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土传黄瓜立枯病高效拮抗菌的筛选鉴定及其生物效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用平板对峙法从黄瓜根际土壤中分离出的400余株细菌菌株中筛选出16株对立枯丝核菌Rhizoctonia solani具有拮抗效果的菌株,抑菌带直径在0.81~1.93 cm之间。并从中选出3株抑菌带直径在1.6cm以上的菌株N33、N35和N43,结合形态、生理生化特性及16S rDNA序列比对分析,鉴定N33菌株为假单胞菌属Pseudomonas sp.,N35和N43菌株为芽胞杆菌属Bacillus sp.。通过在黄瓜育苗基质中添加选育的高效拮抗菌株,观测其对黄瓜苗生长的促进作用以及对立枯病的防治作用,3株菌株均具有促进黄瓜苗期生长和防治苗期立枯病的作用,其中N43菌株促生及防病效果均最显著,地上部鲜重比对照处理增加62.16%,防治效果达62%。  相似文献   

In a long term field experiment the influence of crop rotation and the application of insecticides and herbicides on soil arthropods (mesofauna), nematodes, soil fungi and weeds was investigated. Possible changes in numbers of not only pathogenic organisms, but also of predators or parasites of pathogens, could affect seedling establishment and/or yield of sugar beet. In soil samples taken during the spring, high population of the springtailOnychiurus armatus ware detected which caused considerable damage in the first two years. Later also rather severe infestations byAtomaria linearis occurred, probably caused by frequent sugar beet cropping.No significant influence of crop rotation on damage caused by soil arthropods could be detected yet, but in the 1/3 sugar beet and 2/3 winter wheat rotation more micro-arthropods and a higher diversity of species were found than in the blocks with continuous sugar beet growing. In the latter ones the numbers ofHeterodera schachtii increased and in 1980 the tolerance level was exceeded. On the contrary in the 1/3 sugar beet blocksPratylenchus spp. were dominant. Since a number of perennial weeds cannot be controlled sufficiently in sugar beet, some of them created a problem in the 1/1 sugar beet blocks.In the plots not treated with a soil herbicide large numbers of annual weeds provided alternative native food forO. armatus, which resulted in less plant damage. No significant effect of chloridazon on the micro-arthropod fauna could be detected. The insecticides lindane and aldicarb controlledO. armatus andA. linearis partially, and improved seedling emergence and to a lesser extent yield. Both insecticides had a variable effect on the relative abundancy ofCollembola and in addition lindane suppressed numbers ofAcariformes and aldicarb those ofParasitiformes. No negative influence on the species diversity could be detected. All effects did not last long and varied considerably from year to year.Indications were found that, if species ofCollembola, which could act as predators of nematodes, were suppressed, the numbers ofPratylenchus spp. andH. schachtii increased.Samenvatting In een veeljarig proefveld (1976–1979) werd de invloed van de vruchtopvolging en toepassing van insecticiden en herbiciden op bodemarthropoden (mesofauna), nematoden, bodemschimmels en onkruiden onderzocht. Niet alleen mogelijke veranderingen in de aantallen schadeverwekkers, maar ook in de aantallen predatoren en pathogenen van bodemplagen zouden het plantbestand en/of de opbrengst van suikerbieten kunnen beïnvloeden.Gedurende de eerste twee jaar van de proef werden in grondmonsters, die gedurende het voorjaar werden genomen, grote aantallen springstaarten (Onychiurus armatus) aangetroffen, die aanzienlijke schade veroorzaakten. Later kwamen eveneens aantastingen door het bietekevertje (Atomaria linearis) voor, waardoor in meerdere of mindere mate planten wegvielen.Er kon nog geen duidelijke invloed van de vruchtopvolging op de schade door bodemarthropoden worden vastgesteld, maar in de rotatie met 1/3 suikerbieten en 2/3 wintertarwe werden meer micro-arthropoden en een grotere soortenrijkdom gevonden dan in de gedeelten met een continuteelt van suikerbieten. In laatstgenoemde veldjes zijn de aantallen bietecystenaaltjes (Heterodera schachtii) toegenomen, waarbij in 1980 de tolerantiegrens werd overschreden. Daarentegen vond in de veldjes met 1/3 suikerbieten in de rotatie een sterkere vermeerdering vanPratylenchus spp. plaats dan in de continuteelt. Aangezien een aantal wortelonkruiden in suikerbieten niet voldoende kan worden bestreden, veroorzaakten enkele na enige jaren een probleem in de continue bietenteelt.In de veldjes die niet met een bodemherbicide waren behandeld vormden grote aantallen zaadonkruiden een alternatieve voedselbron voorOnychiurus armatus, wat een geringere aantasting van kiemplanten tot gevolg had. Er werd geen aantoonbaar effect van chloridazon op de micro-arthropoden vastgesteld.De insecticiden lindaan en aldicarb konden schade doorOnychiurus armatus enAtomaria linearis slechts gedeeltelijk voorkomen; er werd een duidelijk betere opkomst en soms ook een hogere opbrengst verkregen. Beide insecticiden hadden een wisselende invloed op de relatieve talrijkheid vanCollembola en bovendien onderdrukte lindaan de aantallenAcariformes en aldicarb deParasitiformes. Er kon geen negatieve invloed op de soortenrijkdom worden vastgesteld. Al deze effecten waren niet van langdurige aard en verschilden sterk van jaar to jaar.Er werden aanwijzingen gevonden dat, indien bepaalde soortenCollembola, die als predatoren van nematoden kunnen optreden, werden onderdrukt, de aantallenPratylenchus spp. enHeterodera schachtii toenamen.  相似文献   

为探究复合微生物菌剂对苹果再植病害的生防效果,以苹果砧木实生海棠幼苗为试材,通过盆栽试验测试了木美土里复合微生物菌剂对苹果再植病害的防治效果及对再植海棠的促生作用,然后对该菌剂的可分离微生物进行了分离纯化,并以尖孢镰刀菌Fusarium oxysporum菌株HS2为靶标菌,测试分离获得的10株菌株的拮抗效果,并对拮抗效果显著的1株真菌菌株和2株细菌菌株进行种类鉴定。结果表明,木美土里复合微生物菌剂对苹果再植病害的防治效果达87.78%;经该菌剂处理后,再植海棠苗的株高、茎粗、鲜重、干重及叶面积分别是对照处理的1.51、2.00、5.74、5.21和2.83倍,表明该菌剂有显著的促生作用。木美土里复合微生物菌剂对菌株HS2的抑制率达到68.59%,并从中分离到7株真菌菌株,3株细菌菌株。其中,拮抗效果高于80.00%的真菌菌株有1株,细菌菌株有2株。经鉴定,真菌菌株MMTL-1为哈茨木霉Trichoderma harzianum;细菌菌株BM-01和BM-03均为解淀粉芽胞杆菌Bacillus amyloliquefaciens。  相似文献   

A trail field was managed for six years to test effects of short crop rotations, soil fumigation and granular nematicides on the population dynamics of the yellow beet cyst nematode (Heterodera trifolii f. sp.beta) and sugar-beet yields.In the two-year rotation, the cyst nematode population before planting varied from about the tolerance level (5 eggs per millilitre of soil) to 25 eggs per millitlitre of soil, leading to losses of sugar yield. Soil fumigation with metam-sodium effectively reduced the nematode density before planting, resulting in a 15 and 25% increase in sugar yield in the first two crops, respectively, but was insufficient to protect the third sugar-beet crop from yield-reducing nematode attack. This was attributed to the wet soil at the time of application and accelerated disappearence of the chemical in the soil through biological adaptation to repeated fumigation. Oxamyl or aldicarb granular nematicides applied as a side-dressing to the rows had insufficient effect to protect the sugar-beet from yield-reducing nematode attack. An overall treatment with aldicarb rotavated into the soil, alone and in addition to soil fumigation, increased sugar yield significantly. However in the two-year rotation, yield of the third sugar-beet crop treated with soil fumigation and granular nematicide was still lower than that of the untreated second crop in the three-year rotation.In the three-year rotation, thecyst nematode population before sugar-beet varied from hardly detectable to about the tolerance level. Here sugar-beet could be protected from yield-reducing nematode attack by soil fumigation or an overall treatment with granular nematicide. In the threeyear rotation with soil fumigation an increase ofRhizoctonia crown rot was observed in the second sugar-beet crop.Samenvatting Om de effecten na te gaan van korte rotaties, grondontsmetting en nematicide granulaten op het populatieverloop van de gele bietcystenematode (Heterodera trifolii f.sp.beta) en de opbrengsten van suikerbieten werd gedurende zes jaren een proef uitgevoerd op een natuurlijk besmet perceel van de proefboerderij Vredepeel.In de tweejarige rotatie variëerde de cystenematodepopulatie vóór het bietegewas boven de schadedrempel, wat resulteerde in verlaging van de suikeropbrengst. Grondontsmetting met metam-natrium veroorzaakte een effective vermindering van de dichtheid van de nematoden vóór de bieten en een verhoging van de suikeropbrengst van respectievelijk 15 en 25% bij de eerste twee gewassen, maar was onvoldeende om het derde bietegewas te beschermen tegen een opbrengst verminderende aantasting door nematoden. Dit was een gevolg van natte bodemomstandigheden bij het injecteren en het versneld verdwijenen van het middel door biologische adaptatie van de grond na herhaalde ontsmetting. Nematicide granulaten (oxamyl of aldicarb) naast de rij toegepast hadden onvoldoende effect om de bieten te beschermen tegen een opbrengstverminderende aantasting door nematoden. Een volvelds toepassing van in de grond gefreesde aldicarb alleen en toegevoegd na grondontsmetting verhoodge de suikeropbrengst beduidend. De opbrengst van het derde suikerbietegewas in de tweejarige rotatie was echter na toepassing van grondontsmetting en nematicide granulaten nog beduidend lager dan die van het onbehandelde tweede suikerbietegewas in de driejarige rotatie.In de driejarige rotatie variëerde de cystenematodepopulatie vóór het bietegewas van nauwelijks aantoonbaar tot nabij de tolerantiegrens. Hier kon het suikerbietegewas worden beschermd tegen een eventueel opbrengst verminderende nematodenaantasting door grondontsmetting of volveldstoepassing van nematicide granulaten.  相似文献   

玉米内生菌L10的分离、鉴定及拮抗活性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为获得对玉米茎腐病主要病原菌禾谷镰孢Fusarium graminearum有明显拮抗作用的玉米内生菌,采用平板对峙法从成熟健康玉米茎秆中筛选禾谷镰孢拮抗菌株,并分析其抗菌谱;通过形态特征、生理生化特性及16S rDNA序列分析进行菌种鉴定;利用盆栽生防试验检测其对玉米茎腐病的防治效果。结果表明,共分离获得了164株玉米内生细菌菌株,其中L10菌株对禾谷镰孢具有较好的抑制效果,抑菌圈半径达1.68 cm;该菌对玉米大斑病菌Setosphaeria turcica、层出镰孢F. proliferatum、禾谷镰孢F. graminearum、拟轮枝镰孢F. verticilliodes、玉米弯孢叶斑病菌Curvularia lunata、玉米小斑病菌Bipolaris maydis、立枯丝核菌Rhizoctonia solani、茄链格孢Alternaria solani共8种植物病原菌均有拮抗作用,尤其对禾谷镰孢抑制效果最佳;结合形态特征、生理生化性质及16S rDNA序列分析,将L10菌株鉴定为多粘类芽胞杆菌Paenibacillus polymyxa。L10菌株脂肽类物质对禾谷镰孢菌具有较好的抑制活性,且盆栽生防试验结果显示该菌株对玉米茎腐病具有一定的防治效果。表明菌株L10对玉米镰孢茎腐病的防治具有一定潜力。  相似文献   

以黄瓜枯萎病病原菌,尖孢镰刀菌黄瓜专化型(FOC,Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cucumerinum)为靶标筛选拮抗菌。通过初筛和复筛,获得2株对尖孢镰刀菌黄瓜专化型拮抗效果稳定、拮抗能力较强的细菌QHZ-Yb1和QHZ-Yb2(以下简称,Yb1和Yb2),采用平板对峙法测定其拮抗作用,抑菌带宽度达3.37 mm和3.42 mm,抑菌圈直径2.7 cm,抑菌率分别达到61.9%和62.3%;通过形态学结合生理生化及菌株的16S rDNA序列分析,初步确定这两株菌均为萎缩芽孢杆菌(Bacillus atrophaeus);潜在拮抗促生因子的测定结果表明:菌株Yb1和Yb2具有多种拮抗促生因子,其脂肽类粗提取物的抑菌率分别达到57.4%和58.0%,生长素IAA的分泌量可达1.56 mg·L~(-1)和3.69 mg·L~(-1),溶P量为0.77 mg·L~(-1)和1.19 mg·L~(-1),两个菌株均可产嗜铁素、分泌酪蛋白酶;种子萌发试验结果表明:Yb1和Yb2菌液均可促进黄瓜种子的萌发;菌株生物效应的盆栽试验结果表明:Yb1、Yb2以及Yb1+Yb2菌悬液的处理不仅对黄瓜枯萎病有明显的生防效果,而且可显著增加黄瓜植株的生物量,增加黄瓜植株根际土中细菌和放线菌的数量,减少真菌和尖孢镰刀菌的数量,尤其以Yb1+Yb2菌悬液的处理效果最显著,对黄瓜枯萎病的发病率降低11.11个百分点,植株生物量增加56.7%。结论:菌株Yb1和Yb2具有生防潜力,两菌株配合运用效果更好。  相似文献   

Polymyxa betae, the vector of beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), (the causal agent of rhizomania of sugar-beet), forms cystosores which are very persistent and might be dispersed by soil, beet seeds, plant material and stable manure. Research has been carried out into the risk of dissemination; relative importance was not determined. Inoculation with diseased soil in a field caused rhizomania in sugar-beets within one year. This implies that even small amounts of soil adhering to plant roots constitute a potential danger. Direct transmission of BNYVV by sugar-beet seeds could not be demonstrated, but, after processing and cleaning seed lots originating from infested fields, the seed waste proved to be contaminated. Cystosores ofP. betae and, to a lesser extent, BNYVV could pass through the intestine of sheep in fodder experiments carried out with heavily infested sugar-beet tails.Samenvatting De vector van het bieterhizomanievirus,Polymyxa betae, vormt zeer persistente ruststructuren (cystosoren) die verspreid worden met grond, bietezaad, plantmateriaal en stalmest.Onderzoek is uitgevoerd naar de risico's van verspreiding, maar door het ontbreken van kwantitatieve methoden kon de relatieve belangrijkheid niet worden vastgesteld.Wanneer een gezond perceel werd besmet met geïnfecteerde grond (20 ng dm–3 op bouwvoor), werd binnen één jaar aantasting door rhizomanie waargenomen. Dit wijst erop dat geringe hoeveelheden grond, die meekomen met wortelmateriaal van plantgoed, een potentieel gevaar vormen.Directe overdracht van het bieterhizomanievirus door bietezaad kon niet worden aangetoond, maar na het schonen en bewerken van zaadpartijen afkomstig van zieke percelen bleek dat schoningsafval en in het bijzonder de grondfractie daarvan, wel was besmet.Cystosoren vanP. betae en in mindere mate het bieterhizomanievirus konden het maag-darmkanaal van schapen passeren, hetgeen werd aangetoond in enkele voederproeven, uitgevoerd met zwaar besmette suikerbietestaartjes.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of suppression of fusarium wilt of carnation by two fluorescentPseudomonas strains were studied.Treatments of carnation roots withPseudomonas sp. WCS417r significantly reduced fusarium wilt caused byFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi (Fod). Mutants of WCS417r defective in siderophore biosynthesis (sid) were less effective in disease suppression compared with their wild-type. Treatments of carnation roots withPseudomonas putida WCS358r tended to reduce fusarium wilt, whereas a sid mutant of WCS358 did not.Inhibition of conidial germination of Fod in vitro by purified siderophores (pseudobactins) of bothPseudomonas strains was based on competition for iron. The ferrated pseudobactins inhibited germination significantly less than the unferrated pseudobactins. Inhibition of mycelial growth of Fod by bothPseudomonas strains on agar plates was also based on competition for iron: with increasing iron content of the medium, inhibition of Fod by thePseudomonas strains decreased. The sid mutant of WCS358 did not inhibit Fod on agar plates, whereas the sid mutants of WCS417r still did. This suggests that inhibition of Fod by WCS358r in vitro was only based on siderophore-mediated competition for iron, whereas also a non-siderophore antifungal factor was involved in the inhibition of Fod by strain WCS417r.The ability of thePseudomonas strains to induce resistance against Fod in carnation grown in soil was studied by spatially separating the bacteria (on the roots) and the pathogen (in the stem). Both WCS417r and its sid mutant reduced disease incidence significantly in the moderately resistant carnation cultivar Pallas, WCS358r did not.It is concluded that the effective and consistent suppression of fusarium wilt of carnation by strain WCS417r involves multiple mechanisms: induced resistance, siderophore-mediated competition for iron and possibly antibiosis. The less effective suppression of fusarium wilt by WCS358r only depends on siderophore-mediated competition for iron.  相似文献   

为筛选具有广谱拮抗作用的内生菌,采用平板对峙法从健康红掌组织中分离和筛选对多种病原菌有拮抗作用的内生菌株,选择拮抗作用较好的菌株进行抑菌谱和拮抗作用测定,通过形态学特征、生理生化特性和分子生物学特征对其进行鉴定,利用盆栽试验测定其对红掌的促生作用和对红掌细菌性疫病的防效。结果显示,在健康红掌中共分离得到237株内生细菌,其中菌株Y-54的拮抗作用最强,其50倍发酵液对红掌细菌性疫病菌Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae的抑制作用最强,抑制率达37.78%;同时对多种病原真菌具有较强的抑制作用,其中对番茄叶霉病菌Cladosporium fulvum的抑制率达86.42%。结合形态学特征、生理生化特性和分子生物学特征将菌株Y-54鉴定为暹罗芽胞杆菌Bacillus siamensis。菌株Y-54的50倍发酵液可显著提高红掌叶长、叶宽和叶绿素相对含量(soil and plant analyzer development,SPAD)值,施药14 d和28 d后对红掌细菌性疫病的防效分别为62.94%和59.56%,与对照药剂的防效相当,表明菌...  相似文献   

Inoculation of tomato seeds with the plant growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense, or spraying tomato foliage with A. brasilense, streptomycin sulfate, or commercial copper bactericides, separately, before or after inoculation with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, the casual agent of bacterial speck of tomato, had no lasting effect on disease severity or on plant height and dry weight. Seed inoculation with A. brasilense combined with a single streptomycin foliar treatment and two foliar bactericide applications at 5-day intervals (a third or less of the recommended commercial dose) reduced disease severity in tomato seedlings by over 90% after 4 weeks, and significantly slowed disease development under mist conditions. A. brasilense did not induce significant systemic resistance against the pathogen although the level of salicylic acid increased in inoculated plants. Treatment of tomato seeds that were artificially inoculated with P. syringae pv. tomato, with a combination of mild chemo-thermal treatment, A. brasilense seed inoculation, and later, a single foliar application of a copper bactericide, nearly eliminated bacterial leaf speck even when the plants were grown under mist for 6 weeks. This study shows that a combination of otherwise ineffective disease management tactics, when applied in concert, can reduce bacterial speck intensity in tomatoes under mist conditions.  相似文献   

为获得对小麦条锈病具有生防潜力的菌株,通过土壤稀释法和皿内拮抗法分离筛选对小麦条锈菌Puccinia striiformis f.sp.triticiPst)有良好拮抗作用的菌株,基于形态学观察、生理生化特性和16S rDNA系统发育分析对其进行分类鉴定,测定其抑菌活性、抑菌谱及生防特性,并通过盆栽试验进一步验证其生防潜力。结果显示,筛选出1株菌株XH可以显著抑制Pst夏孢子萌发,结合形态学和分子生物学特征将其鉴定为直丝紫链霉菌Streptomyces rectiviolaceus;菌株XH发酵滤液对Pst夏孢子的萌发抑制率为94.36%,致死率达91.53%,且该菌株对测试的7种常见植物病原菌均有抑制作用,可以分泌淀粉酶、蛋白酶、纤维素酶和嗜铁素,具有固氮作用;盆栽试验结果显示,菌株XH的菌体悬浮液和发酵滤液可显著降低小麦叶片的Pst侵染量,对小麦条锈病的防治效果分别为54.26%和67.22%。表明菌株XH作为小麦条锈病生防菌株具有较好的开发应用潜力。  相似文献   

黄瓜棒孢叶斑病拮抗细菌的筛选、鉴定及防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为开发防治黄瓜棒孢叶斑病的生防资源,从辽宁省、山东省、河北省该病害发生严重的田块根际土壤中分离和筛选生防菌株,测定所得菌株对黄瓜棒孢叶斑病菌Corynespora cassiicola的抑制活性,通过离体叶片试验、盆栽试验和田间试验,测定其防效,并利用形态学和分子生物学方法对其进行鉴定。结果显示,从30份根际土壤样品中共分离出细菌263株,对黄瓜棒孢叶斑病菌平板抑制率大于60.04%的菌株有10株,其中菌株ZF57的效果最好,抑制率为64.85%;菌株ZF57对其它7种植物病菌也有较好的抑制效果;菌株ZF57对黄瓜棒孢叶斑病的离体叶片防治效果、盆栽防治效果和田间防治效果分别达到66.67%、58.73%和62.13%,与对照药剂氟吡菌酰胺的防治效果相当;经形态学和分子生物学鉴定,菌株ZF57为解淀粉芽胞杆菌Bacillus amyloliquefaciens。  相似文献   

为有效防控十字花科蔬菜生产中的毁灭性病害——根肿病,以尖孢镰孢菌Fusarium oxysporum和辣椒疫霉Phytophthora capsici为指示菌,利用平板对峙法对分离自土壤的1 198株细菌进行筛选,进通过盆栽试验筛选对十字花科根肿病具有良好防效的生防菌株,并基于形态学特征、生理生化特性及16S rDNA、gyrB和atpD多基因系统发育分析对生防菌株进行鉴定,同时测定其抑菌谱和田间防效。结果表明,通过对峙培养筛选获得115株有抑菌效果的生防菌株,采用盆栽试验获得1株对根肿病菌具有拮抗效果的菌株,命名为ZF480。结合形态学特征和系统发育分析结果将该菌株鉴定为副地衣芽胞杆菌Bacillus paralicheniformis。菌株ZF480对野油菜黄单胞野油菜变种Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris等10种病原菌具有拮抗效果,抑菌谱较宽,对白菜根肿病的盆栽防效和田间防效分别达到72.82%和64.08%。表明副地衣芽胞杆菌菌株ZF480对十字花科根肿病具有显著的防效,可作为生防菌进一步开发利用。  相似文献   

对营养竞争拮抗测定方法进行了改进,对接法将芽孢杆菌JPC-2与小麦纹枯病菌接种于大豆麦麸(SWB)培养基上,JPC-2可在SWB培养基上迅速扩展并完全抑制小麦纹枯病菌的菌丝生长。田间试验表明,芽孢杆菌JPC-2液体菌剂(107cfu/mL,1∶100)处理种子对小麦纹枯病的冬前期防效高于扬花期防效,防治效果为61.9%,高于3%苯醚甲环唑包衣处理(用量为种子质量的0.3%);对小麦根腐病的防治效果可达46.8%,与空白对照差异显著(p<0.05);并使小麦增产73.5%,高于3%苯醚甲环唑种衣剂。芽孢杆菌JPC-2固体菌剂(106cfu/mL,225kg/hm2)沟施于土壤,再播种液体菌剂包衣(107cfu/mL,药种比1∶30)的小麦种子,对小麦纹枯病菌的冬前期防效为68.9%,扬花期防效为59.7%,小麦增产38.9%,与0.2%戊唑醇种衣剂(1∶50)增产效果相当。  相似文献   

以4个品种转Bt基因抗虫棉及其对照常规棉为研究对象,采用ELISA试剂盒法检测其在不同生育期根际土壤Bt蛋白残留,同时比较速效养分含量的变化。结果表明:(1)棉花根际土壤中Bt蛋白的残留量在蕾期达到最大;在整个生育期4个品种转基因抗虫棉根际土壤中Bt蛋白的含量均显著高于对照常规棉(P<0.05),其中鲁棉研28号在蕾期显著高于对照常规棉1 029.66%,鲁棉研36号在蕾期显著高于对照常规棉2 573.45%,山农棉8号在苗期显著高于对照常规棉1 208.89%,鑫秋4号在花铃期显著高于对照常规棉793.18%。(2)棉花根际土壤中硝态氮含量在苗期最高,吐絮期最低,且在部分生育期转基因抗虫棉与对照常规棉差异显著;铵态氮含量在苗期最高,吐絮期最低,4个品种转基因抗虫棉在蕾期、花铃期均与对照常规棉差异显著;速效磷含量在苗期最低,吐絮期最高,其中鲁棉研28号在蕾期显著高于对照常规棉10.29%,鲁棉研36号在苗期显著高于对照常规棉6.77%。研究表明,转基因抗虫棉的种植和生育期是影响棉花根际Bt蛋白残留量、速效养分含量的主要因子。  相似文献   

The effect of induced systemic resistance (ISR) by Pseudomonas rhizobacteria on the pre- and post-infection development of Pythium aphanidermatum on cucumber roots was investigated. Cucumber plants (cv. Corona) were grown in vermiculite, roots were split with one side bacterized with Pseudomonas corrugata strain 13 or P. aureofaciens strain 63-28 (bacterized roots) and the other distant side was treated with water (distant, induced roots). For the non-induced control, roots on the bacterized side were treated with buffer instead of the bacterial treatment. Intact, non-split roots were also treated with the bacteria or buffer as a control. Cucumber root tissue from these treatments were harvested and incubated with a zoospore suspension of P. aphanidermatum for three hours. Most of the zoospores in the suspension were stimulated to encyst or germinate. The numbers of germinated zoospores were significantly decreased on distant induced cucumber roots in comparison to non-induced controls. Germination was also reduced on intact bacterized roots, compared to controls. There was less attachment, germ tube production and penetration on roots bacterized or induced by the rhizobacteria compared to non-induced roots. Effects were significantly greater on bacterized roots (roots colonized by bacteria) compared to distant induced roots (roots with the opposite side bacterized). Systemic resistance induced by the two Pseudomonas spp. also reduced pathogen spread on split cucumber roots in planta. Crown infection from induced or bacterized roots was delayed for four to six days in comparison to the non-induced control. Results indicated that Pseudomonas spp. can exert both an indirect influence on P. aphanidermatum zoospore behaviour and infection via induced systemic resistance (ISR) and a local influence via antibiosis or local induced resistance.  相似文献   

The interactions ofBotrytis cinerea and seven biological control agents (BCAs) were examined in controlled environments to determine the influence of selected relative humidities (RH) (90,95, and 100%) and air temperatures (20,24 and 28 C) on grey mold of bean. All main effects and interactions were significant (P0.05) among the 72 treatments. In the control, lesions of grey mold developed under all environmental conditions but were largest at 24 C×95 and 100% RH, and 28 C×95% RH. Interactions of environment, BCAs and grey mold were complex.Alternaria alternata, Drechslera sp.,Myrothecium verrucaria, Trichoderma viride, Gliocladium roseum and an unidentified pink yeast were all highly dependent on environment for biological control efficacy, and changes of 4 C or 5% RH were associated with variability in disease suppression that ranged from 15 to 100%. Efficacy ofEpicoccum purpurascens appeared independent of environment and this BCA suppressed disease by 100% in all of the environmental treatments. Suppression of grey mold by many of the BCAs was most effective under environmental conditions least conducive to disease. Therefore, evaluations of potential BCAs in environmental conditions that are marginal for disease can overestimate their efficacy in field environments. Assessments of biological control efficacy in various environments can be used to more accurately assess the potential of BCAs.  相似文献   

为筛选对南方根结线虫具有致死效果的生防细菌,从山东省10个县市蔬菜主产区番茄根际土壤中分离可培养细菌,采用离体杀线虫试验测定分离菌株对南方根结线虫Meloidogyne incognita的致死活性,结合生理生化特征及分子生物学方法对高效杀线虫菌株进行分类鉴定,同时对其杀线虫特性进行表征,并通过盆栽试验进一步验证其生防潜力。结果显示,从山东省蔬菜主产区番茄根际土中分离到1株高效杀线虫菌株AMCC 100218,结合生理生化试验与16S rRNA序列分析,鉴定此菌株为和田鞘氨醇杆菌Sphingobacterium hotanense;该菌株对南方根结线虫2龄幼虫的致死效果可达88.87%,其杀线虫活性物质具有较好的热稳定性和储存稳定性,且耐碱不耐酸;盆栽试验结果表明,该菌能够显著减少土壤中的虫口密度,降低番茄发病率。表明和田鞘氨醇杆菌AMCC 100218菌株是1株具有防治根结线虫病潜力的生防细菌。  相似文献   

为获得防治马铃薯疮痂病的优良微生物资源,从健康马铃薯根际土壤中分离获得菌株JYC1217,采用平板对峙培养法和抑菌圈法测定其抑菌活性,结合形态学特征、生理生化特性和分子生物学方法对该菌株进行鉴定,并测定该菌株的生防能力、促生能力及对马铃薯疮痂病的防效。结果显示,菌株JYC1217及其培养液均能显著抑制酸性疮痂链霉菌Streptomyces acidiscabies和肿痂链霉菌S. turgidiscabies的生长;经鉴定菌株JYC1217为多黏类芽胞杆菌Paenibacillus polymyxa;该菌株对马铃薯疮痂病的相对防效为35.12%,对晚疫病菌Phytophthora infestans和早疫病菌Alternaria alternata有抑制作用,抑制率分别为62.96%和64.24%;该菌株能产生β-1,3葡聚糖酶、纤维素酶、蛋白酶和嗜铁素,还可形成复杂生物膜结构,具有固氮、产1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸脱氨酶特性,能显著提高马铃薯叶片内苯丙氨酸解氨酶、多酚氧化酶和过氧化物酶活性;该菌株能溶解磷酸钙、大豆卵磷脂和碳酸镁,可显著增加马铃薯株高、叶绿素相对含量、茎粗和单株产量,表明菌株JYC1217是一株生防促生性状优良的生防菌,具有良好的开发应用潜力。  相似文献   

为研制有效防治烤烟赤星病的高效安全生物农药,以云南省玉溪市烟草上筛选的贝莱斯芽胞杆菌Bacillus velezensis HY19为研究对象,通过对峙试验、发酵液和挥发性物质抑菌试验以及温室烤烟赤星病防治试验,研究该菌株对多种作物病原真菌的拮抗和对烤烟赤星病的防治作用。结果显示,在对峙培养中,菌株HY19能不同程度抑制烤烟黑胫病菌Phytophthora parasitica、松苗立枯病菌Rhizoctonia solani、辣椒疫霉病菌P. capsici、灰霉病菌Botrytis cinerea、小麦根腐病菌Bipolaris sorokiniana、黄瓜蔓枯病菌Mycosphaerella melonis、烤烟赤星病菌Alternaria alternata、柑橘炭疽病菌Colletotrichum gloeosporoides和油菜核盘菌Sclerotinia sclerotiorum的生长,使病菌菌丝分枝增多、膨大、畸形、扭曲,抑菌率为56.75%~100.00%。无菌发酵液显著抑制供试病菌生长和孢子萌发,增加菌丝丙二醛含量,降低蛋白质、超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性。菌株...  相似文献   

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