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This article describes the development and implementation of a World Wide Web page to support a team-taught introductory animal and poultry science course. The objectives were to examine the capabilities of this type of instructional resource, determine students' willingness to use this type of resource, create opportunities for interactive learning, and improve students' enthusiasm for the subject area. A variety of course materials were made available through the Internet, including the class syllabus, lecture notes, and practice questions to support and augment class lectures. Additional on-line resources included a bulletin board for instructor announcements, a list-serve for student discussions concerning administrative and educational issues arising during the semester, a class E-mail list, and a page with links to other sites of agricultural interest. Materials were accessible from a variety of computer resources, including campus computing laboratories, dial-up access, and access via other Internet service providers. Use of the materials was evaluated by analysis of log files from the server. Effectiveness of the resources was determined from surveys of students conducted before and after implementation of the on-line resource. Students indicated that the most useful components of the Web page were the class notes and practice/review questions. Effectiveness of the site was related to the amount of material available through the site, the level of interaction, whether the task was required, and the ease of access to computers and the Web site. Student evaluations indicated that this form of instructional supplement is a viable method for enhancing the learning experience in the introductory animal sciences.  相似文献   

Sir William Weipers lecture. The limits to animal production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between population and food supply was the subject of the 1979 Sir William Weipers lecture at the University of Glasgow on April 27 given by Sir Kenneth Blaxter of the Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen. He considered the limits to agricultural production generally and to animal production in particular. A shortened version of his lecture is printed below.  相似文献   

The importation of products of animal origin from states that don't belong either to the European Union nor to the signatory states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area is subject to European and national law. The examination of these products on import has to be carried out at the approved and published border control points at the external borders of the European Union (including border control points at airports). Although there wasn't any exception of these regulations during the World Exhibition EXPO 2000 sometimes it occurred that foods of animal origin passed a border control point and reached the EXPO site without veterinary import controls. Numbers of cases are mentioned and exemplary cases are described. Further steps by the responsible supervisory authority (Department of Trade and Veterinary Matters of the Federal State Capital of Hannover) to secure the consideration with legislation on prevention of epizootic disease are also explained.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to test the effect of clenbuterol, a smooth muscle relaxant, as an aid for the manual correction of bovine dystocias in a rural Quebec practice. The drug was given initially by intravenous coccygeal or jugular injection at a dose of 0.6 micrograms-0.8 micrograms/kg of body weight to parturient cows affected with fetal malpresentations (n = 37), malpostures (n = 112), or uterine torsions (n = 70). These cases comprised 32% (219/688) of the manually corrected dystocias encountered in cattle during the trial. Ease provided for obstetrical maneuvers of different types of dystocias was the evaluation criteria used in this report. The drug's myometrial relaxant effect made corrections easier for the veterinarian, and shorter and less traumatic for the dam. The success rates achieved for vaginal corrections and delivery of uterine torsions were 84% (76/91) and 77% (70/91), respectively. Other recorded benefits included the need for less frequent use of epidural anesthesia and a significantly lower incidence of retained fetal membranes (chi 2 = 11.18, p < 0.001). No adverse reactions were observed at any time. Clenbuterol proved to be a useful drug for manual correction of dystocias in cattle.  相似文献   

Improved understanding of the biology of traits of livestock species necessitates the use and combination of information that is stored in a variety of different sources such as databases and literature. The ability to effectively combine information from different sources, however, depends on a high level of standardization within and between various resources, at least with respect to the used terminology. Ontologies represent a set of concepts that facilitate standardization of terminology within specific domains of interest. The biological mechanisms underlying quantitative traits of farm animal species related to reproduction and host pathogen interactions are complex and not well understood. This knowledge could be improved through the availability of domain-specific ontologies that provide enhanced possibilities for data annotation, data retrieval, data integration, data exchange, data analysis, and ontology-based searches. Here we describe a framework for domain-specific ontologies and the development of 2 first-generation ontologies: Reproductive Trait and Phenotype Ontology (REPO) and Host Pathogen Interactions Ontology . In these first-generation ontologies, we focused on "female fertility in cattle" and "interactions between pigs and Salmonella". Through this, we contribute to the global initiative toward the development of an Animal Trait Ontology for livestock species. To demonstrate its usefulness, we show how REPO can be used to select candidate genes for fertility.  相似文献   

浅谈饲料与动物源性食品安全   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,由饲料安全问题引发的食品安全问题此起彼伏,疯牛病、口蹄疫、二恶英、瘦肉精等中毒事件不断发生,饲料安全与公众健康紧密关联,饲料安全等于动物源性食品安全(李德发,2002)的概念也已深入人心。在美国,饲料和食品是同一概念,适用于同一部法律,我国政府把健全饲料法律法规,禁止在饲料中滥用抗生素、激素等药品作为保证养殖业健康发展、维护人民身体健康的主要措施。饲料是养殖业的基础,饲料中存在的不安全或具有安全隐患的因素通过食物链进入动物体内被富集,从而影响到动物源性食品的安全。  相似文献   

本试验的目的是建立蕨麻小型猪主动脉瓣关闭不全动物模型及获得其评价指标。试验方法:蕨麻小型猪麻醉后在超声引导下,经右颈总动脉,采用套管插管戳破部分瓣膜建立主动脉瓣关闭不全动物模型;检测建模前,建模后即刻及1个月后动物主动脉弓血流峰值速度;血液生理学指标和血液生化指标,血压变化。试验结果:建模后即刻及1个月后主动脉弓血流峰值速度增加;血压降低;血液生理学指标无显著变化;血液生化指标中ALT、AST、CK、LDH建模1个月后显著升高,其他指标无显著变化。结论:在超声引导下经右颈总动脉套管插管建立蕨麻小型猪主动脉瓣关闭不全模型可行,操作简单、重复性好,效果可靠,建模后1个月不会发生自愈,初步获得主动脉瓣关闭不全动物模型评价指标。  相似文献   

RATIONALE FOR THE STUDY: In 2000, funding was awarded by the University of Glasgow's Learning and Teaching Development Fund (L&TDF) for the authors to develop an interactive, online learning resource for veterinary biomolecular sciences teaching. This course is a core component of the veterinary undergraduate curriculum at the university. Evaluations were carried out to gauge students' experiences of using the resource as a basis for exploring students' attitudes toward online, independent learning. METHODOLOGY: Peers were asked to review the design and content of four modules, also evaluated by students using questionnaires and focus group discussions. Additionally, students were observed using the modules. Both first-year students and second-year direct-entry students (i.e., students entering the veterinary program with advanced training) participated in the evaluation, which allowed for some comparison between the groups. One cohort used the modules independently, and their responses were compared with the cohorts that used the modules in scheduled classes. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The evaluations indicate that this is a useful resource that could act as a template for other courses within the veterinary undergraduate curriculum, particularly for learning of basic sciences. On average, first-year and timetabled students rated the program more highly overall, rated the program more highly in relation to previous instruction, and rated tutor presence as more important than second-year direct-entry and independent students did. The lower rating given to tutor presence by second-year direct-entry and independent students indicates that they are more confident using the modules without tutor supervision.  相似文献   

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