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根据GenBank中发表的E.coli K88、K99基因序列,分别设计合成1对引物.利用PCR技术,以大肠杆菌C83907和C83644的质粒为模板分别扩增不含信号肽的K88及K99基因.通过分离、纯化、限制性核酸内切酶酶切,连接和转化,构建了含K88-K99串联表达载体的重组菌株BL21(DE3)(pETK88CK99).结果显示,经酶切,PCR鉴定和DNA序列分析,证实了构建的重组质粒pETK88CK99中含有K88K99融合基因,且基因序列和阅读框架均正确.经过SDS-PAGE分析,串联表达蛋白含量占菌体蛋白的40%左右,经Western blotting检测,该串联表达蛋白能被大肠杆菌K88、K99标准血清识别.结果表明,构建的重组菌株可以作为预防新生仔猪大肠杆菌性腹泻基因工程疫苗的候选菌株.  相似文献   

肠毒素性大肠杆菌菌毛对产蛋鸡免疫性的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用热抽提法提取4种肠毒素性大肠杆菌菌毛蛋白。K88、K99、F41和987p菌毛蛋白分别制成弗氏佐剂苗;K88还制成白油佐剂苗,氢氧化铝胶苗和蜂胶佐剂苗;另将4种菌毛等比例混合制成弗氏佐剂苗。分别对产蛋鸡进行免疫,用微量凝集反应和血凝抑制试验检测卵黄抗体效价。结果表明,K88菌毛较其他3种菌毛免疫性好,诱导抗体效价最高而且能长时间维持;987p菌毛能快速诱导抗体的产生,但整体效价低。K88不同佐剂苗中,铝胶佐剂能较快地诱导抗体的产生,蜂胶佐剂苗抗体持续时间短,弗氏佐剂能诱导高效价的抗体产生而且能长时间持续。  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic colibacillosis was experimentally produced in four colostrum-deprived calves given 10(10) Escherichia coli strain 210 (serotype 09+:K30+:K99-:F41-:H-) orally and the histopathological changes compared to those seen in colostrum-fed calves infected in an earlier study with strain B44 (serotype 09+:K30+:K99+:F41+:H-). Escherichia coli strain 210 caused diarrhea, atrophic villi with cuboidal epithelium, and focal accumulations of a few neutrophils in the dome villi above Peyer's patches but neither the clinical nor the histopathological changes were as pronounced as with strain B44. The extent and distribution of adherence to the mucosal surface differed between the two strains. Strain B44 adhered as a continuous layer over most of the absorptive epithelial surface of both the jejunum and ileum. Adherence of strain 210 was restricted to the ileum and the bacteria often adhered focally in "clumps" rather than as a continuous layer, especially on the distal half of the villous surface.  相似文献   

K99 fimbriae of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli consist of eight different subunits. A major subunit called fimbrillin forms fimbrial structure and a minor subunit called adhesin localizes at the tip of fimbriae and recognizes host receptor ganglioside. Within this eight gene cluster, fanE and fanF have not yet been sequenced. In this study, fanE and fanF genes were sequenced by analyzing several DNA fragments produced by endonuclease or exonuclease digestion. The fanE gene encoded 227 amino acids containing 20 amino acids of signal peptide starting from GTG (valine) and showed a homology to fanA-fanB. The fanF gene encoded 271 amino acids containing 20 amino acids of signal peptide starting from ATG (methionine) and showed homologies to the fanD gene, fimbrillin gene of F41, adhesin gene of P fimbriae (papG) and adhesin gene of Type 1 fimbriae (fimH). E and F subunits had fifteen and fourteen hydrophobic domains, respectively, which periodically appeared possibly forming a hydrophobic region.  相似文献   

《Veterinary microbiology》1997,54(2):133-144
Enterotoxigenic (ETEC) and enterotoxaemic (ETEEC) Escherichia (E.) coli that express F18 (F107) fimbriae colonize the small intestine and cause diarrhoea and/or oedema disease in weaned pigs. So far, two antigenic variants of F18 can be distinguished with a common antigenic factor designated ‘a’ and two specific factors called ‘b’ and ‘c’. In this study the existence of crosswise anti-colonization immunity between E. coli strains that express F18ab or F18ac fimbrial variants, respectively, was demonstrated. Weaned pigs of susceptible genotype with respect to susceptibility to adhesion of E. coli with fimbriae F18 were inoculated with E. coli strains 3064STM (O157:K-:H-:F18ab; resistant to streptomycin) and 8199RIF (O141ab:K-:H4:F18ac; resistant to rifampicin). The faecal shedding was compared subsequent to immunization and homologous or heterologous challenge. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was applied to measure IgA, IgM and IgG antibodies against the F18ab and F18ac antigens in saliva, faeces, serum and intestinal wash samples. About 8 log CFU/g of the inoculated strains were found in faeces of all pigs following immunization as well as in non-immunized controls after challenge. Bacterial counts of the inoculated strains after challenge were between 2 and 5 log lower, without any difference between homologous and heterologous challenge. Intestinal colonization with fimbriated E. coli resulted in production of significantly increased levels of anti-fimbrial antibodies, especially IgA, in serum and intestinal wash samples. There were higher levels of homologous than of heterologous anti-fimbrial antibodies. Production of antibodies against F18a or against another common fimbrial antigen is probably responsible for crosswise anti-colonization immunity between E. coli strains with F18ab and F18ac fimbrial variants. Serum F18-specific IgA may be a useful indicator of a mucosal immune response directed against F18 fimbriae.  相似文献   

A novel common colonization factor was detected in enterotoxigenic strains of Escherichia coli isolated from intestinal contents of piglets affected with postweaning diarrhoea. This factor was antigenically distinct from the previously described K88, K99, F41, 987P, CFAI, CFAII and Att25 fimbrial antigens. E. coli strains possessing this factor adhered to the pig intestinal brush borders and one strain, used in experimental infection in weanlings, colonized the intestinal epithelium and induced diarrhoea. Examination of 212 toxigenic strains of E. coli isolated from weanlings revealed the presence of the novel common colonization factor in 83 strains, belonging to serogroups O25, O108, O138, O141, O147 and O157. The antigen K88 was detected in 47 strains belonging to serogroups O8, O141, O147 and O149.  相似文献   

To prevent enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) induced postweaning diarrhoea, the piglet needs an active mucosal immunity at the moment of weaning. In the present study, the feasibility of oral vaccination of suckling piglets against F4+ETEC infection with F4 fimbriae was studied. Furthermore, oral vaccination with enteric-coated pellets of F4 fimbriae was compared to vaccination with F4 fimbriae in solution. Therefore, piglets were orally administered 1mg F4 fimbriae in pellets or in solution during three successive days at the age of 7 and 21 days, whereas control piglets were not vaccinated. Five days postweaning (33 days of age), all animals were orally challenged with F4+ETEC. Despite the induction of an immune response upon oral administration of both F4 fimbriae in pellets as in solution, the colonisation of the small intestine by F4+ETEC upon oral challenge could not be prevented. However, a marginal but significant reduction in F4+ E. coli faecal excretion was found in the piglets vaccinated with F4 fimbriae in pellets, indicating that the use of an enteric-coat which protects the F4 fimbriae against inactivation by milk factors and degradation by enzymes and bile improves vaccination.  相似文献   

E. coli serogroups 02, 08, 083, 0103 and 0120 were isolated from seven camels with diarrhoea of which 02, 08, and 083 were found to be enterotoxigenic on rabbit ligated ileal loop test. Out of 125 apparently healthy camels, 75 strains of E. coli were isolated. The majority of isolates were susceptible to gentamycin, nitrofurantoin, trimethoprim plus sulphonamide, neomycin, kanamycin and chloramphenicol.  相似文献   

Characterization of enterotoxigenic bovine Escherichia coli.   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Among 300 isolates of bovine Escherichia coli, 56 which had been found enterotoxigenic in calf gut loops were characterized on the basis of O and K antigens, colonial morphology and resistance to seven antimicrobial drugs. The 56 isolates enterotoxigenic in the calf were compared with the nonenterotoxigenic ones. Of the 56 enterotoxigenic E. coli the majority possessed the A type of K antigen and had OK groups, O9:K(PS274) or O101:K(RVC118). Fourteen of these isolates had the K99 antigen. None of 27 isolates found enterotoxigenic in the piglet but not in the calf possessed the K99 antigen or belonged to OK groups O9:K(PS274) or O101:K(RVC118). Comparison of the patterns of resistance to seven antimicrobial drugs showed that all enterotoxigenic and nonenterotoxigenic isolates were susceptible to nitrofurantoin and sulphachlorphyridiazine and that there was no significant difference in the patterns between the two groups. The majority of enterotoxigenic isolates were mucoid, whereas most of the nonenterotoxigenic isolates were nonmucoid.  相似文献   

Three-week-old weaned and colostrum-deprived neonatal (less than 1 day old) pigs were inoculated to determine the pathogenicity of 2 enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolates that do not express K88, K99, F41, or 987P adhesins (strains 2134 and 2171). Strains 2134 and 2171 were isolated from pigs that had diarrhea after weaning attributable to enterotoxigenic E coli infection. We found that both strains of E coli adhered in the ileum and caused diarrhea in pigs of both age groups. In control experiments, adherent bacteria were not seen in the ileum of pigs less than 1 day old or 3 weeks old that were noninoculated or inoculated with a nonpathogenic strain of E coli. These control pigs did not develop diarrhea. Antisera raised against strains 2134 and 2171 and absorbed with the autologous strain, grown at 18 C, were used for bacterial-agglutination and colony-immunoblot assays. Both absorbed antisera reacted with strains 2134 and 2171, but not with strains that express K99, F41, or 987P adhesins. A cross-reaction was observed with 2 wild-type K88 strains, but not with a K12 strain that expresses K88 pili. Indirect immunofluorescence with these absorbed antisera revealed adherent bacteria in frozen sections of ileum from pigs infected with either strain. We concluded that these strains are pathogenic and express a common surface antigen that may be a novel adhesin in E coli strains that cause diarrhea in weaned pigs.  相似文献   

The immune response to the K99 was tested in 45 pregnant cows, subcutaneously vaccinated, for protecting the newborn calves. Serological tests were performed in the blood sera of all animals and in the milk and colostrum sera; hemogram, inhibition of the adhesion to the brush border and histological tests were performed. The calves from vaccinated cows survived the experimental infection after the suction of colostrum in spite of the fact that the calves from control dams died with diarrhea.  相似文献   

为有效预防肠毒素性大肠杆菌(ETEC)引起的犊牛和羔羊腹泻,将PCR扩增获得的ETECK99菌毛抗原基因和人工合成的ST1基因片段,借助pUCm—T载体,构建了重组质粒pUCm-K99-ST1,从而获得了融合基因K99-ST1;使用EcoRⅠ+SalⅠ双酶切将该融合基因定向插入表达载体pET-30a中,成功构建了表达载体pET—K99-ST1,将其转入表达菌株BL21(DE3)中,经IPTG诱导,获得31ku的蛋白;Western—blotting结果显示,该融合蛋白可与K99阳性血清发生特异性反应。  相似文献   

The protective effects of egg yolk powder prepared from hens vaccinated with heat-extracted antigens from K99-piliated enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strain 431 were evaluated in a colostrum-fed calf model of ETEC-induced diarrhea caused by a heterologous strain (B44). The antibody powder was obtained by spray-drying the water-soluble protein fraction of egg yolks after removing the lipid and fatty components by precipitation with hydroxypropylmethylcellulose phthalate. A total of 16 colostrum-fed calves were studied to determine whether the orally administered antibody powder would prevent fatal bovine colibacillosis caused by a virulent ETEC strain. Clinical response of individual calves was monitored and evaluated in the context of these variables: fecal consistency score, intestinal colonization, weight loss, and mortality. Control calves that were treated with vehicle (milk with egg yolk powder from nonimmunized hens) had severe diarrhea and dehydration and died within 72 hours after infection was manifested. In contrast, calves fed milk containing egg yolk powder with antipili agglutinin titers of 1:800 and 1:1,600 had transient diarrhea, 100% survival, and good body weight gain during the course of the study. Results indicate that the orally administered egg yolk powder protected against ETEC-induced diarrhea in neonatal calves and that the protective components may have been the antibodies raised by vaccination of chickens against ETEC.  相似文献   

《Veterinary microbiology》1998,62(4):291-301
Virulence plasmids of 68 ETEC isolates from piglets belonging to different pathotypes and six ETEC isolates from calves with pathotypes typical of porcine ETEC were identified with seven virulence probes for the heat-stable (STa and STb) and heat-labile (LT) enterotoxins, for the F4, F5, F6, and F41 fimbrial adhesin subunit, and also with five Rep probes for the RepFIA and RepFIB basic replicons, and the RepFIC family of basic replicons. With the exception of the F41 probe, the other virulence probes hybridized with at least one plasmid band of a size range from 65 to more than 100 Mda. Common associations of virulence factor-encoding genes on plasmid bands were: STb/LT, STa/F5, STa/F6, STa/STb. Other associations, STa/F4, STa/F4/F6, and STa/STb/LT/F6, were rarer. On the other hand the F4 adhesin-encoding genes were isolated on one plasmid band in all but three F4+ isolates. All but one of the 92 virulence plasmids which were studied have Rep probe hybridization profiles and replicon types typical of the uni- or multireplicon plasmids belonging to the various incompatibility groups of the F incompatibility complex.  相似文献   

检测K88~+肠毒素性大肠杆菌PCR方法的建立   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以K8 8菌毛结构基因保守序列为靶序列 ,设计合成了一对可扩增长 2 0 1bp的目的片段的引物 ,成功地建立了检测肠毒素性大肠杆菌(ETEC)K88菌毛基因的PCR方法。进行了PCR方法的特异性试验和敏感性试验。对K99+ ,F41 + ,987p+ 参考菌株和鼠伤寒沙门氏杆菌 ,链球菌 ,金黄色葡萄球菌和猪肺疫巴氏杆菌的检测结果均为阴性 ;该检测方法的敏感度可达 1 0个细菌。用此方法对 1 0株腹泻仔猪粪便分离物进行检测 ,结果有 2株阳性 ;与血清学检测的结果一致。结果表明此方法特异性和敏感性都很高 ,可用于临床K88+ 肠毒素性大肠杆菌病的快速诊断和流行病学调查  相似文献   

All the K99+ Escherichia coli grown at 37 degrees C stained strongly with a peroxidase labelled K99 monoclonal antibody using a direct immunoperoxidase staining procedure. There was no reaction when these bacteria were cultured at 18 degrees C or when K99- E coli were grown at either temperature. The binding of the monoclonal antibody to K99 antigen was inhibited by OK antisera to heterologous K99+ E coli but OK antisera to E coli producing adhesins other than K99 were without effect. Using the slide agglutination test the reactions of the monoclonal antibody were identical to those of a polyclonal antiserum to K99 when both were used in parallel to examine 100 K99+ E coli from at least 10 somatic O groups and 1308 K99+ E coli from at least 82 different somatic O groups submitted for routine serological typing in England or the, USA. The monoclonal antibody reacted with K99+ E coli in cryostat sections of the ileum from a piglet infected with E coli strain B44 (O9: K30, K99, F41) but there was no reaction with similar material from piglets infected by E coli strains 1751 (O101: F41), X177/81 (O9: K103, 987P) or Abbotstown (O149: K91, K88ac).  相似文献   

为研究表达产肠毒素性大肠埃希菌(ETEC)耐热性肠毒素STa与粘附素K99融合蛋白重组腺病毒rAd.STa-K99的免疫学特性,本实验将rAd.STa-K99经肌肉注射免疫小鼠,采用ELISA法分别检测了特异性IgG、SIgA、脾脏淋巴细胞增殖活性水平及CD4+、CD8+T淋巴细胞分型比值;并通过攻毒保护试验对其免疫效果进行评价.结果表明,免疫后小鼠特异性IgG、SIgA及脾脏淋巴细胞增殖活性水平显著升高;CD4+/CD8+值显著增大;动物攻毒保护率达到70%.结果表明rAd.STa-K99可以刺激小鼠机体产生较高水平的体液免疫、特异性细胞免疫和肠道粘膜免疫反应,并对小鼠提供有效保护.本实验为研制预防由ETEC引起的新生动物腹泻重组腺病毒疫苗奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli was isolated from a 3-day-old foal with diarrhea. The isolate was distinguished from nonpathogenic E coli by determining the presence of pili and enterotoxin production. A standard slide agglutination test was performed, using pooled antisera that contained antibodies against K99 and F41 pilus antigens, K87 capsular antigen, and 0101 somatic antigen. Agglutination of the antisera occurred in the presence of the isolate. Piliation was verified by use of negative-contrast electron microscopy. Further, the isolate produced a heat-labile enterotoxin-like antigen that cross-reacted with a reagent containing formalin-treated, heat-killed Staphylococcus aureus (cowan 1 strain) bearing anti-cholera antibodies. On the basis of the aforementioned procedures and the absence of other identifiable enteric pathogens, we believe that E coli was responsible for causing diarrhea in the foal.  相似文献   

We attempted to determine F4(K88)-adhesive and non-adhesive phenotypes of infant (neonatal <3 day old and weaned <4 week old pigs) and adult (>6 month old) swine by ELISA using immobilized F4(K88)ac fimbrial antigen or whole F4(K88) + E. coli cells (strains M1823 and 1476) and isolated small intestinal brush borders or easily-obtainable fecal samples from the same animals. Nineteen of 22 neonates (86%), 17 of 20 weaners (85%), and 26 of 39 adults (67%) were classified identically as F4(K88) receptor-positive or negative by the ELISA. The ELISA with feces from adult swine was found to be almost equally specific (87%) as that with feces from neonatal (90%) and weaned (91%) pigs. However, the sensitivity of the assay was low (38%), indicating that fecal samples from adults contained less receptor-material than necessary for comparable phenotyping. The receptor-positive brush borders from neonates and weaners reacted significantly better (P < 0.02, < 0.001 respectively) with purified F4(K88) antigen than did those from adults. There was good agreement between the average ELISA values for feces from infant and adult swine regardless the source of coating antigen applied. With this assay we can determine F4(K88) phenotypes of infant swine using easily-collected fecal samples rather than isolated brush borders. It was also concluded that tested feces is not an acceptable alternate source of the receptor-material to brush borders from F4(K88)-susceptible adult swine.  相似文献   

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