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为了了解厦门市同安区规模养鸡场新城疫病原感染状况和抗体合格率,随机调查19个规模养鸡场,共采集760份咽喉-泄殖腔拭子和379份血清样品,分别采用荧光RT-PCR方法和血凝抑制试验检测新城疫病原和抗体。结果显示:调查的规模养鸡场中未检测到病原学阳性样本,鸡群新城疫抗体合格率为50.1%。  相似文献   

High mortality in female pigs on breeding farms is a critical problem in the U.S. swine industry. The objectives of this study were to determine whether female pig mortality on Japanese commercial farms increased; to investigate correlations between the mortality and herd-management factors, especially herd size and lactation length; and to determine herd repeatability in female pig mortality. A five-year annual measurement data between 1999 and 2003 were abstracted from recording files of 113 farms in Japan. The year-effects on measurements were analyzed by using repeated measures data between 1999 and 2003 in mixed-effects linear models. The annual mortalities for female pigs in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003 were 4.93%, 5.25%, 5.40%, 5.32%, and 4.85%, respectively. The year-effect on the female pig mortality was not found for the five years. Neither herd size, lactation length nor other management factors were found to be consistently correlated with female pig mortality for the five years. The repeatability of the mortality was 36.5% on commercial farms. In conclusion, female pig mortality did not increase during these five years in Japan. Herd size and lactation length were not risk factors for female pig mortality.  相似文献   

Newcastle disease virus (NDV) specific antigen in the gut contents and NDV specific antibody in blood circulation were seen in day old chicks belonging to nine different commercial hatcheries of Tamil Nadu, India. Antigen disappeared by 4th week and antibody by 6th week of age. Fourteen NDV isolates obtained from the gut contents of day old chicks of different commercial hatcheries, one NDV isolate from dead in shell eggs and one NDV isolate from breeder hen were characterized and grouped under velogenic, mesogenic and lentogenic pathotypes. Four isolates were grouped under F and another four isolates were grouped under E based on reaction with monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) but found to be velogenic based on pathogenicity tests. In one particular flock velogenie NDV was isolated from breeder hen, dead in shell embryos and day old chicks and they all belong to Mabs group E. Vertical transmission of velogenic, mesogenic and lentogenic NDVs and role of NDVs in the gut contents have been discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of introducing vaccinated commercial laying chickens on to farms, which previously had laying flocks that were infected with Salmonella Enteritidis, was investigated by sampling faeces and environmental samples, and in some cases spent hens. In 15 of 17 free-range flocks vaccination eliminated any evidence of infection. In 11 barn egg production flocks, vaccination produced similar results in four flocks on one farm but infection persisted in seven flocks on other farms. Vaccination of two consecutive cage layer flocks led to a gradual disappearance of the infection, but in 18 other flocks there was evidence of infection after vaccination. In one continuously occupied cage layer house, treatment by competitive exclusion was followed by a gradual disappearance of S Enteritidis in faeces and a substantial reduction in its levels in the environment. On four barn egg production sites disinfection with a formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde and quaternary ammonium compound disinfectant eliminated Salmonella species even though birds housed subsequently were not vaccinated. In three flocks that had been vaccinated for four years, S Enteritidis was still present. In most cases the poor performance of the vaccine was associated with severe rodent control problems and a poor standard of cleaning and disinfection.  相似文献   

Two groups of six weeks old cockerels comprising 40 immunized and 40 non-immunized birds were inoculated intramuscularly with VGF-1, which is a local Nigerian strain of velogenic Newcastle disease virus (VNDV). Immunized birds did not show any clinical signs except significant loss (p < 0.05) in body weight on days 5 and 20 post inoculation (PI). But the non-immunized birds showed clinical signs of disease characterized by anorexia and drowsiness from day 2 PI. These were followed on day 3 PI by depression, diarrhoea, opisthotonus, weight loss (p < 0.05) and high mortalities (96.9%). Both the immunized and non-immunized groups showed severe atrophy of the bursa, spleen and thymus. Histopathological section of these lymphoid organs showed necrosis and depletion of lymphocytes. Both the gross and microscopic lesions were more severe in the non-immunized birds. Marked ballooning degeneration was observed in the bursal follicles of the non-immunized birds. This lesion has not been described earlier for any other disease and could be diagnostic for VND. Our results also showed that VND can cause marked atrophy of the lymphoid organs, which may lead to immunosupression without the characteristic signs of Newcastle disease (ND) in vaccinated chickens. This no doubt emphasizes the limitation of vaccination as a biosecurity measure in poultry industry. Ezema, W.S., J.O.A. Okoye and Nwanta, J.A., 2008. LaSota vaccination may not protect against the lesions of velogenic Newcastle disease in chickens. Tropical Animal Health and Production  相似文献   

Oral Newcastle disease vaccine, strain V4, was administered to an open-range multi-age chicken flock. Adult birds in this flock had low levels of haemagglutination inhibition antibody as a result of vaccination of the flock with strain V4 more than 3 years previously and apparent persistence of the vaccine virus. Eight clutches of chicks were hatched over a period of 3 months. Vaccine, given at fortnightly intervals, was restricted to young chicks by creep feeding. Chicks in all the clutches produced antibody in response to vaccination, and levels of antibody in the adult flock increased as the first clutches were responding to vaccination. When oral vaccine is used in the field, restriction of vaccination to chicks could conserve without reducing the efficacy of vaccination.  相似文献   

谭大茂 《中国家禽》2001,23(9):30-30
1997年9月,江苏省建湖县某鸽场饲养的3000只乳鸽,约1300余只发病,死亡998只,死亡率达33.3%,给该场造成重大经济损失。乳鸽发病期间,曾被当地兽医诊治为鸽副伤寒病,在使用庆大霉素、氯霉素等广谱抗菌素治疗无效后,来我站诊断。通过临床观察、询问、解剖、试验,确诊为鸽新城疫。鸽新城疫在我县尚属首次发生,现将该场发病情况报道如下。1 临床症状鸽发病早期食欲减退,精神不振,缩颈呆立,羽毛蓬松,体温升高。随后,腹泻下痢,排黄白、黄绿水样或糊粘状稀粪,有的全身发抖,出现转圈、歪颈、头向后仰,呈观星状。最后衰竭而死。2 …  相似文献   

近年来,我国养殖业的多元化趋势逐渐带动了鸵鸟业的发展。鸵鸟1型副粘病毒感染(又称“鸵鸟新城疫”)是目前威胁鸵鸟养殖业的最为重要的疾病之一,在许多国家被列为法定预防的传染病。该病一旦发生将造成较大的经济损失,并严重影响养殖者的信心。笔者就该病的诊断与治疗方法总结如下。  相似文献   

Prevalent organisms on ostrich carcasses found in a commercial abattoir   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The prevalent microbial growth on carcasses before and after overnight cooling in an ostrich abattoir and de-boning plant was investigated. The effect of warm or cold trimming of the carcasses was examined together with possible causes of contamination along the processing line. An attempt was made to link the prevalent microorganisms that were identified from carcasses to those from specific external contamination sources. Samples of carcasses and possible contaminants were collected in the plant, plated out and selected organisms were typed using a commercial rapid identification system. It was indicated that the cold trim (mainly of bruises) of carcasses was advantageous in terms of microbiological meat quality. Results indicated pooled water in the abattoir as the most hazardous vector for carcass contamination and that contaminants from this source are mostly Gram-negative pathogens. Pseudomonas and Shigella were frequently isolated from surface and air samples and indicated that the control of total plant hygiene is a requirement for producing ostrich meat that is safe to consume and has an acceptable shelf-life.  相似文献   

A large commercial catfish enterprise encompassing over 500 food fish ponds from five farms covering multiple counties in the Mississippi Delta was included in this analysis of columnaris risk factors. A gram-negative bacterium, Flavobacterium columnare, is the cause of columnaris disease and is considered the second-most prevalent bacterial disease in farm-raised catfish. The objective of this study was to determine if pond-level risk factors reported by farm personnel were associated with columnaris disease mortalities. To identify risk factors affecting susceptibility of farm-raised channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus to columnaris disease, a Catfish Management database was developed. Logistic regression was used to model the relationships between probability of columnaris in ponds and risk factors examined. Generalized linear mixed models incorporating hierarchically structured random effects of ponds and one or more fixed-effects risk factors were fitted. In the screening process, each risk factor was evaluated in the basic model as a single fixed-effects factor, and if associated with the outcome (P ≤ 0.20), was retained for development of multivariable models. Two multivariable logistic regression models were constructed from data collected at the pond level by producers. The first was constructed from data in which water quality was not considered. Pond depth and reduced feed consumption for a 14-d period prior to disease outbreaks measured on a per hectare basis were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) associated with columnaris disease. The second, in which water quality variables were also considered, pond depth, reduced feed consumption, shorter intervals from stocking to disease outbreaks, and total ammonia nitrogen were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) associated with columnaris occurrence. This study showed some commonly recorded production variables were associated with columnaris disease outbreaks and, if monitored, could help identify "at risk" ponds before disease outbreaks occur.  相似文献   

用鸡新城疫-传染性法氏囊病二联灭活疫苗(La Sota+HQ株)分别免疫1、7、14日龄SPF雏鸡,1日龄免疫组于25日龄采血,法氏囊病中和抗体几何平均值为15.5log2,攻毒保护10/10;7日龄免疫组于30日龄采血,法氏囊病中和抗体几何平均值为14.8log2,攻毒保护10/10;14日龄免疫组于35日龄采血,法氏囊病中和抗体几何平均值为15.4log2,攻毒保护10/10。3组在50日龄时法氏囊病中和抗体几何平均值依次为16log2、16.1log2、15.9log2,攻毒保护均为10/10。用鸡新城疫-传染性法氏囊病二联灭活疫苗(La Sota+HQ株)免疫带有母源抗体的1、7、14日龄商品肉鸡,免后25 d血清法氏囊病中和抗体几何平均值分别为12.4log2、15log2、14.2log2,攻毒保护分别为8/10、10/10、9/10;3组在50日龄时法氏囊病中和抗体几何平均值依次为16.2log2、15.7log2、15.5log2,攻毒保护均为10/10。  相似文献   

The virus titers of seven commercial B1 strain Newcastle disease vaccines were evaluated. A 2 log difference in virus content was found between the vaccine with the highest titer (10(8.8) EID 50/ml) and the one with the lowest titer (10(6.8) EID 50/ml). Broiler chickens were vaccinated with the high- and low-titered vaccines to compare hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody and challenge responses. The effect of vaccination at different ages on the HI titers was also examined. There were no significant differences between vaccine groups in HI antibody response or resistance to challenge. However, the high-titered vaccine may provide a margin of safety with the currently used methods of mass vaccination.  相似文献   

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