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We investigated how multiple-crop forestry has influenced the magnitude and variability of soil and plant phosphorus (P) fertility and site disturbance. Kinleith Forest, on Mamaku Plateau, covers >100,000 ha and comprises mainly plantation Pinus radiata. Three study areas in the forest were chosen to represent natural state (native forest), first crop of P. radiata (24 years growth), and second crop of P. radiata (4 years growth of second crop). The adjacent areas have similar relief and climate, and the soils are all the same age, being predominantly Andic Haplohumods developed in 1770 calendar-year-old non-welded tephra (Taupo Ignimbrite, ca. 0.5–0.8 m in thickness) and overlying a buried paleosol on earlier tephric material.

Soil properties were compared using a random geometric sampling scheme stratified in a 40-m grid. Soil samples (0–20 cm) were taken at 1.5, 4.5 and 13 m spatial intervals in random directions away from each primary node, providing 192 sample sites for each study area. Additionally at selected sites, samples of the current year's foliage from the upper crowns were collected, the thickness of Taupo Ignimbrite (i.e. depth to buried paleosol) was recorded by augering, and site disturbance was assessed using a new six-point scale based on change relative to a modal soil profile. Geostatistics and geographical information systems (GIS) were used to assess variability and effects of forest management on the measured properties. Soil Bray-2 P concentrations were below guidelines for satisfactory growth (12 mg kg−1) at all sites, and no differences were recorded between the different management areas. However, the amount of within-site variability in Bray-2 P increased with the number of crops. Foliar P concentrations were only marginally deficient in both the first and second crops, indicating that P is currently not significantly limiting growth. The lack of difference in foliar P between first and second crops indicates no crop-to-crop decline in foliar P status and suggests that no site P fertility decline has occurred. The soils have an unusual ability to continue releasing P through successive sequential extractions in the Bray-2 P test, indicating a strong buffering capacity, and this may explain the apparent lack of deficiency even with Bray-2 P values of <12 mg kg−1. The site disturbance index increased and the spatial distribution of P data became increasingly variable with crop rotation.

GIS, inverse-distance weighting and kriging proved useful in illustrating the trends between crops. The spatial variability of results indicated that there was no obvious pattern to the variability and that more site-specific forest management in the region would be difficult. However, there was some evidence that less disturbance during harvesting may minimise variability of soil P supply.  相似文献   

The effects of three postharvest organic matter removal treatments on fermentation-humus (FH) layer and soil characteristics were compared in replicated trials in four second rotation New Zealand Pinus radiata plantation forests, planted 8–16 years prior to sampling. All sites were sampled in early 2002 and 2003. Increasing organic matter removal significantly decreased the mass of the FH layer in the treatment plots, the moisture content in the FH layer and mineral soil, the concentration of carbon in the FH layer and mineral soil, the pool of carbon stored in the FH layer, the concentration of nitrogen in the mineral soil and the pool of nitrogen stored in the FH layer. Mineral soil pH was significantly increased with increasing organic matter removal. The persistence of the significant differences in the FH layer and mineral soil characteristics strongly suggested that variations in organic matter removal have long-term effects on forest floor properties, and significantly influences carbon storage over the life of the rotation.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogenous fertilisation on litter fall, FH layer and soil characteristics were investigated in replicated trials in six second rotation New Zealand Pinus radiata plantation forests. Four trial sites also incorporated three different post-harvest organic matter removal treatments. All sites were sampled in early 2002 and 2003. Fertilisation significantly increased the nitrogen content and decreased the carbon:nitrogen ratio of the litter fall. Fertilisation significantly increased the mass of the FH layer in the treatment plots, moisture content in the FH layer, the concentration of nitrogen in the FH layer and the pool of carbon and nitrogen stored in the FH layer. Fertilisation significantly increased the nitrogen concentration of the mineral soil, and decreased the mineral soil carbon:nitrogen ratio and pH. Several significant site × fertilisation interaction terms indicated that variations in the fertilisation regimes and site characteristics substantially influenced the effects of fertilisation. Fertilisation did not significantly decrease the relative differences between the organic matter removal treatments. The significant differences in the litter fall, FH layer and mineral soil characteristics strongly suggest that nitrogenous fertilisation has the capacity to significantly alter the forest floor environment, and may be able to increase carbon storage over the life of the rotation.  相似文献   

The decomposition of Pinus radiata (D. Don) stems, coarse woody roots and stumps was studied in Tarawera forest, Bay of Plenty region, North Island, New Zealand. The study examined the residues from two thinning events with 6 and 11 years of decay. Changes in the mass of stems, and density of roots and stumps were used to estimate the decay rate constants using a single exponential model. The decay rate of stems was not significantly related to DBH and averaged 0.1374 year−1 (22 years for 95% mass loss). The decay rate of coarse woody roots was not significantly different to stem decay and averaged 0.1571 year−1 (19 years for 95% mass loss). A large range in stump decay rates was measured and a significantly lower decay constant was observed for stumps (0.1101 year−1, 27 years for 95% mass loss), possibly due to the stumps being kept alive after felling through root grafting and a resistance to decay due to the presence of resin. The concentration of C remaining in stems and stumps increased with mass loss from 52% to 55% C after 11 years of decay. The C concentration in coarse woody roots initially increased but then declined near to the original level of 50% after 11 years of decay. Nitrogen concentrations increased substantially in all components with decay.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the initial effects of the application of mixed wood-bark ash (MWBA) on growth and nutritional status of a Pinus radiata plantation, and on the dynamics of some of the nutrients. A field experiment, which included four treatments and four replicates in a completely random design, was established on an acidic, mineral soil rich in organic matter. The treatments were two different doses of ash (5 and 10 t ha−1), a soluble NPK fertilizer 8:24:16 (N:P2O5:K2O, 200 g per plant) and an unfertilized control. The MWBA was incorporated into the soil after cutting and chopping the existing shrub vegetation and before planting. Application of the ash produced an increase in soil pH, and in the availability of P, Ca, Mg and K. The effects on soil pH and available Ca and Mg persisted for five growing seasons. The prolonged response in this study may be attributable to the effect of ash incorporation, which may have enhanced the solubility of wood ash compounds, despite the partly combusted material present in the ash. The ash improved the nutritional status, mainly in terms of Ca and Mg, and the vector analysis indicated that these elements were limiting forest production. The soluble NPK fertilizer did not produce any improvement in growth relative to the control. The concentrations of heavy metals in both soil and plant tissue were always low and did not increase significantly after application of the wood-bark ash. The positive effect of ash application on height and diameter growth was significant after 5 years, with similar results for both doses of ash. The improvement was attributed to the increases in Ca and Mg in soil.The differences between the treatments with ash and the control were much greater when the values of biomass per unit area were considered, due to the accumulative effect of a lower mortality and the enhanced growth in basal diameter and height.  相似文献   

杉木、马尾松、甜槠等林分下土壤养分状况研究   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
对中等立地上杉木、马尾松,甜槠等林分的土壤养分状况进行了综合比较,结果表明:不同林分对土壤有机质及矿质养分的影响不尽相同,阔叶林能增加土壤有机质积累,改善土壤养分状部;马尾松林对提高土壤有效性N、P、K含量具有一定作用,特别是对提高有效P作用很大;杉木纯林不利于改善土壤养分状况及土壤理化性质;针阔混交林能改良土壤养分状况,尤其能较好地改良土壤有效性微量元素状况,防止地方衰退,有利于林业持续发展,另  相似文献   

Tree growth and health status appear to be related to foliar nutrient contents. Foliar nutrient concentration might be the result of a complex interaction between soil nutrients and effective availability caused by climate, water and other site and treatment effects. This study examines foliar macronutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) and organic C concentrations in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) needles (between 5 and 18 months old), as well as time course variability (nine dates, from July 1999 to November 2001). Variability was assessed depending on quality site (two sites, Yeste and Calasparra; SE Spain) and seven silvicultural treatments including thinning, scrubbing, pruning and particular combinations of them. Foliar macronutrient concentrations for Aleppo pine in South-eastern Spain were slightly lower (N, P, K,) or higher (Mg, Ca) than the considered as adequate ranges for Aleppo pine and Pinus genera. However, our results agree well with other normal ranges reported for Aleppo pine in Spain and for other North American Pinus species such as P. elliottii, P. taeda and P. palustris. Site, treatment and date (season) affected significantly the foliar macronutrient and C concentration, although the most important was the date, likely due to the two growth periods per year that Aleppo pine has in Mediterranean sites. Silvicultural treatments affected foliar nutrient concentration, so that the concentrations of N, P and K were higher when treatments included thinning than those that did not. The contrary was true for Mg and Ca. However, treatments did not affect the time course of the concentration, i.e., seasonality was not broken due to treatments. Moreover, the effect of the treatments was markedly high along the first year after they were applied but the differences were attenuate 2 years later. Site affected the time course of N, K, Mg and C in a different way: while for N, K and C, at the end of study period, they were higher in Calasparra than in Yeste, for Mg the contrary was true. Nutrient ratios had a different behaviour regarding to single nutrient: although date was significant, we did not appreciate seasonality. In addition, some nutrient ratios were not affected by treatments (N/P, N/K, Ca/Mg,) or by site (N/Ca, K/Ca). Average foliar N concentration and Ca/Mg ratio explained significantly the mean diameter and height growth, so that higher is the foliar N concentration and lower is Ca/Mg, higher is the growth.  相似文献   

Nutritional surveys in New South Wales Pinus radiata plantations have shown differences in both foliage and soil boron status, particularly as a result of variations in soil parent materials. Plantations on acid igneous parent materials are particularly susceptible to the development of B deficiency, which appears to be further exacerbated bu soil/landscape relationships, water stress and certain management practices.

Boron deficiency in P. radiata on acid igneous soils at Sunny Corner State Forest, N.S.W., was particularly noticeable on lower slopes which usually have relatively high available moisture. These lower-slope soils had severely leached surface horizons, less extractable B, and fewer B-sorption characteristics than the upper sections of the soil catena. These soil properties also adversely affect the capacity of these soils to retain either Na-borate or Ca-borate fertilizers (borax and colemanite, respectively). For equal amounts of B, up to 95% of the borax applied to in-situ soil columns rapidly moved beyond the top 0.3 m of the soil profiles within 21 months, while less than 16% of the colemanite had moved beyond the columns. Leached surface soils of the lower-slope site retained lesser amounts of either B-fertilizer.

Colemanite offers the most cost-effective means of maintaining adequate levels of soil-B in these soil types due to its lower solubility. Management of B deficiency in P. radiata involves appropriate site selection, forest management practices and fertilizers usage.  相似文献   

Forest gaps are important in forest dynamics and management, but little is known about how soil fauna influence the degradation of recalcitrant litter components in different-sized forest gaps. This investigation uses litterbags with two different mesh sizes (0.04 and 3 mm) to control the meso- and microfauna entering the bags to quantify the contribution of soil fauna to the degradation of recalcitrant components (including condensed tannins, total phenol, lignin and cellulose) during litter decomposition. The experiment was conducted in seven different forest gap sizes in Pinus massoniana plantations over 1 year. One closed-canopy site (CC) and forest gap sizes of 100, 225, 400, 625, 900, 1225 and 1600 m^2 were created in a P. massoniana plantation in the Sichuan basin of China;the CC was treated as the control. Cinnamomum camphora foliage from local native trees was used in all forest gap experiments. We found the following:(1) Gap size had significant effects on the degradation rates (E) of condensed tannins and lignin and on the contributions of soil fauna;medium-sized gaps also presented high degradation rates. Soil fauna obviously contributed to the degradation of recalcitrant foliar litter components in medium-sized gaps.(2) The highest contribution to degradation (40.98%) was recorded for lignin, and the lowest contribution (0.29%) was recorded for condensed tannins. The results indicate that medium-sized gaps (900 m^2) were conducive to the degradation of recalcitrant litter components by soil fauna.  相似文献   

Fire induces changes in ecosystem nutrient regimes and can cause major losses of N and P. Much has been written about the effect of fire on nutrient availability in soil; most studies have been concerned with the short-term effects of shock. The primary objective of our study was to discover the effect of forest fires on long-term N and P availability, for which we used the ion exchange membrane method in a chronosequence of forest fires (1987, 1990, 1994, 1998, 2000 and 2005). The study was conducted on the island of La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) in October 2006. We hypothesized that a rapid increase in nutrient availability would occur after the fire, followed by a reduction due to erosion and leaching, and then gradual recovery and an eventual return to initial levels. NH4-N, NO3-N and mineral-N availability peaked significantly 1 year after the fire. However, 5 years after the fire the N levels were similar to those found on unburned land. P availability decreased significantly a year after the fire, but gradually recovered over time. The N and P availability ratio increased significantly after the fire, falling during the chronosequence, with the lowest levels found on the unburned land. These results confirm that fire produces (a) a rapid and short-term increase in N availability, without a long-term decline, and (b) a long-term reduction in P availability, which tends to recover over time after the fire.  相似文献   

A large proportion of plantations of radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) in southern Australia have been established on podzolized coastal sands with low nutrient reserves. Inter-rotational management of the forest floor and harvesting residues has been shown to be critical to maintain the productive capacity of these soils. In 1974 a study was initiated at the end of the first rotation to evaluate the long-term sustainability of fast-growing plantations on these podzolized sands. Growth was measured at 5, 10 and 20 years and prior to clear-felling at age 30. Soil sampling at the end of the first rotation in 1974 was repeated in 2004 prior to clear-felling to determine changes in carbon and nutrients in profiles after 30 years. Forest floor and tree biomass were measured to determine sequestration of carbon and nutrients in mature radiata pine.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze soil surface disturbances resulting from logging tractors, of different types (skidder and forwarder), used for clear-cutting in natural Aleppo pine forests and their consequences on plant species and functional group diversity.

Results indicate that shallow disturbances (litter left in place or removed) were more frequent than deep disturbances (topsoil removed, subsoil exposed, rut exposed) regardless of the logging tractor used. The forests with previously cultivated terraces were the least disturbed. Moreover, with the aid of a functional group analysis we distinguished four plant species response groups to soil surface disturbance types. The mosaic created by these groups after clear-cutting and log removal probably contributes to a rapid auto-regeneration of a mixed plant community similar to that existing just prior to the clear-cutting.  相似文献   

Data from a nationwide set of Pinus radiata D. Don plots established at a range of conventional stand densities were analysed at age 6 to (i) determine how environment and competition from weeds influence dynamic modulus of elasticity (E) of the lower stem base, (ii) develop a predictive multiple regression model of E for basal stemwood and (iii) identify significant direct and indirect environmental influences (through stem slenderness) on E using path analysis.Site had a highly significant (P < 0.001) influence on E, which exhibited a 3-fold range from 1.6 to 5.3 GPa, across 30 sites. When compared to the weed-free controls, weed competition had a significant (P < 0.0001) and substantial effect on E, increasing values by on average 16% (2.76 GPa vs. 2.38 GPa).The positive linear relationship between stem slenderness (determined as tree height/ground-line tree diameter) and E was by far the strongest relationship (R2 = 0.71; P < 0.001) among the 20 variables that were significantly related to E. A multiple regression model that included stem slenderness, mean minimum air temperature in mid-autumn, Tmin, as positive linear relationships and net nitrogen (N) mineralisation in a negative linear form accounted for 86% of the variance in E. A cross-validation indicated that this model was stable and unbiased, with the validation accounting for 82% of the variance in E. The final path analysis model included Tmin, net N mineralisation, below canopy solar radiation and stem slenderness as significant (P < 0.05) direct influences on E. Below canopy radiation, maximum air temperature during mid-summer, soil total phosphorus and carbon:nitrogen ratio were indirectly associated with E through their significant (P < 0.05) direct relationship with stem slenderness.These results provide considerable insight into how environment regulates E of juvenile P. radiata. Low fertility sites that have warm air temperatures and either a high canopy leaf area index, or high levels of woody weed competition, are most likely to produce trees with high stem slenderness and high E. Conversely, sites that are cool over summer and autumn and high in fertility, with low levels of intra- or inter-specific competition for light are likely to produce trees with low stem slenderness and low E.  相似文献   

陈广生  曾德慧  陈伏生 《林业研究》2004,15(1):11-18,J001
对辽宁省章古台地区的几种主要针叶树种的针叶养分及其林分表层(0-15cm)土壤养分进行研究。结果表明,不同年龄樟子松(45、29和20年)(Pinussylvestrisvar.mongolica)林地表层土壤养分并无显著差别,而29年樟子松林分表层土壤全N、全P和N:P比显著高于相近年龄的赤松(P.densiflora)(29年)和油松林(P.tabulaeformis)(31年)。随着樟子松年龄的增加,叶片P含量逐渐减少,而叶片N和K含量则未表现出随年龄而变化的趋势;对于年龄相近的三个树种,叶片N和P含量表现为:樟子松>赤松>油松,而叶片K含量在三个树种中并无显著差别。表层土壤的全N和全P,有机质和全P以及叶片N和P含量之间表现出了显著的相关性,但是,林分表层土壤养分和树木针叶养分之间并无显著相关关系,这可能与当地对凋落物的过度收集,过度放牧以及土壤水分含量低有关。最后,根据国外研究结果引入N:P比阈值来分析研究区域的N,P养分状况,基于章古台地区这几种针叶树种针叶N:P比,我们认为研究区域的樟子松随着年龄的增加受N限制的可能性降低,29年的赤松林整体表现出不受N和P养分限制,而31年的油松林则表现为系统N和P都供应不足。图3表3参45。  相似文献   

目的 研究3种密度下(高密度:1 150株·hm−2,中密度:535株·hm-2,低密度:285株·hm−2)黑松的养分重吸收特征及叶片、土壤养分含量及化学计量特征对重吸收效率的影响,为黑松合理的经营管理提供科学依据。 方法 以烟台牟平海岸带防护林内黑松(Pinus thunbergii Parl.)为研究对象,通过采集不同林分密度的黑松成熟叶、衰老叶及林下0~20 cm土壤样品,测定植物、土壤碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)及硝态氮(NO3 − -N)、铵态氮(NH4 + -N)、速效磷(AP)含量,分析不同密度下黑松叶片重吸收特征及叶片与土壤养分含量、化学计量特征及其相关关系。 结果 (1)牟平海防林黑松的氮重吸收率(NRE)平均为52.44%,磷重吸收率(PRE)平均为48.53%,NRE与全球针叶树种平均水平相近,PRE低于全球针叶树种。3种密度下,生长发育更多受到N限制,符合“相对重吸收假说”。(2)在中密度时,成熟叶养分含量及N、P重吸收率均最高,NRE显著高于高密度。黑松成熟叶C、N、P含量随密度增大先升高后降低,衰老叶含量在不同密度之间差异不显著。中密度林分成熟叶C:N显著高于低、高密度林分;低密度林分衰老叶C:P显著低于中、高密度林分。(3)低密度林分土壤的AP含量显著高于中、高密度林分;中密度林分土壤的TN含量显著高于高密度林分;高密度林分土壤TP显著低于中、低密度林分。高密度林分的土壤C:N、C:P显著高于低密度林分,中密度林分的土壤N:P显著高于低、高密度林分。(4)衰老叶养分及化学计量指标对于养分重吸收的影响更显著,不同密度的NRE、PRE对叶片、土壤养分及其化学计量特征的响应有所差异。 结论 本试验条件下,中密度黑松可以相对提高养分的利用效率,更有利于适应该地区的N限制。  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in above ground dry-matter, nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) accumulation were measured following application of N and P in autumn or spring to 1-year-old Pinus radiata (D. Don). Dry-matter production and nutrient accumulation were measured eight times over two years following fertilization.

All trees produced dry-matter throughout the year, but during the summer, fertilized trees produced more dry-matter than unfertilized trees. In contrast to dry-matter production, nutrient accumulation showed a distinctly seasonal pattern with maximum accumulation of N and P occurring in winter and spring, when rainfall and soil moisture were highest. Accumulation of N and P either slowed markedly or ceased during summer depending on fertilizer treatment. Continued dry-matter production during summer, when nutrient accumulation was low, resulted in the decline of N and P concentrations in needles, branches and stems of all trees. This indicated that nutrients required for new growth during summer were mobilized from existing foliage and wood. Fertilization increased the concentrations of N and P in foliage and wood, and these higher concentrations persisted through summer. Spring fertilization increased N accumulation to a greater extent than autumn fertilization, this effect lasting two years. The greater dry-matter production by fertilized trees during summer indicated that growth during summer was limited by nutrient supply.  相似文献   

In order to find out the best foliar diagnostic index of phosphorus (P) nutrition in Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) in the southeastern Keerqin Sandy Lands, the concentrations of total nitrogen (N), inorganic P, organic P and total P in needles of different ages and soil available P were examined. The results show that in the study area, soil available P was rather low (0.12–0.63 mg/kg) and was significantly correlated with inorganic P (cPi) and total P (cPt) concentrations in current year needles of Mongolian pine. The significant correlation between soil available P and needle cPt derived from the significant correlation between cPi and cPt. Compared with cPt, cPi did reflect the level of soil P supply more accurately and more directly. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2008, 19(3): 494–498 [译自: 应用生态学报]  相似文献   

The objective of the investigation was to study the site variables controlling teak yield (Tectona grandis Linn.fil.) and to establish guidelines for the selection of high productivity sites in Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, Nigeria and Togo. Depending on stand age, soil and region, between 70 and 90% of the variation in tree growth (site index, SI) could be explained by the supply of nitrogen, the root-available soil depth and precipitation. Diagnostic foliar analysis for a broad range of elements was carried out in all plantations with the exception of Nigeria. This showed that in 20% of the stands, various deficiency symptoms occur, and in an additional 40%, hidden demand of at least one nutrient is apparent. According to the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS), the most deficient nutrients besides N are Ca and P, while in 45% of all stands there is a relative Al excess. Recommendations for the evaluation and classification of site quality and the number of trees sampled for foliar analysis are given.  相似文献   

以香格里拉市高山松林为研究对象,依据前期构建的高山松单木碳储量模型,结合森林资源二类调查数据推算高山松林的碳密度,利用除趋势对应分析方法探讨高山松林碳密度与各环境因子之间的关系。结果表明,在林分因素中,平均树高对高山松林碳密度的影响最大;在地形因素中,坡度对高山松林碳密度的影响最大;在温度因素中,最热月均温和最冷月均温差对高山松林的碳密度影响最大;在降水因素中,最干季降水和最冷季降水对高山松林碳密度的影响最大。环境因子的综合作用对高山松林碳密度影响的综合分析表明,DCA的第一排序轴与高山松林的碳密度相关性最大,可以很好地解释环境因子的综合作用对高山松林碳密度产生的影响,在26个环境因子中,有20个环境因子与DCA第一排序轴有极显著的相关性,其中,林分因子的相关性系数较大,说明高山松林的碳密度主要受林分因子共同作用的影响。  相似文献   

[目的]为认识马尾松细根对土壤养分库的贡献,[方法]本研究以三峡库区秭归县九岭头林场马尾松为研究对象,采用埋袋法进行细根分解实验,探讨0.5 mm、0.5 1 mm和1 2 mm细根的分解动态和养分释放(C、N、P、K、Ca、Mg)。[结果]结果表明:(1)细根分解368 d后,0.5 mm、0.5 1 mm和1 2 mm细根干重残留率分别为66.0%、72.0%和74.33%,且细根分解速率随直径增加而减小;(2)细根分解速率与土壤温度呈显著正相关关系(p0.05),与土壤湿度呈正相关关系(p0.05);(3)细根C、K和Mg元素迁移模式表现为释放,Ca元素表现为富集;(4)细根N、P元素在不同径级细根中迁移模式不同,0.5 mm细根N、P元素表现为释放,0.5 2 mm细根N、P元素在分解过程中出现富集阶段。[结论]马尾松细根分解与土壤温度和直径大小显著相关,其中分解与温度呈正相关,与直径呈负相关;在细根分解过程中,马尾松细根不同直径大小的不同养分元素的表现状态不一致,或富集,或释放。  相似文献   

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