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按孙云沛法测定了氯嘧磺隆与咪唑乙烟酸混配的联合毒力作用,盆栽试验采用二次回归正交旋转组合设计筛选了两者混用的最佳配方。结果表明:氯嘧磺隆与咪唑乙烟酸混用具有增效作用;对禾本科杂草狗尾草1〖DK1〗∶5和1〖DK1〗∶7的配比具有增效作用;对阔叶杂草龙葵1〖DK1〗∶7配比的增效作用最大,1〖DK1〗∶10和1〖DK1〗∶17的配比也具有明显的增效作用。两者混用没有拮抗作用。并通过筛选得到了两者混用防除稗草和反枝苋的最佳配方。  相似文献   

塔里木河中下游农户能流分析及生态经济分形特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
能流分析和分形理论是农业生态经济系统定性研究和定量分析的重要手段之一。把农户作为“分形元” ,以尉犁县兴平乡达西村 4 0个农户为研究对象 ,在绿洲农业生态系统能流分析基础上 ,对不同经营类型农户的生态经济特征进行分形研究 ,结果表明 :(1) 5类农户从总体上都显现生产经营结构单调 ,能量利用和转化链条短 ;牲畜养殖是唯一的次级生产系统 ,能量转化率低 ,增效不明显。 (2 )农田亚系统是农户生产力的主体 ,棉花生产现在和今后若干年内仍将是农户的支柱产业。 (3)基于农户分析的生态效益和经济效益之间没有相关关系 ;生态效益高 ,并不意味着经济效益也高 ,反之亦然。农户生产系统总体的生态经济协调发展水平不高。  相似文献   

Teleutospores ofPuccinia horiana P. Henn. germinate soon after their formation. Promycelia germinating on microscope slides have a tendency to grow in length and become narrow in outline; when germinating in situ, developing promycelia are short and stout, and show a lobed apical cell. The promycelium is usually three-celled, but at times it is one- or two-celled.Two basidiospores are usually produced by each promycelium (observed range one to three). Basidiospores are uni- or binucleate at first, but later become multinucleate. They germinate rapidly on microscope slides and on host leaves, when sufficiently wet. Three different patterns of basidiospore germination were observed.Samenvatting Teleutosporen vanPuccinia horiana P. Henn. kiemen spoedig na hun vorming. Promycelia gekiemd op objectglaasjes zijn langer en smaller dan promycelia gekiemd in situ. Het promycelium is meestal driecellig, soms ook een- of tweecellig. Een promycelium produceert één tot drie, meestal twee basidiosporen. Deze zijn aanvankelijk een- of tweekernig, later meerkernig. Basidiosporen kiemen snel op natte objectglaasjes en bladeren. De basidiosporenkieming kan op drie onderling iets verschillende wijzen verlopen.  相似文献   

沙尘物质的来源与防治途径   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文分析了沙尘暴形成的自然过程和危害特征,并探讨了内蒙古沙源区土壤颗粒物质的含量,指出沙尘暴的沙尘来源主要是退化草原、活化的沙地和裸露坡耕地等。同时根据风沙流运移规律及其和土壤颗粒的关系,提出了防治沙尘暴的关键技术原理,并探讨了有效控制沙尘暴的技术途径。  相似文献   

和田河中下游生态环境特征及公路工程保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
和田河中下游具典型的人陆沙漠性气候特征。近40a来.该地区年降水量虽略有增长.年均沙尘暴和浮尘天数微弱下降,但河水年径流量总体呈减少趋势.和田河携带的人量泥沙成为绿色走廊的沙源。该区十壤质地粗、肥力低、盐碱化强;植被组成简单、结构单一,从河床向两侧具有一定的分带性。在风蚀、水蚀及流沙人侵较强烈的地段,植被多出现败相。所以,和田河中下游生态环境脆弱.公路建设是一种高强度的人类活动,为减少其对和田河中下游生态环境的影响,提出一些针对性保护措施?  相似文献   

祁连山及河西走廊西段土壤和土地适宜性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以我国祁连山和河西走廊西段的土壤为研究对象 ,应用遥感资料以及野外实地调查取样的方法 ,将研究区的土壤母质划分为残积、坡积、洪积、冲积、红土、冰渍、湖积 7类 ;该区土壤的分布具有明显的垂直地带性和经向分布规律 ,土壤类型从祁连山区到酒泉盆地形成高山寒漠土、高山草甸土、亚高山草甸土、栗钙土、亚高山草原土、风沙土、棕漠土、潮土、灌漠土、盐土、沼泽土等 13个土类和 32个亚土类 ,并研究了不同土壤类型的空间分布规律及基本特征 ;结合该区土地利用的现状 ,提出了该区土地适宜性评价的原则和方法 ,将该区土地适宜性划分为宜农、宜林和宜牧 3种类型 ;对不同适宜性土地的等级及分布等特征进行了评价 ,并对该区土地资源特征以及存在的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在干旱地区,节水与防止水资源污染同等重要,我们于2001年6月~2003年12月对孔雀河水质进行监测,每月15日取样观测一次。经过分析数据得出:河水符合生活用水标准和农田灌溉水标准占52.8%。通过对河水水质的年变化规律分析得出:引起孔雀河水盐分含量增高的主要因素为上游的排水、排盐,其次为河水源头“博斯腾湖”水盐分含量比较高。与其它内陆干旱河流相比,排水、排盐是引起河水盐分增加的共同点,而河水浓缩致使盐分含量增加在孔雀河中游表现不明显,河水源头盐分含量比较高为其特征,望在塔里木河治理中引起重视。  相似文献   


A survey of termite damage to groundnuts and an estimation of loss in yield was made between 1977 and 1979 in northern Nigeria. The foliage was attacked by Odontotermes. Damage was restricted to the Sudan savanna and loss in yield was less than 5%. Much more important was the damage caused by Microtermes lepidus Sjöstedt which attacked the pods, the tap root and the haulms. There was a linear relationship between the percentage of stands with the tap root invaded by Microtermes and the loss in yield. Damage varied from year to year, but the higher yield losses (up to 40%) were consistently recorded in the Sudan savanna. There was a significant relationship between the level of Microtermes damage and rainfall, the latter having a marked influence on foraging behaviour and the level of foraging activity. The chemical control of termites is economically viable on mechanised farms in the Sudan savanna, but cannot be justified on peasant farms, where yields are too low.  相似文献   

Permethrin was metabolised by attack at the ester bond, in vivo by adult cockroaches, Periplaneta americana and in vitro by esterase preparations. Metabolites retaining the ester linkage could not be detected. In all cases, the (1RS)-trans-isomer (transpermethrin) was more labile than the (1RS)-cis-isomer. Cypermethrin was metabolised at one-fifth the rate for permethrin. In-vitro and in-vivo studies with synergists indicated that cleavage of the ester bond in permethrin can be both oxidative for the (1RS)-cis-isomer and hydrolytic for the (1RS)-trans-isomer. The penetration of permethrin through the cuticle of the cockroach was significantly greater than that of cypermethrin. The penetration and metabolism of permethrin and cypermethrin in sixth-instar larvae of susceptible and resistant strains of the Egyptian cotton-leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis, were studied as possible factors in resistance. No significant differences were found. It is suggested that the major resistance factor to permethrin in S. littoralis is probably non-metabolic.  相似文献   

水资源是国民经济和社会发展的重要条件和制约因素之一。水利作为国民经济的基础产业, 具有战略意义。乌兰察布盟地处干旱半干旱地区, 水资源严重紧缺,水源问题不仅制约着社会经济的健康快速发展,而且影响着生态环境的平衡。本文对全盟水资源与经济社会发展的供需在进行预测分析的基础上, 提出搞好水利规划, 优先发展水利产业; 合理布局水利工程, 加快水利工程建设; 加强水资源的管理与保护; 建立以市场为导向, 综合效益为中心的水利经营管理机制, 推广节水技术, 合理利用水资源, 促进社会经济可持续发展的建议  相似文献   

蓟马是缨翅目昆虫的统称,虫体微小,多数为植食性,以锉吸式口器刺吸植物为害。蓟马繁殖力强,世代重叠严重,暴发频次高,是重要的农林害虫类群之一。蓟马为害行为和其信息素以及相关的嗅觉行为密切相关。本文分别从蓟马信息素的种类、触角的感受机制及信息素在防治中的应用等几个方面进行了综述,并对蓟马综合防治的应用前景进行了展望,以期在蓟马的综合防治中提供理论依据与指导。  相似文献   

渭干河—库车河三角洲生态系统服务功能及敏感性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究利用渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲1989年、2001年和2007年的遥感影像数据,分析了1989~2007年间研究区生态系统服务功能价值变化和生态系统敏感性.结果发现:在整个研究期内,研究区生态系统服务总价值呈下降趋势,从1989年的115.49×108元,分别下降为2001年的106.83×108元和2007年的94.47×108元;在生态系统各单项服务功能价值中,各单项服务功能差异显著,生态服务功能总体呈下降趋势.18 a来,水源涵养功能缺失最为明显,服务价值减少了4.64×108元,而食物生产功能变化最小,其价值增长仅为0.60×108元;同时,通过各单项服务功能在各研究阶段的价值变化情况来看,食物生产功能的生态服务价值增幅明显,水源涵养功能价值下降显著,而娱乐文化功能的价值变化最小;通过对生态系统敏感性指数分析,发现各景观生态系统敏感性指数都小于1,说明研究区生态系统服务总价值对生态价值系数是不敏感的,缺乏弹性.  相似文献   

基础设施是口岸动植检工作的物质基础。本文分析了口岸动植检基础设施的基本内容,提出了加强口岸动植检基础设施建设的指导思想、建设原则和基本建设要求,并提出了加强口岸动植检基础设施建设的有关建议。  相似文献   

为明确平贝母Fritillaria ussuriensis鳞茎腐烂病的病原菌及其防治, 对病原菌进行分离?致病性测定, 通过形态学特征?ITS rDNA?β-tubulin及EF-1α基因序列分析确定其病原为尖孢镰刀菌Fusarium oxysporum和芳香镰刀菌F.redolens?通过菌丝生长速率法, 对病原菌进行了室内药剂筛选, 表明8种药剂中25%多菌灵可湿性粉剂和43%戊唑醇悬浮剂对病原菌有更好的抑制作用, 处理第6天, EC50均不超过0.7 mg/L?对两种病原菌防效最好的药剂是戊唑醇, EC50分别为0.107?0.169 mg/L?这两种药剂可以选择应用于平贝母生产来防治茎腐病?  相似文献   

新疆草地生态安全问题、现状与对策分析   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
简要介绍新疆草地生态问题的由来及现状,运用新的生态安全理论分析新疆草地生态安全时空特征,指出新疆草地生态安全问题是长期人地矛盾不断尖锐与发展演变而来。人口膨胀引起的资源环境破坏、超载过牧造成对资源的掠夺经营等,使草地稳定自协调机制破坏,草地自然生态系统由稳定走向严重危机,并引发新的牧业危机。分析指出,实现人地关系的和谐,需综合考虑生态、经济、社会历史等方面的因素。其中,绿洲区牧民定居点的综合发展水平是维护草地生态安全、实现牧业可持续发展的关键。实现生态安全与可持续发展的主要对策有:依法监理草地放牧状况、合理利用、改良与保护天然草地、高效经营人工草料基地、提高畜牧业经营水平等。依托的关键技术有:草地资源监测技术、退化草地治理及草地利用实用技术等。  相似文献   

马铃薯黑痣病立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani)菌丝存在遗传分化现象.从定西市马铃薯产区采集茎部和薯块病样80份进行融合群测定.结果表明,80株菌株中与标准菌株AG3融合的占总数的70.0%、与AG4-HG-Ⅱ融合的占15.0%、与AG2-1融合的占7.5%.为了有效控制马铃薯黑痣病,采用生长速率法在室内选取9种杀菌剂进行药效评价.结果表明:30%噻呋酰胺悬浮剂EC50最低,为0.015 2μg/mL;其次是40%氟胺·异菌脲悬浮剂、3%多抗霉素可湿性粉剂和250 g/L嘧菌酯悬浮剂,其EC50分别为0.064 1、0.129 3和0.176 7μg/mL;EC50最大的是25.75%多抗·福美双可湿性粉剂,为2.930 4μg/mL.田间拌种,30%噻呋酰胺悬浮剂和250 g/L嘧菌酯悬浮剂防效较好,达70%以上,值得在生产中推广.  相似文献   

甘薯茎腐病症状及其病原鉴定   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
 甘薯茎腐病是危害甘薯的一种严重病害,甘薯茎、叶柄、叶片和块根均可被害。该病典型症状是茎基部发黑和变软腐烂,叶发黄,茎和块根维管束黑褐色,引起块根腐烂、有臭味。通过对甘薯茎腐病典型症状样本的采集、病原菌的分离和纯化以及致病性测定,明确该病害是一种细菌病害。通过对甘薯茎腐病菌的菌体形态和培养特性观察发现,病原菌是革兰氏阴性细菌,菌体短杆状,大小约为2.36 μm×0.4 μm, 周生鞭毛,可在烟草上激发过敏性反应(HR)。Biolog测定、脂肪酸分析、16S rDNA序列分析、MALDI-TOF质谱鉴定和8个看家基因(dnaX、rplB、fusA、gapA、gyrA、purA、recArpoS)的序列系统发育分析,发现该病原菌与达旦提狄克氏菌Dickeya dadantii高度一致。这些结果说明,浙江省发生的小番薯病害是甘薯茎腐病,病原为D. dadantii。  相似文献   

Fruit set is highly relevant to a plant's reproductive success. Fruit set can vary due to predation on flowers, pollinator services and/or resource availability. Reproductive success, measured as the fruit set of the invasive Lantana camara and the endemic Lantana peduncularis in the cool–dry season and the warm–wet season of the Galapagos Islands, was studied. Also, autonomous self‐pollination ability and seed viability were probed for both species. Furthermore, flower visitors and their activity were registered for both species during the warm–wet season. Lantana peduncularis produced fewer flowers per inflorescence, but had a higher fruit set in the cool–dry season, compared to the warm–wet season. In contrast, the fruit set in L. camara did not change seasonally. The fruit set in L. camara was higher than in L. peduncularis in the warm–wet season. Moreover, ~18% of the bagged flowers of the invasive Lantana produced fruits by autonomous self‐pollination, while for the endemic Lantana, the rate of autonomous self‐pollination was very low. More than 80% of the fruits for both species had at least one viable seed per fruit. The number of pollinators and their frequency, inflorescence‐ and flower‐visiting rates and the duration of the visit per flower were higher in the invasive Lantana than in the endemic one. The endemic Lepidoptera Urbanus galapagensis (the main pollinator of both Lantana species) and the introduced Hymenia perspectalis were observed pollinating both Lantana species. These results indicate that the alien L. camara is more attractive to pollinators and it has reproductive advantages regarding fruit set in comparison with L. peduncularis, factors that contribute to the colonization pattern of this invasive species.  相似文献   

The gladiolus variety Snow Princess, which is very susceptible to HF, was used in field experiments to investigate the correlation between traces of HF occurring in the atmosphere and a gradually developing leaf tip injury such as occurs in some gladiolus varieties. The average HF-pollution in the atmosphere could be estimated by using filter papers soaked in lime water. The plants growing in atmospheres polluted with HF showed a gradual increase of leaf tip burn. Leaf tips 15 cm in length were analysed for their fluorine content A positive correlation was found between the average concentration of HF in the atmosphere, the length of leaf tip burn and the fluorine content of the leaf tips.Samenvatting Op verschillende plaatsen in Nederland kwam bij bepaalde tuple- en gladiolerassen een geelwitte verkleuring voor, die zich vanuit de bladpunt zeer langzaam uitbreidde. Dat deze rassen zeer gevoelig voor HF zijn, werd aangetoond door middel van kunstmatige begassingen, waarbij dezelfde verkleuringen ontstonden. Om na te gaan of zeer kleine hoeveelheden HF in de atmosfeer tot deze zich geleidelijk ontwikkelende bladbeschadiging aanleiding kunnen geven, werden in bovengenoemde gebieden en op plaatsen waar geen luchtverontreiniging voorkomt proefveldjes aangelegd en beplant met het gladioleras Sneeuwprinses. Van deze planten werd de lengte van de bladpuntbeschadiging tijdens het groeiseizoen verscheidene keren gemeten. Bovendien werden bladpunten van 15 cm lengte op fluorgehalte geanalyseerd. De bij de proefvelden opgestelde HF-meetapparaten leverden gegevens over de gemiddelde HF-gehalten van de lucht tijdens de teelt op.Uit dit onderzoek is gebleken dat in gebieden waar de zich zeer geleidelijk ontwikkelde bladverkleuring werd waargenomen, meer fluor in het blad en in de lucht werd gevonden dan op plaatsen waar dit zeer gevoelige gladioleras vrijwel niet beschadigd werd.
Chronisch optredende verkleuring van bladtoppen bij gladiolen en het fluorwaterstofgehalte van lucht en fluorgehalte van blad

为了获得能同时防治西瓜炭疽病和枯萎病的有效药剂。在室内用菌丝生长抑制法和孢子萌芽法研究了嘧菌酯与苯醚甲环唑混剂对两种病原菌的作用效果及最适混用配比,并在温室和田间分别测定了该配比混剂的防治效果及其对改善大田西瓜品质的作用。结果表明:嘧菌酯与苯醚甲环唑以1:2混配时效果最佳,对西瓜尖孢镰刀菌、瓜类炭疽病菌菌丝生长的共毒系数(CTC)分别为220.81和242.64,对孢子萌芽的CTC分别为282.73和547.56。该配比的混剂在温室与大田施用浓度为0.12gai/L时效果最好,对西瓜炭疽病。温室中预防和治疗效果分别为78.20%和73.oo%。大田2次与3次施药防治效果分别为76.48%和76.32%;对西瓜枯萎病,温室中预防和治疗效果分别为79.16%和83.33%,大田使用2次与3次时,防治效果分别为77.27%和71.43%;大田施用时,西瓜的VC含量、含糖量、可溶性固形物含量、产量分别提高51.16%、13.64%、15.45%和22.58%。  相似文献   

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