of piglet weight gain was taken into account (R2 = .93 to .97).  相似文献   

Anaplasma phagocytophilum, the causative agent of tick-borne fever (TBF) in sheep and cattle and human granulocytic anaplasmosis, has the unique ability to infect and multiply within neutrophils, eosinophils and monocytes, cells at the frontline of the immune system. Infection with A. phagocytophilum is also characterized by severe leukopenia due to lymphocytopenia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia lasting for several days. By itself TBF does not cause high mortality rates but infected animals are more susceptible to other secondary infections, pregnant animals may abort and there is a severe reduction in milk yield in dairy cattle. The susceptibility to secondary infections can be attributed to the leukopenia that accompanies the disease and the organism's adverse effects on lymphocyte and neutrophil functions. One of its fascinating features is that it infects and actively grows in neutrophils by employing an array of mechanisms to subvert their bactericidal activity. These include its ability to inhibit phagosome-lysosome fusion, to suppress respiratory burst and to delay the apoptotic death of neutrophils. It is also able to survive within an apparently immune host by employing a complex mechanism of antigenic variation.  相似文献   

Equations were developed to describe milk production and composition in the lactating sow on the basis of maximum yield curves diminished by low nutrient availability and low body reserves. Milk output was given first priority on available nutrients, with high efficiency (0.72 and 0.82 for energy and protein, respectively), followed by support costs, which in turn, were dependent on level of production.Availability of nutrients for maternal tissue accretion was determined to be highly dependent on the ratio of energy to protein in the diet, and diminished markedly at higher levels of intake. Dietary energy availability ranged from 0.95 to 0.77 and protein availability between 0.8 and 0.57 at the extremes of intake examined. The ratio of dietary energy to protein also proved to be an important determinant of milk output and the composition of body tissue mobilisation. The resulting model predictions closely approximated the responses observed in practice and provided a valuable means of evaluating nutritional strategies for the reproducing sow.  相似文献   

奶牛产乳热是奶牛围产期的多发病,在养殖生产中造成了重大危害。研究发现,产乳热的发生与分娩前后血钙浓度降低有关。甲状旁腺激素(PTH)、降钙素(CT)和1α,25-(OH)_2D_3可直接或间接地调控破骨细胞(OC)的形成、活化和骨吸收功能,从而调控骨钙动员和血钙浓度,很可能与产乳热的发生息息相关。本文就PTH、CT和1α,25-(OH)_2D_3在产乳热中调控OC的可能机制作一综述。  相似文献   

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