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荔枝蒂蛀虫发生期的测报调查与预报方法初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荔枝蒂蛀虫(Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley)是荔枝、龙眼的重要害虫。该虫主要以幼虫蛀食果实,造成大量落果,亦可蛀食花穗和嫩梢幼叶,造成落花、枯梢等。在广东荔枝蒂蛀虫发生严重,重发年份常造成十果九蛀,对荔枝的产量和品质均造成重大损失。据报道,蒂蛀虫引起的落果率一般为  相似文献   

荔枝蒂蛀虫(Conopom orpha sinensis Bradley)是鳞翅目细蛾科害虫,为害荔枝和龙眼。可在花穗、果实、新梢和嫩叶上产卵为害。大发生年常造成大量落果和虫果,严重影响产量和品质。近年,北流市荔枝蒂蛀虫为害呈持续偏重、局部大发生态势,年造成落果产量损失约30%,虫果率20%,给北流市荔枝生产带来了严重威胁。为弄清楚荔枝蒂蛀虫在北流市的周年发生情况,为实施药剂防治提供理论依据,2004年我们用摇树惊蛾调查方法,对荔枝蒂蛀虫进行了周年系统监测。1方法与步骤1)设监测圃定监测株。以当地北流镇九代村果园为监测圃。监测圃面积约5郾33hm2,与监…  相似文献   

荔枝蒂蛀虫的发生为害期与防治   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
荔枝蒂蛀虫ConopomorphasinensisBradley,旧名爻纹细蛾,是荔枝、龙眼常发性的重要害虫。在常年情况下,荔枝果被蛀害率一般为20%~30%。严重时达50%以上;龙眼果的蛀害率一般在5%~7%,较严重时达15%~20%;对荔枝、龙眼生产影响较大。有关该虫的生物学特性及其防治方法,国内已有较详细的研究报道。该虫在广西目前发生为害普遍严重,主要原因是果农对此虫每年发生为害期尚未掌握,且有效对口药剂品种少,没有做到适期防治,防效差。为了更好地控制此虫为害,1997~1999年我们在开展“龙眼、荔枝梢果主要害虫发生为害规律及防治技术研究”中,把该虫列…  相似文献   

荔枝蒂蛀虫,以前称为爻纹细蛾,是荔枝主要害虫之一。其幼虫为害果实、花穗、嫩梢和嫩叶,蛀食果蒂和种仁,留下粪便于果内,造成落果和降低果实的品质。近20年来,荔枝被害严重,一般被害率达20%—40%,高达90%以上,广东、广西的许多荔枝产区,由于被害严重,不仅减产,还影响出口。所以,防治荔枝蒂蛀虫是当前荔枝生产上亟需解决的问题。  相似文献   

荔枝蒂蛀虫室内饲养技术的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曾赞安  梁广文 《昆虫天敌》2007,29(4):160-165
室内试验结果表明,利用荔枝种仁作为食物成功饲养荔枝蒂蛀虫至完成一世代。荔枝蒂蛀虫在荔枝、龙眼鲜果表皮产卵量较高,10 d产卵数分别为88.33和179.33粒/处理。蒂蛀虫卵散产在特制收卵卡的凹陷处且呈规则排列。选荔枝种仁作为其食物,并注入清水保持种仁的湿度,荔枝蒂蛀虫在角度90~150°折纸内化蛹,化蛹率和羽化率分别为33.67%和94.06%。  相似文献   

荔枝蒂蛀虫的发生规律及防治对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李康 《中国植保导刊》2002,22(11):23-24
自20世纪90年代以来,化州市的荔枝、龙眼种植面积发展迅猛。目前荔枝种植面积超过2.5万hm2,龙眼种植面积达2.3万hm2,年总产达30万t以上,是当地农民致富奔小康的一条重要途径。近年来,荔枝蒂蛀虫(又称爻纹细蛾)为害逐年加重,影响本市荔枝、龙眼生产的发展。为此,对此虫的发生规律及防治对策进行初步探讨。荔枝蒂蛀虫(ConopomorphasinensisBradley)以幼虫钻蛀为害荔枝、龙眼果实,常造成“十果九蛀”,虫果率高达60%~90%,一般年份亦达10%~20%。也为害花穗、新梢和嫩叶,可造成嫩梢枯萎死亡。幼果期…  相似文献   

农地乐防治荔枝蒂蛀虫等害虫应用技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙海市九湖镇有老龄荔枝 0 .1万hm2 ,是闻名遐尔的漳州市郊荔枝海。由于种植历史悠久、种植密集连片、树冠高大茂密、树冠内部通透性差 ,导致病虫害发生较为严重。近年来 ,荔枝果蛀虫的为害逐年严重 ,成为九湖荔枝的主要害虫。同时 ,荔枝椿象、荔枝瘿螨(毛毡病 )、尺蠖、金龟子类、荔枝拟木蠹蛾、荔枝介壳虫类等害虫也较为普遍发生。荔枝蛀果害虫主要有荔枝蒂蛀虫、荔枝尖细蛾、荔枝小灰蝶和卷叶蛾类 ,其中荔枝蒂蛀虫是最主要害虫。荔枝蒂蛀虫在九湖镇 1a发生 1 0代。幼虫蛀食荔枝嫩茎、嫩叶、花穗和果实 ,造成枝枯、叶凋、花穗干萎、落…  相似文献   

荔枝蒂蛀虫Conopomorpha sinensis是为害荔枝龙眼的重要害虫,以幼虫越冬。了解其幼虫经历低温胁迫后的存活率和发育历期有助于预测其种群数量动态。本研究于室内测定荔枝蒂蛀虫幼虫在不同低温条件下(5、10℃和15℃)处理1、3、5、7、10 d和15 d的存活率和发育历期及其对蛹和成虫发育的影响。结果表明,幼虫在5℃下处理1 d、3 d其存活率分别为48.54%和35.79%,分别为对照的1/2、1/3;10℃下处理7 d存活率为41.75%,降为对照的1/2。幼虫在5℃下处理3 d后蛹的存活率为45.95%,降至对照的1/2;10℃和15℃处理15 d降为31.11%和30.61%,约为对照的30%左右。幼虫历期在5℃处理3 d(8.14 d)、10℃处理5 d (8.43 d)和15℃处理7 d (9.32 d)时均可达对照的2倍。3种低温条件均造成荔枝蒂蛀虫蛹历期和成虫寿命缩短。由此可见,冬春季5~15℃的低温会引起荔枝蒂蛀虫幼虫和蛹存活率显著降低以及不同虫态历期的异常变化,可导致荔枝蒂蛀虫的虫源减少。  相似文献   

1发生及危害情况 爻纹细蛾是赤水市荔枝的主要害虫,以幼虫危害荔枝的果实、枝梢和叶片,引起落果、枝叶干枯,严重影响品质、产量和经济效益.在赤水市所有荔枝园均有不同程度的发生,其危害程度与冬季气温及管理水平有着密切关系,暖冬年份、管理较差的果园,发生较为严重,有的年份危害率可达80%,落果率70%以上,大部分秋梢干枯,次年花量减少.  相似文献   

荔枝主要害虫及其防治   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
荔枝的主要害虫有荔枝蝽蟓(TessaratomapapillosnDrury),荔枝蒂蛀虫(Conopomorphasinensis)荔枝龟背天牛(AristobiafestdoVoet)荔枝叶瘿纹(Dasinerusap.)荔枝瘿螨(EriophyeslitchiiKeifer)等。果农采用的防治方法包括农业防治,生物防治,化学防治等,国内外目前仍依赖化学防治,荔枝的主要害虫都有相应的重要天敌。  相似文献   

Petroleum oil sprays are used as pesticides on citrus to control California red scale (Aonidiella aurantii Maskell), but may have phytotoxic effects on trees and fruit. As part of a programme to establish improved specifications for spray oils for South Australia, three oils with different 50 %-distillation temperatures were applied to trees each month from October to May to observe their effects on leaf and fruit drop. The 50%-distillation temperatures of the three oils were 211, 224 and 240°C at 10 mmHg (in order of increasing molecular weight). The oils caused significant leaf drop. The higher the 50%-distillation temperature of the oil, the greater the leaf drop. Most leaf drop was caused when natural leaf drop was greatest. Oils applied from October to February caused severe leaf drop for periods of about 1–2 months, while oils applied from March to May caused severe leaf drop for up to 6 months or more. There was also a tendency for oils with a lower 50%-distillation temperature to cause leaf drop sooner after spraying than oils with a higher 50%-distillation temperature. Significant fruit drop was caused in only a few treatments, but the maximum fruit drop was less than 5% of the total fruit number and of little consequence when compared with the effects of oils on yield through reduced fruit set. Visually, a significant proportion of the total number of leaves present fell in many of the oil spray treatments, and the rate of disappearance of the oil film was directly related to the 50%-distillation temperature of the oil, and to the spraying date.  相似文献   

采用接触角测量仪测定了10%苯醚甲环唑水分散粒剂 (difenoconazole WG) 不同倍数稀释液在荔枝叶片上的静态接触角和0~60 s动态接触角,用于计算荔枝叶片的临界表面张力和表面自由能,进而分析药液在荔枝叶片表面的润湿性能;采用全自动张力仪测定了在10%苯醚甲环唑WG不同稀释液中分别添加体积分数为0.4%的silwet stik和0.2%的as 100 2种助剂后溶液的表面张力,研究了助剂添加前后表面张力的变化。结果表明:荔枝叶片近轴面的表面自由能为23.74 mJ/m2,远轴面的表面自由能为11.89 mJ/m2,均以色散力分量 (非极性分量) 为主导。在10%苯醚甲环唑WG 500倍稀释液中加入体积分数为0.4%的silwet stik溶液,其表面张力为21.90 mN/m,低于荔枝叶片的临界表面张力 (22.64 mN/m),且在0~10 s内接触角下降最快。研究结果表明:荔枝叶片的近轴面比远轴面更易被药液润湿;在荔枝园喷施10%苯醚甲环唑WG时,若在稀释倍数500倍的药液中添加0.4%的silwet stik助剂,则可使药液在叶片上能更快更好的润湿铺展。  相似文献   


The properties of banana spray oils have been investigated by a number of researchers. The results of these investigations are reviewed in this paper, and include information on volatility (distillation range, flash point); flow characteristics (viscosity, pour point); other physical properties (specific gravity, colour, aniline point); and chemical properties (unsulphonated mineral residues, aromatics, paraffins and naphthenes).

A comparison of distillation curves is of greater significance than comparison of individual boiling points. Such a comparison will show whether any one oil product is a homogeneous oil or a mixture of heavy and light oils. Disease control is closely related to volatility of the spray oil; the lower the volatility of the oil the better the disease control. Phytotoxicity (leaf-flecking) increases as the percentage volatility of the spray oil decreases. Oil volatility governs the amount of oil remaining on the leaf after application. The initial amount of oil applied to the leaf is of less significance in the fungistatic effect than is the amount of oil remaining on or in the leaf. From a viewpoint of Sigatoka disease control, flash points are of little significance, but must be considered from the viewpoint of safety in storage, transportation and use.

As the viscosity of spray oils increases [in the range 35-100 Saybolt Universal Seconds (SUS) at 100[ddot]F] disease incidence decreases and phytotoxicity increases on sprayed banana leaves. The naphthenic oils are superior to the paraffinic oils, particularly in the viscosity range of 75-85 SUS at 100[ddot]F, for spraying bananas.

The performance of banana spray oils is related to the proportions of the major hydrocarbon groups (aromatics, naphthenes and paraffins) present in the oil. Properties such as specific gravity and aniline point are indicative of the proportions of the major hydrocarbon groups in a spray oil.

Colour of mineral oils is of no significance in the control of Sigatoka disease. Light mineral oils with unsulphonated mineral residue (U.M.R.) in the range of 70-99.9 are equally effective in Sigatoka disease control regardless of U.M.R. However, the degree of leaf damage (phytotoxicity) is directly related to U.M.R. value. The oils of high U.M.R. cause the least damage. The aromatic fraction of four spray oils tested (heavy paraffinic, light paraffinic, heavy naphthenic and light naphthenic) caused abundant phytotoxicity at a deposit level of 3 US gal/ac. There was little or no phytotoxicity and no appreciable disease control at a deposit level of 1.5 US gal/ac. Paraffinic and naphthenic oils of comparable U.M.R. value (94-95%) and viscosity (74-75 SUS at 100[ddot]F) provide good disease control within the deposit range 1.4-2.1 US gal/ac. At these deposit levels the naphthenic oil causes only 20 and 50% respectively as much phytotoxic flecking as the paraffinic oil. Photosynthesis is inhibited by the application of petroleum oil to banana leaves.

It is the opinion of the writer that a long-term trial (a minimum of two years) should be conducted to evaluate the effect of a comparable naphthenic and paraffinic oil on Sigatoka disease control and banana yield.  相似文献   

喷施锌肥对渭北旱塬苹果生长及产量品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在陕西渭北旱塬果园,于苹果膨大期喷施不同浓度的锌肥,观测分析锌对果树生长和苹果品质的影响.结果表明,施锌可以抑制新梢生长速率,对果实直径生长速率、百叶干重、叶面积生长有显著的促进作用.其中,喷施0.5%浓度的锌肥,株产量比对照增加24.7%,可溶性固形物含量增加10.5%,还原糖增加27.5%,硬度提高了23.6%;喷施1%浓度的锌肥,株产量比对照增加40.2%,Vc含量提高了20.4%,可溶性糖增加了26.7%,花青苷含量提高了75%.综合考虑苹果生长与品质因素,该地区果园以喷施0.5%~1%浓度的锌为宜.  相似文献   

回缩间伐是荔枝密闭园改造的一个有效措施,但改造后的病害发生情况尚未见有报道。为给荔枝密闭园改造提供病害防控方面的理论依据,本研究分别于荔枝花穗期、小果期、果实成熟期和冬梢期,在国家荔枝龙眼产业技术体系荔枝密闭园改造示范园,对4个荔枝品种于密闭园和间伐园发生的主要病害种类、病害危害程度进行了两年的调查。调查数据统计分析结果显示,间伐园与密闭园所发生的主要病害在种类上无差异,但各物候期间伐园的平均总病叶率、果实成熟期的平均总病果率均低于密闭园,其中3个品种的差异达到显著水平;从花穗期至果实成熟期,密闭园和间伐园的病害危害程度均逐渐升高,在果实成熟期达到最高峰,进入冬梢期时又有所下降;调查还表明对密闭园进行回缩间伐改造有利于荔枝病害管理,改造后果园的病害防治重点时期为花穗期至果实成熟期。  相似文献   


The efficacy of pest control of three different oil formulations in multiple low-concentration spray programmes on sweet orange and pummelo were compared with unsprayed and normal farmer-treatments over three years. Phytotoxicity of sprays was assessed in terms of fruit and leafdrop, fruityield and external fruitquality. Trees sprayed with any type of oil had lower pest numbers than unsprayed trees. On sweet orange, the heaviest oil was better than the normal farm practice at controlling chaff scale on fruit and red mite and whitefly on leaves. On pummelo it provided the best control of red mite on leaves. All three oils were as effective as the normal farm practice in control of rust mite on sweet orange fruit and leaves and red mite, rust mite and red scale on pummelo fruit. On sweet orange trees there was no evidence of phytotoxicity, and the external quality of fruit generally improved over time. On pummelo trees, oil sprays were unable to improve the external fruitquality. The number of pummelo per tree was reduced in three of the oil spray schedules in 1995 and one in 1996, but the total weight of fruit harvested per tree was unaffected.  相似文献   

应用楝科植物防治柑桔害虫试验   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文应用楝科植物(印楝、川楝、苦楝)种籽油及其抽提物对柑桔木虱及其他害虫进行一系列的忌避拒食及触杀作用试验,证明印楝油有明显的忌避及拒食作用。印楝油对柑桔潜叶蛾有良好的防效。印楝、川楝及苦楝油对柑桔红蜘蛛也有较强的触杀作用。应用楝科植物杀虫剂可兼治几种害虫,对人畜安全,不污染环境,不会引起抗药性的产生,而且对害虫天敌也比较安全。  相似文献   

4种盐生植物生长对土壤石油污染的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨4种新疆盐生植物在石油污染土壤上的生长适应性及修复效果,设置了5种不同浓度的石油污染处理,对4种供试盐生植物的株高、鲜重、根冠比及土壤中总石油烃含量进行了观测。结果表明:① 当土壤石油污染浓度为0.5%时,对4种供试植物的生长均有一定的促进作用,其生长指标均大于空白对照组,但差异不显著。② 随着污染物浓度的增大,4种供试植物的生长也受到了显著的抑制作用。其中,盐角草与野榆钱菠菜幼苗在生长过程中,当土壤石油污染浓度分别为1.5%和2%时,出现叶片枯黄死亡现象,其生长期只能维持20 d左右。③ 经过120 d的修复,4种供试植物对土壤中石油烃类污染物都有一定的修复作用,其总石油烃降解率为:鞑靼滨藜﹥盐地碱蓬﹥野榆钱菠菜﹥盐角草。④ 与其他2种植物相比,鞑靼滨藜和盐地碱蓬具有较大的石油污染耐受性和修复效果,表明其具有修复石油污染土壤的应用潜力。  相似文献   

W.A. TAYLOR 《EPPO Bulletin》1983,13(3):461-463
Apparatus is described that produces uniformly sized and charged drops that can be propelled to the target at a range of speeds. Results from the use of this equipment suggest that drop momentum, rather than just drop size, may have an effect on spray deposition. The magnitude of this effect is dependent on the characteristics of leaf surfaces. For example, spray deposition on cereal leaves is sensitive to changes in drop momentum but this is not the case for Raphanus sp. This factor, if exploited, could be the basis for altering selectivity between plant species.  相似文献   

银杏提取液对四种植物病原菌的抑菌作用   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:42  
 银杏根、茎、叶、果肉(外种皮)及果仁的石油醚和丙酮提取液,对玉米小斑病菌(Helminthosporium maydis)和苹果轮纹病菌(Physaclospora piricola)具有抑菌作用,其中以叶部提取液抑菌效果较好。银杏果实的乙醇提取液,对苹果干腐病菌(Botryosphaeria ribis)抑菌作用明显,10倍和25倍液抑菌率分别达68.5%和44.4%;对苹果腐烂病菌(Valsa mali)的抑菌作用更明显,10倍和25倍液抑菌率分别达100%和50%。  相似文献   

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