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Dysautonomia was diagnosed in 11 young (median age, 14–months), predominantly medium- to large-breed dogs from 1988 to 1995. Clinical signs caused by autonomic dysfunction of the urinary, alimentary, and ocular systems were most common. Dysuria, mydriasis, absence of pupillary light reflexes, decreased tear production, dry mucous membranes, weight loss, and decreased anal tone were present in over 75% of affected dogs. Ocular pharmacological testing with a dilute (0.1%) solution of pilocarpine was used to demonstrate iris sphincter receptor function in all dogs. A low-dose 10.0375 mg/kg SC) bethanechol test and pharmacological testing with phenylephrine and epinephrine also demonstrated cholinergic and adrenergic receptor function in 4 dogs. All dogs died or were euthanized as a result of autonomic dysfunction. Neuronal depletion, with associated gli-osis and minimal inflammation were noted histologically in the autonomic ganglia of each dog. The pelvic, ciliary, celiac, cranial cervical, and cranial and caudal mesenteric ganglia were affected in all dogs. The cause of autonomic failure in these dogs was not determined. J Vet Intern Med 1996;10:103–109. Copyright © 1996 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine .  相似文献   

Splenic Infarction in 16 Dogs: A Retrospective Study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sixteen dogs with splenic infarction due to causes other than splenic torsion were identified. Dogs with splenic infarction often had multiple concurrent diseases, and surgical management of splenic infarction was associated with high mortality. Splenic infarction occurred in dogs with hypercoagulable conditions associated with liver disease, renal disease, and hyperadrenocorticism, or as a consequence of uniform splenomegaly, neoplasia, or thrombosis associated with cardiovascular disease. Clinical signs and common laboratory findings generally reflected the underlying disease process. A variety of splenic abnormalities were detected by abdominal ultrasound in 15 dogs, with the ventral extremity of the spleen being most often abnormal. Four dogs were euthanized or died because of the presence of severe systemic disease, whereas 12 dogs underwent laparotomy. Complete splenectomy was performed in 9 dogs and partial splenectomy was performed in 2 dogs. Seven dogs died in the immediate postoperative period, 3 required chronic veterinary care, and 2 had uncomplicated long-term recoveries. Splenic infarction should be regarded as a sign of altered blood flow and coagulation, rather than as a primary disease, and surgical management should be reserved for patients with life-threatening complications such as hemoabdomen or sepsis.  相似文献   

Cutaneous Hemangiosarcoma in 25 Dogs: A Retrospective Study   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Hemangiosarcomas confined to the skin and underlying muscle were surgically excised in 25 dogs. Tumors were staged based on their histological location (ie, dermal, hypodermal, and deep). Dermal (stage I) hemangiosarcomas were small, most commonly ventral-abdominal or preputial in location, and were associated with prolonged survival times (median survival, 780 days). Tumors with hypodermal (stage II) and underlying muscular involvement (stage III) were grouped together because of their larger size, bruise-like appearance, lack of anatomic predilection, biological behavior, and shorter survival times (median survival of 172 and 307 days for dogs with stages II and III, respectively). We conclude that dermal hemangiosarcomas may be effectively treated with surgery alone, whereas hemangiosarcomas located within the hypodermal tissues bear a poor prognosis and warrant wide surgical excision with adjuvant chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Objective- To determine whether intertrochanteric osteotomy (ITO) can prevent the progression of degenerative joint disease (DJD) in dysplastic hip joints.
Study Design- The results of ITO were assessed retrospectively by using owner questionnaires, physical examination, and radiographic evaluation.
Animals- Eighteen client-owned dogs (29 coxofemoral joints were evaluated).
Methods- Lameness was scored according to a grading system. A scoring system was also developed to assess radiographically evident osteoarthritis on a ventrodorsal projection of the coxofemoral joints in extension.
Results- Twenty-nine ITO were performed in 18 dogs with varying degrees of hip dysplasia. The dogs were lame on 19 of 29 rear limbs on physical examination before surgery. In 22 of the 29 hip joints, palpation caused signs of pain. The median age at the first and second surgical procedure was 14.5 months and 18 months, respectively. Follow-up evaluation was performed on average at 9.77 (FU I), 22.52 (FU II), and 47.50 months (FU in) after surgery. Based on the owners' evaluation, there was a tendency toward improvement after surgery. The results of the physical examination at the preoperative examination and at the three follow-up examinations did not differ significantly. The follow-up radiographic scores showed significantly worse DJD than the preoperative scores.
Conclusions- ITO does not prevent progression of DJD in the dysplastic hip.
Clinical Relevance- Knowledge of the long-term effects of ITO is essential for surgeons trying to achieve improvement in dogs with hip dysplasia.  相似文献   

A Retrospective Study of Inguinal Hernia in 35 Dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inguinal hernia was associated with trauma in five dogs and was considered nontraumatic in 30 dogs. There were 11 males, 13 intact females, and six spayed females with nontraumatic inguinal hernia. Six dogs had bilateral hernias. Five dogs were younger than 4 months at the time of diagnosis. In 11 older dogs with nontraumatic inguinal hernia, the hernias were identified less than 7 days before surgical repair; in 14 older dogs, the hernias had been recognized for 1 to 60 months. Clinical signs in dogs without small intestinal incarceration were usually limited to a visible or palpable mass without pain or systemic illness. Hemiorrhaphy approaches included inguinal, midline with contralateral ring evaluation, and celiotomy with or without inguinal exposure. Fat and omentum were the most common hernial contents. Small intestine was within the hernias of 12 dogs. Six dogs had nonviable small intestine. Postoperative complications included two incisional infections, one incisional dehiscence, two cases of peritonitis and sepsis associated with bowel leakage after intestinal resection and anastomosis, and one hernia recurrence. The overall prevalence of postoperative complications was 17%, and the mortality rate was 3%. Vomiting for 2 to 6 days was predictive of nonviable small intestine. Dogs younger than 2 years were at 11 times greater risk for nonviable small intestine than dogs older than 2 years. Four of five dogs with nontraumatic inguinal hernia and nonviable small intestine were intact males, whereas none of 13 intact females were affected. Only one of 14 dogs with longstanding hernias had nonviable small intestine.  相似文献   

Background: Antithrombin (AT) is the major inhibitor of coagulation. In people, hypoantithrombinemia is associated with hypercoagulability, thrombosis, and poor prognosis. Veterinary studies, however, have not demonstrated similar prognostic significance. Thus, AT activity (ATA) in dogs currently is interpreted based on human medicine guidelines. Hypothesis: ATA can serve as a prognostic marker in dogs, as has been shown in people. Objectives: (1) To describe the clinical and clinicopathologic findings, diagnoses, and outcome of dogs with decreased versus normal ATA, (2) to identify diseases and mechanisms associated with hypoantithrombinemia, and (3) to assess ATA as a prognostic indicator. Animals and Methods: Retrospective study of 149 dogs with ATA measurement during their disease course. Results: Hypoantithrombinemic dogs had a higher proportion of leukocytosis, hemostatic abnormalities, hypoalbuminemia, and hyperbilirubinemia versus dogs with normal ATA. Hypoantithrombinemia commonly was present in immune‐mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA), pancreatitis, hepatopathy, and neoplasia. It was associated with higher risk of mortality in the entire study population and for specific diseases (eg, IMHA, neoplasia). The odds ratio for mortality significantly and progressively increased when ATA was <60 and <30% (9.9, 14.7, respectively). A receiver operating characteristics analysis of ATA as a predictor of mortality showed an area under the curve of 0.7, and an optimal cutoff point of 60% yielded sensitivity and specificity of 58 and 85%, respectively. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: In dogs, ATA <60% indicates increased mortality risk, similarly to human patients, but ATA has limited value as a single discriminating factor in the outcome.  相似文献   

Unilateral medial patellar luxation was diagnosed in 10, and bilateral medial patellar luxation in six, large and giant-breed dogs (22 stifles). Lameness occurred in five dogs after trauma or surgery, and 11 dogs had no known predisposing history. The mean age at presentation was 25 months, and the mean time from initial onset of clinical signs to diagnosis was 13 weeks. All traumatic or iatrogenic luxations (five dogs) were unilateral. Luxations presumed to be congenital were unilateral in five dogs and bilateral in six. The grades of medial patellar luxation were I (1 stifle), II (11 stifles), III (9 stifles), and IV (1 stifle). Preoperative function was good (1 dog), fair (9 dogs), and poor (6 dogs). Surgical correction was performed in dogs with grades II, III, and IV luxations (21 stifles). Complications included one wound dehiscence and trochlear wedge migration, one pin loosening, and one persistent lameness caused by lymphoplasmacytic synovitis. Long-term follow-up was available in 13 dogs (18 stifles). Function was judged by owners to be excellent in seven dogs, good in five dogs, and poor in one dog. Surgical treatment of grades II and III luxations yielded good (8 stifles) and excellent (9 stifles) results, while one grade IV luxation had a poor long-term outcome.  相似文献   

A retrospective study on stored plasma from normal dogs and dogs with pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH), pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism controlled by mitotane (o,p'-DDD),* iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism, and hypoadrenocorticism was conducted to determine if alterations in aldosterone production exist in these disorders. The plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) was measured by radioimmunoassay immediately before and 1 hour after adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) administration (0.5 IU/kg, intravenously [IV]). PACs increased significantly when ACTH was administered to normal dogs. Dogs with PDH had a lower baseline PAC, but their PAC increased to levels similar to that of normal dogs after ACTH administration. In dogs with PDH controlled by o,p'-DDD therapy, the response to ACTH was significantly less than that of normal dogs or dogs with untreated PDH. Dogs with iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism had a lower baseline and post-ACTH PAC than normal dogs. Dogs with hypoadrenocorticism had a normal basal PAC, but showed no significant increase in PAC following ACTH administration. These findings suggest that PACs are significantly altered in a variety of adrenal diseases, and that the ACTH stimulation test may be useful when evaluating aldosterone secretion in adrenopathic disorders. In addition, at therapeutic dosages, o,p'-DDD treatment was associated with a decrease in basal and post-ACTH PACs in dogs with PDH.  相似文献   

为了解犬尿道黏膜脱垂的临床特点与诊疗方法,论文回顾性分析了近3年内就诊于中国农业大学动物医院的11例犬尿道黏膜脱垂病例.可知尿道黏膜脱垂患犬发生在年轻未去势雄性犬,多为短头品种72.7%(8/11).90.9%(10/11)的患犬发病前表现出过度的性行为,临床表现包括尿道口出现红至紫色团块、尿道口滴血.可通过尿道黏膜切...  相似文献   

Retrospective Case-Control Study of Hepatozoonosis in Dogs in Israel   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Signalment, clinical signs, and physical examination and clinicopathologic findings in dogs diagnosed with Hepatozoon cam's parasitemia (n = 100) were compared with those in Hepatozoon -negative dogs (n = 180). A subset (n = 15) of Hepatozoon -positive dogs with unusually high (> 800 H canis gametocytes/μL of whole blood) parasitemia was compared with dogs that had low parasitemia (n = 85) and with Hepatozoon-negative dogs (n = 180). Hepatozoon -positive dogs significantly differed from Hepatozoon-negative dogs in body temperature, total red blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, and platelet count. Dogs with high H canis parasitemia significantly differed from those with low parasitemia in hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, and total neutrophil count. Clinical findings from dogs with high H canis parasitemia included emaciation, lethargy, hyperglobulinemia, hypoalbuminemia, and increased serum alkaline phosphatase and creatine kinase activities. Findings at necropsy included hepatitis, pneumonia, and glomerulonephritis associated with H canis schizonts and extensive parasitism of bone marrow, spleen, and lymph nodes. Low hemoglobin concentration, low platelet count, and concurrent parvovirus infection together represented the best predictor variables for Hepatozoon positivity in dogs presenting to the hospital.  相似文献   

Cavernous sinus syndrome (CSS) is characterized by deficits in more than one of the cranial nerves (CN) that traverse the cavernous sinus at the base of the cranial vault: CN III (oculomotor), IV (trochlear), VI (abducens), and the first two branches of CN V (trigeminal). Records from 4 dogs and 8 cats with CSS diagnosed over a 14-year period were reviewed. The most common clinical signs were ophthalmoparesis or ophthalmoplegia, mydriasis with no direct or consensual pupillary light reflexes, ptosis, decreased corneal sensation, and decreased retractor oculi reflex. All cats had initial signs referable to a left CSS lesion (one had bilateral CSS), whereas in all dogs the lesions were localized to the right cavernous sinus. Median ages at diagnosis were 9 and 10 years of age for dogs and cats, respectively. Cerebel lomedullary cisternae cerebrospinal fluid analysis in 6 animals was useful as a sensitivebut nonspecific diagnostic test of an intracranial inflammatory or neoplastic lesion. Magnetic resonance imaging scans provided a more definitive diagnostic test in all dogs, revealing a contrast-enhancing mass on T1 weighted scans in the region of the cavernous sinus. A definitive pathological diagnosis was obtained in 2 dogs: a primary intracranial neoplasm and a metastatic intracranial neoplasm. A definitive diagnosis was obtained in 6 cats: metastatic neoplasm (n =1), primary intracranial neoplasm (n = I), primary intracranial infectious disease (n = 2). and associated systemic infectious disease (n = 2). The prognosis associated with CSS in dogs and cats was considered guarded to poor. J Vet Intern Med 1996;10:65–71. Copyright © 1996 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine .  相似文献   

The purpose of this retrospective study is to report the clinical signs, clinicopathological findings, and response to therapy of 62 dogs from North Carolina and Virginia. Ehrlichiosis was diagnosed in all of these dogs, and previous retrospective studies of ehrlichiosis in dogs were used as a basis for comparison. In this study, the clinical signs commonly associated with ehrlichiosis were observed less frequently than in earlier studies, although previously reported laboratory abnormalities were similar. Flow cytometry revealed an inverted CD4:CD8 ratio in 3 of 4 dogs tested. This finding is suggestive of potential immune dysregulation that could predispose infected dogs to additional disease processes. Concurrent diseases were frequently reported and often contributed to death. Response to therapy was variable, with timely, complete recovery reported in only 27% of dogs; a slow, gradual, but complete recovery in 18% of dogs; an incomplete treatment response in 25% of dogs; and a presumed treatment failure in 16% of dogs.  相似文献   

The medical records of 38 dogs with thyroid neoplasia that were treated by surgical excision of the tumor, or had an incisional biopsy performed as a diagnostic procedure, were reviewed. Of the 38 dogs, 21 (55%) had resectable tumors, whereas 17 (45%) had an incisional biopsy as the tumors were nonresectable. All dogs had an initial diagnosis of thyroid carcinoma. The type of carcinoma was confirmed in 33 dogs by histological and immunohistochemical examination. Twelve dogs (36%) had medullary thyroid carcinoma, and 21 dogs (64%) had thyroid adenocarcinoma. Of the 12 dogs with medullary thyroid carcinoma, 10 (83%) had resectable tumors. Of the 10, three (30%) had at least a 1-year survival. None had radiographic evidence of metastasis at the time of surgery. Of the 21 dogs with thyroid adenocarcinoma, 11 (52%) had resectable tumors. Of the 11 dogs, five (45%) had at least a 1-year survival. Three dogs had radiographic evidence of metastasis at the time of surgery. Of 10 dogs with nonresectable thyroid adenocarcinoma, two dogs (20%) had at least a 1-year survival. In the dogs in this study, medullary thyroid carcinoma was more prevalent than previously reported. Most of the medullary thyroid carcinomas were well circumscribed and resectable. Medullary thyroid carcinoma may possess gross and histological characteristics of a less malignant nature when compared with other thyroid carcinomas.  相似文献   

Case histories of 130 dogs and cats with humeral fractures were reviewed. The different types of fractures were classified. Most animals with proximal, shaft, and supracondylar fractures had excellent results. The poor prognosis associated with distal articular fractures was due most often to failure of the fixation device in the supracondylar area; best results were achieved with a plate on the caudal and medial surface of the distal humerus.  相似文献   

The records of all dogs and cats receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) over a 43-month period were examined retrospectively. Dextrose, amino acids, lipids, electrolytes, and vitamins were administered by central venous catheter according to published nutrient recommendations; 72 dogs and 12 cats were studied, accounting for 380 patient days of TPN. Duration of TPN administration was 1–14 days with a mean of 4.5 days. Most animals required TPN because of gastrointestinal dysfunction, and more than half of them gained weight during TPN administration. Mechanical complications were frequent. Metabolic complications, especially lipid and glucose intolerance, were also commonly seen. Septic complications were the least frequently encountered, but resulted in patient morbidity and may have contributed to mortality. Most animals receiving TPN were returned to enteral nutrition and discharged. For critically ill animals unable to tolerate enteral alimentation, TPN can be supportive therapy in the treatment of the primary disease.  相似文献   

The medical records of 220 dogs with inflammatory/infectious diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) were retrospectively examined. The aims of the study were to determine if clinical and clinicopathologic data (not including biopsy or necropsy examination) could distinguish inflammatory CNS diseases from diseases of other types, and to search for criteria allowing differentiation of specific inflammatory diseases. The signalment, historical findings, extraneural and neurological signs, and the lesion site contributed marginally to a specific diagnosis. Multifocal signs were only noticed in one third of the dogs with inflammatory/infectious diseases. Particular neurological abnormalities were more frequent in certain diseases than in others (eg, myoclonus was frequent in dogs with distemper, but it was also found in those with other meningoencephalomyelitides). Hematologic findings contributed to the diagnosis in certain conditions (eg, canine distemper encephalitis, protozoal encephalomyelitis, steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis). Cerebrospinal fluid examinations, including immunoglobulin G index and cytology were useful to separate meningoencephalomyelitides from the other CNS diseases and to distinguish certain conditions from others. In most cases a specific diagnosis depended on a combination of clinical signs and ancillary diagnostic aids. Still, a specific diagnosis remained very difficult, if not impossible, in at least one third of the dogs.  相似文献   

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