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Research relies on ever larger amounts of data from experiments, automated production equipment, questionnaries, times series such as weather records, and so on. A major task in science is to combine, process and analyse such data to obtain evidence of patterns and correlations.Most research data are on digital form, which in principle ensures easy processing and analysis, easy long-term preservation, and easy reuse in future research, perhaps in entirely unanticipated ways. However, in practice, obstacles such as incompatible or undocumented data formats, poor data quality and lack of familiarity with current technology prevent researchers from making full use of available data.This paper argues that relational databases are excellent tools for veterinary research and animal production; provides a small example to introduce basic database concepts; and points out some concerns that must be addressed when organizing data for research purposes.  相似文献   

The DairyCHAMP program is an animal health and management software program that helps daily animal management, herd performance monitoring and problem analysis. Data entry to the program uses a data dictionary and includes an error-checking system that ensures the consistency and appropriateness of data entered. DairyCHAMP performs health management functions, provides a convenient user interface, ensures uniform data across farms by using a standard data dictionary, can be fully integrated with decision-making software programs like DairyORACLE, and is flexible enough to be useful for many types of dairy facilities. Data are entered via a menu-based system. Animal events are organised around reproduction and lactation cycles and health records. Farm records include inventories for drug, feed and semen. Farm parameters can be established which customize the program for an individual farm. The database system is an integration of three schemas: the individual user's view, the community view and the storage system. The individual user's view must be easy to use, while the storage system must be compact enough to fit within the disc storage space on a microcomputer. This conflict requires a translation from one schema to another. The DairyCHAMP program accomplishes this through a coding system which assigns a code number to each event. The program can add synonyms to this event dictionary by assigning the same code number to the synonym the user chooses. The DairyCHAMP program provides access to the large amounts of data required to aid in daily animal management, allow performance monitoring and analyse problems. Its highly integrated system is efficient and easy to use and maintain.  相似文献   

Cytologic examination of bone marrow aspirates can provide a wealth of diagnostic information. Practitioners should not hesitate to perform bone marrow aspirates when indicated. This article is designed to assist the practitioner in the evaluation of bone marrow aspiration biopsies. The indications for marrow evaluation, methods of sample collection, sample preparation, and cytologic examination of bone marrow are discussed. Cases are provided to demonstrate accurate interpretation of bone marrow aspirates.  相似文献   

A geographic information system (GIS) database of the poultry industry on the Delmarva Peninsula was developed through a cooperative agreement between the Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc., and the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine. The purpose of this database was to facilitate disease surveillance and assist in managing the response to outbreaks and other emergencies. Two methods of data collection were employed and are described in this paper. The first method was to visit each poultry farm and collect the latitude and longitude coordinates with a handheld global positioning system unit. The second method used property ownership information, aerial photographs, and a GIS to determine the latitude and longitude of each poultry farm. There was no significant difference between the two methods in the accuracy of the results, but there was a large difference in the amount of time and money necessary to obtain the data. These findings indicate that whereas there are many ways to obtain accurate data for a GIS database, other factors may influence which method is chosen. A subset of farms contained within the database was visited to assess the accuracy of the locations contained within the database. Of the 240 farms visited for validation, 212 showed evidence of a functioning or previously functioning poultry operation. The corresponding error rate was 11%. This demonstrates the need to assure that the database is kept up to date to ensure that attrition among poultry growers is recorded. Several potential factors that might contribute to sources of error are discussed.  相似文献   

Questionnaires are widely used in veterinary epidemiological studies. With careful design, assessment and administration, questionnaires can collect accurate data. In cross-cultural settings, questionnaire design is complicated by the added step of translation. As part of a cross-sectional study of smallholder pig raisers in the Philippines, we assessed the importance of translation as a source of error in our questionnaire. The questionnaire contained 120 questions that collected data for entry into 361 separate data-entry fields in a computerised database. The translation was verified using the methods of back-translation and pilot-testing to identify and quantify errors of literal translation, omission and mistranslation. Errors were identified in 44 (37%) questions that obtained data for 147 (41%) data-entry fields. Although errors might have remained in the final translated version of the questionnaire, we have no doubt that the verification procedures substantially improved the internal validity of the questionnaire. It is important that veterinary epidemiologists use such procedures to check the internal validity of translated questionnaires.  相似文献   

A database of the clinical chemistry results from unwell animals referred to Glasgow University Veterinary School, by general practitioners, was studied. This database contains over 60,000 records, from more than 25,000 animals, obtained over a period of 18 years. A four-year period was selected during which the instruments and methods used for these analyses were unchanged. The biochemical analyses made on plasma from those dogs when first presented to the veterinary school were scrutinised in detail. These data have been summarised in a tabular form using the first, fifth, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th and 99th percentiles. The distributions of these values differ for different analytes and in particular do not conform to a normal curve. These data can be used to provide estimates of rarity to indicate the frequency with which extreme values associated with disease can be expected. Thus an individual datum can be flagged as high*, high**, high***, or high**** depending on whether it lies in the top 25 per cent, top 10 per cent, top 5 per cent or top 1 per cent, respectively, of cases in the hospital database. Low values can be flagged in the same way. This approach can complement the use of reference ranges from healthy animals to aid the interpretation of clinical biochemistry results from a new patient.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial susceptibility data on Escherichia coli F4, Pasteurella multocida, and Streptococcus suis isolates from Ontario swine (January 1998 to October 2010) were acquired from a comprehensive diagnostic veterinary laboratory in Ontario, Canada. In relation to the possible development of a surveillance system for antimicrobial resistance, data were assessed for ease of management, completeness, consistency, and applicability for temporal and spatial statistical analyses. Limited farm location data precluded spatial analyses and missing demographic data limited their use as predictors within multivariable statistical models. Changes in the standard panel of antimicrobials used for susceptibility testing reduced the number of antimicrobials available for temporal analyses. Data consistency and quality could improve over time in this and similar diagnostic laboratory settings by encouraging complete reporting with sample submission and by modifying database systems to limit free-text data entry. These changes could make more statistical methods available for disease surveillance and cluster detection.  相似文献   

VCARS, the Veterinary Computerized Anesthetic Record System, has been developed to capture pre-, peri- and post-anesthetic data using Tablet PCs, 802.11b wireless networks, and a web-based database. Patient demographics, anticipated procedures and anesthetist, service information and hematologic and chemistry values are imported from the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital patient information system. Using a wireless Tablet PC, pre-anesthetic examination findings are recorded and an anesthetic plan including anesthetic drugs and anesthetic and monitoring equipment is developed. During induction and maintenance of anesthesia, physiologic variables, drug, fluid, anesthetic gas and oxygen administration, laboratory values, patient location, and important events can be charted with the simplicity of a paper anesthetic record. This information can be manipulated for display in a variety of ways depending on the specific needs of the case. Tools for calculating optimal fluid rates and drug dosages are incorporated into the design. The anesthetic records from multiple cases can be viewed simultaneously using a centrally-located monitor. Detailed audit trails ensure data integrity. A high-end search engine will allow rapid and complete retrieval of patient and anesthetic information. Macromedia flash is used to allow temporary disconnection from the wireless network without losing the ability to view, add, or edit data. The initial stages of software development are nearing completion, a wireless network is in place and hardware is being purchased. A pilot study will be conducted using manual entry of physiologic data prior to integration of automatically captured patient physiological variables. It is anticipated that this system will drastically improve the accuracy of data collection and retrieval and will provide important information about anesthetic management allowing improvement in overall patient care.  相似文献   

通过结构化手段,建立食品法规管理平台,形成与食品开发管理协同的数据管理体系.乳制品研发企业通过执法人员完成对乳品法规解析后,建立结构化的乳品法规标准库.开发人员基于信息化手段,严格遵从乳品法规标准进行乳品开发工作.通过信息化手段实现结构化法规数据与产品开发数据进行匹配性检查.确保乳品开发合规性,保证企业的持续稳定发展.  相似文献   

The application of MUMPS in a computerised recording system for herd health and production control on dairy farms is reviewed. MUMPS is an interactive multi-user database management system, which is both an operating system and a high level computer language. In this system, coding of veterinary and management events prior to data entry is not needed. Programmes and data structure can easily be adapted and extended due to the features of MUMPS. The system for dairy farms allows epidemiological analyses, due to the flexibility of the programme. The programme is used by farmers and veterinary surgeons by means of terminals linked to a central computer. The system provides action lists for farmers and veterinary surgeons; the information on these lists is presented in a multidisciplinary way. Several herd reports and analyses, including frequency distributions and graphs, are given. These reports enable the investigation of cross-relations between farm aspects, and aid in the detection of problem areas.  相似文献   

Practice management software benefits the equine practitioner in many ways. Ready access to patient records, rapid entry and lookup of clinical findings, easy invoicing and monitoring of revenues, inventory management, rapid search and sorting of data, reminder and recall maintenance, and integrated word processing are just some of the software functions that assist the successful practitioner. Computer use in veterinary practice may have seemed to many to be a gimmick at one time. Now that computers have become a part of our everyday life, it is clear that they can be an essential component of the modem, successful, and profitable equine practice.  相似文献   

A computer system for collection of animal disease and related data was set up by the Directorate of Veterinary Services in 1985, and data are available from 1986 up to the present. The nationwide system consists of detailed disease and herd health data from field veterinarians, disease and related data (such as grazing and animal condition, vaccinations and farmer treatments) from animal health inspectors, laboratory results and investigations, and abattoir data. More recently, a socio-economic component has also been added. Considerable care has been taken to link related information. In addition, all data are geographically linked through a placename co-ordinate and attribute file, and a crude but effective automated map presentation system exists. The standard objectives of an information system (which were not historically met), namely, to facilitate the collection of complete, accurate, timely and relevant data which are easily accessible and processible, and in this way provide a better basis for management decision-making as well as for specific studies and queries, were strived for. The system has proved particularly valuable in terms of automation of routine reports and in answering ad hoc queries. It is underutilised with regard to epidemiological studies, but we feel that it holds great potential.  相似文献   

牧草根际促生菌资源数据库管理系统构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对甘肃农业大学草业微生物实验室保存的植物根际促生菌资源的收集,整理和分析,设计并构建了牧草根际促生菌资源数据库管理系统。该系统采用Access 2003+Visual C++6.0设计,整个管理系统分为基本数据管理和系统服务管理2个模块,基本数据管理模块主要对收集的根际促生菌资源进行录入,系统服务管理模块提供可视化界面,设置查询窗口、数据浏览窗口和表格导出窗口,也可修改、添加及删除数据,还具有统计功能。构建的系统收录了甘肃农业大学草业微生物实验室保存的所有促生菌(PGPR)株的详细文本及图片材料,信息量大,功能全面,操作简便,解决了牧草根际促生菌资源的数字化有效存储管理。  相似文献   

罗嘉轩  冯云云 《猪业科学》2020,37(3):125-126
母猪是生猪养殖中关键的一个组成部分,对其生产性能进行临床研究可提高生产效率。结合循证医学知识以及生猪养殖状况,对常用的临床研究方法进行比对和分析,发现随机对照试验的证据等级高、可靠性好,但成本较高,适合于大型企业应用;队列研究证据可对疫苗药物的不良反应以及生产措施开展评价、证据等级较高,成本较低,值得广泛采用;病例对照研究成本低、时间短、容易被基层员工理解,但易产生偏倚,证据等级较低;横断面研究常与统计盘点相结合、应用较广泛,但因果关系可靠性差;病例报告容易操作,对员工文化水平要求低,可应用于基层部门的经验交流,并其具有高度选择性,但推广价值较低。  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病是由布鲁氏菌引起的人畜共患传染病,对我国畜牧业生产和公共卫生安全造成严重的威胁。科学准确诊断是布鲁氏菌病防控的重要技术依据,然而布鲁氏菌病的检测和确诊一直以来都并非易事,常常需要通过多种检测结果的综合分析,因此发展敏感性高、特异性好的布鲁氏菌的检测技术十分重要。总结并分析了近年来布鲁氏菌检测技术基础研究和临床应用研究方面的最新进展,结合国家动物布鲁氏菌病参考实验室工作经验,对各类检测方法的优缺点和适用范围进行了分析,旨在为动物布病诊断技术的选择和推广应用提供理论和实践依据,为动物布鲁氏菌诊断技术的研究提供方向性思考。  相似文献   

Efforts to improve dairy performance have been focused on increasing milk productivity of cows through improved feeding systems and genetic potential. However, methods for evaluating milking system performance based on milk productivity have not yet been established. Milking system performance was evaluated by measuring the claw vacuum at five flow rates (1.9–8.7 kg/min) produced using a flow simulator for a single eight‐swing milking parlor with a high‐line system. Based on these results, a double eight‐parallel milking parlor with a low‐line system was installed and tested. Farmers can take data obtained from evaluations of milking system performance into account for future management decisions, such as renewing the milking system. By renewing the milking system, average milking productivity, somatic cell linear score (LS) of bulk milk, and LS of each cow were significantly improved in the year after installing the new system (p < .01). In addition to checking conventional milking systems, this novel diagnostic method using a flow simulator can be used for checking new installations and also for proposing renovations.  相似文献   

通过对甘肃草坪地被植物资料的收集,整理与分析,设计并建立了甘肃草坪地被植物数字化管理系统。该系统采用ASP+SQL Server 2000+IIS 6.0设计,由系统管理模块和系统服务模块两部分组成。系统管理模块可对数据进行录入,修改和删除操作;系统服务模块可提供可视化界面,设置查询窗和数据浏览窗,并具有统计分析功能。系统收录了甘肃省306种常见草坪地被植物的详细文本及图片材料,信息量大,功能全面,操作简便,解决了草坪地被植物资源的数字化有效存储管理。  相似文献   

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