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以盐碱化湖泊和池塘水进行凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannam eiBoone,1931)幼虾生长试验,探讨碱水环境对虾体重生长速度与Ca2+、Mg2+、Ca2++Mg2+质量浓度及(1/2Ca2+)/(1/2 Mg2+)的关系,为碱水水域养殖提供科学依据。结果表明,在碱度为10.32-38.50 mmol/L、盐度1.02-3.34 g/L、pH 8.5-9.5的水环境中,体长为10-20 mm的幼虾饲养27 d的体重生长速度为(0.95±0.18)mg/d,存活率(47.5±14.5)%。不同水环境存活率差异显著(P〈0.01),体重生长速度差别不明显(P〉0.05)。体重生长速度与环境因子间的相关性不明显。通过驯化提高幼虾对水环境的综合适应能力,是碱水水域养殖对虾的重要途径。  相似文献   

研究内陆碱性水域凡纳滨对虾体重生长速度分别与碱度、盐度、pH、离子系数、Ca2 、Mg2 、K 质量浓度、Ca2 Mg2 以及(1/2Ca2 )/(1/2Mg2 )、Na /K 等水环境因子的相关性。结果表明,这些因子对对虾体重生长速度的影响存在相互作用;它们与体重生长速度的简单相关性都受到其他因子的显著负效应影响;碱度、盐度、pH、离子系数、Ca2 Mg2 、(1/2Ca2 )/(1/2Mg2 )及Ca2 质量浓度对对虾生长的影响被弱化;Mg2 质量浓度的影响不明显。内陆碱性水域K 质量浓度和Na /K 很可能是影响对虾生长的主要环境因子;适当提高盐度及Ca2 、K 质量浓度,降低Na /K ,将有利于对虾生长。  相似文献   

通过单因子静态急性毒性试验和正交设计法 ,研究水环境中Ca2 、Mg2 、Ca2 Mg2 总量及Ca2 /Mg2 比值对中国对虾生存及生长的影响。结果表明 :(1)中国对虾在水环境中能够生存的Ca2 、Mg2 质量浓度范围分别为 2 4 .92~ 2 80 .6 6mg/L、34.5~ 344.9mg/L ;(2 )Ca2 /Mg2 比值为 1∶10 ,对中国对虾的生存没有影响 ;(3)中国对虾的生长与Ca2 浓度有密切关系 ,其值过高或过低均会影响中国对虾的生长 ,但中国对虾能够在Mg2 浓度低至正常海水 1/ 2的水中正常生长  相似文献   

通过凡纳滨对虾生长试验,研究内陆碳酸盐类盐碱水域对虾生长与碱度、pH、K 浓度、Na /K 及(1/2Ca2 )/(1/2Mg2 )的相关性,为移殖提供技术依据.试验结果表明,幼虾体质量生长速度与5种环境因子的简单相关性均受到其他因子或因子组合的负效应影响,环境因子对幼虾生长的影响程度被削弱.幼虾的体质量生长速度与碱度、pH、K 浓度及(1/2Ca2 )/(1/2Mg2 )的相关性不明显,而与Na /K 显著相关.碱度、pH、K 浓度及(1/2Ca3 )/(1/2Mg2 )对驯化幼虾体质量生长的影响不明显,Na /K 可能是主要影响因子.提高驯化技术水平将有利于幼虾的生长与生存.  相似文献   

淡化养殖水体中Ca~(2+)与Mg~(2+)含量对南美白对虾生长的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
南美白对虾学名为凡纳对虾(Penaeus vannamei Boone,1931),为当今世界养殖产量最高的三大虾类品种之一,其自然分布区主要在东太平洋从墨西哥至秘鲁北部沿岸的暖水区域.  相似文献   

东北碳酸盐类盐碱水域凡纳滨对虾生长的影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水温24~25℃条件下,凡纳滨对虾幼虾在碱度为10.10~38.78 mmol/L、盐度为0.100%~0.350%、pH 8.5~9.5的碳酸盐类盐碱水环境中,饲养15 d,存活率为70%~50%,平均体长增长量1.72~0.52 mm/d,并随着盐碱化程度的提高都呈下降趋势。水环境因子对幼虾生长的影响存在着多因子间的相互作用。K 质量浓度、pH、碱度、离子系数以及Ca2 /Mg2 值、Na /K 值对幼虾体长增长量的影响都不显著(P>0.05)。Ca2 、Mg2 质量浓度、Ca2 Mg2 总浓度和盐度可能是东北地区碳酸盐类盐碱水域影响对虾生长的主要环境因子;高盐碱环境驯化可提高幼虾存活率及其生长性能。  相似文献   

通过实验室模拟培养的方法,采用6个不同Mn2+浓度(0、10、100、1000、10000、30000nmol/L)的培养处理,对四尾栅藻(Scenedesmus quadricauda)的生物量、叶绿素a含量、培养基中Ca2+、Mg2+离子的含量分别进行了测定。结果表明,不同Mn2+浓度对各指标均有显著影响,其中对叶绿素a含量的影响达极显著(P<0.01);低Mn2+浓度(0~1000nmol/L)促进四尾栅藻细胞生长和叶绿素a的合成,而高浓度Mn2+(30000nmol/L以上)抑制四尾栅藻细胞生长,导致生物量下降;叶绿素a含量显著降低(P<0.05);四尾栅藻细胞吸收的Ca2+、Mg2+与其生物量成正比。在所设置的浓度范围内,Mn2+并未表现出与Ca2+、Mg2+之间明显的拮抗作用。  相似文献   

中国对虾胃内主要基础饵料检出率及其与对虾生长的关系   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
1993年在牟平宁海虾场养池通过定期分析对虾胃含物,发现在虾池生物种类较多的情况下,对虾最先大量摄食猫水蚤,到6月下旬,则主要摄食一种小型多毛类短鳃伪稚虫 。到7月中旬,基础饵料在虾胃中急剧减少,若投饵不足,将有高比例的空胃虾 。  相似文献   

黄国强 《水产学报》2006,30(1):56-62
采用能量收支推算方法,计算了中国明对虾的呼吸能量消耗,并计算了中国明对虾摄食配合饵料后其生长的呼吸能消耗。不同规格的中国明对虾的呼吸能与增重的关系都可以用线性方程Re=r×G k很好地描述,所有规格对虾的呼吸能(Re)与增重(G)和体重(W)的复合关系可用方程Re=r×G b×Wc很好地拟合。不同大小中国明对虾摄食配合饲料时每增长1g湿重、1g干重、1g蛋白质、1kJ能量的呼吸能消耗相应范围分别为12.660~17.785kJ、21.600~31.292kJ、31.572~45.537kJ、1.089~1.453kJ。但中国明对虾摄食不同饵料后,单位体重增长的能耗在不同饵料投喂的对虾间存在显著差异,并且发现这些数值都明显比鱼类高。本文对表观特殊动力作用与生长的关系进行了探讨,并认为生长不是导致表观特殊动力作用出现的根本原因。  相似文献   

中国明对虾眼柄微结构与其生长的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋瑞  刘必林  张虎  张健  倪震宇 《水产学报》2019,43(4):928-934
观察了采集于江苏南通近海的69只中国明对虾的眼柄微结构,分析了其体长和体质量的生长。结果显示,眼柄由表层、色素层、钙化层和膜层4个部分组成。眼柄内存在明显的生长宽带和细纹,其中宽带数0~1个,细纹数27~37个。最小AIC法拟合分析显示,中国明对虾体长、体质量的生长与眼柄细纹数都呈显著的Logistic关系。研究表明,中国明对虾眼柄中的宽带与其年龄相关,细纹可用来分析中国明对虾的生长,而细纹的形成周期是否与个体差异、生长环境差异等相关还需要进一步验证。  相似文献   


A 14-week feeding experiment was conducted to determine the effect of a time-restricted feeding and refeeding regime on compensatory growth, body composition, and feed utilization in improved traditional prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) culture systems. Three groups of prawn were used in which the control group (C) received feed regularly at ad libitum and the other two groups, Treatment 1 (T1) and Treatment 2 (T2), consumed feed 4 and 5 days per week respectively throughout the first 9 weeks. After feeding restriction, satiation of feed was given in the last 5 weeks. At the end of the experiment, the final weight of prawn in C, T1, and T2 were found to be 17.23 ± 6.56g, 16.04 ± 6.18g, and 15.64 ± 6.34 g respectively, which was insignificant. FCR decreased with increased restriction of feeding, while PER and NPU increased. Moisture content increased significantly, while protein and lipid content decreased significantly with increasing restriction time of feeding. After the satiation period, only the T2 group was able to replenish the lipid content. Water quality parameters didn’t vary significantly among the experimental groups and remained within optimum level. Therefore, time restriction could be applied in Macrobrachium rosenbergii culture without detrimental effects on growth, feed efficiency, and nutrient utilization.  相似文献   

We determined the effect of four concentrations of dietary crude protein, 30.7, 37.2, 41.8 and 46.8% on growth rate, survival and body composition of the juvenile cauque river prawn (Macrobrachium americanum). The prawns were hatched in the laboratory from the spawn of one wild ovigerous female. Prawns consuming 37.2% crude protein reached a final weight of 0.58 g (feed conversion ratio of 2.15), which was significantly better than the other treatments. Survival was 100% in all treatments. Protein content in the diets had no significant effect on whole body proximate composition and amino acid profile. Juveniles consuming the 37.2% crude protein diet grew faster than those fed the other diets. Specific growth rate was adjusted to the two‐slope broken‐line regression analysis model to estimate the optimal protein requirement. In conclusion, these results demonstrated that the 37.2% protein level diet is optimal for juvenile cauque river prawn M. americanum in the experimental conditions of this study.  相似文献   

Seedstock‐costs of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii can represent >50% of the total production costs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of culture tank colouration on survival, metamorphosis rate, weight and time required to reach the postlarval (PL) stage. Newly hatched prawn larvae were stocked into eighteen 16‐L plastic culture tanks at a density of 30 L?1. Tank colours evaluated were red, black, white, blue, green and yellow. Larval prawns were fed brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana) nauplii and a supplemental diet. Data indicated that larval tank colour had no significant impact (P>0.05) on the final PL size or days required to reach PL stage. However, total survival was significantly higher (P<0.05) in red and green tanks (84% and 78% respectively) than in white and blue tanks (56% and 44% respectively). Survival in the yellow and black tanks (71% in both) was not significantly different (P>0.05) from the red, green or white treatments, but was significantly higher (P<0.05) than the blue treatment. This could have a significant financial impact on commercial hatchery, and growout production, as most larval tanks currently in use are blue or black.  相似文献   

The giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, is a species with a high commercial value in aquaculture. Two experiments were performed to determine the effects of salinities on the osmoregulation, growth and molting cycles of M. rosenbergii during growout. The first experiment was designed to determine whether these animals are capable of adapting to the changes in salinity seen in salinity intrusions in tropical deltas, with an incremental increase in salinity of 3‰ per day from 0‰ to 30‰ Haemolymph osmolality was rapidly regulated up to salinities of 15‰ , whereas animals conformed at higher salinities. The second experiment determined the growth, moulting cycle, osmolality, muscle water content and mortality during a 4‐month experiment at 0‰, 15‰ or 25‰ salinity. The weight gains in 0‰ and 15‰ were not significantly different and were comparable to the growth rates achieved in production farms with body mass increases of 2.6 and 2.3‐fold their initial body mass, respectively, after 4 months. The 25‰ group suffered from low growth, high mortality and a significantly lower moulting frequency. These data show that this species can be reared in brackish water up to 15‰, allowing for farming in the large areas impacted by salt water intrusions in tropical deltas.  相似文献   

宋利明  陈明锐  丁睿智  王迪  周旺  李轶婷 《水产学报》2021,45(11):1934-1942
为掌握影响我国沿海刺网渔船网具遗失率(R_G)的因子及其程度,对中国沿海渔民开展了问卷调查。利用调查数据,结合GAM模型分析了影响我国刺网渔船网具遗失率的因子及其程度。结果显示:(1)影响我国沿海刺网渔船网具遗失率的因子(解释偏差)分别为单航次天数(86.8%)、年作业天数(4.2%)、单航次渔具携带重量(2.8%)、作业水深(2.4%)、渔船吨位(0.9%)和年均渔具采购数量(0.1%);(2)GAM模型能用于研究渔船网具遗失率和影响因子之间的关系;(3)随着单航次天数和年作业天数的增加,R_G呈上升的趋势;(4)随着作业水深的增加、单航次渔具携带重量超过18 000 kg时,R_G呈下降趋势。建议采取以下措施以降低刺网渔船网具遗失率:(1)单航次天数不得超过30 d,减少年作业天数;(2)根据渔船的吨位,确保网具单航次携带重量在18 000 kg以上;(3)根据刺网渔具的高度规定作业水深和作业渔区;(4)渔船总吨位控制在200 t以内。  相似文献   

A grow‐out experiment was designed to determine the effect of different dietary protein, lipid levels and protein–energy (P:E) ratio on growth performance and feed utilization of the freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii post larvae (PL) culture in pond net enclosures (hapa, 3.75 m?3 each) for 12 weeks (84 days). The experimental treatments were assigned in triplicate. Six test diets were formulated to contain three different protein levels (300, 350 and 400 g kg?1 diet) and two lipid levels (100 and 140 g kg?1 diet) in a factorial manner (3 × 2) to provided six different dietary P:E ratio: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 mg CP kJ?1 g?1). The result showed that the highest significant (P≤0.05) survival rate, growth indices and feed utilization were observed for M. rosenbergii PL fed a diet with a P:E ratio of 17 mg CP kJ?1 g1, whereas, the lowest value was recorded for prawns fed a diet with a P:E ratio of 20 mg CP kJ?1 g?1. Whole body contents of protein and lipid were highest (P≤0.05) when fed diets with 21 and 17 mg CP kJ?1 g?1 respectively. Concerning dietary protein levels, the highest (P≤0.05) values for survival and growth indices were observed for PL fed a diet containing 300 g kg?1 diet protein. The same trend was observed for PL fed a diet with 100 g kg?1 diet lipid level, irrespective of dietary protein levels. A diet containing 300 g kg?1 protein and 100 g kg?1 lipid with a dietary P:E ratio of 17 mg CP kJ g?1 is recommended to stimulate growth performance and nutrients utilization efficiency of M. rosenbergii PL.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Growth and reproduction of hatchery-reared Chinese white prawn Penaeus chinensis released in the Ariake Sea, Japan, were examined. Chinese white prawn grew rapidly, reaching a body length of 154 mm in males and 198 mm in females by November (219–229 days after hatching). Maximum body length of sampled individuals was 164 mm in males and 223 mm in females. Growth curve of the Chinese white prawn was fitted to the Pitcher and MacDonald's formula, Lt = 155.0{1 − e 2.925sin[2π(t − 16.151)/365] − 0.0623( t − 10.712)} for males and the logistic curve, Lt = 200.3/[1 + e (1.985–0.034 t )] for females (where Lt is the body length t days after release and t is the number of days after release). Females reached sexual maturity in late February and spawning occurred until April. Minimum size at ripe and spawned stages was 189 mm and 193 mm body length, respectively.  相似文献   

中国南海西沙群岛海域鸢乌贼耳石微结构及生长特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
耳石是头足类重要的硬组织,被广泛用于研究头足类的年龄与生长、种群结构和生活史等。根据我国灯光罩网渔船2016年1—3月和2017年1—3月在中国南海西沙群岛海域调查生产期间采集的鸢乌贼样本,测量了513枚鸢乌贼耳石外部形态参数(雌性276枚、雄性237枚),结合耳石的日轮数据,对西沙群岛海域鸢乌贼耳石的微结构及其生长特性进行了研究。主成分分析显示,耳石总长(TSL)、最大宽度(MW)、侧区长(LDL)和翼区长(WL)可以作为鸢乌贼耳石外形生长的特征参数。协方差分析表明,耳石的特征参数与日龄、与胴长的生长均不存在性别间显著性差异,TSL、MW和LDL与日龄的关系均最适合用幂函数表示,与胴长的关系则均最适合用对数函数表示。TSL、MW和LDL的绝对和瞬时相对生长率均随着日龄的增加而呈现先增加、后减少的趋势,且在181~210 d分别达到峰值,因此,181~210 d可能是鸢乌贼耳石外形生长的拐点。  相似文献   

为了解山东半岛东南部海域星康吉鳗资源密度时空变化及其与环境因子之间的关系,实验根据2016年10月和2017年1月、5月、8月山东半岛东南部海域4个航次底拖网调查数据,利用广义可加模型(GAM)分析了星康吉鳗资源密度时空分布特征及其与环境因子之间的关系。结果发现,星康吉鳗资源密度及分布具有明显的季节变化。春季,山东近海星康吉鳗资源密度为66.38 kg/h,夏季资源密度达到一年中最大值,为87.31 kg/h,秋季资源密度为79.01 kg/h,冬季资源密度大幅度降低,仅为10.44 kg/h。GAM模型结果显示,水深和海水底层温度对星康吉鳗资源分布影响最大。春季,星康吉鳗资源密度与水深、底温呈正相关关系,其分布范围较广,主要分布在海州湾中部海域(35°N沿线分布最多);夏季,其空间分布受水深影响,主要集中分布在水深20~30 m的山东半岛南部近岸海域;秋季,水深、底温、饵料生物量与星康吉鳗资源密度呈正相关,此时星康吉鳗分布较分散。冬季,星康吉鳗资源密度与水深呈正相关,此时主要分布在受黄海暖流影响的海州湾北部海域以及123.5°E~124°E海域。研究表明,星康吉鳗资源分布与其洄游习性和海域水温等水文特征的季节性变动有关,其分布特征在春季、冬季分别受青岛冷水团与黄海暖流影响显著。本研究有助于了解山东近海星康吉鳗群体的生活习性,为其资源的养护和管理提供依据。  相似文献   

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