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白秀萍 《世界林业动态》2007,(28):10-10,F0004
印尼拥有辽阔的热带森林,是世界上屈指可数的热带林国家之一。 林业和木材工业是印尼重要的基础产业。据印尼林业部统计,全国约1/6。的人口依赖于林业和木材工业。但近年来,因非法采伐及森林火灾等造成的森林资源减少已成为印尼林业面临的严重问题。  相似文献   

早在70年代初,印尼的木材工业还是一个小小产业部门。当时,全国除一些简陋的制材厂和作坊式家具厂外,几乎没有任何现代化大型木材加工企业,仅有2个以生产茶叶箱为主的小型胶合板厂,年产盈不足万m~3。但是,在短短的近20年的时间里,印尼的木材工业取得了惊人的成就,不仅已发  相似文献   

孟永庆 《世界林业动态》2007,(22):10-10,F0004
据马来西亚“星星在线”报道,马来西亚木材工业界担心,原料供应短缺将威胁到该国的家具、中密度纤维板和刨花板生产。设在马来半岛的马来西亚木材资源目标力量(WRTF)是一个家具和人造板公司的工业联盟,该联盟对原料供应忧心忡忡,担心木材工业发展步伐放慢。该工业联盟主席菲奇说,由于当地橡胶木供应紧张,有几家人造板公司已前往泰国和印尼设厂。  相似文献   

印度尼西亚是一个盛产热带木材的国家,全国森林面积1亿多公顷,其中4,000万公顷已被利用来生产可用的木材。为了保护国内木材工业及稳定木材价格,印尼政府于1980年决定,把输出原木与兴办国内木材工业结合起来,限制原木出口以满足国内需求,同时鼓励建立更多的木材加工厂和输出更多的木材加工品,特别是夹板。最近3年来,印尼的夹板出口不断增加,1980年只有24.6万立方米,价值5537万美元,1982年出口增至110万立方米,价值2.5亿多美元。印尼夹板出口的主要市场是美国,其次是欧洲、  相似文献   

修木 《国际木业》2016,(8):39-40
印度尼西亚:英国退出欧盟对于印度尼西北的木材工业有很大影响,有可能会使印尼得到许可证的时间推迟。  相似文献   

在日本人造板工业中,以胶合板和单板的产量最大,但主要依靠进口阔叶材为原料。日本是继美国之后第二个最大的阔叶材进口国。然而,近年来由于印尼、马来西亚等国限制木材出口,致使日本胶合板工业出现原料危机。目前,日本正通过自身调整来  相似文献   

近30年来,印尼首次发展成为世界上第二大工业圆材出口国和最大的胶合板出口国。分析促进印尼实木业发展的因素,主要得益于其丰富的森林资源,实木加工业处于印尼实木产品出口快速增长期,具有廉价的、专业或半专业化的劳动力,对天然林工业圆材征收较低的立木税,促进实木业发展的林业贸易和工业政策,有利的地区性市场结构。还分析了印尼实木加工业的发展前景。  相似文献   

孟永庆 《世界林业动态》2007,(8):F0004-F0004
据ITTO 2007年2月消息:苏门答腊、加里曼丹和爪哇及其它地区的木材贸易商对经济保持连续增长的中国寄予希望。低成本的印尼木材工业一直从中国日益扩大的住宅建筑业中获利。北京将在未来3年建设1000万m^2的经济适用房和廉租房。2007年北京开始动工兴建30万m^2的经济适用房。  相似文献   

印度尼西亚:全球经济下滑继续对印尼的木材出口产生不利影响。根据印尼中央统计署的数据显示,2009年第1季度印尼的木材出口与去年同期相比下降了28%,出口总价值为5.597亿美元。根据雅加达全球新闻报道,印尼木制家具和木门窗2009年第1季度的出15急剧下降了23.2%,出口总值和去年同期相比下降了15.8%(3.758亿美元)。  相似文献   

白秀萍 《国际木业》2007,37(9):53-53
印度:来自ITTO的消息称,据世界银行调查,印度最近陷入工业用材及薪炭材供应严重不足的困境,成为扰乱近邻国家印尼、马来西亚、缅甸诸国,以及尼日利亚等木材市场的主要因素。2006年印度木材缺口达到3900万m^3,薪炭材需求量估计达到1.39亿m^3。印度政府鼓励更多地进口约占木材进口总量95%的原木。  相似文献   

棕榈藤是热带和南亚热带地区重要的非木材产品,用途广泛,可编织、食用、作家具,特别是藤家具在国际市场上很受欢迎,但藤工业所需的原材料正面临着短缺的危险。至今藤家具工业的用藤主要来自于天然棕榈藤资源,由于过度采收和热带森林的破坏,天然棕榈藤资源日益锐减,使棕榈藤生物多样性受到严重侵蚀并威胁到棕榈藤家具工业。文中提出棕榈藤引种驯化对天然棕榈藤资源的保护和藤家具工业的发展具有重要意义,并分别介绍了印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、印度、孟加拉国、斯里兰卡和中国等主要产藤国和其它一些国家的棕榈藤引种驯化历史,最后阐述了棕榈藤引种驯化在保护棕榈藤资源和发展棕榈藤家具工业中的作用。  相似文献   

Availability of solid by-products from wood harvesting and mechanical wood processing was estimated as sources for energy production based on recent actual harvesting, sawmill, and plywood production in Northwest Russia at 30 million m3. Nearly 70% of the energy wood, 20 million m3, was from harvesting, consisting of non-industrial round wood, unused branches and tops, defective wood resulting from logging, and spruce stumps removed after final felling. Over 30%, 10 million m3, of the available volume was from sawmills and plywood mills, i.e. wood chips, sawdust, and bark. Due to current low utilization of energy wood for bioenergy in Northwest Russia, delivery cost of energy wood to the potential border-crossing points in Finland was analyzed for three means of transport: railways, roadways, and waterways. Nearly 28 million m3 of the energy wood could be transported by railways and 2 million m3 by roadways and waterways. The costs were lowest by roadways from the nearby border areas (10–15 €/m3 for wood processing by-products and 16–22 €/m3 for forest chips). The costs by railways varied from 12 to 27 €/m3 on shorter distances to 47–58 €/m3 on longer distances. Waterway transportation was the most expensive, about 28–48 €/m3. It should be emphasized that we have estimated availability and delivery costs of energy wood, not prices which are defined by the market based on supply and demand.  相似文献   

世界竹业开发利用现状、趋势及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者概述了亚太、美洲和非洲3大竹区的竹林资源及其经营情况, 综述了各国用竹造纸、竹笋生产、竹材加工, 以及竹制品和竹建筑、竹林环境利用现状, 提出了发展竹林资源、开发竹产品、开拓市场等对策。  相似文献   

利用联合国商品贸易数据库的数据, 对目前参与国际贸易的主要竹藤商品的贸易现状和趋势、贸易结构以及进出口流向进行了分析。数据显示, 竹藤商品贸易正在成为国际贸易的重要组成部分, 除原材料以外的各类竹藤产品贸易呈稳步上升趋势。全球竹藤贸易主要集中在亚洲、欧洲和北美, 其中中国(原竹、编织品、家具)、印度尼西亚(原藤和坐具)和欧盟(家具)是主要出口地区。欧盟(原材料、编织品、家具)、美国(原材料和家具)和中国(原藤)是主要进口地区。  相似文献   

文中基于中国、美国、俄罗斯、印度、巴西、印度尼西亚6国2000—2014年投入产出数据,通过测算中间需求率、中间投入率、感应度系数和影响力系数,对林产工业产业关联与波及效应进行动态比较分析。研究结果表明:相较于其他国家,中国木材加工业、造纸业的中间产品型产业特征明显,对国民经济贡献程度较高,但同时也面临成为“瓶颈产业”的风险;中国家具制造业的最终需求型产业性质显著,受整体经济发展的拉动作用明显弱于其他国家。总体而言,中国林产工业对国民经济的推动作用整体上高于国民经济发展对其的拉动作用。需要重点提升木材加工业、家具制造业整体产业链竞争力,加大科研创新投入力度以提升产出效率,并进一步提高家具制造业整体产品的附加值。  相似文献   

Rattan, an important non-timber forest product, is a flexible palm used in weaving baskets or furniture. Rattan is light yet sturdy, making it suitable for furniture that can be moved often. Bangladesh has a large number of rattan-based enterprises. This paper reports a case study carried out in Sylhet City Corporation of north-eastern Bangladesh, exploring the production, financial profitability and marketing of rattan-based products, and the problems and priorities of rattan-based enterprises as well as their potential contribution to employment opportunity. A sample survey was conducted of 58 randomly selected rattan-based enterprises with entrepreneurs personally interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Based on the total investment, the enterprises were divided into large, medium and small categories. Three origins of rattan (Local, Myanmar and Indonesia) and five species were used by the enterprises to produce 29 rattan-based product types. Rattan products were divided into three basic categories, viz. domestic utensils, domestic decorative articles and others for which uses are not specific. Among the three rattan origins, processing cost of local and Myanmar rattan species products was less and more articles were sold than for Indonesia rattan species. Financial analysis indicated that rattan-based enterprises are a profitable and attractive option for local socio-economic development. Entrepreneurs’ views on major problems and issues in rattan-based product trading and suggested measures to improve the condition of rattan-based enterprises also collected. Rattan-based enterprises will generate more domestic revenue, foreign exchange and employment if policies are adopted to provide the enterprises with a reliable source of raw materials and technical and financial assistance from Government to NGOs to sell the products, and expand market facilities in both local and international markets.  相似文献   

通过实地调研和资料收集,综合分析了我国大陆藤工业的发展现状。分析认为,近年来我国大陆藤工业持续低迷,出口额和国内市场逐年下降,藤企业处境艰难,其主要原因包括发达国家的经济危机、东南亚产藤国的竞争、国内房地产调控政策以及劳动力成本上涨等。建议我国积极开发藤材替代品,摆脱对藤材的高度依赖性,同时发展同印度尼西亚的双边关系,争取更多藤材进口。  相似文献   

当今社会 ,交换关系已经将全球连成一个统一的大市场 ,合作与竞争变得同样重要。发达国家的企业十分看好我国快速发展的经济形势 ,各种家具产品纷纷涌入我国市场 ,使我国家具行业日益国际化。文中通过对我国家具行业的形势的分析 ,指出我国家具行业面对复杂多变、竞争激烈的国际市场 ,必须进行多方位战略联盟 ,并通过对战略联盟的方式和特点的分析 ,提出联盟的一些原则和对策等。  相似文献   

This review on the use of hardwoods for the production of LVL revealed that a large number of research studies have been carried out, particularly in North America and three Asian countries (Japan, Malaysia and China). However, the studies have been restricted to species of low to medium density, i.e. 290 to 693 kg/m3. Two major potential uses of hardwood LVL have been investigated in these studies: domestic and industrial structures, and various furniture components. The production of structural LVL in North America and Asia was based predominantly on low density hardwoods. A study currently carried out in Europe aims at using medium density hardwoods for structural LVL. The LVL used for furniture components was produced from medium density hardwoods. No work has been undertaken outside Australia on the use of high density species for LVL. In Australia, studies undertaken on the production of LVL and hardwood plywood from eucalypts revealed that there were significant problems in gluing the dense raw material which often had a high level of extractives. Peeling low quality, small diameter eucalypt logs also created problems when the traditional plywood processing techniques were used. Received 7 July 1997  相似文献   

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