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Among the priority species identified for domestication in the Sahel region of Sub-Sahara Africa is the baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) tree. The quantification of the variation in nutrient content and fruit morphological traits of trees is one of the most important steps in identifying superior planting material for domestication. Ten provenances in Mali covering all the different agro-ecological zones were selected and the fruit morphological traits, vitamin C, calcium, iron and colour were studied. Mean pulp content was 2,149 ± 1,117 , 2,406 ± 776  and 25 ± 17 mg kg?1 for vitamin C, calcium and iron, respectively. Fruit pulp colour varied from white, creamy to pink and a significant correlation between pulp vitamin C content and reflectance in the green and blue bands was observed. Significant negative correlations were found between rainfall and pulp vitamin C content and between mean annual temperature and fruit and pulp weight and pulp fraction, suggesting that these traits are influenced by the environment. Pulp iron content correlated positively with topsoil sodicity and base saturation. Similarly, pulp vitamin C content correlated positively with topsoil sand fraction. Pulp reflectance in the blue and green bands correlated negatively with topsoil pH water and base saturation, respectively. The variation in nutritive and morphological traits offers the opportunity for selecting plus trees with a combination of desired traits for domestication.  相似文献   

Adansonia digitata L. is a multi-purpose indigenous fruit tree. Rural communities in most parts of Africa depend on it as a source of food, medicine, and income. Developing vegetative propagation protocols would enhance domestication of this species and increase the supply of its products. Two grafting methods were assessed in the months of October and November 2016. The graft take and shooting were assessed 6 and 5 months after propagation. Significant difference (P≤ 0.003) was observed between grafting methods in October and November. Top cleft in October attained the highest grafting success rate of 66.6 ± 3.33%, whilst in November the success rate was 33.3 ± 16.7%. Side veneer attained 63.3 ± 12.0% grafting success in October as opposed to 30.0 ± 17.3% in November. The results indicate that baobab is easily amenable to grafting when done at the right time with the correct size of scions. Therefore, to promote the cultivation of the species in the agroforestry systems, grafting using scions from mother trees possessing desired attributes should be used and promoted.  相似文献   

Agroforestry Systems - The baobab tree (Adansonia digitata L.) is an integral component of many dryland farming systems in sub-Sahara Africa. Such traditional agroforestry systems can foster a...  相似文献   

Adansonia digitata L. (Baobab) is widely distributed throughout Sub-Saharan Africa stretching from Senegal to Sudan, and from Ethiopia to Natal. Information of phenotypic and genetic variation is a prerequisite for the domestication and improvement of baobab fruits from the wild. A study was done to determine within and between provenance variability in fruit and seed characteristics of five populations selected from four silvicultural zones and assess whether morphometric traits could delineate populations from different zones into land races. Fruits were characterized from 55 trees representing a wide geographical range. Six fruit traits and three individual seed traits were assessed. Results showed highly significant differences (P????0.001) in fruit, pulp, and seed weight, fruit length and width, number of seed, individual seed weight, seed length and width within and between populations. Mean fruit weight ranged from 125.8?±?3.25 to 162.9?±?3.25?g, seed weight ranged from 38.6?±?2.5 to 66?±?2.01?g and pulp weight ranged from 28.7?±?1.33 to 41.4?±?1.33?g. Single seed weight showed pronounced evidence of divergence of populations into ecotypes. The rich diversity found between and within populations is important for domestication purposes and tree improvement through selection and breeding. All populations could be used for seed source but distribution should be consciously done recognizing existence of races.  相似文献   

We analyzed the phenotypic variation of baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) fruits from Mali to define the domestication potential of this species. 269 trees, selected from 10 provenances distributed along a rainfall gradient, were characterized. Five fruits were sampled from each tree. Total individual fruit weight was partitioned into shell, pulp, and seed weight. Ratios were calculated between pulp + seed and total weight, and between pulp and seed weight. For all the measured fruit traits, we detected significant differences between provenances, as well as between trees from the same provenance. Assuming that the measured traits are under genetic control, the latter facts indicate that there are considerable opportunities for tree selection on a local scale. However, candidate plus trees with specific properties, e.g., extremely high pulp or seed weight, were found only in some locations. Mean pulp yield per fruit might be considerably increased by selecting the 5% trees with the highest pulp weight (mean: 45 ± 1 g, best 5%: >100 g). The same might be true for seed production (mean: 71 ± 2 g, best 5%: >150 g). Also the ratio between pulp and seed weight can be an important fruit characteristic for selection: in fruits with a low ratio, relatively more pulp sticks to the seeds when separating the two fruit parts by grinding, and thus more pulp will be lost for further processing. We identified several trees with a high pulp weight combined with a high ratio between pulp and seed weight. It is concluded that there is considerable phenotypic variability in traits of baobab fruit in Mali, offering opportunities for cultivar selection.  相似文献   

Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) strongly contribute to livelihood security in the semi-arid tropics. There is increasing concern about the population status of NTFP-providing trees and therefore a need for their sustainable use. Thus, this study examines the impact of land-use type on the multipurpose baobab tree (Adansonia digitata L.) in Burkina Faso, combined with rates and patterns of bark- and leaf-harvesting, and their impact on fruit production. We compared stands in a protected area (W National Park of Burkina Faso) with those of surrounding communal area (fallows, croplands and villages) to obtain an indication on the status of the baobab population, to assess its harvesting tolerance and to estimate to what extent their actual use is sustainable. Our results reveal that land-use type has an impact on the population structure of the baobab. The size class distribution curve of park stands was inverse J-shape which indicates good rejuvenation, while the curve of fallows, croplands and villages stands was bell-shaped, indicating a lack of recruitment. However, a high number of seedlings were recorded in villages. Nearly all baobabs were pruned and debarked in villages, croplands and fallows while half of the individuals were harvested in the park. Most of the trees were pruned and debarked moderately. Debarking and pruning were slightly size specific. Pruning in interaction with tree-size had a significant impact on fruit production. In contrast, debarking had no effect on fruit production. We conclude that despite the land-use impact and the intense harvesting, baobabs are still well preserved in the communal area due to their longevity, extremely low adult mortality rates and traditional management practices. However, land-use intensifications may lead to increasing pressure on baobab populations in the future. Therefore, adapted management strategies are needed to guarantee the persistence of this important species and to avoid a shortage of baobab products.  相似文献   

Discussion of the role of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) in efforts to reconcile the objectives of forest conservation and rural development has often been hampered by limited understanding of the complexity of the factors that affect the contribution of NTFPs to local livelihoods. By drawing upon two case studies where NTFPs play an important role - the municipality of Lepaterique in Honduras and Palawan Island in the Philippines - this study emphasizes that an ideal extractive system should be based on a mix of products to enable sustainable harvesting throughout the year. The study also demonstrates that considerable attention needs to be paid to the socio-cultural heterogeneity of resource users, and to the value chain structure, access and control over resources and political transparency that affect the opportunities for local people to benefit from NTFP extraction.  相似文献   

Domestication of desirable forest resources in agroforestry is expected to contribute to community based forest conservation efforts, but there may be an optimum level of domestication in this respect. Aren or sugar palm (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr.) is a multipurpose tree that provides livelihoods for local people and food for other biota in the landscape. However, its domestication is still limited in many places, such as in Batang Toru Forest Block, an area of high conservation value, including habitat for the Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii). Options for aren management were prioritized as part of a landscape-scale conservation study by comparing domestication levels in the area. Data on economic indicators and ecological knowledge were gathered through interviews with key farmers, focus groups and transect walks. Four representative villages were selected for the study, that is, (i) two villages with no domestication of aren; and (ii) two villages with aren cultivation in rubber-based land-use systems. Costbenefit analyses suggested that in a rich biodiversity area, such as Batang Toru, although aren was one of the sources of local livelihoods, additional investment for domestication beyond cultivation was not an option considered by farmers. Farmers still perceived wildlife as an efficient mode of aren regeneration, supported by the coexistence of people and other biota in the area. It appears the value of aren for local people’s livelihoods and conservation can be enhanced by increasing its stocking density. There is also scope for improving market access and share of end-user value received by farmers.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):183-193
Tree bark is commonly used for traditional medicine in southern Africa and further afield. Increasing demand and commercialisation have resulted in the overexploitation of many species, posing a major challenge to forest managers to develop mechanisms for sustainable resource use. An experimental bark harvesting research project was initiated in the southern Cape, South Africa, to inform best practices for bark harvesting based on tree response to bark stripping. The species selected for the study, Ocotea bullata, Curtisia dentata and Rapanea melanophloeos, are much sought after and well represented in southern Cape forests. The treatment entailed removing vertical strips of bark, 1 m in length and of different strip widths, covering the full range of tree size classes ≥10 cm DBH. The treatments were applied during two seasons, winter and summer. Evaluations were done every six months to assess tree response to bark stripping in terms of bark regrowth through phellogen edge and sheet development, and susceptibility to insect and fungal damage. The results show a differential response of tree species in terms of phellogen edge and sheet growth, as well as susceptibility to fungal and insect attack. Rapanea melanophloeos was the most vulnerable to fungal and insect damage and displayed little bark regrowth following wounding. Curtisia dentata showed best bark regrowth through sheet development. Only O. bullata, though, showed adequate bark regrowth (through edge development) to allow for sustainable strip harvesting. Bark regrowth is influenced by season of stripping, although this is difficult to define considering the wide range of environmental and other factors affecting tree response to bark removal. Smaller trees are more vulnerable to bark stripping, especially with a wide strip, with poorer bark regrowth than bigger trees.  相似文献   

Differences in soil organic matter (SOM) content, soil acidity, and soil exchangeable nutrients (NH4–N, NO3–N, Ca, K, Na, Mg) related to the presence of ground flora were studied. The study was carried out for a growing season in two different Fagus sylvatica L. forests in southern Sweden, and the differences in soil characteristics below naturally occurring patches of Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. or Anemone nemorosa L. were compared with those with no ground flora. Patches of D. flexuosa led to higher soil pH, but lower SOM, water content, base saturation, and NH4–N concentration compared with adjacent zones without D. flexuosa. The lower SOM content suggested an increased rate of decomposition which caused soil pH to increase because of release of basic cations. In the presence of A. nemorosa, pH was higher and the exchangeable acidity lower than for patches without the herb. In early spring, when A. nemorosa emerged and flowered, the NH4–N concentration was somewhat lower in the presence of the herb than when it was absent. For the evergreen grass D. flexuosa NH4–N concentrations were lower in patches with the grass later in the summer season (July). This work indicates the presence of spatial and temporal differences in nutrient circulation and decomposition on the small ground flora scale, which should be considered when studying nutrient and carbon cycles of temperate forests.  相似文献   

Damage to conifer seedlings caused by the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis, was estimated within eighty-two forest sites in Northern Ireland. A wide range of environmental variables were compared with the variation in damage between study sites using multiple logistic regression. Although 45 explanatory variables were considered only four were identified as significant within the final model. The four variables were the size of the planted area, the age of the planting, whether the majority of seedlings were self-seeded or planted, and if the site had been previously planted or was a newly planted area. The identification of these four variables indicates that it is possible to build a model identifying areas at risk to weevil damage. Further, although three of the factors have been recognised as significant influences on weevil damage for some time, they still remain important variables within British Isles forestry, suggesting that there is further scope for more precise targeting of weevil control measures.  相似文献   

Assessing the vulnerability of forest ecosystems in the climate change context is a challenging task as the mechanisms that determine this vulnerability cannot be directly observed. Based on the ecological interrelationships between forests and climate, the present review focused on providing current information about vulnerability assessments of cork oak(Quercus suber L.) forests in the Mediterranean basin, especially, in the Kroumirie region(northwest Tunisia), currently under historic extreme drought conditions. From comparing recent findings in this region, we synthesized data on cork oak decline and mortality collected during the historic drought years 1988–1995 period. Climate change impacts cork forest decline, with special interest shown in elevated temperatures and drought; cork oak forest regeneration, and the adaptation of the Kroumirie forest to climate change, are reviewed herein. The studied region has been influenced largely by frequent prolonged drought periods, especially from 1988 to 1995. Droughts were found to consistently have a more detrimental impact on the growth and mortality rates of cork oak populations. Cork oak mortality was recorded for up to 63,622 trees. In the future, more research studies and observational data will be needed, which could represent an important key to understand ecosystem processes, and to facilitate the development of better models that project climate change impacts and vulnerability. The study is useful for researchers and forestry decision makers to develop the appropriate strategies to restore and protect ecosystems, and to help anticipate potential future droughts and climate change.  相似文献   

Water stress and temperature impose fundamental limits to forest productivity. Stresses caused by fluctuating or extreme temperatures or limited water availability vary both seasonally and from year to year. The role of these stresses should be considered when investigating the causes of declines in forest productivity. Forest growth, or carbon gain, can be related quantitatively to three components: leaf area, rate of net photosynthesis and rate of respiration. This paper examines effects of temperature and water supply on these components with particular reference to loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), a species of economic importance in the southeastern United States where declines, of unknown cause, in forest productivity have been reported.  相似文献   

The braconid parasitoid Psyttalia concolor foraging for larvae of Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) uses olfactory cues from the larval microhabitat. However, it could rely on the sex pheromones of adults of its host, since B. oleae mating leks usually occur on olive plants and a high number of infested fruits can be easily located in their close proximity. We quantified the behavioural responses of P. concolor towards different doses of the two major sex pheromone components of B. oleae, the female-borne 1,7-dioxaspiro[5.5]undecane (DSU) and the male-borne (Z)-9-tricosene (ZT). Results showed that P. concolor females and males were attracted only to the highest amounts of ZT (10 B. oleae male equivalents), regardless of the mating status. Wasps remained longer on the surfaces treated with high ZT amounts over the control. P. concolor females could exploit the ZT produced by lekking olive fruit fly males as a foraging kairomone. This could allow them to rapidly track B. oleae-infested olive plants, thus raising their chances to locate host larvae during their lifespan. On the other hand, the perception of ZT by P. concolor males could raise their chances to locate receptive females emerging from parasitised B. oleae pupae or also ovipositing in olive fruits. This study increases the knowledge of the reproductive biology of P. concolor, highlighting a case of chemical espionage in which a sex pheromone component from adult stages of the host is exploited both as a foraging kairomone by female parasitoids and as a sexual kairomone by male wasps.  相似文献   

Ten Egyptian and imported entomopathogenic nematodes were evaluated for their pathogenicity to R. ferrugineus in both the laboratory and the field. In the laboratory, most nematodes were pathogenic to the pest larvae, pupae and adults. Larvae and adults were more susceptible to nematode infection (mostly 100?% mortality) than pupae enclosed in their cocoons. In the field however, the highest insect larval mortality was 66.67?% and most of nematodes failed in controlling the pest. Such failure could be due to hot weather, the tunnelling behaviour of the pest larvae and the too much sap in the infested sites in the trunks of palm trees.  相似文献   

Based on the traditional use in popular medicine, the effect of extracts from Psidium guajava L. leaves and of the main flavonol-glycoside components on dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (DP-IV), a key enzyme of blood glucose homoeostasis, has been investigated in-vitro. An ethanolic extract was prepared from dried, powdered leaves of guava and was found to contain seven main flavonol-glycosides, which were isolated by semipreparative HPLC and tested individually. The ethanolic guava leave extract was shown to exert a dose-dependent inhibition of DP-IV, with an IC50 of 380 μg/ml test assay solution. Also the individual flavonol-glycosides inhibited DP-IV dose-dependently, with variations of the effects by a factor of 10, and an overall effect accounting for 100% of that observed for the total guava extract. The recovery of individual flavonol-glycosides in CaCo-2 epithelial cells, a model of gastrointestinal tract absorption, amounted to 2.3–5.3% of the amount available for absorption over 60 min at 37 °C.  相似文献   

In rural areas of northern Laos, a commercially valuable pioneer tree species, paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera L. Vent.) has been recommended for intercropping under plantations of commercial trees. However, less is understood about the growth of this pioneer tree species in the understorey and the mechanism underlying the shade intolerance. We measured growth characteristics for seedlings of paper mulberry under four light intensities. We compared the relative growth rates in aboveground biomass and standing leaf area (RGRmass and RGRleaf), light-capture efficiency, and seeding-level mass-based daily photosynthetic rates (A mass) with those of field-grown seedlings of eight shade-tolerant species to identify factors potentially responsible for shade-intolerance. Most growth traits of the paper mulberry seedlings did not differ consistently from those of the shade tolerant species. The ecophysiological–architectural model software showed higher A mass and RGRmass capacity in paper mulberry than in shade-tolerant species. Despite their higher RGRmass, paper mulberry seedlings had negative RGRleaf under shaded conditions due to short leaf lifespan. The linear RGRmass–RGRleaf relationship for paper mulberry had a high RGRmass intercept, indicating that a high RGRmass was required to provide positive RGRleaf. Progressive decreases in standing leaf area with time, and possibly photosynthesis, appear to be responsible for the shade-intolerance of paper mulberry. Although intercropping of paper mulberry has been suggested in the species’ native region, understorey cultivation of paper mulberry would only be possible with relatively open canopies.  相似文献   

Investigations on I. typographus populations were conducted in 1992–1994 in the Sudeten (south-western Poland), in Norway spruce stands that were devastated previously by insect outbreaks and that exhibited severe forest decline. Crown defoliation and the volume of infested trees per hectare were used as indices of stand health and breeding conditions; variability in the infestation density, gallery length, and body length of beetles were parameters that were used to estimate the response of I. typographus populations to changing stand conditions. In stands located in the zone above 800 m a.s.l. where both the level defoliation and tree mortality were higher, the infestation density and body length of I. typographus were higher than in the zone below 800 m a.s.l., where stands were less damaged. Contrarily, the gallery length was higher in lower montane zone, where lower infestation densities and body length values were found. A proposed mechanism for this interaction, which is attributed mainly to better breeding conditions for I. typographus populations in weakened stands, is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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