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黑龙江省丰林保护区有效管理的展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
丰林保护区是小兴安岭山地红松阔叶混交林保存面积最大,生长最好的地方,它是伊春市的骄傲和精华所在.伊春市已被联合国2005年首届全球人居环境论坛评为城市森林生态保护和可持续发展范例,需要它来展示自己的风貌,所以,应该帮助它建设成为自己的榜样.丰林保护区也应争取社区和地方政府的支持和领导实施与它们共管的体制,才能顺利地解决各种各样的困难.本文就拟探讨一下这些方面的问题,并提出一些建议,供有关部门参考.  相似文献   

保护区的建立是加强生物多样性保护最有效的政府行为,但客观上限制了社区群众的活动空间和传统的资源利用方式,短期内给当地社区发展带来制约因素,导致社区与保护区的剧烈矛盾。社区共管是一种新的自然保护理念,它主张保护区、社区共同参与自然资源管理,这为保护区参与社区资源管理提供了理论指导。共管目标要通过社区项目来实现,本文通过化龙山保护区在周边社区实施的基于保护的社区经济发展项目和联合参与式保护的社区共管项目的探索与实践分析,希望对自然保护和社区经济协调发展能够起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

保护区管理有效性评估的意义和问题   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
保护区主管部门正在进行的对国家级自然保护区联合开展管理有效性的评估,意味着中国的保护区事业已从数量建设向质量建设阶段发展。应该抓住这个机会,进一步完善保护区的建设,使之更适应客观形势的发展要求。本研究论述了保护区评估的目的和作用;保护区评估的内容和指标;保护区评估过程中存在的问题和解决的途径;急需开展的工作等,供有关方面参考。  相似文献   

保护区与本地社区建立伙伴关系的意义和途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
保护区建立的目的在于保护生物多样性,进而维护区域生态安全和本地人民的根本利益,应该说,与本地社区发展的目标和利益并不存在根本的矛盾。但是,矛盾的发生主要在于彼此沟通不够,工作欠细致。本文主要探讨保护区应该如何与本地社区建立密切的伙伴关系,共同完成预期的目标,使之成为实施可持续发展战略与建设和谐社会的基本单元,为生物多样性和文化多样性的保护和持续利用做出应有的贡献。主要注意下列几点:1)保护区应争取地方政府的领导和支持,建立一个领导小组,邀请有关部门和本地社区的代表共同组成;2)遵循可持续发展战略的要求制定区域生态发展规划和行动计划,发挥本地资源优势,把经济建设和环境保护同步发展;3)制定清晰可行的工作条例,让参与者有共同遵守的准则,保持旺盛的战斗力,团结一致,克服各种困难;4)加强与国内外有关部门的合作,广泛与社会各界人士取得密切联系,争取把投资、捐赠、业务合作、观光旅游、休闲度假等工作做好。  相似文献   

新疆哈纳斯湖保护区生态旅游资源开发和保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
哈纳斯湖保护区面临着既要开展旅游,又要加强保护的繁重任务,迫切需要找到彼此协调的办法。本文讨论了关于该保护区有效管理的问题,提出了按生物圈保护区管理模式的要求行事、加强生态旅游建设、重视监测系统建立、建立基金筹措和收支管理机制以及制定生态旅游指南等具体意见,供有关方面参考。  相似文献   

中国生物圈保护区网络贯彻“马德里行动计划”的展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
第三届世界生物圈保护区大会所制定的"马德里行动计划"为世界各个生物圈保护区的发展提出了明确的指导方向。应该认真研究这个行动计划,结合自己的实际情况,制定自己的生态发展规划和具体的行动计划,为我国的保护区事业做出积极的贡献。本文首先给出了生物圈保护区的基本任务,介绍了生物圈保护区网络急需加强的工作,总结了保护区不同管理建制的经验,使之能在推动我国保护区事业的发展方面做出应有的贡献,并展示生态发展文明时代所体现的现代化与自然共存、经济建设与生物多样性、文化多样性保护共存的风貌,为构建和谐社会奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

论保护区建设从数量向质量阶段发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国保护区事业的飞速发展,我国自然保护区的数量建设已提前超额完成了预定的规划任务,但是在管理上还远远落后于客观的要求,急需迅速转入质量建设阶段,以适应时代发展的步伐。该文介绍了自然保护区含义在近几十年来的发展和深化,分析了保护区的共性、独特性和差异性,明确了保护区监控的含义和多样化,阐明了保护区建设进入质量发展阶段的主要任务,指出了实施保护区生物区域规划管理方向的主要途径。明确了保护区只有注重质量建设,才能发挥自然保护区应用的活力,才能促进区域生态建设和区域经济向前发展。  相似文献   

新世纪保护区面临的挑战及其有效对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道路、水库、建筑物、不断扩大的农田和土地退化正在使自然景观的完整性受到严重破坏。所保存的未经干扰或少受干扰的天然生态系统的面积日益缩小,犹如海洋中的孤岛。生物多样性受到严重的威胁。在自然保护区中,物种迁移和基因流动的可能性也在不断地降低。生物区域规划被认为是一种较好的选择,它力求把保护区和栽培地区视为一个有机整体,遵循保护和发展密切结合的方针,制定行动计划并予以实施。本文根据保护区的管理情况、工作条件和科研状况等,对保护区或区域的类型进行了划分,针对现实,提出了如何实施生物区域规划。  相似文献   

甘南国家生态功能保护区生态功能十分重要,建立国家级生态功能保护区具有非常重要的作用和意义。建立甘南国家能生态功能保护区,将使甘南的生态保护和建设纳入地位明确、政府配套、项目跟进的法制化轨道.甘南地域辽阔,地形复杂,差异显著,气候类型多样,形成多种自然景观。甘南藏族自治州拥有大面积的草原、森林和湿地,以占黄河全流域4%的面积。补给了黄河总流量的11.4%的水量。甘南有鸟纲动物154种;哺乳纲动物有77种。2000年甘南草地面积272 44万hm2,占土地总面积的70.28%。建立生态功能保护区,实施保护措施,防止生态环境的破坏和生态功能的退化。  相似文献   

近年来,江苏省高度重视畜禽遗传资源的保护和开发利用工作,不断加强畜禽遗传资源保种场、保护区和基因库建设,并以保护为手段、开发为途径、经济为目标,加大技术研究、经费投入和产业开发力度,取得了较好的成效,为打造种业强省,提升现代畜牧业核心竞争力奠定了坚实基础。一、采取三种形式,有效保护了一批地方畜禽遗传资源多年来,江苏省逐步建立分级管理和分级保种的畜禽遗传资源保护组织管理体系,因地制宜实施保种场、保护区和基因库三者既各自独立又相互补充的畜禽遗传资源保种模式,有效保护了一批地方畜禽遗传资源。全省现已建设各类畜禽遗传资源保种场30个、保护区5个、基因库3个。其  相似文献   

Especially in developing countries, the profession of veterinary medicine is closely tied with agriculture and government economic development, the national structure of education, and national public health. Currently, the Chinese veterinary medical educational system and accreditation standards are distinctly different from those of some more developed countries, such as the United States, Japan, or the countries of the European Union. Chinese veterinary education is still closely based on traditional Chinese education approaches and standards, which has led to some deficiencies in the Chinese system. With the development of a stronger economy in China and the growing trend toward globalization, and particularly since China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), some important questions about China's system of veterinary education are being raised: How can veterinary science develop more rapidly in China? How can it meet the needs of the growing Chinese society? How can China bring its veterinary medical practice more in line with that of other, more advanced countries? This article describes some of the realities of veterinary medical education in China, discusses several existing problems, and puts forward some ideas for possible reforms. It is hoped that by this means those outside China may gain insight into our veterinary education program and that this, in turn, will lead to helpful input from international educators and other professionals to help improve our programs.  相似文献   

Guaraqueçaba city is a rain forest environmental protected area located on the southern coast of Brazil. Recently, the local Animal Health Service has noticed haematophagous bats feeding from humans and domestic animals, as well as bat colonies located in houses and public schools. In 2007, two non‐haematophagous bats were tested positive by direct immunofluorescence for rabies in a nearby city. Native fauna and environmental laws protect non‐haematophagous bats in Brazilian preserved areas such as Guaraqueçaba, making non‐haematophagous bat population control almost impossible. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to evaluate a simple and feasible educational protocol applied by a multi‐institutional task force in local elementary schools to prevent rabies transmitted by bats. Information was transmitted to children by video, lectures and oral question–answer section; evaluation was made by written questionnaires to teachers and students. Interinstitutional task force included public and animal health public services, a federal university and the city secretary of environment, of education, of agriculture and of animal health, and also participation of local community. Information was effectively absorbed by children when evaluated just after being given. As important, questionnaires showed that handling and playing with bats at day time was common in several elementary school students, exposing themselves to what may represent higher risk of rabies transmission than haematophagous bat feeding directly from humans. Training of teachers and students may effectively prevent rabies by bats in such communities. Insertion of this subject into science content of local elementary school educational programme was proposed in order to establish a continuing education programme on rabies transmitted by bats in environmental preserved areas.  相似文献   

梦梦  尹峰  黄乘明 《野生动物》2012,33(3):170-171,175
通过对云南省迪庆藏族自治州的维西和德钦县少数民族宗教文化与野生动物保护关系的调查研究,结果表明:虽然受调查的各个少数民族人中宗教信仰的比例存在差异,但是70%以上的受访者都明确表示有崇拜和敬畏的动物;78%以上受访的少数民族能够列举出5种以上国家保护的野生动物,68%以上的受访者表示知道非法捕杀野生动物是被国家法令严厉禁止的;90%以上受访的少数民族对野生动物保护的态度十分积极,表示当他们发现有捕杀野生动物的时候,都会阻止和报告相关管理部门。建议鼓励并支持少数民族传统文化的继承与传播,加强对野生动物保护的宣传教育,从而促进野生动物保护事业的发展。  相似文献   

Public health affords important and exciting career opportunities for veterinarians. The Epidemic Intelligence Service Program (EIS) of the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) is a two-year post-graduate program of service and on-the-job training for health professionals, including veterinarians, who are interested in careers in epidemiology and public health. EIS serves as a major point of entry into the public health arena. Veterinarians applying to the program must have a Master of Public Health or equivalent degree, or demonstrated public health experience or course work. EIS officers are assigned to positions at CDC headquarters or in state and local health departments. During two-year assignments, they are trained in applied epidemiology, biostatistics, conducting outbreak investigations, emergency preparedness and response, and scientific communications. They conduct epidemiologic outbreak and other investigations, perform applied research and public health surveillance, serve the epidemiologic needs of state health departments, present at scientific and medical conferences, publish in the scientific literature, and disseminate vital public health information to the media and the public. EIS officers apply their training and skills to actual public health problems and issues, establish mentorships with recognized experts from CDC and other national and international health agencies, and travel domestically and internationally. Since 1951, 195 veterinarians have graduated from the program and gone on to make substantial contributions to public health in positions with federal, state, or local governments, academia, industry, and non-governmental organizations.  相似文献   

Climate change is already threatening the long‐term viability of many important protected areas, and as global warming accelerates this will increase. Lowered water tables, melting permafrost, changing vegetation zones, combined with the fragmentary distribution of wilderness areas, will cause a wave of local extinctions as species fail to adapt to changing conditions in time or fail to move as climate zones advance across the face of the continents. Ecologists can predict and even model likely scenarios, but can we do anything to help safeguard valuable biodiversity or must we passively document Earth's changes and accept these losses? Studies of the extraordinary species richness of the Hengduan Mountains and the Qionglai Mountain ranges of South‐West China and of the Changbaishan Mountains in North‐East China give us some optimism. This paper provides an explanation for the high species richness in these ranges and identifies design principles that can be used in the selection of protected areas or in the revision of existing protected area boundaries to enhance their ecological resilience and allow them to maintain higher levels of biological diversity under conditions of climate change or other disturbance.  相似文献   

藏东南地区草地资源与营养评价   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
根据藏东南天然草地的生态环境、自然属性和经济特性,揭示当地草地的分布、组成结构、类型等资源特点。以草地资源利用现状为基础,综合分析了牧草的营养价值、生物量和利用特性,为进一步探索和研究当地草地奠定基础,并为政府部门和畜牧生产经营者提供参考依据。同时,结合草地实际状况和指导草地畜牧业生产的需要,充分发挥草地的生产潜力,进而建设和管理好草地,因地制宜地发展草地畜牧业,科学合理地利用草地资源,促进草地畜牧业可持续发展。  相似文献   

文章分析了地方政府面对突发性动物疫情公共危机时,政府决策的多重目标及其决策偏好,讨论了基于经济理性考虑,地方政府应对突发性动物疫情公共危机的短期行为,以及这种行为决策下可能导致的公共危机损害放大效应;提出了树立正确决策价值取向、塑造地方政府的决策偏好、抑制地方政府的短期行为的决策行为优化建议。  相似文献   

Considerable research has been conducted analyzing how demographic characteristics influence the public’s attitudes toward wildlife; however, less research of this type has been conducted in locations having long-standing species conservation efforts. Questionnaires were completed by residents living adjacent to such a location, the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge (ACNWR), to investigate which demographics explained residents’ knowledge of, attitudes toward, willingness to act for, and participation in sea turtle conservation. Residents who had a non-governmental organization (NGO) or government agency as their sea turtle information source had stronger positive attitudes toward sea turtles. Residents who possessed strong positive attitudes were more willing to engage in pro–sea turtle conservation behaviors. Overall, this research demonstrated that ACNWR residents’ source of sea turtle information being an NGO or government agency played a significant role in increasing residents’ knowledge of, attitudes toward, willingness to volunteer for, and participation in sea turtle conservation.  相似文献   

从公共选择理论的全新视角,对新型农村合作医疗制度运行中地方政府行为的目标、价值和功能、效能、组织和财政、公共政策等进行重新思考和分析,找出地方政府行为的偏差,在此基础上提出优化地方政府行为的基本对策。  相似文献   

伊犁河谷天然草地退化现状及修复措施   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
利用"3S"技术,查清伊犁河谷不同类型退化草地的空间分布、发生规模、退化程度及退化成因,绘制伊犁河谷退化草地分布图.调查结果表明:伊犁河谷天然草地退化严重,退化面积221.07万hm2,占伊犁河谷天然草地总面积的64.65%,占可利用面积的71.21%.退化主要表现在毒害草蔓延,植被盖度降低,地上生物现存量减少,草层变矮;草地退化的主要原因为放牧强度过大、利用方式和利用时间不合理、乱垦乱挖等人为破坏严重.退化草地的修复应根据草地的不同退化形式和退化程度因地制宜的采取措施,以草地生态恢复为基础,保护和合理地利用草地.  相似文献   

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