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为了全面了解笋子芥和茎瘤芥的营养价值,以笋子芥和茎瘤芥为研究对象,对茎肉、茎皮和叶柄等食用部位的生物活性物质含量与抗氧化能力进行分析。结果表明,不同类型和食用部位间的生物活性物质含量与抗氧化能力存在显著差异。叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、原花青素、类黄酮、总酚和抗氧化能力均呈现叶柄茎皮茎肉的趋势,维生素C与之相反;茎瘤芥中的生物活性物质含量显著高于笋子芥,而笋子芥的抗氧化能力显著高于茎瘤芥。主成分分析表明,生物活性物质含量差异主要来自于食用部位因素,其次是类型因素。遗传方差比率分析表明,叶绿素、维生素C、原花青素和类黄酮含量和抗氧化能力的变异受食用部位的影响大于类型的影响,而类胡萝卜素和总酚则相反,此外,叶绿素和维生素C受类型×食用部位互作因素的影响较大。相关性分析表明,抗氧化能力与原花青素和类黄酮含量呈显著正相关关系,表明原花青素和类黄酮对抗氧化能力可能有较大贡献。本研究为人们日常膳食及其营养搭配提供一定依据和参考。  相似文献   

冯尚坤  陈浩  邵志勇  汪俏梅 《核农学报》2021,35(6):1340-1346
为探究红光处理对萝卜芽菜采后营养品质的影响,本试验对采收后的萝卜芽菜进行8h红光处理,之后置于4℃条件下贮藏,于贮藏0、1、2和3d对其芥子油苷,叶绿素、花青素等抗氧化物质含量,以及总抗氧化能力进行分析.结果 表明,与对照相比,红光处理使萝卜芽菜中的脂肪类芥子油苷(4-甲硫基-3-丁烯基芥子油苷等)和吲哚类芥子油苷(4...  相似文献   

为探究油菜素甾醇对萝卜芽菜生物活性物质的影响,用表油菜素内酯及其类似物高芸薹素单独或者与氯化钠共同处理萝卜芽菜,测定并分析其芥子油苷、花青素、维生素C和总多酚的含量以及抗氧化能力的变化。结果表明,20 nmol·L~(-1)表油菜素内酯单独处理时,芥子油苷含量显著降低,但与40mmol·L~(-1)氯化钠共处理时,芥子油苷含量显著上升;20 nmol·L~(-1)高芸薹素单独处理或者与40 mmol·L~(-1)氯化钠共处理则对芥子油苷含量无显著影响。此外,表油菜素内酯和高芸薹素单独处理或者分别与氯化钠共处理均能显著提高花青素和维生素C的含量,但对总多酚含量和抗氧化能力均无显著影响。综上,表油菜素内酯与氯化钠共处理是提高萝卜芽菜中芥子油苷、花青素以及维生素C等主要生物活性物质的有效手段,这为通过化学调控的方法改良萝卜芽菜的品质提供了理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

短波紫外线处理对采后草莓果实腐烂和抗氧化能力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以"凤冠"草莓为材料,研究了0、1.5、3.0和4.5kJ.m-2UV-C处理对草莓果实在10℃,12d贮藏期间腐烂和果实抗氧化能力的影响。结果表明,3kJ.m-2UV-C处理能显著抑制草莓果实采后腐烂的发生和MDA的积累,延缓果实失重、硬度和可溶性固形物含量的降低,促进果实CIRG值的提高,增强果实采后着色能力,从而保持果实的感官和食用品质。同时,3kJ.m-2UV-C处理能促进贮藏期间果实总花色苷、总酚含量和DPPH自由基清除能力的增加,减少草莓果实中抗氧化组分含量的下降,维持果实较高的营养品质。说明适宜剂量的UV-C处理(3kJ.m-2)在草莓果实采后后贮运保鲜和抗氧化能力调控中具有潜在的应用前景。  相似文献   

超滤对血橙果汁中抗氧化成分及总抗氧化能力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用管式聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)超滤膜,探讨了超滤对血橙果汁中抗氧化成分及总抗氧化能力的影响。结果表明,其对维生素C和花青素类成分的保存率约为85%左右,对几种酚酸和类黄酮组分(除槲皮素外)的保存率均在90%以上。同未杀菌的血橙原汁相比,巴氏杀菌汁的总抗氧化能力(TAA)损失率为23%,而超滤澄清汁仅为10%左右,主要与维生素C和花青素含量损失有关。  相似文献   

森林草莓与栽培草莓体外抗氧化能力比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了鉴定草莓抗氧化物质含量和抗氧化能力,筛选具有较高营养价值的草莓遗传资源,以森林草莓和10个栽培草莓品种为试材,测定抗氧化物质,如总多酚、类黄酮、花青素、维生素C含量;采用2,2-联氮-二(3-乙基-苯并噻唑-6-磺酸)二铵盐自由基(ABTS)清除法、铁离子还原能力(FRAP)测评了不同试材的体外抗氧化能力。结果表明,森林草莓抗氧化物质含量和抗氧化能力要远高于测试的栽培草莓;在10个栽培品种中,哈尼和凤冠的营养品质表现较好;总多酚含量与抗氧化能力呈显著正相关关系。主成分分析表明总多酚是草莓抗氧化能力的重要物质基础,即花青素与维生素C也是草莓抗氧化能力的主要组成参数。遗传背景对于草莓的抗氧化物质和抗氧化能力起重要作用;森林草莓的抗氧化能力高于测试的栽培品种,具有进一步开发和综合利用潜力。  相似文献   

黑大豆种皮花色苷的提取及其抗氧化作用研究   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
以黑大豆皮为材料,采用二次回归正交旋转组合设计对其花色苷的提取工艺进行了优化研究。结果表明,最佳提取参数为温度60℃、时间1 h、乙醇浓度60%、料液比1∶40。对黑大豆种皮花色苷含量与总抗氧化能力之间的相关性分析表明,二者之间存在极显著的线性关系(P<0.01),且黑大豆种皮花色苷提取物表现出较强的清除OH·、O-2·及有机自由基DPPH·的体外抗氧化作用,其清除能力是维生素C的1.6倍、2.2倍、1.4倍。  相似文献   

熊颖  周波  钟海雁 《农业工程学报》2021,37(15):289-298
为了探讨低共熔溶剂(Deep Eutectic Solvents, DESs)对杏仁种皮酚类物质的提取率及其提取物抗氧化能力,以4种传统溶剂和5种低共熔溶剂为提取溶剂,比较评价了低共熔溶剂对杏仁种皮酚类物质的提取效果,并采用DPPH、ABTS自由基清除法和氧自由基吸收能力(Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity, ORAC)分析杏仁种皮低共熔溶剂提取物的抗氧化能力。结果表明,低共熔溶剂对杏仁种皮酚类物质的提取效果更佳,其中氯化胆碱-草酸(DESs2)和氯化胆碱-苹果酸(DESs3)两组低共熔溶剂对杏仁种皮酚类的提取率分别为酸化甲醇的2.18和1.84倍;与酸化甲醇的杏仁种皮提取物相比,DESs2和DESs3杏仁种皮提取物的DPPH自由基清除能力分别提高了26.89%和73.13%,ABTS自由基清除能力分别提高了33.18%和114.81%,氧自由基吸收能力分别提高了14.92和17.73 μmol/g。HPLC结果表明传统溶剂的杏仁种皮提取液中酚类物质组成较复杂,而氯化胆碱-草酸(DESs2)、氯化胆碱-苹果酸(DESs3)和氯化胆碱-苹果酸-脯氨酸(DESs5)的杏仁种皮提取液中酚类物质组成较为单一,说明低共熔溶剂在提取酚类物质时具有很强的专一性。  相似文献   

小麦抗氧化能力对Cs+富集响应的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安冰  唐运来  陈梅  敖嘉  王丹 《核农学报》2011,25(2):348-352
以小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)为材料,在三叶期用不同浓度Cs+(CsCl)进行处理,处理浓度分别为0、0.5、1、5、10和20mmol·L-1,处理7、14、21和28d后分别取样,研究小麦对不同浓度Cs+的富集差异,并探讨Cs+对小麦幼苗抗氧化能力的影响.结果表明,小麦幼苗中Cs+含量与处理浓度...  相似文献   

为探索羊栖菜中分离的各组份多糖体外抗氧化活性,将DEAE-52分离纯化得到的羊栖菜多糖活性组份进行红外光谱扫描确认,并评价DPPH·、·OH、O_2~-自由基的清除能力,还原力和抗脂质过氧化力。结果表明,去蛋白多糖经DEAE-52分离纯化、0~2 M Na Cl溶液梯度洗脱得到3个主要多糖组份,其中红光谱扫描发现SFPSⅠ(0.5 M Na Cl)、SFPSⅡ(0.75 M Na Cl)、SFPSⅢ(1.0 M Na Cl)均具有糖类特征吸收峰。3个组份均表现出较强的抗氧化活性,其中SFPSⅢ抗氧化活性最高,DPPH·的IC_(50)为0.499μg,·OH的IC_(50)为0.48μg,O_2~-的IC_(50)为112.13μg;还原力最强;抗脂质过氧化能力显著优于对照品BHT。研究结果为羊栖菜活性多糖作为天然抗氧化剂及功能性食品开发提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

花椰菜种质资源萌发期耐盐性综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以98份花椰菜自交系资源为试材,测定了盐胁迫下种子的发芽率(GP)、发芽势(GR)、发芽指数(GI)、活力指数(VI)、苗高(SH)和根长(RL)等指标的耐盐系数,采用隶属函数法进行了耐盐性的综合评价。结果表明:花椰菜种质材料萌发期的耐盐性强弱评价结果受多个指标的影响。运用模糊数学隶属函数法,并赋予测定指标以相应的权重,计算出种质材料耐盐性强弱的综合评价D值,对98份种质材料耐盐性的强弱进行了综合评价和排序。综合评价D值与GP、GR、GI、VI、SH、RL的耐盐系数隶属函数值的相关性均达极显著水平(r=0.910**、0.921**、0.955**、0.972**、0.585**、0.686**),综合评价D值可以全面反映供试种质材料的耐盐性。分别对综合评价D值、GP、GR、GI、VI、SH、RL的隶属函数值进行聚类分析比较,发现GR、GI、VI、RL可以作为花椰菜种质材料萌发期耐盐性筛选的指标,而GP、SH不宜直接作为花椰菜种质材料萌发期耐盐性筛选的指标。基于综合评价D值聚类分析,可以将98份种质材料的耐盐性分为强、中、弱、差四大群类,其中有7份材料属于强耐盐性群类的种质,可供花椰菜耐盐性品种选育改良利用及耐盐性机制、耐盐遗传机理等方面研究。  相似文献   

Influence of boron (B) application to cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) was investigated in a pot experiment taking 15 Inceptisols with four levels of B. The critical levels of B for deficiency, adequacy and toxicity in soil and in cauliflower plant were also determined. Hot-calcium chloride (CaCl2) extractable B in these soils varied from 0.33 to 0.78 mg kg-1 and its content for deficiency to cauliflower was 0.48 mg kg-1. Boron application significantly increased cauliflower yield, plant B concentration and uptake of B. The critical plant B concentrations for deficiency, sufficiency and toxicity varied with the growth stages and the values being 26, 31 and 48 mg kg-1 at 50 days of growth and 17, 24 and 35.5 mg kg-1 at harvest, respectively. The study also recommends application of fertilizer B at the rate 0.9–4.5 kg ha-1 for optimum B nutrition to cauliflower in Inceptisols of the Gangetic plains of India.  相似文献   

Growth and competitive abilities of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis cv. ‘White Cloud’) and nettle-leaved goosefoot (Chenopodium murale L.) were investigated under glasshouse conditions. The two species responded differently to a reduction in potassium (K) levels in the medium. Growth of C. murale was reduced while that of cauliflower increased with reduced K levels. At 0.125 mM K, average reduction in shoot dry weight of C. murale grown in pure and mixed stands was 35% and 58%, respectively. Average competition indices and relative competitive ability indices were higher for cauliflower than for C. murale. In a replacement series design, cauliflower showed higher shoot dry weight at high and low K levels in the medium than that of C. murale. Relative yield total (RYT) was > 1 indicating differences in species demand for K and would suggest possible control of the weed by managing the applied K level in the field.  相似文献   

胡克玲  朱祝军 《核农学报》2010,24(4):840-845
以小白菜"上海青"为试验材料,研究了喷施蔗糖和葡萄糖对小白菜生长和硫代葡萄糖苷含量的影响。结果显示,蔗糖和葡萄糖喷施对小白菜地上部鲜重和干重均没有显著影响,喷施蔗糖均能够显著增加小白菜总脂肪族硫代葡萄糖苷、总吲哚族硫代葡萄糖苷和总硫代葡萄糖苷含量,其中,0.1mol/L蔗糖喷施显著提高了3-丁烯基硫代葡萄糖苷和吲哚-3-甲基硫代葡萄糖苷含量,0.2mol/L蔗糖喷施显著增加了吲哚-3-甲基硫代葡萄糖苷和4-甲氧基吲哚-3-甲基硫代葡萄糖苷含量。0.2mol/L葡萄糖喷施显著增加总硫代葡萄糖苷及单个硫代葡萄糖苷含量。蔗糖和葡萄糖喷施均有增加总吲哚族硫代葡萄糖苷相对百分含量的趋势。研究表明外源喷施糖对小白菜硫代葡萄糖苷含量和组成具有显著的影响。  相似文献   

In some cruciferous plants, epithiospecifier protein (ESP) directs myrosinase (EC hydrolysis of alkenyl glucosinolates toward epithionitrile formation. Here, for the first time, we show that ESP activity is negatively correlated with the extent of formation of the health-promoting phytochemical sulforaphane in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. ssp. italica). A 43 kDa protein with ESP activity and sequence homology to the ESP of Arabidopsis thaliana was cloned from the broccoli cv. Packman and expressed in Escherichia coli. In a model system, the recombinant protein not only directed myrosinase-dependent metabolism of the alkenyl glucosinolate epi-progoitrin [(2S)-2-hydroxy-3-butenyl glucosinolate] toward formation of an epithionitrile but also directed myrosinase-dependent hydrolysis of the glucosinolate glucoraphanin [4-(methylsulfinyl)butyl glucosinolate] to form sulforaphane nitrile, in place of the isothiocyanate sulforaphane. The importance of this finding is that, whereas sulforaphane has been shown to have anticarcinogenic properties, sulforaphane nitrile has not. Genetic manipulation designed to attenuate or eliminate expression of ESP in broccoli could increase the fractional conversion of glucoraphanin to sulforaphane, enhancing potential health benefits.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted with an objective to estimate the distribution of boron (B) application in various soil fractions and their plant response for assessing the availability in the soil. Two soils (alluvial and red soil) and five levels of B (0, 0.5, 1, 2 and 3?mg B kg?1 soil) were applied in the pot experiment, and pots were sown with cauliflower (Sabour Agrim) arranged in a completely randomized block design (CRD) with three replications. Result showed that the curd yield of cauliflower increased significantly upto 2?mg B kg?1 soil irrespective of soils. The percent yield increase was 14.78 and 15.01 in alluvial and red soil over the control, respectively. The initial total B content was 35.88 (alluvial soil) and 15.51 (red soil) mg·kg?1. The mean content of Fraction I, II, III, IV and V in alluvial soil was 1.11, 1.54, 0.65, 1.49, and 95.18% and in red soil was 2.68, 4.47, 6.62, 2.50, and 83.59% of the total soil B, respectively. For changes in amount of B fractions due to B applications there was significant effect on all the fractions except Fraction II. The increase in apparent B uptake was 0.43?mg B kg?1 in alluvial soil and 0.25?mg B kg?1 in red soil over the control (0?mg B kg?1 soil). Regression equation of yield and B fractions showed the relationship between first four fractions to the yield. Residual fraction was found to be collinear during calculation. Overall the study predicted the bioavailability and dynamics of B in the two distinct soils.  相似文献   

In a two‐year field trial at the sites Ruthe (Germany, loess soil, Orthic Luvisol) and Schermer (The Netherlands, marine clay soil, Eutric Fluvisol) the cauliflower F1‐hybrids Marine, Lindurian and Linford were compared in their efficiency of N use from limiting and optimum supplies of N. Limiting N was Nmin at planting. Optimum N was 250 kg ha—1 as the sum of inorganic N content of the soil (Nmin) at planting and fertilizer‐N. Marine was the most efficient variety, producing the highest shoot dry‐matter and quality (% class 1 curds) at both limiting and optimum N supplies. The N supply did not affect the horizontal and vertical distribution of root length density per soil volume (RLD, cm cm—3) irrespective of variety. The RLD decreased exponentially with increasing soil depth. Varietal differences in RLD were not found at Ruthe, whereas at Schermer Marine had the highest RLD in all soil layers investigated (0 to 60 cm). No correlations were found between RLD and residual Nmin at harvest, except at limiting N supply in Schermer where a strong negative correlation was found between RLD in the 45 to 60 cm layer and Nmin at harvest. Thus, varietal differences in N efficiency are speculated to be rather due to different internal N‐use efficiency than to differences in N‐uptake efficiency.  相似文献   

利用异源多倍体作为桥梁材料是克服远缘杂交障碍,创制新种质和进行品种改良的一种重要途径.本研究对已获得的大白菜(Brassica campestrisL.ssp.pekinensis (Lour.) Olsson)与结球甘蓝(Brassica oleracea var.capitata L.)种间异源四倍体和异源三倍体,利用形态学、解剖学、分子标记及细胞学等方法进行比较鉴定.研究表明,多倍体在植株形态、花器官和气孔大小等方面均表现出巨大性和超亲优势,其中四倍体比三倍体表现普遍更明显.多倍体的气孔密度显著的低于双亲.多倍体花粉生活力比双亲降低,四倍体花粉活力为81.56%,三倍体的花粉活力仅有18.78%.多倍体自交结实性明显低于双亲,四倍体自交结实率仅为0.28%;四倍体作为母本与大白菜杂交结籽率比其反交要高,是反交的2.11倍,以三倍体为母本或父本时与大白菜杂交,结实均非常低,且三倍体自交未获得种子.相关序列扩增多态性(SRAP)标记结果表明,多倍体中包含了双亲的遗传信息,但分f标记并不能区分四倍体与三倍体.细胞学观察显示,四倍体的染色体数目为2n=4x=38,三倍体的染色体数目为2n=3x=29.大白菜-结球甘蓝异源多倍体的鉴定为进一步大白菜品种改良和新种质的创制提供了基础资料.  相似文献   

Brassica vegetables are the predominant dietary source of glucosinolates (GLS) that can be degraded in the intestinal tract into isothiocyanates, which have been shown to possess anticarcinogenic properties. The effects of pilot-scale long-term boiling on GLS in white cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. ssp. capitata f. alba cv. 'Bartolo') was experimentally determined and mathematically modeled. Cabbage was boiled, resulting in a dramatic decrease of 56% in the total GLS levels within the plant matrix during the first 2 min. After 8-12 min of boiling, the decrease progressed to over 70%. Progoitrin had an exceptionally higher decline rate in comparison to all other GLS. As boiling progressed the concentration of all GLS continued to decrease at a lower rate for the remaining cooking period. A mathematical model was used to describe the concentration profile of the GLS in the plant matrix, based on leaching of GLS to the water phase due to cell lysis and thermal degradation of the GLS both in the plant matrix and in the water phase. The model described the concentration profiles very well. Estimated lysis and degradation rate constants for white cabbage differed from those reported in the literature for red cabbage. The degradation rate constants found were significantly higher in the plant matrix when compared to those in the water phase for all GLS. Identification of the kinetics of decline of GLS during cooking can aid in designing processing and preparation methods and determining the conditions for the optimal effects of ingestion of Brassicaceae toward cancer prevention.  相似文献   

The present experiment was carried out with cauliflower cv. Pusa Snowball K1 in a randomized block design with three replications. The experiment comprised of seven different treatments with different sources of nutrients including organic fertilizers, inorganic fertilizers, and biofertilizers, which were applied following the proper procedures as per treatment. Conjoint use of fertilizers, manures, and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) significantly influenced plant growth and yield attributes of crop. Gross weight (1,267.22 g), curd weight (981.05 g), curd yield (392.45 q/ha), number of days taken to curd initiation (86.17) and curd maturity (94.00) and ascorbic acid content (74.87 mg/100 g) were found best under T5. Also, treatment T5 recorded 42.77% increase in yield over recommended practice (T1) along with highest benefit cost ratio (3.36) and quality (ascorbic acid). From present investigation, it can be concluded that treatment T5 (75% NPK + 50% FYM and 50% VC on N equivalence basis + PGPR) can be suggested as a cost-effective nutrient module for getting higher yield and quality with 25% net saving of fertilizers, besides enhanced soil health as evident by soil fertility status of soil after crop harvest.  相似文献   

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