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Isolates of Actinobacillus seminis from clinical cases and reference sources had markedly similar Bam H1 restriction endonuclease profiles but were readily distinguishable from the Bam H1 profiles of the Histophilus-Haemophilus group as well as from A lignieresii. For epidemiological purposes this lack of interstrain variation in Bam H1 profiles makes restriction endonuclease analysis of isolates of A seminis unsuitable.  相似文献   

The present study examined sequence variability in a portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (pcox1) and NADH dehydrogenase subunits 4 and 5 (pnad4 and pnad5) among 39 isolates of Fasciola spp., from different hosts from China, Niger, France, the United States of America, and Spain; and their phylogenetic relationships were re-constructed. Intra-species sequence variations were 0.0-1.1% for pcox1, 0.0-2.7% for pnad4, and 0.0-3.3% for pnad5 for Fasciola hepatica; 0.0-1.8% for pcox1, 0.0-2.5% for pnad4, and 0.0-4.2% for pnad5 for Fasciola gigantica, and 0.0-0.9% for pcox1, 0.0-0.2% for pnad4, and 0.0-1.1% for pnad5 for the intermediate Fasciola form. Whereas, nucleotide differences were 2.1-2.7% for pcox1, 3.1-3.3% for pnad4, and 4.2-4.8% for pnad5 between F. hepatica and F. gigantica; were 1.3-1.5% for pcox1, 2.1-2.9% for pnad4, 3.1-3.4% for pnad5 between F. hepatica and the intermediate form; and were 0.9-1.1% for pcox1, 1.4-1.8% for pnad4, 2.2-2.4% for pnad5 between F. gigantica and the intermediate form. Phylogenetic analysis based on the combined sequences of pcox1, pnad4 and pnad5 revealed distinct groupings of isolates of F. hepatica, F. gigantica, or the intermediate Fasciola form irrespective of their origin, demonstrating the usefulness of the mtDNA sequences for the delineation of Fasciola species, and reinforcing the genetic evidence for the existence of the intermediate Fasciola form.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven local isolates of Actinobacillus suis-like organisms from diseased and clinically normal horses and 1 llama were compared with reference strains of A suis, A lignieresii, A equuli, A capsulatus, A hominis, A (Pasteurella) ureae, and equine A suis-like organisms (ASLO) previously described in literature. Comparison was by cultural characteristics, carbohydrate fermentation, enzyme profiles, and whole-cell protein polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Carbohydrate fermentation, determined by API-CH gallery, divided 36 equine ASLO isolates into 6 API-CH biotypes. The llama isolate was an additional distinct biotype. The biochemical comparisons between A suis and ASLO did not reveal remarkable and consistent differences. Enzyme analysis revealed 5 API-ZYM biotypes, one of which included the same strains as one of the API-CH biotypes and consisted in both instances of 4 esculin-negative ASLO cultures and the reference strain of A lignieresii. We conclude that the 4 strains were hemolytic variants of A lignieresii. Protein electrophoresis disclosed 15 banding patterns, 10 of which represented equine ASLO strains. The reference strains of A suis shared the pattern predominant among equine ASLO. Four of the remaining reference strains of Actinobacillus species each had a unique profile, whereas the type strain of A capsulatus and the llama isolate had similar profiles. The groupings of cultures resulting from the different testing methods had little relation to each other and to the anatomic source of the strains except the strains comprising API-CH biotype II, which originated in the equine respiratory tract, and the A lignieressi cluster.  相似文献   

Until recently, Toxoplasma gondii was considered clonal with very little genetic variability. Recent studies indicate that T. gondii isolates from Brazil are genetically and biologically different from T. gondii isolates from USA and Europe. In the present study, we retyped 151 free range chicken isolates from Brazil including 117 newly isolated samples from 11 geographically areas (Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Maranh?o, Paraná, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, S?o Paulo, Sergipe, and Rondonia) and 34 previously reported isolates from the very north (Pará) and the very south (Rio Grande do Sul). Ten PCR-RFLP markers including SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1, and Apico were used to genotype all isolates. Overall analysis of 151 T. gondii isolates revealed 58 genotypes. Half (29/58) of these genotypes had single isolate and the other half of the genotypes were characterized with two or more isolates. Only 1 of 151 isolates was clonal Type I strain and 5 were clonal Type III strains. Two isolates had mixed infections. Clonal Type II strain was absent. One strain was Type II at all loci, except BTUB. The results confirm high genetic diversity of T. gondii isolates from Brazil.  相似文献   

Actinobacillosis in a disease of world-wide occurrence among cattle and sheep. The present paper records the recovery from ducks with purulent salpingitis of an organism having cultural, morphological and biochemical properties very closely related to Actinobacillus lignieresii.  相似文献   

为研究不同禽源贝氏隐孢子虫对雏鸡的致病性差异,人工感染3日龄雏鸡鸡源、鸭源、鹌鹑源、白文鸟源贝氏隐孢子虫.结果发现,各感染组雏鸡潜隐期均为4d,显露期为11~18 d,均未发生死亡,但其增重均受影响.鸡源C.baileyi(林州株)、C.baileyi(郑州株)和鸭源C.bailey(郑州株)感染组雏鸡临床症状较为明显,发病率较高,分别为71.4%、85.7%和77.1%,剖检可见气管有较多粘液分泌物,法氏囊粘膜充血肿胀,平均增重较不感染对照组分别减少34.5、53.1和19.7 g;鹌鹑源C.bailey(武陟株)和白文鸟源C.bailey(郑州株)感染组雏鸡仅部分表现轻微临床症状,发病率分别为31.4%和28.6%,平均增重较不感染对照组分别减少39.7和43.1g.结果表明不同禽源C.bailey对雏鸡均有不同程度的致病性,以鸡源和鸭源C.baileyi致病性较强.  相似文献   



To explore the diversity among isolates of the Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serovars most common in Australia (serovars 1, 5, 7 and 15) and to examine the Apx toxin profiles in selected representative isolates.


A total of 250 isolates selected from different farms were examined for their genotypic profiles and a subset of 122 isolates for their toxin profiles.


The isolates of serovars 1, 5, 7 and 15 selected for this study came from different farms and different Australian states and were submitted for serotyping to the reference laboratory. The overall diversity of the strains was explored with the enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC) PCR and the presence of the toxin genes was investigated with a toxin PCR assay.


Some degree of variation was observed in the ERIC‐PCR pattern within all four serovars, ranging from 38% to 61% genetic diversity. When looking at the toxin gene profile and, therefore, the predicted ability to produce the expected toxin pattern, one isolate each of serovars 1 (n = 20) and 7 (n = 47) and 17 isolates of serovar 15 (n = 40) showed variation to the expected gene profile.


The variations in toxin gene patterns, as detected by PCR, found in this study could be related to significant changes in the gene sequence or total absence of the gene. Variation in toxin gene sequences has been observed in other countries. This variation in the toxin profile could also explain possible variation in pathogenicity observed in the field.  相似文献   

We here report the occurrence of S. aureus in wild boars and characterize isolates genotypically and phenotypically in order to get knowledge about the occurrence of clonal lineages and genotypes in free-living wild animals. Forty-one S. aureus isolates obtained from 111 wild boars hunted in Lower Saxony, Germany, were investigated and compared to human and livestock isolates. The S. aureus belonged to multilocus sequence types ST1, ST7, ST30, ST133, ST425, ST804, ST890 and to the new ST3237, ST3238, ST3255 and ST3369. The livestock associated CC398-MRSA lineage, however, was not found. In addition to well-known spa types, the new types t14999, t15000, t15001 and t15002 were detected. Macrorestriction analysis revealed a variety of different SmaI fragment patterns. Most isolates were susceptible to all antimicrobials tested, including methicillin, and resistance was detected only to ampicillin, penicillin and erythromycin. PCR analysis confirmed the presence of staphylococcal enterotoxin genes (seh) in all t127-ST1 isolates. A high degree of genetic diversity was detected with many spa types and clonal lineages previously reported in humans and livestock animals.  相似文献   

为了解两株高致病性禽流感病毒(HPAIV)的分子特征及其对不同宿主的致病性,本研究对DK/HuN/4/08和CK/GX/2/09进行全基因组序列的测定,分析结果表明:两个病毒分离株HA基因的裂解位点均具有HPAIV特有的基序(341RRR(R)KR345/346),并且均属于Clade2.3.2分支,基因组同源性在97.4%~98.3%之间。致病性试验显示,两个病毒分离株均能够以106EID50感染量在3 d内引起鸡全部死亡,并且各脏器均检测到高滴度的病毒含量;两者在SPF鸭中呈现不同的致病性,CK/GX/2/09在4 d内可以使感染鸭100%死亡,而DK/HuN/4/08只引起25%的死亡率;同样在小鼠试验中,两者致病力差异与在鸭体中的反应一致,其MLD50分别为1.63 log10EID50和6.2 log10EID50。本研究表明,这两株遗传背景相似的HPAIV在鸡、鸭和小鼠中的致病性不同,为进一步利用反向遗传技术研究这两株病毒对水禽和哺乳动物致病力差异的分子机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, the causative agent of porcine enzootic pneumonia, is present in swine herds worldwide. However, there is little information on strains infecting herds in Canada. A total of 160 swine lungs with lesions suggestive of enzootic pneumonia originating from 48 different farms were recovered from two slaughterhouses and submitted for gross pathology. The pneumonic lesion scores ranged from 2% to 84%.Eighty nine percent of the lungs (143/160) were positive for M. hyopneumoniae by real-time PCR whereas 10% (16/160) and 8.8% (14/160) were positive by PCR for M. hyorhinis and M. flocculare, respectively. By culture, only 6% of the samples were positive for M. hyopneumoniae (10/160). Among the selected M. hyopneumoniae-positive lungs (n = 25), 9 lungs were co-infected with M. hyorhinis, 9 lungs with PCV2, 2 lungs with PRRSV, 12 lungs with S. suis and 10 lungs with P. multocida. MLVA and PCR-RFLP clustering of M. hyopneumoniae revealed that analyzed strains were distributed among three and five clusters respectively, regardless of severity of lesions, indicating that no cluster is associated with virulence. However, strains missing a specific MLVA locus showed significantly less severe lesions and lower numbers of bacteria. MLVA and PCR-RFLP analyses also showed a high diversity among field isolates of M. hyopneumoniae with a greater homogeneity within the same herd. Almost half of the field isolates presented less than 55% homology with selected vaccine and reference strains.  相似文献   

Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) have been reported to become infected with Toxoplasma gondii and at times succumb to clinical disease. Here, we determined genotypes of 39 T. gondii isolates from 37 sea otters in two geographically distant locations (25 from California and 12 from Washington). Six genotypes were identified using 10 PCR-RFLP genetic markers including SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1, and Apico, and by DNA sequencing of loci SAG1 and GRA6 in 13 isolates. Of these 39 isolates, 13 (33%) were clonal Type II which can be further divided into two groups at the locus Apico. Two of the 39 isolates had Type II alleles at all loci except a Type I allele at locus L358. One isolate had Type II alleles at all loci except the Type I alleles at loci L358 and Apico. One isolate had Type III alleles at all loci except Type II alleles at SAG2 and Apico. Two sea otter isolates had a mixed infection. Twenty-one (54%) isolates had an unique allele at SAG1 locus. Further genotyping or DNA sequence analysis for 18 of these 21 isolates at loci SAG1 and GRA6 revealed that there were two different genotypes, including the previously identified Type X (four isolates) and a new genotype named Type A (14 isolates). The results from this study suggest that the sea otter isolates are genetically diverse.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at determining the genetic diversity of Campylobacter jejuni from healthy ruminants and poultry, and study by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) their links to human isolates in Spain. MLST analysis of 160 animal isolates generated 45 sequence types (STs, nine of them new to this study), that clustered into 18 clonal complexes (CC) and nine singletons. The 71 isolates from humans generated 28 STs (13 CC plus four singletons). Only 11 STs and nine CCs were shared by humans and animals (particularly from dairy cattle and sheep), mainly corresponding to sporadic cases rather than outbreaks, probably as an adaptation of the general human population to the types commonly circulating in livestock. PCR analysis of the distribution of four virulence-associated genes detected the cdtABC gene cluster in all 160 isolates but with a 700-bp deletion in four of them, and amplified the virB11, cgtB and wlaN genes in 4.7%, 21.3% and 21.9% respectively. A subset of 87 C. jejuni animal isolates analysed using flaA PCR-RFLP, MLST and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis generated 31, 38 and 55 types respectively. The combined typing approach used provided reliable inter-strain relationships, confirming the co-existence of several strains in some farms, but also identifying identical genotypes sampled over a wide temporal span in different environments and hosts. Typing results confirmed a high genetic diversity of C. jejuni in our region and suggested that ruminants are also important sources for human infection. MLST data provided will help to obtain a more comprehensive image of the population structure of C. jejuni and establish reliable source attribution schemes.  相似文献   

Anaplasma marginale (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae), a tick-borne pathogen of cattle, is endemic in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, and many isolates of A. marginale may occur in a given geographic area. Phylogenetic relationships have been reported for A. marginale isolates from the US using gene and protein sequences of MSP1a and msp4. These studies demonstrated that msp4 sequences, but not MSP1a DNA or protein sequences, provide phylogeographic information and also that MSP1a sequences are highly heterogeneous among A. marginale populations. However, little information is available on the genetic diversity of A. marginale isolates from other regions of the world. The present study was undertaken to examine genetic variation among 10 isolates of A. marginale obtained from infected cattle in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, where A. marginale is endemic. Neighbor-joining analysis of msp4 sequences of Brazilian and New World isolates of A. marginale from Argentina, Mexico and the US provided bootstrap support for a Latin American clade. The sequences of the MSP1a repeats of four Brazilian isolates of A. marginale were compared to sequences of Latin American and US isolates. The MSP1a repeated sequences of Latin American isolates of A. marginale had nine repeat forms, alpha-phi, which have not been reported previously in North American isolates of A. marginale. Furthermore, the repeated forms tau, sigma and mu were only present in the Brazilian isolates. The results demonstrated that the genetic heterogeneity observed among isolates of A. marginale is common in endemic areas, independent of the predominant tick vector and is consistent with previous studies in which msp4 provided phylogeographic information about A. marginale isolates, while MSP1a was found not to be a useful marker for phylogeographic characterization of A. marginale isolates.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) against Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 7 were produced and characterized. Three Mabs directed against surface polysaccharides were selected. One of the Mabs was directed against a capsular polysaccharide epitope (CPS) of A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 7 whereas two other Mabs reacted with different epitopes of the LPS O-chain. One of the latter reacted with the reference strain of serotype 7 and the other one with serotypes 7 and 4. These three Mabs were used to test, by Dot-ELISA, 508 field strains of A. pleuropneumoniae. None of the strains belonging to other serotypes different from serotypes 4 and 7 were positive with the Mabs. Used in combination, the CPS and one of the LPS O-chain directed Mabs were shown to be suitable for serotyping since they detected 100% of serotype 7 strains. In this study, we confirm for the first time that A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 4 is present in North America. Finally, both O-chain specific Mabs also reacted with the O-chain of Actinobacillus lignieresii. The cross-reactivity between the two species was confirmed using sera from pigs experimentally infected with A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 7 and A. lignieresii, using immunoblotting and ELISA. This is the first report of a specific cross-reactivity between the LPS of these bacterial species.  相似文献   

Blastocystis hominis is a protozoan parasite found in humans. B. hominis-like organisms have been found in a variety of animals, but have been called Blastocystis sp. because the isolates from animals were indistinguishable from B. hominis morphologically. Recent molecular studies show that some isolates from animals have genetic similarity with B. hominis. However, it has been unclear whether the isolates from animals have zoonotic potential or not. In the present study, the SSUrDNA of 19 Blastocystis isolates from these animals was sequenced in its entirety, and the phylogenetic relationship among isolates from humans and animals was clarified using available nucleotide sequences of the same locus. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the 19 isolates analyzed in the present study could be classified into seven groups (I-VII): Group I consisted of the isolates from humans, primates, cattle, pigs and birds; Group II of the isolates from humans and primates; Group III of the isolates from humans, cattle and pigs; Group IV of the isolates from primates, birds and rodents; Group V of the isolates from cattle and pigs; Groups VI and VII of the isolates from humans and birds. These results indicate that many of the isolates harboring in animals have zoonotic potential, or have cross-transmissibility among heterogeneous hosts.  相似文献   

Paratuberculosis in goats occurs worldwide causing considerable economic losses mainly due to reduced milk production. Nowadays, there is still relatively little knowledge about the epidemiology of this disease in goats, and only a few epidemiological studies have been carried out in goats naturally infected with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (M. a. paratuberculosis). The objective of this study was to characterize forty four clinical caprine isolates of M. a. paratuberculosis by different molecular techniques (pulsed-field gel electrophoresis [PFGE], restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis coupled with hybridization to IS900, and IS1311 polymerase chain reaction-restriction enzyme analysis) to determine the most useful technique for molecular typing of caprine isolates, as well as to disclose the genetic variation amongst caprine isolates and the relationship with strains isolated from other animal species. PFGE was found to be the most discriminative technique identifying a total of 13 'multiplex' PFGE profiles, ten of which were novel profiles found only in caprine isolates to date. All isolates were genotyped as Type II strains, except two isolates that resembled the intermediate group referred as Type III.  相似文献   

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