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The proximal portion of the femur was evaluated as a source of autogenous cancellous bone in dogs. Bilateral oval cortical defects were created in the lateral subtrochanteric area of the femur in 16 dogs. Cancellous bone was removed and the weight recorded. Cancellous bone was similarly harvested from the proximal portion of the humerus in 7 of these dogs. Subtrochanteric femoral defects in 11 dogs were randomly assigned to receive cancellous bone graft obtained from the femur (n = 4) or the humerus (n = 7). Subtrochanteric defects in 5 dogs were not grafted. Radiographic assessment of subtrochanteric defects was performed at 4-week intervals, and histologic assessment at 4, 8, 16, and 24 weeks after surgery. Nongrafted donor sites healed by ingrowth of trabecular bone during the first 12 weeks after surgery. By week 24, the lateral cortical wall had reformed, but remodeling was incomplete. Donor sites grafted with cancellous bone healed similarly, but with more rapid healing and more complete remodeling evident by week 24. Although the mean weight of cancellous bone harvested from the proximal portion of the femur (0.82 +/- 0.22 g) was significantly (P less than 0.05) less than that harvested from the proximal portion of the humerus (1.38 +/- 0.29 g), there was no qualitative histologic or radiographic difference in bony healing of grafted defects. We determined that the proximal portion of the femur can be safely used to provide moderate amounts of cancellous bone, and that a second bone graft can be collected from the same subtrochanteric donor site after 12 weeks.  相似文献   

A comparative clinical and histological study was made of the effects of autogenous cancellous grafts on the rate of healing of homogenous cortical bone grafts in dogs: their right foreleg received homogenous bone grafts and their left foreleg received pre-drilled homogenous bone grafts filled with autogenous cancellous bone. Histologically, the use of homogenous cortical grafts with pre-drilled holes and autogenous cancellous bone appeared to accelerate reorganization and development of these grafts. This was seen particularly 1–2 months post-operatively and at nine months when the graft in the left leg was made up of spongy bone marrow; whereas the right leg graft still contained compact dead bone and the marrow was filled with fibrous tissue.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare bone healing induced by equine demineralized bone matrix (DBM) to autogenous cancellous bone graft (ACB) or no graft (control) in a rib-defect model in horses. STUDY DESIGN: The osteogenic properties of ACB and DBM were evaluated in bilateral 19-mm circular defects created in the outer cortex of the 6th and 8th ribs of each horse. ANIMALS OR SAMPLE POPULATION: Eight mature horses. METHODS: Three rib defects in each horse were randomly treated with each of the 3 treatment groups, and the fourth rib defect received a random treatment. Rib sections, including the defects, were harvested 56 days after implantation and examined for bone mineral density, percent ash and calcium and graded for signs of radiographic and histological healing. RESULTS: All ribs were fractured at the defect site and were classified as nonunion fractures 56 days after implantation. There were no significant differences among groups in bone mineral density and signs of radiographic or histological healing. There was an increased volume of bone in control and ACB-treated sites compared with DBM-treated sites. Rib defects treated with ACB were significantly higher in percent ash and calcium than those treated with DBM. DBM elicited no inflammatory reaction, and remodeling occurred around the periphery and within vascular channels of the decalcified particles. CONCLUSION: DBM particles remodel from the periphery, which may explain the significantly lower percent ash, calcium, and bone when compared with ACB, because 2- to 4-microL pieces of DBM may act as space-occupying masses until completely mineralized. There was no evidence of enhanced healing associated with the use of DBM in this model. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Particles of 2 to 4 mm DBM should not be used as an aid to fracture repair because particles of this size interfere with normal mineralization. However, our model of nonunion fracture healing may be useful in future studies.  相似文献   

A standardized cortical defect was created on the caudal cortex of the proximal portion of each ulna in 5 adult mixed-breed dogs. One gram of autogenous cancellous bone graft (ACBG) was obtained from the greater tubercle of the ipsilateral humerus. The cortical defect in the ulna of 1 limb was filled with 1 g of ACBG that had been compressed with 2-MPa pressure for 30 seconds. One gram of noncompressed ACBG was placed into the contralateral ulnar cortical defect. The compressed and noncompressed ACBG recipient sites were radiographed at weekly intervals. Dogs were euthanatized 8 weeks after surgery, and the ACBG recipient sites were harvested for histomorphometric analysis. Optical densitometry was performed on all radiographs. There was no significant difference between compressed and noncompressed ACBG with optical densitometry or histomorphometric analysis for total bone area. We concluded that there was no difference in osteogenic capability between compressed and noncompressed ACBG of equal mass.  相似文献   


AIMS: To objectively compare measures of bone healing, using computed tomography (CT) in dogs following bilateral tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA), between tibiae treated with and without autogenous cancellous bone grafts.

METHODS: Ten dogs with bilateral cranial cruciate ligament disease requiring surgical stabilisation were prospectively recruited to undergo single-session bilateral TTA, with only one, randomly assigned, tibia receiving bone graft in the osteotomy deficit. Bone healing at the osteotomy site was assessed using CT performed 38–70 days post-operatively. CT images were evaluated using both objective measurements of osseous bridging and subjective evaluation by six radiologists. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare the objective outcomes between the grafted and non-grafted tibiae.

RESULTS: The mean percentage of the osteotomy deficit bridged at the lateral cortex was greater in grafted (77.6, SD 35.2%) compared to non-grafted (63.0, SD 36.5%) tibiae (p=0.001), but did not differ at the medial cortex (p=0.1). The mean minimum callus width was greater in grafted (7.2, SD 3.3 mm) compared to non-grafted (3.6, SD 2.9 mm) tibiae (p<0.001). There was no difference in mean attenuation (measured in Hounsfield units) of the callus between grafted and non-grafted tibiae (p=0.5). The grafted tibia was deemed to have superior bone healing in 50/60 subjective assessments made by radiologists.

CONCLUSIONS: Superior osseous bridging was detected by CT analysis following TTA using autogenous cancellous bone grafts compared with no graft. This was shown by greater bridging percentage at the lateral cortex and formation of a broader callus. Qualitative assessments made by six radiologists also supported the conclusion that bone healing was improved by use of autogenous cancellous bone graft. CT was a useful method for assessing evidence of bone healing following TTA.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These findings justify the application of autogenous cancellous bone graft to augment healing following TTA in dogs.  相似文献   

Fresh autogenous, frozen allogeneic, and commercially prepared xenogeneic cancellous chip bone grafts were placed into plug holes in the tibia and into surgically simulated nonunion defects in the ulna of dogs. The microvascular and correlated histologic reactions were studied at given times up to 12 weeks after the graft implantation. Marked and characteristic differences were noted among the 3 graft materials. Fresh autogenous chips were extensively vascularized by 1 week, and subsequent microscopic healing was rapid. Allogeneic chips were incorporated into all defects, but vascularization and histologic healing rates were slower than those with the fresh autogenous graft material. The xenogeneic graft was poorly incorporated. A foreign body reaction was seen histologically, and corresponding vascularization of the graft was slow and incomplete.  相似文献   

The incorporation of autogenous cancellous bone graft was studied in eight yearling ponies. The site for the defect to be grafted was chosen so that the effect on the graft, of both the host cortical and trabecular bone, could be assessed. To obtain information concerning the vitality of the graft and the dynamic aspects of the modelling and remodelling processes of graft incorporation, a double and treble tetracycline intravital labelling technique was used. Radiographs of the graft and host tissues of all ponies were obtained regularly, but were of little assistance in assessing graft incorporation. The ponies were destroyed humanely at regular intervals between nine and 241 days after installation of the graft, followed by histological examination of undecalcified sections. The study revealed that all installed graft trabeculae showed signs of non-vitality at nine days after installation and gradually disintegrated. Two processes of new bone formation were observed. First, finger-like projections of immature new trabeculae were found to originate from the graft/host interfaces. Second, a gradual process of accretion of osteoid and woven bone upon disintegrating graft trabeculae occurred uniformly throughout the graft. The graft adapted to the structure of opposing host bone by corticalisation and trabecularisation. The present study confirmed clinical observations relating to convalescence time following grafting of large osseous defects in horses and indicated that equine bone reacts to autogenous bone grafts in a similar manner to other mammals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate composition of aqueous humor obtained from normal eyes of llamas (Lama glama) and alpacas (Lama pacos). SAMPLE POPULATION: Aqueous humor obtained from 10 male llamas and 10 male alpacas. PROCEDURE: All animals had normal eyes, as determined by ocular examination. Aqueous humor samples were obtained via paracentesis of the anterior chamber of animals that were heavily sedated. Chemical analysis included measurement of concentrations of sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, bicarbonate, phosphorus, and glucose as well as osmolality and pH. RESULTS: With the exception of potassium concentrations, values for aqueous humor composition did not differ significantly between llamas and alpacas. Mean +/- SD values for llamas and alpacas, respectively, were: sodium, 154.7 +/- 2.1 and 152.7 +/- 2.1 mEq/L; potassium, 5.3 +/- 0.4 and 4.6 +/- 0.4 mEq/L; magnesium, 1.8 +/- 0.1 and 1.7 +/- 0.1 mg/dl; chloride, 130.0 +/- 1.6 and 127.0 +/- 3.3 mEq/L; bicarbonate, 19.2 +/- 1.5 and 20.2 +/- 2.3 mEq/L; phosphorous, 2.7 +/- 0.3 and 2.5 +/- 0.4 mg/dl; glucose, 80.3 +/- 3.9 and 80.8 +/- 7.3 mg/dl; total protein, 29.0 +/- 8.6 and 31.5 +/- 10.1 mg/dl; and osmolality, 305.8 +/- 11.8 and 306.2 +/- 4.9 mOsm. The pH ranged from 7.5 to 8.0 for both species. Potassium concentrations were significantly higher in llamas than alpacas. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Except for potassium, composition of aqueous humor did not differ significantly between llamas and alpacas. Aqueous humor composition of llamas and alpacas is similar to that of other species that have been examined.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate and compare healing, with and without the use of bone graft, of the gap created during tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA). Study Design: Prospective study and case series. Animals: Dogs treated with TTA (n=67). Methods: Prospective study: Mediolateral radiographic projections (6 weeks and 4 months) after TTA without use of bone graft (group I, n=14) were compared with radiographs of consecutive TTA in which the gap was filled with autologous cancellous bone graft (group II, n=14). Two scoring techniques (A, B) were used. Score A was used to grade the overall osteotomy healing (0=no healing, 4=healed osteotomy). Score B evaluated, independently of each other, healing in 3 sites: proximal to the cage (B1), between cage and plate (B2), and distal to the plate (B3). Case series: nongrafted TTA (4–25 weeks, n=39) were evaluated for healing (Score A). Data was analyzed using t‐tests and ANOVA. Significance was set at P≤.05. Results: Prospective study: Score A, B2, and B3 showed no difference in healing between groups at 6.8 weeks and 4.2 months. Score B1 revealed, in both rechecks, a significantly higher density in group II. Case series: Radiographs at 11.59±5.99 weeks scored 3.3 (2–4). No healing related complications were observed. Conclusion: The osteotomy gap created during TTA healed within expected time regardless of bone graft use.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe a technique for collecting cancellous bone graft from the proximal humerus in horses. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective evaluation of an experimental bone graft collection technique. ANIMAL POPULATION: Eight horses, 3-15 years, weighing 495-605 kg. METHODS: Horses were anesthetized and positioned in lateral recumbency. The lateral aspect of the proximal humerus was exposed by a 7-10-cm incision extending distally from the greater humeral tubercle, followed by sharp dissection through the omotransversarius muscle and between the infraspinatus and deltoideus muscles. A 12-mm cortical defect was incrementally created in the lateral proximal humerus. Human bone graft harvesting equipment (Acumed, Beaverton, OR) was drilled through this defect to collect a core of cancellous bone. In five horses additional cancellous bone was then collected with conventional instruments. Bone samples were weighed and histologically examined. Horses were monitored and graded for quality of anesthetic recovery, incisional complications, and postoperative lameness. RESULTS: Total mean (+/-SD) surgical time for harvesting bone with the Acumed system and traditional techniques (n=5) was 38+/-6 minutes (range, 32-47 minutes). Mean cancellous bone weight collected with the Acumed system was 3.6+/-0.8 g (range, 2.0-4.6 g), and cancellous bone collected conventionally was 25.6+/-7.5 g (range, 16.8-34.2 g). Minimal incisional complications or postoperative lameness were observed. Mortality was 12.5%; one horse fractured the operated humerus during anesthetic recovery. CONCLUSION: The Acumed system provided limited cancellous bone when used with the technique described. However, the quantity of cancellous bone collected with traditional harvesting instruments was comparable to other sites used in horses. The procedure was associated with minimal postoperative incisional complications or lameness, but because one horse suffered a catastrophic humeral fracture further research is required to assess the effects of this procedure on humeral breaking strength. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Based on the risk of catastrophic fracture, this technique cannot be recommended for use in clinical cases, especially if an unassisted recovery from general anesthesia is planned.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the canine tibial plateau angle (TPA) can be accurately measured from lateral radiographic views of the stifle joint that include only the proximal portion of the tibia. SAMPLE POPULATION: 282 lateral radiographic views of the stifle joint from 128 dogs. PROCEDURE: 236 radiographs were obtained from 102 dogs with no stifle joint disease, and 46 were obtained from 26 dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture. Radiographs were digitized. Tibial plateau angles were determined by measuring the angle between the intersection of the tibial plateau slope line and perpendiculars to 4 tibial axes. The gold standard TPA was based on a reference axis that used the entire length of the tibia and was determined by the line connecting the midpoint of the tibial intercondylar eminence and the center of the talus. Tibial plateau angle1, TPA2, and TPA3 were based on tibial axes that were determined by use of only the proximal portion of the tibia. RESULTS: TPA determined on the basis of the shortest proximal reference axis (TPA1) was not accurate. However, as the length of the reference axis increased, reliability of the TPAs obtained from proximal reference axes improved, and their correlations with the gold standard TPA increased (r = 0.78, 0.86, and 0.92 for TPA1, TPA2, and TPA3, respectively). Equations obtained by regression analysis allowed estimation of the gold standard TPA with some degree of accuracy. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Use of a proximal reference axis to calculate TPA may be an alternative to a calculation based on the full-length axis.  相似文献   

Osteolytic defects were detected radiographically in the distal sesamoid bone of a 16-month-old Bralers heifer, in the middle phalanx of a 14-month-old American Gray Brahman bull, and in the distal phalanx of a 3-year-old American Gray Brahman bull. The articular cartilage was damaged in each animal because of osteolysis or pathologic fracture. After each animal was anesthetized and positioned in lateral recumbency, the lesions were curetted and packed with cancellous bone harvested from the same animal's tuber coxae. Basic postoperative management involved stall rest and immobilization of the graft site with a fiberglass cast (42 to 79 days), after which a support bandage was used for approximately 2 weeks. Recurrence of lameness has not been observed in these animals for 60 months, 58 months, and 21 months, respectively. These cases exemplify the benefit of using an autogenous cancellous bone graft for treatment of severe osteolysis of a digit in cattle.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate mediolateral radiographic views of stifle joints to identify conformational differences between athletically sound dogs and dogs with cranial cruciate ligament disease (CCLD). SAMPLE POPULATION: Radiographic images of 50 stifle joints of 43 dogs with surgically confirmed CCLD and 50 stifle joints of 38 dogs without clinical signs of stifle joint disease. PROCEDURES: Mediolateral radiographic views of stifle joints were obtained, and long axes of the femur, tibia, and femoral condyles were measured. Angles between long axes of the femur and femoral condyle and between long axes of the femur and tibia were measured. Circles were drawn representing the joint surface of femoral condyles (circle 1), area of contact on the tibial plateau (circle 2), and femoral trochlea (circle 3). Radii of circles 1, 2 (line F), and 3 were measured. Distances between midpoints of circles 1 and 2 (line K) and between midpoint of circle 2 and most cranial aspect of the tibial tuberosity (line G) were measured. To evaluate differences in conformation that could lead to CCLD, quotients derived from measurements were created for comparison; angles were compared between dog groups. RESULTS: Significant differences were found in the quotients created by the lengths of lines G and F and lines G and K between dogs with and without CCLD. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: No anatomic differences were detected in the distal portion of the femur between dogs with and without CCLD. Development of the tibial tuberosity and shape (convexity) of tibial condyles may be relevant in the pathogenesis of CCLD.  相似文献   

Osseous neoplasia was identified in the proximal portion of the tibia and distal portion of the femur in an 11.75-year-old spayed female German Shepherd Dog. A tibial plateau leveling osteotomy, followed by application of a metal plate, had been performed on the affected limb 5.5 years earlier. Areas of osteolysis and periosteal proliferation were seen radiographically, with an intense area of osteolysis directly beneath the metal plate. Histologically, the tumor was identified as a poorly differentiated sarcoma. Extracellular and intracellular debris was seen histologically, and energy-dispersive x-ray analysis confirmed that this debris was metallic. On visual examination, areas of the underside of the metal plate that had been in contact with bone had a dull, roughened appearance, and scanning electron microscopy of these areas revealed multiple corrosion pits. The plate was strongly magnetic, suggesting that it contained ferrite, and metallographic examination of the plate revealed substantial differences in the chemical makeup of various parts of the plate. Microstructure analysis revealed that the plate consisted of an austenite matrix with a large fraction of ferrite. The plate was determined to be a cast 316L stainless steel implant, but it did not meet American Society for Testing Materials standards for implant-grade materials. The possibility that implant corrosion might have played a role in tumor development is of concern; however, a definitive association was not established.  相似文献   

The results of surgical treatment of 10 subchondral bone cysts, all located in the medial femoral condyle, are presented. A cancellous bone graft was used in nine cases and a two component acrylic bone cement was used in the case of an extremely large cyst. Eight out of the 10 cases made a satisfactory clinical recovery.  相似文献   

The clinical features, diagnosis and radiological findings of eight cases of a subchondral bone cyst involving the medial condyle of the femur are described. Surgical treatment, which comprised performing an arthrotomy of the femorotibial joint, curetting and packing the cystic cavity with an autogenous cancellous bone graft, is described.  相似文献   

The iliac crest, rib and sternum were compared as sites for bone marrow biopsy in the dog using ten males and ten females of varying ages. It was concluded that the iliac crest was the easiest and safest of the three biopsy sites. Differential cell counts on marrow from the three sites were compared and little variation was found. There was, however, a difference in the myelograms between males and females. In the female the mean M: E ratio was lower, due mainly to more intermediate and late normoblasts, and less neutrophil leucocyte band- and polymorphonuclear-forms. Marrow from all sites showed a significant sex difference for total myeloid and total erythroid cells. The possible reasons for these findings are discussed and the values obtained are compared with those of other workers. The results were recorded as means and standard deviations, or as ranges. Résumé. On discute la possibilité de prélever les biopsies de moëlle osseuse sur les crêtes iliaques, les côtes et le sternum des chiens des deux sexes et d'âge différent. La crête iliaque se prête le mieux à ces prélèvements, étant donné la facilité et l'innocuité de l'opération. On compare les formules différentielles de la moëlle provenant de ces trois lieux de prélèvement, et l'on constate qu'il n'y a que peu de variation entre eux; cependant on note une différence entre les deux sexes: chez les chiennes le rapport moyen M: E cst plus bas, ce qui est principalement dû à un nombre plus grand des cellules intermédiaires et des normoblastes plus avancés, et à une réduction du nombre des leucocytes neutrophiles en bandelette et polymorphonucléaires. La moëlle de toutes les trois origines présente des différences dans le nombre total des myéloïdes et des érythroïdes suivant le sexe. On discute les raisons éventuelles de ces constatations et les valeurs obtenues sont comparées avec celles des autres auteurs. Les résultats sont consignés sous forme de moyennes avec les déviations standard ou par ordre de grandeur. Zusammenfassung. Der Darmbeinkamm, die Rippen und das Brustbein werden als Entnahmestellen für die Knochenmarkbiopsie beim Hund unter Verwendung von zehn männlichen und zehn weiblichen Tieren verschiedenen Alters miteinander verglichen. Es stellte sich heraus, dass der Darmbeinkamm die leichteste und sicherste der drei Biopsiestellen war. Die Differenzierung des Knochenmarkausstrichs von den drei Punktionsstellen wurde verglichen und es wurden wenige Unterschiede festgestellt. Es gab jedoch einen Unterschied zwischen den Myelogrammen männlicher und weiblicher Tiere. Bei den weiblichen Tieren war das mittlere Verhältnis M: E geringer, Hauptsächlich infolge grösserer Zahlen von mittleren und alten Normoblasten und geringerer Zahlen von neutrophilen Band- und Polymorphonuclearformen von Leucocyten. Das Mark von allen Punktionsstellen zeigte deutliche Geschlechtsunterschiede bei den Gesamtzahlen myeloider und den Gesamtzahlen erythroider Zellen. Die möglichen Gründe für diese Befunde werden besprochen und die erhaltenen Werte mit denen anderer Autoren verglichen. Die Ergebnisse wurden als Mittelwerte und Standardabweichungen oder als Bereiche angegeben.  相似文献   

Ten dogs and 1 cat with 12 chronically infected bones were treated surgically by means of saucerization, primary internal or external rigid fixation, and open irrigation drainage. After formation of a healthy granulation bed, autogenous cancellous bone grafting and skin closure were performed. Eleven of 12 bones healed 4 to 7 weeks (mean, 4.8 weeks) after treatment, without recurrence of infection. Eight of 12 chronically infected bones had a polymicrobial infection, with 2 to 6 bacterial species isolated. Gram-negative bacteria were isolated from 7 of the 12 bones, and anaerobic bacteria were isolated twice.  相似文献   

A Salter-Harris type-II fracture of the proximal portion of the right femur in a 2-month-old filly was reduced and stabilized with three 6.5-mm-diameter, 100-mm-long cancellous bone screws through a dorsal approach to the right coxofemoral joint. The screws were removed after 11 months because the filly became lame in the affected limb. The surgical wounds dehisced despite preventive measures, most likely because of tightness of skin in the coxal region. Seven years after the original injury, the horse could perform vigorous paddock exercise without any disability. Early internal fixation of proximal femoral physeal fractures in foals can provide a good long-term prognosis.  相似文献   

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