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为评价采用新包被工艺生产的氟苯尼考(受试制剂F)与国外同类产品(R1)、国内同类产品(R2)在猪体内的生物等效性并探索其药代动力学特性,本试验采用随机三制剂、三周期自身交叉试验设计,选取6头健康的阉割小公猪(体重15 kg±2 kg),分别灌胃给药3种制剂,给药剂量为20 mg/(kg·BW),采用高效液相色谱法测定血浆中氟苯尼考浓度,利用Kinetica 5.0软件分析药代动力学特性,SAS统计软件进行生物等效性评价。结果显示,受试制剂在猪体内的药时曲线符合带时滞的一级吸收一室开放模型,F、R1、R2的峰浓度(Cmax)分别为16.0845、18.3287和21.1678 μg/mL,药物达峰时间(Tmax)分别为5.0、1.9、1.5 h;药-时曲线下面积(0-∞)(AUC0-∞)分别为144.7327、118.2670和123.3715 μg/mL·h;受试制剂相比于两种参比制剂的相对生物利用度分别为122.51%(R1)和117.52%(R2)。结果表明,环糊精包被氟苯尼考有更好的缓释作用,具有更好的生物安全性,药效维持时间长,生物利用度有效提高。 相似文献
替米考星静脉及皮下注射后在绵羊体内的药代动力学研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
健康成年杂交绵羊静脉和皮下注射替米考星注射液后,用反相高效液相色谱法测定不同时间点血清中的药物浓度。采用3p97药代动力学程序软件处理数据,替米考星两种给药途径的药 时数据均符合二室开放模型静脉注射给药(5 mg/kg bw)的主要药代动力学参数: t1/2a 为 0. 611±0. 017 h、t1/2β为 23. 215±0. 459 h、AUC为11 815±0.396(μg/mL)·h、CL(s)为 0.424±0.014 L/(kg·h)。替米考星皮下注射主要药代动力学参数: 1mg/kg bw剂量组 t1/2a 为 1 751±0 557 h、t1/2β为 22 896±2 747 h、t1/2Ka 为 0. 100±0. 025 h、AUC 为 25. 828±1 479 (μg/mL)·h、CL(s)为0.393±0.017 L/(kg·h),Tmax为0.500±0.065 h,Cmax为1.424±0.156μg/mL、F为109.28%±6.25%。30 mg/kg bw剂量组 t1/2a为1.342±0.244 h、t1/2β为 20.052±1.236 h、t1/2Ka为 0.086±0.015h、AUC为57 575±6.760 (μg/mL)·h、CL(s)为0.527±0.068 L/(kg·h)、Tmax为0.437±0.039 h、Cmax为 3.343±0 512μg/mL、F为81.22%±9.54%。结果表明,绵羊静脉和皮下注射替米考星体内分布广,消除缓慢;皮下注射后在体内吸收迅速,达峰快,生物利用度高。 相似文献
六茜素在猪体内药代动力学研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
实验猪 5头 ,分别单剂量 (30mg·kg-1)iv、(85mg·kg-1)im六茜素 (Pyroline ,PL)后 ,采用反相HPLC法检测PL的血浆浓度。以香草醛为内标 ,流动相为甲醇 -水 (4 0∶6 0 ) ,流动速度为 0 7ml·min-1,检测波长 2 2 0nm。结果所得的PL血药时程两者都符合二室开放模型 ,它们的药物动力学参数为 :iv ,T1/ 2α=1 5 2min ,T1/ 2 β=6 6 0 5min ,AUC =880 0 7mg·min·L-1;im ,T1/ 2ka=0 37min ,T1/ 2α=3 45min ,T1/ 2 β=76 87min ,AUC =5 70 17mg·min·L-1,Tp=1 5 3min ,Cmax =11 34 μg·ml-1。结果表明 :PL iv和im给药后 ,其在体内吸收迅速 ,分布快和广 ,消除快 ,而且生物利用度低。 相似文献
建立了土霉素在猪血浆中含量测定的高效液相色谱法,研究了其在猪体内的药代动力学。土霉素检测的线性范围为0.25~32.0lμg/mL,相关系数为0.9997,最低定量限为0.25μg/mL。药代动力学研究表明,给猪单剂量肌肉注射土霉素25mg/kg体重后,其血药浓度一时间曲线符合一级吸收二室模型,参数为Tmax=2h,Cmax=7.62lμg/mL,t1/2β=69.315h,V1/F=4.648L/kg,说明长效土霉素在体内逐渐吸收和广泛分布后,在组织中能长时间地维持较高的血药浓度,能达到长效之目的。本试验能对兽药药代动力学研究和制定长效土霉素注射液合理给药方案提供参考。 相似文献
磺胺间甲氧嘧啶在猪体内的药代动力学及生物利用度 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
健康猪只5头,按50 mg.kg-1剂量分2个阶段分别给猪静注、肌注,研究其在猪体内的药代动力学规律。采用高效液相色谱法测定血浆中的药物浓度。采用3P97药代动力学程序软件处理药时数据。结果静注药时曲线符合一室开放模型,其理论方程为C=139.6 e-0.24 t,V(c)为(0.38±0.02)L.kg-1,AUC为(537.7±37.6)μg.h.mL-1,t1/2Ke为(2.84±0.08)h,CL(s)为(0.09±0.005)L.kg-1.h-1。肌注药时数据符合一室开放模型,其理论方程为C=19.2(e-0.04 t-e-0.73 t),t1/2Ka为(0.87±0.14)h,t1/2Ke为(16.3±1.9)h,C(m ax)为(15.4±0.6)μg.mL-1,AUC为(427±43)μg.h.mL-1,F为(79.5±8.0)%。表明本制剂肌注后在猪体内吸收较好,具有较长的半衰期,为一种长效制剂。以化脓链球菌为例,肌注剂量有效浓度维持时间为72 h。 相似文献
多拉菌素在猪体内的药代动力学 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
对多拉菌素在猪体内进行为期45d的药代动力学研究。长白×杜洛克杂交猪10头,临床健康,驱净寄生虫,体重36~50kg,以300μg/kg体重剂量分别通过静脉和肌肉注射给药。动物给药后在不同时间内分点经颈静脉采血。血浆样品用乙腈沉淀处理,上清液过C18富集柱,用甲醇提取多拉菌素并进行衍生化反应,以反向HPLC测定猪血清中的药物浓度。药代动力学参数用计算机程序MCPKP进行处理。结果表明,动物经静脉和肌肉注射给药后,血浆药物浓度分别可测至30d和25d,2种途径的药物浓度时间曲线均符合二室开放模型。主要药代动力学参数为:静脉注射T1/2α(1.092±0.66)d,T1/2β(6.11±2.73)d,AUC(274.19±119.89)μg/(L·d);肌肉注射T1/2α(0.056±0.022)d,T1/2β(3.20±1.34)d,AUC(223.51±65.20)μg/(L·d),CMAX(28.99±10.69)μg/L,Tp(1.24±0.87)d。多拉菌素肌肉注射的生物利用度为81.5%。结果显示多拉菌素在猪体内具有吸收分布较迅速、体内分布容积大、消除缓慢和生物利用度相对较高的特点,提示多拉菌素在猪体内作用的长效性主要由该化合物的自身特性所决定,而与给药途径和使用的溶剂关系不大,研究结果对指导临床正确用药具有重要意义。 相似文献
替米考星在绵羊体内的药代动力学研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
5只健康小尾寒羊,采用静脉和皮下注射2种途径以替米考星10mg/kg体重剂量给药,进行体内药代动力学研究。动物给药后在96h内分点采血,血浆样品处理采用甲醇沉淀,离心去蛋白,调节pH值并用氯仿提取替米考星;样品测定采用苯基柱,以反向HPLC测定绵羊血清中的替米考星浓度。结果表明,绵羊静注和皮下注射替米考星的药时数据均符合二室开放模型,替米考星皮下注射和静脉给药在羊体内具有吸收和分布较迅速,消除缓慢,体内分布容积大,生物利用度较高的特点。结果对了解替米考星在绵羊体内的药动学特征以及指导临床正确用药具有重要意义。 相似文献
A bioavailability and pharmacokinetics study of powder and liquid tilmicosin formulations was carried out in 18 healthy chickens
according to a single-dose, two-period, two-sequence, crossover randomized design. The two formulations were Provitil and
Pulmotil AC. Both drugs were administered to each chicken after an overnight fast on two treatment days separated by a 2-week
washout period. A modified rapid and sensitive HPLC method was used for determination of tilmicosin concentrations in chicken
plasma. Various pharmacokinetic parameters including area under plasma concentration–time curve (AUC0−72), maximum plasma concentration (C
max), time to peak concentration (t
max), elimination half-life (t
1/2β), elimination rate (k
el), clearance (ClB), mean residence time (MRT) and volume of distribution (V
d,area) were determined for both formulations. The average means of AUC0−72 for Provitil and Pulmotil AC were very close (24.24 ± 3.86, 21.82 ± 3.14 (μg.h)/ml, respectively), with no significant differences
based on ANOVA. The relative bioavailability of Provitil as compared to Pulmotil AC was 111%. In addition, there were no significant
differences in the C
max (2.09 ± 0.37, 2.12 ± 0.40 μg/ml), t
max (3.99 ± 0.84, 5.82 ± 1.04 h), t
1/2β (47.4 ± 9.32, 45.0 ± 5.73 h), k
el (0.021 ± 0.0037, 0.022 ± 0.0038 h−1), ClB (19.73 ± 3.73, 21.37 ± 4.54 ml/(min/kg)), MRT (71.20 ± 12.87, 67.15 ± 9.01 h) and V
d,area (1024.8 ± 87.5, 1009.8 ± 79.5 ml/kg) between Pulmotil AC and Provitil, respectively. In conclusion, tilmicosin was rapidly
absorbed and slowly eliminated after oral administration of single dose of tilmicosin aqueous and powder formulations. Provitil
and Pulmotil AC can be used as interchangeable therapeutic agents. 相似文献
碱性诺氟沙星在健康猪体内的药动学 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
按 10 mg/kg单一剂量对健康猪分别肌注和静注碱性诺氟沙星注射液后 ,研究了其在猪体内的药代动力学。应用 HPL C法测定猪体内的血药浓度 ,所得数据应用 MCPKP药动学软件处理 ,结果为 :肌注碱性诺氟沙星 ,Cmax(2 .6 30 80± 0 .6 830 6 ) mg/L,T1 /2 (6 .0 75 17± 3.0 4 76 1) h,AUC(12 .4 99± 2 .4 2 3) mg/L· h,F4 8.4 % ;静注碱性诺氟沙星 ,Co(12 .736 4 8± 5 .1835 2 ) mg/L,T1 /2 (3.312 89± 0 .4 84 39) h,AUC(2 5 .74 7± 3.14 9) mg/L·h。 相似文献
为客观评价磷酸替米考星可溶性粉对靶动物猪临床应用的安全性,本试验选取50头40日龄健康断奶姜曲海品系仔猪,分别以1倍、3倍、5倍及10倍剂量10%磷酸替米考星可溶性粉连续饮水给药21 d,喂服受试药物前后受试猪的血常规、血生化、血凝、尿常规、料重比等指标及病理组织学结果表明,受试仔猪没有表现出明显不良症状,除10倍剂量受试猪的血生化指标中血清钙、肌酸激酶与空白对照组相比有明显差异(P<0.01)外,其他各用药组受试猪的各检测指标与空白对照组没有显著差异或其测定值均位于正常值范围,未出现与用药明显相关的不良状况.结果说明10%磷酸替米考星可溶性粉毒性较小,受试猪体的耐受性高,至少以10倍推荐剂量连续饮水给药21 d对靶动物猪是安全的.本试验对姜曲海品系仔猪进行了血常规、血生化、血凝、尿常规、饲料报酬等方面数据的补充,为其相关指标的进一步研究提供了一定的参考依据. 相似文献
为了客观评价替米考星肠溶颗粒临床应用于猪的安全性,选取40头25日龄健康三元杂交猪,随机将其分成4组,每组10头,分别以1倍、3倍、5倍推荐剂量的替米考星肠溶颗粒拌料给药45 d,试验期内对受试猪进行血常规、血凝、血生化、尿常规、增重、料重比、脏器系数等指标的测定及病理学检查。结果显示,替米考星肠溶颗粒对受试猪的血液学指标、尿液指标、主要生产性能等方面未造成明显影响,说明替米考星肠溶颗粒以5倍推荐剂量(2000 g/1000 kg)临床应用于猪是安全的。 相似文献
Jincheng Xiong Qianqian Zhu Yaxin Zhao Shuaike Yang Jiyue Cao Yinsheng Qiu 《Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics》2019,42(3):336-345
The purpose of this study was to compare the pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of tilmicosin enteric granules and premix after oral administration at a dose of 40 mg/kg in pigs. Three kinds of different respiratory pathogens were selected for determination of minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) to tilmicosin. Eight healthy pigs were assigned to a two‐period, randomized crossover design. A modified rapid, sensitive HPLC method was used for determining the concentrations of tilmicosin in plasma. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by using WinNonlin 5.2 software. The MIC90 of tilmicosin against Haemophilus parasuis, Actinbacillus pleuropneumoniae, and Pasteurella multocida were all 8 μg/ml. These results indicated that these common pig respiratory bacteria are sensitive to tilmicosin. The main parameters of time to reach maximum plasma concentration (Tmax), elimination half‐life (t1/2β), mean residence time (MRT), and apparent volume of distribution (VF) were 2.03 ± 0.37 hr, 29.31 ± 5.56 hr, 25.22 ± 2.57 hr, 4.06 ± 1.04 L/kg, and 3.05 ± 0.08 hr, 17.06 ± 1.77 hr, 15.55 ± 1.37 hr, 2.95 ± 0.62 L/kg after the orally administrated tilmicosin enteric granules and premix. The relative bioavailability of tilmicosin enteric granules to premix was 114.97 ± 7.19%, according to the AUC0‐t values. These results demonstrated that tilmicosin enteric granules produced faster tilmicosin absorption, slower elimination, larger tissue distribution, and higher bioavailability compared to the tilmicosin premix. The present study results manifest that tilmicosin enteric granules can be used as a therapeutic alternative to premix in clinical treatment. 相似文献
采用高效液相色谱法对替米考星合成生产过程进行监控,对泰乐菌素原料A、B两种组分在合成替米考星反应过程中的变化进行了探讨,该项研究成功解决了替米考星合成过程中收率降低的问题。 相似文献
Nan Zhang Zhenxian Liu Yanzhe Wei Chuanzhen Zhang Chunxiao Mao Qinren Cai Xiangguang Shen Huanzhong Ding 《Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics》2020,43(4):347-354
The objectives of this study were to compare the plasma and lung tissue pharmacokinetics of tilmicosin in healthy and Mycoplasma gallisepticum-infected chickens. Tilmicosin was orally administered at 4, 7.5 and 10 mg/kg body weight (b.w) for the infected and 7.5 mg/kg b.w for the uninfected control group. We found no significant differences in plasma tilmicosin pharmacokinetics between diseased and healthy control chickens. In contrast, the lung tissues in M. gallisepticum-infected chickens displayed a t1/2 (elimination half-life) 1.76 times longer than for healthy chickens. The Cmax (the maximum concentration of drug in samples) of tilmicosin in M. gallisepticum-infected chickens was lower than for controls at 7.5 mg/kg b.w (p < .05), and the AUCinf (the area under the concentration–time curve from time 0 extrapolated to infinity) in infected chickens was higher than for the healthy chickens (p < .05). The mean residence time of tilmicosin in infected chickens was also higher than the healthy chickens. These results indicated that the lungs of healthy chickens had greater absorption of tilmicosin than the infected chickens, and the rate of elimination of tilmicosin from infected lungs was slower. 相似文献